Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Abundance, Not Lack

Abundance, Not Lack


In divine love there is only abundance; an abundance for every good work. When our heavenly Father leads us, then everything in our reality is used for good, for he is making it good. Thus, lack doesn’t exist.

The eye of the soul is the hub of all our perceptions. Sight is far more than what our physical eyes perceive. It’s the interworking relationship of our physical eyes and the eye of our soul. Our eyes see what our soul eye perceives. If that eye is full of divine love/truth, we perceive in abundance thus create abundance. If it’s unaware of this love/truth, we perceive in lack thus create lack.

Lack is like a speck of dust upon the eye of our soul that’s removed in the faith of our Father’s perfect love for us. Though a speck, it taints our entire panoramic perception of what we see with our physical eyes, because of its location. Since the soul’s eye is the seat of all our perceptions, if it’s tarnished then all we perceive is tainted.

Lack is an illusion. It’s a state of our soul perception when our consciousness is disconnected from divine love. Lack is made real by the human will acting upon it. Seeking to fill this ill perceived lack puts us on a different trajectory of thoughts and actions than if we never perceived the lack in the first place. This creates the reality of the lack we see.

Lack was born out of the instruction of our Father to do one thing and not another. In the absence of awareness of the perfection of divine love, this instruction birthed the thought of lack. But the instruction was given to protect us from lack. But in disbelief, our human will chose to go through the forbidden door, and in that choice the reality of lack was manifested. In determining what was good for us, we created lives of lack.

As a result, humankind made what was unreal real. Because lack feeds the powerful energy of fear, it easily spreads and propagates. When we experience lack, we are compelled to fill the emptiness it creates. It isn’t a state that we are meant to be in, so we are driven to fill the hole. Without divine truth, this belief created the lives we have lived. But now is time for a change. We are the creators of our perceived reality, a reality determined by the vision of the eye of our soul.

When we grow in the awareness of divine love, we learn that in it we lack nothing. Lack doesn’t exist in divine love. Our heavenly Father’s love stretches across the universe travelling into the smallest particle and into the deepest parts of our soul. But because our Father is without form and his love is to be desired in its fullness by us for us to fully experience it, we have felt lack. In this illusionary state, we made what was unreal real. Of course, our heavenly Father in his perfect love for us is using even our perceptions of lack for our good. In the contrast, we are learning that his divine love/truth protects us from any type of deficiency. In this awareness, we, in our free will, choose to be fully governed by divine love/truth, the soul eye of God, and nothing else.

I’ve mentioned that in the core of our soul is the lie that we are rejected, unloved, insignificant, unworthy, unvalued, etc. Underneath that lie is where this false belief in lack resides. It’s the singular belief that alters our entire outlook. Being at the center of our soul’s eye, it peppers our perception with a myriad of lies. When we look deep into this lie we see death; for death is a lack of life. When this lie is defeated all that stems from it is also overcome. It resides in our soul in the place where the love of our Father finds entrance and emanates. Thus, when this speck is removed then all is perceived through divine love. Lack is only our relative truth that is dissolving away, as his love takes center stage and shines brightly in our soul’s eye.

When we love our heavenly Father, we follow where he leads because we desire to abide in him and in his love. He faithfully guides us with his soul eye. Thus, we give up our soul’s eye and the reflection it casts upon our physical perceptions, and we become governed by his soul eye. He leads us up an upward winding staircase of soul development. As a result, our life becomes established on his absolute truths. On this journey, everything in our life is being used for good. As our lives are knit to his, they start taking on an abundance for everything is being used for our upward progression. In this forward movement, we start seeing a reflection of abundance upon our personal widescreen. Abundance is what his love, which encapsulates his wisdom creates as it flows through us.

Because we are moving from a perspective of lack that has created actual lack, this transition requires an initial faith in the abundance of what we’ve learned from our heavenly Father, and not in what we see.  As our soul starts gaining the substance of divine love and truth, then our faith is developed to a degree that enables us to trust in that substance more than what our physical eyes see. At that time, our vision comes from our soul perception of divine love permeating out of the soul eye of God, instead of the lack we physically see. This new vision enables us to make different choices and decisions that start creating abundance in our lives instead of continuing lack. By acting in faith on the divine love/truth instead of the lack, our reality is transformed to be one of actual incorruptible abundance.


A Cornucopia of Expressions


A Cornucopia of Expressions


Divine love/divine truth removes the labels, which we attach to others and ourselves, from our thoughts, thus our perceptions. All that remains is the identifier that we are the children of the Most High in each one’s own unique appearance and expression.


Labels attach certain attributes to another person or group of people. There are a multitude of labels that humankind has created over time to classify and identify human beings. Our minds like to generalize and categorize aspects of our lives, especially people. So, this labeling is a deeply embedded aspect of our thought processes.

At first glance, labels seems handy and efficient because a label can seemingly tell is a lot about someone … but there in lies the problem and the lies. Labels construe images of others based on varying incomplete and/or erroneous set of attributes. Thus, seeing someone through a label often creates inaccurate assumptions about who they are, which leads to treating them differently than we otherwise would. It’s very easy for a label to become a tool of judging another instead of seeing their unique individuality. There are similarities between people, of course, but seeing similarities and seeing in labels is very different. Similarities are perceptions that come from understanding and limited to the similarity. Labels can and often carry a whole host of attributes that may or may not be applicable to a certain individual. Labels are removed not in a word itself, as the politically correct movement as attempted to do in certain areas, but from our very thoughts, for our thoughts are the genesis to what is manifested in our reality. And this work of reframing how we see others is the result of divine love/truth expanding within us.

In labels, we see in images (the unreal), and in part. In divine love/truth, we see in realness and in fullness, for we are looking for and at the fullness of the soul of an individual, and not the thin and often erroneous image created by a label. Any one label can reflect different attributes for different people, thus they can be and often are very misleading to the true nature of any one person. But divine love/truth flushes out those perceptions that create faulty assumptions, separation, and judgments. In our mind’s need to classify, divine love/truth reframes our perceptions, so that our only “label” is someone as a child of our heavenly Father in his/her own uniqueness. It’s the only “label” we need. This leaves lots of exploration about whom that person truly is. Once the labels as we know them are removed from our perceptions (and there are many), we appreciate the distinctiveness and splendor of others that creates a harmonious connection.

Divine love/truth is a unifying energy. It creates harmony, not separation. Labels put someone in one group and us in another because we’re different, thus they create separation, not unity, in our thoughts, thus our words and actions. As we start to be transformed by divine love/truth, all that creates separation in our thoughts is removed and replaced with what creates harmony and peace, and this concept of labels is one of many.

Unique Expressions of Our Similarities

We are far more alike than different as human beings, and the differences are only in the expression of our similarities. For example, we all have the same emotions, which vary on a continuum of expression depending upon how our surroundings taught us how to express them. We are all unique, and we are all similar at the same time.

Not only are we are all similar, but also we are a part of each other. What I do effects you and it effects me, thus what I do to you I do to me, and what I do to me I do to you. For example, if I honor myself, then I will honor for you, for if I contain true honor in my soul, then it expresses itself all the time to all people. Likewise, if I honor you, then I also honor myself. Thus, when we “see” others, we are seeing varied expressions of ourselves. And here is a deeper truth; we see others through our present understanding or filters so that what we see in others reflects more of us than of them. This is why two people can see one person very differently. How we see someone is more about us than them.

Labels of Relative Truth

Differences created from labels are simply a perspective that we hold in our mind because of the label. Thus, labels are the progenitor of relative truths. A label of a group or type of person holds certain characteristics to us, which may and often does vary from someone else, thus it’s a relative truth. Further, if we see someone and attach a label to him or her thus all the attributes that label reflects to us, we’ve made our own relative truth about that person. It isn’t based in what is real, but what is unreal. So now we are acting and responding in what is unreal. Whenever we act on the unreal as real, we create a myriad of problems that causes division and not harmony.

The absolute/divine truth is that we are all our heavenly Father’s children and a unique expression of all that we have experienced. The relative truth comes from the labels that we each believe we are and others are, and thus live by. If we define ourselves by a label and the corresponding attributes, then we become the label. This dynamic is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Creators of Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Labels create self-fulfilling prophecies, especially when impressed upon a young mind. When we label a child in a certain way, we are laying a framework upon their mind that shapes their thoughts about who they are and who they are not, what they can do and what they can not, how they are seen by others and how they are not. They take on a likeness of the labels we give them. Is that their true nature? Yes and no. They are fulfilling what they believe themselves to be, but that can change when they no longer let that label identify them. It’s only a relative truth, which is always changeable. A label is only true if an individual soul allows that particular imprint to define his nature. But it isn’t necessary who they truly are, but an identity that they have taken on. We believe it so we act and live upon it. But that doesn’t make it an absolute truth. A great gift to give another is to see them through divine love/truth, regardless of how they see themselves.

Divine love/truth removes labels from our lives and perspectives they create, and reframes us and others in the label of a child of God, which we all are, thus creating harmony and unity.  We no longer see others through labels, which is seeing them through images, but we see them as unique individuals radiating their own individuality.

This world is drowning in labels, but divine love/truth totally reframes how we see others and creates an awareness of a cornucopia of variety that is beautiful among the children of the Most High.


Rising Out of the Ashes

Rising Out of the Ashes


How deep is the Creator’s love? This is what I’m learning ….

Divine love reaches deep into creation. It travels to the smallest formation of matter that is first shaped by energy, because love is energy. This is how deep the love of divinity goes, there is no aspect of creation that can’t be and isn’t touched by it. It underscores the very foundations of creation.

What creates particle formations is energy. In the context of the energy of fear and the energy of divine love, this dynamic makes for an eye-opening awareness that alters how we perceive everything, for everything comes down to the interaction of particles and the energy that governs them.

Fear is energy. When fear is great, we experience its nervous energy. Love is energy. When love is great, we experience its vivacious energy. But even though we may not be consciously aware of the lower vibration energies governing our soul day to day, they are fundamentally coming out of fear (lack of love) or love. So, what form of energy is our soul connected to that is shaping our reality, from the smallest to the largest aspects of our lives?

Fear in our reality is like dust. It’s small, consuming, sometimes hard to detect, hiding in dark places, and showing up in unexpected places. It lingers in our thoughts. It shows up in our responses. It wakes us up at night. The combination of fear energy and soul particles create a virus-like nature in our soul; one inducing harm in a myriad of ways. However, when the energy of divine love connects to our soul it constructs a harmonious vitality.

Fear finds its genesis by falling into the crevices of our mind, buried, lingering, and accumulating in our thoughts and pouring into our actions, choices, and responses. Fear interacts and affects what we see based on our personal perception, for fear is in the eyes of the beholder. When we start to move out fear by faith in divine love, we see how truly pervasive it was in our perceptions, thus our lives.

If fear remains unchecked it simmers and causes all kinds of problems and often snowballs, for fear attracts fear, the law of attraction. One act of fear leads to a poor decision that creates more fear, and so on. Fear is often a deeply integral part of the fabric of our perceptions, thus reality, because of how it connects and shapes our deepest thoughts. Thus, it frequently goes undetected in our conscious awareness. However as we grow in our soul perceptions, we see it more clearly for what it is. But, most of us have become accustomed to its presence so it goes unnoticed, though it drives and determines many actions, which makes it all the more powerful.

Fear clouds our wisdom. Fear in our thoughts removes our ability to see clearly, like a dusty windshield. The more fear, the less visibility. When we don’t perceive our surroundings accurately, it creates a lack of wisdom. There is an inversely proportionate relationship between fear and wisdom. The more fear, the less wisdom. Driving with a dirty windshield isn’t wise, neither is acting in fear, it clouds our discernment, decision making … everything. It greatly dampens our passion, drive, courage, faith, and all that give us vital energy to our lives.

Further, wisdom deceases when we experience fear because it causes a “flight” or “fight” response. We withdraw (flight) in self-pity, stay in our comfort-zone, which is the no-grow zone, physically retreat, emotionally suppress, or socially withdrawal, etc. or we are aggressive (fight) by attacking, controlling, forcing, pushing, or anger, etc. Both responses cause harm to others and us.

We currently abide in a society that perpetuates and feeds on fear, because of the lack of awareness of its counter part – divine love. In this absence, fear is one of the strongest controlling agents in us, in our society, and in our world. This is why it is often used often to control, why it is effective, and why it is prevalent.

BUT fear isn’t real. It’s born out of lies.

Unlike divine love, fear isn’t real, but is born out of mankind’s will when he acts contrary to divine love, which is always done when a lie is received as truth or good. Thus outside its source, the mind of man, it has no power or reality. In the divine (absolute) truth, there is no fear, because it isn’t of the Creator’s making. It’s only the perception of mankind (place of relative truth) who perceive in lack; lack creates fear.

When we think in fear, then act in fear, we’ve made what was unreal real to ourselves, and often that spreads to others because of the fear they already hold. It starts with acting on lies, believing they are truth, and that makes them real in our reality. Acting on the unreal as real creates a chaotic spiral of creating more fear through faulty assumptions, self-fulfilling prophesy, defense mechanisms, and ill judgments. The combination of fear energy and matter creates a great weakness in us that causes a ripple effect of problems in and outside of us. Without divine love, fear has freedom to swiftly and dominantly expand. With divine love, love enters our weakness and starts driving out the debilitating fears.

Divine love is like a consuming fire. It’s the highest form of energy thus has dominance over all other forms, especially fear that is born out of the unreal. As we move into divine love, the dust of fear starts to burn away, for in divine truth, which comes with divine love, the lies are snuffed out and turned to ashes. As divine love moves in, we begin to rise out of the ashes of the dissolving fears until they are no more. In the light of divine truth, we see fear for what it is, then divine love starts directing us.

Here is a great beauty. Look under the smallest particle, and you will see the love of the Creator waiting to be activated by the human will. This love of divinity is what is truly real because it is eternal as it comes from the Creator, verses fear which is bound to the consciousness of mankind sown in lies. His divine love underscores all of creation down to the smallest particles, for all is of His creation. Divine love becomes real to the soul when it is known, believed, and acted upon.

Fear doesn’t exist in perfect divine love. It’s impossible because perfect love cares perfectly for all creation in every area. But this love has to be desired, chosen and embraced by the soul of mankind. It has specific ways (divine truth) that it interacts and doesn’t, and our mind, heart, soul, and strength (will) have to assimilate to those ways. Two opposing things can hold the same space at the same time, it’s either the energy of love or fear at the most base level of our existence. And the choice is ours. Powerful.

As we grow in understanding of love of divinity, we become a part of it as it works within us to renew our soul in love. It’s the energy of the soul that shapes all the particles it comes into contact within its sphere of influence. Through it, our heavenly Father raises us out of the ashes as His love travels into the deepest parts of our soul and exposes every dust particle of fear and burns it away.

A life without fear knows expansive freedom, joy, peace, love and power. As for the power, it comes from the increasing wisdom in the ability to see clearly once the dust is gone. Thus, we respond, act, and choose ways of wisdom that bring what is truly desirable into our realities.

May we all be “dusted off” by divine love.


Everywhere and yet Nowhere

Everywhere and yet Nowhere


Truth is everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. For one person it is and for another it isn’t. The truth is always there, but we don’t always perceive it, for it’s perceived by a soul who is in a condition to perceive it. If we don’t recognize it, it isn’t real to us, thus truth to us. We understand this quality of truth in many dynamics of life, one being as we mature in our souls we learn that there are lifestyles and ways of being that create peace, joy and happiness and ways that don’t. Truth, once known to a soul, is wisdom.

This absolute/eternal truth is created out of divine love, therefore love is also everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. Like truth, we can lack to perceive it, yet is it always there. Divine love is the expression of absolute truth. While, natural love resides within relative truth.

The heavenly Father loves us with a very deep divine love that has always existed for us, for this is the nature of love. Yet, love waits for the recipient to desire it; it never forces itself upon another, for force is counter to the nature of love. In love is how the heavenly Father manifests himself in our lives. He doesn’t manifest in any other way than love, for this is of his very essence among other attributes, which all together are the expression of love. In this love of divinity is the only “place” we can “find” him, because it’s the only way we accurately perceive him as he is. This is why knowing him is an individual process and experience, for to know his love within us is something only we can perceive for ourselves within ourselves.

When we begin to believe or have faith in this truth of divine love, then it becomes real in our lives. Faith is the carrier of this love into our lives until it becomes who we are. As we start to act and live according to this divine love, we also develop a growing awareness of truth/wisdom. In this, all fear is dissolved because the reception of his never-ending loving-kindness replaces our fears. Divine love is constant, never changing, and never failing. The only thing that changes is our perception of its reality that is determined by the faith we have or lack in it. But once we know it, it just is and it is at this point that our souls experience a deep soul-rest because of the bounty of divine love that they abide in.

Divine love enters this creation through the soul by joining to the soul through a harmonious connection. So, only when we have our souls developed, which occurs by this divine love, can we perceive this love with our soul, thus be united to it.

This love of divinity has substance. It’s a substance that can fill our soul and when it does it creates a different soul reflection and inward and outward reality than a soul without it. Like light, it manifests as an energy, vibration, and frequency in our soul, and from there it flows into our lives. When our souls are in a condition to receive and maintain this higher frequency (by lifestyle choices, thoughts, words, actions, behaviors, habits), then our soul is able to find an oneness with this love, thus with our heavenly Father. All that is in our life becomes assimilated to this higher frequency so that this divine love can find a connection and become a part of our soul, thus our reality. As we seek to perceive this love of divinity, we move to a higher frequency or vibration of life because we are moving in harmony with all that makes up eternal life.

The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the activities we engage in, the soil under our feet, the thoughts we think, the words we say, the jobs we perform, the actions we take, the behaviors we engage in, the relationships we have, the things we watch, all that we listen to, everything at its subatomic level is energy. The vibration of these entities affects our energy make-up; it’s basic quantum mechanics. When the condition of our soul, influenced by everything in our lives inward and outward, finds alignment to divine love, then we find an oneness with the heavenly Father.

Our journey in this realm is learning to perceive divine love, the real, amongst the lies, the unreal. For lies make the truth a lie. We move into a unity with this love by the exercise of our free will in choosing to come into harmony with it and it’s workings, for love is always a choice. By our growing awareness, our heavenly Father becomes closer than our breath for the subatomic energy that shapes our existence from the soul outward is his divine love.

Because this love enters our lives at a subatomic level, it shapes the very essence of our being; from our soul, to our spirit body that houses our soul, to our physical body that houses our spirit body. Energy is the creative force of all matter. When the energy compiling our lives is divine love then everything in our lives flows out of this love, and manifests this love. When the energy shaping our lives lacks love (fear), then that is what our lives reflect. Our lives are a reflection of the energy that is creating them at a quantum level.

Divine love has always been there for each one of us, but often unknown because of the flawed perceptions of the heavenly Father, the progenitor of divine love to us. These faulty perceptions keep it hidden from our awareness. But once we start to desire it with a true longing deep within our soul, the light starts to shine upon this amazing love that is the answer and fulfillment to all we seek. In the light of love’s glow, all lies are dissolved, thus we transform from a soul fashioned in fear to one in love. This exchange is the most freeing transformation we can undergo.

May we by faith let divine love become the foundation of our lives until it is all that is real to us.