Living Light

Stirring The Deep


I Am the Way

As a creator within the Creator, our mind’s function is to transmute the energetic vibrations of Truth into Utmost Good, in which all of creation continually expresses and experiences Truth’s divine attributes.

We are an integral part of creating the Utmost Good. Without the active engagement of our mind, which sits as a gate between the uncreated and the created, Absolute Truth’s Perfection remains unexpressed potentials.

Our I AM is the way Truth’s Utmost Good is expressed.

We may desire to manifest the Utmost Good for all, which is to divinely love, but until we ascend the primordial staircase and enter into the borderlands, “how to perform what is good we do not find.” A mind overgrown with a thought-system of opposites continually manifests opposing attributes that cause disharmony, creating a continual stream of destructive emotional/energetic qualities. Even though we don’t desire any form of suffering, the mind’s eye outwardly projects what it inwardly perceives as true, and when it possesses a belief in suffering it projects discordant vibrations into reality that manifest suffering in endless ways. Bound in a destructive belief system, it’s impossible for a discordant mind to express Absolute Goodness, thus divine love.

When the mind accepts relative truth and denies Absolute Truth, it denies creation the expression and experience of the immutable, divine attributes. Conversely, when the mind accepts Absolute Truth and denies relative truth, it gives creation the experience of divine love, manifesting Perfection’s reflections. Therefore, through the mind’s metamorphic transition from relative truth to Absolute Truth, we find the ability to bring forth the Utmost Good that defines Perfection.

As the mind’s understanding of Truth expands, the living thought-system established on constructs and laws of Absolute Truth, illuminates the mind with Living Light. As Living Light, which is Truth-filled awareness directed by the Divine Will, fills our mind’s eye it energetically endows the mind with divine harmony and infinite intelligence. These harmonizing energies of the Divine Will govern the mind’s thought energy. As a result, we experience harmonious thoughts that support the Highest Good for all.

This thought energy engages the outer reality as we rest in divine emergence, which allows the all-knowing Divine Will to manifest the perfect potential in every moment for the collective whole. Through emergence, we are a recipient of Truth’s harmonizing energetic vibration, and we are the way it’s extended into reality. As a result, Living Light energetically fills creation, which is a deeper understanding of God being ALL in ALL. Living Light harmonizes the energy in things, events, people and creation, which brings forth healing and renewal, revealing Perfection’s reflection.

Through the borderlands this understanding of how we manifest the Utmost Good becomes active in our mind. As our mind fully integrates into the living thought-system, we go through a conscious exchange of thought energy. Our mind shifts from thoughts stemming from relative truth, which propagate duality and disharmony, TO those reflecting absolute Truth, which manifest singularity and harmony. This exchange is our mind’s daily activity as it makes its metamorphic transition into being the way by which Living Light is expressed. Therefore, we cease to judge what is good based on outer appearances as if we were subservient to reality. Instead we increasingly possess harmonizing thought energy that through emergence manifests the Utmost Good in the realm of outer appearances. As a result, our mind no longer subjects itself to its mis-creations, but begins to govern reality as a conscious creator.

Our mind is lifted into oneness with our Higher Self (Spirit of Christ) by which it has creative power over all things. Our I Am presence becomes one with the I Am of God, so that it functions as the Mighty I Am, which is the way Truth’s Perfection is expressed and experienced. Through this oneness, our emergent words, choices and actions support the Utmost Good, leading to immutable peace, harmony, joy and every divine attribute.

Our mind’s purpose is to extend Truth’s living vibration from the Creator into creation. Through the mind’s metamorphic transition from relative truth to Absolute Truth, it becomes a ray of light radiating Absolute Truth’s harmonizing action of divine love into creation, revealing Perfection’s reflection.

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. ~ Romans 7:18

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” ~ John 14:6

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you ~ Galatians 4:19


Unmasking Mysteries

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Mystery creates what it is, darkness. Truth creates what it is, Light.

When we accept the belief that Absolute Truth can’t be increasingly known, we resign to the darkness of mystery. Mystery is an integral aspect of communal belief, masked in symbols and ceremonies, requiring acceptance in blind faith. As a result, a truly abundant life is a distant hope. Mystery shrouds the mind in darkness, keeping it unaware of Truth. Consequently, lies pose as Truth and remain active in the mind, creating a destructive effect on the self and reality. With Truth hidden beneath mystery’s mystique, the way to abundant Life remains unknown. Therefore the mind blindly continues to be the source of its suffering. Truth sets us free from all forms of suffering because it opens the way to Life within the mind. In Truth’s Light, we become a conscious creator within the Creator who is able to manifest Absolute Truth’s reflections of immutable peace, harmony and joy.

Knowing proceeds being, thus we must know the Truth in order to be reflections of the Truth.

A sincere desire to know who we are and how we create takes us on a transformative journey that unravels the mysteries that prohibit the mind from expressing the Self’s true reflection. In stillness and quiet surrender, this voyage leads us beyond reality and into the realm of Truth untouched by human judgment, qualification, perception and emotion. Through this inner communion, Truth’s Living Voice illuminates our mind with the Living thought-system, making it a powerful transducer of Truth’s Living Light into perfection, the highest good for all.

When Truth is revealed to the mind it’s obvious, logical, ever-present and magnificent in its perfection. Because of the living nature of Absolute Truth, the Living thought-system grows within the mind layer by layer. Initially, it’s a slow grow as false beliefs block the ever-present Light of Truth. But through our persistence and patience and the Spirit of Truth’s individualized instruction, the Light enters through cracks in our faulty belief system and our mind becomes increasingly aware of the ways of Truth.

Through this inner illumination, what was once shrouded in mystery becomes plain Truth. In this lucidity, the mind readily accesses Truth and creates according to Its laws that produce perfection. Without Truth, the mind defaults to create according to what it physically perceives. It simply creates reiterations of past expressions and experiences, so that “history repeats itself“, and “nothing is new under the sun“. Conversely by Truth’s Living Voice, the mind comprehends the Truth it doesn’t yet outwardly see but knows is true. As the mind reaches a functional understanding of Truth, it begins its passage through the borderland in which it manifests a new creation, the timeless and divine Self.

For those who answer the inner call to make this journey, when they begin to outwardly express the magnificence of Truth’s Light, all creation awakens. Their shining dissolves the mysteries that kept the way to the true Self’s expression hidden. Thus, this inner journey is never for one, but for all, for all are one. In the end, all express Truth’s perfection as one, united Self.

“The thief (mystery) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Truth) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. ~ John 10:10

“Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. ~ Mark 5:15


Fire-lit Eyes

The mind’s eye is the realm of understanding, perception, interpretation, judgment and present awareness. As the mind’s self-awareness, it’s the door by which understanding enters into the mind. It’s also a projector so whatever it accepts as true, it conveys to the mind, which then forms the energetic blueprint that shapes reality.

When our mind’s eye seeks for understanding within its own faulty projection of the outer reality, it’s closed to the Truth that is beyond reality, where it’s held untainted by faulty judgments and perceptions. In the darkness of unawareness, the mind forms its own relative truth by judging what it outwardly perceives as good or bad, engaging the thought-system of opposites (Tree of knowledge of good and evil). As we turn to the Truth’s Living Voice that conveys Absolute Truth through revelatory, divine thought, our mind’s eye begins to open. It becomes increasingly aware of Absolute Truth and eternally expands in oneness with the living thought-system (Tree of Life).

Each thought-system flows from a different source, and produces a different reality. The thought-system of opposites denies the self’s true source, Truth’s Living Presence (God) because it maintains the belief in an opposing self-will, which creates a dualistic reality, manifesting an energetic atmosphere of guilt. Because of dualism’s unpredictability and the guilt it creates, the mind fearfully serves the outer reality, which it created by its belief in opposites, trying to avoid bitterness, pain and suffering that are relative truth’s ever-present potentials.

Conversely, the singular nature of Absolute Truth manifests immutable peace. When Absolute Truth is the mind’s source of Truth, therefore the source of its reality, reality can only reflect immutable, divine attributes. The mind whose source is Absolute Truth rests in peace, because there is no wavering between opposites, only Goodness’ gifts. The mind doesn’t serve reality, but remains as its sovereign, benevolent creator within the Creator.

Step by step, Truth’s Living Voice diligently establishes the living thought-system within the mind, revealing the soul’s inseparability with the Divine Will. In this oneness, the mind’s understanding (eye) is singular so that it perceives only Absolute Truth and therefore projects no duality or judgment. Instead, it radiates Living Light, bringing about the experience of Truth’s ever-present and immutable attributes.

We are God’s living thought. Thoughts reflect their source, thus our true state is perfection. Being an immoral fractal of the Creator, we are a creator who possess inherent creative power, which is expressed through the Divine Will. During the soul’s embryonic state, in which the life within the soul begins to grow, its will matures into the Divine Will through the understanding of the two trees. Once the will is prepared, the self begins its metamorphic transformation, in which it transitions from expressing the thought-system of opposites to the living thought-system’s oneness.

The mind can’t perceive both thought-systems as true because belief in one negates belief in the other. Through the borderland these two thought-systems come head-to-head as the outer reality presents sensationally real situations that oppose our inner awareness of Absolute Truth. As a branch of understanding of one tree encounters the other (for example, loss/gain versus ever-present abundance), the mind digs deep into the absolute truth it knows, yet doesn’t outwardly perceive. This activity of mind engages Truth’s Divine Will, producing an energetic friction within the mind and in reality. This friction severs the mind’s energetic cords to the tree of good and evil and strengthens its energetic union with the Tree of Life. As a result, the mind becomes anchored in the Light of Truth, which brings about its expression.

We’ve come to the borderland because we chose the Light, therefore though we experience the friction between the inner Light of Truth and the “realness” of the illusion, the assured outcome is victory. In response to the friction, we are grateful, for it brings forth expressions of Living Light, and our gratitude catapults these energetic vibrations into being. In the Light of Truth, the voices of illusion can do nothing. If we don’t surrender our mind to them, they can have no effect. This friction ignites the Light in our mind’s eye into a sacred Flame (the Light of Truth infused with our divine will). As we rest in divine emergence, Divine Will’s consuming power works through us in Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love to radiate Truth’s immutable qualities through the Self and into reality.

When our mind’s eye is full of darkness, projections of fear fill the screen of reality. When it is open, it projects the Light’s immutable peace. The time of listening to the illusion demanding allegiance to fear, division and attack/defense has come to an end. Today, for victory is ever-present, we listen to the deeper call from beyond that speaks of the singularity of Truth’s divine love, unity, and peace. Let every image be cleared from your mind, be free of judgment and only entertain thoughts of absolute goodness.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good (singular), your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.” ~ Luke 11:34

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. ~ James 1:17

His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. ~ Revelation 19:12


Fluidity and Freedom

Thinking is an ever-present action of the mind. The act of thinking energizes ideas and concepts, giving them “life.” Our thinking mind never rests. Even when we sleep at night it creates an entire world of characters and experiences, and when we “wake” it does the same. The mind’s life-giving nature creates all we see and experience, as well as sustaining reality, because without it reality only exists as a potential.

Our self-concept sits at the center of our belief-system, defining every thought we accept as true or untrue. Therefore it defines the content of our thinking mind, which in turn determines the energetic blueprint that shapes reality. As our self-concept changes, our thoughts change, therefore our reality. Because the mind creates what it believes is true, when our beliefs are “fixed” then aspects of the self and its reality appear static. As creators of our reality, if we categorize some characteristics of self and its reality as “absolute” then they’ll never change, and those we label changeable are subject to change. Outer appearances are as mutable and dynamic as we “will” them to be.

When our mind accepts a lie as true it creates a false “light” because we think we see when we don’t, and we think we know when we don’t. Our thinking mind charges the lying thought with an energetic pulse (“life”) that shapes reality to reflect the lie, making it appear in reality. As lying thoughts become accepted beliefs, they form an energetic cord linking our mind, which is the source of the belief, to the outer reality so that it continually reflects the lie in endless forms and experiences. Our thinking mind, fueled by false beliefs, keeps these cords intact, making the outer reality appear unchangeable.

Reality is fluid because it is energy. As we look to the inner Light as our Source of Truth and no longer the outer reality (the projection of our erroneous beliefs), we find the power to change what we once deemed unchangeable. We find freedom. Truth’s logic, untouched by faulty judgments, shines as an unquenchable light revealing our true Self. It’s luminosity weakens the darkened beliefs that kept us bound to a false self-concept until they fade into nothingness. When we no longer hold the false image as true, the energetic cords to past relationships and experiences, present false self-concepts, and future expectations based on this imagined image begin to dissolve, liberating our mind to be a living gate to divine thought which leads to metamorphic changes.

As we make the borderland journey out of the “realness” of illusion and into Truth’s eternal expressions, again and again our mind returns to the question, “What is true?” The answer is our divine nature as defined by Absolute Truth. There is no other truth, only lies posing as “true.”

With this response, our awareness is brought back to our true I Am Presence’s immutable, divine attributes. We no longer accept reality’s constant chatter telling us who we are, because being a projection of a faulty thought-system it can only convey lies. We no longer focus on a false self-concept, its issues, problems or characteristics. It no longer matters what our personality or expressions of the past have been because everything connected to the false self-concept is fading. In this mental shift, in which we only entertain thoughts of Absolute Truth as true, we sever the energetic cords to the judging mind and enter the freedom created by the words of life coming from Truth.

Truth’s Living Voice reveals our timeless, perfect, and harmonious nature. Accepting our true Likeness is where new life begins. As this acceptance gains permanence, therefore ever-present in our thinking mind, our conscious thoughts shift to the self’s true expression. Because what we are conscious of being, we outwardly express, the present moment is energetically reset to its ever-present state of perfection. Instead of our mind projecting its own relative truth and creating an illusion, it becomes a transducer of Truth’s Life into outer expression. By resting in divine emergence the mind enters the flow of Truth’s energetic current through which the self’s divine potentials are expressed.

As we meditate on our ever-present divine attributes and let them permeate our feeling world by which they charge the energetic atmosphere, we engage the thinking mind’s creative power and begin to alter reality in ways we never deemed possible. It’s time to let go of the old and embrace the new, so our true Likeness can shine.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~ John 8:32