Living Light

Stirring The Deep


“Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;”

~ Psalm 42:7

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels (because they create enlightenment). 

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

This blog reflects my journey of an increasing awareness of Truth. My path led me beyond organized religion, erroneous belief systems, separation, limitations, weaknesses, and the darkness of unawareness, and into oneness, immortal love, strength and the light of Truth. We each have our own path according to our individuality and purpose, but our destinations are unified in Truth, immortal Love, and our eternal Oneness. This is my path.

What you experience in this blog is my journey of seeking the Supreme Eternal Spirit of the Divine, whose name is above all names, and yet in the intimacy I’ve known I call my heavenly Father for this Spirit perfectly reflects characteristics this role portrays in my life, though I know this Spirit is far beyond this title. Though this blog started April 2008, my journey began in July 2001 catapulted by a desire to know. Know what? I wasn’t totally sure, but this is where I began.

My journey of seeking and learning is exposed upon these pages. What I share are insights and revelations from my personal journey, but the words written are directed by a will and spirit beyond my own. Thus what I write, I write by grace.

The Spirit of Truth comes to each one of us in a way we can receive and as we grow that communion evolves and transforms. We each have our paths to walk. Yet, we must all seek deep within for that is where we commune with the Spirit who created all, and is beyond this Creation. How He reveals Himself to us is an individual endeavor as we are all unique creations expressing His complexity and beauty. But when we are truly of this Supreme Spirit our lives reflect His nature, thus deeply connecting us as if one.

I’ve come to a point where in all things I am seeking the perfection of love. To experience the true Creator is to experience the purest of love founded in Truth. Thus my journey has led me to be this love.

Seeking is like a fire that brings beauty and splendor to your life. It removes all that hinders and clouds your vision, so you can see an eternal love that always existed for you and waited to be a conscious part of you.

I bear no labels, for I find them limiting and unexpressive of my journey. I believe in the purest of love and truth and it is these I seek in whatever medium.

Thanks for stopping by.


May 2013

790 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Rachel,
    I can’t wait to learn more about God’s work in your life, your book and your ministry. I have been inspeired by your writings and your web-site.
    Looking forward to our lunch together.
    Big Hugs,

    • Hi Rachel,
      I appreciate that you took time to set up this Blog. I shared some of your info today with my sister who, in 2010, expressed a true desire to know JESUS in SCRIPTURE so I sent her your comments on the “fear of God”, “hating evil” and “wisdom”. I also included my own comments saying that it didn’t sound like you learned any fear from your own dad, rather from the world’s competitive and abusive tendencies when you received the “D” in chemistry. It sounds like you had Adam & Eve’s experience of knowing GOD the Father with your own father, before their fatal error of listening to Satan. Their decision to heed Satan over remembering what their Father GOD had said brought death to them as well as to the rest of the world following after them. They were afraid immediately, which they had never known before, when they decided together to listen to Satan. Thankfully, JESUS restores our original innocent relationship with GOD the Father, so we don’t hide from HIM, rather, immediately talk to HIM when we realize we’ve gotten a “C” or “F” in one of life’s choices because we didn’t study & didn’t KNOW or we did KNOW and willfully chose to disregard HIS TRUTH. HE can “fix” the problem when we talk to HIM, then others won’t follow the same path.

      • Hi Wendy – thank you for sharing your thoughts . . . A wonderful point of how Jesus restores our original innocent relationship with God. How true that is – and that relationship is the depth and truth of the gospel – it is the Kindgom of God in our lives – because He is King in our lives – and when He is it changes everything that once was death into beauty and life. I’ll be praying for your sister as she seeks out this relationship.

    • Father Paul I think we are a long way away from the possibility of Baroness Warsi, or one of her co-religionists beiomcng P.M. But which would you prefer a Muslim P.M. or an atheist P.M. having a say in the appointment of bishops of the Established Church? Had Mr. Kinnock won any of the General Elections that he fought the latter would have become a reality. I understand that the Deputy Prime Minister is also an avowed atheist, as indeed is the present Leader of the Labour Party. That good Presbyterian and son of the manse Gordon Brown required the Church authorities to submit to him but a single name when considering the filling of vacant sees, I’m not sure if the present incumbent a practising Anglican has reverted back to a two name requirement, which was agreed when Jim Callaghan was P.M.?Compared with his Great-great Grandfather (Edward VII) the present heir to the throne is a paragon of virtue, although I do take your point and always include the Prayer for the Queen’s Majesty at Evensong long may she reign. As to any done deal over the title Defender of (the) Faith including support from George Carey; Carey himself writes in his autobiography (Know the Truth age 383) Personally I did not share the view that this was somehow a defining statement by the Prince. I saw it more as an off-the-cuff remark about his desire to foster spirituality. The former Archbishop then goes on to say that he also has difficulty with the title defender of the faith if it only means that the monarch protects the vested interests of the CofE; before concluding by saying The most I would say in criticism of Prince Charles statement is that it could have been expressed better. But that is forgivable in the light of his great concern for spirituality as opposed to the coldness of materialism and secularism. That doesn’t sound much to me like a done deal !Were we to be Disestablished then surely the coldness of materialism and secularism would increase its icy grip upon out nation.

      • Nah dawg!

      • Also the Holy Spirit is the comforter that is given to any true believer and follower, that is the only Spirit we are supposed to have accompanying us. Not strange voices being evil to some one

  2. Hi Rachel,

    Your writing is encouraging and enlightening.

    I have added you to my blogroll.

    Keep up the good work. 🙂

  3. Thanks Marianne!

    • Hello Rachel, I would have appreciate if you were more transparent and honest with your own beliefs, so that I and others who want to follow the Holy Bible, won’t follow the unbiblical doctrines you promote. For clarity it would be kind of you, to state clearly that you believe in the doctrine of Universalism because you think everyone will be saved, Spiritualism because you think after your brother died, that you spoke with him, when in fact that was a fallen angels if what you experienced was real, that you believe in islamic mysticism of Sufism.

      That you ban people who try to follow the Holy Bible, who may have some quirks that they need to improve on, yet you allow them and their beliefs to be slandered and ridiculed on your blog, if you really follow enlightenment you would be just in your responds but clearly from experienced from you and your friends, you are not.

      The person you ban who was just trying to help you and your friends

      • Oh and that you promote Panantheism

      • openness

        People have a tendecy to DEGRADE the world, to give value to a book. the trule HOLY BIBLE is all bibles combined that is FOR ALL THE PEOPLE(eternal brothers). we hold to NO LABELS, as labels are twisted and reshaped within every individual(still living the langauge of man rather than the eternal)..

        man is speration, eternal is unity

        I met a person who has voices that degrade the self, and the voices teaches that person NOT TO TRUST THE WORLD(even as a christian).

        what i told that person is that they have a GIFT. but within that gift, is a LOW VIBRATION(need to make the spirit work WITH that person instead of against)…

        the VOICES t hemselves IS A GIFT as it comes from spirit(connected to ALL THAT IS)..
        the problem is that within the LOW VIBRATIONS(as they placed trust in christinatity(another label reshaped by humanity)). they are unaware of the VIBRATIONS that flow through the WHOLEWORLD(spirit to flesh as we are all part of ONE BODY).

        Heaven and earth take up the same space. the difference is the vibration(outside of time).
        even as oppeness disagrees with that which goes against his own religion, we are still all saying t he same thing(yet disagreeing with eachother)(keeps all of us imprissioned within that low vibrations).

        once they take the time to CHERRISH THE WORLD(the person with bad voices) in every moment of their lives, and all the people in the world becomes a gift instead of a curse to self, then that person will start to GIVE(the true spiritual christ shared in us all), instead of the low vibrations(the satan within us all), that person now contains LOVE in all..

        LOVE is the smallest element that is within EVERY ELEMENT.

        as long as u follow t he holy bibe in any religion(missing the point of it all together), then nothing will every change. you will die without experiencing heaven all together(as every christian to this day has done)..

        you cant be part of something that does not involved every person on earth.
        you have to love all in order to bring out the christ within yourself)(ourself).

        there is NO PERSON NAME CHRIST, christ is a spiritial aspect of self(in everyone), which binds us all together.
        it is within the beliefs of a religion in which we turn the BOOK into something it is not.

        no person is more or less important than another. we are all of highest honors, and even within the deceptions of religions, even you would agree when worded in a certain way.

        there is no NEGATIVE on this site, and we are all growing together..

      • Hello Antihacker101 I don’t know where or how you came to believe what you do, but there is some things you said that only comes from the Holy Bible. The word Christ, that is actually a title and it means Anointed One, the One who is the King of kings and LORD of lords, Who is like GOD who would come incarnate to this earth, to sacrifice Himself in order to pay for our debt of sins. The time when The Anointed One would come and be cut off, is given in the Holy Bible Daniel chapter 9 and verse 26, just for the record that is what the word Messiah refers too and if you don’t believe in the historical existence of the only True Christ then a quick YouTube or Google search about that question will yield extra Biblical accounts of the historicity.

        For the record the word eternal means always existing never not existing, that is the Only True GOD, everything else is created and Christianity is not my religion, I just want to follow it.

        If you would like to know more about the Holy Bible, I would recommend and online Bible Study called Landmarks of Prophecy by Amazing Facts Ministry, it is online and completely free. If you want to know the Gospel which means the good news, I would recommend searching on YouTube for Ray Comfort sharing the Gospel.

      • As for the voices AntiHacker101, this is a Pastor called Neil T Anderson, he has done videos talking about people who experienced said voices and other things, “beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves, you will know them by their fruits” Matthew 7:15-20, those voices you write about song like they are intelligent enough to know good from evil, and choose to be evil to a person, I won’t call that a gift.

      • In the Holy Bible John 14:16 mentions was I texted.

      • The Holy Spirit is the only Spirit a person is suppose to have accompanying them, which is given to any true believer and follower, not a strange voice that is saying evil things or misleading people. John 14:16

  4. Rachel,
    What you are saying is inspiring but I cannot help but wonder, if God is leading and teaching you, has he led and taught others?
    If so, are their thoughts legitimate or are the only legitimate thoughts my own?
    What about the earliest traditions of the Apostolic Fathers? Those who knew Christ. Do the teachings they have for us matter?
    In short, is it arrogant and prideful for me to discount the contributions of others because I feel constrained by them?

  5. Mike,

    Thanks so much for stopping by . . . you lost me a bit. . . Either way, I think we benefit greatly from the teachings of others especially the Apostles. I think contributions of others expand our understanding in various ways, but we are to test everything against the Word of God. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that is the source of truth. I believe that God through His Spirit and the Word is our utmost teacher – the one we put first in our lives as THE Teacher which all else follows.

    Make sense? First God then others – not either or.


    • i know the date of these blogs. and i know your growth and NEW UNDERSTANDINGS. but since we are all connected. i like to add for new readers.
      the answer above from MIKEBritton is that you cant see god WITHOUT everyone else. each time the word god is shown the bible, EVERY PERSON ON EARTH is part of that label.

      the situation trying to be portrayed in the original intent is that, as man, we live in seperation. and we turn against ourselves, but through god(the eternal), each MAN is just a tiny element in which god flows through which makes each person a part of self(through god). to put god first is to see GOD IN ALL. but to live in sepertation, you are giving to t he natural individual instead of ALL COMBINED as ONE SPIRIT(we are all part of ONE BODY).

  6. Rachel, just stumbled upon your blog. I’ve enjoyed reading a few of your posts (on both blogs) and will visit again! Your subject matter is undeniably complex and your writing sincere and heartfelt. I can truly identify with your desire to empower others to build personal relationships with God/Christ – that is a personal passion of mine as well. I’m sure I can learn a lot from you and your true emotion regarding the subject, however, I would like to point out one thing that I personally cannot align with. That being your use of masculine terms (he/him) to describe God. I believe it detracts from what seems to be your overarching theme of empowering women to seek and find God. Women who have truly suffered (because of men) will find it difficult to build a relationship with God when described with such descriptors. As a heterosexual/white/living in the South man – I say what very few of us do – God transcends gender!

    Thank you for the time!

    Randy H.

    • Thanks so much for coming by and your encouraging words. As for the gender of God – I don’t believe God is a gender because he is spirit. But I use the masculine because that is what his Word uses. I believe he designed this world including the genders to illustrate truths and teach us about Him. The genders were his design and he carries the masculine side in his instruction for various reasons. But I see your point. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  7. Wow!! That’s what I’m talking about being all God saved us to be through his power working in us,bringing about changes in his way & time. And being in that deep close relationship is what our Saviour desires for us,what a Mighty God we serve and love! I would sure love to read your book I know it’s filled with wonderful insight.
    Still Standing by God’s Grace

  8. Rachel,

    Thanks for your feedback on my blog! It’s late and I need to get to be getting to bed, but I look forward to getting to know more about you (and learn more) from your blog!

  9. Hey man thanks for the great post. Look forward to reading more!

  10. Hi Rachel,

    I found your wonderful blog while doing a Google search on why we do things we don’t want”. I look forward to reading more of your posts. By the way, how is the book coming? God bless and keep posting!

  11. Dear Rachel,
    Your video gave me great peace and deeper conviction of my own experience with the church system…may the Holy Spirit continue to guide and strenghten you.


    • Donna,
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. And I return that blessing to you. May we continue to seek that still small voice in our life and follow it.

  12. Rachel;
    You are right on target, from my experience
    there are so many -isms and hobby horses in the “churches” that it makes attending an institutional “church” a frustrating, even depressing experience.
    Jesus warned us that false prophets would deceive many in the end times. Well, with so many “ministers” persuasively selling their own opinions as gospel, how in the world do you know what’s right.
    Of course the answer is to get with the Lord and to stick to Him through thick and thin. Seek Him, spend time with Him, He will not lead us astray. Besides, it’s all about Him, it’s definitely not about them or us.
    I am often frustrated by people who seem to think that the enemy has more power over us than the Lord Jesus, my question to them is who do they think is Lord? If Jesus is Lord then can we trust Him to lead us, and keep us, and teach us? Scripture indicates that that is precisely what He is capable of and what He in fact does, if we let Him, every minute of the day.
    So thank you for being another voice (in the wilderness?) for what the Scriptures say we should be doing, relying on Him, hearing Him, walking with Him, living in Him. It is the message I am trying to spread too.

    God bless you my sister,


  13. Just found your blog tonight and have been encouraged by your posts (and your tweets :)) I especially liked your “Mountain Top Reflections” – a good reminder of how much trust we place in ourselves, our jobs, etc. and take for granted how He alone is the true Provider.

    I’ll be back often – blessings to you !

    • Hi Joe,

      Glad you found me! I visited your blog as well – and I also will be back often. 😉 Always a blessing to find insightful and encouraging bloggers.

  14. Rachel,
    For some reason, I was not able to find your site from the comments you have made on mine, but was able through another one you commented on. (Francis Drake) Glad to have found you. We share a similar passion.

    • Hi Mike,

      That is strange why it didn’t link back to me but glad you found me! And it does seem we share a similar passion. It is so encouraging to meet others out there that do. More and more people are coming to the understanding we share – it is a matter of time and us sharing when the opportunity presents itself. I’m enjoying reading your thoughts on the “Bigger than Me” blog. Rachel

  15. when will your book be available??

    i just discovered your blog (by a comment you did on, and i really appreciate what i read on your blog.

    totally agree with this formulation:”My source of truth is Living Word, the Bible, taught to me by the Spirit. ” having read the same Bible, men have done tons of different denominations. how can that be ?? … we desperatly need the guidance of the Spirit of God

    “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:13

    • Hi – Thanks so much for stopping by. As for my book I’m ready for the editing stage . . . so hopefully not too long 😉 And yes, how we need to learn to trust and follow the Spirit and not man. Rachel

  16. Sign me up for a copy when it is available!!

  17. Your blog is amazing Rachel , you write really well. And its very encouraging. i would love to read your book whenever it comes out.

  18. Hi Rachel,

    I found your blog through a comment you made on a post over on “Truth Matters.”

    I’ve started reading some of your posts and find them very helpful and encouraging! Since our enemy, the devil, is the father of all lies, we all need to be constantly seeking truth and exhorting each other to do so. Glad to find someone who agrees and is writing to help us do just that.

    “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ”

    Grace to you, sister!

  19. GDay Rachel… Greetings from Australia… I came across your site on my mate Ian Vincent’s blog. I appreciate your emphasis on an on-going spirit led relationship with the Lord…

    I have a mate in NZ who has been living and teaching on this for years… He is Roy Waldrom and has a site at where all his teaching material and testimony are available.

    I have a blog on here as well at

    Should you want to drop a line my email is
    I also have a facebook page.

    Wishing you every blessing on your walk for this new year!
    martin horrigan
    Warrnambool, Victoria Australia

  20. Amen sister. Keep seeking. You will find. What a glorious and precious Saviour we have. What a comforter and teacher He has sent us. Grow in Him and abide in Him. God bless you sister.

    Love in Jesus and only by His blood,

  21. Hey,

    I recently stumbled on your blog. Thus far, I resonate with many of your views. It is good to know that there are believers who want to accentuate the ‘essentials’ of the faith, and concern themselves with building a true relationship with God, that extends well beyond the strictors of the modern day church.

    • Hi Daniel – Sorry it took me awhile to reply – I’ve been out of town. I find blogs are a great way to encounter others who are like-minded. Glad you found me!

  22. Rachel, I do encourage (Recommend) ALL Christians Pray, and diligently seek the bridegroom King Jesus Christ.

    I have removed myself from all the ways of the World, and it’s drama etc. as shared in (1 John 2:15-17) I have been basically living in my Prayer room, as I walk with God.

    The Bride of Christ has great passion, and Love for King Jesus Christ, and desires to have special time with the Lord in prayer. Now is the time to diligently seek the bridegroom King Jesus Christ.

    Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh! Watch. Matthew 25:10

    King Jesus Christ of Nazareth is LORD.

    • Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. And much agreed – now is the time to seek Him. Seek Him and live . . . Amos 5:4

  23. Just found your blog and enjoyed your piece on the “True Church” I spent 20 yrs in Ministry….first as a missionary overseas, then as a pastors wife. Then it all blew up 15yrs ago. I have never felt comfortable in a “Church” again, but continued to search for it (as I do have very fond memories of the early days of my faith) when we were young and excited about God and could not wait to be together…..I have so many old dear friends back from that time. We have all scattered in various ways, but most are still very committed to the Lord still. We have no Church home. I read the book “So you don’t want to go to church anymore” and felt so freed up from all that…..however I do miss the larger gathering together of the saints….not the churchy stuff, not the building, not the judgments, but the fellowship…..of more than just my couple of friends. I wish I could find a group of people like the one’s in the book. Your piece on the church is exactly how I feel and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
    Keep writing. Barb

    • Barb – sorry it took me SO long to response – but I just now saw your comment – some how it was hiding from me on the wordpress dashboard! I’m so glad you stopped by and commented!

      God knows our needs. There was a very long time after I left the Church System that I went with very little fellowship – and God used that time to build a solid foundation in Him. I learned He is truly all I need and He can supply every need. Now He has brought into my life many who I fellowship with here and there. It isn’t about structure, programs, or formal meetings. It is about being real, true and authentic. And I’m far more blessed now that I ever was before. We need to trust Him that He will care for us and give us exactly what we need when we need it in the form that is best for us. Keep up the faith. He loves you more than you know and He is the Good Shepherd.


    • The church is God’s idea. She is the bride of Christ. The Bible says ” Do not forsake the gathering together of the saints.” I agree there are problems in the church but Jesus never prescribed leaving the Church. Look at his response to the Churches mentioned in the second and third chapters of Revelation. He never advised believers to leave the church although he pointed out specific problems in the church. Ask the Holy Spirit whether the decision you made to leave the church is from Him or its the devil leading you. How can Jesus who said “On this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” advice you
      to leave the church. Beware lest you give heed to doctrines of devils.

      • If I may offer what I have learned thus far about some things you mentioned …

        The Christ (The Spirit of God, of which Jesus was consciously and fully one with, thus Jesus “Christ”) builds HIS church (those who are anointed with or awakened to the Christ Spirit within them (a spirit of divine truth and divine love) through revelation of the Truth to our spirits from within … as Peter came to this understanding. He didn’t learn it from one outside of him, but by revelation from the Spirit of God the Father from within, the same spirit that was in Jesus. This inward revelation is how the true “Church” is manifested. This inward revelation is the only way our soul can come to know and own the Truth so that we are a part of it. We may resonate with what someone says, but until it is revealed from within in we don’t comprehend the fullness of Truth. When we learn by revelation by the Spirit from within, it is a solid foundation which nothing can overcome because it is Truth, thus a rock. No matter how great the lies, illusions or deceptions that surround us (gates of hell), nothing can shake the foundation that the Spirit of God establishes within our soul for it is Truth – the light is always more powerful than the darkness, so much so that in the light, the darkness is as nothing.

        Matthew 16:16-18 “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

        Stepping into a building or being a member of an organization, etc doesn’t make one a part of Christ thus the body (substance) of the Spirit of Christ … it is an inner work of awakening the soul to the oneness it has always possessed with the Spirit of God. Therefore, our awakening is coming to this belief of oneness. Truth is what it is. God is sovereign always. As our awareness grows into Truth we come to see what has always been, it is because of our blindness that we didn’t perceive and acted contrary to what is.

        When we awaken to the Christ within, then we also realize our connectedness through the same Spirit to all others who have awakened and eventually to all as all are a part of the Spirit of God. We experience the progression and the manifestation of this oneness, but in Truth we are already one. It is just that some are asleep to who are they are and the One they are a part of and others are awakening to this Truth, but we are all one. Death (separation) will one day not exist in our conscious awareness … this is the the great victory. (1 Corn 15:25-28)

        In the Spirit of Christ we come to realize that all are our eternal brothers and sisters .. there are no divisions, no separations in eternal life – this bond of oneness, love and truth is the true body of the Living Christ, the Spirit of God that flows through and connects us all. Those of this spirit are His “church” that Jesus was referencing.

        If someone resonates with a certain external group … then there is a purpose for it. If one leaves, it is also purposeful. Groups connect because they hold similar belief systems. As we grow in Truth by revelation of the Spirit, we expand beyond once held beliefs. If we aren’t expanding then we aren’t listening to the Spirit from within. We are all born into darkness and if we are moving into the light, it means our understanding is aligning to truth. Though our beliefs vary with others, and we may leave certain groups because our growth requires it, we are all eternal brothers and sisters – of which one day the Spirit of God working within us all will manifest.

        It brings great maturity and growth of Spirit when we begin to see the Truth of these things. When we begin to desire to lose our separate “self” and all forms of separation so that the Spirit of God may flow through us in the perfect expressions of pure love to everyone always, and when we see our connectedness to all because God is all and in all because all is his creation and he is sovereign then we are beginning to find our true home as a part of the bodily expression (substance) of the Spirit of God.

  24. Just ran across your blog. Looking forward to reading more of it.

  25. Hello Rachel,
    My name is Eden and I am the (sort of) editor of Idylls For the King, a new Christian literary blog/journal. I would like to invite you to have a look at the site.I don’t know if you would be interested in or write this sort of thing, but If you would ever like to submit poetry, fiction, or song lyrics you have written, please just send me an email and I will make you a contributer. Blessings,

    • Hi Eden, Thanks for the invite, I’ll check it out.

      • Dear Father Tomlinson,As I read your comment I was glddeaned to know that you have experienced as a result of your move to the Ordinariate what my wife and I experienced almost one year ago in becoming Catholic as individuals in the U.S. (Seattle area). We had left the Episcopal Church, I in September 2008 and my wife following Easter 2009, and begun the journey having no realistic prospect of either an Anglican Use or Ordinariate parish physically accessible to us. Nevertheless, you experienced a sense of peace and of coming home which we experienced at its fullest when we were received and confirmed at Pentecost last year. And, having followed events through your blog over the past year, I had included you and your parishioners in my prayers, that you would have the same sort of experience of being welcomed home that we had experienced. It is good to know that God answers prayers. Welcome home and Deo gratias!Pax et bonum,Keith T pferBothell, Washington, USA

  26. Hi Rachel, I just tonight saw some of your videos I don’t know to much about you but have gotten to know you through some of the content of your blog. I trust that you are sincere and I also believe that your position has probably brought some hurt by friends/church people. I don’t want to communicate any thing hurtful but feel that I must say something perhaps sharpen you a bit.

    I want to encourage you to reconsider biblically your response and judgement of church that is structured. You have missed a lot of scripture with going on a feeling of leaving a public gathering of believers. Some of the questions I wonder about I’ve voiced not for you to neccesarily answer but to show me, there no way we can personalize and privatize – the Body of Christ.

    Who are the deacons that serve the tables in what you are doing, what leaders have you appointed to leadership roles in the ministry of feeding the poor, ministering to the widow, the orphan, those in jail, those in other parts of the world. How are you function in missions programs around the world, making difference there and not just at home? What does accountability look like for you, if people say no to you are they just not friends now and cut off. How do you bring accountability with sin and a response to the commands of Matt 18 reconcilation or process of discipline mentioned in God’s word? Where are the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists equipping you and your family to be joined together… each doing their part. How do the function of the gifts of the Spirit work with God’s order mentioned in I Cor. 12 and 14 operate when I’m not even apart of body where there is order, leadership, teaching, worship, praise, and fellowship. What kind of witness and gospel invitation is given at funerals, wedding, baptism, child dedications, ect. when you lead a non-church structure life? What church are you apart of in the end time churches mentioned in Revelation – there are 7 churches all of which are gathered locally together and there are overcomers in all of them.

    Some things to think about – the Apostle Paul didn’t start his own thing but joined in with the other apostles and brought debate and structure to what church would look like and be through the leading of Holy Spirit. This was the message that continued throughout the land everyone was apart of the same message, same structure of church, same mission, ect. Once a church was established they built upon the foundation of Jesus but with biblical mandates.

    You cannot love the Head without loving the Body, and I love the diversity of the Body of Christ that functions within the parameters of God’s word. I do find your message very misleading and possibly damaging to dissillusioned believers that are looking to personalize their walk to live out only their comfort level. This message sounds very luke warm to me. Don’t you want to be challenged, rebuked, taught, corrected, trained, equipped ect. all of which sounds pretty structured?

    2 Tim 3:16-17
    16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
    17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    Rachel, I hope you the best but the best is found in God’s truth. You didn’t have to break off fellowship with the church you were at, as long as they were a John 3:16 gospel church… I hope that you can see the importance of being connected to local body that functions as a body and not a few body parts thinking they have all that they need. You need the Body of Christ locally gathered functioning as God’s word declares it functioning.

    Acts 2:44-47
    44 All the believers were together and had everything in common.
    45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.
    46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
    47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

    What do you think?


    • Hi Clayton – I truly appreciate your comment … and the care that you expressed. This is a challenging topic indeed …. I once believed as you have shared in your comment, but since I started abiding, reading and meditating on the Word daily – that changed. It isn’t simply a feeling which can be misleading. It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit along with the Word of God. Not sure what you’ve read and haven’t but I attached some further links at the end of this comment, also I have a category “Outside the Church System” – this is a loaded topic.

      My love for others especially for the lost sheep has only grown by God’s grace. That is my passion for this blog and all else that I do. I want people to experience the depth of relationship with God grounded on truth and spirit. To be truly united to Him in truth, His Word.

      I start deeply seeking God 10 years ago .. seeking to really know Him. To know Him beyond my filters and current perspectives … 3 years into it, what I was reading and learning wasn’t coinciding with what was happening in the churches. In time, I left as I felt it was God’s will. It was difficult because I grew up in the institution – but I had to honor what God was confirming to me in His Word, things I’ve written about on my blog. Once I left, my eyes started to open so much more. My walk has deepened in ways I never imagined. The Word has become alive in my life on many levels.

      As for fellowship, the magnificence and perfection of true and real fellowship has amazed me. I’ve never been in a more true fellowship with others as I am now. The body isn’t about an institution, it is beyond that. Often those who have those gifts you mentioned don’t carry the formal labels. They aren’t appointed by man but by God. And God provides. He provides the body as we need it. He is so powerful. The true body is attracted to each other. It’s amazing. Accountability can come from others, but true accountability comes from the Holy Spirit. We can hide our lives from others and many do … but you can’t hide from the Holy Spirit. He is the best accountability partner I’ve ever had. People dismiss this … but they don’t understand this power and connection of a true relationship with God. It is very real. It changes everything. Further, the Holy Spirit is an incredible teacher .. He teaches in a way no human can. He writes the truths on your heart. My own life is my testimony. I’ve simply followed where God has led, and the journey is proof to the perfection of His perfect will.

      Jesus didn’t come to the system. He didn’t preach setting up a physical institutional system. He talked about the kingdom of God, a place made without hands, whose authority is God, whose head is Christ. Look at His teachings … what He demonstrated. It wasn’t about a system.

      I know this is a tough issue … I know people can perceive it as offensive … but that is what the truth does. If I felt the Word was saying that the system was going to be reworked … then that would be my focus. But I don’t feel that is what it says. I believe it says there will be a new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven .. a temple made without hands … this is what is eternal and real and incorruptible. I believe that is what is being prepared and ushered in … thus why the change from the current system.

      Hope this helps explains a bit more.

      Unhealthy vs. Healthy Fellowship

      Babylon the Great

      Leaving the Sanctuary Verses

      • very well writen by clayton, but in it all was mans structure and programe, sounds good, but its like god in a box!! it reminds me of the old keith green song where he says i dont care how big ya steeple is or how many buses ya got,,,, do you love your wife???? Daniel never bowed to the false system of worship and his acountability was god himself,!!! have you heard steve mcveys book, grace walk, or grace rules? or seen his blogg, 101 lies taught in church, interesting stuff,!!

    • That is correct! Amen!

  27. Hi Rachel, it’s me again, I didn’t think you would actually respond back thank you!

    In my honest opinion verses your opinion, I think your understanding of the book of Revelation is really off the wall a bit, sorry! I’m trying to understand your understanding, and it’s getting further off the map for me. Really this understanding is the thrust of what I believe has gotten you on the road your on.

    You must be rendering or understanding or believing that we are living in the 1000 year reign of Christ, that all the judgements of have taken place the church has been raptured and we are now left to fend for the faith on our own??? The church of the NT was birthed on Pentecost and is present without spot on wrinkle through the blood of Jesus. It’s the blood and the work of Jesus that makes the church righteous before God, nothing else.

    Your response to me before was, “Jesus didn’t come to the system. He didn’t preach setting up a physical institutional system. He talked about the kingdom of God, a place made without hands, whose authority is God, whose head is Christ. Look at His teachings … what He demonstrated. It wasn’t about a system.”

    I’m not following this “system” terminology maybe. Are you saying church? Whether you like it or not your establishing a system too.

    Jesus did established a New Covenant, a new wine skin, called the church – which was a new promise through Jesus Christ which was established and set up by the Holy Spirit coming to those that call on the name of the Lord, which none of this could of been done without Him going to the cross and shedding His blood. I don’t think you disagree with that so far but you are teaching the church age ended and it’s over… that’s a real bad teaching Rachel!

    If we want to see what Jesus acually said about the church let’s see His own words, which are very different from yours.

    Matt 16:18-19
    18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
    19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

    The church is being built, it is not dead, it is not Babylon, it has not ended, it is not corrupt, it is not a system, it is the church – which is people who have called on the name of Jesus to be saved – amen! The church is only thing on this earth that has a promise to never be overcome.

    Jesus was committed to and had a habit (custom) of going to the synagogue (Father’s House).

    Heb 10:25
    Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another– and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
    – the word encourage is a greek word ‘parakaleo’ which is two words mean draw alongside and call. It paints the picture of team coming together to encourage their lives. How is that a bad thing, when Jesus did it and set the church up through the Holy Spirit to continue to do it but with the power of the Holy Spirit which makes those gathers even more powerful. That’s a good thing Rachel!

    Acts 17:2-3
    2 As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
    3 explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead. “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ,” he said.
    – Apostle Paul also had a habit of gathering together.

    Matthew 16:18-19 shows us for something to be built there has to structure and the Bible is full of the plans that God has set for His church. We must submit (the church) to Christ, and that means listen to His word which speaks of love and promise of the church.

    Come on Rachel read it, this sounds great and it’s not what you are saying about the church. This is the church!
    Eph 5:23-30
    23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
    24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
    25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
    26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
    27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
    28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
    29 After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church–
    30 for we are members of his body. (NIV)

    When I read some of you articles on end times, they sound a little similair to the Mormon ideas of Joseph Smith coming to America, without any regard to scripture fulfillment. It sound similair to the Muslim revelation that had an experience and wanted to start their own thing seperate from the Jewish roots and Christianity.

    Your comments on, “judgement starts with the house of God” is exactly what I feel you are doing, but God loves the church and is using the church, the body of Christ to reach the world.

    You have used this verse; 1 Pet 4:17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

    – now serious look at these verse and go up a few verses, what is Peter talking about. He is talking about persecutions of the world against the people of God (the church). We will get persecuted and insulted as the house of God. Rachel you are fulfilling that scrupture by teaching and telling people to leave the church, that the church is fallen, that the church is Babylon, and whatever else you are saying.

    I love the church, because Jesus loves the church and died for it even before he birthed a New Covenant one on the day of Pentecost.

    Can we be honest what kind of church denominations were you from? What happened to make you against God’s church? Maybe that will help me in understanding where you are coming from and why this path you are on is so confusing, and destructive to God’s church that will NEVER be overcome because Jesus is building it!! I want to be a part of what Jesus is building and what he died for and what he sent His Holy Spirit for and what he was even committed to and had a habit of going to. He was perfect yet He still went. I want to ask you for forgiveness of whatever has been done and said by members of the church. I’m very sorry. Rachel you need the church, and the church loves you.

    Ps 92:13
    planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.

    Sincerily in Christ,


    • Hi Clayton, perhaps part of the problem is terminology – because I agree with certain things you are saying …

      For me and when I write …. True church = body of Christ = those who come in truth to God by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Those who abide in His truth and follow God wherever He leads. They are united together in one spirit.

      Church system = the man-made institution, full of man’s teachings and doctrines mixed in with God’s, ordinances, rules. It’s a business. It contains of those of God and those not, though I believe the true church is separating itself from the system as the end draws near.

      I see these as two different things. I think you see them as the same?

      So, I agree with you that the true church is the body of Christ. This Church is built by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, as Peter came to know Jesus as the Christ not by man but by revelation of the Holy Spirit .. that is how the true church is built.

      However, what you see in scripture and today is a man-made system that has connected/overlapped itself with the true church. … how much more so now? This man-made system/institution is what I’m referring to … not the true body of Christ. I see them as separate – though some think them as one. To me it is obvious they are not.

      From the parable in Matthew 13 of the wheat and tares .. we know that they are mixed together and allowed to grow together for a time, then at some point they are separated out. From what I see and what I read I believe we are in that time of separation. The true church still is very connected … they always will be.

      Not going to a church building doesn’t mean you are forsaking the true body of Christ. The true body isn’t defined by a building. It’s defined by the souls that are truly a part of Christ – where God is the head. True believers don’t forsake … they love the true church, even those not aware of God’s love yet.

      From my experience and observation, this separation is guided by the Holy Spirit, just as someone coming to really know Christ as Lord is– it isn’t by the persuasion of a person. People either “see” or don’t. We each have to put God first, seek Him with all our heart, soul and mind and follow where He leads. No doubt people differ on what that looks like – but that too is a part of His plan.

    • That is correct, Clayton! Yesss!

    • I totally agree with you Clayton. I think our sister is lost. I once wrote a comment quoting some of the scriptures you quoted

  28. Well said Rachel,

    It often challenging to express why the change from the norm to something that is different. I don’t see where in scripture that what we have today is actually in the bible? Can you imagine Paul or Peter running a ministry or church like we have today back then? I just don’t see it. But it still doesn’t make it wrong to have that style of church.

    Keep up the good work!

  29. Yep still growing and learning! I think in this country our example of church is far different from other countries. I have read and listened to missionaries that have experienced and witnessed a different and more real church. Biggest confusion is the word “church” we have turned it into a place than a people. They say first time use of the word ekklesia to referred as a christian meeting place was written around AD 190 by Clement of Alexandria. It also has been said that he was the first person to use the phrase “go to church” Before that it was used to refer a people called out.


    • Hi Mike – interesting … that’s been my experience as well – churches varing in different countries… churches can take on many forms and using the same word for all of it is confusing.

  30. Yes, I do see Paul and Peter a huge support and attached to a local church. It’s pretty easy to see that as a majority of the NT shows that. They were encouraging local churches, because they helped establish and plant them.

    Yes, the ‘church’ means called out ones. To be called out you have to be in though! You have to have a home base from which you are called out from.

    The followers of Christ had two mandates – a commitment to a local church body and a commitment to reaching out to spread the gospel. This is the biblical way and truth that we need to follow to be effective for God. Our ways, are not His ways so the whole issue of church needs to be Biblically based. Until we’re in heaven, the church will be.
    Acts 2:46
    Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,

    The account of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13 – the tares are the sinners not the church people that believe in local churches. I hope you agree with that. There will be a day for judgement and the sinners (tares) will be revealed to be judged and the wheat (church) will be shown. There is a lot of things to happen until then. This is again a big end times teaching where we looking at Rev. 6 and 14 being fulfilled. This big gathering is eternal judgement which means tares going to the lake of fire and the wheat going to heaven where all the OT saints and all the NT saints are gathered all together. You can’t apply this to now, as it is prophetic! In no way does this apply to the church as it wasn’t even birthed yet.

    This is my concern; the church ceases to become spiritual when it becomes self seeking. There must never be a focus of developing our own lives and leaving others to their own. We are not hear to develop our own ideas and our own spiritual retreat. We must be a collective Body in local areas building His Body, for the glory of God. Our teaching must build not tear down. We need to encourage and be overcomers in our local churches. The problem and reason for people seperating from local churches and do their own thing is that they have become self sufficient primarily because of materialism! Rich people love doing there own thing because they have money.

    Nothing has changed; Jesus is building His church… and the church will continue to grow as local churches being equipped and sent out to reach more people.


    • Hi Clayton – God loves you, God loves me. He loves His children. He desires all to have a relationship with Him, a real relationship that is personal and built on truth. He desires to abide in unity with each one in truth and love. We often give lip service to this will of His and not our lives. Let’s stir one another in this relationship we are each to nuture. When we each focus on that relationship with HIm, then all will follow as it should. Many get so distracted with other things … and neglect this foundational truth and will of God. He is to be our first love. If our energies are governed toward this desire of God and especially encouraging others to develop this relationship, as no one can do it for them, then the rest of this stuff will play out as it should.


  31. Well, quite a discussion here! The core issue, it seems to me, is to have a personal, living, spirit-led, daily relationship with Jesus. This comes by spending time with Him and in the Word. Fronting up to a building at 10;00 a.m. Sunday or 7;00p.m wed. house meeting is not the same thing. There are may different religious [denominational] clubs, each with their rules, requirements, agendas, etc..If relationship is defined as allegiance the “system” [of whatever stripe] then that misses the point. The meeting together of the saints is spiritual-believers drawn in to fellowship by the Holy Spirit… it is organic, living and relational.

    • Hi Martin – much agreed that is the core issue, and to be our focus. If we attend to our relationship the rest follows. Thanks for your comment, and it’s good to hear from you 🙂 Hope you’ve been well.

      • Rachel.. good to hear from you.. you might find some material of interest on Roy Waldrom’s Facebook page.. he’s been putting up some good observations. We chat skype–daily.

        Good to see you are soldiering on with the blog and these issues…
        blessings…will keep following the””conversation””


      • Hi Martin, thanks – I’ll check it out. 🙂

  32. Thanks Rachel and Martin,

    My thoughts also, but I also see that our relationship with God will cause me to love the church even more. Church is like a family, you take the good you take the bad because they are family you stay committed to loving them and being family. Not because you agree with everything, not because they are perfect, not because it’s all your way. No, you stay as a family to them because they are family. The church is the same! May we never bash, slam, slander, talk down the family of God. We need to be in relationship with the family of God.

    We all have systems, whether we will admit it or not. By nature we are systematic, if you don’t agree tell me your protocol in the morning… see what I mean. Our spiritual lives are no different, there are things we do that could probably be canned as a system because of the repetiion in which we do it.

    Jesus was committed to going to a building, it was custom, a habit. It wasn’t that hot in those days either… lots of problems but he went to speak truth in love. Paul was also committed to building a new movement of churches but he also continued to help the old temple in seeing the good news of Jesus. If Jesus was ok with it, why wouldn’t I? We have a responsibility to people also!

    As soon as you become a house church or a believer that has left the church… or say a person that is committed to going to a church ‘building’ you all have a system.

    So the system isn’t the issue it’s the love you have for the family and how you speak of the family is very important because it’s the family of God. Its the blood of Jesus running through His church, so I guess I get a little uptight about telling people to leave the church building because that ‘system’ has ended.

    We need to love God so much and out of that love we love His Bride the church!

    Martin I agree with what you are saying but would add the church is also focused and not a whim and prayer. There is goal, there is a vision, there is a plan, there is so much more to the church than a coffee time, a personal retreat, friendships, ect. There must be a concerted effort of God’s people to reach the lost at every cost! God has entrusted the church to reach the lost through the power of the Holy Spirit. We must go!!

    I love God so much and I want to see him glorified through my life. I can’t live out things my way but His way. I believe my flesh says do what you want to commit to the family of God but I know the word of God and the Holy Spirit are so clear in pointing me to His church that gathers without invitaion to come. Jesus is building a glorious church, with the people that love Him, love His people and are reaching the lost.


    • Hi Clayton –

      This analogy came to me … I hope it helps clarify.

      Kids love candy stores and fast food. The market appeals to them and it simply tastes good. IF that was their only diet, they may stay alive, but the damage done is extensive in many ways. It leads failing health, obesity, low self-esteem, cognitive deterioration, many and various illnesses, and weaknesses to a plethora of diseases. On this diet, they come to the point where they are so malnourished their bodies starve nutritionally and death knocks at the door. They may be getting want they want in the moment, but it isn’t for their best.

      When a child wants a Twinkie – it seems loving to give him what he wants. It makes him happy, and he loves you for it, which also feels good. Is this love? Everyone seems happy, joyful and thankful.

      To not give them the junk food they desire, but to give them the healthy food they need is much better, though they might not like it at the moment. However in the end, they will understand why you did and that you were truly caring for their soul. Is this love? Now when all the parents are handing out Twinkies it gets much harder to not do the same. It even starts to seem like not such a bad idea. What’s the big deal? The power of groupthink is at play. At acceptance of Twinkies, everyone partakes without much thought to the ramifications. Even the parents join in. And when everyone is sick, they don’t see the illness – because it creeps on gradually, other things are blamed – they can’t see it is their diet that is killing them. They are looking to each other for what a bill of health looks like – so they remain blinded.

      Some are realizing the churches are the candy store and fast food restaurants. It’s instant delights that feel good in the moment – even the “stern words of truth” spoken now and then by the pastor and the few scriptures read that are wrapped in opinions, stories and interpretations make all the rest seem okay like tomatoes and lettuce on a greasy hamburger layered with mayonnaise. When you realize that churches, though they seem good on the outside, are actually harmful to your spiritual health and they don’t offer just candy, but are the candy store, you go find some nourishing food.

      Churches are offering seeking souls a buffet of things that feel good at the moment of consumption but don’t do much for them. In fact, if that is their diet, it can and does destroy them on the inside out – thus harder to detect to the undiscerning eye. There are so many examples of this .. but I’ll take what is the main one in my opinion.

      We were instructed to make disciples of the nations … Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, God saves. Only God can resurrect a dead life. But we are to teach those awaking from their sleep to learn from Christ, the Word. That they need to eat of the bread of heaven, for this is life. Because those who learn FROM GOD truly turn to Christ. John 6:45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me. But instead what happens far too often.. Jesus said, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves Matthew 23:15

      The first fellowship we are to have is to be with God. He is the FIRST love. When we nurture that fellowship with God … then we can have true fellowship with others – whatever level we are at. Otherwise we are sitting/feasting with demons or those holding doctrines of demons. 1 Timothy 1:4 Sounds powerful… but if people don’t fellowship with God and have that individual relationship, who truly is their God?

      This individual seeking under the tutelage of Christ isn’t found in the lives of most church goers.

      In the Bible (esp. books of the prophets) you learn and when you look around you see the institutional church as a whole hinders this discipleship (the bread of life) because it sets people up to be dependent on humans, not God. Isaiah 29:13 It greatly hinders them from seeking due to the many wayward doctrines and teachings, structure and misplaced praise. The church is presented and structured to have people learn from people, to trust in their words and their interpretations of words, not learn from God. The church leads people to be disciples of other people instead of Christ. They are eating Twinkie’s instead of vegetables.

      You can test this ill-placed feasting by asking the majority of church goers: Who is your teacher? Where did you learn about God? How much time they spend in the Bible one-on-one with God learning from the Holy Spirit who was given to you for this purpose? Look at what/who they trust? See who they truly fear? See who they obey, really? (the multitude of denominations should give you a big hint here) See who they refer to in terms of what they have been learning. See who they truly follow? It’s other people, not God. 2 Timothy 4:3, 2 Thessalonians 2:10

      Now you may have to listen in-between words … they often speak one thing and do another. The self-deception runs deep. But if you listen and observe you will see their true trust.

      The churches starve souls. There is a famine in the land for a lack of the Word. Amos 8:11 You see the starving souls everywhere. I’m constantly talking to them … people who have been in the church system for years. It brings them in offering them the kingdom of God … but another person can’t give us the kingdom, only when we go diligently walking the narrow path ourselves – the one that few find and walk. Matthew 7:13-14 All people can do is point to the path but we must walk it. But the reality is churches step in the place of where God should be – offering to fill the void and need – one they can’t do it, and two they weren’t meant to do it. People stop truly seeking the face of God and that leads to spiritual death and decay.

      Some say, at least the Twinkies are better than nothing.. but it’s not better when the healthy lavish garden is abundantly available – it’s just people have been mislead about it’s existence and availability. And yes it isn’t the instant gratification (there’s a whole other analogy in that aspect)

      Look at most in the churches, ask the church goers about their time and where it is spent? It will reveal their God. And God isn’t the church. They are two separate entities. Yes, He loves His people. And those abiding in Him do as well. But the love of God coincides with truth, and what is truly good for us. People need to be awakened and stirred because they are starving as they are. But as long as the “authorities”, the pastors and leaders who they trust, say all is good (saying peace, peace) even when there is not – that is what their followers will believe. It is a death trap to many souls.

      So is this love? Or is pulling them out of the candy stores and fast food shops and leading them to the garden of vegetables and every healthy food? Sure, they have withdrawal and want to go back to the candy and fast food – it tastes good and is instant … but we know where that leads.

      But here it gets even more serious … God is very serious. He loves His people. He won’t let the starvation continue on as it has forever. The cries of those souls are coming up to His ears. Thus He is sending out the Word about the true feast – the one He gives. Ezekiel 34 The truth is leaving the churches more and more every day. Most have not sought God, so it is going down the path of that choosing – lies, deception, which is the heart of Satan’s game play. Ephesians 5:11

      Lamentations 2:7 The Lord has spurned His altar, He has abandoned His sanctuary; He has given up the walls of her palaces Into the hand of the enemy. They have made a noise in the house of the LORD As on the day of a set feast.

      The prophets speak volumes of what is happening. Many think because of what they’ve been taught by others that their words don’t apply to them. All applies to us. We need to examine all of our lives by the Word of God.

      What is love? What is the most loving thing to do? But more important, what does God ask us to do? His love is perfect. We have to trust His leading, and it is clear He is leading those desiring the bread of heaven out of the candy stores and fast food chains.

    • my responce to all what has been said concerning assembling your selves together in the meeting house is if anyone has that true love of god in his heart and soul he or she she would never ever leave the regular church system unless forced out like excomunicated by the heads in authority of the place amen

  33. Clayton, I agree it is His work in us by the Holy Spirit that the world needs to see in believers. We are his workmanship, not our own. As Jesus is building the church, it’s his job to shape the living stones- us. Our desire should be to reflect Christ in us. It is to that the world would respond. Regards and Blessings..

  34. Rachel I don’t agree, obviously with what you are saying. Your message can be divisive, destructive and contrary to what God has declared in His word.

    Thank you for you analogy I’m sorry you feel that way and think those things.

    The church I see and I’m a part of is held together by the Holy Spirit to help transform people to His potential. I love being part of what Jesus is building by His Holy Spirit.

    I’m not the one declaring a destructive message on the internet, but you have chosen to do this and it’s so loaded with untruths, fear, threats, guilt, condemnation that it’s hard to believe you are saying such things about His church. Your not talking about buildings and systems but people in buildings. You are talking about people living out what they believe is the will of God for their lives. I want to believe your intent isn’t to be like this but you clearly are not building but continue to tear down people in the church that go to a building.

    You interpret scriptures from the OT and then say they are talking about the NT church or context. Then in NT scriptures you refer to worldly, ungodly things as the church. I’m sorry your premise leads you to speak against the church. It would do you well to build instead of tear down.

    There’s a world that needs to hear the gospel, that Jesus loves them and can save them from their sins, death and the devil.

    You quote this scripture in reference to the church… wow, unbelievable.
    Eph 5:11
    Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

    Rachel your gospel is you won’t go to heaven if you go to a building that comes together as the church… that’s what I’m hearing you say. That is so shallow and void of God’s truth. It is the righteousness of Jesus that gets me into heaven, not some man made idea of a candy store.

    The whole NT is speaking to a church that gathers together on a mission to fulfill the great commission. I want to be what the words shows us to be!!!

    Acts 2:46-47
    46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
    47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


    • Hi Clayton … not sure you are understanding at all what I’m saying by your comments, so it doesn’t make sense to keep going back and forth when their is no understanding.

      May we love others in all truth and sincerity. May we be rightly united to God as He calls us to. May we always put His Word above all others. And may our lives truly glorify Him.

      • Rachel,

        Many just cannot grasp the true meaning of “church” and cannot distinguish between the true and the false. Much is said in scripture about both. The women in Refelations represent the church. One of the women produced the man child or the elect, one rode upon a beast (system of government of man). So here we have two women, one able to produce mature sons and another which produced people who looked outwardly like sons ( the five wise and the five foolish). Both looked alike, dressed alike, spoke alike and the foolish even had spiritual gifts of tongues and healing and prophecy. Many of the five wise and five foolish passed through the same systems as the other. Some came out (“come out of her my people and be not partakers of “her” sins and so some stayed and some came out.

        The false system is dominated by the spirit of man which takes the things of God and turns them into their own selfish method of attracting people unto themselves. When people cannot distinguish between good fruit and bad and it’s source they can never see and discern between false prophets and good prophets for often times their words are indistinguishable. Now even the five foolish was surprised that they were rejected for they actually thought they were ministers of God…they were in the “building” so to speak, they were organized, they had their structure of bishops, overseers, and gifts which they used to convert others to “their way” of thinking, thinking they were perpetuating the kingdom but were only building their own numbers and agenda. These five foolish actually thought they were right and would ridicule the five wise just as they do today.

        A person must be given “eyes” to see the true kingdom and what it is and where it comes from. Many of these who have been given spiritual eyes to see must see all things spiritual as the foolish could not.

        One way to be know by one’s fruit is if one is always taking the gifts of God and using them to increase congregational numbers thinking this type of gain is godliness when in most cases the foolish have only made a proselyte out of someone bringing them out of falseness into another situation just as bad or worse.

        We must therefore seek the true church which Christ explains cannot come by observation with the carnal eye. Brick and mortar certainly can be observed by the natural eye and so many are still fooled and teach as the five foolish in our day…” and more so” than ever.” Denominations by the tens of thousands of the foolish blind leading the blind”. Now we are not to condemn the people that are imprisoned by the systems but the systems themselves which dominate the people by whatever label they may wear. So let those of us who the veil has been lifted from,… to see the true church (one here and one there that have came out) is made up of living stones where the church resides in their heart (the wise) and no one can see this church by observing it for it is spirit and can only be seen and observed by the spirit. One does not have to go to to an observed church ( by the nTural eye) to worship in spirit and in truth….however when one “sees” and participates in the true they are free to go anywhere whether it is a building called a church, a home assembly or a tree in the middle of a pasture to meet and share the word ( spirit) of God with another.

        To an enlightened one, no one is excluded from Heaven by their affiliation with the true or the false for all are on a journey from falseness to trueness, from the natural to the spiritual. So…we pray for all, whether blind or not. The true church condemns no one to being lost but prays for all to see and if God does not permit one to Ge elevated to the 100 fold way of being and thinking…. all is still well in the end for all will be separated into one of three folds or orders…some 30, some 60, and some 100. None are lost, no not one, just different rewards for their level of understanding and obedience to it.

        So we do not condemn the blind, we pray that all may see all that God permits them to see… and whatever sight God allows another…we thank God…for it and pray Gods will to be done for others and whatever order and class God permits to us all. We accept all in whatever order God has them in…and pray that they move up if it is Gods will. If it is not Gods will we accept this also. We must get over thinking we must all see alike and there is only one reward. We see according to our own calling, therefore we should not condemn, argue and debate another according to what they understand. I will say it is always the carnal man and mind condemning the spirit because it is the carnal man that is always looking for fault (five foolish) in others to put them beneath their own version of the truth for they see as Eve does, from the fruit of knowledge and not of love ( the tree of life…Christ attitude).

        There is much to say about church progression, from the natural to the spiritual, and there is even more to say and understand on how church us to be conducted. When we keep the true church floors swept and clean, our foundation in Christ, we sweep it clean from condemnation and instead build on the truth, the love of God for all, in all, until we all come all we can be, in Him.

        Whatever “church” one is in, be serious about seeking the love of God in all things, leaving and foresaking wanting to be recognized (ego) and admired (pride of life) in what we say and do. The “most “blind, as the five foolish, are in the outward church made with hands, conversely the wise see wherever the natural body is, it is the condition of the heart which makes one wise and true.

        The plan of God is all conclusive, it is the order which separates our understanding of the kingdom and its order. Not all have the same order and calling therefore we all a are given to our abilities…given us in Christ. God lives all in their order given them,we are to do the same. “Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.” It is all inclusive.”

        Regards to all


    • Hi, Clayton! You are very right, clear and correct. I’d like to have a 1-st, maybe brief, conversation with you. I’m hoping to connect with me through skype: m.raynov (or Mitko i Mariela Raynovi). I’ll wait. Strive boldly!

    • Clayton, I agree with you to disagree with Rachel about her view of church. Church isn’t perfect nevertheless is God’s church. As long as it’s gathering of authentic, born again believers to worship and obey God as a collective body ,it’s a church even though the organization of it may not perfect. I attend church weekly. I don’t agree all with how things are run . if we stay away from church for a long time we’re not connected to the body n we become easy prey to scheme of the evil one . watch out !

      • The “church” in the time Christ walked upon the earth and where it had grown to from its origination of being founded…it had finally become very “dominated” by man. Man had taken the things of God and taught the people to look at themselves , the priest, and to pursuance people to love them instead of teaching the people to look to God.

        The ritual in and around the temple became something to be “admired” in and of itself instead of the priest teaching what they stood for. The outward was all they knew and understood. This is why Christ scolded the Saducees and Pharisees…they were so enamored with the praises of men the could not see, when Christ came, that the “church” was moved from the outward to the inward temple. “Know you not that you are the temple of God.”

        And so it remains today, that the church was made an inward “building” of lively stones in which we are, with Christ at the head or “chief corner stone.”

        Since Christ the true church is not one that one can see by observation because it is in the individual heart. No one can observe God’s true church because these are made up of people who have been raised up in spirit to see that that does not come by observation. You can see a denominal church building with the natural eye but you cannot see the true church (s) because they are within a person’s very being and they walk in their temples 24/7.

        The ritual of the buildings ended with Christ just as He explained in the New Testament. Having said all this, nothing is to be condemned from our perspective and heart. We are born condemned already to vanity and we are to grow out of our fallen state. So those of us who have passed through the rituals and symbols and have learned from the natural, we now see a much more enlighten way, and that is keeping our temples clean within our hearts. We are to keep our temple swept clean of thinking that buildings, rituals, symbols and types are spiritual things when they are only an explanation of the true.

        We all must learn to live in the spirit, to be kind to those who would take the “type” and not understand there is an “antitype”, the true meaning. To argue about meanings of words and debated another condescendingly shows that one has no understanding of the scripture at all. This is because all the law and prophets (rituals, building and sayings) hang on the two great commandments and these are about loving God and your fellow man in the same manner.

        If one’s “knowledge” does not teach one to love, they have studied in vein for their knowledge has produced no fruit, for we will not be known by our knowledge of the fruit but the fruit itself. We respect (love) another while we discuss with this particular other the things that interest us…and them. If our intention is to prove another wrong (even if they are) with an attitude of variance then we have missed the whole point and have defiled our temple. To discuss with love and respect and wait for the Lord to open the eyes of another…we do so with patience.

        So there is a lot to be said about the church and where it is…when we know it is within we do not use the excuse that it is off out there somewhere waiting for a one hour visit on Sunday. Those who worship in the true temple do so 24/7 with no arguement and no excuses of ” I went to church on Sunday” leaving room to err on Monday.

        So…. Some food for thought for those who don’t understand the spiritual place of the church. It is my opinion ( for what it’s worth) is that the one who is being accused of being wrong is actually the one who is correct in the explanation of the false and true church. Look within.

        Much peace and enlightenment to you.

      • amen danny soon

  35. Isn’t it sad that in any small town there will be on one corner “The church of….” and on another corner , “The first reformed church of the….”” and on a third corner ” The Holy church of….” etc etc.
    There are sincere people who would be attending all three venues at the appointed time on any given Sunday, each of whom believing they are doing what they understand to be the Lord’s will for them.
    Perhaps the question is what is being worshiped- ? the particular religious franchise or the Lord of the Church? The true Church is a spiritual entity which the Lord is building by his Holy Spirit. It is not a brick and mortar enterprise. True worship is is in Spirit and Truth….

  36. On the other side, just a true… isn’t is sad that there people in that same town sitting in their wood and brick homes because they can’t worship with those in the wood and brick buildings because they are better and more arrived in the spirituality to need to walk with them…

    The question always is what is being worshipped. In some of those places they are worshipping wrong things and in others they are fulfilling what God set up in His Word – a large gathering of the saints and a small gathering in homes. Both of these are needed, not one or the other, but both. I good with home gatherings, life groups, cell groups, whatever you want to call them. Jesus had his 12 but he also made it a custom to gather at His Father house. The disciples in the book of Acts also continued this, Father’s House, and house gatherings.

    We cannont fulfill the big picture of God’s plan by by sitting in your home as a soloist. Another eample; think about the generosity of the Macedonia churches in the NT they were known for the generosity for building the Kingdom. These were not soloist having home meetings but these were churches united in corporate vision for the Kingdom of God. Their heart was to, “share in this service to the saints.” Verse 5 kinda speaks why they did it!

    2 Cor 8:1-5
    1 And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches.
    2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.
    3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own,
    4 they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints.
    5 And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.

    When we pull apart the army of God into little home gatherings we diminish the strength of the bodies gifts, visions, resources, finances, ect. We must work together. The Holy Spirit unites in spirit, so why and how can we ever think the same Holy Spirit is going to pull us apart into smaller soloist, individualized faith groups. I can’t do a lot things, but I can through supporting others by teaching, praying, financing, sending short missions teams, equipping, ect.

    I have never worshipped a brand of Christianity and don’t believe a majority of Christians do either. I have however seen many people try to live out a indiviualized Christianity, which really is a contrast of truth in what Jesus showed us to do.

    Matthew 26:42
    He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”

    – sounds like another account of Jesus showing us that we need to think about others over our will.

    I’ll say it again; the church that gatherings in buildings fulfills the will of God together because each does it’s part.

    Eph 4:11-16
    11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,
    12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
    13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
    14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
    15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
    16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (NIV)


  37. John 4:19-24

    19 The woman said to Him, Sir, I see and understand that You are a prophet.

    20 Our forefathers worshiped on this mountain, but you [Jews] say that Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary and proper to worship.

    21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither [merely] in this mountain nor [merely] in Jerusalem.

    22 You [Samaritans] do not know what you are worshiping [you worship what you do not comprehend]. We do know what we are worshiping [we worship what we have knowledge of and understand], for [after all] salvation comes from [among] the Jews.

    23 A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers.

    24 God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).

    This passage illustrates what Jesus told the woman in regard to places of worship, as distinct from the nature and quality of worship. It is, essentially, an issue of relationship, not an address.

  38. Relationship with God and relationship with His church cannot be seperated. You have to love the church because Jesus died for it and sent the Holy Spirit and birthed the church. The address is where they gather in His name to fulfill His purposes. No gathering, no equipping – very simple. Eph. 4 is very clear on the purpose of the church.

    When the Apostle Paul gave His life to the Jesus He immediately was brought in relationship with an address of the church. He wasn’t left to go home and discover His own revelation or to do whatever he wanted to do with this revelation. No, Paul joined in and built together what God was already building and doing. The whole Bible is filled with people that followed God in the same way, including Jesus himself…

    This is not what is being said here on this blog. Why is it ok in the name of relationship to cut off relationships with people that believe in the church and why then promote this division and segregation of God’s people? The message given that I read is that those in the church (address) are lost and going to hell because God is done with it… that is not a message of relationship…

    People need a connection point, a place of encouragement, worship, gifts of the spirit, prayer, discipleship, mentoring, vision for the world, ect. You will not get that on your own and by promoting a message of individualized faith. The body of Christ is not one and is not divided but the true body of Christ gathers together to hear from God and accomplishes His truth through the body of Christ because the Head is the body is Jesus who calls the shots.

    Jesus established the church, eqiupped it, empowered it and continues to breath life through His church. Every where I go around the world I find the church of Jesus Christ commited to the commission of building, sacrificing their lives for the purpose of reaching the lost at all costs.

    • Hi Clayton — again, to not be in a local church building doesn’t mean that you aren’t a part of the true body of Christ, love that body and engage it deeply and in meaningful ways. It isn’t isolation by any means. Most church goers have been taught that fellowship = part of local church. That isn’t the case. Fellowship is gathering of believers anywhere anytime. Just last night my husband and I were talking about true fellowship. Often those in the church talk about the lack of true fellowship – it is a thin and superficial connection. Just because you are in a church doesn’t mean you have fellowship. True fellowship is something you engage in regardless of a church building. There are multiple verses about unhealthy fellowship. We are to honor God’s Word in all senses … so if healthy fellowship isn’t in the church – then it is somewhere else – God will provide; He is very powerful – but most don’t trust Him to provide but instead trust the church. The true church is the true believers and body of Christ that isn’t defined by walls.

      Much of what you say, sounds like you trust in the church system … verses God. It is the Holy Spirit that equips, God isn’t limited to a building to build His true church. The church systems are what create the massive divisions … look at all the denominations. If everyone came under the tutelage of Christ (as we are instructed – to make disciples of Christ) and not man, as they do in the church structure today, then they would be more united. The Spirit connects us … it is amazing to see how God connects the true body of believers – and it’s a powerful unity. The Holy Spirit teaches us … others can confirm and enhance, but the Spirit teaches us. 1 John 2:27 Our trust is to be in God, not humans. God provides every need. God is powerful. God is God. Many look to the church to provide when they should be looking to God. The Rock is God. Our fortress, trust on which we stand. When you really examine much of what you say, your dependency seems to be on the church – and not giving God the power? 2 Tim. 3:5

      Further, I haven’t said those going to church will go to hell. I don’t believe in the hell as most churches preach today for one. But two, I think God is far more merciful with His flock, as history shows, that has been lead astray by false doctrine. But that doesn’t mean they won’t suffer judgment and the consequences of following man instead of God. We reap what we sow. Though we often don’t reap the extent of it, this is God’s mercy.

      Clayton, look at what the church had become when Jesus came to earth? Look at how He spoke to the Pharisees … do you not think the church could become corrupted again? Don’t you think God could do something new again at Jesus’ second coming as He did at His first? He will. The Bible speaks of the New Jerusalem. e are seeing the preparations for that. God set that up that structure that became corrupt – but then man’s doctrines took over making it something it was never intended to be.

      We have to closely study all the Word and what it says about the times we are in now … we need to put our faith in God’s plans and not our own. We need to look to His Word for the truth. We need to trust in Him and His provision. The prophets speak of what will become of the House of God … and when you look around you see their prophecies coming true. It’s hard. My prayers go out to all … that all would come and seek God in truth and spirit and not know Him falsely because of misleading doctrines.

      Many resisted Paul’s words because it was so different from their traditions. God was doing a new thing. They clung to the old. May we not be bound by our traditions and not follow where God is leading us today.

      Church, no church, the focus should be on each one of us cultivating a relationship with God – then we will be able to hear His counsel and guidance. We are to be planted in the good soil, His truth, learning from Him by His Holy Spirit as He has instructed us. If we do, then we will follow where He leads which is according to His plans, not ours.

  39. Might one suggest that fellowship is relational rather than institutional. The church is a spiritual entity; believers are the living stones… Paul writes that “we are His workmanship…”
    In His mercy and grace ,Father God by his Holy Spirit, molds and shapes believers to conform to the character of Christ. Our decision is to be willing to enter the process. Sometimes we, as individual stones need to be chipped to remove the rough edges [attitudes, grudges, resentments etc]. The process may not be comfortable, but the end result will be brilliant. If only we could get it clear that it is the Lord’s construction project and not ours! May we be willing to be shaped and have our thinking renewed by the Word and the Spirit…

    • Hi Martin, love what you said here Martin. How true, it is God’s work and not ours. We so often want to take control, though we really can’t, to make ourselves feel like we are moving forward and doing something. But God is the Creator. Interesting, you comment strongly points to my blog post for this Monday. 🙂 Also, like how you phrased fellowship as relational rather than institutional. And may we all remember the most important fellowship and the one often neglected is with our Lord each morning.

    • My beloved failmy in India my name is Pierina and my husband is Philip, we belong to the failmy of Kingdom Ministries Bendigo.Oh how i rejoice within me that the nation of India has been captured by our God and that He has chosen you dear Pearson and Suganthy to be one of the firstfruits of Gods kingdom in India.I am grateful and joyfully read your email and watched the video through the internet. What a wonderful way to see failmy abroad.The Sovereign Lord has truly shown His justice and righteousness to the nation of India that His Glory may be shown forth. INDIA DOES BELONG TO JESUS.Our Love and blessings to you dear failmy ‘And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.’ (2 Corinthians 9:8) Philip and Pierina

  40. Clayton how can a building being made of living stones? Doesn’t make sense. To be living stone is us in the spirit. A building is made up of bricks and mortar.

    “having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, CHRIST JESUS Himself being the CORNER STONE, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a temple in the LORD, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of GOD in THE SPIRIT.”

    How can a building grow, not including a building campaign? it can’t but a body of people can, through and on Jesus the Messiah. You are hung up on the term church, you are held onto a physical meeting place, no one here is denying that this is wrong if someone decides to go to a building on Sundays for worship. If someone decides to stay home and fellowship in a different way how is that wrong? You have to remember much of what Christianity teaches is not biblical. There is no solid evidence and proof to why everything in the “church” or Christianity is done the way it is. The last thing I think Jesus said was go make disciples…but we got more busy into building pretty little churches, as Leonard Ravenhill would say, they ended up turning the church into a corporation.

    You mentioned earlier that people who choose not to go to the traditional church think they are more spiritual. How can you say something like that when there are countless denominations that are blatantly doing that? The sheer fact of having another denomination just proves that they feel more “spiritual” because there doctrines are more biblical than the other. Not sure what your denomination is but you are doing the same thing, you are claiming we are doing by being more “spiritual.” why don’t you all meet with other churches and break bread together if you are so against that?

    How do you feel about those who who can’t meet in gathering or “church”? Because of the area they are in? What about some of the elderly who can’t go to a building on Sunday? What about the homeless man or even the ex convict. Case in point an old friend who runs a Prison ministry was trying to find a local church to plug in a couple of ex convicts who surrender there life to Jesus, meet with the “pastor” to talk to him about them going there, the pastor declined because of there past. Not sure what it was, but nevertheless they were turned away, guess there was no room at the inn! Many churches have gotten into there own world,there own style and comfortable with there own demographic area that anything outside of that is questionable. Read John 9. The man born blind, here this man was born blind, questioned and questioned, his parents were questioned. What did they do…NOTHING, they were more concerned about being in the Synaque and afraid of the Jews(sounds like church authority to me) the didn’t want to get thrown out. The son however was thrown out, and Jesus met him outside of the their system. “Jesus heard that they had put him out and finding him, He said “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Don’t misunderstand me I am not saying that you can’t meet the Lord Jesus outside of the “church” and all are lost and miss guided who go to a traditional church, I just think this chapter is a good example of what others held to the only way back then to worship and hear from God. Shows that God is SPIRIT and must worship Him in Spirit. John 4:24

    “Anything that you love more than you love Jesus Christ is an idol. Don’t care what it is. I’m embarrassed to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ tonight, which is totally radically different from the New Testament, so impoverished, so blind, so powerless.”

    “I’ve come to this conclusion: there is a move of God in America today but not amongst the unsaved. It’s amongst the redeemed who are determined by the grace of God to be part of the bride and to be part of the bride you’ve to be divorced from everything in the world.”

    “Whisper in my ear that Satan has moved you up. He says you’re getting to be dangerous to his kingdom. He says you’re spoiling his plans, you’re thwarting his purposes, you’re pulling down his strongholds. We’re not pulling things out, we’re building pretty little churches and little rooms for people to sit around. If Jesus came back, He wouldn’t cleanse the temple. He would cleanse the pulpit.”
    *** Leonard Ravenhill, prophet of his time.


  41. John 2:19-22

    19 Jesus answered them, Destroy (undo) this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.

    20 Then the Jews replied, It took forty-six years to build this temple (sanctuary), and will You raise it up in three days?

    21 But He had spoken of the temple which was His body.

    22 When therefore He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this. And so they believed and trusted and relied on the Scripture and the word (message) Jesus had spoken. [Ps 16:10.]

    Here, a great illustration by the Lord in respect of what is being built… stone and bricks or that which is built on Christ-the cornerstone of the church– it’s all relational..
    1 Peter 2:6-7

    6 For thus it stands in Scripture: Behold, I am laying in Zion a chosen ( honored),
    precious chief Cornerstone, and he who believes in Him [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] shall never be disappointed or put to shame. [Isa 28:16.]

    7 To you then who believe (who adhere to, trust in, and rely on Him) is the preciousness; but for those who disbelieve [it is true], The [very] Stone which the builders rejected has become the main Cornerstone, [Ps 118:22.]

    Our true foundation is in Christ… what a gift…!

  42. I trust God and His word that declares an internal and external working of the church. What God does in side of us must come out of us for His glory. The church has an invisibile reality but must also have a external reality. The world looks to the external to see God, the physical church is so needed to display His glory in this world.

    Now the no’s;
    – no I don’t trust man over God, and by that I believe God to build His Church both physically and spiritually. Rachel your message to me sounds like a trust man more than trust God bc you are trecking your own thing and not what God has established and we are to building upon. Who are we, He is the builder we are to fulfill and build on it.
    – no I don’t trust all churches, just like you would trust any gathering in a home that says they are spiritually minded towards God… does it sound like I’m the kind of person that wouldn’t speak to something wrong in the church… I don’t think so…
    – no I don’t feel anyone is more spiritual, however I do believe people are being mislead and not following God’s will to build a church with leadership, accountability, equipping, sending, reach their community and world all from a physical gathering of the people of God.
    – no I don’t believe those that gather in a building are all saved – some are some aren’t

    Rachel you have said this about the church which stands out contrary to what I believe is truth found in God’s word;

    “It contains of those of God and those not, though I believe the true church is separating itself from the system as the end draws near.”
    – this statement is a not found anywhere in God’s word but I believe it shows that you are destructive of what God is building.

    “However, what you see in scripture and today is a man-made system that has connected/overlapped itself with the true church. … how much more so now?”
    – Rachel I see that you don’t believe in what the scripture speaks about the church which I do believe in 100%. God’s word is the only way.

    “From my experience and observation, this separation is guided by the Holy Spirit, just as someone coming to really know Christ as Lord is– it isn’t by the persuasion of a person.”
    – the same Holy Spirit that birthed the church on the day of Pentecost is now aborted it, that’s not the Holy Spirit.

    “This individual seeking under the tutelage of Christ isn’t found in the lives of most church goers.”
    – wow, how do you know that prehaps that judgement statement is at the core of what needs to change in your heart towards the church that gathers.

    “The church is presented and structured to have people learn from people, to trust in their words and their interpretations of words, not learn from God. The church leads people to be disciples of other people instead of Christ.”
    – part of discipleship is training and not only by words but by lifestyle. Jesus give this example as he trained His 12. Kind of sounds like the Apostle Paul’s words in 2 Cor 3:2-3
    You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody.
    You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

    “The churches starve souls.”

    – again wow… a general judgement on all of which their are true followers of God

    “The truth is leaving the churches more and more every day. Most have not sought God, so it is going down the path of that choosing – lies, deception, which is the heart of Satan’s game play.”

    – again a message of leaving the church is given. If Satan were to have a message would he be telling people to leave the church and become more individual… I think he would.

    “Further, I haven’t said those going to church will go to hell.”

    – that’s good, then because some of them are going to heaven AMEN!

    “I don’t believe in the hell as most churches preach today for one. ”
    – ok what’s this about? you don’t believe in hell… you’ll have to elaborate on this one please.

    – Rachel what’s your doctrine, scripture is not against doctrine I want to hear your doctrinal statement after hearing that you don’t believe in hell I’m confused where that came from… PLEASE TELL ME YOUR DOCTRINE!

    “I think God is far more merciful with His flock, as history shows, that has been lead astray by false doctrine. But that doesn’t mean they won’t suffer judgment and the consequences of following man instead of God. ”

    – I believe you are saying the church that gathers will be judged for gathering. Ahhh, what’s going on here?

    “Clayton, look at what the church had become when Jesus came to earth? Look at how He spoke to the Pharisees … do you not think the church could become corrupted again? Don’t you think God could do something new again at Jesus’ second coming as He did at His first? He will. The Bible speaks of the New Jerusalem. e are seeing the preparations for that. God set that up that structure that became corrupt – but then man’s doctrines took over making it something it was never intended to be. ”

    – Rachel the local church that I’m a part of is incredible. We gather with churches from lost of denomination once a year. There is co-operation in evangelism efforts, prayer and ministries. All these churches believe in and preach Jesus as the only way to the Father. They all teach if you call upon the name of the Lord you will be saved. The global church in our world is growing at unprecedented numbers. More people are being won to the Lord today than ever before. Is there bad, yep but where God moves so does Satan… Take a look at when Jesus ministered there was some bad things going on, yet He kept building… Yes, one day there will be new Jerusalem but lots has to take place including the changing our flesh to a new ‘tent’.


    In reference to John 4, what an amazing word God has given us. This scripture is really speaks to the reality of a inner working of the Holy Spirit of which I am so thankful for. It also shows us that the reality of the Holy Spirit coming would mean that this New Covenant was open to all that would call upon His name, despite ethic background and location. This scripture speaks of the invisible global church, internal working of God in our lives. What we need to be careful with is trying to make say something it doesn’t. Does the rest of scripture ignore the physical church, no. The apostles were apart of building a church with leadership/accountability, ect. – to the will of God. That message is found in a majority of the New Testament.

    For example Paul says this and then speaks of the qualifications needed for and elder.
    Titus 1:5
    The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.


    Thanks Mike for your comments. Not sure you are getting what I’m saying. Of course I believe in the internal working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I believe in both a spiritual and physically building of the church. There has to be a way to appropriate spiritually what is happening in our lives. It’s kind of like water baptism. I get water baptised not to be saved but to show that I am. The baptism doesn’t save me it just shows my commitment to God’s command to be baptised and publicly declare my commitment to Jesus Christ. When the church gathers together it doesn’t save them it just shows that they are committed to Jesus because of what He has done internally. I wear a wedding ring for the same purposes. The wedding ring is a symbol of my commitment but in no way does it make me married. Are all that gathered saved, probably not. Are all that don’t gather saved, probably not. When ‘christian’ choose to no gather with other church people to fulfill the call of God for them, the community and world then I do challenge them as to following God’s will or their own will. There’s nothing in my flesh to gather with a local church, it purely a spiritual commitment and testimony of my commitment and love for Jesus. I’m not saved because I attent a local church, no I attend a local church because I am saved.

    When ‘christians’ reject gathering together in a group sense to resource their giftings, talents, time, for the work of God it doesn’t communicate a physical commitment of an internal working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Why? Because it’s not biblical, it’s not based on the truth of God’s word and what it does is weaken their ability to affect and reach the world through joint efforts of the local church. Tell me what you can do by yourself and I’ll tell you what I can through the joint efforts of the local church I’m apart of. My efforts alone might be similar to you, but when joined with a group I become part of something powerful for God.

    Denominations don’t bother me. What we doing on this site can be called defering denominations bc we don’t all agree with everthing that we are talking about. In our city we work with all the church here. Some more than others. We gather all together once a year for worship, prayer and word. We do joint evangelistic efforts. We gather in different location reaching different kinds of people in our city. Our local church reaches different people that the other ones reach, that’s not bad. When there is difference in personalities, intellect, emotional expression ect. people have to go where they feel connected. There are certain people that you connect with bc of similar connection points, what’s wrong with that? There are some church I would dry out in but man there are people in those church flourishing…

    I believe you have to connect at any level you can. If you live in a city with 20 churches find one that is fulfilling the great commission and go for it. If your elderly and can’t get out of the home do something to bring the church in your home. The NT church always found a way to gather locally despite persecution or any other hinderance. There are churches that gather in heavy persecution areas, and they do whatever it takes to meet together and joint together in their efforts to win the lost. That’s happening in persecution while in North America people are finding ways to get out of gathering and join together in efforts to win the lost bc they would rather keeping looking inside their lives to become better. It’s time we starting looking outside and reaching the harvest that is ready.

    The story you talk about is sad, and things happen like that probably more than we want to know. Personally speaking, we don’t have to ask to come to a local church, they should of went. There are probably people in the church that would of embraced those individuals and if not there’s another church down that street that would of.

    Mike, I know there’s problems in the church, that’s because there’s problems in peoples lives. Hey, there were problems in Jesus day and the Bible says he came ‘in the fullness of time’ – the perfect time. It was a bad time, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Roman rule ect. but it was a perfect time. Jesus was a perfect leader, mentor, example, totally truthful, fully God, fully man but guess what every disciple deserted him at the cross, one of the disciples took money to betray Him… If Jesus couldn’t lead people to perfect neither can we. Jesus knew all of that was there and all of that would happen and He still went through it all because it was the Father’s will… I don’t know if Jesus was embarassed of the disciples, the Pharisees, ect of His day but what I do know is that He didn’t desert them. He stayed connected, prayed, blessed, went to teach even at the synagogue, reached the lost, discipled a team of 12, the list could go on and on… The love of Jesus was displayed by connection not by disconnection. If we truley love people (which can only come from God’s love in us) then we need to build every bridge we can to include and gather as many as we can to reach the lost at every cost. Anyone and everyone could come to Jesus and feel exceptance and grace but they better get ready because truth would be next because God wants to save them… With the Holy Spirit we can stay connected and make a difference.

    I can sit back and judge the church and those that gather in together and say lots of bad things about it but at the end of the day I can’t deny that Jesus said He was going to build the church and the apostles took that message a formed structures of leadership, church plants, ect. Was it spiritual yes, was it physically to yes. Only what is happening in the internal can be seen physically. Is it perfect, no but neither was the work that Jesus built even though He was perfect.

    The Kingdom of God is here and we need to show the world what God has done in our lives. We need to build and not tear. We need to follow the letters found in God’s word that show us structure and not just a caotic, individualized faith and at the end of the day we need to ask ourselves – are we reaching the lost…? If not you need to change what you are doing because it’s not working… and it’s for sure off track to what God has called us to.

    I don’t gather in a local church because I’m better or more spiritual. I gather in a local church because I’m not spiritual enough to know it all and need other voices that are perhaps younger in the faith, older in the faith, leaders, kids, youth, ect. I’m not capable of staying on track a single member of God’s family, but I need the whole body. I’m not capable of doing all things. I can only do part of the work but together with others the job is going to get down in our city.

    Ephesians 4:16
    From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

    • Hi Clayton,
      I want to begin by thanking you for the sustained position on your side of the conversation. I have been a follower of Rachel’s blog for the better part of this year, but have not spent as much time on a conversation like I have on this one, thanks to you.
      On the other hand I have tried to think why I have been kind of pulled to both sides of the conversation and I have concluded that both sides are committed to the truth. I have been in the institutional church for many years, but have always sensed some void in my pursuit of God even after faithfully listening to sermons every Sunday and even being involved in Christian ministry work. This led me to a personal search of the knowledge of God, as in seeking Him individually where I’d commit extended times of prayer and study of the His God. one of the effects of this has been an increased discomfort with the institutional church which eventually led to leaving the church organization I had been a part of for over 10 years last year. At that time, I thought it was just an issue of finding another church organization that I would be comfortable with, but since then I have come to find out that God was leading me to find Him outside organized religion and experience the Church (head and body) more organically.
      As I have followed the conversation, two scriptures have come to my mind and I want to share them:

      Phil 3:15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

      1Cor 11:16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.

      There is a place for both individual part and corporate body of Christ a.k.a house of God in relating with Him. the stones are shaped individually so that they can fit well and function withing the complete house.
      I have appreciated what Rachel is doing over the short period I have interacted with her material mainly because she points people to God, towards building a relationship with their Father by spending time with Him in His word with the Teacher, the Holy Spirit. The nature of the new covenant is that we have an indwelling teacher, one needs only yield to Him:

      Jer 31 :33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

      34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. ”

      What I am trying to say is that there are some truths that only God Himself through the indwelling teacher, the Holy Spirit shall reveal to the individual believer. If my experience is anything to go by, I have grown so much more in the love of God in the last less than an year year than I have in the many years subscribing to the denominational institutions. granted there are many things I learnt over the years intellectually, but that is nothing compared by the knowledge written by God himself in my heart over the last couple of years.
      I hope my sharing will help you trust God to reveal to you what position to take on the issues that seem contentious.


  43. Hi Rachel
    Came across your site by ” accident ” :), searching the web, looking for more guidance on hearing the Holy Spirit, day to day….I have heard Him speak to me on occasion, but desire clarity when hearing His voice….I guess what I am trying to express is my desire to commune and hear Him 24/7….I did watch your video on this which was very helpful….when not engaged in contemplative prayer, how can we hear him throughout our day? Do you have thoughts on this? Blessings to you, I love your site!

    • Hi Pamela – learning to listen is such an important part of our walk – as God is our wonderful counselor and guide and His ways are not our ways.

      Continue to develop a relationship with God by spending time with Him each day in His Word and in prayer … as you do the awareness of His presence and ways will grow in your life as well as discernment to His voice. You will begin to hear Him more throughout the day. Also, take time during the day to stop, pray and refocus on Him. It’s a journey – but as we continue to make Him our first love, our ears will become more and more attuned to His voice. Don’t force it, hearing is the result of a growing relationship with God based in truth. Abide in Truth and trust He will speak so that you will hear. Just create the space in your life to be still to hear.

  44. Hello sister Rachel, I write you this hour gratful for the revelation the Lord has given you. Your video on you leaving the church hits home because I am going through something bery similar. On October 26 2011 I was 4 years in the Lord, I was 2 years in a pentecostal church where I learned much, good and bad. Its been 2 years that we left because things got bad with the leadership, which many had left before, and many after we did. These past 2 years the Lord has shown me so much and has changed me in such a way, its hard to recognize who I was. The thing is that I’ve looked for a church to fellowship and worship the Lord with others, but as arrogant as it might sound, there is a lot of error in most churches today. I’ve been to some where it seems are just dead, and to some where it seems demon spirits manifest. Praise the Lord for your videos because The Lord has used them to show me things and shown me I’m not alone. Sister, one thing I must warn you about, and I hope you get this message, in some vids you mention to read a version closest to the original language. I used the NKJV for the last 4 years but have found it is actually perverted. (whats wrong with the NKJV) Under the impression it was a modernized KJV, I chose it above the NLT, NIV, and so forth. The ESV, NASB are also bad because they change important words. You can look this up as well. (new age bible versions) There are many sites and vids on utube as well. (KJV vs NIV) As hard as it might seem to start new and learn new words with the KJV, its for a very important reason; I want the truth, I want Gods word. Some KJV are also tainted however, like the Zondervan publishers, which has ties to the Satanic bible, Thomas Nelson which has the NKJV, and the NIV does more than change words, they remove them. If you look it up as well, there is a lesbian and an athiest who also worked on the NIV! I found many who suggest getting a good KJV from Local Church Bible Publishers. They look very well made and they have wide margine and a Note Takers bible with half the page blank and half with scripture for alot of note taking, I remember hearing you say about wanting more space on your bible for notes. Well I’m sure you have much to do so thats it, but know you had part in blessing my life, and I will get deeper with my God and Father. The Lord bless you and keep you, that His grace and mercy abide with you, and He bring you to deeper revelation of who He is, and give you His peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.

    • Hi Juan, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this … I’ve done some research into this … I’ve seen the differences, crazy how the words get manipulated. What publisher of the KJV do you use?

      I agree this is so important, but even more is trusting the Holy Spirit to teach us … I trust God to show me the truth even in the Bible. If we seek and are faithful to seek from Him and no one else, He gives us the hidden manna .. the Truth that only comes by His Spirit, yet is confirmed by the Bible. 1 John 2:27. THis is why the Holy Spirit is so important in our lives .. all the corruption.

      I’ll be praying for you and your journey into God’s Truth, it is tremendous to begin to walk in His promises.

  45. Dear Rachel,
    I am a newbie Christian who has just come across this site. I find it amazing I love it. I think Rachel you are just truly amazing and you really do have some great followers. I am hoping I learn a great deal from you and the knowledge and love deep in your heart. I am open to everything you have to say and have to offer. I am 36 and have only just discovered God through a dear Christian friend who prayed for nearly four years that I would make the Journey. So all I know at the moment is God works in amazing ways. I have so much yet to learn and I am only in my 9th Week of Alpha course. I will add though although I came from a very extreme atheist background, I think I always knew something or someone was always there I just realized it was God.

    • Hi Alison, I can’t tell you how excited I am for the journey you are embarking upon,and it is a journey. I’m not familiar with the Alpha course?? I look forward to checking out your blog … and if you would like someone to walk along side with you, I would be happy to. You can check out more about it under the mentoring tab. 🙂

  46. without wanting to cause any offense the ‘alpha course’ is run by mainstream christianity mainly under the false teaching of church of England and other ‘protestant ‘demonations that all in some form or other follow and adhere to the unbiblical doctrines and unScritural teachings of the unholy roman church,….and sadly many who truly want to learn the Truth about Our Father and His Son wont or dont search for,..and find that path that has only one course and Only One Teacher…..but as you say Rachel,those on the course, wont lead or follow, but more than happy to walk along side with any brother or sister and share any or all lil pearls of wisdom they need .

    • Hi Brian, thanks for sharing as I wasn’t familiar, but pretty much anything coming out of main stream Christianity and the church system is tainted in these days as we approach the end. We’ve been warned over and over in the Word of this. We’ve been given who we need to know God, Himself in the Holy Spirit. And as others encourage us along – it is a powerful defense.

  47. Rachel, Hello from Tyler Texas. I can’t say I stumbled accross your website, but can tell you speak the wisdom of the Father by the indwelling Holy Spirit. I believe I have watched the majority of your video’s… amazing depth. May God touch you in more exciting and rich ways. Rick Kerr

  48. Greetings Rachel, I’m not sure about main stream church, what I am sure about is we are here on this site by the grace of God, and saved by that same grace through faith lest any man should boast. To Glorify God? Yes and to learn to live lives pleasing unto him.
    Love is greater than knowledge. May we learn what true experiential Christianity is. The life of the Spirit, the leading of the Spirit, being led by the Spirit, the word of Christ richly dwelling in our heart oh so fuel”s the Holy Spirit to move in our life’s as we yield. A closing comment scripture verse for thought. Romans 12:9…
    Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor, contribute to the needs of the saints, be fervent in prayer bless and curse not. Acts 2:42 my heart yearns for the Kingdom of God to be manifested in our hearts and life’s. It’s our life God is after personally and our love collectively and our passion for lost souls and willingness to make disciples by giving others our time when led and needed as Jesus modeled for us. It does require a laid down life of and may we learn to love each other with sincere hearts, have a passion for lost souls. With the depths of Gods love for us that he has made every provision for our life’s it’s a blessing that He has revealed to us His holy ways. As they grow in us they are by know means burdensome. Wow we are His friends. His Sons and Daughters children of the king heirs with the Father and Co heirs with the Son. May learn to manifest His Kingdom in our life’s and those around us. Have a blessed night and thank you for sharing from your life in Christ. A blessing truly. Encouragement to you and Glory to God!!!

  49. Hi Rachel, ran into one of your short videos that was posted on, I linked over to your site after that. I have been a born again chrisian since 9-10-88. My walk however has recently changed in ways only described as miraculous! You are so right! He is waking up his beloved bride! When I listen to your short videos, the holy spirit is a witness to the truths you speak. There is a beautiful utube video that is simply stated and little over 11min. It’s called “A vision of the bride of christ” “As received by Anita September 12,2011” Please check it out. The cover is a picture of white roses with purple font. Hope you find the right one. If not, I can always send the link. It perfectly encompasses what is going on right now within the hearts and minds of true believers. Check it out, its so annointed. I know it will bless you. I praise Jesus for bringing your website across my path (as I hunger for his righteousness) I look forward to your fellowship through your website. I have returned to my first love! Teresa

    • Hi Teresa,

      Thanks for sharing … the images of the bride were beautiful and stunning … told so much. But I wonder … is He returning first in us? Is that the rapture … for we are the temple to hold the spirit of God. Many are expecting someone in the sky … at least at first … what if He comes within us as the scriptures also talk about?


  50. Hi again Rachel, I sent the link to “Vision of the bride of Christ” to Much easier that trying to find by name. Enjoy:)

  51. Hi, thanks for your reply! As I listen to your video’s and read your replys to others’ comments back n forth, there there is so much knowledge being shared. I am absorbing like a sponge and I recognize fully the truth when I hear it! (Thanks to the holy spirit). I work a full time job but every waking moment I have,I am in the word listening and searching. Please address in full what you are referring to in regards to what the scriptures say about coming within us rather than the sky. I would love to understand further. Yes we are the temple of the holy spirit and I am not my own. Also, are you possibly under the impression the body of true believers will go through the 7 year tribulation? If you have a video already prepared with your beliefs, let me know. I can view that too, and then ask questions. Thanks! You are serving God for sure!

    • Hi Teresa, I will be doing more videos on this very thing as God directs. I believe that the true believers … will be protected during this time but that they will be here. I’ve spoken about that some in my videos in regards to the rest that I talk about … but I’ll go in further detail — hopefully this week God willing.

  52. last comment as anonymous is “Schempre”…you probably figured that out! Oops new to blogging! not smooth yet 🙂

  53. Rachel,

    Greetings in Yeshua’s Holy Name!!! I “noticed” your site on here and said I had to ask for your prayers. I am a minister myself, but God has began “opening” my eyes in ways like never before! The Holy Spirit has given me a ” Levitical – Prophetic Revival Series ” that has already had great results in a local jail! It’s kind of scary though… I must admit!!!

    This series has me looking powerfully at Mystery Babylon The Great, and it has me saying that the modern day Church World is her!!! I love the church greatly, and it get’s me so angry to know how the Church was so “forcefully” uprooted from it’s “Judeo – Christian” soil and teachings, and then placed into “Babylonian” soil and teachings!!! I have felt the strong calling to take this before Churches that will allow me to do this, exposing what Constantine had done and how it’s caused us to “mutate” into something that we were not supposed to be! We teach false teachings, celebrate Babylonian – based holidays in a “Christian” cover!

    This has to be exposed… and in “dreams and visions” I’ve “recently” began receiving… I have “seen” myself being used to take this message to the Church and help her to “Come Out Of Her My People”!!! You are the first person I saw “may” have a similar view to me on this, and if you would like… feel free to write me back with your views on this particular thing. May God Bless You in all you say and do! Have a great day!

    Sincerely Written,


  54. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! You can find it over at

  55. hi rachel i am so glad to have found you, i am so inspired by your insight. About a year or more ago i was enjoying the word when all of a sudden i just started laughing and saying out loud that He was going to save us all, but as quick as that happened my wonderful wife said that that is not correct. She has been in church for 25 years after accepting christ as savior aafter a pretty rough time in her life. It was shortly after we were married. Why i am writing is I have come back to the truth of salvation of all mankind and have had such a peace it is hard to explain. Soon after this 2 doves landed within 5 feet of me and sat there for quite some time at least 5 minutes and i am wondering if there is any significance to that other than Father showing His love for me I know in leviticus it talks about 2doves for offerings for offerings

  56. hi rachel i am so glad to have found you, i am so inspired by your insight. About a year or more ago i was enjoying the word when all of a sudden i just started laughing and saying out loud that He was going to save us all, but as quick as that happened my wonderful wife said that that is not correct. She has been in church for 25 years after accepting christ as savior aafter a pretty rough time in her life. It was shortly after we were married. Why i am writing is I have come back to the truth of salvation of all mankind and have had such a peace it is hard to explain. Soon after this 2 doves landed within 5 feet of me and sat there for quite some time at least 5 minutes and i am wondering if there is any significance to that other than Father showing His love for me I know in leviticus it talks about 2doves for offerings .I have been in love with the Lord going on5 or more years now and am consumed with knowi
    ng Him better every day all day. I am so blessed

    • Hi Dave, I’m so thankful that God is opening your eyes to this truth .. and as you embrace what He is telling you .. you will receive more. God of the religion of Christianity (versus true Christianity) is a false God … because He is full of false images and lies. When we start to wake up to parts and listen … God will reveal the extent of the lies to us.

      I love the point about the doves …

      Keep seeking, there is an amazing love, transformation, glory, freedom and power that comes when you start abiding in truth.


  57. Rachel, You deactivated your Facebook account!

  58. Thanks for letting god use you. Your teaching are spirit-led. I tryed commenting you YouTube but forgotten my password. To tell you thanks & keep doing what u doing. We need people to teach spirit-fill message.

    • Hi Alex, there is nothing more glorious than growing into the presence of God, which means we grow in truth and love. I’m simply sharing what I’m witnessing happening .. these are critical days for each soul and my prayer is that many will be seeking God in truth and spirit.

  59. I just have to tell you how you played a part in a blessing that I received today. About a half an hour ago I said a prayer asking God to let me feel His love for me. I have allowed myself to become a slacker, and I realize that I was not going to God for help with this issue as much as I should be because I do not have a true understanding of what godly love is. Nevertheless, I did a google search and came upon your article “KNOW God’s Love”. It really was a nice read, but because my heart is not always open to His love, it all just sounded like familiar words to me….

    Now, you sited Luke 11:9 in your article and I am not familiar with it, so I decided to look up that scripture in my bible. As I flip through my bible, I noticed that one of the page corners was folded down by accident and looked like it had been for some time. I pulled the corner of the page back up and preceded to flip to the book of Luke. But then I decided to look to see what was on that flipped down page. Can you believe it, the page that was folded down was Matthew 27, the story of the crucifixion. What greater way for God to remind me of His love than leading me to the story that demonstrates just how great his love truly is? I cannot think of one. I feel so convicted, and blessed that through you I was led to that reminder. God bless you.


    • Hi Ashley — Knowing the love of God is something many people struggle with because of the corruption of love in this fallen world and the mulitude of false images around God created by religion that create a hypocritical love and call what is good evil and evil good.

      There is no greater pursuit than the true love of God and it is an individual journey for there is nothing of this world to compare it to. Pray to know His love in truth. Spend time each day learning from God … seeking to be taught by Him and listening to Him guide you in your spirit. He will reveal Himself to you; if you ask and seek.

      I’m praying for your journey into the deepest, purest love one can know.


  60. Wow Rachel you are a truly inspiring spirit. I feel God has guided me to find you so I can develop my relationship with ‘him’ in a deeper and deeper way. I resonate deeply with with your truths. Thank you for taking the time to share what you have learnt on your journey. I feel very blessed to have found you. Love Letitia

  61. Hi Rachel. Led to this site by a friend, Listened and read for 3 months. Now. A shift from an observer to a absorber. One can never stop learning. Especially from others.

    • Llew … thanks for sharing your progress with me .. it brings great delight for to absorb His truth and for it to become a part of us is the narrow path to eternal life.

  62. Hi Rachel. Thank you for sharing, and God bless you.

  63. Good afternoon, Rachel,

    Re listening to the Holy Spiirt, what Bible to you suggest?

    Thank you, and God bless you and your ministry,

    Jack Haines

    • Hi Jack .. it isn’t so much the Bible but the Holy Spirit giving you the interpretation of it and not man. That being said some versions are loaded down with man’s interpretations .. so I suggest KJV, NKJV. Truly trust the Creator, our eternal Father, who is able to teach you and show you Himself and use those words as a testimony to what you are learning of Him; and reveal more of who He is through them.

  64. Dear Rachel, my name is Arthur Curtis Lockridge from norcross ga. I viewed some of ur videos and I WAS IMPRESSED TO write you. i am not saved or born again but i thought i was for 27 years. 36 months ago Jesus Christ ask me if i was ready to die. without hesitating i said yes yes yes then Jesus said to me this is what i want you to do.Do What Jesus Did D W J D…I said I will.the first thing i want you to do is give your corrupt flesh to satan and tell him that i stripped him of all his power and your spirit and soul belong to me. satan has to obey God. iT IS WRITTEN. I GAVE MY FLESH TO SATAN IN JOHN 13/26-27. i oedered Judas to turn me over to the religous jews and crucify me so i could be raised in 3 days. my own flesh could not enter my own kingdom. I came that i might save your soul but i didnot save one ounce of your corrupt flesh. you will have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. well i did what Jesus said 36 months ago and he open up my understanding on all scriptures. He said that the kjv 1611 bible is the closest version to my truth. but no man or bible verson drew me to the truth only God drew my spirit to his spirit. it would take me a few years to tell you how God has brought me true peace and love. Jesus said that i was the only one that could save my soul. I didnot save ur soul but i showed you how to save your own soul a greater work than I ever did saith christ. D W J D quickly.ilove your spirit and soul and i hate ur flesh . Jesus said he would never make the choice for me. I must choose to lose this life before i die. i have a spiritual body being held captive inside of my natural flesh body that God gave to satan in Ge:3:14.. my body was made from dust and satan will devour my flesh just as he did the flesh of Jesus. there is only one body that satan did not get and that was moses/enoch. and they will come back as the two witnesses and satan will get their flesh at that time. when you read exodus realize that your spirit is Israel and your flesh is Egypt and see what God did to get Israel free from Egypt. oh well i could go on for years but just a couple of things Jesus told me. Judas Iscariot is with me in heaven so is lots wife they both chose to lose this life in this perverse world ti preserve eternal life with God. If you love this l(if)e you will lose it but if you will lose this li(f)e for my sake you will save or preserve or find the life i intended for you before i put Adams spirit in bondage to his own flesh/dust.this was to give Adam a free-will to choose between evil flesh and good spirit. God concluded all in unbelief that he MIGHT have mercy on all. God sent a strong delusion un to all to be(lie)ve a lie. The big lie is that you are born again and you are saved. Salvation and being born again can only happen after you choose to lose this life before your flesh dies. pray for me that i will endure until God takes my breath away. the last breath of Gods saints is one leaving this body an exhale or exiting hell. this lump of dirt is not the temple of God but the body on the inside of this body is the temple of God. I can see ur flesh but i cant see ur spirit. save what God gave you and give satan what God gave him. very simple but only a remnant will be(lie)ve the real truth. there is no church in this world preaching this gospel. only christ the real christ not the counterfeit jesus behind every pull pit pulling the sheep into their pit. let the real true God bless you today..

    • Hi Arthur, some very interesting thoughts here .. in what you have learned and how. It’s always interesting to see how God communicates concepts to each of us. You’ve expressed a lot of deep concepts .. some things to reflect upon. You’ve made some points that I try to share with others to combat the lies from religion about what salvation truly is. And as I trust God to open the eyes and ears of the souls at the right time .. it is great to see others “seeing” these truths.

      May you continue to grow in all grace and knowledge.


      • Dear Rachel, I know now U R seeking the T-ru-T-H because U did not call me a hairy tick regarding the points God had revealed to me. My family and church have disowned me and now I am Isolated by my self with my three friends. The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. What a group to be isolated with. Very few believe the truth. If U R interested I will write U a letter and give U scriptural proof of the truth that God has drawn my spirit to. One truth that U need to know is that God does not have mercy, grace or favor for flesh. He spared Not his own son, but delivered him up for us all…..God is a Spirit and He hates all flesh….even his own flesh…..his own spirit and soul were in bondage to his flesh which Jesus gave to satan in john 13:26/27….the entire bible is a story about God transforming the first Adam that did not have a free will to choose whether or not to obey God. Transform him into the second Adam/Jesus that would have a free-will to choose between evil flesh and good spirit. This was not an easy task even for the Son of God. He said the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. I love your spirit and soul Rachel. You have God in ur name. Ray is a beam of light from heaven and the C is for U to see God.H is God. God put an H in Abram to make him Abraham…He put H in Sarai to make her they could have a child at 99 and 90 years old. The EL in Reachel is as U know is God. Thank you again for understanding the Truth….Arthur d
        Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

      • Hi Arthur,

        First of all what you did with Rachel .. beautiful! … thanks for sharing.

        Two, there is a great separation happening in the hearts of people as the true God they serve is being made evident, and yes most don’t truly know the true Heavenly Father. But for those who do .. what a blessing to give the light of understanding to others.

        As for the flesh … some deep thoughts there as you know. Here are some thoughts …

        The flesh refers to the corrupted will of mankind and what it creates .. versus the actual physical creation. God loves His creation .. hates the corruption. Jesus had no corruption. The Father didn’t slay Him, man did. But Jesus gave up His life because in that act, he entered death so that He could save us from death by entering us and thus redeeming us. Which is very different than an angry god slaying his son in our place .. that is not the true picture but one born out of corrupted doctrine of the church system.

        Yes. The flesh, all that comes from a corrupted mind, the Father hates because it destroys His creation, His children. This is why through that amazing plan of salvation .. He gives us a part of His mind to reign in us for eternity .. and when you know Him this is your utmost desire to be a part of Him.


  65. Hi Rachel
    I was wondering if you would know how god would direct us into our destiny as far as where I am best suited to help this world career wise. My life has been in a constant state of change with so many awarenesses from god and I am left with my reasons for doing my work or even desire to do the work were false and crumbled . For the first time in my life I feel gods love, joy etc and my wife and I have grown by leaps and bounds in this tumultuous time but we seem left without clear direction as to our path forward and where best to serve.

    • Hi David — great question and I just put up a video on my youtube channel that talks about it … “Reshaping the Mind to Abundant Life”

      Seek the things of the spirit; peace, loving kindness, gentleness, honor …, and seek God’s wisdom each morning in these things for what is happening in your life. God will direct your steps. Focus on learning and living in the characteristics of the spirit .. and God will establish your life, thus purpose, in the physical.


  66. Hi Rachel, EW here. May I add to David’s question & your statement? Your response is part of the, “go into the hiways & hedges and compell them to come!” This day & time is very difficult for anyone that does not hold the Spirit of the Lord. Everyone that sees the “TRUE” Spirit of the Lord in another person is at least interested, which is, giving the testimony of Jesus, which is, so very desperately needed.

  67. Hi Rachel
    I spoke with someone today that pointed out that although I seem uncertain with my current occupation that I seem to have exhibited alot of pride in my different accomplishments in the past and that maybe its just my current anxieties that are confusing me. I wonder though, if I am feeling proud of my accomplishments if I am not just looking to satisfy my need for approval. When I don’t get the reaction or if I don’t meet my standard on a particular job I feel unplugged. When I talk about all that God has done in my life and the difference he has made in my life I seem to be charged up without any response. Just the expression and the love and gratitude that God has given me in my life so far excites me beyond belief. I sometimes feel like a preacher as I go on and on about the changes he has made in my life and the thought of being able to pass this on to other people. I was really lost and have made many dramatic changes in my life with god so far. Most people seem to think that I should just carry on with what I am doing now but I feel restless and feel as If I have so many other talents to offer. Your feedback would be appreciated. Your video’s seem to be exactly where I am in life everytime I watch.

    • Hi David,

      The spirit of God guides directs your actual steps as He is your wonderful counselor. All the expectations about what your life is to look like and the actual physical things we do we are to leave up to His handiwork. Don’t worry about them in other words; but focus on the things of the spirit (peace, harmony, kindness, mercy, love, joy, honor, righteousness). For His paths never lead where we expect .. so it’s best to let go and let Him direct .. which He will do by at least two things:

      1. Your steps are directed as you seek to walk in His wisdom. We are to seek His wisdom as to what creates peace, loving kindness, mercy, holiness .. etc in our lives and the lives around us. Matthew 6:33 Not worrying about the actual physical events and things .. but the wisdom that makes those events reflect His nature.

      2. As we focus on the things of the spirit (Gal 5:22-23) … and come fully committed to letting God direct our steps where they may lead (letting go of pre-defined physical expectations of our future), then we are malleable for Him to move us as He desires .. which He’ll do by directing you by your desires. Once you come to a point of wanting only a life of infused with His loving kindness, then you can trust your desires in the day to day for this is how God guides you. Psalm 37:4, Psalm 62:5

      God operates very different from this world. This world is about what we do, setting physical goals, very focused on the appearance of outward appearances. God works from within out. As you become a part of His nature by communing with Him each day and learning of His wisdom that manifests His spirit, then your path grows up around you. You walk down one hallway headed toward a desire of your heart to find other doors along the way.

      Make Sense?


  68. It makes perfect sense Rachel thanx. I can move forward in this way, I’ll keep you posted. When I ask to do his will and surrender to that, I ask that I be his voice and let him guide me and speak his words and it is funny how I seem to go through my day speaking differently with some than others, wondering why and then later seeing that events seem to unfold that have got to be a result from his words spoken through me in my life. Life feels like a mystery unravelling. Wow, to cool.

  69. My God, we had been laying around worried sick feeling sorry for ourselves etc for being so far in debt and now with God in our lives and the knowing that when we are connected to him and in faith with him we are grateful for all we have learned from the experience of getting into this situation but we are giddy with joy and laughter and find that the price of this debt is small and all but worth it in all that we have learned and that it has given us in our lives and relationship. I thank God for directing me to your site Rachel as it is a part of this amazing journey that my wife and I are on. We follow you and your teachings as well as others that God miraculously puts in front of us. I watch for the face of the messenger, does it match with the messege. You teach peace and love and wisdom and you exude these qualities and that is plain for the eye to see. I know the truth when I see it. Thank you so much.

  70. “Perfect love casts out fear” The scripture along with 1Cor Ch.13 is how i began my life in the way.. I sought out every aspect of love both secular and scripural, read countless books troughout the ages of writings, studied poetry and the art of making love to a woman.. (came to mastery)Learned to fly and sing, i travelled around the World, went racing, wrestled angels, wrestled God, practiced, tested, prodded and fought.. I cried out to God countless times in defence of people for the craftiness and level of deception used on us by the fallen one. Only now, have i come to the gate where i can see the error of the Love in the World. I am at the end of the World, out of everything, at the end of everything where is also the begginning; The first commandment; I stand in awe and amazement at the grandure and the enormity of His love and mercy…speechless.

    • Hi Sonne – the love this mankind’s wisdom understands is covered in lies, fears, false images including the understanding of the love of God. Once you realize you don’t understand love .. and start seeking to know it from the true source, the Creator and our heavenly Father, He begins to teach you what it is .. and it is nothing as the world presents it because pure love is found in pure truth. This is such an important realization for people to come to .. even to know the true God.

      • Pure love!? then it cannot be about words.. This is outside the operating system of the world of commerce;

  71. Rachel, I have watch many of your videos and to my amazement I have only heard truth. God has revealed the same truths to me through the holy Spirit. I believe that I’m one of the chosen because of the truths that I’ve received. I’m not stating this because of pride or ego. It’s just the only thing that makes since. There are many other reasons I wish I could share them with you. I was watching one of your videos when a thought came to me, you remind me of John the baptist preparing the way for Christ. I’m posting this comment in hopes that you could help me with something. Although God the Father has given me many wonderful revelations and shown me wonderful things to come I feel like I’m stuck and haven’t moved forward for the last 2 or so years. I was thinking it may have something to do with the injustice within my own household. Maybe I’m right where I should be at this time or I could be standing in my own way of receiving. If the the Holy Spirit moves you to respond I would be grateful.

    • Hi Samantha …

      The truths of God are now pushing into our reality, our day to day, in a way they never have before as Christ spirit is being joined to ours. This means that obedience to the leading/prompting of God’s spirit of wisdom in us is paramount .. for this is how truth becomes our truth in our reality. If there is “disobedience” in your life then that will block you from moving forward with God, the spirit of wisdom, until you move in obedience in that area, as truth builds. So once your are moving into obedience in the one area, God will show you the next, and so on. In the process you and your life transforms to be totally align, ruled and governed by His spirit forming in you. So whatever area God is showing you in your life that isn’t honoring to Him, His spirit in you, or to others you have to start seeking God’s wisdom on how He wants you to proceed to move into honor .. for living in honor is living in love and truth. Because you mentioned your household .. there is probably some act or words to speak that the spirit of truth within you is calling you to do. Seek the next step.

  72. Hello Rachel
    I am glad l came across your site. My name is Leonah from Zimbabwe, Africa. I am a mum of two in a very complicated marriage where my husband has another wife. I am very lonely most of the times as he doesn’t sleep at my house but the first wife’s. My kids long for their dad always, he doesn’t come home everyday. I have decided to leave this hurtful relationship and start my life afresh but lm concerned about my kids as they love their dad so much. I was thinking though looking back that the only way to move forward and live a good life with joy and peace is when l am in Christ and He in me. I wanted to understand what seeking the kingdom of God meant and entailed and so l logged onto the internet and cam across this site. I have read quite a number of your sharings here and have really made sense and inspired me. At the moment lm so lost, dont know what to do with my life but what l know though is that with God l will be fine.

    Please help me on how l can start my life with God and build that good relationship with Him. I have a lot of questions that l would like God to answer pertaining my life.

    • Hi Leonah, You are courageous for seeking a honoring relationship; may you find a deep honor for yourself and others. As you learn the truest of love and honor, in that love your children will be blessed. God is your perfect counselor .. He knows all your situations and what they entail and best how to guide you through them. Take it one day at a time. Spend time each morning in communion with God; writing, reflecting, listening. You meet God deep within your spirit; He speaks to us from a pure conscience within us. It is our promise if we seek we will find. If your desire is for the true Creator who is pure love to govern your life .. He will fulfill this desire. Let go of your expectations and let Him establish each step … Listen and follow the promptings of your heart that honor all. Don’t worry about all that lays ahead, focus only on the present and seek the wisdom that creates peace and pure love in your life. You are greatly loved by the heavenly Father .. never doubt this love, but put your trust in it; learn to trust it. He will guide you perfectly. My prayers are with you and your family.

  73. thank you very much Rachel, l will follow that. may the good Lord richly bless you and continue annointing you as you show and bring the world to His LOVE and Grace. Thank you again for your prayers.

  74. Rachel, I am Gregg Provenza’s mother. I apologize for his hurtfull ways. He’s hurting others with those videos. I want him to stop! However, he needs God’s help. Those who don’t understand scripture fall right into his hands. It saddens me so very much.We have no contact with him. He hates us as he hates most everyone. Difficult events led him to this horrible place. This is truly spiritual warfare. We’ve had many people pray for him. He wasn’t always like this. I can’t look at his videos. That CAN”T be my son I think. But it is! You may email me if you wish. I am a born again believer. I love the Lord. I just recently got a computer after being without one several years. Today was the first time I came across your website. A spirit of discernment is something I often have asked the Lord for. Your Ministry seems like the real thing. Gregg could do so much good if he wasn’t such a mess. He has always been a hard worker and puts his all into everything he does.Unfortunately, right now he doesn’t know WHAT he’s doing. The enemy steps in if the door is open. Please pray that he’ll release my son in Jesus name! We will continue to pray as well. Thank You

    • Hi Velma, every one of us needs God’s mercy every moment … for even when we try to do good we can end up hurting others. Thus we are all the same. This is why we need God to own our mind and establish every thought and every word; for words are very powerful. When you realize this need to be covered in God’s mercy you are exceedingly grateful for the mercy God gives so abundantly. We are all on our path trying to do the best we can. We help each other with the awareness that we all need God to take over our lives in every breath.

  75. Rachel, I want to add something to my comment that I believe is vital to our Christian walk. Hebrews 10:24-25 Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works……Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. The body of christ needs to come together. We need to support one another, pray together, worship together. We also need to support missions, feed the poor etc. We have ministries to support single mothers and many other groups. Bible study, sunday school and VBS. Vacation Bible school is wonderful for our children. When we seperate ourselves into small groups it’s too easy to start making our own rules. Trust me, I know someone who fell into that and regrets leaving the church. As the body of Christ we need to be accountable to one another. It was on my heart to share this with you. In His Love, Velma Provenza

    • Hi Velma, I appreciate your care … I don’t believe in organized religion as it is an establishment of mankind and not of God. Thus by the structure itself, people telling you who God is, people end up serving images of who God is presented to be and desires of them .. instead of seeking to truly know God as their perfect Father and following His lead from within themselves.

      The outward nature of organized religion creates false images; thus why Jesus gave of His spirit, so we could know truth and live from within out. The outward nature of organized religion is of the old, before Christ, and neglects the newness of how we are to be now. Thus, trust in various areas of people’s lives often goes to the organization instead of God. Jesus came not to establish organized religion – He never spoke of it except against it – but to show us how God is love and mercy and that He is to penetrate every aspect of our lives, thus every relationship.

      In this I’ve found the most beautiful relations. What God desires is love in truth .. and He has lead me in paths that have created more and more love in my life, thus true connections that I never knew was possible. When you draw near to God, who is love, you long to give and receive love full of truth … thus you love more, not less.

      God leads you perfectly in your life according to His purposes, which you find are perfect and absolutely fulfilling in your life. Many follow a religion of Christianity .. but to be a follower of Christ, the Word of God, in your life is what creates TRUE love, peace, and power. It is a very different reality. When you are a seeker of truth, the Word of God, God is your teacher and guide .. and will never let you go astray for He is faithful.

  76. I took the time to read all of Clayton’s remarks and I must respond again. Clayton you have amazing insight. God has blessed you with a true spirit of discernment. The devil comes to steal, kill , and destroy as God’s word tells us. To break down the unity and fellowship in our churches would delight him. There’s strength in number and he knows that. There will be (and already is) much deception in these last days.Many will seek thier own agenda to elevate themselves, but call it Christianity. As I believe you said Clayton, self seeking. Christ is the only one we must elevate. Matthew 24:24 tells us that if possible even the most elect will be deceived. Pray for discernment believers. If we truly surrender ourselves to Him He will show us the way. Not our way, but His. God bless you Clayton. You made my day.

  77. Falun Dafa is a cultivation system in the Buddha School, saving people, that is based on the principles of the Universe:

    真 Truthfulness
    善 Compassion
    忍 Forbearance

    It teaches elevation of one’s moral character. Since 1999 it has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in China. Good people are being tortured, raped, killed, force-fed, deprived of sleep and have organs harvested from simply because their spiritual belief. Millions practitioners were killed by the evil CCP.


  78. Hi Rachael. I just want to say, thank you for your videos. They have been a means of relief and guidance in a time of great confusion and loss of hope and direction. I wish I were experiencing the fullness of peace you are now experiencing. It seems after last year I was flowing in Gods peace but fell badly after one act of disobedience and my whole life fell apart. It was devastating but through it all God has strengthened me and I have held unto His promises to guide me through. I have been struggling in a pit where the enemy had me in a corner and was refusing to allow me out. It was such a struggle to come out but I persevered with the Lord on my side and much praise and worship. I am now just about to emerge into my destiny but am lacking a few things. I have always loved the Lord and He knows what I need. I just want to be free to walk in the fullness of His truth and many things have come against me to stop me from doing so. God told me two years ago that “His banner over me is love”. I have been severely trialed and tested in the area of love and have experienced the enemy in my own home, poisoning my family members and me having to pray in tongues to release God’s warrior angels to fight on their behalf. I feel like a battle worn soldier just seeking some respite in the Lord. Having to forgive those who have stabbed me in my back and live in my own home is one of the most difficult things to do. I am unsure if the Lord requires me to love those who are purposefully doing not only me harm but my family harm as this is the situation I find myself in. A very difficult dilemma. I have found myself completely battle worn and seeking God’s love to pull me through. All I want is to be with the Lord. He knows it. It’s as if I cannot spend good enough quiet time with Him without being interrupted or feeling a dark presence in the house when I try to. I know that when I emerge from this place I will have many things to share because that is all I wish to do. Share God’s love and embrace it for all that He and I desire. I want back all the enemy has stolen from me and trust me He’s stolen the Lord. All I can say is I want to feel like I am in a safe and comfortable environment when I am seeking the Lord. I’m not perfect, I’ve been disobedient but the enemy has attacked both my health and my finances. I am literally counting on one thing only. His love, and my faith in it.
    Thank You, you’ve helped me in ways you could never imagine. God Bless You xx

    • Hi,

      Psalm 91:9-10 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

      Keep seeking to know the heavenly Father’s pure love .. it isn’t like this world; it isn’t what is expressed in religion. It is far beyond that .. and we must seek beyond these things as well. It has no hypocrisy. It requires honor to all. His counsel will move you out of harm and into peace. It isn’t His desire that we suffer so … when we walk in His ways it creates peace … may His counsel be clear to you. May you have the courage to act as He leads. My prayers are with you.


  79. For privacy reasons, can you please remove all my comments from your blog.

    Thank you.

  80. Hello Rachel – refreshing to see a young, educated woman speak so meaningfully and lovingly of the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Just found this today – Will Stir the Deep more soon! 🙂

  81. Rachel,
    i am flabergasted about finding this blog spot.i absolutely adore it.I have been looking for a site like this.However i assume you have so many members i wasn’t sure you answered everyone’s comments.I would be so happy to see if you were able to i figured i would take a shot.I have been walking with Christ for almost i want to say 8 maybe 7 years.I was brought up a catholic,however converted when i married my second husband.I believe it was when my husband and i met with the pastor who married us.My husband already knew the truth,
    however the pastor asked my that typical question (if you were to die tonite)But then i answered with that typical secular answer (yes because i am a good person)Until the pastor set me straight about the blood atonement of Jesus Christ and right there i believed it and i remember being thankful to have been set straight and remembering that i knew it was truth.I believe that had to be the moment of my conversion.But then i didn’t realize or frankly didn’t realize i had become a new creation and born again right then i didn’t or hadn’t reallu learned of regeneration yet.
    but anyway it’s been 8 years now,my husband has since then basically is not walking with Christ as close i believe as i am.he is so very lazy and admits it and won’t bother making himseklf go to church and here where we live i did so i found a church i really love my husband won’t go to it cause we have musical praise and worchip.frankly it’s just an excuse with him.he admits he has so much sin his life he doubts his own salvation.
    If i can would you say some prayers for my son and his wife need prayer bad to.they were both brought up catholic,and i have many times tried to talk to them about the word,and they want no part of God.
    so also if you have a few minutes to yourself would yo say a prayer for them.
    anyway Rachel i thank you for this site sooooooooooo much.
    i do hope i see a reply from you.

    much love in Christ

    • Hi Trish … a living relationship with the Heavenly Father is our greatest treasure … when we hold on to redundant, ritualistic activities it hinders that relationship from expanding and growing and we start to feel that blockage in our lives; like we can’t seem to move forward. Pray about letting go of all pre-defined notions of what your relationship with God looks like that are formed by the church system and seek for God to show you how He desires your relationship to grow in spirit and in truth. Let your life become His living temple and not some preset organization. Many prayers for you and your family on your journey.


  82. Dear Rachel,
    I came across your blog and desire some additional thoughts as to your current stance against organized worship….as the NT chronicles Paul’s work of setting up the different churches….it describes many gifts given unto the church to be manifested by those who were recepients of those gifts….if, in fact, it is the Father’s will for us not to assemble ourselves together why is there so much instruction from our Father in how to properly structure and participate in the local church body?
    Thanks, and God Bless
    Bro. Clinton

    • Hi Clinton,

      We are entering into a new age .. an age in which righteousness reigns, a time of great purity. It’s also the time when we are transitioning into the living temple in which the spirit of God dwells in His fullness.

      Our relationship with God is living and always growing. The new wineskins we are to wear, which are a purified spirit and reality that are completely governed and created by God Himself, are ones that can contain His spirit .. this means they are ever expanding, thus our lives, which God Himself is crafting according to our purpose and personality, are ever changing and expanding. To hold onto static, redundant ways that come from organized religion inhibits that growth. When you read the teachings of Jesus … this is what you learn. Paul spoke of the community of believers not organized religion, these two are very different. One operates by the character of God, the other by religious protocol, traditions, and habits.

      As I have sought over the years, I understand that being in organized religion is a part of some people’s journey in seeking truth. It was in mine. But it presents MANY problems and stumbling blocks to one seeking truth and perfect love. In its pre-defined structures, habits, and ways of how to relate to God are contrary to the living, expanding, breathing spirit of God. It bounds God to preconceived images, thus creating a multitude of false images around Him, thus why all the different religions, nil spiritual growth and a decaying society. You can’t know God, who is an eternal spirit, from the outside. It is a knowing from experiencing His spirit personally. The very nature of having pre-defined ways of organized religion puts a soul within those parameters instead of God creating an ever growing reality that fully honors Him in every element allowing a spirit to mature and grow. Organized religion creates non-expandable wine skins or reality that can’t contain His spirit because people are following a pre-defined connection to God instead of allowing God to create what He wills out of their reality, which is to be His. I think it is very important for people to seek God to establish their relationship with Him and not someone else for them or tradition. Traditions are comfortable but can be very binding.

      May we all seek to be the living temple allowing God to create our lives as He wills so all will be in harmony. We have to give up our reality thus all our life expression to Him and let Him fully govern us and not external organizations established by people.

  83. Greetings brethren,, well, I do not think you can explain away The word of God it is infallible,, Ephesians 4 The body of Christ,, Church Gov’t .. Gifts to the church are not passing. ( 5 fold Ministry)! We are not allowing the Holy Spirit to administrate. Jesus did not always preach behind a pulpit,, it was more the exception than the rule.:) direction application,, is way off. Love is the goal of our instruction Paul spoke. Christ crucified ,, Relationship with Christ through prayer, the Word , worship, and service.. Be ambassador’s that we have been called. All are at different places Regarding maturity. We talk talk talk knowledge knowledge knowledge,, love love love we need to do faith working through love ,, love is greater than knowledge, knowledge puffeth up man… Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV). Romans 12:9 let not your love ne hypocrisy,, be devoted to one another love,, give preference to one another In honor , contribute to the needs of the saints etc… Relationships love the Lord, Love one another, reach out to the lost,,, meet in homes,, relate love, assemble there is a place for it . witness unless u do not care that people are going to hell. It is not rocker science.. Study to show yourself approved. You will be sanctified in the truth. Christ formed in You. Love and move in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in truth ( the Word) Our ability is from the Holy Spirit who empowers and guides if we will yield humility ,, prayer the word and love love love . The Lord will call your name when at His coming and will say we’ll done good and faithful one. We must not preach non association. We must be light and examples in this our as in every hour as we await the Lord’s return. In His Love

  84. Well Rachel, you have certainly come a long way in a short amount of time. God is certainly working and giving you revelation. It warms my heart to see the spirit in god’s children. I noticed in your dialogue with certain individuals above a confusion of terminology and what you say vs. what is understood. When our Father dealt with me it was on a very personal level that words hardly can describe. It’s hard to express and teach others unless you stand in His presence. We live and lived so long seeing afar off with the knowledge, understanding many of the mysteries, types symbols but not feeling the connection. This is how it is in our spiritual youth. When, by obedience to the Spirit within we grow, we see and hear by the still small voice that is away from the noise of the institutions and outward religion (Babylon) that we pass through. God does bring us out and through this Babylonian system without but more importantly that which is within.

    I would like to interject something here that may help your readers that we must understand and I’ll try to be clear without a lot of wordiness. The law. the old testament was an outward expression filled with rituals, types, symbols, mysteries and they were in type, not in reality. The old law and testament was a picture, an explanation of the true, our Father, the spirit, and our Lord, our Christ. All sacrifices were outward, the temple was outward, the journeys were outward. The conquering of Canaan (the promised land) was outward. Everything was in an outward expression hidden in types and shadows. At the coming of our Lord at the event of the cross and the rending of the veil in the temple thus signifying a way into the Holy of Holies, everything moved into the true temple not made with hands and that is you and I and every other child of God on this planet. The beast that were sacrificed on the outward alters now become the alter with our very being where we “acknowledge our sin” by laying it on our inward alter before God and letting His consuming fire burn the beast within until it is no longer. This is the inward journey depicted by the outward journey in the old testament. The new testament is not that book we read, but we become the new epistle (book) read of all those who are given spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to understand.

    We will gain little by knowledge, understanding the mysteries, or reciting word and verse. It is by becoming the spiritual word ourselves, like our firstborn Brother, our Christ. Religion is what was under the old law, it was external. Many still desire to be under the old method of the law by going to a particular building on a particular day at a particular time listening to a particular person. This is not to be looked at negatively and shunned for babes and young people in the Lord must learn from the tree of knowledge of “good” and evil. What we deem good is not necessarily going to promote growth for the type of good comes from the wrong tree. Our thoughts and ideas of what is good usually leads only to debate and argument which we should not indulge in, in a condescending way. We must be patient, kind and long-suffering with those who are growing up, the same as we. When we see that “all things” are designed by our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ we see no evil. Evil is but a tool for good. Can we forgive unless we’ve been wronged. Can we overcome unless evil is put before us to love in spite of all the evil in the world? All things work together for those who love God, our Father. There is one throne in the Holiest of Holies (mercy seat) and the dragon, the serpent, the carnal mind must be overcome so that the Christ (anointing) in us must rule. When this overcoming process is complete we will stand in His likeness and we will say only what we hear our Father say and do only those things we see our Father do, the same as the Firstborn.

    For those who want to still be under the law just remember there is nothing outside of ourselves that can hinder. God is with with the Christ (the two cherubim’s in the Holiest of Holies) and we are the true temple and we are those clouds who will rain upon the earth to bring forth that seed of Christ in others (the fields of the world) so to speak. I personally do not have any condeming nature toward any who does not see as I for I was once an infant myself (spiritually as naturally). Remember, God said “let us make man in our image (character( and tho He will until every knee shall bow and “everyone” is returned to the kingdom from which we came. Some with a double portion as the firstborn son’s of the old testament.

    Rachel, I see you see what I’m saying. We must be kind to all irregardless of one’s own stature, calling or order. It is a pleasant experience to share the life of Christ with love and no feeling of variance even though we may not see things all alike. Love trumps knowledge for if we have the Father’s love we have fulfilled all knowledge. If our knowledge does not change our character we in vain wrest the scriptures. We will all return to the Father, let us see this potential in others and love them until the morning star arises in their hearts.

    If Love is our goal which is God then we will not be given to knowledge for knowledge sake nor will we have any desire to be recognized for that which we know. We must leave the tree of knowledge of good and evil and return to only the Tree of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Rachael this is a word of encouragement, not intended to dispute at all. If God is moulding us in His likeness then we, as He will love all, saint and sinner until we see all complete. What a wonderful revelation.

    In Christ


  85. Rachel, in my comment above it was made after reading only a little of this blog page and a couple of minutes of a video. I thought I would reinforce what you were saying and as I was leaving this area of the web, I listened to one of your messages on the understanding of the scripture and how it is written in layers. You are correct in that all scripture is present tense and not a history lesson or a future lesson in Revelations. All scripture pertains to you in the moment, not tomorrow, not yesterday. The whole book is a spiritual book to those who have grown to understand it in the spirit for it reveals nothing but the love of God through His Firstborn. I encourage you in the way you are teaching and in your patience with those who are coming along. Once one sees the book is us as John was instructed to eat the book, we must also, and we must become the book. We become as christ in His fulness and we should not think it robbery to become like the Father for this is His whole purpose. It’s simply about becoming as He is. It should not be looked at as some impossible feat to become as he is for that was the mistake of 10 of the 12 spies that spied out Canaan. Joshua and Caleb came back and said that they could take the land ( our ites within) for they knew they could not do it themselves but that god would go before and give them the victory. Many read the scriptures in unbelief and say as the weak children of Israel, “Its just to hard, to big for us.” Well yes it is but we must realize we must stand still and let God give us the victories, the subduing of all the 7 nations within that must be driven out little by little until David ( christ the king) conquers the last high place in our hearts where the true temple is being built of the lively stones in which we are.

    You are certainly teaching in the spirit realm and I can add little to what I see you are teaching. All I can say is that the word must become spirit in us and we stand as a Son, whatever gender, as the Firstborn. Not all will see this teaching nor are they required to for as Jesus spoke in parables so that they may “not” understand it is not for all to overcome as in the spiritual 144k, the sons, etc. All will not govern and rule so they will not be processed to do so but all must bow the knee to the Anointed, which is Christ.

    I meant to just write you a short note about my first note and let you know I understand you understand the spirit of the letter more than I first thought. I encourage all to listen to Rachael for she is a kindred spirit for she promotes the love of God in a spiritual way, rightly dividing the letter from the spirit as a two edged sword which rightly divides the spirit and word. If we vary a “little” in knowledge we see the greater good and that is that we all will definitely come to the fullness of Christ, however each in His own order.

    God Bless


  86. In Galatians it talks of factions, parties and divisions among the church. Also the temple was done away with so that Christ could come into our hearts where the church is. The factions, parties and divisions are what those who sought preeminence were guilty of. This division is separating one from another by doctrines, creeds and opinions. Parties are those who separate themselves into groups (denominations) just like political parties and cut off others who are not like them and like stays with like, excluding those of a different view. Factions are splits within opposing one another when a forgiving spirit should be shown instead of a feeling of superiority. It is not the building or the absence of the building, it is of the heart and including all in God’s plan as does the Father. We are all on the path and should one not see what i see, he will in time, therefore we pray for all regardless of where they are in this journey. We cannot open or close the mind of another, although we can share where we are and what God has given us. We leave it at that. Jesus did not run after those who did not or could not see, for it was not there time. Some will never understand the high calling in Christ Jesus. If there were only Kings with no one to guide and rule, only priest with no one to mediate for it would not be according to god’s plan. As in a natural government there are those who rule and those who are ruled. The processing of the 100 fold is different from the 30 and 60 fold. There is no need to try to teach those God does not intend at this time to be taught of the high calling in Christ jesus. Salvation is a given, the placement in salvation is the different rewards that puzzles many. Many times in scripture it is talking about a calling and not salvation itself. Paul talked about the possibility of losing the high calling, not salvation. We were born into this world saved as it is not a question of works of our own but the workmanship of the Father through Christ in us. The purpose is for us to be schooled in our calling during this life long process, it is not to compare and condemn others. We were born into condemnation at birth and from that point on it is God and the Son to bring us out of this condemnation or the curse. The curse placed us in a condition of reconciliation, a place of coming home, regenerated. Nothing can be re-anything unless it existed before. The argument of buildings is a mute point for the beast of division is a spirit of the heart, a feeling of division, faction, and parties. Paul made comment that after his departure many would raise up to take the place of Christ and it was a spirit of antichrist. Anything that takes the place of Christ is the antichrist and it is found in us, in the carnal mind.

    I understand where people like Clayton is coming from and also Rachel. Rachel has left the division, factions, and the party spirit. Clayton sees the people as separate from the system. As Paul we must understand it is the “preeminence” in man that wants to rule over that is the factious one. This pertains to a mans heart regardless of where he happens to be at the moment.

    I see it simply that if you are in Christ all you meet, see, and fellowship with are God’s children and we should not look at one another by partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words we don’t get to decide who is good and who is bad. By eating of the Tree of Life, we see only Christ in others, although we may be observing some as babes, some as young men and some as mature adults, we see only as the Father sees His children.

    The carnal mind regardless of where he is sitting or not sitting at the moment is the enemy. His attitude is as one of the Nicolaitians. We are not to be of anyone, except Christ. Nico in the greek means to rule over, laitian comes from the word laity. The soul, the woman, the preeminence in man should not rule over another for God is our King.

    I will close in saying there are callings and folds in which we are all called into. The overcomers will be given the crown and this crown will be the mature mind of Christ. It will then be the job of these “overcomes” to bring all the earth to completion, all God’s children. In God’s order and time. Let us be patient with all, praying for all will come to the glory (mind and substance) of the Father.

    Religion is outward in ritual (the law), Christ is inward in substance in spirit.

    To truly see we must partake of like mindedness. In obeying we will grow to the full stature.


  87. Sorry for the typo’s. My shift key does not always capitalize. Proof, proof, proof read before hitting that send button.

  88. This is where I am in my journey too! only much older at 70, I’m still healthy and love my God with my whole heart & trust him with my life, my families lives, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I long for that deeper continual presence of the Lord and communion with him. I am eager to hear your report after your time of seclusion.

  89. Hi Rachel,

    I follow you YouTube videos and have for some time. I know you deleted many of the old ones. I was a little bummed because it seemed like when I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on in my walk your videos providing the knowledge and wisdom. Would you consider making them available for me if I give you my user name?

    • Hi, what topics specifically did you find helpful ?… perhaps I can speak on them from my current understanding. I removed the old videos as I transitioned into a much deeper place of our Father’s love and truth that altered my perspective, thus how I presented his truth … a perspective that was more honoring as it was more in line with his love.

      • I would love if you would speak on relationships/marriages. For me and many others that I know God is causing a great separation as we journey closer towards HIM and HIS divine love. Lies that we once believed as truth are being exposed. It causes many to question and let go of beliefs we once held and instead trade them for HIS WILL for our lives. There are not many that speak on this, but I have learned this to be a greater truth than holding on to things you believe to be God because of what you have been taught or what we have in our carnal minds interpreted biblically. You’ve spoken on this in the past in older blogs and also videos, I would be grateful if you would share your new perspective if you are led to do so. Thank you.

      • Hi Christy, thanks for your input. Marriages and relationships make up the fabric of our lives .. an all important area to explore. We’ll see where it goes.

  90. Hi Rachel,

    I have been watching some of your videos which have some important truths. I have called myself a Christian for many years although I’ve never been completely surrender to the Lord. I’ve wanted to be, but certain sins in my life seem to always come back up from time to time. I have prayed and sought Grace and help to overcome these sins but I still haven’t got complete victory. Many years ago I became a Christian and I believe I was born again. I say I believe I was born again because my eyes were open to see the need to die to self and I had that strong desire to follow Jesus. I did start to see changes in my life but sadly I never really broke out of that selfishness that was deep rooted. Some have told me that I deal with condemnation and guilt a lot and that’s what holds me back but I also know a Christian should be transformed into Jesus image. It seems like I have to force myself to be a better person instead of just seeing my heart changed. About two or three years ago I received the revelation of the importance of God’s love and how his love transforms us. I received this revelation and understood it but it still has not really changed me at least not very much. It still seems like things in this world really have an influence on me, more than they should. I can’t even purchase anything without feeling guilty or feeling like I’m just still a part of this world. I keep battling with that feeling that I have gone too far because I’ve known of Jesus , I’ve known the truth for so long yet have continued to battle with sins and have not given things up. I know that life in Christ should not be this way, it should not be so difficult. My fear is that I’m getting older, but I am not bearing fruit at least not that I can clearly see. I became a Christian when I was 17. By the time you’re in your 30s and 40s, you should be starting to really bear fruit and see that transformed life. I know that we should be patient and that it can be a long process but at the same time I also don’t see the blessings of God in my life. I’m not talking about material blessings but spiritual blessings. I see things like my family getting sick despite prayer, the fact that I don’t seem to be able to lead people to the Lord, things like that. Sometimes I think my mind is my own worst enemy but I can’t seem to get past that even with prayer. I just want to be able to let go of the things of this world including any sin and follow Jesus! The Lord bless you!


    • Hi Michael,

      This ended up being quite a long response … but I hope it speaks to you in depths only the spirit can transcend.

      You are a beloved son of our Father. And to see your desire to be of his likeness and no longer a reflection of a “man of the dust” (of our natural birth state) reveals that you are upon your transformative journey into his likeness, a turning point in our journey that many of us long for.

      “Born-again” as is taught, expressed, and understood, in my opinion, is misleading, vague and its true meaning lost in the hubbub of evangelism. It’s communicated as something instant and thus change is assumed to follow quickly and immediately. Like you said, we come to a point that we are aware of our need to be transformed by our Creator .. but that is just the beginning of a long soul journey … at least in my experience.

      Everything we see of our Creator is about growth … and likewise our soul grows into his likeness. Even a child in a womb up to birth is a process of growth and development, which this analogy among others can shed a lot of understanding of our soul’s growth. And we each have our unique journey that is filled with a myriad of experiential lessons in which our souls grow that prepare us to come into his likeness. Thus, we can’t compare our path to another or even to our own expectations, because we don’t actually know what it entails until we get there.

      Our Father is our Creator, it is he who fashions our souls. But because he is love and is fashioning us in love, we must willingly choose in love, not fear, to submit to his loving molding hands. Sometimes, this in itself takes awhile to understand. For we don’t start out understanding his love, as our understanding has been tainted by our experiences in this world. But when we start to become aware and grow in this love by seeking to know him in truth, then we start to see small changes that were before “impossible” happening within ourselves. Holding onto false images, and “fixed” beliefs can get in the way of our progress into love. His love leads us where we haven’t been before in our understanding, so we have to be willing to go where it leads us that then takes us into new depths of understanding.

      Thus because he is the creator and we are not, our part because it is about love, is to desire his workmanship in us. For he won’t force himself upon us because love doesn’t force itself. In an exchange of love, there is only a willingness and “free” choice on both sides or it isn’t love. So though we may say we want him to change us, when he approaches an area, our fears, lusts, guilt, pride, etc actually say no, not there. So he waits, he never leaves, and continues to work in gentle ways that move us closer to him. This is the long-suffering element of his love .. for being love, he longs to be fully united to us, but it takes time for our desires to come in line with his, so he can do his work. But he will finish what he started. You are his son and always will be and he is the perfect Father of love and will create you in his reflection. But because of the nature of love, it is a very different process and path than we initially assume.

      His love is the most desirable possession and thus all his workings in us and in our lives .. and not ones of loss, lack, or anything undesirable. If we believe these are traits about his love, we’ve yet to understand his love. With him we only lose what brought into our lives what we didn’t want. This requires us to move past false images of who our Father is and get to know him as he truly is.

      So we may not let him mold some areas, so he works in others. And as we see the perfection of his ways, we relinquished those areas that we once kept from him because of fear, or for whatever reason, and he continues his work in us.

      All we do is desire. We can’t change ourselves, as you know. Yet, this isn’t insignificant, but rather very significant. For desire is the genesis of creative power … and as our innermost desires sincerely come into line with his, which comes from growing in the awareness of his truth/love, they are a catapult to the fulfillment of our desires by his hand.

      You are not alone in your struggle. The more I see of his love the more I want it to consume me … as I see what my own corruption creates. He has delivered me from so many habits of thought, attributes, etc that caused a lot of pain, yet until the fullness of our oneness with him, aspects of our corruption lingers .. for we are bound to a corrupted consciousness until we are clothed with immortality. I believe this is what you feel too. There are deep things in my soul that I long to be changed by him …and knowing his love and it never fails, I know that hope won’t fail .. and neither will it for you.

      Though his truth and love change our perceptions that can alter much of who we are, until we have his consciousness, which is:
      – to be truly “born again” (because having a new consciousness totally changes us) and no longer growing in the darkness of the womb but one with our Father
      – to be clothed with immortality, incorruption, his likeness
      – to have his very essence of perfection, governing us in every breath

      … we will experience the effects of our corrupted consciousness. Gaining his consciousness is our resurrection. It’s our oneness with him.

      But we continue on … seeking to know our Father as he is. To know him for ourselves. To follow his promptings in our heart that lead us closer to all we desire, for love is a collection of beautiful promises – fulfilled.


  91. Do you mind if I quote a few of yoyr articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your webpage?
    My blog is in the exact same area oof interest as yours and my users
    would genuinely benefit from a lot of the information yyou provide here.
    Please let me know if this alright with you. Cheers!

    • Hi, sure ..what is your blog? I would love to check it out?

      • Blast from Past!!!!!!
        Hey Rachel. It is both remarkable and strange to find you in this manner. I was googling spiritual warfare artwork and managed to stumble upon your videos. I recognized your face or at least I thought I did. Down the rabbit hole I plunged and here is your blog. It is you! …. And you have been busy writing…. A lot!

        See now I am traveling backwards mentally to the “Q”. Fast-forward to Breckenridge and some wonderful powdery snow, a few misfit friends and your charismatic husband-to-be, Mr. Bill. I think he was working at New Horizons at the time or perhaps selling …. well I’ll let that one go. I will always remember the story he told in such an animated manner, of having a snowball fight with Michael Jordan at UNC.

        Well if you haven’t discovered who this is as of yet, I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with: Schmsam Schmunderwood. How is that for a not so subtle codec?

        Listen, it is great to see you on-fire for God. I read a few of your blog posts and I must say that you have passion.

        I agree with, (forgive my over-simplification) your desire to seek Christ and nurture a growth of love for others. It is what we are commanded to do. We are also commanded to go and make disciples. You are on the right track.

        Every Wednesday at lunch I meet with 4 or 5 other men from my church and we pose thought provoking and “jagged” Biblically based questions. I love the discussions that follow and how they lead us to meditate on God’s Word and His nature. The question today was as follows: In Genesis 6, prior to the flood, it mentions that sin nature and evil permeated mans thoughts and intentions. It goes on to say that God was “sorrowful” that He created mankind. Knowing that God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, and that time (relative to our Creator’s perfect understanding) is not limited to our human understanding, why would God create us if He knew later He would be grieved by our sin in such a way… to the point where he destroyed an estimated 5 to 10 Billion people, saving only 8. (Noah and his family).

        Ok, that was today’s question. We try to veer away from speculation and subsequently back up our answers with Scripture.

        Also what does it mean by God was “Sorry or Sorrowful”?

        Enough of that. I thought you might enjoy this.

        Hey email me sometime. I would love to shoot some pics of my wife and family and uhummmm grandkids to you. Yes I said grandkids. I’m a SamPAW!!!! Hahahaaaa.

        Tell Bill I said hello and I hope to hear from you soon. I love that guy. He was always so funny.

      • HI! It is so good to hear from you!! I’ll send you a personal email.

  92. I saw your youtube video that spoke of where we were before we were born ,This is something I’ve wondered about. and I was wondering how you came to your conclusions .
    Then today I saw other videos you made and other religions were mentioned from india or china in the title, and I wondered if this was the source. The bible does not speak directly on this subject I don’t believe, but it does of God knowing Esau and Jacob in the womb, before either had done any good or evil, and this always made me wonder.
    What you say about this does sound plausible, but I guess it makes for even more questions also. Such as why Esau was hated even from the womb.
    The male and female soulmate aspect is also very interesting. Again, the bible makes no mention of this but says if we want to marry, it is to be only in the Lord. Interesting though. I think Ive met mine only in my dreams.

    Are you living in Colorado?

    I used to live in Aspen, and then in Denver.

    Take care, and hope to hear from you.

    • Hi Robert, Since 2001 I’ve been sitting each morning seeking to learn what is the truth from the Spirit of Truth. So even if I hear another, the Spirit of Truth’s voice has the final say; including above my own. He teaches starting where we are at and not our end state for truth builds. I’m not well versed various religions, so I won’t understand what you are referencing in regards to these other religions. It’s been me trusting God to teach me. However, and interestingly, I’ve noticed those with a pure desire to seek after truth or divine love learn very similar things no matter what their background.

      I use the term soulmate, which suggests a singularity of desire in two people that unites them on every level and this isn’t in the Bible directly. But references to the unity of male and female as in Mark 10:9, Genesis 1:27 The Bible references many things, and as we learn from the Spirit of Truth, we learn more about those things in greater detail. This concept has a lot to do with my journey, so I learn a lot about it. But to capture every detail of truth in a book, it would be a very very big book. God is infinite and there are an infinite number of ways his truth can be expressed. I believe we will always be growing in understanding. The Spirit of Truth is given to teach us ALL things. However much we want to learn, and it is always according to our purpose, which is God’s purpose for us. He teaches us so perfectly according to all that we need to know in alignment with our purpose that varies for everyone.

  93. Peace

    I will like to share these short videos, which I use to watch over many times, when I was younger in the faith… before I found thy graceful, individual expression of the Love of the only true God, fruits of the spirit in thee… of the no greater love. I align my thoughts, to seeing this Journey of yours beloved sister of the LORD, as a witnessing as well.

    Feed my sheep:


    Good Shepherd:

    “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”- John 15:2

    Not a complain, just a thought… I always enjoy editing my comments, when needed.. so I could have no typos =)

  94. I’ll like to share, that for a past time, at time i share scripture on atheist sites, blogs and YouTube videos.

    This is by far my favorite scripture to share on those sites:

    Psalm 14:1-7King James Version (KJV)

    14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

    2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

    3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

    4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.

    5 There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.

    6 Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the Lord is his refuge.

    7 Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

    They have been times, when I feel this scripture could be seen as a way to try and make some one angry, and I don’t like to do that… but then I remember that an atheist worldview, can’t even justify how their is absolute morality… so I’ve come to peace with my concern.

    • Here are just some of my reflections in general about this area:

      I haven’t spoken in detail with many atheists. So this is a great assumption, but I think people claim this belief system because it’s hard to rectify all the suffering and pain in this world. I think it is how they deal with their own pain. How can you believe in a God of love and yet see the absence of love?

      To be loved is one of our greatest desires. Of course it has been corrupted on a multitude of levels and in a myriad of expressions, but it is a deep hunger in our soul. This is to lead us to seek what we are to learn in this shadow of death where we experience a soul state that is driven by it’s own self-directed consciousness thus absent of divine love. Our father’s love is always with us, but it is outside of us in a sense. But God is using this all for our good, as I mentioned in my recent post. We are souls in formation … not done yet. This journey teaches us many things.

      So from their very limited few of our existence all they can see is the shadow of death. So from a certain view .. they are “right”, we are living in a reality that is absent of our ability as humans to give this kind of love. We are experiencing a reality as if we are in control, but of course God is in control of this temporary soul state that is for our learning purposes. Our natural love can be beautiful, but it is self-generated, thus very limited and very easily corrupted by our limited understanding. But when we take time to seek beyond ourselves, we begin to learn their is a much higher purpose to everything.

      It’s hard to “see” rightly with a self-governed consciousness. Thus we are to have great mercy on all including ourselves, but to help one another in love as we feel prompted. We are asked to always speak from a place of love and not proving ourselves right, or pride, or making them believe as we do today. We each have our own journey. So to help another is to help them from where they are at, versus trying to make the conform to our journey. You seem to have a helping heart. May you be blessed with the wisdom, love, grace, patience, and humility that giving in such a way requires. I know it isn’t always easy. This too is for our instruction in the ways of love.

  95. Peace and Honor

    Good Samaritan sing along song:

    My hands are the LORD’S hands, without me how can
    His work be done. I would reach were He would reach
    Loving kindness in my touch, I’ll be His healing hands
    To everyone My feet are the LORD’S feet, without me
    How can He walk with the poor, I will go where He would
    Go… Blessings others I do, For Him I’ll walk where
    I never walked before Help me LORD, let me give to my
    Neighbor What You would give, if You were here.
    Help me LORD Let me live, so my neighbor will always
    know you are near. My mouth is the LORD’S mouth, with out
    me how can His Voice be heard, I will say what He would say,
    Speaking love and life each day and everyone who is near,
    will hear His Word.

    YouTube video:

  96. Peace and Life

    With respect, I will like to share some of what I experience recently.

    I had went out today, to spread the Gospel message of the three angels. And I must have asked probably 30-40 people if they would like to know this Gospel… and during my hours of doing this. Only one young man was willing to hear… blessed is that young man to have chosen to hear the Truth.
    I has shared with him, also what Babylon the great is and the mark of the beast is. I had also gave to him the book Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White. A messenger of God.

    Respectably, I was reading through a variety of Ellen G. White writings, and I couldn’t help but notice.. that her writings has similarity to the things I have seen you write and heard you shared.

    The quotation on the book Education is one of such, in the profile I had read that you believe education is all manner of our being (paraphrase).. and that is the same thing she says, and she is a messenger of God, given many visions from the LORD Jesus Christ. I will be honored to share some quotes in the near future that shows this.

    Respectably, I share this Bible song:
    Psalm 84 Song “How Lovely is Your Tabernacle:

    • This recent experience reminds me of this scripture:

      “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

      38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

      39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

      It is sad… so many will be lost because of their own lust.

      • Dear Reach-El, I just viewed ur video on Oneness with God and You stated that we can maintain our Individuality in Oneness with God. You have erred in under(S)(T)andin(G). Before we choose to commit flesh suicide as Christ did we all are UNDER satans power but after we Do What Jesus Did and kill the enemy of our soul our own wicked flesh. Then we are IN Gods power. UNDER(S)(T)ANDIN(G) the T in the middle of understanding is the cross and the cross is the TRUTH. The other 12 letters are the 12 disciples. Jesus is the chief cornerstone of the foundation of the Church he is building in heaven on this rock. We all have the mind of Christ and his faith If we will follow him unto death of our enemy. Our evil flesh is the enemy. If we will not commit flesh suicide we will be committing spiritual suicide. I know you believe that our physical body is the temple of God but U R wrong. We have a spiritual body inside our physical body . The spiritual is not made by hands but our flesh body was made by the hands of God to give us a choice between evil flesh and good spirit. Acts 17:24 God does not dwell in temples made by hands. I cor: 15:36 thou fool, that which thou sowest , is not Quickened, except it DIE: corrupt flesh must die via suicide before incorrupt spirit and soul can be born again. Jesus showed us the true way to God through his flesh suucide. If Christ had not obeyed God he would have committed spiritual suicide. It is common sense to Do What Jesus Did. No flesh and blood can inherit heaven. Judas iscarariot is with Christ today because he obeyed Christ. John 13: 26/27.. Jesus said if you do what I command you to do I will call you friend. Jesus called Judas friend when he brought the church folk to crucify him. Mt:26:50. Every human being has a choice between flesh suicide and spiritual suicide. Abstain from all fleshly lusts that war against the soul. For all flesh is as grass and God breathes on grass and it dies per Gods perfect will. God kills(flesh) and makes alive (souls). Dt: 32:39. He killed the son of man and raised up the Son of God.. This is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH..

      • As they had their pasture, they became satisfied, And being satisfied, their heart became proud; Therefore they forgot Me. 7So I will be like a lion to them; Like a leopard I will lie in wait by the wayside. 8I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs, And I will tear open their chests; There I will also devour them like a lioness, As a wild beast would tear them.

  97. Hi Rachel,
    very interesting read and personal experience you have there. Do you think it’s possible for us to be friends and discuss further only in the Words/Truth?

    • “There are no coincidences in life. What person that wandered in and out of your life was there for some purpose, even if they caused you harm. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense the short periods of time we get with people, or the outcomes from their choices. However, if you turn it over to God he promises that you will see the big picture in the hereafter. Nothing is too small to be a mistake.”
      ― Shannon L. Alder

      Reading this message, I don’t reckon this message as appropriate to my values. The Bible tell us to chose friends wisely. Moreover I sense your comments are glibness. The information you provided are vague and it’s well known that they are people who try to lure others so they can have their way with them. .. one example is “Miranda Barbour, a now 19 year-old female currently awaiting awaiting trial on charges that she and her husband Elytte “celebrated” their 3-week anniversary by murdering a man they lured into a car through an ad placed on Craigslist.”

      Hmm… I hope you seek after GOD with all your heart, for the end is near.

  98. Rachel I just stumbled onto your article today on stirring the deep I believe it was called. Well I am 23 and had chills, warm feelings and Gods goodness lighting my eyes as I read your words. I am in the stage where I feel like everything about me is divinly shifting by Gods hands. I am and am living exactly what you have laid out. I shared the article on facebook and told my non christian friends to read it and Rachel I believe this message of yours is a huge one that churches so miss out on sharing. Its as if some churches keep their congregation asleep in the. So many christians dont even know for themselves what you are talking about and thats unfortunate. Anyways I would love to share so much more with you as I feel we are connected as brother and sister united by our Father. Please email me or let me know your facebook url or look up mine through my name haha I really would love to keep in contact. Bless you and the work God is doing through you. This work of yours is a blessing to those in need of truth.

    • Hi Brandon, Thanks for your comment. We recognize the Spirit of Truth’s (the Holy Spirit, that is of our eternal Father and Creator) teachings in another, when we are personally attuned to his teachings. We recognize his “voice” underneath what their words are trying to explain. In terms of religion, it’s my belief that no one can take the place of the Spirit of Truth in our spiritual journey. In organized religions people can often get dependent on the religion structure, dogma, rituals, or the teachers of that religion versus the Spirit of Truth. And to your point, when they do their deep soulful learning is greatly diminished. The organized religion, thus way of thinking and relating to God, takes the place of the Spirit of Truth, who should be guiding each one of us in all things, thus people get misguided, and/or become stagnate. I think it is so important for each one of us to personally engage the Spirit of Truth, and be careful of putting in replacements. He speaks to us right into our soul. In this comes a clarity of understanding. Others can be used as a part of our instruction, but I believe he is to our foremost teacher. Some have only known the way of religion and have never personally encountered the Spirit in this way. I think it is good to share that there is another way.

      I’m not on Facebook, just here. Much peace to you.

      • Hi Rachel, it will really be great to have you come to our Open Bible Session to have a hear and give us some feedbacks?
        We are having a short one perhaps will be running for 1.5-2 weeks. Do you think you will be interested to join?

      • Hi James, Thanks for the invitation, but I’m already overcommitted. But for curiosity sake, what is your process for these Open Sessions?

      • Morning Rachel. Glad to hear back from you. We are actually open as the name suggests. We have people from different denominations and even different religions.

        We come together to only look at the Bible how God writes it. There is no external resources use and referring only from the Bible itself because we can never understand God’s way the way we want as Is 55:8-9 states.

        The sessions usually run for 1-2 hours and the topic is usually build on top of each other. Current one will only be running for 1-2 weeks. but we normally have longer ones if time allows.

      • Hi James, Sounds interesting. Perhaps at a later time when time provides I’ll be able to join in on one. Thanks for sharing.

      • No worries. Please let me know when you are free and able to join in on one

      • We (the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit of Truth and me) have survived 68 months out of churchanity. I don’t tithe because I give all to God daily as yall do. Church folk teach that we can be born again and saved while living in these corruptible flesh bodies that satan owns by Gods perfect will and love. Please refer to 1st peter 1:23-25. Seeing(understanding) ye have purified your souls (no flesh can be pure) in obeying the TRUTH through the Spirit (not through the flesh) unto unfeigned love of the brethren (who have laid down their flesh lives for Christ), see that ye love one another with a pure h(ear)t fervently: 23: Being born again (from above spiritually ) not of corruptible seed, (while alive in this wicked flesh body) but of incorruptible , by the word of God. (Jesus Christ in me the hope of glory) which liveth and abideth for ever. (no flesh can live forever) 24: for all flesh is as grass , and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth , and the flower thereof falleth away: ( please understand truth. The flower is a blossom a bud that will spring forth at the death of our flesh. It is our spiritual body where our spirit and soul live. The spiritual body is captive in bondage insidebof our corrupt flesh body made by God from dirt/dust. And given to satan to devour. Ge: 3:14. He: 9:27 says it is appointed man once to die and after this comes judgement. Therefore we will not know where we will spend eternity until we choose to Do What Jesus Did and kill the enemy of our soul , our own wicked flesh is the enemy. Jesus had a choice whether to obey God and drink from the cup of death and when he obeyed he committed flesh suicide. If he had not obeyed God he would have committed spiritual suicide. We all have the same choice Christ had. He did not save our soul but he showed us by example how to be born again and how to receive salvation in heaven not here on this present evil world. I am no born again and I am not saved yet. But I am working out my own salvation with fear and trembling. Salvation in latin means save the TRUTH. Jesus christ is the Truth, the way and the spiritual life. D W J D . I still love your spirit and soul but me an God hate ur flesh. You are still reaching for God (Reach-el) not quite there (YET). True love from Arthur Curtis Lockridge sr.
        Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

      • Hmm… I replied to people, Brandon and James… I find them to be morally questionable, I my self won’t desire contact with them, but that is of course solely my values. My values were cross when I read James first comment, as well as the vagueness of his others and Brandon is and agent of the devil (I google him)… hopefully they find rest in Christ. I learnt that evil angels manifest them selves to people who either walk closes to GOD or those who walk furthest from GOD. I learn that from Ernie Knoll… hmmm some thing of my own beliefs. On the questions you asked me, I’ve been thinking about them and how I will convey them… I will be answering them soon 🙂

      • I know, from my experience and what I have learnt… when it comes to manipulative people, lies and manipulation goes hand in hand. I’ve come to the realization that manipulation really is satanic deceptive reasoning and part of their evil way of life. Praise GOD for salvation.

    • I’m going to pray that GOD humbles you or kills you… for your ways are of the devils. Your words are nothing but dead men bones, and fill with flatteries and deceit of a vipers tongue… though I will not go into it. For I know your kind like the dirt that market the ground. Offensive and insulting whoremungers, having nothing but pride and like your father the devil.. masquerade as an angel of light, manipulative fools.

      ‘God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth; the Lord revengeth, and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
      He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.
      The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
      Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.”

      “So I will be like a lion to them; Like a leopard I will lie in wait by the wayside. I will encounter them like a bear robbed of her cubs, And I will tear open their chests; There I will also devour them like a lioness, As a wild beast would tear them.”

      • I dont know what you based your judgement on (dont even know if you google-d the right person) but you (who changed your id or dont even use your real name just to make that comments) are more than welcomed to join our sessions too if you find me questionable. I have nothing to hide. Anyone is welcomed to join.

      • And you can bring a group of friends or cops too if you scared of “being lured into a car through an ad placed on Craigslist and murdered”:)

      • I don’t tolerate such jesting, because its amoral sarcasm. And I’m sure you will agree you don’t know many things. I won’t be responding back because of your mannerism in these messages. It really validates what I said. Take care and I hope you give up on being unscrupulous and seek after GOD Almighty before you it is to late.

        So repent of your sins or burn in hell stranger.

      • Ok, sorry about that. I’m just angered by how you judge people based on your own standards/values.

        But the invitation is sincere

      • Hi Jedi,

        Go back and read what you wrote as if someone else wrote this to you. And tell me what it feels like to your spirit … where is the love, compassion, mercy or grace. You don’t have to agree with others, but to speak with vindictiveness, judgment, and condemnation is altogether something else. It’s doing the very thing that you judge them for. The words you speak reveals not their hearts, but your own. This is true with all we say. You condemn the wickedness in others and yet don’t seem to see your own fallenness?? Thus you judge others harshly and in doing so bring this judgment not onto them, but onto yourself, and it comes when and how you don’t expect. Matthew 7:2 I say this opening only to help you see that you may not fall into this dynamic. That you may instead seek to be gentle to all.

        2 Tim 2:4 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

        Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

        Matthew 15:11 “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”

        If you can “hear” what I’m saying I believe it will only help you on your journey. But truly I don’t appreciate these kind of comments on my blog.

      • I’ve appeared as self righteous? As a young lamb speaking with the mouth of a lion? Hmm… I will show my heart, with this saying: A wife and husband have a daughter… and during thier joyous time a man appears, he befriends the family, even offers to baby sit… And in the insuring days the details of his true motives are made clear. The wife and husband wonder how did they not see the signs of the insuring fate. Even the evil person admits he only got close to the family so he could get close to the young one. I’m sure you know they are many real examples of this and others.

        How can I be gentel to the wolves that desire to devour the sheeps? Gentel to the lion that prowls the encampment of the innocent or look pass the men like bull ants, inconsequential in scope yet thier bite is that of a bullet. Have I look pass your prudence or escaped the rebuke? The Spirit bades me to stay and harkon, for where is the love and the compassion,or grace and mercy? These words ye spoke to me… Are they not like harpons to my soul and ankas on my heart?

        How can I escape such truth… For it was those attribute of GOD that gave me my first love.

        I’ve seen your ways, and I know they are wise and I have heard your heart and see that it is kind… I will cherish this chastisement, even thou it has changed my heart. For I am a man of sensitive morals and I do become indignant… I wish this world was innocent, yet we know they are two kinds of Spirits that work in this dark world, until the brightness of His glory comes. For i was once in tje tents of evil, in the counsel of evil men, whom words were for the distortion of truth and whom motives and ploys were of devil, masquarding as beings of light, yet like the devil thier actions and words showed thier true side.
        I have no more to say… I hope this shows my heart.

      • “Even thou has change my heart” I was referring to my countenance there… not my mind. Because even though I do cherish this chastisement, it hasn’t changed my heart. Though I can see… I could have conveyed more benignly.

        I write this to clarify.

      • Why do you think I can’t hear what you are saying?

      • If I re read what I said, it won’t make sense because it isn’t for me. If you searched Brandon name on Google… You would see why I wrote the way i did to him…

  99. Hi Rachel, I have something amazing to share with you that I think will bring you joy as it did me, but it is personal and one of my “pearls” that I don’t want to share with everyone 🙂 Is there a way that I can get in touch directly with you, perhaps by email? Thank you for your bravery in speaking the truth about God in this world of deception. You are a true answer to my prayer today. Love in Christ, Carmen

  100. HI Rachel,I sent you a prayer and my love in Christ Jesus.hope all is well!

  101. Rachel,
    I was listening to your blog on forgiveness and I am still really struggling with it. My now ex-wife did something so bad and because of that I haven’t been able to see my five-year-old daughter in 19 months. I go through through ups and downs but could really use some help. Thank you

    • Hi Billy,

      I hope this helps … What I’ve been learning is that everything that comes into our lives is reflecting something that is going on deep inside us and the situation comes into our lives to teach us. If we are humble to learn and not blame then we do learn and grow and the situation begins to change.

      I find my interactions and relationships reflect my deep beliefs; especially in a marriage dynamic (a marriage is a refined and detailed mirror to our soul). We are energy and the energy we put out is the energy that comes back to us. Our reality will reflect the truth of what we feel or believe – thus my greatest suggestion I can offer is to learn of divine love and desire to give that from the depths of your soul regardless of what another gives – for what you give to another you also give to yourself. And as all is energy, everything is in a constant state of change depending on our state of consciousness. So once we begin to shift to desire to be an outlet of a divine love and bring our thoughts into alignment to this love, then our situations begin to shift slowly. Nothing is instant … as our beliefs can be deeply ingrained, but as we begin to desire to abide in a space of sincere love toward all then everything begins to methodically shift. My loving thoughts and prayers are with you on this journey. Be patient and be as you desire others to be from the thoughts outward.

      • Also what helps the outpouring of this love to others, especially when it may feel difficult, is to realize that all is of God’s creation as we love all of creation we love him. For others, this means to love the truth of who they are as a divine being created by God by seeing past the lies they are living in the realm of their false-self. To see that God is a part of all is to see in truth and in this truth of understanding a higher love is able to move through us.

  102. Rachel, good day to you. With many crashed computers and the passing of life as we know it… I found you again. I used to follow you when you were doing videos and ALWAYS found them dramatically insightful. I see that the blog is no different… you are growing and changing and sharing the love of God with others (FANTASTIC). I seen that a book was mentioned in the blogs. Do you have a date on publishing? At any rate may you continue to love God and love others! Rick Kerr

    • Hi Rick, Nice to hear from you. Back in 2006 I started writing what I thought to be a book, but it ended up being the Spirit’s training ground for me to teach me how to express spiritual concepts through writing and speaking (as they are both closely related). Believe it or not, but I wasn’t inclined to express myself through words – so writing was something that needed to be developed. Through the process my purpose grew and changed and I discovered that a more dynamic outlet as this blog and my videos were a better fit for my content and my purpose. Much of the content that was originally my book I put up on Blog Talk Radio.

      So anyway, here I am. 🙂 Glad you found me again.

  103. It seems I went through something very similar. I stopped going to church last year. And although I don’t agree with a lot of things that go on, and have had encounter after encounter with the Lord, I still have to honor scripture. All of it. I know you don’t know me and I don’t know you but I’ve watch your YT and found this site. God bless you.

    • Hi, I’m grateful you found me … and may the Spirit encourage you and confirm through by journey what you are experiencing in your own. Organized religion is a starting place for many of us, but as we grow in the spirit, the Spirit of Truth working within us leads us out of its limiting boundaries that we may continue to grow. May the Spirit within become a rich fountain of life filling you with the true living waters.

  104. I agree with you but I am not comfortable with your use of Supreme Spirit. Why not call Him the Holy Spirit if it is Him you are referring to?

    • Hi Elvis, Thanks for your comments. Throughout my journey, which this blog documents and shares, my relationship and understanding of our Creator and God has grown and deepen. Throughout my writings you’ll see I use different words to describe who he is to me like the Supreme Spirit which denotes to me that He is the Spirit above all and in truth the only one true Spirit. He is sovereign and always will be. He is the Holy Spirit that resides with us; that calls me to be holy as he is holy – thus one with him. Through my deepening relationship with him he has become the most incredible Father to me on various levels … He is everything and contains all things. To me he possess the name above all names, which is above our knowing as there is no limit to our connection or knowing of him. Call him what you are comfort with … it reflects where you are on your journey. As as you continue to grow in truth and love – your understanding will deepen which will deepen your current understanding of him as the Holy Spirit and new descriptions that are reflective of your relationship will emerge. You’ll also come to understand why others call him as they do. Truth unites us to God and one another. Lack of awareness separates us.

  105. Hi Rachel, I can’t figure out how to email you on here. I tend to be a bit slow on occasions. I hope you are well. I am gathering a list of emails from people in our class of 1992 for an upcoming reunion. If you could email me your email address I would appreciate it.

  106. Hello Rachel,
    I am so grateful for having come across your site on YouTube. I am learning so much and really Love your passion and how you always speak from your heart! I wanted to ask you what Your feelings were about tithing or if you have a video that you have done that I haven’t seen regarding it. Thank you again for everything you are doing. Much Love & Light your way!


    • Hi Tony – so glad you find the videos helpful.

      In terms of anything we do or take part in, we are to desire to do it in divine love (the love that flows through us from our Source/Creator/Father/God to others). Without this divine love as our foundation, we actually do nothing because what we do is finite and without true life in it.

      Tithing, like most aspects of organized religion, can be a stepping stone as we move out of the illusions of darkness and into the truth of the Light. Among other things, this act of tithing can aid us in learning about letting go, acting in trust, and giving and receiving in divine love. As we progress along our path, we let go of the protocols and structures of organized religion, like tithing, and begin to walk solely by the internal leading of the Spirit which enables us to one day walk fully as one in the Spirit. Learning to follow the Spirit’s promptings in regards to giving is a powerful way to learn to hear and follow his Voice.

      In following the Spirit’s leading in the area of giving, we learn to give what and to whom according to what the Spirit impresses upon us, thus he can use us in a myriad of ways. And in following his leading many blessings occur in an intimate way between us and others. It’s a very powerful dynamic that isn’t experienced in tithing alone. Not that tithing or giving to others outside of tithing are mutually exclusive. But what is important to gain is learning to follow the Spirit from within and not dictates from without. I hope this makes sense.

      • Rachel,
        Thank you so much for taking the time and responding back to me. The beautiful way you explain and express your thoughts I find to be quite amazing. After reading it through a few times I was able to to understand and receive a greater perspective of thought. I am so glad that I was able to find this blog, there is so much beautiful information and expression here that I am grateful for. I was wondering if you could also recommend a bible to me. I know there are so many versions out there. I was hoping there is maybe a version that is a little easier to understand and could explain the verses. I have been studying and reading A Course In Miracles for the past three years and have taken the one year course but want to keep learning and expanding more and more. I thank you again for your kindness, information, and for being such a Beautiful Soul.

        Lot’s of Love and Light your way,

      • Tony,

        A Course in Miracles is an incredible book – truly inspired and in a certain sense more straightforward than the Bible, though to truly grasp what it is saying requires a deep network of concepts of truth.

        Like the Course in Miracles that is published in different versions in which some are closer to the original text and some are more interpretative based on the translators’ understandings, so it is with the Bible. Among the Bibles I’ve read over the years, the one I resonated with the most was the New King James Version (NKJ). Other versions, like the NIV, seemed more interpretative versus staying close to the original text. Of course, all have all been altered in various ways, which is inherent in the act of translation. BUT this isn’t a huge concern for we all have the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all Truth. So, in reading the Bible, as any text, the most important part of reading is fully trusting the Spirit of Truth (the Christ within) to teach you the meaning of what is stated. If you ask him to teach you, trust him to teach you (which takes patience), and ask to see what you need to see in what you are learning, you will be guided perfectly along a path that aligns you more and more with Truth. And because you’ve journeyed through the Course in Miracles, I’m sure you are familiar with listening and hearing the Spirit’s voice.

        The Bible is written in parables within parables. Many verses carry different meanings, interpretations, and layers of understanding. This is why there is so much debate and disagreement about the Bible, BUT because it is written this way, it allows the Spirit to show you many things through it. The Bible like everything in our reality is a tool that the Spirit uses to grow our awareness of Truth. If you are feeling led to read it, then there is something there for you – and as you remain open-minded – you’ll learn what you didn’t expect. I hope this is helpful.

      • Rachel,
        Thank you again for your guidance and profound insight of ideas. They have really helped me to see things in different ways and help me tremendously on my ongoing journey of seeking Devine truth and Love. I also wanted to thank you for having your videos on YouTube they are amazing and truly uplifting. I am not sure if you happen to have a book out, but if you do please let me know, I would love to have one. You shine brighter than any star.

        Much Love & Light,

      • I’m so grateful to the Spirit for the help you have experienced, because it is the Spirit in you and me that brings true awareness. As for the book, I suppose you never know how the Spirit will compel and lead us. Much peace and love to you.

  107. I like what Rachel says about giving according to need for this best describes God’s attitude.

    If I add just a thought about tithing; giving 10% of your income is not taught in the scriptures. If you were a tradesman, merchant, or in any other profession besides farming, you were exempt. And the…only 10% of the Produce was put into storehouses for the priest, widows and orphans. This was so people could eat such as the priest as they did not farm, so they had to be provided for, and the women and children who may have lost husbands and fathers in battle, among other reasons. There were other reasons, however no one was to pay money for tithing. It has only been taught because the blind ask for it and the other blind people give it. The scriptures are very clear on tithing.

    However, I would like to say that outside of the tithe being taught erroneously, if we have a giving nature as God would have us to have…we will give when there is a need and whether it is 10, 50 or whatever, we will give up to what we can and what is needed. God’s kindness and giving is not given in percentages, He gives us all we need…and we are expected to give accordingly.

  108. Hello Rachel, I understood you are writing a book? If yes, any idea when it will be available? Keep sharing the love sister…you are AMAZING!

  109. Hi Rachel,

    I am the seeker of Truth and I believe you. I wonder if you ever read Swedenborg’s materials. He revealed the TRUTH in details and if you’re enlighten as you said you are, then it makes sense everything you said ring true to his words. I am not here to judge but seeking enlighten. Knowing is not enough, one must apply and I am trying to apply. I believe that I have knowledge of the TRUTH but have not applied them.

    I agreed that the church institution is not the true embodiment of Christ. There are people that teaches Bible and believe in its literally meaning and not the spiritual meaning behind it. They have forgotten that there are spiritual components behind the Words. It is no difference than people believing and worshiping statues today. People have lost their way. For example, if you tell them the church is the “body” or “the body of the living temple,” they do not know what it mean. They translate “church” as a physical place that they have to be there to seek enlightenment and did not know that the church is within themselves and was always there. The Book of Revelation are written full of symbols but they do not understand them and translate its literal meaning and teaching people its false beliefs. For example, the 4 horsemen, they do not understand what each of them represent. They do not know that they represents the 4 elements of earth, water, air and fire and how these manifest in our life and that apocalypse are wars within ourselves to purified these elements. These are our carnal-self that we must conquered to open up and allow God’s Love flow into us. When we speak of fire and light, they do not understand that the fire is Love and light is Wisdom. So therefore, when he said I am the light of the world and I am in the Father as the Father in me, they do not understand it because they do not understand the spiritual meaning behind it. If you study nature, is not light in the fire as the fire in the light? And one cannot exist without the other? Is not warm correspond to love and growth and light correspond to wisdom and allow you to see? Does not the seed need to be planted into the soil for the plant to grow? Is not the love and heat from the sun that cause it to grow? And the wisdom of water and air that cause it to manifest? And so is our soul planted with a seed and manifested into mind and body. That anything manifested and created is dead and so is this body and physical world and sun? Is it not an illusion world? So is our carnal love? Which is loving self and loving the world instead of loving the Lord or loving the neighbors. Is not everything manifested from that Love? Love manifested into Wisdom? Love correspond to our Will and what we like to do and Wisdom correspond to our mind and what we discern and see? Is not the physical world a manifestation of those TWO? Why do you think your brain is divided into half and that you have two eyes, ears, hands, feet? Why do you think you have a heart and lung? Everything is created in duality which correspond to LOVE and WISDOM which is GOD ITSELF! Love cannot exist without Wisdom and so is Wisdom without Love. And so is your body without a soul.

    But the church do not recognize the things I spoke of and yet they believe in the father, the son and the holy spirit. How can you believe something you cannot see? How can you believe something you do no recognize? How can the father, the son and holy spirit are ONE? They do not have an interpretation except a belief which have no explanation. Believing in something that cannot be explained is not TRUTH. It is like believing the soul exist but does not know how it work. Without spiritual understanding, the teaching is falsified because it is taking the Words in its literal meaning. And similarly if you encountered people that give you a hard time about your work, it is because they could not see the Light. There is a cloud in front of them and that there is no light shining through them. Therefore, if you reveal the TRUTH to them, they do not understand it because there is no light that allow them to see it. This is why Jesus simply walk away or ignore them when he encountered certain individuals during his journeys through various cities and towns. Because he know, it is pointless to tell them anything since there is a cloud in front of them. And it is only they that can clear that cloud…by looking WITHIN. It is the temple of the living God, not some type of physical institution that you have to attend.

    • No, I haven’t read Swedenborg. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and you address such a significant understanding that we come to when we are diligently seeking for Truth … Perceiving the unbreakable union of divine love and wisdom is very powerful. It is the Light that exposes lies and replaces them with Truth. This Light continues to grow stronger as we honor it and follow it along our soul journey. Many of us start out in organized religion, but if we are diligent in seeking Truth and/or knowing divine love from the Spirit within, we are led beyond their inherent limitations and structures, which keep us from moving into deeper understandings of Truth and divine love. We move into an awareness of unity, where their are no divisions, but oneness.

  110. Rachel, Blessings to you in Jesus’ name! I am writing a book about personal encounters with God. Would you like to share something in that book? So far I have collected about 27927 words from 6 different authors. Just thought I’d ask.

  111. Young Lady

    Your writing is clear and strong. That’s good, right and Divine.
    Strong, soft, mature,angelic, of spiritual clarity.

    Your voice is a comfort to those of a wander. They need your ministry.
    You’ll do fine. You have a Divine discernment. Gds love. A glowing soul.

    To gather myself in the Spirit, I wrote for10 yrs by hand, first draft. lol.
    What a wonderful decade of dancing with the Spirit of Gd.
    In a way I miss it. Very deep, very serious now.

    Although, you are the first I’ve met with that much enlightenment. I thought I was alone.
    I am very impressed and of yearning to read all your Writs of Gd. Let you touch my soul,lol.

    We shall meet someday, Pen a Divine dance together. I am sure of that.
    God bless young lady. You are not alone. Always remember that.

  112. The very word “Gospel” means the “fulness of God’s LOVE” — the very awe and wonder of His love and the glory of its outpouring! This great “spell of God’s wonder” includes the vibrations of His power which are released through that glory generated within the souls of men as they become enlightened by the unfolding knowledge and understanding of His precepts of Eternal Truth.


  114. Rachel,

    you have been deceived and are deceiving others with another doctrine. In this about section you speak of the Heavenly Father as ” The Supreme Eternal Spirit Divine”, and claim “A spirit” greater than you as guiding you. You don’t speak of Jesus Christ, and don’t even mention Holy Spirit, but refer to “a spirit.”

    The Father sent His only Begotten Son to Atone for sins of mankind, and He glorified His Son as the Son glorified Him ( John 12)

    The Spirit that Jesus promised would come is the Holy Spirit to which Jesus said,” He shall glorify Me for He shall receive of mine, and He shall show it on to you.” (John 16:14)

    Therefore, when the Holy Spirit moves upon those who are Born Again, they will speak and glorify Jesus Christ, bringing honour to Him and His name. There will be no round about way of speaking of God without mentioning Christ. Those who speak of God in a round about way, a mystical, spiritualized way are speaking of another, and by another spirit.

    Those who speak of another Jesus are under a curse:

    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

    As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed.
    (Galatians 1:8-10)

    We are living in the last days to which the Bible warns that many will follow after seducing spirits:

    Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils (1Timothy 4:1)

    In this about section you write:

    “Seeking is like a fire that brings beauty and splendor to your life. It removes all that hinders and clouds your vision, so you can see an eternal love that always existed for you and waited to be a conscious part of you.”

    Seeking eternal love through any other means but through repentance and faith in Christ, seeking it any other way but through the cross of Christ, rejects Christ. This is mysticism, and completely unbiblical. You speak of Eternal love as if it’s God having “existed for us and waited to be a conscious part of us”, the God of this world, (satan) is the one who is waiting to be a conscious part of them who reject Christ, the LOVE of the Truth.

    The Living God does not not do this, He saves man by repentance and faith, they are Born Again by the Holy Spirit, and Christ is their life. They receive the Holy Spirit and walk in the newness of life, walk in the Spirit not in the flesh.

    Lastly you quote at the beginning of this section from a man named Hazrat Inayat Khan,

    Who was the founder of the Sufi Order in the West in 1914 (London) and teacher of Universal Sufism. (Wikipedia) which is mysticism within Islam. (Wikipedia)

    Rachel, REPENT. You are not to follow after anything but Jesus Christ who died and rose 3 days later from the dead that you would be called out from this evil world to Himself. This is satanic teachings that will lead you away from Christ and to hell. Please turn from this, you are not to talk to the dead for that is necromancy, anf is an abomination to the Living God. call on Jesus Christ in truth and forsake these lies and teaching these lies.



  117. We all have a past, present and future. Many are born into many different countries, cultures and religions. We are a product of our background…until God opens our hearts and minds to His will and to His ways. The disciples that even walked with Christ could not “see” until the spirit of God was poured into their being on the day of Pentecost thus allowing them to see spiritually…and they grew in spirit from that day forward.

    We also as a result grow from our past influences, blindness, and infancy in God. Yet we grow from where we were and are to that destinated end in Him…and as God wills and pulls back the veil of flesh that has kept us blind, we will see as one as we reach the pinnacle of life…for life and the way Issa broad as a pyramid at the base but narrows as we reach the summit. Some may start on opposite sides of life as on a pyramid but it is God who brings us to a oneness in Him when we reach the pinnacle of life.

    We should therefore conduct ourselves in a way that transcends all knowledge, allegories and mysteries for it is the love and likeness of God that all things in the scriptures describe. If we have the love of God for all others and fulfill the one great commandment we thus fulfill all things. So, we all have an idea of doctrine and knowledge “about” things but not all have the love of God which is the substance of things the scriptures can only describe…so to be of a spiritual substance is better than to only know…for knowledge may lead you to the knowledge of God but it is only His very spirit which can give you His likeness.

    So…as we grow, we grow in the love of God, not in the knowledge of Him only. When we see a love of God in a person that is for all others and is patient, kind, forgiving and tolerant toward others, we see in them a priority that God sees. As God beings us up and through our ignorance of His way, forgiving us of our inadequatcies, He expects the same from us. One who has love has no boundaries as God requires, while one who judges according to another’s knowledge has not the love of God for their love can go only as far as they can see things in the natural knowledge of things. When we truly love we take no offense in the errors of others, however we are to teach and explain things as they are in the “I Am” and not how we “know” them.

    As we come to understand the plan of God, we then can only see and love as He loves. The plan includes us “all.” And it is all the end for in God the end do justify the means of our suffering. It is ony for a little while before we will all see things alike and together. This is by His design.

  118. Sorry for the typos

  119. i.e.

    The difference between knowledge, doctrine and God’s love is that one is knowing about something and the other is simply coming into being. We must come to be as He is and to not only know that He exist by an outward observation. We must become and come to the place where we think, speak and do because of who we are and not by some external rule and doctrine. To be as He is, is to fulfill all of the law…in the spirit of the law.

  120. If we say that we can understand God’s plan for the salvation of all right on into eternity…how can we but know that negative things that come to us in our life and in the life of others is but for our ultimate good? If “all” means all as some of us believe that it does, none being lost in the end…does not this tell us that all the things that happen to us in the means of time justifies each and every end of us all, in all things? In other words we must believe that when God set out to create us in His likeness and image, it was to be through a process of having to be blinded to His wonderful plan for the rest of eternity as we already existed in it before being born into this human existence. If we had not been blinded, we couldn’t be disciplined to accept His greater (double portion as in Job) gift of the freedoms to be granted us.

    It’s like having a child that you have always told of a great inheritance that they will one day be granted to them by you. If you told them it was an already done deal and all they had to do was to wait out the duration of the time and that there were no consequences of losing anything for any disobedient behavior, little could be accomplished because of the little respect they would have for you. If we knew we would be “rewarded” anyway…why comply? Discipline is administered to bring us to a place to where we prove our loyalty, faith and love to a higher cause than to just ourselves, thus the different orders we will fall into, the thirty, sixty and one hundred. The one hundred being the order of government, the the thirty and sixty are to be the governed.

    So…it is by learning through our suffering, obedience to His will, it is then that we learn to keep our bodies under subjection against sin and error. Children learn many things through fear of losing something if they do not behave. Therefore, we being temporarily blinded to God’s good and gracious end for us we can then be disciplined and trusted to help construct the expansion of the universe(s) according to “His” will.

  121. Hey Rachel,

    I watched your video aboyt how to seek God, which came into my inbox when I really wanted to know how, and your method really worked for me! However, I have heard some rumors that I’d like to clear up about you talking to the dead. First of all, if you have lost anyone I am so, so sorry for your loss. But I do know that our Lord condemns communication with the dead, it is witchcraft, and uf thus is going on then you need to repent. I want to restore you in love, because you are my sister in Christ.


  122. Reply to Mike Hunt,

    What do you mean, “nah”?

  123. Father God, I pray today, this day, for Rachael. Father, in Heaven, I pray that you would begin to shake Rachel by the power of the Holy Ghost, through Jesus, Lord, that the fire of the Holy Spirit would come and bring a divine shaking. Father, let her begin to shake and tremble under the power of God, that when she drinks a cup of coffee, her husband would even begin to say, sweetheart, what’s wrong, and Rachel would begin to say “I don’t know” I can no longer hold still. Are you ill, sweetheart,? “Dear God I don’t know, but I am trembling”. And then God when she goes to the market place, that she would begin to tremble and shake, and the fire of God falling, where she cannot control. that God might visit in this hour to reveal the Son, to her, Father let there be an end to these spirits of blindness of the enemy and the darkness of chains, and the lying spirits be deposed this day. I am speaking of the Love of Jesus to destroy the works of darkness, and deception. Let there be no end day and night if by dreams Lord, to bring her unto to you. Let there be a rebuke and a pulling down of spiritual entity, that would try to capture her seeking of the truth, of God. The fire of God to burn day and night in this time of visitation of God against Gnostic lies of the enemies of God. Let shaking, and shaking and shaking fall from heaven to bring the true gates of God’s love to her doorstep, that she might not hold still until finding you, and ending the path of mysticism, find God’s true Spirit.

  124. This year we will taking off the old, repenting from habits that have not served us well, changing our thought patterns from negative, judgmental, faithless, unforgiving thoughts to higher thoughts of faith, hope and love! First, we need to recognize these rehearsed patterns in our life in order to change them. We cannot repent from something we refuse to recognize as a lower existence, that is not beneficial. The Holy Spirit is here to work with us as we humble ourselves, once Jesus is inside our heart.

  125. Truth is who God is…when we try to define love we grapple for the truth of its meaning …when we try to define it we do it an injustice…when we become what “is” we then…know it’s meaning. Without actual love we try to define it with words and labels of “religion”. Peace, love and forgiveness is a substance we have to come to know and possess before we understand it. Having this lack we should not accuse another..or ourselves because we know that is what we “shall” become.

    This is the purpose of life… it is to experience (for a time) what we do not have so that when we come to have it..we will know and understand the difference of self ego…and love. When we can look at another…any other…and know they exist in a love equal with that of ourselves…we have arrived in the presence of the kingdom…where only a presence of “one”ness dwells.

    This life is an experience that personifies all that is good..therefore it is all good.

  126. When we look at our own ego, that “is” our own ego. All that is good comes only from God, in a world where there ‘is’ no oneness. There is only one that is for us, and that, is God. Only God, personifies good. Love can only be described in words, and deeds, and the labels are created by God. Peace love, and forgiveness, are an attitude extending from Life: the Life of God, but Faith is a substance.
    When we put our Faith in the Savior Jesus we are free to be ourselves, and what we become, is hidden in him. This frees us from the idea, that we cannot perceive or judge, because our judgment is just.

  127. We are “all” here in preparation of good things to come. Whatever we experience of both good and evil, it will lead us to an appreciation of the One of God. Nothing is to our detriment and when we can see that the end justifies the means…we wait patiently for our love to come in the fullness of our being. It is all good.

    • No man can come unto the Father, or to the One of God except through, submission to Jesus Christ. Jesus said, It is ‘Not All Good’. Have you received Jesus, as your Savior, and personal Lord? Jesus has One gospel that brings us to the Father, through him only? Have you accepted salvation? You must be in Jesus to be in preparation.

  128. One or Oneness

    • Disambiguation pages are used as a process of resolving conflicts in article titles that occur when a single term can be associated with more than one topic, making that term likely to be the natural title for more than one article. In other words, disambiguations are paths leading to different articles which could, in principle, have the same title.
      For example, the word “Mercury” can refer to several different things, including an element, a planet, and a Roman god. Since only one word can have the generic name “Mercury”, unambiguous article titles are used for each of these topics: Mercury (element), Mercury (planet), Mercury (mythology). There must then be a way to direct the reader to the correct specific article when the ambiguous word “Mercury” is referenced by linking, or searching; this is what is known as disambiguation.
      The term “One” then, itself presupposes the idea of an “ambiguity”, because the very need to define “Oneness” implies that an explanation is needed to describe the brokenness of all material, non material, and spiritual substance. That is to say, Oneness implies brokenness. To solve this problem God needed a plan to remove man from this ordeal. That plan involve One Man, the One Man Jesus Christ, who invites us into the plan of God. It is only this plan that provides a platform, to resolve brokenness. Without God’s Word, and Jesus Christ, you remain in ambiguity.

  129. where is rachel ?

  130. If a person simply says “God is Love” another can argue this point in the negative I suppose by also asking what the meaning of the word is, “is”?

  131. Oneness in reference to God is a biblical reference to His sovereignty. When one is a student of the scriptures one need not ask about what reference a word is making to the subject matter when the noun is right next to it. Oneness of what? God.

  132. So, you are referring to what Jesus, said about oneness? About how He said, I and the Father are one? And about how he warned about false Prophet’s claiming to know the scriptures?

  133. I made no reference about false prophets, just the love and oneness of God. But since you addressed the subject I would say a false profit would be one of saracasm, fault finding, and negativity. The wise prophesies toward love, while the unwise and foolish are void of this love…for they are always looking to divide, ridicule and blame others of the faults they themselves are bound in. The wise…in love reaches across all boundaries being positive about God whereas scoffers tend to see only the devil in all things. (Messengers of darkness posing as angels of light. ) Such as the religious “priest” of Jesus’ day could not see His goodness at all because of their own blindness of what love truly is. The priest, had the law and could speak eloquently “about” it, so they could dress the part, speak the part and act the part… yet they were only full of the outward word of the law. They were far from the love of God, whereas the deciples learned from the indwelling spirit…within themselves (the true temple) that it was more to “be” love than to stand afar as did the priest and act as though they knew something about the love of God in their self righteousness and yet their “righteousness” put the Son of God to death. They are as many are today…who know not from whereof they speak as they think they will be heard for their many words and accusations against others as did their fathers of the Pharisees before them. Christ made it plain to the priest that although they spoke lofty and eloquent words and looked the part they were nothing more than the product of their father, the devil.

    So let our words define from whom we receive our spirit…for a person is known by their fruit…not from their words. Love knows the difference…scoffing does not.

  134. Are you saying that you have Received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? And you know you are redeemed from sin?

  135. How could God be leading these false Prophets to Himself, if you feel so strongly that God has rejected them? I don’t see God’s oneness there. You claimed that God was leading them to Himself, so why do you hate them? Doesn’t make sense.

  136. hello, this is antihacker101, long time no see. i want to make something clear. i think we all understand what it means when we say that we must trust spirit, and not man, but because religion exists, some may interper that the wrong way.
    Without realizing it, some say that to not trust man is to only trust in a book. but this is one of those deceptions. to trust in spirit is to trust in ALL MEN… no matter if someone plays out a bad person or a good person, each and EVERY PERSON is whom we need to listen to in order to see SPIRIT(in all things).(each person reflect spirit(heart in self)..
    what im saying in short is that to trust in spirit and not man, is to trust in everyone(listening to your heart). EVERYONE plays out something that we have within our OWN HEART. so to OPPOSE another person is to oppose some part of your own heart. you cannot be one with spirit while rejecting every person(dont misplace person as MAN). man refers to EVERY INDIVIDUAL rather than EACH indivudal.. the TRUE MANIFEST of god(actually god in the bible is called THE ETERNAL(life itself) is all around us. so to reject the senses of the flesh, but to pay attention to spirit is to understand that spirit is all around us and in all things.
    so if someone comes up to you and does something you dont like, then there is a part of your own heart that the world is showing us. and to love god is to listen to every aspect of your own heart(where god/eternal connects to each individual).
    and dont think of man of people, but think of man as ALL OF US combined.

    • So, all you are saying here, is you believe in “your own, mind”, but you don’t believe in, nor do you ‘understand’ ‘who God is’. You, do not believe the testimony that “God” gave, Of Himself. You only believe in the mind science of “anti-religion”, which ‘to you’ justifies what you want to believe. You have opposed “God”, and the “person of God”. So, you too, oppose, and have created a religion of your own, which basically is referred to in the Bible, as an idol. You idolize your own thoughts, so there is no one to oppose you. You oppose yourself. Any honest dialogue, would include opposition, because this is how wisdom is found. And wisdom leads to truth.

    • Yes it’s been awhile, good to share with you, a blessing.

      I see what you are saying and would like to comment on what I see and believe you will agree with, at least in the spirit in which it is given. My take, perspective and observation of the law and religion is one of legalism vs. grace. Spiritualism of the heart, legalism of the law and “religion” of any sort is a mixture of the two. When the scriptures spoke of having and wearing a garment and that it could not be of a mixed material, it was speaking of this mixture of being carnally minded and of being spiritually minded…of law and grace. The old law addressed sin in the observance of “outwardly” performances and rituals to be performed until a new and better way came along…through faith…and of grace in Christ.

      One was an “outward” observation” which could not complete the person and one was an internal obedience to the spirit…of God, which does complete the person..without observation as to ritual. The legalist in the time of Christ being on this earth were the most “religious” people of the time. They had an understanding of the law and how to perform the outward procedures of the law, however as Christ pointed out they did not know how to interpret the law and apply it inwardly. The law was given, not as a way to righteousness, but as it is recorded it was implemented to “remind” Israel of their breaking of God’s covenant. It was given to them “UNTIL” the faith given to Abraham was also given to people in the form of the Pentecostal experience of an dwelling spirit that could complete people in the likeness and character of God as spoken of in the Genesis prophecy.

      The law, being not the spirit, could not give life, as it only could come directly through the gift of God…by the spirit. The differences in the misunderstanding of law and spirit and the transition from the one to the other is where there is argument over what the term “religion” means and is. It can mean different things to different people. Religion in it’s most innocent term from a babe in Christ is a pure thought of all things good and right in God. Where the meaning changes for some is when the legalist have dominated the secular realm of God for so long that in our day as in Christ day it is much the same. It was the legalist Pharisees and priest that were supposed to accept Christ at His coming with a new and inward temple way, the outward temple being destroyed, however they chose to remain in their legalist realm in “their religion” and put the inward way of Christ to death, not only physically but spiritually as well. The religion of these legalistic was death to the spirit…and the true unwritten Word, which is Christ within. The we were an outward observable people but we know the kingdom does not come by outward observation, neither in a building nor in a specific religion.

      So one’s legalism or spiritualism defines their religion of whatever sort it is. Legalism is not of the heart as one who is being led of the spirit is. To be led of and on into Christ is a matter of the heart…where condemnation has no power as it does under the law. There is a demand of justice under the penalty of law where there is forgiveness in grace in the spirit that covers all sin. Under the law adultery was punishable by death while under grace it is forgiven until grace has brought one by a compassion to forgive unto obtaining the likeness of God. (Remember Israel was only given the law and not any nation around them. Where there is no law there is no trespass, so as the scriptures teach.) The gentiles of Ephesians and the other cities on Paul’s route had not the law and were disciples of Christ without any written order or law to go by, old or new…they were under grace by faith in it. Their past was one of sexual vice, multiple God worshipers, child sacrifice, etc…yet they were not brought under “the law” but unto grace. Paul taught that although they kept making mistakes from their prior life without Christ, they would remain under grace until Christ was fully developed in their heart. God’s Grace, not the law was sufficient for their growth.

      Grace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness of all sin is given until grace has had time to do its work it’s redemption of our lost soul. The law required justice. We should welcome that we are under grace by compassion instead of legal, religious law for if we were still under the law the population of the earth would be “0” if justice was to be our reward.

      Religion is how we view God and from where God has brought us in our understanding of the difference between law and grace. Are we of the religion of the mindset of the legalist Pharisees or are we under the spirit of grace in Christ? The mind bound by the legalistic law is more of a condemning and judgmental one toward people because they want “justice” and for people to be condemned by the law. And since grace cannot be obtained through the law, people who are legalist can not comprehend the difference between law and grace. Law condemns, grace forgives.

      If we are under grace then we are not under the law of any religion for all religions have their own traditions of men which is a law unto themselves. There are thousands of religions with varying traditions and interpretations of the law. However God has included all of these under His “one” grace until we are all free from man’s individual, traditional interpretation of a law that cannot give life. The law of sin condemns, while grace sets us free from the law and sin so we can progress in freedom from the penalty of sin under the law. Grace forgives our sins until the sin is crucified and dead within us. Love cast out fear and sin. God is a consuming fire…and He will consume all of the legalism, “false” religion and sin within us, leaving the purity of His love and likeness.

      The law was given only as a reminder of our sin…until grace came in Christ to deliver us from our sin…through grace, which is forgiveness “7×70” which is without end…until grace has done its final work, the likeness of our Father being established within. Definition of words take on a different meanings as we progress on our path in our reconciliation back to our Father. It is therefore imperative to be of a mind in which grace abounds while discussing the things of the law…or of the spirit…depending on where one stands.

      God bless.

      • Yes, you are correct. There are two nuances of the subject that often cause people to view others, as religious. And they may very well be religious. One though is not religious in that sense and that is “following the Word”. God’s Word is alive and active, and is apart of Himself. Therefore, when we follow the Word of God, as it is written, we are following Jesus and this includes doctrine. That type of accusation against following a teaching, is error and has nothing to do with religion, many want to call religious because it is activity, and it is doctrine. Jesus said, unless you abide in my Word “live within it’s bounds” you have no Life (i.e. Spirit) within you. So this is, Living in the Spirit and it is ~a Word, The Word of Jesus. Abiding in the Word is not a religion, it is the Life of God himself. Many view all spiritual teaching as religious activity. This is a deeper subject along the same lines, but rules, and teachings of obedience, require more than religions, because you are “willingly~ laying down”, your own will to follow, the Teachings of the Kingdom. Self denial for a higher purpose, and calling. Along these lines, people have become confused about the Hope of a higher way of life, and this has many times been used as an accusation, against, people as legalistic, or will say, they are unknowledgeable, when in fact, the exact opposite is true.

      • i want to share what “word” is also. most think word is refering to the bible, but it is not. word is PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION. every event on earth that affects many people is called WORD(2 way communication within spirit(THE ETERNAL ITSELF)). word is not in a book, it is not made of ink. word of god shows us our own HEART UPON THE WORLD(global event). if you dont live in christ , you live in death. dont think of christ as in a person that you must idle, instead think of christ as a connection that every person has within them(spiritually(laws will never change)).
        what makes the HUMAN HEART human, is the same laws that bind us to eachother within the spirit of the HUMAN HEART.
        sin is seperation as we tend to create war with one another in thinking. to accept the sin that you see in others and upon the world is to set the sin free in ourselves(we want to be good, even the satan within us). sometimes we tend to overthink. that if someone does something bad, then we are still good, and that other person is bad. but if one person has bad in them, then we all do.
        the god within us is a force that binds us all to eachother.
        to love christ is to live in death, but to love every person as though they are christ is to forgive, to love, to cherrish , and not turn against eachother in the HOUSE(eternal spirit of life).. sorry if i am writing to much here, but i do have much knowledge to give, and i dont want to be suppressed by todays interperations of religons. it only sets limits on us all..

      • also sonny, you got it. religon back t hen is not what we make it today. religon was a means of working together to satisfy the eternal spirit as when we do, we satisify our own needs( through eachothers(the god is us all)). to condem the world and to condemn others is to condemn god and christ…
        the confusion of god is that we tend to think it is the focus point, and what most call god is what i call the eternal(LIFE ITSELF).
        god is not nothing that is seperated from everyone on earth including the earth itself. and to see evil in others is to create evil in god.

        each PERSON is a manifest of SELF(eternal). and to be agains the world or against another person is to be agains christ and god.
        when i say we must set christ aside, i mean we must set todays interpertations aside and allow our consiousnes to grow(god within.

        i see great strenght in you sonny as i have always done. you and racheal get it, but when it comes to masiah(he is doing as i expect), he as many others unintentially keep people in death as he lives in death(maybe he is just misinterpered). but if i see him in death, then i know through the eternal, that there is death in me. so my goal is to wake him as that is how i wake myself. to love others(both g ood and bad) is t o love god, but to condem each person or their mind or heart is to fight against that of which we seek the most…
        and we have a habbit of doing that. in short, a false prophet in todays world is called a preacher.
        each preacher will unintentnally keep people in death(not focusing on LIVING the eternal knowledge). even t hen, it may seem that i condemn them, but i am not. i see life in them(creative aspect of self)….
        take care all

  137. i may need to add one more note that hasnt yet been addressed. every aspect of every belief(deeply beyond our own words) play out. a prophet isnt someone who lived a long time ago and is now dead(called ancestors), but within their own timelines, each PROPHET is a CREATOR. and while each PROPHET creates, it is our own EXISTANCE which is on the other side of those manifest of every prophet. in the ETERNAL, all of time is happening all at once. 2000 years ago and 2000 years into the future is ONE EVENT(HOLY).
    each prophet within their own timelines are ALIVE and WELL. they do not yet know they died(DNA), as we not yet know we died. as each PROPHET creates and we are the manifest, what we do now radiates back 2000 years into the past. this is where REMEMBERANCE comes in. each act that we do now is the manifest and STRENGHT of each and every prophet.
    when it comes to the terms above in other disucssions, people are just playing out their religions(all of them are false).
    none of the ideas that i see relating to a prophet are aligned with the original context and are void. the important thing about PROPHETS are the RESULTS of the GLOBAL EVENTS that you see on earth(we are the world) right NOW…..
    when a prophet creates, and our world shows a mess, then there is something troubling even within the hearts of every prophet.
    a true prophet can connect to every other prophet(they have eternal knowledge). and to this day, we are still playing out the MANIFEST of those prophets. what we do now is important, because it gives strenght to every prophet. and when we give strenght back to every prophet through our own actions, we ENHANCE even our own hearts(as we share in the ETERNAL HEART).. the world shows us the connections that bind the past/present/future together. this is where heart comes in, and how BELIEFS radiate to global events.
    the only positive thing about religion is the CREATIVITY involved in TRYING TO INTERPER(even as we failed miserably).. and in order to bring out our own strenghts and abilitys as a prophet, we must never SUPPRESS creative energy as each time we do, we place limits on our own hearts..

  138. As I understand, the term ‘religion’, means a quest to find, God. In order to walk a pathway toward that goal, you would have to investigate, why a quest for God, is something ‘you oppose’. Here, in this instance you have become your own antagonist, and lost track of definitions. Honesty is about determination to be humble, in dialogue. If you have a pre determined set of rules for a discussion or quest for knowledge, you would certainly do an injustice to yourself in a quest to find God. So, defining religion, as something lesser, than your own scrutinizing of facts, is a very weak proposition. It is definitely a mistrust, of great historical records, of which you would seem to be an advocate. Remember, God can speak for himself, without agreement on your part. Him, being the creator, and you his creation lends itself to looking to Him, for all justifications of truth.

  139. again, there is nothing that i oppose. eventually, we all have to come into terms of the original context. as long as we try to satisfiy someone elses ideas of what god is, we all will continue to lose this battle. i have a deeper understanding of what god is. but god is not the focus point of any bible on earth. once we misinterper any part of the bible, all of it gets blown out of whack. i dont have a need for a quests of god, all god is in the original context is a doorway betwen the HUMAN WORLD and the ETERNAL WORLD. the outcome is THE WHOLE WORLD…. i am not here to satisify a belief, that is a quesst for a PREACHER(false prophet)…
    what you call god, in the bible is called ETERNAL(the real god). what im doing is breaking down the data, and trying to show you what is really being said. i understand the eternal knowledge, and it is nothing that any religion comes even close too..

    and again, truth is what BINDS US ALL TOGETHER. if i lose this battle, then so do you. yet t here is NO BATTLE. that is only for preachers. and followers of death. i dont say that to spite or to be right or follow any ideas that hold religion to a limiting view.
    we all have to break out of our religions so we can truly understand what is being said.

    even as i speak my words, you can twist them in some way to downsize what i am saying, and all that will do is make it where everyone of the world will stay in death. i am here to wake you out of death. i dont have a need to search for truth(in your terms), or follow any religion. i fully understand the GIFT in which the world is(the KINGDOM)…
    i already assume that you massiah would downsize the knowledge in which i share, but all your doing is preventing yourself from finding that of which you seek.

    if i win, then you win, and if you win, then i win, if i was to say that i am right, and you to wrong, then i lose, and you lose, but if we share our ideas, and allow the consiousnes that flows through us to take hold, we both win together(in truth)..
    there is no need to define truth because truth JUST IS…
    and there is no need to find knowledge, cause it automatically flows through us, as WE ARE THE WORLD>..

    when it comes to christ, all christ is is an alignment(cross) of all PEOPLE on earth sharing in ONE SPIRIT..
    a KING is not in one person ruling the earth, but a spirit(in HEART) that of which is inside ALL OF US..(no one opposes eachother).
    if i was to see GOODNESS in you, then through the spirit of god(all people), i bring out the best in you. and if you were to see goodness in me, then you bring out the goodness in yourself(we share in HUMAN and ETERNAL heart). its much to complex for a back and forth conversation as you will just live in death(opposition). all your doing is opposing the world and everyone in it.
    you cant do that if you want to bring christ or allah, or johova, or mohamad, or morman, ect. ect, ect..
    there is something we all seek, but your on the wrong path masaih. i say that with respect, try to understand that, try to shift your consiousness and understand a bit toward everyone else. as long as you see me satisfying my own mind, then that shows me that you are trapped in yours(i say this as a warning of faith)…

  140. also i know that all religions are false, a false prophet in todays world is called a preacher. preachers unintentionally hold people to death(death in my terms may not be death in your terms). i did the work in which your trying to do. and im showing you the results. im giving you that of which you seek, and each of us is a part of something bigger. i KNOW(in eternal knowledge) that religion is not even what we think it is. it is a LABEL for a certain part of our existance, such as politics, or even money. it is just a MAN’s view through the human senses to identify some form or idea that each and every person(in their own way) can communicate with eachother even within their own differences. i would ask everyone to set religon aside, and try to read the bible without trying to satisfy beliefs(from the mind). what i do is go by heart(Eternal AND MAN). the words are only a transferance of my ideas and your ideas as everyone will shape and shift the meanings around. yet even through all of this, there is a LANGAUGE that cannot be shifted or changed. that langauge is the ETERNAL langauge. what i was trying to show you(and everyone), is that a prophet uses t he HOLY SPIRIT(time and space and the LIFE t hat is the consiousnes that binds us together) in order to manifest. there is a GIFT OF GOD(eternal) that each of us is part of. everyone has the ability t o be a prophet, but you cannot be a prophet while satisfying religion. you can only be a prophet by LIVING your heart and knowing the world shows you your own heart. when you do this, you will see many cooincidences in the world that is you(binds us all as ONE(HOLY).. you will wake up to that of which you seek(nothing of which any religion can teach).

    the reason i know this knowledge is cause i live it. and it is amazing. there is MUCH MORE TO LIFE…

    • Whatever life your living, you certainly have created a way to prevent people from sharing Love with you, and from communication. You’ve used the words prophet, people, religions, God:~ to create a wall around yourself. God is an open door. It’s what I love about Him.

      • my world is of amazment. i grown out of the human nature , and lives within the eternal nature. because of it, i have nothing but greatness in my life. i see god in all things(collective I AM). there is a magical sense within the world(why people seek god: yet misinterper). what we create in the world, always comes back to the source. the same ideas you share to shut down any new ideas is the same reason t hat i claim that religion is bad(and so does the bibles). in those same terms, you can see how a preacher is a false prophet. they seperate themselves from christ and god(as they seperate themselves from the world). it does not mean they are bad. it means they live in death… and to come out of death is to see christ in all things(holy). there cannot be HOLY if you see negative within my words, and there cannot be holy if i see negative in your words.

        my goal is to connect with you, so that frequency(love) of god can sprout through the world(through us)(spirit to flesh).
        in no way do i hate god, or in no way do i see god the same way you do. if you want to understand, then you got to step out of your human individual self, and step into the collective. there and only there will you have access to god, and even christ in all…

        not in religon terms, but in human and eternal nature terms(natural eternal LAWs)

  141. We are living in a time when God is reaching out to people such as yourself. I do not know, and you never shared how you came to hate God, or if it is as, you said, the hate is “just in you” because you interacted with the hate that is in so many other people. But I know God loves you and not sure if you have overlooked or contemplated the facts of where you came from or how you thought you came to be here, but hopefully it will or must come into your thoughts at some point, and you never shared how you did look, at one point in your life, to find God, but somehow stopped in the process to a blank final religion, so you have gone from one religion to another. So, God simply says look to Him for Love, because this is the event that he is after For you. I think all the things you mentioned about yourself are again another religion you have found, or created, and yes it is time to start the process to find the Love That is only, in God, and put an end to the search, but it can only come by asking. I think you will find true love to be “a” much greater antidote than all the psychological meandering you have been contemplating. At some point in your search, for God, you only found religion, and did not find God. But one day you must find Him, and Him find you. I only ask that you no longer hide from me and others, because you have learned to fear, and build the walls of resentment. I don’t know what the resentment is about, but it will no longer be your clothing.

    • So, this ‘magical sense’ that is in the world. Where do you think that came from? And Where do you think people came from? ‘That’ subject is where “God” begins, not ‘in your head’. Ok, no one is shutting down, your ideas. What someone is trying to do is understand what you are saying. For instance, death. I would have to assume that you and ‘eye’ are alive, or we wouldn’t be talking to one another. So, as most normal human beings would be communicating, someone, who is dead would be in the grave. By using allegorical terms in Your conversation, it doesn’t mean the other person isn’t as intelligent as you are or as Alive as you are. It means you haven’t shared your Code with them. Speaking in Coded language that only You understand, does not make you any more Alive than someone else, and it certainly doesn’t mean they are trying to shut you down, and it certainly doesn’t make someone God. If you have some “take” of the world metaphysically, in your head, that does not, suggest or in any way “lead to” the conclusion that you are God. If you think the world is tied together “metaphysically”, Ok, but that is not God. (god) is a different subject. In your code when you say (god) that means (you). So, just say, ~ “I think I created the universe”~ and then you can leave the god out. You think (you) are god is what I am hearing, if I am hearing you correctly, and without (God), you are correct, then (you) are your own (god). So I am not trying to shut down your thoughts, I am at agreement with you. And atheists have been around for eons. Your not in a mystical select group, with higher understanding, you have just created a code for your own viewpoints. So just own that, but don’t say that other people cannot understand you, because, they can when you use words for what they mean. Death? You know, no one here is speaking death, to you, that’s an interpretation in your head. And no one here is “interpreting” the Bible. The Bible is a historical book, that Children can understand. You don’t interpret it, you read it.

  142. God is “all” and in “all” without exception. God created all in His sovereignty through Christ and it was a good and positive experience. The experiences of life in which Christ created, He came and participated in this fallen world Himself. He was tempted in all points as we are. When we come to understand that when we come to maturing into the mind of Christ (let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus) we will see as God sees and come to understand there is no negativity in God and even evil itself serves as an instructure of that which is good. Being subjected to evil as was Job produced in Him a new understanding and after going through much “hell” so to speak he realized the goodness of God in the evil he was being exposed to. When we let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus we will se as both He and the Father sees….and we will see no evil as an end in itself but a means to an end in Christ. We are taught by the scriptures and… the spirit… that evil has a purpose to teach, to correct and to bring us to perfection, a matured state of mind.

    Then we can say and see with clarity that all things work together for those who love God. This is because we have came to the maturity of seeing Christ is all things and that all things are created for good…and that includes all things…evil included. A lot of evil happened to Job at the instruction of God to Satan..however Job admitted after his bout with evil was over God put him through the evil to learn good.
    Therefore we see God as good and only good and all he permits us to experience is within His love for us. It is impossible to love God or anyone when we believe they do not have our best in their intentions when we feel,the pains of this life. I know and understand a God of love, therefore I can love as God loves without boundaries or conditions…for if we have them we cannot truly love…but only say the words. There are many a religious way of man’s making on this earth, however there is a grace that God gives to all without conditions that will remain until we all stand in His likeness.

    When the love of God comes into our hearts in a meaningful way we will see “all” as we see God Himself. This will be an all inclusive love knowing that those who disagree with us in the now are to eventually stand with us one day in the presence of God just as with those who agree with us. We will learn that Grace covers all, both the just and unjust. It is a wonderful and amazing thing to understand that the one sheep that was found and added back to the 99 made 100%. Love and hate cannot coexist. When one believes in a religion that does not understand the true meaning of Hades, Sheol, and Gehenna they are locked into a love with boundaries. If we cut the one off from being a part of the whole 100% we damn ourselves until we are the “one” that is found and our eyes are opened to then be a part of the whole, the “all.”

    When we see all as one and one as in the all it is only then that we can truly love as God loves. If there can be no partiality with God there can therefore be no partiality with us. It is not an us vs them, it is I AM as they are, one in God. As in Adam all died, so as, in Christ all will be made alive…however each man in his own order. When we see that “every” knee will bow to the will of God as God we will understand that the 99 +1 leaves none lost…no. It one. Then when we see another who may be directly opposed to us in any way, we can say with love as Christ….forgive them Father for they know not what they do. We will know for a fact that God will bring them also to their knees to them rise up in a new way and obedience to Him. We will all rise in oneness..without exception. To believe anything else is not of love but a heart and mind of division. To be divided we are separated from the love of God. When we see a lack of understanding in others we will also understand it is a temporary thing and that God will develop them as He has done for us. To enter into the world of oneness is light eternal flowing through our very being…when we see all as God sees all we see a creation undivided.

    To see love in all things as God created all things, we become Love with no barriers or boundaries. We are one with God, Christ, and all others…as we are completed in our order.

    God makes no mistakes…and you nor I am not a mistake..from the beginning.

  143. No we do not see All as we see God himself. We see, what God shows us, and in line with His Word.. Whether it be of Him or Not. If it is Not of Him, the Holy Spirit reveals. We do not see All, as we see God.
    God is Holly and undefiled. Thou shalt have No god’s before Me. Seeing All, as you see God is a new age guru teaching from the enemy of the soul

  144. I think I quoted straight from the Bible if you will look closely. I think the scriptures are fairly accurate depending on which translation one may use of the hundreds out there. It is good to look at different ones as they all are flawed since the original Hebrew and Greek no longer exist. However, if we love our neighbor as ourself we will have fulfilled the law…and the literal translation will be fulfilled in the spirit.

    The spiritual word does not come through the letter, it comes directly from our Father…if we will be still and listen. Hell was not taught in the Old Testament by the Levite’s and priest. It was introduced around the forth century A.D. Hell as mainstream teaches it is really the “new age” concept for the teaching of eternal torment was introduced as a way of control. It was not taught under the law or by the church during the time of Christ. Hades and shoel sim0le means the grave.

    However, we believe in literal things until God reveals the symbol, which leads to higher spiritual truths. To gain greater truths we must give up factions, parties, and divisions which keep the word of God in its infancy and elementary form. We must not belittle those who can only see things naturally for these love less because they see some others as those who see as God sees, see all as oneself, although in a different order and a different time for their redemption.

    There is no condemnation for any in those who love all, Saint or sinner as does the Father. There is no greater freedom than to be free from traditions of men.

    Love to “all” alike

  145. You quoted straight from the Bible on the first part of the sentence, and then added your own statement to the second half of the sentence. It is only the second half I commented on. And I quoted directly from you, if you will look closely. The only people that don’t believe in Hell, are the ones who are there. Even the Buddists, and Hindu’s believe in Hell, and no serious person would take their own will concerning it over what the Bible teaches. You are obviously a poor student of history, because the Lord even took Paul Bunyan their, and showed hell too him, and yes the Bible explicitly teaches Hell throughout. One should never try to re write the Bible, but you should begin to take you salvation in serious manner because it is not a laughing matter. You could die and be there. Not saying you would, but you should believe the Lord Jesus, rather than risk your eternity, on a lie. I think the Lords warning should be enough, not solely mine. If you don’t believe my saying about, it get The book, A Divine Revelation of Hell, by Betty Baxter, she lives near my home. The Lord took her in visions, to Hell to warn people like to wake up. So, there are many witnesses to warn the lost.

    • Hell was misinterpreted from Shoel and Hades over 100 hundred times in the 1611 King James. It is now down to thirteen in the revised editions. It was not I who made the mistakes but religious traditionalist translators who didn’t know hell from a hole in the ground. I do, as many others who have the fortitude to open up their minds to enter truths than to believe what someone wrote in error…and yes it was in error in the Bible you worship. God may enlighten your mind if you would consider having a little respect for others. Bible translations are full of errors and if you would read and study before you so foolishly act like you know something you haven’t a clue about someone may listen to you…however as it stands you have a tract record of zero. Kindness even trumps ignorance, so if you had a little kindness in dealing with others you wouldn’t have to be so concerned about your rudeness and ignorance.

      You really honestly think you know truth…truth is not knowledge, and the knowledge you have is so marred in hate and tradition you open your mouth only to prove the fool you reeally are. I’m not mad or angry by being so direct, however I’m giving myself the liberty to call a fool a fool, just like my lord and savior called the legalist of his day. You haven’t a clue…you think your righteous? You are. However self righteous is the wrong kind of righteous. Love covers a multitude of sins. Try it for a change. Only a person full of hate could believe in the hell that you do. You think people deserve justice? Why don’t you spend a little time learning of the beatitudes and how to acquire them? So far you haven’t shown on this site one thing of God’s love, you show self, ego and self righteousness. You only find fault. I had to think a moment on what would Jesus do in answering you after so much time in trying to reason with you…and when I thought of the many times Jesus confronted the “religious” of His day…I thought I would take this same liberty to put a legalistic know it all in the light he deserves. Mishai, you do not speak with any kindness of Christ and if you are not of Christ even though you say the words, your fruit of your lips give you away. I think you do not follow Christ at all. Your so like many nominal Christians of today, you go to a particular building, on a particular day and listen to a particular person teach you hateful absurdities that you believe.. and your words reveal your heart..and it is not of Christ.

      Search the scriptures using love and the beatitudes as a guide instead of the judgemental works of the may be surprised.

      God bless you.

      • Thank you for your Holiness. May those who worship you, continue to kiss your Ring. I don’t happen to be one of them. When you can speak “TO All”, “TO ALL MEN”, your interactions would be more interesting, and your historical knowledge, could be challenged as such. I apologize for offending your Holiness. I didn’t realize how your freedom had been constructed as a Temple. When people are conversing with you, you should warn them to wear sandals, and bow their heads before you, as they enter near Your Holiness. They could post a sign over your head reading “Don’t Offend The Great Buddha”. Be careful near the “The Great IdoL” lest you offend his genteel nature. “May He Bless You”, and “Sprinkle Water” on You, if you come before him, come before him as a Child, that He May he bless you. and how you present yourself before him will cause him to be charmed. ” To All Others, Stand Uprightly, and Speak the Truth Without Intimidation” To, those who worship Sonny, may you receive Sonny’s Mark, on your head. To all others, may you have freedom of discussion, “IN YOUR TEMPLES”. Bring me wine from your Temples, that I might be Drunk on Sonny’s blood, and please his fair nature. Let Sonny decide who pleases the Temple.

  146. “A Divine Revelation of Hell” by Mary K. Baxter You can listen to her story on line.

    • She is so much a literalist and has not a clue that the middle of the earth where hell exist is in the middle of the earth in which is our earthly body. Mishai, until you can see that everything is within, spiritually speaking and hell as heaven is a spiritual thing. Heaven nor hell has no geographical place for God is all and in all. Do you not know the kingdom of heaven is within you? If heaven can be within someone is it such a stretch of the imagination to see where one can also exist…in hell?

      Open up your mind to the spirit and you will see things in the spirit within yourself. . Heaven is within us if we follow Christ just as hell is within us if we do not follow Him. If you truly worship Christ you see heaven within yourself where He and you exist as one. If you see a condition of hell within and speak it as you do, hell abides in you. What abides in you is where your existence is…in heaven or in hell. What comes out through the tongue reveals what exist within a person…heaven or hell. I believe you need to focus on a heaven,y existence “within” and be redeemed from the hell in which you now exist. It’s your choice.

      Sorry to be so direct, however you need someone to tell you something your not getting.

      • So, if she’s a Literalist, that makes you a Fictionist. Did you learn these things from the Watchtower and the Jehovah’s Witness, or from the Pope? They both agree with you. I’m going to stick with Jesus, the Lord of Glory, and give praise to his name. I cannot praise your words. I can only praise His. Thanks for criticizing me and Jesus. We/re one.

    • Mishai, your quiet welcome. I am who I am and I hope you learn some better Christlike ways of expressing yourself. Sorry I offended you, however it needed to be said.

      • The offense is your own. None taken by me. Your response was merely humorous to me so I responded as such. I couldn’t take it seriously. I can take very little of what you say seriously because of that type of hypocrisy.

  147. I’ve read from one of the comment in stirringinthedeep youtube channel that Rachel committed suicide. Is this true?

    • Tom – it is absolutely NOT true … the only part that is “dying” in me is the only part that was never truly alive the ego – which is very Good. I know its been a long time since I’ve posted or done a video … I’ve been going into a place beyond words and what my simple words can’t express right now. The sharing of my journey has always been a spirit-led one for me … and I’m in a place of stillness without so I can go deeper within. We’ll see what emerges from this journey.

      peace to you always


  148. …And God said, ‘This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and the eternal life of man.’ Since that is God’s work and His glory, it is also ours, for it would be impossible for Him to accomplish it without our co-operation. We must understand life and its purpose. We must comprehend our place in the great scheme of things. We must fully comprehend the great drama of the ages that has preceded our advent into this world, to take our place upon the stage of existence, and to fulfill our parts with honor. We must understand also the things that are coming on the earth, and the things that will continue to come until Righteousness is sent to rule. How can we act well our part upon the stage of life unless we understand the great plan of life? And life was meant to be eternal progress, not drab, deadly, dull, unprogressive existence.”

  149. The following is from James Allen’s little book, “AS A MAN THINKETH.” “Man is made or unmade by himself, in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their Maker and Master.”

    “As a being of Power, Intelligence and LOVE, and the lord of his own thought, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself into what he wills.” (Ibid).

    As one develops and perfects that Celestial Song of Praise and Gratitude and Love he naturally becomes clothed in Light. These are the vibrations of Light. There is no darkness in them. There could not possibly be. And as one sends out these singing vibrations from the center of his soul he clothes himself in Light. He acquires a body free from sorrow or affliction or pain. He will, by continually holding himself in the radiance of those three master color vibrations of pure spirit, become a living part of the Celestial symphony. Those glorious jewels of radiant perfection, those divine treasures held within or laid up in his own divine kingdom of heaven, become his own and all the interest and power possible to generate and increase.

    Clothed in the inner radiance of these heavenly attributes the physical body becomes transmuted and exalted and one is automatically “Born of the Spirit. He becomes a translated being of beautiful perfection. This is the OVERCOMING that is required in order to fulfill the dynamic PROMISES OF Almighty God. This is the OVERCOMING REQUIRED TO DO THE WORKS WHICH Christ did and then go on TO THE GREATER WORKS!” This is the glorified Path that exalts one into complete equality and heirship with Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. And the Path is easy and most desirable and the road is sure.

    It is a Highway of exalting splendor, a Path of Purification of the heart, without bigotry or stress or striving or condemning. It is a Highway of exquisite, increasing joy and dynamic glory! It is the Path to Godhood.

    And it is no longer a secret, hidden path, though few find it, simply because they look for it outside themselves. This Path is the Inner, transparent, gold-paved Highway of inner, jeweled perfection. And it is now opened wide that all who so desire may enter, and “THE WAY IS SO SIMPLE A FOOL NEED NOT ERR THEREIN — though the wicked can never cross over!” even as Isaiah testified.

    But anyone who travels this Path overcomes all his self-developed, or inherent wickedness and becomes a radiant being clothed in Light and exalted in the radiance of his own heavenly treasures of perfection — a divine son of God!

    Thus, this transition from mortality into immortality can be speedy or slow, according to one’s power to believe and according to the intensity of his desiring. It is possible to transmute the physical body slowly, cell by cell. Or it is possible to so hold oneself in the vibrations of singing effulgence, refusing to let the darkness of evil take over, that one can transform himself into a divine being very rapidly. Take on the vibrations of praise and love and gratitude and it is possible to pass very speedily into the realms beyond mortality.

    • In the end, it is good for all. There is no created barrier to us being made in the likeness of our Father. If one of us fails, it is God who fails…and He is not a failure…so you with me will be redeemed in the likeness of our Father. When we see that “all” means all we have but to wait until all are complete in “Him.” Our end is as secure as was our beginning. We with patience and contentment wait for our reconciliation. It is a wonderful feeling to know that all we know are complete in Him. It gives me great peace to know that you are as I Am. We are all one. I wish people could leave their religion and accept Christ without factions, divisions and parties. Religion separates, those in Christ are one.

      Hope you guys are doing well.

      • How could religion separate, if All are One? Hypocrite. Why would you Wish, if all are being brought to one. If all were being brought to One, by God, it would be any of your business to Wish anything. You are a hypocrite and a liar. And you are of the Devil. That is what needs to be said, Repent of you lying and get Saved, in the Lord Jesus. That’s what needs to be said. Your words, and doctrine, don’t even make sense. Come out of “the crazy”, and find the true God, who loves you and speaks truth. If you are in the likeness of the Father, God would be insane. Repent of your lies.

  150. in the end, it is super good, if we are in the” will of divine love” (absolutely) remember we have free will to choose his plan of perfection and exaltaion…if our patience is in his faith its a divine process in operation amen and amen..let your light so shine that others wiil be so inspired for the Greatest Goodness …HALLELUJAH..

  151. He who puts his hand in the fire must suffer the burning until such time as it has worked itself out, and neither curses nor prayers can avail to alter it.
    And precisely the same law governs the realm of mind. Hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, lust, covetousness, all these are fires which bum, and whoever even so much as touches them must suffer the torments of burning.
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  152. The following books which she copyrighted and published are well known. Any other works accredited to her name, but not published by Annalee, should be ignored:

    “Ye Are Gods”

    “To God The Glory”

    “Temple of God”

    “Secrets of Eternity”

    “Celestial Song of Creation”

    “Man Triumphant”

    “Beyond Mortal Boundaries”

    “The Book of Books”

    Annalee assisted Christine Mercie in writing the little book, “Sons of God” which is also always to be included in the collection of Annalee Skarin’s writings.

    The Holy Ghost has revealed to me the truth – not flesh and blood. You do not have to believe that the Holy Ghost revealed anything to me, however. It is up to YOU to pray and ask God for yourself. Do not trust in the arm of flesh. Trust the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK!

    My reasons for believing Annalee’s writings are inspired include documented church history in the periodicals called, Times and Seasons, The Evening and Morning Star and scriptures from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine & Covenants (many evidences from these sources are quoted again and again throughout Annalee’s published books).

  153. They, (religious hypocrites) said Christ was from the devil also…however He knew something they didn’t? The carnal nature is not one with Christ as is the Spirit of Christ. In our infancy in Christ we still have a carnal mind as Christ admonished Peter for lack of understanding. After the spirit was given to Peter at Pentecost, he understood what Christ taught him as he followed Him in his ministry. As we grow in. Horst and away from self (ego) we then start to become one in Christ. It’s just like adolescent children, they “know it alll until Christ is developed in them. As we become one we leave the division caused by the carnal mind, the devil so to speak. It is a growing process from division taught in religious circles to the one mind and spirit of Christ.

    When in Revelations it says to come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins. Her is the church, true or false. God was instructing His people to come out of the false religions into His true church. You can observe an outward church and the kingdom does not come by observation as the scriptures teach. However that temple in which we are is not observable by the outward eye. When we comment we need to understand that there is a transition from the carnal to the spiritual, from a divided church to one of oneness.

    To grow from division into oneness we must persevere until the full image of Christ appears within us. You won’t see Him coming in any cloud in the sky however you will see Him coming in those spiritual clouds unseen by the natural eye. We need to understand things in the context in which the spirit teaches. The carnal mind with religious attachments of doctrine will not see until the scales of tradition are removed from their eyes. Our words are our fruit and we reveal who we are by our love or our condemnation of others.

    Reprove a friend in Christ he will love you, reprove a fool and he will turn and rend you with absurdities. We know who we follow, our words and speech toward others reveal who we are.

  154. “LIVE the laws and you will KNOW!” So said Christ. And no one can possibly KNOW anything unless he himself experiences it. To hear about things and conditions, or of God may become part of one’s beliefs, but never becomes a part of his own actual KNOWLEDGE until he experiences it for himself.

    Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE.

  155. It must be remembered always, NO ONE PERSON HAS A MONOPOLY UPON TRUTH! Truth will be revealed to anyone who will seek for it or ask for it! Truth belongs to God — and is awaiting the discovery of every individual on the earth who will only “ask and seek and knock!” “FOR EVERYONE WHO ASKS RECEIVES! AND HE WHO SEEKS FINDS! AND UNTO HIM WHO KNOCKS IT SHALL BE OPENED!” This is the most perfect assurance anyone can possibly have on this earth that his search TO KNOW (for himself) will not be in vain.

    • So true.

      God is Love and Love is truth…and He will set us free from our own inadequacies. There is no monopoly on Love/ truth outside of God, this is true…so we must grow to Him and we will for we are His workmanship and we are a work that will not fail. If any one of us fails this makes God a failure for He created us before the world was and predestined us to His finished work. Our God is successful in His endeavors. When we see God as He is, we will see all complete in Him as We are called in our order. Be as kind to one another as is possible…

  156. No matter how bad one may disagree, scoff, or belittle another, we must see their end in Christ and treat them as they store already complete in Him. Even when Christ was angry with the merchants in the temple and whipped them and turned over their money tables, this too, was an act of kindness. He loved His creation even in their sins and misdeeds and although to the outside observer, he may have been seen as in error, Christ knew that He had to speak what He had to speak and do what He had to do regardless of how things may look to the “outside” observer.

    What God, through Christ has to do, He will do to bring us to Himself, in our order in His time. God will not fail to redeem not one. This is His promise to us. God took the rituals away with the outward buildings, candle sticks, etc, etc as He has replaced the symbol with the true. When God sent Titus in A.D. 70 to tear down the outward temple He had already transferred outward worship with an inward worship in the inward temple in which we are.

    Outward show is of this world while an inward peace is being one in spirit with our Lord and Savior. We have to leave the outward display of pomp and pride found in buildings where the flesh praises one another with ego and pride using lofty words of self aggrandizement…and listen to that still small voice of love..for all…saint and sinner alike.

  157. In God’s will is held only your own perfection. And as you learn the pure obedience, through your sufferings and disappointments, you will be enfolded in the glory of your own advancement and your own complete fulfilment. Then nothing that is adverse or evil will have the power to remain permanently against you. In this law all disasters are transmuted into blessings. Beyond the dismays and disappointments of misfortune is the power of transmutation. But you are the one who must put this ineffable power to use. You must be-live and so fulfill its promises.

    “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

    • Your are so right , there is nothing that we do not experience that is not in the full control of God’s sovereignty. We have but to understand the book of Job to see the love and sovereignty of God in the good and evil that Job experienced. We are Job in every sense of the word as we must learn to see that Satan Himself takes his instruction from God in all the good and evil that happens to us. Notice that Job was not tested by Satan but at the expressed will of God and not one bit beyond what God directed Satan to do. Satan was not the instigator of any of it, God was. After Jobs testing and belittlement by His “friends” God returned him to not only what Job had before but a double portion. Was Satan instrumental in the blessing of Job and was Satan used by God to bring Job to the greater gift of life? Job was rewarded according to his faith and obedience through his testing..just as we also will be. There is no exception. God rules in heaven and in hell just as Job experienced both at the direction of God. Can we not see that even in the hell Job was experiencing by the hand of Satan used against him..he was blessed because of his having had this evil experience?

      “All things work together for those who love God.” As Job knew the love of God would prevail through his testing and trials we must be of the same faith and understanding that God will not forsake us wherever and whatever “He” leads us. It is for our ultimate good. No one or anything including the powerless Satan has sovereignty over God’s will, for God’s will, will prevail until every knee bows to the will of Himself.

      The key word here is “All”. It’s a powerful word if only people would stop to consider it is “all” loving and encompassing. It denotes God’s sovereignty over “all” things; good and evil, Jew or Greek, bond or free. He is God of the just…and the unjust. Wherever we have made our bed, in heaven or in hell, He is there, and when God is ready to turn us toward Himself, we will most assuredly turn. “All” things will be redeemed to the perfection it once was as imperfection is but a temporary dream and illusion.

      The gates of “Sheol” cannot prevail against God’s will for the last enemy to be destroyed is death itself. The death of death can only leave that which is reality and that is life with God. When God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate of the tree of good and evil, they most certainly did die, however they did not go down to Sheol, the grave, as some think of death. Adam went on to live for over nine hundred years and he was dead…in trespasses and sins. And just as he, we will rise with Christ in the resurrection..within.

      Death is disobedience to God, death is the attitude and senses of the flesh while we walk in our death experience as did Adam and Eve for their duration of this earthly journey…to see death one must understand the allegory of what death really is. We actually are the walking dead…while we are both spirit and soul separated by the death of the soul in Adam. When our soul returns to the spirit from death as did Eve to Adam, we will be one again and the death that separated us upon this earth will rule no more. As we died with the first Adam, we will rise in resurrection to the second Adam… in Christ.

      As in Adam “all” died, so as in Christ this same “all” will be made alive…however “each” person in their own order. (Emphasis mine.) When we get beyond the mystery of the symbols of death we will see “all” alike…in the risen Christ, in all people ..within.

      It is a wonderful blessing to see our fellow man in their future perfect tense. Again, God is “all” and in “all” to the glory of Himself. In His likeness we will resurrect unto life from this death of the carnal minded ways of man. Put another way, death is the evil ways of man dictated by the fleshy desires of the five senses…while life is taking on the mind of Christ which is participating in the beatitudes and forgiveness of all sin against oneself. When we are asked to choose this day whom we will serve, we have a choice to make. Our tongue is a gate which can be opened or closed to the will of God. Do we choose to open this gate from the hell within…or from heaven within? Do we speak evil while attaching God’s name to our traditions and doctrines of men or do we speak the language of Christ where love has no boundaries? It is a most precious gift to be released from the traditions and doctrines of men…and live peaceably toward all men.


  158. Sonny, once you make the decision to ask Jesus into your heart, that will be the day that your life will change for the good. Once you have repented of sin, God will make a change in your heart through the Holy Spirit, and you will no longer be under the sway of satan, and you will no longer be under his dominion or sway. The Lord Jesus will then begin to teach you scripture, and through the Holy Ghost will Hemake plain, the simple truths of Gods word. You will no longer be a flesh man controlled by satan, and deceived by his influence, and God will remove and break that bondage off of you. You will no longer ever open your mouth by the gates of hell as you have done, but will be able to speak God’s Word and understand it and you will no longer fear Hell. Allow God to cleanse you by verbal confession and acceptance of the cross, and you will find the freedom, from the terrible influence of satan. Once the outward man is broken man’s spirit abides continuously in the Presence of God. We must recognize two very different ways of help, before us. First “there is a way that seemeth right unto a man”, in which help is received from the outside, by external doctrines and expositions making their appeal to the mind. But God’s way is from the outer temple of the flesh, to the inward way of the spirit. When you enter into repentance, gone will be the grip of satan, and you will be a free man, to walk in freedom of the Spirit.

    • Mishai,

      Do you realize you have ridiculed everyone on here if you will go back and look. Anti tried having conversation with you as have many others…and all you can do is condescend. The note you just left me is as to others. You would do well to listen to it as though you wrote it to yourself.

      Why is it you can only ridicule?

      Seriously, try to find some kindness in yourself…

      • On the contrary it was you who ridiculed There was no ridicule in my comments. You have ridiculed, religion, the mainstream Church, comments in the Bible. I was having to speak through all that. Try separating “you” from what you “believe”. This is the area where ,you become confused. When speaking to your beliefs, one is not commenting on “you”. Beliefs, and personhood are two different things. This is an important spiritual understanding for you to grasp because it has caused you to falsely accuse me, And Others. In addition, you are not the scrutinizer of my emotions, and you falsely misread them. Take a more objective view, of your feelings, because your feelings are wrong. According to your viewpoints you are more guilty of this error than I would be. You comments are about Truth supposedly, that’s how you format them. Who is determining your truths. That’s what your own subject matter is about, and you are the preacher of it. Get a grip on what your about, and stop intimidating others, from speaking. Intimidate yourself. Get out of your emotions, no one is ridiculing you, and nothing I said is ridicule, it was a response to your supposed ridicule. Get over yourself, and learn to speak. Learn to put value on words, not emotions. You are allowing emotions about your supposed Christhood, to dictate, what other people, may need to say to you. I don’t even know if you know Christ, because, you don’t follow his teachings, so your comments about Christhood, are meaningless. The Christhood you claim, is just your own Holiness, and you are not Holy. There is nothing Holy about you. God is Holy. Let him be the judge of Holiness. You judge what your words mean, and learn to communicated without the illusions of your own Sainthood. I am not claiming Sainthood, your are.

      • i told you earlier about spiritual egos dont inspire me at all…only the living word of god and the activation of its reality in our lives…and trust me i can easily discern when a person is just saying spiritual crap to puff up his worthless ego..have a blessed saturday with my all of my love ❤

      • To trust your ego is a different story. Then certainly, we cant trust you, with the story?

  159. Oh, the glory and the wonder of the Truths of God! And the mercy of His unfolding is as limitless as eternity and as boundless as man’s capacity to test and to prove all things.

    “It is given to abide in you: the record of heaven; the COMFORTER; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which QUICKENETH all things, which MAKETH ALIVE all things; that which KNOWETH all things, and hath ALL POWER”.

    It is definitely true that the Divine, Holy Comforter is given to abide in man, along with all the foregoing, dynamic powers of heaven. For “all that the Father has is yours.”

    The very abode of that Divine Comforter, or Holy Helper is in the subconscious mind where all facts and knowledge are stored.

    As one purifies the abode or realm of that Powerful, Divine Assistant he cleanses his subconscious mind and renovates it. Then this Holy Helper, or Holy Ghost, as the scriptures call it, can function in Its dynamic fulness. “It will bring all things past to your remembrance.” It will assist you in achieving any assignment or glorify any accomplishment. It will bring culture and refinement and perfection into your life. It is impossible for anyone to master any skill or art without the help of this Divine Helper. It alone can bring mastery or proficiency or perfection into any achievement from the playing of a musical instrument to the driving of a car or the manipulation of any piece of office equipment or the operating of any piece of machinery.

    It is the Divine, Holy Helper that takes care of the inner functioning of the physical body. And when It is crowded out of Its abode by the evils of desolate, bitter memories and life’s corroding stench of self-pity, dislikes, hates or bitterness the body begins to age and to sicken — and to die. It is also within the power of this Divine, Holy Helper to QUICKEN and to renew or TO MAKE ALIVE the physical body. This Holy Spirit, this Divine Helper will lend its full cooperation, if only one is aware of Its willingness to assist and permits It to do so. This is Its purpose and the power of Its functioning. Only man must acknowledge It and accept of Its assistance. It must be consciously included in all one’s undertakings and projects and even in the ordinary tasks of daily living if one’s life is to go smoothly and be always under perfect control….HALLELUJAH..

  160. In order for us to move into the likeness of God we must be willing to forsake all others and be forsaken by all others. Then…we move and have our being with the “one” … in oneness with the Father…then as others take on this mind which was also in Christ Jesus, the corporate man starts to develop from the individual man. As each of us comes to Christ in our individual order of calling we then and only then can enjoy the peace of the other that is for all…as we are called according to”His” purpose…for us.

    We cannot become as Christ and take on the mind of Christ by being menpleasers and speaking only to be accepted by the flesh; desiring praise and adulation. Our friends and friendship will grow in Christ as we see only Christ and good in all things and circumstances. We should only be concerned about being accepted by our Father and as others do the same…then we can become one.

    God said His way was simple…and to simply love without conditions and boundaries is not a burden in Christ. Anxiety and stress comes from trying to separate people into right and wrong categories of those who deserve hell vs those who deserve heaven. When we “see” the first Adam and the second Adam as one moving from the natural realm to the spiritual realm…we can then see that as in the fall of Adam all fell with Him as all rise with the second Adam…Christ our lord…and savior.


  161. Ego is an interesting subject. It has perplexed the soul since it was created. The spirit within of God, void of the influence of the soul is spiritual. It is only the soul which has an ego and as we learn of the influences of the five senses on the soul, we learn of the disobedience of the soul to the spirit. When our veil is rent so that the soul will again be swallowed up by the spirit as in the allegory of the temple veil, the soul will mind the spirit instead of the flesh.

    While the soul (woman) is not allowed to speak in church, the matured spirit is. This is not speaking of fleshly gender, it is speaking of the man (spirit) and the woman (soul) which is within each of us. Ego likes to pretend it is holy by using only words to prove itself while the spirit has no will of its own…the spirit within rejects the ego while pointing all to Christ. The spirit is humble in that it loves without conditions while the flesh is arrogant and unloving and seeks praise from the knowledge of men. Knowledge is good, however the substance of God’s love is above all mysteries, allegories, and knowledge. These will cease to be as says the scriptures, yet love will remain…

    There can be much ego in much knowledge, however love surpasses knowledge. We can see who can “see” these things without a word being spoken, yet it may be a little harder to discern in absence. When we see the end of a person, the means are but the path of progression to being redeemed back to the Father.

    Ego is giving up self for selflessness. Selflessness is wanting the greatest love for another as you would want for yourself…if fact you would open the door for them to go in before you…

  162. it never about trusting ego. its about knowing in the soul if the connection is of GOD..that says everything all the time even if spiritual egos are really retards incorporated ..lmao

  163. i will leave you bozos with this ..Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE…<3


  165. We can read numerous books by others, etc, etc, and even the Bible itself…and yet it is the spirit that will lead us to God through the redemptive process of His love…and nothing else. Knowledge, words, and the use of them can describe our true growth in God if one has eyes to see. Harsh words should be reserved for those who are in need of correction..and these are those who really, hide behind a lot of good sounding words and phrases even if they are copied from another…. When we attempt to use words to describe this growth in God it is a difficult thing to do as God is not found in words, any words no matter how correct sounding that they may be. You can say the word God or “love”in every breath yet your heart can be far from Him.

    It is the spirit which leads one to God and there is none other. It is not hard to see if one is offended that others are not praising their words and wanting others to follow in like agreement, however we will never be made as one using merely words, it is by the spirit we are made one. For example, two groups of people can speak the identical same message, go to the same “church” dress the same, have many spiritual gifts, and pray to God several times a day and yet their heart can be far from God. This is the Bible story of the five wise and the five foolish. What was the difference in them? It was the intent behind the words and why the words were said in the first place. To the undiscerning spirit within, nothing is different however the true seeker of God will need no man to teach them for their secret intent is to follow God and not man.

    We can share our words here on this blog, or elsewhere and each time we open our mouth or share a written word, we must ask ourself what is our true intent…is it to win over someone else by words or have a love and respect for the other is spite of the eloquent and lofty sounding words? It is when people get upset that they believe they are losing the battle of the written word that causes them to abandon their agenda of not winning others over to be adjulated by words…they want to pack up their toys and leave so to speak…and this is ok too, for they end up revealing themselves for who they really are. Many have came and went on this site also because they were not the center of attention or was allured by the physical beauty of its author and left only because it was evident this author rejected the subtle but evident use of their words. They would leave out of frustration with disgruntled words which revealed their true nature and intent….only to return later with even more great swelling “words” that didn’t work again either.

    Yes, just because someone speaks the words of another and attaches their own greatness to these words are soon found out, not by their correct sounding words, but by their true spirit which finally comes through. Discernment is a good thing if used wisely, we all have it, it’s how we use it and in spite of the faults of another do we use it to prove or disprove another? Do we artfully give encouragement or do we compare ourselves to this other and condemn them? What is our intent? What choice of words do we use? This tells us if we are of the five wise or of the five foolish. Words will never reveal one’s true intent…however the spirit of God will reveal all things to those whose true intention is for the other, Bond or free, male or female.

    Godly discernment keeps words and the spirit rightly divided just as it should do…and when words are given to only offend they reveal….what fruit is of the tree for a bad tree cannot give forth good fruit as a good tree cannot give forth bad fruit. We should choose our words carefully as they will reveal our true nature…Words written or spoken are sometimes hard to speak as the spirit gives us direction, however we do..or should do our best. Sometimes we fail, yet we keep going toward the goal which is not found in word but in deed.

    Knowledge is usually given before the spirit and it takes time for the conversion from the knowledge of a thing to the spirit to take place. Wiith discernment although we may see error, we with patience should hope to facilitate the growth from just knowledge to spirit….without condemnation. Few this side of the grave will accomplish this agape love because they cannot discern it from the Eros or philia type of love. We must give up the lesser loves as we pass through each until we reach the love which will cover all sin whether it is seen in ourselves or in another. We do not grow from condemnation to condemnation by looking for faults but from overcoming our faults by the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation. This hupigher way cannot be achieved by words alone.

    • As long as you are not in reconciliation with a false spirit yes. But we do not live in a spiritual holy bubble, and no one is called upon by the Lord, to be reconciled in sin, or to be in alignment with subjects that go against his Word. These subjects entail more that just perfection of spirit which can only be found in Jesus Christ.

  166. we can speak volumes of words and our life in truth have not a shread of fruit to bear witness of what we represent …FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD….TO GOD BE THE GLORY…AMEN.

  167. from the great Herbert Spencer, a true thinker: “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation before investigation.”

    Another jewel of truth comes from the Rev. Arthur Ford:

    “From the cowardice that fears new truth,

    From the laziness that accepts half truths,

    From the arrogance that knows all truth,

    O Lord, deliver us!”

    “A Thirst for knowledge is just as important as the acquisition and the application of knowledge.” (J.O. Brisbin. — Business Fundamental World. 12-68)

    Only those searching souls who are “hungering and thirsting after righteousness” are truly prepared to KNOW TRUTH. “KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE.” It is then that the half truths, the partial truths and the untruths become inadequate. To KNOW the TRUTH one must “HUNGER AND THIRST” after a complete knowledge of God, not just be willing to verify what he has already accepted or espoused. Only the full truth can appease the awakened hungering of the soul — which TRUTH IS PERFECTION! “For those whose eyes become single to the glory of God will be filled with Light and there will be no darkness in them, and THEY WILL COMPREHEND ALL THINGS!” In other words, “THEY WILL KNOW THE TRUTH!” These are the ones whose eyes are truly single to the glory of God and are not upon their own imagined importance or on half-truths — or perhaps untruths…

    • So your faith is in Jesus Christ? Is that where you are finding your knowledge? This is where you are seeking truth?

    • It’s not about a thirst for knowledge, or being enamored of your personal conduct It/s about a relationship with Jesus, and about who He is. Simply looking To, Jesus. It’s not about Personal Righteousness born of knowledge, or conduct.

  168. Yes, Truth is found more in a substance of a quiet spirit than trying to prove anything in the substance of a multitude of words. In patience we grow from words of knowledge to the substance of His likeness. As we pray for God’s forgiveness, leniency and grace toward ourselves, it only becomes a reality as we grant this same kindness and a forgiving spirit toward others.

    You are correct it is one thing to know and as I said prior, knowledge comes first, however we must go on unto perfection leaving the dead letter of the word behind as we become the living word in Christ. Our words to one another can be good if the intent is good, otherwise….

  169. Thirst must come from a desire to simply love above wanting to be heard…even if the truth is spoken…again it’s the intent. Our intention cannot be to be known but to know Him in the spirit of the word. All things we do and think must be with an innocent request for a simple love amongst ourselves.

  170. Both of you keep searching. You haven’t gotten there yet but you will find the truth in Jesus. Soul perfection can only be found in Him, not solely by trying to perfect yourself in holiness.

  171. And thousands down the ages and thousands today have searched or are searching the scriptures, thinking that in them they will find eternal life, while they ignore Christ completely with His continual outpouring, personal information and loving direction for the constant emergencies of life. It is in that personal contact with God, as one opens up his soul to be “taught of God” that all power lies. The great power to do the works which Christ did is not contained in the scriptures but in the living contact with God. And those who hold their minds continually within the pages of the Bible will become word-bound in their thinking and their lives will become as dried and brittle as parchment. It is these who have failed to go to Christ, in a love of devotion that will reveal the TRUTH and go beyond the dead letter of the law, that remain in their dead, orthodoxed conformity of unprogressiveness.

    • One cannot contact Jesus Christ without His Eternal Word, for that is written in Heaven and is the Heart of God. One cannot serve or find God, without the Words of Jesus, because the Spirit of God on earth will only bear record of the red Letters of Jesus Christ. You will not even know who God is without the Words of Jesus Christ, because that is the teaching of Jesus, and He said, ” Except you Abide in Me and My Word you Have No Life (from God) in You. No, that is a deception you are following. Please make note that your words cannot take precedence over God’s Word. God’s Word IS All That Matters.

    • Ditto. Exactly.

    • I couldn’t have said it better.

    • I couldn’t have said it better.

    • Very well said. So true.

  172. Two points I would like you to consider ~ 1) The very comment that you made about the letter of the law, comes from a bible scripture (a word from Gog ). In the Bible. So you were using this verse as a ‘”living Word”, to quote from and make your point from. So, that which you were doing is the complete opposite of the function you were trying to say was dead. You yourself were making the Word alive.

    point 2) ~~~~

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Romans 7:6 (

    But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

    This verse you were quoting, is not referring to all the Words, sentences and scriptures in the Bible.
    This verse is saying that the Law had a penalty. The penalty was death, (because of sin). We had to serve (i.e.) “obey” the law, but that obedience, could only lead to death. Through Jesus Christ, death on the Cross, death was fulfilled as a sacrifice for us, so we do not any longer serve a dead letter (the ten commandments), and we no longer have to suffer it’s penalty, of the law of sin and death and finally a penalty of hell. Now we can serve God in newness of spirit, because believers in Jesus are made alive and delivered from death, through Jesus Cross, and sacrifice for us. Now we serve the Word of God, and Jesus, and the Law of God, through “Choice”, which is choice through “Newness of Life”.

    This verse is Not Saying that the Words of Jesus, and the Apostles, in the Letters in the New Testament are dead. It is saying the exact opposite. These Words ARE, the Words, of “Newness of Life”, brought forth in the New Creation Man, and honored by the Holy Spirit.

  173. Mishai
    March 24, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    Two points I would like you to consider ~ 1) The very comment that you made about the letter of the law, comes from a bible scripture (a word from God ). In the Bible. So you were using this verse as a ‘”living Word”, to quote from and to make your point from. So, that which you were doing is the complete opposite of the function you were trying to say was dead. You yourself were making the Word alive.

    point 2) ~~~~

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Romans 7:6 (

    But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

    This verse you were quoting, is not referring to all the Words, sentences and scriptures in the Bible.
    This verse is saying that the Law had a penalty. The penalty was death, (because of sin). We had to serve (i.e.) “obey” the law, but that obedience, could only lead to death. Through Jesus Christ, death on the Cross, death was fulfilled as a sacrifice for us, so we do not any longer serve a dead letter (the ten commandments), and we no longer have to suffer it’s penalty, of the law of sin and death and finally a penalty of hell. Now we can serve God in newness of spirit, because believers in Jesus are made alive and delivered from death, through Jesus Cross, and sacrifice for us. Now we serve the Word of God, and Jesus, and the Law of God, through “Choice”, which is choice through “Newness of Life”.

    This verse is Not Saying that the Words of Jesus, and the Apostles, in the Letters in the New Testament are dead. It is saying the exact opposite. These Words ARE, the Words, of “Newness of Life”, brought forth in the New Creation Man, and honored by the Holy Spirit.

  174. The power of God is as great today as it was when He said, “Let there be light, and there was light!” It is as great now as it was in the days of Moses when dust turned to lice, ashes to boils and the Red Sea divided at the word of a man inspired by God. His power is as great today as it was in the days of Christ when the lepers were healed, the blind made to see, the lame to walk, and in the dynamic words that have rung down the ages, “Lazarus, come forth!” The power of God did not die with the Apostles of Jesus Christ. It is still waiting to be brought forth in the heart of any man who will only open his soul to receive it, and his mind to understand.

    • That power only comes From the Holy Spirit, Through the Word. The Power of God, came through the Word, Saying. Everything you just quoted, could not have been spoken by you without The Word. It all came to you because the Word of God is there. Your comments are quotations relating to the Word given.

  175. We must have knowledge for direction however we are to go on unto perfection in the spirit. We must come to understand where knowing ends and spirit begins. We read by knowledge we should love our neighbor as ourself however having the knowledge of it does not make us loving and spiritual. By receiving the spirit of Christ directly from God is how we are able to become in His likeness. It’s like the saying you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Knowledge can lead us to know about Christ but it is the spirit which gives us His spirit to drink. Many refuse to drink as they are happy only to expound on what they “know.” We must fulfill what is written about, called knowledge, by the thing itself…God’s likeness and character. There is as much difference between knowing (knowledge) about something and being something.

    Remember that this is the only difference between the five wise and five foolish…one knew to do and the other did.

    • The Word of God, is not just knowledge. The Word of God, is the Creative POWER of God. It is more than knowledge, it is FOOD. You take it in and it becomes POWER. That is the mystery. Not just knowledge. You can only understand what I just said, by reading the word and understanding IT. Your, not going to come to know where knowing ends and spirit begins, because they are the same thing. Loving your neighbor as yourself, is an activity. You will be in His likeness, when you become born again, then you learn. Don’t turn things around backwards. You lead yourself to water, and make yourself drink. The Word is the Water. and the Bible says this. By the Water of the Word.

  176. Having knowledge of being able to have good things is wonderful to have. It is better to have the thing or only the knowledge of the thing? Knowledge is good but with all your getting, get understanding.

    • Edit….

      Having knowledge of being able to have good things is wonderful to have. Is it better to have the thing or only the knowledge of the thing? Knowledge is good but with all your getting, get understanding of the difference.

  177. Sorry about the repeats???

  178. sonny mishai in on a totaly religious level of understanding the gospel of Christ…he “cannot hear” the higher truths of the spirit in his mind and heart… its (impossible) at this time…so plz leave him be… and just love and pray for his soul thats all . GOD BLESS ❤

  179. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he that waverth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

    For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

    James Chapter 1, verses 5-7,..IT IS THAT SIMPLE ITS ALWAYS BEEN..

  180. How do we know for certain what is the truth? How do we know what devices are the cunning forces of darkness? For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (Romans Chapter 8, verse 6) If we are carnally minded, we might search for solid earthly proof, or let all of our belief hang on the opinions and proofs that others provide for us. And there are many different stories to be told about whether Annalee Skarin was really translated or not. Some will believe what their mortal eyes see and their physical ears hear. And some will decide that there is no way that such an event as her translation ever occured and therefore reject all that she wrote which was written in fire and tears for the benefit of all mankind. And some believe she was translated without ever questioning whether it could be an untrue story. It is our God-given right to question – to ask God himself for the answers! We should never just take someone’s word without asking THE WORD.

    • Amos,

      I had a dear friend that was probably thirty years my senior and he shared with me audible conversations he had with God. Some of my other good friends in the faith believed him and some didn’t. I took the attitude with my friends…what if he did and what if he didn’t? What is that have to do with what we as individuals need to do? So whether someone such as Annalee Skarin was translated..or not…it will have not have any bearing on the faith of another. Their experience is theirs, and ours are ours. I often tell people read what you want, follow who you want, however when we mature, we follow only God through Christ.

      I follow no man, however I share with others as they share with me some very good knowledge and perspectives. We may learn something another may voice and vise versa, however it is God who opens up our understanding. I have a good understanding of the different callings of God however I rarely get into the depth of each openly on blogs such as this. I understand what it takes to be in the Sonship, the 144, the bride of Christ, etc., many names of the same thing. I would hope that one day I may achieve the high calling in Christ Jesus, however I have also learned not to claim something by title, that we can only claim by being matured into that calling. I know our salvation is sure, however if we are not careful pride in claiming something before it’s time of revelation in our hearts can be a pride before it’s fall.

      The high calling in Christ Jesus will come by being obedient to all that we know to do…rather than what we only know. When writing and sharing as we do on here, there are some things left better unsaid, for each has its place. I really know it’s not a “ position” we should seek for if we seek “the way” the position will take care of itself. As far as reproving someone this is also something I have very rarely done. I know we each will come to the maturity in Christ in our order of His timing so I am not really worried about the scoffers and stone throwers, for they too will bow their knee to Christ in time. I usually leave others to their beliefs and to their demeaning way of presenting themselves but there do come times when it is appropriate. It’s touchy with an audience, yet I know when I do my love does not change in the least for the least of these… because if not for the grace of God…there go I.

      We will each have our bumps and bruises along the way and most will come by those who put doctrine and beliefs over the beatitudes. I accept everyone just where they are, however I am secure enough and I know why I speak what I do and how I speak it. Perfect? No, but in condemnation, not at all because it is impossible to condemn a person to a place where you believe doesn’t exist. And when one believes as in Adam all died so as in Christ all shall be made alive but every man in his own order,” it is but a short time before all will stand before our Father innocent of all past charges…our year of “Jubilee.”

      It may surprise many but I do not study for the sake of knowledge itself. If a person studies for any other reason than to further one’s growth in Christ I believe our studies are in vein. If all the law and prophets hang on the one great commandment then they must all be saying the same thing. This I have found to be so for myself…and I leave others to believe for themselves. I spend much of my time reading and studying and I read as you, many things by others. I read those who agree with me and I read things I’m. It in agreement with. We should be able to read anything and listening to anyone if we know no one can take any truth from us for we are not of those who search the scriptures thinking in them we will find life. The spirit comes by spirit, not by the letter and although the letter has its place, it is that personally spirit to spirit dialogue we have with our Father which grows and gives the increase.

      How do we know what is the Truth? Truth is kindness, mercy, grace, compassion, etc., the beatitudes and anything outside of God’s likeness comes under the category of knowledge and not substance. This is a hard subject to discuss with many especially with those who are still trying to find their way in searching the scriptures..thinking they will find life in them. There are few that have read and studied…as much as I have and the Lord has granted me my share of the understanding of the types and shadows, the allegories and many of the mysteries that many clamour to know. And yet I do not count these things of great value as do many and this is because I have came to see through it all, although it is good to know things, it is yet better to be the thing that only the scriptures can reveal as being obtainable.

      For me it is really a humbling experience to be shown these great truths because I know Imhave yet to measure up the truth that only knowledge can reveal. Types and shadows in the scriptures are not the true, yet they outline the true…it is knowledge. I know that for myself I would like to possess what the knowledge of the shadow can only describe. Knowledge cannot give life, it can describe it but the letter has no power. Many think by understanding the written word this is somehow a spiritual awakening. Knowing about something can make one feel really great and they think because they know the sons of
      God exist they will be one…however until we walk the last step in the spirit we cannot claim it by knowing about it…we must become obedient to forsaking all carnal things..

      I know you understand most of all I have said, because we see similar things. We should not worry about what we don’t know..or what the other doesn’t know…for there is a higher way that comes by walking and not talking. Exchanging words on a blog leaves out much of what a conversation is really about because we get lost in trying to explain a lot of the unexplainable because I’m not sure that some things can be explained to another…I know this from experience because, again, you have to be in a place or in a certain condition to get it…and until another is there with you there is a “language” barrier. However no matter the difference in knowledge we can have what is above knowledge that all the scriptures hang on…and that is a genuine love and respect for others regardless of their beliefs. We should be able to sit with any of any religion, atheist or agnostic and have the same peace and respect for them as your best friend.

      There is a consummation of all knowledge in the statement as you have done unto the least of these you have done it unto me…I think an atheist would quialty for one of the least of these…however you know what the synagogue of Satan is and I think you also know many atheist are better off than in one of these “Satanic” places. However all these being least, we are to show the same grace, kindness and compassion as our Lord. What makes a Sonship message and calling, as you are aware is in the obedience of a beatifude and not just the knowledge of it.

      I know I’m singing to the choir so to speak. I just wanted to take the extra time to explain there is a time for all things as in Ecclesiastes and we don’t all get the same message at the same time. Yet we try our best.


      • That’s the reason why God sent his messengers, to preach the truth without favor to men, then there is no need before God, to worry about these things. Obey God, not what men think about you. Follow Jesus Word, not demons teachings. Many men do not know God and are demonically inspired. Hearing devils. If you want, God, you will have what He sends in truth. without favor to men. God is a good God, but there is no shadow of truth in Him. Go to God’s Word and learn from Him.



  183. If we desire to be spiritualy minded, we could choose to follow the simple intructions given by Jesus Christ through Annalee in the book, “To God The Glory” which follow:

    And so that you may be left without excuse I now give you the three tests by which you may know the truth of my (Jesus Christ) Words.

    First: ask of me, with a sincere heart, whether this is of God or not, and He will reveal the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. And thus you may know the truth of all things. But be careful that after such witness is borne to you and testifies to your soul, and brings peace to your heart, by the power of the Holy Ghost, lest you return to your doubting, and thus be found to sin against this Divine Witness, even the Holy Ghost, which sin cannot be forgiven.

    Second: Live the teachings and you will KNOW whether they be of God, or whether they be of man.

    Third: This is the test that cannot fail, nor can a fool err therein, nor be deceived, for it is as plain to discern as it is to discern the light of noonday from the darkness of night. “Anything that enticeth a man to serve and love God, and to pray, IS OF GOD.”

    So be it, for I have spoken. Let none mock my words for they are true and faithful.

    Yea, I am Jesus Christ, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega, the great Amen.

    • A fool already has erred therein. You.?? So, if we need your agreement to test this, that wouldn’t be right. If you don’t believe any of the Sayings and warnings of Jesus and the Apostles, you certainly wouldn’t want to believe a demon spirit named, Analee.??? Analee, How about “Demonlee”?? God has given us witness in the Eternal Word, of Jesus. Leave Analee, and turn to Him.

  184. “I am not here with you right now to speak with big words as this will not help those who have a limited vocabulary. I want everyone to understand what I am going to tell you for it is also a part of them that they remember. Whatever happens in life, it isn’t something permanent; instances, thoughts, emotions, all pass and continue on in another dimension as the new birth of a new instance or a new thought or a new emotion enters your consciousness. I do not teach something which is not known by the inner self for all is connected to the one truth of love…GOD BLESS YOU ALL..<3

    • Then why Does the Bible Say to Repent of Your Sins.??? There is the one Truth of Love, but the Bible teaches that there is also, the one truth of sin. If you want people to understand, then we need more than a testimony from your mind, teaching us. We need it to match God’s written, Word, given by the Holy Spirit to the Disciples of Christ, or we will not believe it. No, we cannot understand, “your sayings”, because they are yours and yours alone. Not from God. Don’t need satans ideas. No thank you. Bless you,. I pray God will reveal His truth, to you. It’s in Jesus.

  185. Learn to talk to God, not at Him. Learn to glory in the sacred, divine privilege of so sacred an opportunity. Let your love flow out. Let your requests be added after your thanks and gratitude and praise have been expressed in every increasing wonder and joy in the privilege of living on this wonderful earth. And as you rejoice and give thanks your happiness will grow and increase to match your blessings. Learn to look forward to those moments you spend with Him and you will begin to know that He hears and approves of you.

    It is so much easier to PROVE that God does live and that he does hear and answers prayers than it is to disprove Him, for He is truly a rewarder of all who DILIGENTLY seek Him!

    Those who seek only to disprove that God does not exist are only proving that they have not made any effort to really reach Him. And they are actually closing the great door into His presence against themselves. And in so doing they have lost the purpose and the meaning and the unspeakable joy of existence. God is not in the least affected by any individual’s actions or resentments or evils — but man himself is the loser, the releaser of the boundless ills that are gathering, according to the unfulfilled laws of righteousness. Not that God is going to punish man. Man creates his own punishments and releases them as he brings them to pass.

    And this fact must be stated and magnified. No one has ever DISPROVED that there is a God, except to those who have never sought to KNOW for themselves. For His invitation has stood down the timeless ages of existence: “Seek me early and you shall find me!” Or “Seek me diligently and you shall KNOW me!”

    While these UNBELIEVING ONES have failed to make the least effort to KNOW THE TRUTH, there are thousands upon thousands who have proved, in their lives, the great reality of a True and Living God and who KNOW of His mercies and His powers because they have become daily more aware of His blessings as they have been multiplied unto them.

    This is the day of which Daniel spoke, when he stated: “Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

    “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand.”

    Then in Daniel 12:3-4 is revealed the exact time of the fulfilling of this scripture. “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.

    “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED!” This is the day when they are “running to and fro” to the extent that great freeways have cobwebbed the nation with their lanes of traffic.

    This is “the time of the end” and it is the time when God has declared that he will do His strange work, “That all men will be left without excuse” (for not knowing) — and then it will be too late to graduate from this earth plane with honors. In THIS DAY it will be an unholy condition to be “A drop-out” when every atom and leaf and bird and cloud and blade of grass testifies continually of the Great Creator of all that is — and the man who fails finds he has no part in it. Such will fulfill Daniel’s words, revealed in chapter 12:2, thus: “Some will stand forth to receive everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

    • No one here, has said that Jesus doesn’t answer prayers, or that they were trying to disprove Him. We said just the opposite. None of your sayings here, contradict anything I said, All these statements are based on the Bible, and you were saying you do not put confidence in it. ????? So, you are saying two exact opposites, Either you believe God’s Word’s or you don’t???? You say they are stale, then you quote large volumes from them… Go, one way or the other, but no one is saying ‘Here’, that Jesus doesn’t answer prayer.. I have no idea where you came to assume that.? I was not in any way saying he doesn’t answer prayer, but prayer is based on the Promises in His Word. What He has promised. John said, if we ask anything in His will, He heareth us.. So Again, “That is from God’s Living Word”.

  186. Introduction to A RIVER GREAT AND BROAD: The Complete Works of Annalee Skarin and Commentary to YE ARE GODS by Reborn R. S. Whitefield.

    A RIVER GREAT AND BROAD, The Complete Works of Annalee Skarin and Commentary of “Ye Are Gods” was brought to pass by the grace of God and the discovery that all of Annalee’s published books with the exception of “Ye Are Gods” are now under public domain. I have read Annalee’s books numerous times, and had to re-purchase them after losing them during a move. To my astonishment and disappointment people were charging extraordinary fees for the books that Annalee, herself, never accrued any royalties for. Aghast at this injustice to those who desire to read her books but could not afford them, I set off on a journey of typing and editing these beloved books in order to make them available to all.

    The title to this compilation of Annalee Skarin’s published writings comes from Ode 6 of the Odes of Solomon 7- 17, which Annalee said referred to her books: “For there went forth a stream and became a river great and broad; For it flooded and broke up everything and it brought (water) to the Temple; And the restrainers of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of those whose business it is to restrain waters; For it spread over the face of the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it; And thirst was relieved and quenched: for from the Most High the draught was given. Blessed then are the ministers of that draught who are entrusted with that water. They have assuaged the dry lips, and the will that had fainted they have raised up; And souls that were near departing they have caught back from death: And limbs that had fallen they straightened and set up: They gave strength for their feebleness and light to their eyes: For everyone knew them in the Lord, and they lived by the water of life forever. Hallelujah.”

    • Annalee, could be a demonic spirit, in fact is guaranteed to be. Ok what is the Temple? (nonsenses), and also, the “restrainers of the children of men”? How about, the liars, of the “daughters of men”, could that be possible, as well, that Annalee might be a liar? How would you know? Don’t place your faith in a fiction.?? Jesus loves you himself. Leave her (demon) I pray. That is my prayer for you. I care for your soul. Think about this, why would restrainers of the children of men, try to restrain waters? Doesn’t make sense. There are no ones whose business is to restrain waters. I dare say, you have no idea “what she is talking about”. and no one else does. Jesus loves you. I do know that.

  187. Within the soul of man is the gift of poise, which is divine majesty. Within the soul of man is the power to rule over every condition or vicissitude. Anyone who fulfills the law of his own being will release the full outflowing power of God right within himself and then “all things will be subjected unto him, both in heaven and on earth; the Light and the Life; the Spirit and the Power.” He will be filled with Light and comprehend all things. Such a one becomes a sacred channel through which the healing powers of God’s almighty love flow out to renew in the fulness of life more abundant, joy more exquisite and knowledge more complete. Within this sacred jewel is the power to accomplish every noble task, to fulfill every worthy assignment and to bring forth every righteous desire. Within the soul of man is the power to KNOW and to walk with God. Within this sacred power of the soul is held the gift of Life Eternal, “For it is given to abide in you the record of heaven; the Comforter, the peaceable things of immortal glory; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things and hath all power.”

    • If one part of these sayings is wrong. My guess would be that the Whole box of Cards will Collapse. You have one saying here, (amongst many) where you have stated ” He (whoever that he is we don’t know?) will be filled with Light and comprehend all things. Ok, at that point your mind should be able to tell you and for you to comprehend, that there is no way “you” personally could know that or expect to know that because no one knows what all things “are”, and to say you would comprehend “all things”, should be enough of a red flag, for you to know that Satan, is deceiving you into ” his belief system”, claiming you will be god.. You won’t be, you can be assured of that. Secondly, why would you trust “these words” if you can’t trust God’s Word. Not a good idea to be in this scenario you have predicted, because it is demonically inspired. Praying for your waking to a better idea. There is no law of your own being? Where did that come from. So, a lot of unfulfilled and broken ends here that make no sense. Who is going to verify, that these statements are true, Only Satan, a liar, that Jesus warned against. Words not from the Father of lights here. Praying Jesus will show you the truth.

      • “Live the Teachings and You Will Know”

        “Yes, he that repenteth and exerciseth FAITH and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing unto such is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance.” This glorious Promise was revealed centuries ago and it still stands in all the power of everlasting fulfilling and eternal PROMISE.

      • hello all 🙂
        i want to add something in which creates seperation. the intent is to fix the death. and keep the flow(water) of life within the spirit of ALL MEN(i see many here waking out of death and am proud of you all). i know this is a touchy subject(even though it doesnt have to be). the subject is about lucifer/satan/devil.

        i know that WE were taught to fight against, to disconnect from. but there is a MUCH CLEARER understanding in which we all need to understand.
        in order to not give satan any power(in religon terms) is to love satan unconditionally as satan is the GREATEST TEST of our own faith.
        to love satan(in all people) is to give strenght in christ. but to fight against satan is to reject christ. (law of opposing forces).

        the purpose is to ADJUST our frequency within our own identity to ALIGN(CROSS) with the eternal(prophets) frequency(LIFE ITSELF)(highest love). LOVE is something that you are, it isnt something that one person has more or less of.

        some may see this confusing when i say this but i do know the final outcome(eternal knowledge). christ and satan(in spirit) is in all of us.(opposing forces)(one and the same force)
        if you reject satan/lucifer/devil, then in no way can you be one with christ. but to even LOVE satan again is how you give life to(in) christ(see christ in everyone)).. this also goes for all other names. each name requires all other names. that means you cant be one with christ if you reject johova, morman/allah, mohamad, ect…. each name is an ETERNAL LAW(within us all)

        people may do bad things, and we tend to judge them and condemn them. but even those people are only playing out the LOVE in which is in all of our hearts(shared in eternal).. the universe plays out EVERY POSSIBILILY of our own heart(human AND eternal).

        let me try to give a real sample… lets take an event right now.

        lets say for example that overseas, we see terrorist… they cut of heads and fingers.. as we in our own country and as one body tend to condemn terrorist, those same terrorist are only playing out that of which we created in them(cant escape our own hearts).
        the whole universe(and the consiousness we call eternal) plays out every aspect of ourselves.

        in order to get rid of terrorist, we have to SEE within our own minds and hearts, that even those people playing out those acts should also be seen as god’s children(as no one person is more or less important than another)..
        when we see christ even in terrorist, the whole universe LISTENS, and plays out the LOVE that we create(in our own hearts).

        so to LOVE everyone equal is the way that we rid terrorist(satan within). to blow up terrorist only shows that we are the terrrorist that we reject in others. hope that makes sense or at least starts a conversation..

        when a preacher condemns a terrorist and catorgorizes people, it is that same ENERGY in which t he world plays out(stuck in a loop).


  189. Make no mistake, however, this site is testifying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. It is a Christian site that accepts the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon contains the fullnes of the gospel in these latter days – and the Book of Mormon confirms that the Bible is true. Both books are scripture. Also, remember the body of Christ is comprised of many different members: head, hands, feet, etc. The body of Christ is not one isolated person. Ask, seek and knock as to how you can be a part of Christ’s body while continuing to read Annalee Skarin’s books. Approach all these things in prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, and He will reveal the truth to you.

    • Yes, you accept the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but you don’t follow what Jesus Taught. Jesus said, that many will come in the Last Days, saying “I Am Christ”, namely Annalee SKarin. There is nothing to approach. Jesus said if a demon approaches you, go not after them. No one needs Annalee Skarin to reveal who God is or, who Jesus is, Jesus revealed Himself. You do not need a mediator between you and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ “is” the mediator. Turn away from it, and follow Jesus.
      Jesus is the third person of a triune God. He is not a teacher, to be followed by another teacher. He IS the teacher. And He is God.

  190. Puff The Magic Dragon

    Puff, the Magic Dragon (Satan)
    lived by the Sea,
    And frolicked in the autumn mist,
    in a land called Annalee,
    Little, wandering Amos,
    And Teresa Roberson,
    didn’t believe that Christ is
    the one true God, so they Made one
    Of Their Own.~~
    Puff the Magic Dragon (Satan)
    lived by the sea,
    and tried to wash Amos, and his
    life away, but Mishai prayed
    to bring him home.
    Amos turned to Jesus,
    how happy he became,
    and Teresa, was even happier
    because Amos, believed on
    Jesus Name,
    Puff, the Magic Dragon,
    lived by the Sea, and,
    became sick in the dirty mist,
    In a Land Called Annalee!

  191. Many times, Annalee paraphrased scripture and simply put them in quotes but did not include a reference. And so I also included footnotes for those scriptures as often as possible.

    Before the first chapter in her book, “Ye Are Gods”, there is an Editor’s Note which states:

    Soon after publishing the first edition of this remarkable book the author, Annalee Skarin, according to Affidavits in our files, underwent a physical change known as “translation,” such as did Enoch of Biblical days.

    Her book proclaims that Annalee is a translated being, while the Internet proclaims that she is dead and buried. What should one believe? Was Annalee a liar about being translated? I have chosen to believe that she was translated and the reports of her death are false. “WHY?” I can hear people exclaiming in alarm. These might be people who have never prayed, asked GOD, and listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit, as to whether Annalee’s writings are true or not – nor have they ever read all of her books. Instead they have trusted in the arm of flesh and a few internet sites that depict Annalee as delving into the shadowy hallways of darkness. I am a witness that there is no darkness in Annalee Skarin’s published books, as she simply teaches the life and commandments of Jesus Christ and invites and entices all to follow and serve and love Christ, and pray to HIM……

  192. The Holy Ghost has revealed to me the truth – not flesh and blood. You do not have to believe that the Holy Ghost revealed anything to me, however. It is up to YOU to pray and ask God for yourself. Do not trust in the arm of flesh. Trust the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK!

    My reasons for believing Annalee’s writings are inspired include documented church history in the periodicals called, Times and Seasons, The Evening and Morning Star and scriptures from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine & Covenants (many evidences from these sources are quoted again and again throughout Annalee’s published books).

  193. Prayer itself and the divine invitation to pray is an eternal gift offered by God to man. In distress and misery or dismay or in hardships or troubles of any kind man is invited to go to God — and to “talk to Him as one man talks to another!” And since God is All-Powerful, beyond any potentate or Ruler or King or Magistrate upon the earth it is a wonderful experience and indeed a privilege to be invited into His Presence to talk over one’s difficulties, problems or overwhelming disasters. In such a process there will be the instantaneous help of the Holy Comforter, which establishes the quiet and peace necessary for the vibrations and powers of God to begin their unfolding, their healing and their straightening out of all errors and mistakes.

  194. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5). Most of us accept this as applying to those of former times, but we must remember always that no passage of scripture is of any private interpretation. In the original Greek text, it reads thus: “If any of you are destitute of wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and censures not, and it shall be given him, but let him ask in faith, not hesitating.” — etc. This translation makes it clear that all the humble, those who do not pretend to know everything, can come to God and receive wisdom liberally. Wisdom is offered to all just for the asking — wisdom to fill one’s destiny — wisdom to live honorably — wisdom to help make a whole world better just because that person lived in it and lived up to his highest destiny by receiving divine wisdom. “And with all thy learning, get wisdom.”

    • I agree completely , and it is wisdom used correctly to go beyond the letter to understand Corinthians 1:13 and to put all things and gifts in order. Wisdom is good and this is said rightly and therefore Love is the end of wisdom. Solomon asked for wisdom and was granted wisdom such as no person had before of after him…because He asked with the right attitude.

      Yet, in all of Solomon’s wisdom he failed greatly in not applying it fairly and equitably to all alike, it was because of Solomon’s partiality toward his own…that the kingdom became divided. He could be very ruthless with the other tribes through greater taxation’s on other tribes so he could show more “political” favor to his own, thus they rebelled and became separate. Solomon built alters for his foreign wives (against Fods will) that some even used for human sacrifice. Solomon did not use his great wisdom to promote the ways of God. It was like knowledge to him…he knew..but didn’t do.

      Wisdom is a gift and we can possess it like no other, as Solomon, but we can fail most miserably with wisdom even if it equaled Solomon’s. Wisdom is like knowledge, it is a tool and gift…”if” it used to its intended purpose and it is most clearly explained in the above referenced chapter.

      With all thy getting get understanding to apply all the gifts including wisdom and knowledge of how to arrive at the destination. Wisdom is to know the difference as understanding is to know how to apply it…to get to the purpose of them both…1 Corinthians 13 can’t be stated and made any clearer than the purpose of wisdom and knowledge.

      When we ask to be made into His likeness….this is the end of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. When all the gifts of the in part listed in Corinthians have done their work properly we will stand before our creator in wholeness and holiness…equipped with the love and likeness of God for all alike…

      It’s like all the law and prophets are made so clear in one simple chapter of the book. It should be read over and over again until we understand intelligence in any form of any gift is far inferior to the himbleness of love.

      It is all good.

  195. Law…and… grace and the difference.

    1 Corinthians 1-13

    If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
    1 Corinthians 13:1-13 –

    When one often speaks of knowledge as being of a lesser thing as compared to the thing itself…as I do…I am always referencing this wonderful chapter in the book of Corinthians. Having a doctrine, going to a building and calling it “the church,” wearing labels, following other people, debating one’s knowledge , etc. as the above chapter points out and is alluding to; that all the law and prophets hang on the simple concept to love all…regardless…of their doctrine, gifts, sacrifices of offerings and knowledge “about” things, etc. “All” these in part things are but the scaffolding used in constructing the “temple,” however it is not the outward temple that is being built but the inward temple of our being. I am often accosted for saying knowledge is not the end of the thing…and it is not as important as the end of all things ( which knowledge can only describe) which is God’s likeness and character, His love. Knowledge is like a vehicle to get you somewhere…and once we are there, it is no longer needed. No one is saying knowledge is not important, it is…but to debate and argue over whose knowledge and doctrine is more correct in anger and mean spirit ness is silly and childish as the above chapter explains and I am in agreement with. If we argue and debate our knowledge and it is not discussed to bring us to His
    likeness, why discuss anything at all?

    When it is all said and done, many of us will have a lot of egg on our faces for attacking one another over gifts and doctrines when they really don’t matter as much as we think they do. When Paul made the statement that circumcision or uncircumcision of the law is not an issue of self righteousness in the flesh…it is the spirit and righteousness of the heart that matters. His main purpose in saying this was not to teach doctrines of the law but only Christ and Him crucified. This particular passage about crucifixion is not addressing the literal crucifixion of Christ as some see it, it is the cross of the Christian life against the cross and the opposition of the carnal nature…within. This is the same as the circumcision of the heart…it is one and the same thing. So let us see our “old man” of the carnal nature being crucified with the lust of the flesh and the pride of life ( as in “knowing” better than another about a knowledge of a subject) and when it is crucified, we are dead to the carnal nature in Christ…meaning we have overcome death of self and have came alive in the spirit of Christ.

    If a person has been fully developed in the gospel of their end being found in the character in the love in Christ, they have fulfilled all things…that really matter. If a person has mastered and has come to the conclusion of God’s likeness…all is finished. A variance in a doctrinal view is not going to change the meaning of the more meaningful substance of God and in God…His Likeness….His character….that we are asked to possess above all earthly things. The high calling in Christ Jesus is not found in any aspect of one’s doctrinal vices..except the “doctrine” of Christ…which in reality has nothing to do with do’s and don’ts of the law. This is because agape love is the fulfillment of the law…and when one stands in this love they will stand in the presence and character of God.

    There is an Eros (physical) and a philia (brotherly) type of love and although there is a brotherly love we should all have and desire, we must go beyond loving those of our own families, beliefs, doctrines and knowledge. God’s love, loves in spite of any boundary one may want to place on another by a doctrinal belief or in ones knowledge being different from another. Agape love is the view God has for His creation, from His perspective and if we are to surpass our own limited love and possess His, we must see things as He sees them…and love “all” people alike, saint and sinner, those who reject us just as in the same manner as those who rejected Christ.

    As God looks on His creation and sees His redemptive plan for all people, we also must see this from His perspective and look on the entirety of all and all things in the same light. We must come to see His plan as He does because if we don’t, we can’t be truthful in saying we understand the end of all people…when we don’t. This is because we become confused over what heaven and hell really means…and where they exist. Does it not say to let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus? Is He not our pattern and example to go by?

    There is a time to speak and a there is a time to be quiet, there is a time to teach and a time to reprove ungodliness. There is a time for all things, however many do not have enough love in their heart to rightly divide the word of God and separate their arrogance of the letter from the grace in the spirit. Grace is the forgiveness that is continually with us as we grow in Christ..until we reach the perfection which is only found when Love ( God’s character) is completed within us. As the above chapter confirms, God’s likeness is His love for all of mankind, it’s not in the knowledge and doctrines we beat one another up over. We reveal ourselves to what mind we have by what we defend or judge others by. There is a place that we cross over (our Jordan) to where we start to obtain the promised land of God…it is a condition of the land in which we are. We are promised a possession within this temple in “which we are”…and we should conduct ourselves in a way to keep this temple clean. Sure, we fail and have to continually reclean what we have already cleansed. This is covered by God by His grace and forgiveness…so the only difference in the just and the unjust is that the just gets up from making their mistakes and goes on while the unjust give up and fall back to taking a lesser order.

    Let us put things in proper order and perspective and then we can discuss things where love and respect covers all things…”all” things. Then we will think like we are asked to, by letting this mind be in us which was also in our Lord, Jesus Christ.
    Our words, tone and respect or disrespect comes from our heart, and we are known by our fruit. The tongue is used in both ways, to maim and to give life…let us choose rightly…and respectfully.

    The written law points out all wrongs while the “law” of grace forgives all wrongs. Which are we to be the messenger of, condemnation or grace? One is of the old, one is of the New Testament. We are under grace, we are no longer prisoners of the law. We are free to grow… in grace.

    If anyone has a boundary to their love in Christ for others..they are under the condemnation of the law…and they have not the love of Christ “yet” fully developed in them. When we see the plan of God including all men, we can then see God as He is as the “I Am.” We will “all” then be in Him as He is.

    To conclude when we see the real meaning of love as expalined in 1 Corinthians 13, all we thought that was important to prove by these lesser things …is to be counted as loss to gain the more important thing that all these things point to…love for “all” others.


    It is most assuredly true that “All things work together for Good to them that love God.” (Rom. 8:28).

    To fulfill this scripture and prove one’s love, is quite different from quoting it in words, then denying its truth by brooding over all the evils and misfortunes you have been subjected to. Neither can it be fulfilled by those who weep in self-pity, nor whimper in dismay, over every trivial discomfort.

    This scripture can be proved and fulfilled when it is put to the full test. It has to reach beyond words and superficial, sanctimonious self-righteousness. It has to reach beyond the services that one renders in the lime-light of the temple pinnacle to be seen of men.

    This love for God that is required, is not something that can be proved in declarations nor even in spell-binding sermons uttered from the “housetops.” Love is a power that must go out from the heart. It must be felt and comprehended as it is released in vibrations of glorious, singing aliveness.

    To prove this scripture it is necessary to love God with a devotion that exceeds the little, mortal self. This love requires that one trust God implicitly. This deep, wondrous, living love provides one with the willingness to go through any testing, any vicissitude, any difficulty, no matter how seemingly impossible, with an inner song of love and praise — and gratitude.


    Not at all.

    • So true…the key word here is “all.” It would be hard to trust and love a person if you did not think they had your best interest at heart. To believe that someone would lock you away forever for a lot less of an error than the person who was responsible for millions of deaths however they were spared by asking for forgiveness can only lead to a greater mistrust of what that person really is all about.

      But learning and trusting that “all” things of God is to teach, reprove and correct each of us to come to know Him as He is…in His likeness. And your correct as 1corinthians 13 also states we can have all knowledge and be able to expound its very virtues but if the end game is not to become and teach the reason for it, we speak in vein.

      As good as the gift of knowledge is…it pales in comparison to what it is pointing us all toward. As good as God has been to us to show us many wonderful things and their meaning in the scriptures…it is very humbling to look inside oneself and see that all these gifts, of knowledge, the mysteries, etc, etc, has no benefit whatsoever if we do not apply them to get to what they are pointing to…and that is a love and respect that one cannot teach another with only words…

      We don’t need a lot of knowledge to fulfill God’s destiny for us. If we have not love we have nothing. If we make our worth in knowledge we are poor and blind and naked of the truth. I search the scriptures because I came to understand that knowledge is a defense as taught to us. Peter, sent to the Jews, used the knowledge of the law to bring people out of their misunderstanding that the law was their savior. It was and is not. Paul taught the pagan gentiles who had not the law from a different perspective, that we are saved by faith in grace…without the law of words only.

      They both were teaching how to be accepted in God’s eyes according to faith, yet knowledge was used in two entirely different methods to bring each to Christ. The end game was the understanding that being Jew or gentile didn’t matter or from what background of atheism, paganism or under God’s previous law.

      Whatever and wherever we come from, it doesn’t matter, or what we know or don’t know, it is that we must understand that “all” things lead us to Christ, the food the bad and the ugly. Just as you say.

  197. When one can make every breath a prayer of praise and glory and rejoicing, he will find he truly abides in Christ — then it will be that “he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

  198. Every attribute that God the Father possess is also possessed in an embryo state by every child of earth. Every son and daughter of God when told of the gifts that should follow those who truly believe, are commanded to desire to prophesy. Paul said that he would to God that all men could prophesy. And the promise is given that the Spirit of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea, and our sons and our daughters shall prophesy. No one having the power of God upon him will be silent, or inactive — the very power demands activity that will continually glorify Him — that His name might be made known and magnified upon the earth.

  199. The day has come when every individual must rise from the slumber of passivity, from the orthodox complaisancy of the accepted rules and regulations of life, and reaching out, pioneer into new fields of spiritual progress — yea, new, unexplored realms of the spirit. The greatest mystery of life must be explored — Life itself. The why of it — the how of it — the glory of it — the breath-taking, unspeakable majesty and power of it. Man must learn the dignity of living — of being. He must begin to comprehend his purpose, and the sublime power of it.

    Beside this quest, the quest for a man’s soul and the power of it, and the discovery of his own true pattern of life, locked deep within himself, the atomic research will stand dwarfed and insignificant. The importance of bombers, army-tanks, battleships, submarines, ultrasonics; yea, all things on earth will shrink in comparison. In this search man will discover himself the sublime creation, and the pattern of his own divine fulfillment. He will stand undismayed before a universe of unutterable light and glory. He will know his place and walk therein in majesty for he will learn these words given centuries and centuries ago: “Therefore it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment.”5 And he will know that these great glories locked in his own soul are his to bring forth and to use.

    He will “know the truth — and the truth will make him free,” as he takes hold of it and lives by it. We are truly stepping into a new age — an age of light, pure and brilliant, in which we will leave all retrogressive ideas and darkness behind. Oh, man, stand with me upon the very threshold of light and view its rising splendor — and know that you, yourself are the door into it.

  200. The Gifts and the Fruits of the Spirit

    The Gifts of the Spirit
    I Cor. 12:8-11

    I. Word of Wisdom

    II. Knowledge

    III. Faith

    IV. Gift of Healing

    V. Miracles

    VI. Discerning of Spirits

    VII. Diverse Tongues

    VIII. Interpretation of tongues.

    These gifts are also enumerated in I Cor. 13, including the ability to speak with the tongues of men and of ANGELS, the power to move mountains, raise the dead, give all that one has to feed the poor and even his body to be burned — yet without the divine love these gifts are worthless, and in vain.

    The Fruits of the Spirit
    Gal. 5:23

    I. Love

    II. Joy

    III. Peace

    IV. Longsuffering

    V. Gentleness

    VI. Goodness

    VII. Faith

    VIII. Meekness (humility)

    IX. Temperance — “Against such there is no law!”

    Anyone who has the Fruits of the Spirit made manifest in his life needs no other witness. The approval of God is stamped upon him for such a one would have perfected the unspeakable power of the First and Great Commandment of Eternal LOVE.

    Without the divine gift of love bearing witness of the GIFTS they are but sounding brass and clanging cymbals. It is to these, the outward demonstrators, that Christ will say when they demand that He acknowledge them and their works as they proclaim, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? And in your name cast out devils? And in your name do many wonderful works?” Then comes Christ’s answer, direct and without apology: “Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

    “Iniquity” is from an old Anglo-Saxon phrase, meaning “lack of inner quiet” or contact with God. It is a condition of emotional disturbance or abandonment or an hysterical display of UNSEEMLINESS. In this condition the contact with God and His power is impossible. “The Peace that Passeth Understanding” is unknown. “Be still and KNOW that I am God!” Only in that inner stillness is this accomplished. Only through that deep, inner quiet or Peace does God operate. Only through that majestic, divine holiness can anyone contact or use the POWERS of God, or rather, permit God to do the works of accomplishment. And since these uncontrolled, emotional, immature ones are working entirely through their own displaced abandonment, without any contact with God, they are working in “iniquity”

  201. Yes, it is simple.

    • In God’s will is held only your own perfection. And as you learn the pure obedience, through your sufferings and disappointments, you will be enfolded in the glory of your own advancement and your own complete fulfilment. Then nothing that is adverse or evil will have the power to remain permanently against you. In this law all disasters are transmuted into blessings. Beyond the dismays and disappointments of misfortune is the power of transmutation. But you are the one who must put this ineffable power to use. You must be-live and so fulfill its promises.

      “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

      Love, when fully expressed, holds no fears, no resentments, no self-pitying sorrow. Love holds within its divine essence the power to transmute or exalt any condition, regardless of what it is. And when one is filled with this exalted love, there is no evil that can stand in adversity against him. The evil is converted and transformed into good as its powers are utilized and turned into dynamic strength.

      “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

      “All things” means every adverse condition, every loss, every seeming tragedy or set-back, every failure and disappointment as well as every joy. As one proves his love by giving praise to God, instead of smoldering resentments and muttered condemnations, every condition will be worked out for a blessing to him for his own divine fulfilment. As one believes in the law, to the extent that he fulfills it, he soon learns of its unspeakable, dynamic powers. He KNOWS the truth of the promise and becomes free from the old bondage of misfortunes. His very knowledge of their truth is power unlimited.

      • God created “all” things for our good. What we see as evil…is but a means to an end. We have to be disciplined, trained and corrected in the ways of God to be able to accept life and life more abundantly..than we had before. If good is God!s outcome for us all, then the end does justify the means…

        There is no good and evil in the plan for our detriment…only for good.

  202. The teachings of Jesus Christ contain a true science of life. They are perfect in every detail and mark plainly the pathway of eternal power. His most impractical sounding teachings turn into a revelation of glory when applied under the direction of that living “Light of Christ within.”

    Few of true integrity and high devotion have fully caught the divine vision of the words, “Labour not for the meat that perisheth.” Therefore few have accepted or attempted to follow Him in all things, or become “true followers of His Son, Jesus Christ.” But only by living His teachings to the very “letter” can their great dynamic power be known and used.

    Most of our modern world ignores completely His instructions to labor not for the food that perishes. His words are scoffed at by the critics, considered impractical by the learned and the wise, explained away by the religious leaders when challenged by them, and used as an excuse for shiftless laziness by those too indolent to work. “The Lord will provide,” defends the slothful man, who folding his hands, evades physical responsibility of any kind.

    The great vision of a higher way of life has yet to be visioned and then proved practical by the noble and great ones as the only true pattern of life. And no one taking upon himself this pattern can be slothful for one moment. His every thought, every word and every act must be allied with power. He must learn to follow that divine Light of Christ within, by overcoming the self, and be willing to serve God with a greater intensity than he could possibly put into any job, position, business enterprise or any physical labor on this earth. This way is truly not for the slothful, lazy individual, for this is the path of selfless devotion which demands a constant awareness, an ever-watchful alertness of soul and heart, an untiring, burning desire, a vision of utter glory that weaves it into tangible reality for the glory of God and the benefit of man.

    The following is from the original Greek Text of Matt. 6:24:

    “No one is able two lords to serve; either the one he will hate, and the other he will love; or one he will cling to, and the other he will slight. Not are you able to serve God and mammon.” Mammon is the personification of worldly wealth.

    “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal;

    “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.

    “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:18-21).

    To most individuals this means something entirely different than Christ intended it to mean. It does not mean to plod miserably through a dreary life of suffering and poverty in the hope of a great reward in some far-off heaven. It means literally to open your heart to that divine kingdom of heaven that is within you. Fill that kingdom with your desires, with love, mercy, compassion, unselfish service and loving devotion to the Most High God. These treasures will cleanse and purify the soul, right here on earth, and thus one may enter and abide in that true kingdom of heaven, walking in majesty and power, doing the very works that Christ did….

  203. When the multitude asked how they could have the power to do the works that He did, namely, feed five thousand with practically nothing and a prayer of sure knowing, the answer was:

    “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”

    And if one truly believes on Jesus Christ then he must believe in the power of His name. One must also believe on every word He has spoken, and every word that He may speak through that divine “Light of Christ” that has been given to abide in every individual who has come into the world. If one does not live by every word that has proceeded out of His mouth then he has failed — consequently is walking in his own strength — and if in his own strength then he is walking in darkness.

    Then comes the glorious invitation from the Son of God: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This invitation is to every man, woman and child upon this earth. If you are serving the world, laboring with all your strength to make a living, or are laboring to get gain, or great wealth, or for any other purpose than to glorify God, you may go to Christ and find rest. Yea, you may turn to that Light of Christ within and be directed into the divine, glorious reality of His nearness and power, which is described as follows: “Which rest is the fullness of my glory.”1 (D. & C. 84:24). Could any promise be greater?

    Yea, “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provisions for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” (Rom. 13:14).

    The Lord’s Prayer also contains the truth of this higher law: “Give us this day our daily bread . . . ” By trusting implicitly in the power of God faith becomes knowing, and one becomes wholly obedient to the voice of the Father, as he permits God to direct him in all things, until he himself emerges into that power. As one learns to follow that divine voice he drops his fears, his worries, his grudges and confusion. He lives a higher law than that followed by the multitude. He no longer labors for the food that perishes but will receive sufficient for his needs, whatever they are — yea, more than enough, “For there will not be room enough to receive.” He will no longer work to acquire large bank accounts, great stores of wealth that can be destroyed in an instant’s flash, or be left behind by death. One who has wealth depends for his strength upon that wealth and neglects those greater treasures locked within his own soul. But he who trusts in the power of God for his strength will accumulate a wealth that is far beyond anything that mortal mind has yet contemplated. His wealth will be that peace that passeth understanding, the power of God in action in every move of his life, the power to still the storms, to walk above trials and temptations, the power to live in majesty and eternal light, freed from darkness, fears, confusion and wrath……

  204. i do believe in” the book of Mormon” and I know joseph smith was a prophet of God__ i was born Mormon.. but I AM NOW A Spiritual Realized Woman of GOD♥ The Holy Ghost has revealed to me the truth – not flesh and blood. You do not have to believe that the Holy Ghost revealed anything to me, however. It is up to YOU to pray and ask God for yourself. Do not trust in the arm of flesh. Trust the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK!

  205. Anti:

    “As in Adam all died, so as, in Christ all shall be made alive, but each man in his own order” To answer your statement does this leave anyone out? Satan dwells in the carnal mind of man…which is a place of death..and the death of death will be the end of Satan…within us. God, Satan, heaven and hell is all within. The Bible from cover to cover is a natural book which describes the spiritual which is from above. Above and below as other natural sayings in the Bible have spiritual counter parts. A natural thinking person may see above and below in natural terms of geography, however to a spiritual person, it is a condition of the person..above being as in Christ and below being in the carnal realm…of the devil or Satan.

    Let me say this as clearly as I can and those who can grasp it, it will awaken you to a new world and a new life. “Everything” in the Bible that is described as events happening without, in the natural world must have a counter part in the spiritual world. This is the way God designed and created this natural realm, it was a replica of what already is as all of created creation explains what already was, is and will be…and everything in the spiritual world happens in the spirit…”within oneself.” We are a permanent spirit with a temporary body of the natural man.

    For example, when the children of Isarael left Egypt going to the promised land, we read that this was a long arduous journey with rebellion, discontent and a bit of anarchy going on. This journey that was in the natural is a present journey of the soul in spiritual terms. David and Goliath, a battle of those of the spirit battling those of the flesh…within.

    There is nothing in the Bible that is not an inward happening or a place or a “kind” of person, both good and evil. Truth runs deep, and the deep is not of this world, it is of the spirit world. God, Satan, heaven and hell are all things we experience “in” the world in which we are. “Know ye not that the kingdom of Heaven is within you” is the beginning of the total understanding of where everything exist…within oneself…in the spiritual kingdom.

    This perhaps is not the place for this however it is for those who see all things spiritual, having left the explanation of the natural in the natural. So, in Job when Satan said he was walking up and down in the earth where do you think he was talking about? As in the natural so it is in the spiritual…and all spiritual things exist in the Kingdom of Heaven…within. This is a great mystery, if not the greatest…if it contains all that Christ is…

    How can the Father, the Son, and us be in the same place in mind and spirit unless we agree? And where is this place? Again it is in heaven(ly) places…in you and in me… among all and all things for all things are of one.

    Anti, you touch on some truths…that are unimaginable to the carnal mind, as we once were, but a new life in Christ where all things are spiritual…are what they…and …we..should be. However having said all Amos and I touched on and am in agreement with as on the points made in 1 Corinthians 13…all things of importance is summed up in the phrase…to love others as yourself…and this love will have no boundaries or conditions to it…for if your love does have boundaries it is not a matured love… it one of God. It is an Eros or at eat a philia love.
    However an immature child is tomorrow’s matured man of God…each in our own order of course.
    Long story short, we will all stand in the likeness and character of God. This was His promise before we were born and had done neither good nor evil.

    God is good..and will not forsake not one. It is truly a blessing to see one God, with one plan to bring “all” to His will, His way, and to His likeness. I don’t know who the first person that I will see tomorrow when I leave home, saint or sinner, however I know He is as I am..and will be.

    If people can get past judgement in having dialogue, and be respectful regardless…much can be shared. If one doesn’t get be it…cannot we still get along? It is my belief that one does not truly have love, if it is bound by having to be in agreement on all points. From the way you present yourself, I think we are in agreement on what is more important.

    No we don’t see things in all points alike…and this is ok, if we can see beyond doctrinal issues as being paramount.

  206. The very word “Gospel” means the “fulness of God’s LOVE” — the very awe and wonder of His love and the glory of its outpouring! This great “spell of God’s wonder” includes the vibrations of His power which are released through that glory generated within the souls of men as they become enlightened by the unfolding knowledge and understanding of His precepts of Eternal Truth.

    This glorious “Gospel” of Jesus Christ therefore is not just a message of words, printed in the scripture or otherwise. It is the penetrating of that Spirit of Almighty God into the center of a man’s soul to awaken love and praise and thanksgiving within his heart. It is the FEELING of the glory of TRUTH, not just the HEARING of it. It is the breathtaking “SPELL” of the power of God being released into the human soul of those who permit their hearts to be opened to that love and in turn send it out under divine control and supreme majesty.

    “The letter (or written word) killeth. But the Spirit, giveth LIFE!” — “EVEN LIFE MORE ABUNDANT!” Which, in its fulness, is “LIFE ETERNAL!” This “life more abundant” is developed and brought forth as one learns to LIVE pure and holy, with a spirit so contrite and humble it can continually receive more truth, “until it is glorified in TRUTH and KNOWETH ALL THINGS!” And in this development one naturally grows into the powers of “LIFE ETERNAL” so that “he need never die!” This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message He came to give. This is the Promise that awaits those who LIVE the laws He gave. This is the “God-spell” that fulfills every Promise. It contains the very fulness of the Gospel of the Kingdom that is not in WORD — but in POWER. It is contained in man’s fulfilling Christ’s commandments and in the vibrating KNOWLEDGE of the UNBREAKABLE COVENANT which they contain. “BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD, NOT HEARERS ONLY, THUS DECEIVING YOUR OWN SELVES.”

    “If ye do as I say, then am I bound; but if you do not as I say then you have no promise!” With each and every PROMISE is the unbreakable WORD of God. In every PROMISE there is contained the unbreakable Covenant of its fulfilling if man will only live up to his part of the COVENANT. Every PROMISE contains this irrevocable Covenant of God contained within its fulfilling. Each Covenant or PROMISE is eternal, unbreakable and everlasting. Each PROMISE or COVENANT is new to every individual who takes it upon himself to LIVE by the PROMISE IT CONTAINS. Each PROMISE stands forever in the eternal, dynamic POWER OF GOD’S eternal COVENANT of fulfilment to all who will only LIVE THE LAWS pertaining to it. “THEN IS GOD BOUND!” AND THE FULFILLING IS SURE!

    EVERY PROMISE IS A COVENANT, Unbreakable, eternal!

    A Covenant is a sacred, binding contract between two or more. No PROMISE or COVENANT could possibly apply just to one individual. And it is binding upon both parties. In this case, God and man. Therefore HIS PROMISES belong to us! They were HIS to give and ours to fulfill! And the rewards of their fulfilling is OURS!

  207. “There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven, before the foundations of the world, upon which every blessing is predicated; and if we receive any blessing (or promise) from God it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” Or put it this way: “There is a COVENANT IRREVOCABLE DECREED IN HEAVEN, (upon which all blessings are predicated) and if we receive any blessing from God it is by OBEDIENCE TO THE COVENANT or LAW or PROMISE upon which it is predicated. Thus stands the eternal word of God. And it cannot fail! Neither can it return unto Him unfulfilled or void!”

    In every PROMISE is contained the power of God’s eternal COVENANT of fulfilment, if man will only LIVE the laws pertaining to it.

    Take any of God’s dynamic PROMISES, select your own, and LIVE it! And as you fulfill any one of those glorious PROMISES you will naturally grow into the perfection of LOVE. And no matter which Promise or law you select to live by you will discover that in perfecting yourself in its fulfilling you will have perfected LOVE and then you will discover that every PROMISE leads to the same end — PERFECTION and Eternal Life!

    Below I shall list just a few of His special PROMISES: “If your eyes be single to my glory your whole bodies shall be filled with Light and there shall be no darkness in you. And that body which is filled with Light shall comprehend all things * * * and I will unveil my face unto him!”

    “Turn unto me in every thought!” is having eyes single to His glory.

    “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and you will have fulfilled all the laws and the Commandments!” And you “WILL RECEIVE EVERY PROMISE EVER GIVEN!”

    “He who is thankful in all things SHALL BE MADE GLORIOUS!”

    “Cast darkness (negation, doubting, fear and lust) from among you and you shall be ordained of God and all things will be subject unto you, both in heaven and on earth; the life and the Light; the Spirit and the Power * * *” etc.

    “The nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views and the greater his enjoyments until he overcomes the evils of his life and loses every desire for sin and like the ancients arrives at the point where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his MAKER and is caught up to dwell with Him!”


    These are just a few of the PROMISES of Almighty God! Yet they each lead to that same dynamic ending of being “BORN OF THE SPIRIT!”

    Therefore this glorious “Gospel of Jesus Christ” is not just a message of words, printed in the scripture, or otherwise. It is the penetration of Truth and the Spirit of Almighty God into the center of a man’s soul to awaken LOVE and PRAISE and THANKSGIVING within his heart. It is the FEELING of the glory of TRUTH, not just the HEARING OF IT. IT IS THE ACTUAL KNOWING OF TRUTH! It leads to the KNOWING OF GOD, WHICH IS LIFE ETERNAL! And this alone is the fulness of TRUTH — or the PROMISES or of the COVENANT!

    “The letter (or written word) killeth. But the Spirit giveth LIFE” — even “LIFE MORE ABUNDANT!”, which leads one on to “LIFE ETERNAL!” And this gift of Eternal Life does not include death, or any of life’s flaws and failings, for these are overcome by obedience, which most of us learn through such suffering.

    As one becomes “A doer of the word, not just a hearer only, not having deceived himself,” he will receive the fulness of God’s Promises and the Covenants which they contain.

    • This is so well said..and true. Our compassion, instead of judgement should rule our direction. A quiet, yet loving and respectful disposition in dialogue is easy to be entertained. It’s a “knowing” beyond words. Yet in sharing we use words to the best of our ability..and distance and absence can hinder our intentended intention. Those who are on a quest to know Him as He is is not pursuaded by words because the letter of the word is a weariness to the spirit of those who seek His likeness in truth. There is not a lot to say and nothing to prove when a person is honest about communicating with God first as people with the mindset of the five foolish had the “war” of words so to speak, as the honest intent to be genuine in their heart was overruled in wanting to be heard for their much speaking.

      Again, this is good.

  208. This Spirit that has been in man from the beginning and is plainly manifest is the voice of conscience that whispers out of the “midst” of him. Those who reject this voice are under condemnation for they follow not the light of its guiding, and groping in darkness fail to fulfill their full pattern of life.

    I once asked a group of young people what repentance is. A very beautiful young woman answered, “It is that wormy feeling you get when you do something you shouldn’t.”

    I think that is one of the most complete answers ever given in one sentence. Repentance is truly a wormy feeling, but it is beautiful with all its “worminess,” when understood, for it is the only true guide to life. By giving ear to that Spirit of Christ, in hearing its rebukes, then letting its fires purge out the results of the mistakes committed, leaving the slate clean, and the pattern of life close to the touch. This voice is the only true guide to perfect living. That is why no one can possibly live the life of another — and no two lives have the same pattern — the same mission and destiny. Each person must get the vision and the courage to live his life as he sees it, regardless of what “the neighbors say,” or what anyone says. He must be directed from “within” to meet his highest destiny. This voice of conscience is not always disapproving, or a rebuking voice. It is also that loving voice of approval — that divine voice within us — the voice of God. It contains our true pattern of life, revealed to us day by day, moment by moment as we live by it. This voice will as surely lift a man from mediocrity as it will lift the plant from the seed. It alone can bring the full flower of fulfillment into the life of each individual. No person was ever born without it. None are so lowly, none so insignificant, so devoid of gifts and talents so friendless and alone that they cannot fill a perfect pattern of their individual existence if they will learn to contact that “Still, Small voice within.” This voice is the true Word of God that will lead to the life abundant, perfect and free.

    Only as one learns to live by this infallible guide can he possibly live true to himself, or true to God. This voice is the “Spirit of Truth” speaking within him. It never flatters. It never condemns without cause. It is the one true, unfailing, all-knowing, dependable friend.

    • If any of that was true, Jesus, would not have rebuked people in the Bible. It’s interesting, that “You” know this voice, but you don’t trust anyone else on planet Earth.? But ‘they’ are all following their own voice. Definition of craziness. Crazy with a capital C. Sorry.

  209. The complete pattern of your life in all its divine power of fulfillment is contained as completely within that all-knowing center as the pattern of the flower is within the seed. Only you have contact with your pattern of life — only you can keep that contact open. No one can do that for you. Neither can you do it for another. Each individual must learn to live true to his own pattern in order to truly reach his magnificent dignity of complete fulfillment.

    If you wish to give advice, to comfort, to help — then teach those whom you contact, or who come to you for help, how to find God — teach them how to listen to that voice within their own souls. That is the greatest service you can possibly render anyone. Teach them how to “be still” and know God…

    • So, how are you going to know if you are hearing satan’s voice, or God’s voice?,,, You will need the Word of Jesus, and the Bible, for a roadmap, or you could hear anything. And have proven you are hearing anything. Any voice you hear is God????? Think again.

  210. Christ never once spoke of death, nor did he ever prepare man to go in thereat. He warned of that “Broad open way that leads to destruction.” He also spoke of it as the pathway of corruption, which is death. But never did Christ utter one single statement to glorify death or to prepare man to accept it, however, he did say “LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD!”
    Death was and is our awesome adversary as Lucifer uses it against us to thwart us from achieving the glory of our divine destinies.

    • Christ never once spoke of death? Not true at all? So I am thinking you are beside yourself? Out of it. Non cognizant? How can I say that politely? Just, simply a false, statement, that makes me wonder if you are in a right frame of mind? There is no one I have ever met that glorifies death? So, that is an “imaginary fear” you have of death?? Or, a “real fear” you have of death? One or the other must be true, but Just wondering, if you are understanding your own fears and proclivities you are projecting here? It sounds like these are “your personal problems”, not those of mankind???

  211. THERE SHALL BE NO MORE DEATH! Death can and will be conquered for it is man’s last great enemy to be vanquished and annihilated.
    Death is truly man’s greatest of all enemies. It has been so from the beginning of time.
    Death can and will be banished from the earth forever —- not just forestalled in a stupid, delaying, agonizing, slowed-down progress of make-believe. It can be conquered. Longevity is but a frail and fake imitation, a sham, stupid forgery of the Life Eternal! Death is the lazy man’s way out. It has been an escape hatch from illnesses, difficulties, and responsibilities. It has always been the “back-door” entrance into the other world,without honor or credits or glory. It is the servant’s entrance into the world beyond. It is the way of the groveling failures, the wicked, the indifferent and those who fail to rise up in the power of the great victory which is theirs to achieve. It is also the pathway of the proud and the self-righteous who struggle to reach God to assert their personal claims of glory and demand their imagined rewards.

    • Please let someone know what you are talking about here. The abstractions are quite flamboyant, but I cannot make any sense, out of how you have achieved something about death, as if you were not subject to the same, that any other person would be. It has always been a ‘back door” entrance, Into the other world? Ramblings but no sense about any one particular subject here, Seems to be meaningless??? Again? Are you suggesting you and your patrons are “too good to die”, so much better than others?? Ok that’s your trip, but it isn’t applicable to other mortals or humans. I assume you are flying off in a flying saucer?? Let us know Longevity is a Sham??? what does that mean. Seriously, get a handle on your explanations, because I think your death is as immanent as any ones. Just ramblings?????

  212. The great plan of salvation is a theme which ought to occupy our strict attention, and be regarded as one of heaven’s best gifts to mankind. No consideration whatever ought to deter us from showing ourselves approved in the sight of God, according to His divine requirement. Men not unfrequently forget that they are dependent upon heaven for every blessing which they are permitted to enjoy, and that for every opportunity granted them they are to give an account.You know, brethren, that when the Master in the Savior’s parable of the stewards called his servants before him he gave them several talents to improve on while he should tarry abroad for a little season, and at the end of it He will call each to render an account; and where the five talents were bestowed, ten will be required; and he that has made no improvement will be cast out as an unprofitable servant, while the faithful will enjoy everlasting honors. Therefore we earnestly implore the grace of our Father to rest upon you, through Jesus Christ His Son, that you may not faint in the hour of temptation, nor be overcome in the time of persecution.”

    • That is a doctrine of Works.. Jesus did not preach a doctrine of Works for Salvation. Salvation is by Grace alone. You have no scripture to back your claims.

  213. Anything which causes a man to take pride in the little mortal “self” is self-righteous and is empty and barren of all good. In the beginning of his endeavor, one could give all that he possessed to the poor and his body to be burned and yet, without the great Christ-like, selfless love, it would be vain and worthless. Any service to God that is lifted in pride to the exaltation of that little mortal, personal “self” is unacceptable. And so it is always this little “self” which blocks a man’s way, unless it is overcome. No man is truly humble who exults in his position or his works or his own lofty seat upon the church pinnacle. No matter what his works are, as long as he is doing them to be seen of men and takes pride in the “self” or in his works, he is flaunting only the shabby, defiled garments of self-righteousness. He is only filling the seat of a Pharisee who loves his long robe and the greetings in public places and the highest seat of honor at every feast.

  214. Your comments in the Post “just prior” to this post , are the exact thesis, of following one’s personal “self”. In that Post, everything you stated is exactly the paradigm and pathway, that is built from personal, assessment and personal works stemming from “self”.. Get a grip on the exact polarity and complete anti thesis’s that you are proclaiming. In one post you preach, self works for self salvation, in another you proclaim them to be worthless and evil. Rely on Scripture alone, and you will not be caught in such a predicament.
    Christ Jesus, spoke, plainly and without confusion, that Salvation is by Grace through him, not through men’s actions.

  215. Repentance is not to say “I’m sorry,” it is a change of heart brought on by the guilt of sin. We are to change or repent from the way we were tomthe way we will be. When we truly have “repented” to its fullest it is the same as saying we have no more vanity to repent of. Let compassion, kindness and repentance guide us into that very likeness of our ?Father which is in heaven….within our Spitit, soul and body. It is a way of peace where we see no evil in another to condemn one for…for we see their potential as we see our own…and the love we “will” have will be that same love as our Father.

    • And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.

  216. So, it shall be that…when Christ has cast out Satan…the kingdom will not be divided against itself. Jesus…will stand with God as one…and we…with…Them.

    God is good and He will being us to His great love of oneness…with no division….for the “ways” of death will no longer be a remembrance. This is love obtained.

    • The kingdom of God is not divided against itself… Satan’s kingdom, the kingdom of darkness is divided against itself. Love, has already been obtained. God is reaching out to those, who are divided, to bring them in, undivided. One has to decide if they want the Kingdom, of God. Or to be delivered. These things are now, not future tense. Every kingdom divided against itself shall fall. That is satann’s kingdom.
      God has never been divided and never will be.

  217. Unless one prepares himself to truly be taught of God in a continual feeding of the soul, he will become but an empty piece of driftwood… unalive and impotent, though he may believe that he is actually sitting on the throne with God.

  218. turn unto the Lord with all thy heart, and ask of Him without doubting, and thou shalt know the mercy of the Lord; how that he will not forsake thee, but will fulfill the request of thy soul.

    “For God is not as men, mindful of the injuries he has received; but he forgets injuries, and has compassion upon his creatures.

    “Wherefore purify thy heart from all the views of this present world; and observe the commands I have before delivered unto thee from God; and thou shalt receive whatsoever good things thou shalt ask, and nothing shall be wanting unto thee of thy petitions; if thou shalt ask the Lord without doubting.

    “But they that are not such, shall obtain none of these things which they ask. For they that are full of faith ask all things with confidence, and receive from the Lord, because they ask without doubting — but he that doubts will hardly live unto God, except he repents.

    “Wherefore purify thy heart from doubting, and put on faith; and trust in God; and thou shalt receive all that thou shalt ask. But and if thou shouldst chance to ask somewhat and not (immediately) receive it, yet do not therefore doubt, because thou hast not presently (immediately) received the petition of thy soul.

    “For it may be thou shalt not presently (immediately) receive it for thy trial, or else for some sin which thou knowest not. But do not thou leave off to ask, and then thou shalt receive. Else if thou shalt cease to ask, thou must complain of thyself, and not of God, that he has not given unto thee what thou didst desire.

    “Consider therefore this doubting, how cruel and pernicious it is; and how it utterly roots out many from the faith, who were very faithful and firm. For this doubting is the daughter of the Devil; and deals very wickedly with the servants of God.

    “Despise it therefore, and thou shalt rule over it on every occasion. Put on a firm and powerful faith, FOR FAITH PROMISES ALL THINGS, AND PERFECTS ALL THINGS. But doubting will not believe, that it shall obtain anything, by all that it can do.

    “Thou seest therefore, says he, how faith cometh from above, from God, and has great power. But doubting is an earthly spirit, and proceedeth from the Devil, and has not strength.

    “Do thou therefore keep the virtue of faith, and depart from doubting, in which is no virtue, and thou shalt live unto God. And all shall live unto God, as many as shall do these things.” (II Hermas, chapter 9).

    This record of Hermas agrees perfectly with the teachings of the Savior of the world wherein he taught by parable that continued asking is necessary — not just once, not for a week, not for a year — but if the thing is worth having, then one must continue to petition God until by the development of faith the gift can be completed. Even God cannot perform any great works except through the faith of man. Christ could do no great works in Nazareth because of the unbelief of the people. Continued asking, in itself, develops faith. Faith grows with the petition.

  219. The proceeding scripture should be burned into the heart and mind of every human being, for just to believe is doing not one whit better than the devils are doing. Grace only comes after one has hungered and thirsted after knowledge, then with all his soul sought, with an open mind, to appease that hunger and thirst by continued study, opening his mind and soul to the divine direction of the Almighty, toward truth, not just one passage, not one narrowed, bigoted belief, but ALL truth — which is the growing from grace to grace, then having done all he may be sure that the grace of God will not fail him, and he will be led into all truth.

    This advancing, or growing from grace to grace, or purification is never an instantaneous achievement. It has to be reached by preparation.

    “We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect; and that the nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views, and the greater his enjoyments, till he has overcome the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin; and like the ancients, arrives at the point of faith where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and is caught up to dwell with Him. But we consider that this is a station at which no man ever arrived in a moment; he must have been instructed in the laws and government of that kingdom by proper degrees, until his mind is capable in some measure of comprehending the propriety, justice, equality, and consistency of the same.”6 (Joseph Smith, the American Prophet).

  220. In the writings of the New Testament we find a collection of letters written by the disciples to the people who were being taught in the ways of the New covenant. These were letters of how one should practice this new way in Christ and of ways that one should not practice. Among these letters that were written to the different churches we find people who were splitting off into factious parties within the “one” new church being found and built upon the principles of grace in the faith of Jesus Christ. This new faith was one of all being in unity as in understanding we are all one in Christ…and those who are not one…separate themselves into separatist off shoots. These are tares among the “one” harvest of wheat.

    However as Paul, Peter, Apollos and the other disciples began to teach out in the world and at the different churches including the seven listed in Revelations, it became apparent that people wanted to split into parties, factions and divisions within the newly freed and established church. They wanted to break away into groups and separate themselves as to whom they were getting their teaching from, or had received their teaching from.

    1 Corinthians 3:4
    For when one of you says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere men?
    1 Corinthians 4:6
    Brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written. Then you will not take pride in one man over another.

    People were then doing exactly what people have done since these Bible letters and teachings and have broken now into thousands of factions, parties, and divisions. We now call this faction and divisive spirit by different names of denominations…and as they then said we follow this man’s teaching or that man’s teaching, we now say we follow this faction or that faction…or…this man’s writings or that man’s writings, this minister or that one. This is following after the carnal mind…which is apart from the mind of Christ.

    This ought not to be so for we do great harm in teaching the gospel by making it one of disunity by saying we do not teach the harmony in Christ but only the “harmony” found in this church as opposed to this other church…or the writings of this person over this other person. Teaching in this fashion is wrong now in our day just as it was wrong then in Paul’s day. This is why Paul spoke and taught this fundamental truth to all he taught and that was, we are not to put jealousies and disputes between us according to believing after this prophet or another prophet, or this writer over another. If we preach and teach we follow one man over another we have separated ourselves from the one true Christ and have made ourselves of none effect to the truth. We may read all things from all people, and we may garner some great truths from whatever we read…but any truth we receive is not of any private interpretation. Any truth one may teach and as another may grasp this truth, they both have received it from the same source…which is from God.

    As we read things from different people and different religions, those of us who are enlightened to the true ways of Christ are of the same mind as Paul taught, we are not to be of this religion or this “other” religion, this person or another person…for we are “all” one in Christ. The silliness and divisive mindedness of people who cut themselves off from others over any teaching that is not of the one true gospel is lost of the one true way. When one is called out of the systems of man, the factions, divisions, and parties (we call by many different thousands of names) we stand alone in Christ as individuals…”until”…we are all made one by one into the corporate man of God through Christ. We leave the factions and systems of the false man made church and are then remade into a member of the new church which no man can geographically point to and say, I am of this church. This is because the Kingdom of God is within us and the growth of and in this temple does not come by outward observation.

    Again, we must understand we become one in Him as we are brought out of the divisive systems of men and are retrained and redeemed into the oneness of the Christ. Christ is a way that Jesus followed, thus making Him Christ Jesus or the anointed Jesus. We also have been anointed with this same anointing and we will continue to be “as” we leave the separatist attitude of the natural world. We are to be in the world but not of it. To follow any one denominational church, group, faction, cult, or any other one “human” over another reveals that this person has not yet matured grasped the understanding of what Paul was trying to teach. He was saying that even though you have received your teaching from Paul, Apollos or any other person, we are not to cut ourselves off from the greater way of being one in Christ and squabbling over who one has received the message from and their importance over another.

    Matthew Henry Commentary
    “1:10-16 In the great things of religion be of one mind; and where there is not unity of sentiment, still let there be union of affection. Agreement in the greater things should extinguish divisions about the lesser. There will be perfect union in heaven, and the nearer we approach it on earth, the nearer we come to perfection. Paul and Apollos both were faithful ministers of Jesus Christ, and helpers of their faith and joy; but those disposed to be contentious, broke into parties. So liable are the best things to be corrupted, and the gospel and its institutions made engines of discord and contention. Satan has always endeavoured to stir up strife among Christians, as one of his chief devices against the gospel. The apostle left it to other ministers to baptize, while he preached the gospel, as a more useful work.” End quote

    So, let us concentrate on the greater unity that are found in the beatitudes in Christ and not be divided by the lesser things causing division. When one practices compassion, mercy, and forgiveness for all in dealing with “all”, these do not separate themselves from the love of God for all people. Those who are divisive in nature even using good doctrines and knowledge that would have you to “come follow me” or my minister, preacher, teacher or prophet is a confusing teaching to the masses. This should not be. We can read from whatever source and person we want and respect the person’s attainment in Christ but to single anyone out and follow them…we have cut ourselves off from the true church as did the people Paul was correcting for,such immaturity.

    We follow the revelation of Jesus Christ “within” our true temple in the spirit where there is no division of the false “temple” that is “without” in the world of man. Man can be given the ability to teach truths…however “truth” does not divide, it makes us one in Christ. In the hearts of these one true people of God nothing can persuade them that they are to close their hearts to others because of the other’s differences in different doctrines which causes a divisive attitude among people…and the lack of being seen as one. The higher calling of oneness does not teach the lower teaching of being factious as from the tree of knowledge of good and evil…which tree is a loftiness of spirit thinking one is above another and separates God’s plan and people into two parts of good and evil.

    We were told we could eat of the tree of life all we wanted but we were not permitted to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One tree sees and teaches the oneness of His plan while the other teaches a false narrative of following after the divisive nature and teachings of the flesh…calling the divisive teachings of darkness light. Whether another follows or does not follow the one true way and has “all” the gifts…what is that to us…we each are to follow Christ…and Him only until we reach the likeness of His Father…and ours. Then we are one in Them.

    We thank God for these truths of seeing God’s plan as one..without division.

  221. Yes, the One sentence that throws the whole commentary “off” though, and makes it ‘not after “Jesus teaching”, and heretical in nature, is in the statement {{{ “truth does not divide”}}. lll That is exactly the opposite, of what Christ taught.. Christ taught, and the whole main point of His Teaching is ~~ Truth Does Divide. Jesus said ” I came Not to bring Peace, but a Sword “.. And ” I will separate, the goats from the Sheep “.
    So, You Do Need someone to come in and wake you up and point out to you, what division is about, because a “man of God”, or a Prophet ‘is, there’ to come in, and point out, to You, that these Unity, statements are what is coming from Man. God did not say, Nor did Jesus say, that You are to put Unity over Truth. Truth separates from error, and from lies..and from Lies of Unity. Satan is the Unity one World Religion system. Not Jesus. So yes, you are proving that having a man come in, and point out these errors is important, because through the whole subject you were following until you came to this “Unity” nonsense. and is off from Christ Jesus. Jesus does not teach inherent unity. He teaches Unity of Faith, not this Unity that belittles leadership in the Church. This is proven by the 5 fold ministry, of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, and Pastor, and Teacher, which are The ministry Ascension Gifts.
    So, no, this “ultimate Unity without Leadership’, is from satan. These errors show that you need your teachers, and to suggest otherwise, is not from God. We have no right to say we get all knowledge from God personally, because God show’s here, and even by your error, that leadership is important.

  222. If one can discern the context something is said in it makes total sense or from which perspective one is using to explain something. Ones who are in truth together, are not divided in love itself, this is my point. Of course in seeking the truth, truth will separate us from evil. When all are in truth, evil cannot separate us “any longer”. This is so fundamental it should not require explanation….

    You have to be able to know from what perspective one is talking about. There is division in the world which truth will separate one from in following Christ however once in Christ we are as one and not divided. In God’s truth there is no division for there is only one likeness and love of God. There is no division on this side of truth. Truth will separate fact from fiction, this is correct, but in truth itself, it has no good and evil side to it. I hope this clears up my “heretical” commentary. It pays to study and contemplate the article as a whole to understand the context. There is good and evil in the world and it is so easy for the natural to understand the spiritual. It’s all about context. My message is clear and needs no correction, just an understanding of perspective and meaning. Hope this helps.

    Like I said before one should ask to have something cleared up maybe in a more respectful tone and manner than to jump to conclusions and be one who is the accuser of his brethren, again a conceptual view only the mature can comprehend. However, in Christ, we know what decency is and we know when to reprove bad manners and disrespect. It is usually best not to engage with such persistent immaturity, however we pray even these. Difference in doctrine and knowledge should be tolerated and respected, however condescending and an evident bad nature is to be rebuked. This should only be done by those who are secure in Christ and knows the difference between debate and argument from correction and reproof. Ones who possess a greater love for his fellow man discerns intent…and how something is said….

    In Christ

  223. From the higher realms it is surprising to note that the sinner and the over-inflated minister on the exalted pinnacle of the church may be equally engulfed in the darkness of “self”. In fact, the minister, or he who professes to be the most enlightened, may be even more engulfed in that darkness than the other. The weakness of hypocrisy, the inflated, deceptive works of the religious acclaimants may be as great as or even greater than the transgression of the sinners. Both are a lack of understanding of that divine, holy Light of Christ. The difference is that one professes to have all knowledge, though he has it not and is without power, while the other may inwardly realize he is only a failure, a sinner, or however else he may feel about himself.

  224. The righteous are all those, who through their developed power to believe, contact that Christ Light within and begin to bring it forth in their own lives until they become filled with It, and Its power. “For My Kingdom is not in word, but in power,” saith God. It is the time when all those who only profess such divine contact with the powers of God, yet preach their empty sermons of words or live their mediocre, unexalted lives devoid of His Light and His power, will be instantly recognized. Often the shame of such, with their empty hands and their vacant souls, will be greater than the shame of those who realize they are lacking and sinners. The sinners make no such false claim upon righteousness, hence there is no hypocrisy in them. But whether a man is a professed sinner or a falsely professed saint, he will be recognized for what he is. His light and his darkness will both be plainly discernible.

  225. Christ condemned no sinner that he came into contact with nor did He apply the law to them, the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, etc,. He only had harsh words for the priest, the Pharisees and the other religious ones in authority for their hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, self righteousness, feelings of superiority and arrogancy towards others in one’s self is a different “sin” from an inward weakness of the flesh as when one fails. Hypocrisy has to have an element of condemnation in the attitude for it to be hypocrisy. One can be a thief and say one should not steal and go out and steal himself without being a hypocrite. By being at fault and knowing it and admitting he is wrong along with others doing the same thing is not being a hypocrite. Admission of guilt in oneself or recognizing this same flaw in another and admitting it without condemnation is different.

    To understand the hypocrisy of the Pharisees helps us to rightly understand the word. When one says that one should not steal and condemns, passes judgement and ridicules others for also stealing….and they themselves steal, this is a hypocrite. Again, to admit wrong doing and acknowledge it, whether in yourself or in another can be an acceptable acknowledgement for Christ says to acknowledge our sins and he will take them from us. You have to realize and discern a sin to deal with it, however it is “how” we deal with it that is either acceptable or unacceptable to God. Again, it is a matter of perspective and the intent behind the words and actions of either encouragement or rebuke that makes a word spoken a sin or not. Two different people can say the exact same words to another and one can be accepted by God and the other rebuked and reproved. One who can reprove another with compassion and with an attempt to establish right conduct in another, God is totally acceptable to this guidance as in the case of Paul’s approach to people. However another person, whether a so called teacher, preacher, or “prophet” can give the exact same admonishment and be held accountable for being a “hypocrite” because of the false condition and superior attitude of his heart.

    We have to come to that place to know of that authentic place with God which is found within. There is a fine line between righteousness and self righteousness and love and condemnation. If we study the written word for any other reason than desiring correction, reproof and redemption for ourself, one studies in vein. There is no other acceptable attitude to have. A simple desire to understand what love is and be willing to sacrifice whatever for it’s possession is the key to all understanding of the scriptures. To desire to just know and understand the scriptures and the mysteries will not unlock their truest meaning to you. Your desire to know must have the element of love ( of the agape type) for others just as for yourself for the clarity of the scriptures to come through clearly. To desire to know something just so you can argue and debate it with others is of sin. We want to be found in God’s likeness one day and for this to happen we also have to desire the same exact thing for the other, any other. All scripture is given to accomplish God’s will in each of us. Again to desire to know for the sake of intellect or wanting to be seen as intellectual is seen as in standing with the five foolish…in sin.

    Solomon was granted great wisdom because his intentions and purpose for asking was acceptable to God. God knows our heart and what is our true intent for asking…for anything. We may can fool others with our falsity and with our abundance of words but God knows the heart of man..He created it and it’s desires, whether good or bad. God will do what is necessary for our change to come for we do not know what to ask for to bring about our change. We may need a reproof of a kind we can’t understand, it may be an affliction or a failure to be allowed in our life which we would not ourselves order or welcome. However, whatever it is, we can rest assured it is brought our way and is administered by God for our good out of love. One has to but read and understand the book of Job to understand that “All things work together for good for those who love God.” Job knew God, and accepted the evil that was allowed upon his person with a knowing God would bring him through it only for his good. When Job’s testing and trials were over with and Job passed his testing, he was rewarded with a double portion. We are as Job and what happened to Job and is recorded, is for our benefit to know God is in full and complete control… even in the giving of orders to Satan to do such and such to Job. One hair was not touched on Job’s person without God’s approval. So it is in our life.

    Let us desire knowledge but with all our getting, desire understanding to rightly apply it to our life…to the perfecting of our souls.

    It is all good.

  226. I have profited greatly from Rachel’s writings and the dialogue in the comments – each of you contribute greatly in my pursuit of maturity.

    Thank you.


    “Walk with me” has been the invitation to all the noble and great ones since time began.

    If an ordinary individual were told that if he or she prepared himself or herself diligently there would be a welcoming invitation extended to enter the presence of the kings and rulers of the earth, such would accept that invitation with great gladness. No amount of effort would daunt such an individual or keep him from fulfilling all the necessary requirements.

    Yet few are willing to make the least preparation to enter the Presence of the Divine Ruler of the Universe, the Great Creator of all. And to God, no individual is just “ordinary”. To God every soul is a child fashioned from the very substance of His own divine Being, created with infinite love and designed to fulfill a great and noble destiny.

    God’s holy invitations, reaching across the ages, have been to all and have stood for always. They are but awaiting man’s acceptance of them.

    “Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

    “How often would I have gathered you, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings; and ye would not.”

    “Seek me early and ye shall find me.” Or, if you have failed to seek Him early, this invitation remains, “Seek me diligently, and ye shall find me,” . . . . . “For all who seek find.” . . . . . “Turn unto me and I will turn unto you!”

    Most who have professed making such a search have failed to find God because they have sought only to find some church that would appease their inner hunger to actually know Him. In such substitution they have been given a dried crust instead of the divine manna, the bread of life and have not realized the bleak deficiency of those lifeless crumbs.

    “This is Life Eternal, to KNOW Thee, the only true and living God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

    Do you know God? Or do you only know ABOUT Him? Do you know Jesus Christ? Or do you only believe that He is the Son of God who gave His life for the sins of the world?

    To know God is something quite different than just knowing about Him. Thus to place one’s loyalty in some church, no matter how great the devotion and sincerity, no matter how much truth that church contains, is not knowing God. Adherence to some church may not be an adherence to God at all.

    Only by seeking diligently to KNOW God can the great promises be fulfilled. God alone must be reverenced, adored and given one’s humble allegiance. If you can seek Him best through some church, if you can render your complete devotion to him through certain creeds, then do so. But never let it be the church you worship, nor its prestige you pay homage to. Never permit any man or religion to come between God and you.

    “Seek Him diligently and you will find Him.” Never be satisfied with anything less than the complete fulfilling of this promise.

    Now, let us consider the divine invitation, “Walk with me!”

  228. Have you ever tried to walk with Him? To walk with Him requires only that you get in step with the love and rhythm of the Universe. It is becoming in tune with all that is pure and beautiful and glorious. It is but lifting your vision to the height of His glory as the negatives and darkness are left behind. As your eyes become single to His glory, you will have to begin to take on that glory as you become filled with Light and comprehend all things. This is how one can actually KNOW God. This is how one begins to walk with Him.


    “Every man should live because upon his shoulders rests a divine responsibility.” We should live with courage and without complaint, Annalee tells us. When Job began his rant to the Lord loathing the day he was born, God told him to stop complaining and reminded him of pre-existence with God. Annalee reminds us that the prophet Jeremiah was ordained even before he was in his mother’s womb. Abraham was chosen before he was born; and Christ, though he came to earth in the meridian of time – was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world!

    Your body houses your spirit that pre-existed. The body united with the spirit of man – is the soul of man. Therefore, there must be a resurrection for “souls” who experience death. That resurrection involves the restoration of man’s spirit and body in perfectness. That resurrection is a merciful “saving of souls” only made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ.

    As we contemplate our hope in the resurrection, we must seek to remember the divine contact within ourselves. That divine contact was placed in us so that we may escape the gloom and darkness that tries to enfold us even in this earthly plane. The divine contact was placed in us so that we can unfold our own pattern of existence for the glory of God. Never lose your contact with the divine! When life’s burdens seem unbearable, and you feel your prayers are too weak to be heard even by the nearest bug on the wall, let alone God Almighty – overcome the burdens by lifting up your heart and being thankful! Find something, anything, to thank Him for and soon your divine contact will flow in rhythm with the divine. “If there is no joy in you – if that song of ecstasy does not sing in your soul, you have lost contact with your own pattern of existence”,

  230. So few understand the Two Great, and all-inclusive, Commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength — and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” This first commandment has been taken up elsewhere in this work, so we will go on to the second, to clothe it in its full robe of shimmering glory.

    Learn to love. Let love vibrate from your hands. Let your fingertips sing with it. Let every little fibre of your being magnify it and your soul perfect it. Let love pour out from you and as it does it will heal and bless and enlighten all those whom you contact, either in thought, or by actual meeting. Never let anger rage in your heart. Never hold grudges. Forget injuries instantly. Never let discord cling to you. Never cling to discord.

    Along with this great love comes the perfect gift and privilege of forgiving. It is beautiful beyond expression, for in it is contained the very glory of God. Read carefully the Sermon on the Mount which is contained in the fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of Mathew. At the end of chapter five is given the admonition to love your enemies, to pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you — in other words, think love, speak love, give love, and live love — and be willing always to go the second mile — that you might be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Yea, be the servant willingly, with deep, eternal love, and as sure as you live you will become one of the great and noble of the earth.

  231. You will glory in the divine knowledge, that you too, can forgive sins that they stand not before God. You too, can share in the work of the Savior, in that you too, can begin to do the works and take upon you the sins and mistakes of the world, that they might be blotted out, that the love and light and the power of God might begin to flow through you to bless and heal and enlighten. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and even greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12). His greatest work was the healing power of His compassion and mercy — His forgiving tenderness. In order to have the perfect power to heal and bless He had to have the power in His own heart to forgive, which was always used in connection with the healing, for more often He said, “Thy sins be forgiven thee,” than “be thou whole.”

  232. Please don’t label me, for I am as “you”, or as you will be…one day…for we shall share the very same love…as one in Christ.

  233. This special calling of each individual is not found through outward display. It isn’t found through make-believe or bluffing or pretending. It is only found through great desire, understanding and deep humility. Sometimes it is only found through heartbreak and tears. “This is the sacrifice henceforth that I will require of thee, even a contrite spirit and a broken heart.”7 In the deepest agony of longing of the soul one is always closest to God, if it is not brought on by great transgression. It is when one’s heart is broken and his soul burdened with tears that he will most readily find God. The soil of one’s soul may need to be watered with tears to make it fertile. The “broken heart” according to the New Testament Apocrypha is given as “Cleft or open heart”, meaning a heart that has opened to instruction, that is prepared to receive.

  234. God desires a people who can pioneer in physical, scientific and spiritual fields. He desires mankind not only to understand the purpose of their existence, but to courageously cast out all fear — to march with their faces to the light, unwaveringly and uncomplainingly. He desires that they learn to humble themselves in great and mighty prayer that they might be a great people. No man is greater than his power to humble himself. He desires a people who can exercise faith to accomplish the things beyond human power.

    “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even a hundred-fold, yea, more.”3

    • Yea, What Are The Things of This Earth?? When those Are added, to You, then we can Applaud you. Jesus Said, ” A Man’s Life Consisteth not of the Abundance of The Things He Possesseth”. And “He that Saveth his life, Shall Loose It”.. Not sure what God your following,????? Who is Your God? What’s his Name???

  235. If there is no joy in you — if that song of ecstasy does not sing in your soul, you have lost contact with your own pattern of existence, and light vanishes and gloom and darkness will continue to enfold you. As you live true to the pattern of yourself, that deep, inner self, you will unfold as perfect, as joyous, as naturally beautiful as the tree will reach its full measure of fulfillment. No one can keep you from reaching your highest destiny if you will follow your own true pattern of life. No one can live your life for you, for only you hold the key to your own pattern of sublime glorious, complete fulfillment.

    Such is the destiny written in the soul of every man who comes to earth. None are without it, that completely, individual highway of full expression and glorious achievement.

    • Even Sadness would be preferable to Delusion. At least in sorrow, there is Wisdom, said Solomon, but if your true pattern of self is real, it certainly wouldn’t require a temptress to follow, it, or it would be corrupt. The Holy Spirit is the Agent, and Person, of The Godhead we must follow, Not, our Pattern of Fulfillment. God is a living Savior, and Leader, through His Spirit.

  236. There is a glorious pattern for every man’s life, an individual, perfect pattern. No two people are alike, not anymore than any two plants are identical. They may be the same species, yet they are vastly different. No two leaves are alike — no two snowstorms — no two sets of fingerprints. No two lives are alike, yet each life holds a divine pattern of unfoldment, a great and holy destiny, rich in achievement and honor. When life becomes bitter and impossible, when all conditions are sordid and ugly, and living itself is a dreary burden, it is because the contact with the divine has been lost.

    • Thank you for filling us in. Certainly it would take a genius to point this out. We need You to tell us people are all different???? Get a grip. Get off the Messiah Complex, and become real with yourself.

  237. This world in the near future is to be trod by holy men and wise — we of the present day, who can grasp the glory of our possibilities, will be among the leaders of a new dispensation on the earth. we will know that the power of love is greater than the power of hate and that glory and achievement is meant for every human soul. we will become great in power and majesty, helping to redeem a broken-down world of fearful men who have groveled in blindness and despair. You great ones of the future, power and dominion and glory will be yours forever and ever. You will first learn to rule yourselves, then by the power of God, you will be able to go forth in wisdom and love to counsel cities and nations and men. You will walk as no others have walked on this humble, tear-stained earth, except The One, for you will become like Him, Sons of God.

    • The World is already inhabited by Holy men walking with a Holy God, but you have rejected the Church, and the Leadership, and Judged His Work, useless.. Your words are powerless, because they are not backed by the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God has not given authority, to an outcast, or a judge. But to His Church.

      • its absolute bullshit…

      • a church isnt of physical value. a church is a gathering (in spirit) as we all share in the father(eternal to flesh)(every man on earth: as spirit:one). the AUTHORITY refers to the physical manifestations as the world shows us our own heart(through god).
        dont think of god as an entity as we must ask permission. but through the eternal knowledge, know that god is a way of explaining the connection of how the world is made(from all humans and all eternal beings(as ONE BODY(HOLY)).. (the intent is to manifest: through every person as eternal beings)
        there is much more being said than as even mesiah is misinterperting…

        (human heart)ALL MEN created equal ALL MEN AS ONE BODY(i am not a man but WE ARE ETERNAL:one with father)

        the problem with mesiah is that he is convinced that we are man. but it takes ALL OF US to be holy. to love eachother as YOU ARE THAT LOVE(the god in all things).. LOVE(i am)

      • Ok, there is no reference for your thoughts here. I have no idea of their origin. I could as easily believe a man on the street and his ideas, if he needed to be in an asylum.. Who is to believe your thoughts because they cannot be verified? They have no source. It would be just as valid to believe a commentary about your thoughts on butterflies, as it is to believe your thoughts here on this because they have no point of reference from reality.
        I mean I could just begin caterwolling and saying a bunch of things about any thing that is supposedly spiritual, about how we are all waterfalls, and our water should never be stopped, and anyone that throws a Paper towel in the water, is condemning anyone that wants to swim there, and the trees are all one and they are holy. You know your thoughts have no reference point of Origin.
        Ok God on the other hand, told you the Truth of how we came to be here, and what happened in the world in the book of Genesis. But your ideas are somehow more reliable than God’s communication from and Of Himself.
        It doesn’t work from inside your Mind Out. God warned of how this leads to destruction. You must trust Him.

  238. THE DOOR

    The Book “Ye Are Gods” reveals the highway of Light as it points the way to the very door of heaven. It also states plainly that no man can take another through that door. This is true. But for those who believe in the great and mighty promises of God and seek to LIVE the higher laws, by following the exact path Christ marked, He will help to open that door. That door which must, at last, be opened is the Christ door.

    After one has learned of the great heart-center, by beginning to love with all his heart, the seals from his heart will be removed. And as it is opened wide to this love, the altar fires within one’s own being will be comprehended and he will know that he is the temple of the Living God. He will learn that the sea of glass, or font of molten gold is Spirit, and that it too is contained right within himself. And he will learn to begin to use those inner powers in humble, adoring gratitude.

    It is when one has learned also of the powers of the mind and has begun, in some measure, to use this divine instrument of thought correctly, that he will realize he is divinely fashioned and has a great and marvelous destiny to fulfill. It is then that he will become aware of a great door — and he will know that it is the “Christ door”.

    The triple signal required for opening that door (or veil) is that each individual, of himself, must have “asked and sought and knocked.”

    That door is closed when one first becomes aware of it. But he will understand the words: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in and sup (feast) with him, and he with me.”

    That door is the most important door in the temple of God. That door is the Christ door. It is the door that by-passes death. It is the front door into the higher realms.

    Since the beginning of mortality Christ has stood on the other side of that door, calling. It has been His voice, echoing through one’s soul that man has tried to silence, or escape by increased outside interests, dissipations or vain and wasted squandering of his thought energies.

    As one approaches this door he realizes that even the door itself is made of Light. It is as though it were, in some manner, translucent. Light seems to almost melt through it as one reaches it, seeking to follow that Voice of Christ as it leads one on to the final revelation of glory.

    One is led to this door by learning to listen to His Voice of love and promise. And His Voice is only heard by learning to “Be Still and knowing that I Am God”. When all outside thoughts and disturbances are silenced one truly hears His Voice. And as one learns to listen he will begin to comprehend the marvel and the wonder of that divine Voice which contains the very laws of his own being and is so filled with promise and glory it is impossible not to desire to follow it. It is almost like the voice of eternity calling one home, or inviting one to leave the rock-hewn path of sorrows and trials and heartbreaks and enter into the glory contained within the realms of eternal Light.

    • Jesus said ” I Am The Door”, and No Man Cometh Unto the Father But By Me”. the Bible says ” Your Righteousness is As Filthy Rags”. Man must repent of Sin, and believe on Jesus as the True God.

      • i am the door means ETERNAL LOVE. I AM isnt about christ. but about the I AM that is the spirit that makes us whom we are(both spirit(holy), and as FLESH(the world shows us our spiritual heart(in real time))…
        i am the door isnt about christ. it is about peace in all mankind…
        the filthy rags is a condmentation of others as you are not even doing christs works in your own misinterpertations. i will defend anyone whom is growing, and i will wipe the sins of those who condemn others as that how i live in spirit and give both man and eternal value to ALL…

      • So, no one is to question you. You are the Savior of mankind?? Wipe away the idea, of your own condemnation. Who is condemning you? No one. I am the door isn’t about Christ?? Who told you that? Ok, to question your statement means someone is condemning You?? To condemn means to finally sentence. No one can finally sentence anyone but themselves. To question the origins of your statements, is a perfectly legitimate, communication. If you feel condemned, that’s coming from yourself. Filthy rags is not a condemnation of others, it is a statement about “sin” from the Bible. Again, the condemnation, is, you are condemning yourself. The Bible teaches that condemnation was in the world from the beginning. So, you are relabeling the term to call it condemnation of others. No one can condemn someone that doesn’t already deserve it. So, that is symantics. If you cannot believe my statements, and take them face value, and you cannot believe Jesus statements and take them face value, and you cannot believe the Bible’s statements and take them face value, then you simply do not trust other people. And that means that “You” are condemning them because you cannot accept them for speaking straight to you. If you don’t trust people and their word meanings as legitimate communication, then you are condemning them. That is merely a fear tactic, and the fault is your own, because you cannot hear. If you can hear others as legitimate, in their communication, then you can drop the idea of condemnation. All of that is on your side of the equation. It’s a fear of condemnation, it’s not anyone condemning you. Its a way for you to control conversation, because you lack honesty about the subject matter.

  239. As one begins to get a glimpse of the marvel and the wonder and perfection of God’s plan, he will desire God’s will to be accomplished and fulfilled more than anything else for he will know that only God’s will is perfect. Only God’s plan is gloriously divine. One will then realize that to be an instrument in the hands of the Almighty, he must keep himself in tune with that vibration of loving praise and singing gratitude that has at last become a very part of himself. That divine Vibration must become the rhythm of his own being as he is prepared to take his place in the perfected pattern of creation.

    With love out-pouring one will kneel before that door, that great Christ door, and he will know that Christ IS the Way which man was asked to accept. He will then prove his belief by fulfilling the last principles of righteousness. It is then one actually becomes that Vibration of love and praise and thanksgiving. He takes upon himself that Vibration — or Name. Then, he will not only have the power to do the works which Christ did — but will be able to go on and do the greater works.

    The path Christ marked is the path right within man. It is the Way of Truth. It is the path of Light. This way leads to the great Christ door — the door of the resurrection. This divine Way has nothing to do with creeds and outside forms and rituals which but cleanse the outside of the cup. Churches were established to reveal this Inner Way but all have failed. The churches have all become obstructions to the True Way as they have blocked it, unknowingly and unintentionally. Their fund-raising campaigns, social activities and outside works and numerous meetings only cleanse the outside of the cup. Their very effort is to keep all of one’s faculties focused on the outside. It is the allegiance to the leaders and outward forms that is required by membership.

    The Way of Christ is not contained in any outward organization. It is the Way that is contained right within man himself. It is the Way of Light, even the Light of Christ which is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world. This is the Way in which a man may walk and not fail for it is illuminated by His Presence, even by the Light of Him Who marked the Way. It is the path of glory! The Way of peace! The road of power! And it leads to His door, the great Christ door!

    That Christ door is the only direct entrance into His Kingdom, the kingdom that is not of this world — the kingdom within. As one fulfills the command to “Purify thyself, even as He is pure”, he will eventually have to reach that door. It is impossible to keep going and not get there. This point of attainment is impossible not to reach by those who continue to love God with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength and who continue to abide in that love.

    As one reaches that great Christ door he will know the reality behind the Savior’s words, “I am the resurrection and the Life. And he who believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

    Yes. Do you believe it?

    If you will but follow His Voice to that door– and open that door you will not only believe, you will know…..

    • If these sayings were true, then God is not a good “keeper” of those who are His, and is a bereft God, ignorant of His creations,, No, God made man to enjoy earth, and other people and activities. You cannot attain to anything outside of Christ, and it is through the Holy Spirit that we achieve His (God’s) plans. It has never been our responsibility to run the World, but God’s Church is His Bride and only He can judge it. You should never Judge God’s Church and how well they are doing for that is only God’s Job. The judgment is upon you, and yourself alone, for criticizing the Work of God, in the Church, for God works with man, not against Man. No, in this case you are the one who has failed, and mocked those who believe. Jesus said, touch not Mine Anointed and Do My Prophet’s NO harm.

      • again, when you condemn man, then you are doing all prophets harm. again, we are on the other side all the manifests of ALL PROPHETS(in all of time:past/present/future).

        as a prophet prophesizes, he only takes a few seconds as he knows he(they/we) are manifesting. while setting a prayer in motion(prophesizes) only takes a few seconds, we sense those few seconds as many many lifetimes(being lived right now).

        those few seconds of manifesting is what we experience today. and NOTE AGAIN, that everyone on this earth(threw our ETERNAL SELF:ones with the father) to us seems to be a whole lifetime from our own birth to our own death(as each individual)..
        when we see through our father(the eternal spirit), we know each person is an extension of our greater self as each person is a GIFT FROM OUR OWN HEART.
        religions hijack the main contexts of each name and has turned them into something that t hey are not. and as we grow into the eternal, each preacher will find themselves alone as man(living in death).. i know they mean well, but t hey are doing more harm than good. and for the ones who can see, they will agree and understand beyond how a religon teaches the words.
        my g oal is to AWAKEN ALL(into the original context) as that is how i serve the father(in both our terms)…

      • For Below

        when we see through our father(the eternal spirit), we know each person is an extension of our greater self as each person is a GIFT FROM OUR OWN HEART.
        religions hijack the main contexts of each name and has turned them into something that t hey are not. and as we grow into the eternal, each preacher will find themselves alone as man(living in death).. i know they mean well, but t hey are doing more harm than good. and for the ones who can see, they will agree and understand beyond how a religon teaches the words.
        my g oal is to AWAKEN ALL(into the original context) as that is how i serve the father(in both our terms)…

        Where do you get the Idea, that these are Religions?
        Religions Highjack the names?? That is an assumption.
        Why do you think you understand Names, better than someone else??
        So where does your goal come from??
        If men are erroneous, why aren’t you just as vulnerable??
        So we need to know what your concern is with others?
        You are a Messiah?? The savior??

  240. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

    “Every branch in me that beareth no fruit he taketh away: and every branch that bearest fruit, he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit.

    “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

    “I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.

    “If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

    “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples.” (John 15:1-2, 4-5, 7-8).

    Though these are the most important sayings of Christ’s life few have ever given them a thought, or if they have it is with the idea that they are not to be taken literally any more than the Sermon on the Mount is to be taken at its full value. Thousands insist that they believe the Bible, that they believe the teachings of Jesus Christ, yet they deny the true fact of these teachings, or worse still, ignore them completely. These teachings can no more be explained away and ignored than can the Life of the Master. And the command is, “Thou shalt live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God!” “If you love me, you will keep my words.” To keep His words means to live by them — or at least to keep them alive in the chambers of “inner knowing” until they are perfectly comprehended. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering . . .” etc.

    It is time that those who profess to be Christians, and followers of the Son of God stop running away from issues which they do not comprehend. Every word spoken by Jesus Christ is a direct guide to true living, and no one is living true to the pattern He set unless he lives by every word that proceedeth forth from His mouth. Of course faith is necessary because He taught it, and because without it a life is a vain and useless thing. Of course repentance is necessary — and repentance means a “right-about-face”, or a complete changing of one’s life. This can only come as one learns to understand the true teachings and turns from the old, dead way of living to the way of Life. Repentance does not belong just to the sinner. It belongs just as much to those who have only lived on half-truths and ignored, or denied the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of course Christ taught that authority was necessary, but authority in the hands of a man who denies the power thereof, or who cannot use that power is vain. How can anyone claim to believe in Christ and to be a follower of Him, yet deny or ignore anything He taught as a part of the way of life? No wonder the works of Christ are dead — no wonder there are none who have ever done the greater works that were promised to those who believe. Modern Christianity is a shivering skeleton of dead works clothed with the glorious word “Christianity.”

    • Few have ever given them A thought??? When were you born? Many have given these sayings a thought? When you are living “In Christ’s teachings” the credit goes only to Him, and the Glory of God only goes to the Father as the Holy Ghost lives it in You. NO, we should never take God’s glory for His work in our lives, to ourselves, It is not by our efforts but through the Holy Spirit.

  241. Man has never accepted the dynamic challenge to LIVE CHRIST’S teaching. Man has only weakly affirmed his inactive endorsement of those teachings as a fullness of acceptance. And many think they are proving their belief by going forth and hammering others with their interpretations as they send forth their haranguements in discordant, sanctimonious self-righteousness. Yet Christ’s actual teachings have never been acknowledged as a Way of Life and of fulfillment or an everlasting privilege of stupendous accomplishment, crowned with every reward contained in every Promise ever given since time began.

    That First and Great Commandment, when LIVED contains the breathtaking fulfillment of every PROMISE God ever gave, plus all perfection and all power. Within it is held forever the fulfilling of the LOVE which brings into one’s life a complete knowledge of the things which Eyes have never seen, nor ears heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man — those unspeakable glories, which God has PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM — and prove it by their living of that law pertaining to it.

    This fulfilling is not something which can be boasted about, shouted about in worldly sermons or declarations, nor is it fulfilled by a silent nod of approval. This commandment must be LIVED! This requires an exerted effort of constant desire and application until the very cells of the body and brain and heart sing together in a glory of joyous response at the slightest suggestion or thought of God, or of His blessings. It is as that LOVE is developed that it will finally take over in every cell and fibre and tissue that one “Transforms his carnal flesh to flesh divine without descending through the gates of death!” Even as Enoch of old accomplished.

    It is as one, like Enoch, “transforms the carnal flesh to flesh divine, without descending through the gates of death,” that he arrays himself in the white raiment of eternal glory and is truly “Born of the Spirit!” And the shame of his mortal nakedness, whatever its cause, will be OVERCOME and one will be clothed in Light and will “COMPREHEND ALL THINGS.” he will be robed in Light and Love and eternal, everlasting power. And this is the glory of it!

    And this is God’s plan! And it has always been His plan! And this is the Way Christ traveled. It is the Path He mapped for all mankind to follow if so be they wished to rise above dreary mortality and its consequent evils and dismays and vicissitudes.

    • There are Billions of People who have chosen to follow the dynamic teaching of following Christ. and to live His teaching?? I think what your saying is you want to in sin, and do not believe you Need Jesus as Lord. No, there are Billions of People who follow Christ/s Dynamic teachings. Your statement is crazy. It is unintelligent. No one is assigned to your critique. They are free to follow Jesus. Your not the Judge.

  242. I wonder why the Bible, then says, that “you must take up your Cross and follow me”.. And that~ “if we suffer with Him, we will partake of Him. ” It also says, “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits”. Man has never accepted the dynamic to live Christ’s teaching??? Says Who?/ Like when were you born????
    No, these are not the teachings of Jesus you are bringing, but your ideas and projections. Stay with what Jesus taught… ?? That would be good.

    • you are so full of shit lmao

      • Now we are seeing the real you, that claims to have a righteous attitude. You cannot communicate, nor can your words be examined with God’s Word. You have no way to no what someone is full of, because you have no way to communicate with others. You simply make claims, and they are spurious. Your motives are lost to the World. No one can believe anything you say, because they are philosophy, and not from God. Whoever gave you the preeminence over the Church of God?? If that were so, then Jesus would have allowed you to take his place. No, you have no reason to Criticize the Church, whether they are in error or not because, the assumptions you make would have to apply to anyone, and everyone who sees through the lies, you preach. No if you were for real, you could communicate with the people you claim to know more than and not just spew out, ideas. You have no ability to communicate. If you were for real, your ideas would resonate, with people who follow Christ, but they don’t. No communicative ability in you. Just an empty dialogue.

    • to take up your cross is about aligning with the ETERNAL(we are eternal beings before we are man). follow me, means to LOVE ALL… when we fight against that of whom we disagree with, then we are also fighting against christ(peace in all mankind). each of us has the answers in which we all seek, but we have to listen to one another in order to listen to spirit(again, we are NOT MAN)…. the bible isnt about christ teachings, instead, christ is an adjetive that means “peace in ALL MANKIND”. there is no teachings of christ as there is no teaching of any other name. but EACH NAME is important for ALL OF US, as it requires ALL NAMES in order to align(CROSS) with the ETERNAL SELF(we are all ONE(HOLY))(one in LOVE(spirit to flesh))(the WHOLE WORLD is the living flesh and we are the elements of the spirit). you cant seperate yourself and say man is bad without going against what you seek. it requires ALL OF US(in all names) to be ONE WITH THE HIGHEST LOVE(to manifiest GLOBAL EVENTS)..
      as long as you use christ teachings in order to condemn anyone elses words or mind or heart, then you are going against christ in everyone’s terms.

      the way that you can tell if your on the right track is that everything within this world around you will fall in place like magic. you will SENSE the spirit in real time as your own I AM(in all names) is on the other side of god(eternal father)..
      note also. the FATHER refers to the HOLY SPIRIT aka ETERNAL. the spirit can be seen through all events of the world as the world plays out our own HEART(eternal and human)..
      you must love ALL MANKIND in order to be one with christ. but to use christ as an anchor to deny everyone else is going against the same fabric in which you seek.

      • to take up your cross is about aligning with the ETERNAL(we are eternal beings before we are man). follow me, means to LOVE ALL… when we fight against that of whom we disagree with, then we are also fighting against christ(peace in all mankind).

        Ok. Explain to me where this thought comes from?? What religion? Who told you to believe this??

        You are saying the Holy Spirit can be seen through all events??
        Who told you that?? And what do you mean, by All Events.??

        What the devil involved in??
        Where do you think your thoughts come from??

        Without a reference to the Origins of your statements, you could believe anything??
        Where do you derive your thoughts and beliefs from?
        Are you a theorist? What are you basing your life on, and your statements?
        Are these from Buddha?? A fat statue??

  243. i do believe JESUS wants us to know him in “spirit and truth”and not the dead letter version of the holy writ???

    • There is Bo dead letter of the Holy writ. Jesus said, “Heaven and Earth will Pass away, but my Words will never pass away So that’s a Living Writ. It’s dead to You , because you cannot understand what your reading or choose not to obey it. If one is following Jesus, he is dead to the Law, but fulfills it by obeying the laws of Jesus.

      • brother you truly need to live the teachings ,and stop being a cartoon christian with no power and real love..REMEMBER THE GLORY OF GOD IS JESUS CHRIST AND THATS MERRY CHRISTMAS FOREVER..AMEN..

      • No one can prove to you anything. You claim to know the needs of everyone. Your comment is hypocritical.


    It is most assuredly true that “All things work together for Good to them that love God.” (Rom. 8:28).

    To fulfill this scripture and prove one’s love, is quite different from quoting it in words, then denying its truth by brooding over all the evils and misfortunes you have been subjected to. Neither can it be fulfilled by those who weep in self-pity, nor whimper in dismay, over every trivial discomfort.

    This scripture can be proved and fulfilled when it is put to the full test. It has to reach beyond words and superficial, sanctimonious self-righteousness. It has to reach beyond the services that one renders in the lime-light of the temple pinnacle to be seen of men.

    This love for God that is required, is not something that can be proved in declarations nor even in spell-binding sermons uttered from the “housetops.” Love is a power that must go out from the heart. It must be felt and comprehended as it is released in vibrations of glorious, singing aliveness.

    To prove this scripture it is necessary to love God with a devotion that exceeds the little, mortal self. This love requires that one trust God implicitly. This deep, wondrous, living love provides one with the willingness to go through any testing, any vicissitude, any difficulty, no matter how seemingly impossible, with an inner song of love and praise — and gratitude.


    Not at all.

    If you really do love God, then it is quite easy to accept seeming afflictions in His Name, and praise and worship Him with increased power while doing so. As one faces and accepts his problems and set-backs in this manner, even the most dire tragedies are transformed into blessings.

    • The problem is you don’t know God. Jesus, is God. His word is Living,. Repent of sin, and receive Him. Then obey the Word, and walk in it. God isn’t calling you to critique the Church of the Living God, but you are free and welcome to join it. Otherwise, you are welcome to be examined as a liar. and a fraud.

  245. Those who will not accept God’s divine pruning or submit themselves to disciplinary training will find that they can never become disciples of Light. A disciple is one who begins to discipline himself. Those who discipline themselves do not need the humiliating, painful trimming of the Father’s knife. Those who begin to eliminate their own weaknesses and traits that are selfish and evil will find instead of the pruning knife the loving hand of the Father extended in solicitous understanding. To those who fail to discipline themselves, or those who rigidly set themselves against the pruning knife of the Father, “the road of Holiness” will be forever closed. At least it will be impossible for them to cross over it until in time the complete humiliation of their bigotry and failures crumbles the little false idol of themselves into dust. If one is willing to permit this little ego-filled “self” to be thus humbled in shame, even though he has failed to accomplish the “righteousness” through self-discipline, it will still be possible for him to be reclaimed and redeemed, though his transgressions were the usurpation of the very powers of God.

    Any individual who mentally or verbally condemns or judges another is doing so in the pride of his own “self-righteousness.” Only proud self-righteousness ever places itself upon the judgment seat. And the law is, that: “As a man judges, so shall he be judged.” Such a one is only proving himself to be empty of love and compassion. He is revealing his own self-righteousness as he places himself in a category of unworthiness, becoming an accuser. Only the little mortal “self”, completely deceived and lost in arrogance and self-righteousness, could or would condemn his brother. If his love is great he would not even behold his faults. The truly righteous man sees only through the eyes of love — and in his love his brother can be healed. It is true, “That when one’s mind and lips have lost the power to hurt and wound his voice will be heard among the Gods.”

  246. It is only by deep love and praising devotion that one can blend his own life so perfectly with the mind and will of God that he becomes the expressor of the “Greatest”

  247. What is so wonderful to know…is that no matter how full of it we are…some day we will “all”
    be emptied of ourselves. Going from the carnal to the spiritual is most certainly challenging as the carnal nature of man will never accept the spiritual mind in man. One is enmity against the other. Understanding that the most foolish will also stand in the likeness of our Father…does give us be kind and patient toward our enemies..or those who oppose the Christ within us. This is how it has to be. How do we know which is of the false religious church and who are those of the church of the living Christ? Which ones are throwing stones and demeaning those who oppose them? Which ridicules, condescends and condemns and looks for fault first? The spirit reveals those who are His while the law of words only reveals pomp and pride.

    Be at peace with those who revile…and say all manner against us falsely, as much as is within us to do so….and love them as though they also see…for they will…someday..soon. But for the grace of God, there go I.

    Love you “all.”

  248. “Without vision the people perish.” Without understanding the powers of true vision and having a comprehension of the divine gift of imagination all mankind will perish as they follow the generations before them into the grave. It is the gift of vision, or the power to “image in” to the Spirit realm one’s high hopes and worthy ambitions, one’s aspirations and noble dreams that hold the keys of Life Eternal — that a man need not die. This divine gift of vision is first of all the power to BELIEVE.

    Do you believe in the divine promises Christ gave? Can you imagine yourself being possessed with such divinity as He holds out? If you have, or can develop the power to hold to that vision, it must be fulfilled in you. As your noble thoughts are held firmly in the focus of your attention until they grow into desires, they will be reflected, or “imaged in”, to the Spirit realm and gather to themselves the substance of the things you have hoped for. This is faith in action. And it is the power of fulfilling. It is the gift of creation as you begin to create with God to fulfill the perfection of Himself which He has implanted within you. You are His own imaging of complete perfection as you permit His vision of you to be fulfilled and brought forth.

    “And it shall come to pass that he that asketh in Spirit shall receive in Spirit. He that asketh in Spirit asketh according to the will of God, wherefore it is done even as he asketh.”

  249. The churches have always represented the doorway to the graveyard. They have used only the teachings that prepare a man to die — not how to live — nor how to overcome. Nor have they revealed the way to the Life more abundant.

    The churches have meant well, even as a blind man, who is leading his blind followers, means well. But the churches are the back door into the great life beyond. They preach long sermons about the “HEREAFTER”, not realizing that it means the literal “HERE after” one has developed the eyes to see and the heart to understand. They administer their sugarcoated pills to the bereaved as a soothing sedative. Some even stand holding that back door ajar as they signal men to enter by their own little pet path.

    It is within men’s minds that the blindness must be overcome. It is not in the churches that one must struggle to bring the exalted vision. Each individual himself must seek to “see” as he learns to let the blind leaders follow their own roads, if so be they are determined, for those who cannot be taught must perish. The ones who think they have all the Light are in the greatest darkness of all. They are so sealed they cannot be taught. No word of Truth nor of Light can penetrate into their inner consciousness to awaken new thoughts. For this reason it is impossible, as yet, to reach the blinded, orthodoxed groups, sealed in their creeded conformity.

    It is within each individual’s mind that the blindness must be overcome. It is an individual thing. The way to receive the power of divine vision is very simple, so simple there need be no excuse for remaining blind.

  250. These words about the Church of God, are a Lie. Repent and receive Jesus, He is the Only Judge of the Church. No one has ordained you or called you to criticize the redeemed, or God’s word, or His Church. The redeemed are forgiven and walk in grace. They are not in bondage to your critiques, contingencies, or to your examination. Examine yourself, and judge, your hypocritical nature. No one needs your hyperbole, or your self exalted spiritualism. You are no better, than your own critique. Get real.

  251. lmao

  252. The word “ZION” remember, means “THE PURE IN HEART!” The road to Zion is the road of the purification of the heart. And only by the purification of the heart can one ever travel it, though a fool need not err therein. This is the Pathway of LOVE in which one practices and learns to love God with all his heart. This is the road of fulfilling. And as one’s heart is purified by such dynamic love in action, he will automatically be cleansed from all sin. The very forgiveness of sin can only be accomplished through love as one forgives all who have ever trespassed against him. This is love in action. This contains the power to be cleansed (or forgiven) for all sins. It is beautiful! It is unfailing! It is truth eternal! If you wish to be cleansed from all sin, then love until it reaches out to enfold your trespassers in the glory of your own divine forgiveness. Let old grudges melt away. Let present hurts be dissipated in compassionate understanding. Let mercy caress and enfold all whom your thoughts touch. This is the power to be cleansed from all sin. And with this power all things will become subject unto you — and you can ask what you will and it will be granted. For in this great outpouring of your love “your minds and lips will have lost the power to hurt or wound and your voice will be heard among the Gods,” for you will have joined them in the upward trend of your own divinity.

    Yes, “The nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views and the greater are his enjoyments, till he has OVERCOME the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin, and like the ancients, arrives at the point of FAITH where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and is caught up to dwell with Him!”

  253. The door to this glorious Path of joy and gladness and increasing enlightenment and understanding is contained fully in that divine, First, Great Commandment of all power — LOVE!

    “LIVE the laws and you will KNOW!” So said Christ. And no one can possibly KNOW anything unless he himself experiences it. To hear about things and conditions, or of God may become part of one’s beliefs, but never becomes a part of his own actual KNOWLEDGE until he experiences it for himself.

    Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE.

  254. JESUS is not about church.. its all about a super love connection to source Glory.. then “church” can show a power and wisdom that God can LIGHT and sing his celestial song of transformative Perfection..THE NEW SONG “LOVE PRAISE AND GRATITUDE..THE HEART OF HIS TRUE BELIEVERS..

  255. This brings us to an important question — Is the Church this Kingdom of God, or, is the Church part of this Kingdom? The Lord Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Like believers, the Kingdom of God is IN this world, but is not OF this world. It is not established by the world’s methods. It is not moved forward by the politics of this world. It is not represented by the Constitution of the United States of America or of that of any other nation on earth. God’s Kingdom does not contain a Republican or Democratic platform. It is established and maintained on a different basis from that of our world. Again I ask the question — Is the Church this Kingdom, or, is the Church part of this Kingdom? Many proclaim that this present age is the “Church age” and that the coming age is the “Kingdom age,” thus separating the Church from the Kingdom on the basis of time. The difference, however, is not one of time but of relationship and administration. For you see, the Church is a present reality and the Kingdom is likewise a present reality.

    • At least your finally asking questions. When you can allow for antagonists then someone can answer your question and participate, in the answer. But you must decide if your truly asking.

  256. The price of truth is always the very greatest price required of those who bring it, for since the very beginning of creation man has been trying to force God into an orthodox straight-jacket. To bring one ray of truth into this world had always required a price so filled with sacrifice and tears that it could never be weighed and measured by any standards on earth, for only eternity could understand. Every church and creed is cramped into small orthodox quarters of non-expansion. It has always been so. In days of old, when any truth had been assimilated by the people and finally accepted as orthodox, or final, then God would send another prophet to bear witness of more truth. And each in turn was persecuted, reviled, rejected, and most of them were cast out and slain — then, very slowly, the truths that had cost so much would be accepted and gradually become orthodox and sealed.

    At last Christ came, and He too, paid the price of bringing light into the world — and the light He brought, in time became orthodoxed according to the bleak understandings of men’s minds.

    Then thousands more gave their lives to break the bands of darkness, and give man the right to think, to reach — to feel and live — and their vision also turned into orthodox doctrines which glorified the past but shut out the power of God from the present, and sealed the way of light to the living, and silenced the voice of the Almighty, and sealed the minds of men.

    Groups and creeds always have a tendency to become orthodox or static in their thinking, and this condition seals them into an unpliable condition that becomes fixed, and unprogressive. Life is a living, throbbing process of advancement — not static existence. Not dead decay.

    The power of God is as great today as it was when He said, “Let there be light, and there was light!” It is as great now as it was in the days of Moses when dust turned to lice, ashes to boils and the Red Sea divided at the word of a man inspired by God. His power is as great today as it was in the days of Christ when the lepers were healed, the blind made to see, the lame to walk, and in the dynamic words that have rung down the ages, “Lazarus, come forth!” The power of God did not die with the Apostles of Jesus Christ. It is still waiting to be brought forth in the heart of any man who will only open his soul to receive it, and his mind to understand.

  257. Christ went to the depth of all things endeavoring to teach that the mind was the power which governed man. “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment; but I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.”8 Anger — a thought or seed sown in the mind, if permitted to grow, will ripen into discord, hate, violence.

    And again: “Ye have heard it said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery; but I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”9 He has planted the seed of transgression in his heart or mind, and the law is, that everything will produce after its kind, and after the planting comes the harvest.

    “And the Lord said, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.”10 Why the reference to the mustard seed? The mustard seed represents “The least among all seeds. But when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”11 And again the planting, cultivating and growth is given.

    “For verily I say unto you. That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

    “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”12

    The law is true and eternal. No matter what one desires, if he plants the seeds, keeps out doubts and fears (weeds), it will come forth.

  258. Thinking is planting, cultivating, achieving. We will have to work diligently, and how long it will take for the perfect thing to mature will, perhaps, depend on the condition of the soil, and the care we give, but the controlling factor will be the intensity of the desire to achieve. This also must always be understood, no crop will ever come forth until the seed has been planted, cultivated, followed by the waiting in patience. But as we work with understanding, wait in faith, our powers will be increased an hundred-fold, the elements will obey our voice — the sick be made well — the blind see — the lame walk — the poisonous reptiles and the wild beasts will lose their enmity. All things have been given into man’s hands — man, who can rise to Godhood or sink below the level of the beasts.

    In the first chapter of James, we find that ancient apostle was trying to teach this marvelous law:

    “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings.

    “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (Surely then after we have planted the seeds of righteousness and perfection, if we wait in patience, or let patience have her perfect work, our harvest shall produce and we shall want for nothing.)

    “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering (no changing). For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.” (Naturally, for he has broken the law rather than fulfilled it, and has planted so many things that none of them can come forth, and he will receive nothing).

    And again, starting with the thirteenth verse:

    “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man; But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lusts (or thoughts), and enticed. Then when lust hath CONCEIVED, It bringeth forth sin, and sin, when it is finished (or produced) bringeth forth death.”

    The following quotations are from James Allen’s little book, As A Man Thinketh:

    “He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. His every thought is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely met and wisely overcome. His purposes are seasonably planted, and they bloom and bring forth fruit which does not fall prematurely to the ground.”

    “To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly and accomplish masterfully.”

    “Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seed of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself.”The great failure of mankind at the present time is its failure to think. The human race has ceased to think. Two or three minds are doing all the thinking for all mankind. The greatest bondage in the world is mental bondage. It is better to be a beaten slave, and serve with bloody stripes than to become a mental slave, without power to think beyond the loud shouting of one’s associates, or leaders.

    Oh, men of earth, lift your minds to think, for your minds are the connection between your physical beings and your souls — it is the connection between your life and God — it is the power that can glorify you. It is the power of creation — the power of Godhood.

  259. Each individual holds his destiny within his own hands. He plants his seeds, and harvests the crop. His life is joy and happiness, progress and satisfaction, purpose and plenty, or it is a lack of the worthwhile things, according to the thoughts he holds. “Figs do not grow on thistles.” “By their fruits shall ye know them.”6 No wonder! Everything produces after its kind, and their fruits are the harvest they have planted. One man will be a fertile garden of glory, another an unclean stench of filth and barrenness. Each man has been his own builder, for destiny has no favorites, for any man who cometh to God shall be strengthened and acknowledged no matter how humble he is, or how meager his abilities, for God is no respecter of persons. One’s parentage may be the lowliest of the earth, one’s opportunities as bleak and few as were Abraham Lincoln’s, but with the power of thinking comes the power to think oneself out of any condition in life. Some may be even deficient in vision and wisdom, but that too, will be bestowed on any child who will only ask and believe.

  260. It is the “true” church which will facilitate in the bringing in of the kingdom. The church spoken of in this context is the very elect, the church are they which are made up and glorified in and of God, of the first born “Sons.” It is they who will usher in the kingdom age. As the church is taught in the ways to the kingdom and they in turn teach others what they have “become”, not in knowledge but in substance, the kingdom will grow until death is no more…or the carnal mind of man is no more, being one and the same. The church is both the kingdom and part of the kingdom for the kingdom exist in that “know you not that the kingdom of God is is within you.” If the kingdom is within one it is not a geographical place, it is a spiritual place for it is also said we must worship Him in spirit and in truth…within. The kingdom cannot be a place separate from the whole of who God is, for we walk and have our being in God. There is no place that exist outside of God. If God is the entirety of “all” things as stated, then all must mean all. What is not of all things?

    In order for a kingdom to be a kingdom, it must have a king and it must have subjects to the king. Who we follow must be who we believe and have faith in. We must understand that the kingdom is a spiritual place and it cannot be pointed to as by observation. This means we cannot see it as a place that is a geographical place that is separate from the spirit….which is God…and He is not divided against Himself. Again He is all and in all. It is pointless to worry about who sees the kingdom as literal or who sees it as spiritual for it is God Himself which gives sight to the blind. This is not a divisive statement that separates good and evil people into camps, because when the carnal (blind) starts to see, it is then a progression into the full stature in and of God will emerge…until we all stand in His likeness. His “likeness” is the kingdom whether we are in the very elect, the elect or of those who remain…or who come after.

    The matured “teachers” have to come before the ones taught. The kingdom consist of the rulers and the ruled for it takes both to have a kingdom. The place of the kingdom is wherever God is, and the spirit within us which is God given is a part of the kingdom. We will each see the kingdom according to the level of understanding we have and whether we see Lunt Zion as a physical geographical place or we see what it represents in truth, a place of achievement within the Temple Mount…in which we are if we have eyes to see. If we can’t see, we can’t see, and this is ok, for we are not Gods children according to knowledge but according to spirit. We are not born of the words of the law or of opinion, we are born of Him by His spirit.

  261. excellent i see you are a true believer in spirit ,thats very good ..and so rare indeed..

    • Thanks, And though words may sometime weary us, we must use them as best we can. When we use words, they describe what the goal is. We understand we are not there yet by the knowledge we have, for it is only a guide until we are transformed. To understand the difference of the two words, the law…and Christ…we also begin to see, we can only grow through the grace of the Word…which is Christ. Trying to speak truth and others to understand it is impossible, for although we may speak from the word, it must be revealed by the Word.

      It would be good to know all things…yet if we obey that one great commandment we will not have only fulfilled all things..we will have become all there is to become. As we agree, it is not in the knowing of a thing that approves us, it is to be found one day in His likeness. We can’t prove ourselves by our words, and we shouldn’t even try…for how can we prove our love to another and how can they see it…unless we stand in likeness. And if we stand in likeness, there is no need to speak what can’t be spoken. It will be we are known. This is a hard saying to some to grasp, yet it is the love we possess which truly reveals all things. Study the written word as much as we want and we can become smart and intellectual, and possibly a little arrogant about it. Become obedient to “the” true Word and we will become as He is, and humble about knowing the letter. As in 1 Corinthians 13, though we have all these things, if we do not have what they teach…we have nothing. Love is easy, it doesn’t require conditions on others where the law does.

      Let us be thankful

  262. When inspired thoughts or a divine revelation have been engraved upon a stone, inscribed upon scroll or written upon the pages of a book they become known as “Scripture” — and therefore must be fulfilled. The Bible does not contain all the scripture in the world, “for He shall speak to all nations and they shall write it.” “He shall reveal here a little and there a little” “for the world itself could not contain all the words Christ spoke had they all been written” let alone the words that have been given to inspired individuals, before and since. And because man bound those few inspired writings within the covers of that certain Holy Book it did not place a permanent seal upon the lips or upon the plans of God that He can never speak again. It is true that the promises contained within the Holy Bible are God’s words, and they cannot return unto Him void or unfulfilled. But God’s words will never end as long as there are those who are willing to be taught and who have need of His instructions. “For they shall all be taught of God.”

  263. As His written words of high inspiration and divine revelation are picked up from a record, to burn anew within some searching, seeking heart, they are renewed and so revitalized. The power contained within them is henceforth increased by each rapturous rejoicing of an opened human heart. Everything that is written under the power of divine direction, whether in the Bible or out of it, is known as scripture. And anything that teaches a man to love and worship God and to pray is of God.

  264. Though words may sometime weary us, we must use them as best we can with the abilities we have been given. When we use words, they describe what the goal is. We understand we are not there yet by the knowledge we have, for it is only a guide until we are transformed. To understand the difference in the meaning of the “two words”, the law…and Christ…we must begin to see and understand, we can only grow through the grace of the one true Word…which is Christ. “Speaking” truth from “the Word” is a different matter from speaking from the written word. The difference is that the written word we call the Bible is only a shadow of the true word. Shadows are only outlines of the true object. The natural sun cast a shadow of the true object that is casting the shadow, however the shadow can never be obtained like the thing itself.

    As bright as the sun may be and as crisp as the shadow may tell you what is casting the shadow we cannot admire and worship the shadow more than the true object. In this case the written word is a shadow of the true Word which is the anointing spirit of the Christ. It is a written document that contains stories and truths of God’s plan for each of us. What cast the shadow called the written word is the “Son” that bright and morning star that rises in the east and settles in the west. He is the object that the shadow ( Bible) is written about and we have to learn to look at the outline to understand what consist of the true.

    Which do we want, the shadow (Bible Word) of a thing or the thing ( Christ the spiritual Word) Himself? It is the true Word of the spirit we seek, the “anointing” of the Christ which can only be given by the spirit of God, to our spirit through Christ. Nothing comes by the shadow, although it may give the best description, speak of great gifts to have and explain all mysteries, but as 1 Corinthians 13 clearly explains all the shadows of the Bible is not love but only love described. To debated and to argue over the shadow with abusive language and a demeaning and a condemning attitude is putting our faith in something that really doesn’t exist…a shadow.

    But when the true word comes into our very being and we start to become as He is…and…become the thing Himself, in His likeness, then it is our own words that will come out of the spiritual anointing we receive “through obedience” that will then cast a shadow (word) of the truth…from within. So, had we rather be a shadow of the truth or the truth itself? To be found in His likeness is escaping the shadow and becoming the object of only which the shadow can outline. I know I am being somewhat redundant coming at this subject from various view points however there is so much argument and debate about the word and its value I see people always blurring the lines between the two. And no doubt some will still argue and misunderstand the points I’m making. This is because the carnal natural man can only understand things from natural things.

    This is why God made the natural for he says to look at the natural to understand the spiritual. He said to Moses that everything created was only an example of the true things that already existed in the spirit. We existed with God before this earthly creation so why should we think the natural will give us anything we didn’t already have? This creation is a school to further our education in God so that we may obtain a better gift of the spirit. We are taught by the natural world around us and the written word to further our spiritual awareness. No one can possibly obtain the spirit by the law, it is impossible. We may read and study and a light may be turned on when we read something and “get it” but the getting does not come from the shadow of the thing but from the “Son” turned on the light from the spirit of Himself.

    It would be good to know all the things and what they mean in the written word, however if we obey that one great commandment we will not have only fulfilled all things..we will have become all there is to become. We should agree, it is not in the knowing of a thing that approves us, it is to be found one day in His likeness. We can’t prove ourselves by our words, and we shouldn’t even try…for how can we prove our love to another and how can they see it…unless we stand in God’s likeness and desire to life His virtues? And if we stand in His likeness, there is no need to speak a written word to prove what can’t be proven to someone who can only grasp natural things. This is a hard saying fo some to grasp, yet it is the love we possess which truly reveals all things. We can study the written word as much as we want and we can become very smart and intellectual about it, with eloquent speech…and possibly a little arrogance to go with it.

    However by becoming obedient to “the” true Word we will become as He is, and humble about knowing the letter even if God granted us understanding of all the things about it. Yet to the spiritual, knowing a lot of head knowledge without seeing the results in the spirit will greatly humble oneself because they will look at the shadow and mourn seeing their loss…until… the “Son” comes completely overhead where no shadow will exist anymore, for we will be in the likeness of the full Son. As in 1 Corinthians 13, though we have all these things, if we do not have what they teach…we have nothing. Love is easy, it doesn’t require conditions from others to love them as the old law requires. We are under a new law of grace (which is not of the old law) until we stand completely in the noon day Son..with no sign of the shadow anymore, it is not needed, it has done its work. What the old law could not do and not give us, we can now obtain by the saving grace through and to the spirit of Christ. We will then speak from who we have become. Let us be thankful for our “becoming” and be humble in receiving it. There is no argument in the spirit.

  265. I believe that it was God’s intent, evidently so, to have the written word and it’s many translations an arguable situation. Since the law was given over four hundred years after the promise was given to Abraham of obtaining the promise by faith, it established then that we would not be coming in to His likeness by some future written law. The law was written because of sin and disobedience to God. The law was given until the true word came to this earth and led us by example and by faith in the one who could deliver us whole in spirit and completeness. This can only come by the predetermined plan of God. The law was inserted between the promise to us and the fulfilling of it in Christ. When Christ came to this earth and showed us by example how we are to live by faith and gave us the power through the direct inpouring of the spirit into our being…it came “NOT” by the law. There is no translation that can give anything of the spirit. If we even had the original manuscripts (which don’t exist anymore because they rotted away. We have handwritten copies with errors.) in perfect form they still could not give us God’s spirit.

    The spirit comes by obedience to living out the spirit that God gives us directly from His spirit to ours. He does not write it down and we get it from the written word. So everything has its purpose and place. We can argue about which translation is best and we may happen to be right in our opinion…but we can be wrong in the way we present it with a bad attitude, making our knowledge of no effect. Let us look within and connect with the only Word there really is… Christ.

  266. It was through this “Christ” or “Light” that the worlds were and are created — and most of them are far older than this little earth of ours. It is one of the youngest of the planets. It is the baby of the spheres, comparatively speaking. Yet it was not until just before the foundations of this earth of ours, that Jesus Christ, the individual who bears the NAME, was chosen to be the Redeemer of this world, the guide, the Great Shepherd, the Savior, by showing the way of salvation to all who would follow Him. The Shepherd never has to carry the sheep into the fold. They have to go in on their own power — and it is done as they follow the shepherd. He was chosen before the foundations of the earth for this very mission and purpose, and the world will forever owe Him a debt of love and gratitude that can never be completely repaid. But this great “Light of Truth” or “Spirit of Truth” or “light of Christ,” of which we are a part, and were a part, even from the very beginning (and there is no beginning, and no end), existed long before that time. For we too were with God before the works of creation began, “The Spirit of Truth.”

    This light of life, or spark of the Divine Spirit of Christ, is the original source of our existence. That divine spark is often imprisoned in mortality instead of being clothed or endowed with mortality. This body is the kingdom bequeathed to this spirit for fulfilling the laws of progress and advancement in the past. This mortal heritage is a great and precious gift, and was meant to be glorified by the Spirit, even as the Spirit was meant to be glorified by the flesh. These two, inseparably connected can receive a fullness of joy — or a fullness of the Father — or power and light.

    This destiny can only be completed in glory as we learn to let the voice of the Spirit direct the “without” as it abides in the “within.” Or, as given in the Apocrypha: “For the Lord himself, being asked by a certain person, when his kingdom should come? answered, When two shall be one, and that which is without as that which is within.” His kingdom, or the kingdom of heaven will be revealed to every man when he learns to abide by the laws of that inner kingdom, or the voice of the Christ, or light within.

    For each person who learns to listen to that inner voice at all times, who heeds its loving, tender instructions until he has fulfilled all the glorious laws of righteousness, is to have the great privilege of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, to appear in person to him from time to time — and even He will reveal the Father to him.

    Jesus Christ chose the way of the crucifixion to prove that this great light and power of the Christ Light could fulfill all things — and had life eternal, or was life eternal — boundless, indestructible — and as He fulfilled all the laws of righteousness and glorified that light within Himself He had the power over death — that He could lay down His life and take it up again if he chose.

  267. Being born of the Spirit is being baptized into the very name of Jesus Christ, or anointed with light — so that with full consciousness one realizes that “In Him we live and move and have our being.” Thus as we live with a full understanding of the meaning of His Name, and truly believe in it — we too shall begin to be able to do the works which He did — even the greater works. Yea, “I shall be powerful when I am anointed with light,” or “Spirit.” Thus we begin to take upon ourselves that name and the power of it. When we truly believe in The Name of Jesus Christ and fulfill that name within ourselves our lives will no longer be barren and unfruitful, but will unfold in complete fulfillment of all the promises ever given — and the divine pattern within us will be brought forth in all its unfolding glory. It is only the voice of the “Light within” that can guide us to this complete fulfillment.

    The name “Jesus Christ” is the great key-word of power. Learn the power of the Name. The only name under heaven where mankind can be saved — saved from their weaknesses as well as from their sins. Use the Name. Think it. Love it. Magnify it — and Walk with Him in Light. How else could the following promise possibly be fulfilled? “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God — the Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit, that we are the children of God; and if children, then heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ.” (Romans 8:14, 16, 17). And if we are “joint-heirs” then we must be equal with Him, if we fulfill the NAME in our lives, even as He did.

    It is only as we each follow our own true pattern of life that we can hope for this complete perfection within us. The voice of the multitude, the praise of the world, the desire for wealth and fame so often sidetrack us from our own design of life. Despair or failure can never come to us as long as we live true to the pattern, not any more than it could come to Jesus. Every heartache, every trial was a stepping stone upward — even the crucifixion — the great, triumphant, final victory over death — the victory awaiting all who will “overcome.”

    • Yes. What’s in a name? It can be a word to us which has no true meaning. In biblical terms name means nature. We need to not only believe in His nature, we must become it.

  268. my husband and sister and myself,we will be purchasing a luxury RV, and will be traveling all over the united states..being lead by the spirit to those that need pure enlightenment of jesus christ \. If you are one of those who are praying for, and looking forward to, a happier world beyond the grave, here is a message of gladness for you, you may enter into and realize that happy world now; it fills the whole universe, and it is within you, waiting for you to find, acknowledge, and possess. Said one who knew the inner laws of Being,
    When men shall say Io here, or Io there, go not after them; the kingdom of God is within you.
    What you have to do is to believe this, simply believe it with a mind unshadowed by doubt, and then meditate upon it till you understand it…we dont ever charge for money because it flows before we can ask for it..its abundance is beyond measure.. we give out secretly and unannounced.. and it comes back more than we could ever imagine..the mustard seed of faith is the very life spark of the activation germ of creation, in every thought wish…its the expectation potential of being alive……THOSE THAT ARE ALIVE IN THERE FAITH ARE POWERFUL IN JOY,,AND ENTHUSIAM..

    • I wish you well, sounds like some of my thoughts….and desires. As God makes available and leads. Life is a simple message but hard to see…until…we are given eyes to see…The ultimate mystery is Christ within…not just just a belief within, but his spirit growing in us where there is nothing left…but Him. His likeness. This is when hell will cease and heaven begins…all within.

      • Hell begins when heaven has been denied. We can only wish, when we don’t know. We must turn from the wish to the know.

  269. miracles are our true birthright,,all we need to do is wake up in divine love realization amen..GOD BLESS YOU..

  270. Only as one learns to live by this infallible guide can he possibly live true to himself, or true to God. This voice is the “Spirit of Truth” speaking within him. It never flatters. It never condemns without cause. It is the one true, unfailing, all-knowing, dependable friend.

    All the days of my life, kindly intentioned people have been giving me advice on how to live my life. They are well-meaning individuals who wish to help me live my life as they live theirs, and I love them for it, and their advice is just perfect for their lives — and for what they would do if they were in my place. But they are not in my place, therefore their advice is all wrong for me, and for my life. In fact, it is darkness to me. Only that inner voice can possibly guide me in my mission in life — and only that voice can truly guide you to reach and fulfill your highest destiny, be that destiny what it may.

    Every great person has had to live true to that inner voice or they would never have achieved greatness. Abraham Lincoln, with no opportunities and no backing of friends, except that guiding voice within, reached his high destiny in honor and directed America through its most crucial period.

    The complete pattern of your life in all its divine power of fulfillment is contained as completely within that all-knowing center as the pattern of the flower is within the seed. Only you have contact with your pattern of life — only you can keep that contact open. No one can do that for you. Neither can you do it for another. Each individual must learn to live true to his own pattern in order to truly reach his magnificent dignity of complete fulfillment.

    If you wish to give advice, to comfort, to help — then teach those whom you contact, or who come to you for help, how to find God — teach them how to listen to that voice within their own souls. That is the greatest service you can possibly render anyone. Teach them how to “be still” and know God.

    That same “wormy” voice of conscience that can make you feel like the very “lowest thing on earth” is also the first to pat you on the back when you do the noble, or the splendid, unselfish thing. Its very approval sings out in a melody of glory at every task well done. It never lies. It never flatters. It never over-estimates. It just knows and is. It is the very Spirit of Truth or of “Light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world.” It is the truest friend man ever had. Listen to that voice and you will never fail in anything. You will never feel deserted and alone as long as you listen to that voice, or the Word of God planted deep within your own soul. You will go forward from one achievement to another as you learn to hold to it, even as to an iron rod. Thus you will climb the ladder of destiny — your own great destiny — for within every human being the seed of greatness lies waiting. Only by and through the direction of this voice can you go from grace to grace as new levels of progress unfold.

    There is no such thing as glory without effort, salvation without price. And in order to reach the light, one must learn to walk in the light. “And he whose spirit refuseth to receive the light is under condemnation.”

  271. Learning to heed this voice does not rob one of his free-agency, for it is his willingness or unwillingness to follow or heed it that makes life a glory or a failure. Every man is entitled to “free doom”. His free-agency is used in making the choice of unfolding his life in its true pattern of perfection, or marring it continually with his mistakes. In following the glorious voice of his true inner self, that knows and comprehends all things, he lives above the groping, blundering conscious mind, with its lack of understanding, its changing whims and moods, its instabilities. He lives in contact with the super-conscious mind at all times. And with this growing understanding, and divine contact he will soon find that the voice not only speaks after he has acted in blind, blundering ignorance — but will speak before the act is done, before the harsh or false word is spoken. Thus all mistakes can be eliminated. Two of the ancient Greek scholars claimed that whenever they even began to speak the wrong thing they would be stopped, or warned — and by following the warning their works have lived down the centuries.

    This glorious voice of approval that pats one on the back with such warm affection, filling his whole being with that “good feeling” within, is not the voice of ego with its blare of self-importance or self-righteousness. Ego is of the conscious mind entirely, and is completely mortal and of the flesh. That glorious voice of conscience is of the soul. It is the Spirit of Christ that is born in every man. It is the voice of God that Christ followed so lovingly and so gratefully. It is the vine, yielding life and strength and power to us, for of ourselves, truly we can do nothing of value. Only as we abide in the vine can our lives and our works become glorious. (John 15).

    The trouble with most of us is that when we get that “good feeling” over something we have done, we wish to hold on to it by retelling what it was we did — and just how we did it, even magnifying our goodness in the telling. This is a very grave mistake. That feeling is the abiding voice of God in the secret chamber of our own souls. It is the sacred voice that comes to each of us, individually, as we enter the Holy of Holies, or our own closet, or inner soul, to pray to God. This inner approval is an individual and sacred experience and is not meant to be shared openly, else if it is, we have received our reward — the empty praise of the world. When that public acclaim or approval means more than the reward which only the Father can give, then we may have the public acclaim — but it will be empty and meaningless compared to that loving direction that will lead us on up the high stairway of achievement so that it may be made apparent openly by the power of Almighty God Himself. Any man who “toots his own horn” will fail utterly in receiving great honors from His Father in heaven.

    Thus understanding just how this glorious power or law of God works in our lives we can understand just why it is not good to tell our left hand what our right hand does, for by so doing we have received all the reward we are entitled to — the reward of the flesh, and have forfeited our right to the greater reward — the reward promised by our Father. The very telling of the good we have done becomes boasting and immediately places a false standard before us. This method causes us to lose contact with that inner voice which contains our true pattern of life. Gradually the flattering praises of men become the only voice we live for, and the greatness that was meant for us has been sacrificed upon the altar of vanity.

  272. Christ was never known to repeat in words any good He ever accomplished — but living true to the voice within he was rewarded openly — two thousand years of homage paid by the loving devotion of a world.

    Only the approval of that inner voice matters in anyone’s life. No outside opinion counts, for the full, glorious pattern of each individual’s life is enfolded minutely within that seed of all-knowing, locked waiting within each man’s soul. It can only be brought forth gradually as the seed grows into the plant, and the plant is glorified by the unfoldment of its own blossoms. If man desires to get in step with the great forward marching glory of the whole universe then he will have to do so by learning to heed that voice of conscience, or that “still small voice” within — that guiding voice of light that stands knocking on the door of his consciousness, waiting to be admitted. This is the light that was apparent from the beginning — and man rejected the light. Follow that inner voice or guide and you will ascend to a life of honor and fulfillment as surely as the flower rises from the seed, the oak from the acorn, or the bird comes forth from the egg.

    Know with all your heart and soul that you have His approval and your road will become a road of high honor though it leads to the gallows — and though you lose your life, yet shall you find it, for all things shall be added unto you and your works will stand forever as a beacon light to those who wish to stand above the low, common, mediocre way of life.

    It takes great courage to stand alone against the world, to live true to your own destiny and calling for the simple reason that so few have dared to step forth and live their own lives in the complete freedom in the perfection of God’s sublime direction. But as one understands the road of his own high destiny courage will be given, it will enfold him as a shining armour. It is the Joans of Arc, the Columbuses, the Magellans, the Roger Bacons and the Patrick Henrys who were willing to give their lives for what they felt to be true that have been the truly great of the earth.

    The late Robert Henri, the great artist with a living soul, said, “Each genius differs from the mass in that he has found freedom for his greatness: the greatness is everywhere, in every man, in every child. What our civilization is busy doing, mainly, is smothering greatness — we fear people who live simply and beautifully — then condemn them. It is only if they are great enough to outlive our condemnation that we accept them . . . The great revolution in the world which is to equalize opportunity, bring peace and freedom, must be a spiritual thing in each one. Our education has led away from the realization that the mystery of nature is in each man. When we are wiser we will not assume to mould ourselves (or let others mould us), but will make our ignorance stand aside — hands off — and will watch our own development. We will learn from ourselves.”In other words, we will learn to live by the pattern that is contained within each one of us — I by my pattern — you by yours. We will cease trying to fit everyone into the same mould. We will each respect the other in his work and calling and will be respected ourselves as we fulfill our own individual pattern of life, attentive to that all-knowing, all-loving voice from within.

    Learn to listen to that voice, love it. This is the “feeling after God” mentioned in Acts 17:27. Thank that deep inner-knowing for its rebukes. Apologize to it for your mistakes, and promise it that you will try to do better — and then live true to that promise. You will soon glory in the amazing closeness of that divine contact. Even a discordant thought or vibration is felt by it, for it is all-knowing, ever present, and completely aware of every thought and feeling within one. This light of Christ, or Spirit of Christ is the inner reality of each individual.

  273. “Therefore it is given to abide in you: the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment.”4 (Moses 6:61).

    “Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat.

    “For narrow is the gate and straight the way that leads to life, and few there be who find it.” (Matt. 7:13-14).

    “I am come that they might have life — and have it more abundant.”

    This abundant life for each individual is learning to live in contact with the abiding light and power of that divine contact with the Spirit of Christ, which is within. Ask this “voice of conscience”, this “still, small voice” for help and understanding when you stand upon the threshold of the tempest and it will respond, and legions shall fly to do your bidding. Rejoice with it over its approvals, and enjoy that glorious “good feeling” to the very tips of your toes as its light tingles in every fibre of your being with that divine, inner satisfaction. Learn to follow that voice to the very seat of its inner chamber — and it will lead you to the Christ — and He will reveal the Father to you as given so often in the record of St. John.

    “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.’ (II. Peter 1:16-19).

    Love that voice within. Praise it. Honor it, and it will become a constant glory in your life. Seal your ears against it and you will ensnare your soul in darkness and your life with failure.

  274. Seal the Words of God, and your heart will be deceived, by the vainglorious lies of the enemy of man’s soul. Life is about God’s glory, not our own.

  275. God always desires His children to “Gird up their loins like men.” His children must be self-reliant, not whining weaklings. He led the children of Israel for forty years in one of the most desolate spots upon this earth. Why? Because they whined, and had to be taught self-reliance and faith in God.

    • Self reliance was what they desired. But God required faith in the one true God. When we rely on self we leave the Holy Spirit. Paul said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” For God’s power is shown strongest in my weakness. The Israelites became weak under the Law, and Saints became weak under the law of Mormon.

  276. In this day He again led, or perhaps drove, his noble and great ones from the nations of the earth to this new land, to build, to conquer, to achieve — but mostly to become “MEN” — men of vision and courage and stamina — men who could stand united for democracy and truth and goodness and honor. On the State capital building of California are these words: “Bring us men to match our mountains.” The cry of America from the beginning of its development has gone up that invitation for the great and noble to come and partake of the greatness of a heritage of freedom, and to give of their strength to the land in which they live, be it village, hamlet, town or city.

    God desires a people who can pioneer in physical, scientific and spiritual fields. He desires mankind not only to understand the purpose of their existence, but to courageously cast out all fear — to march with their faces to the light, unwaveringly and uncomplainingly. He desires that they learn to humble themselves in great and mighty prayer that they might be a great people. No man is greater than his power to humble himself. He desires a people who can exercise faith to accomplish the things beyond human power.

  277. Oh, Lord God, Almighty, I glory in You with every fibre of my being, with every ounce of strength and intelligence I possess. My heart melts in gratitude before Thy great and boundless love — a love that notes the sparrow’s fall — a love that reaches into the hearts of men, to heal and bless and forgive — and enfold — a love so great it can cleanse the soul from darkness if it will only discard its pride and open to Your tenderness and compassion. Yea, let thy “Spirit cover the earth even as the waters cover the sea.” Let thy most humble ones, from the highways and the byways of earth, be brought to rejoice forever before Thee and partake of the marriage feast. Let the halt and the lame, the poor and the blind, the meek and the lowly come into Thy presence and praise thy Holy Name forever more. Let those who have drunk of the dregs of bitterness find sweetness in Thy forgiving mercy. Yea, let all the earth rejoice! Let the proud and the haughty be humbled that they might learn to find Thee, and to know Thee in their hour of great humiliation and distress. Gather them close and blot out their evil and their proud self-righteousness. Forgive, oh Lord, though they have sealed the doors of light to those who trusted in their strength and followed their vanities, and forgive all who flattered them in their worldly power. Yea, let thy arms be opened wide to all who will only turn to you in their distress, who will only “ask, seek and knock.” Yea, let the meek and the humble and those who have truly loved Thee, be exalted forever in Thy sight — and let the reign of all unrighteousness, whether in institutions, businesses, nations or churches be brought to a speedy end. Let unrighteous dominion end forever — and let thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ be brought to reign, He whose right it is to reign — so be it — Amen.

    • Let those who have drunk of the bitterness of the waters of Anallee, be delivered as well Lord, and let that anit-christ spirit within her be bound. Let the false Gospel of the Mormon bible Lord be brought low, and the doctrine of Jesus be spread abroad. Let Jesus be proclaimed as the God of creation, and the Universe.

  278. The Bible, which man has worshiped, has contained a minute record of all the laws, and those that have thought that by reading it they will have access to heaven itself, are mistaken. “The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life!” Or, as Christ proclaimed in our mis-translation — the thirty-ninth verse of the fifth chapter of Saint John, in the King James translation, it states: “Search the scripture; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.


    Only Christ can give Life. Not the scriptures unless one uses them to live by the PROMISES they contain, that they might indeed go to Christ.

    “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” (Romans 3:20).

    Abraham lived by the PROMISES through FAITH. In the third chapter of Galatians, verses eighteen and nineteen is given this marvelous bit of knowledge concerning Abraham: For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of PROMISE; but God gave it to Abraham by PROMISE.

    “Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgression, till the seed should come to whom the PROMISE was made.” And that SEED is now upon the earth!

    Not only did Abraham live by the PROMISES, but all the ancient Patriarchs before him — and those who followed him up until the time of Moses.

    The whole world has struggled along that broad, wide way that has led to destruction, or death, or that road which held only the law for generations upon generations. But now, as the time of the restitution of all things is to take place man has the privilege, at last, to return to the great and wonderful prerogative of living under the favor or liberty of the ancient Patriarchs, that they no longer need to be bowed down beneath the burden of the law. The laws are the commandments, the certified restrictions. The PROMISES are the PATHWAY OF ALL FULFILLING. They are lived by the joyous willingness to serve and to love and to glorify. They are lived by FAITH according to the righteous desiring of each living soul as he seeks to glorify God instead of himself.

  279. The work of the future is a much greater work than the work of the present-day scientists. The work of the future is to take the spiritual energy, through the great principles of Faith, and bring it into tangible form — “For faith is the substance of things hoped for,” etc. “Substance” means the material, which in this case is the “evidence of things unseen,” therefore is spiritual energy. By believing, or understanding this great spiritual force, it is possible to bring things “hoped for” into tangible form or manifestation. THIS IS FAITH. Anything short of this power is not acceptable to God. It is the power of God in the lives of men. It is really the work of the scientists in reverse. Or rather, their work is in reverse as they are working the laws of God backwards, or contrary to God’s great plan of creation. It is His will that men should take hold of this dynamic energy and light of God and create with it — not destroy with it.

  280. Ok. So tell us what you’re doing with it. What are you creating? What are you bringing into tangible form?

  281. This sacred Path of fulfilling and of unfolding glory is so clearly revealed and its powers made so plain, that as Isaiah declared, “A FOOL NEED NOT ERR THEREIN, though the wicked can never cross over.”

  282. The word “ZION” remember, means “THE PURE IN HEART!” The road to Zion is the road of the purification of the heart. And only by the purification of the heart can one ever travel it, though a fool need not err therein. This is the Pathway of LOVE in which one practices and learns to love God with all his heart. This is the road of fulfilling. And as one’s heart is purified by such dynamic love in action, he will automatically be cleansed from all sin. The very forgiveness of sin can only be accomplished through love as one forgives all who have ever trespassed against him. This is love in action. This contains the power to be cleansed (or forgiven) for all sins. It is beautiful! It is unfailing! It is truth eternal! If you wish to be cleansed from all sin, then love until it reaches out to enfold your trespassers in the glory of your own divine forgiveness. Let old grudges melt away. Let present hurts be dissipated in compassionate understanding. Let mercy caress and enfold all whom your thoughts touch. This is the power to be cleansed from all sin. And with this power all things will become subject unto you — and you can ask what you will and it will be granted. For in this great outpouring of your love “your minds and lips will have lost the power to hurt or wound and your voice will be heard among the Gods,” for you will have joined them in the upward trend of your own divinity.

    • The Bible doesn’t say, ~~’All things will become subject to you’. When you ask, in prayer, you must be obedient to the Lord Jesus. There is only one God. Jesus, and the Father. God’s doesn’t play for that. Only He is God And yet, you were saying a fool cannot err therein. But you have.

  283. “Live the Teachings and You Will Know”

    “Yes, he that repenteth and exerciseth FAITH and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing unto such is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance.” This glorious Promise was revealed centuries ago and it still stands in all the power of everlasting fulfilling and eternal PROMISE.

  284. Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE.

    This “LIVING” requires that one embeds those instructions into the living tissues of his heart, his soul and his mind until they not only become a very part of his being, THEY BECOME HIM! And HE BECOMES THAT LOVE! “For he who would interpret the wonders of the Lord would be dissolved and become that which is interpreted.”

    LIVE that First and Great Commandment and the Second One will follow naturally, without effort or striving. The developing and releasing of LOVE from the heart, soul and mind overcomes all negation, dislikes, fears, ugliness, weaknesses and human, mortal grubbiness, for these traits will be dissolved. And such a one will automatically become that LOVE! “Live the laws!” admonished Christ; “And you will KNOW!” And to KNOW requires the experience of receiving all the knowledge and the PROMISES AND POWERS pertaining to that information.

    Man has never accepted the dynamic challenge to LIVE CHRIST’S teaching. Man has only weakly affirmed his inactive endorsement of those teachings as a fullness of acceptance. And many think they are proving their belief by going forth and hammering others with their interpretations as they send forth their haranguements in discordant, sanctimonious self-righteousness. Yet Christ’s actual teachings have never been acknowledged as a Way of Life and of fulfillment or an everlasting privilege of stupendous accomplishment, crowned with every reward contained in every Promise ever given since time began.

    • God can only be your teacher through the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. How you live must be by giving up your life for His sake. You are certainly hammering. ???

  285. “And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:9).

    Who are those blessed, truly happy, and abidingly fortunate, who have been invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb? I turn to the only possible authority, that is, to the Lamb Himself. When Jesus told the parable of the king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and of the invited guests who gave various excuses as to why they couldn’t attend, while others made light of the invitation, and some even abused his messengers, he continued, “The wedding is ready, but those who were invited are not worthy. Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor, and the disabled, and the lame, and the blind. As many as you can find, invite them to come to the marriage feast.” And the servant said, “Lord, it is done just as you have commanded, and there is still room.” So the king said to the servant, “Go out into the highways and the hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

    The question follows — who are those who are invited to the marriage supper? One thing is quite certain — they are not the bride! The bride is never “invited” or “called” to her own wedding, for it is her wedding and the bridegroom himself escorts her there at his side. And if for some reason the bride “made excuse” not to be at her own wedding feast, she certainly wouldn’t be replaced by a vast crowd of unfortunate folk! The “blessed” ones are the invited guests. As a rule, in most any culture, a wedding consists of a number of guests which are friends and relatives of the bridegroom and bride. Every marriage feast is filled with guests! In its spiritual meaning, they are redeemed ones no less than the wife, but they have not attained to the same degree of relationship, intimacy, glory, or honor. Certainly that vast throng that sings, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor unto Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come and His wife hath made herself ready,” are not themselves the wife, for they sing of the wife, and they rejoice with the Lamb and His wife!

    The bride, on the other hand, is composed of those elect saints who live in most intimate communion and union with the Bridegroom. Who can deny that there are vast multitudes of believers who know Christ as Saviour and rejoice in the blessed knowledge that they are forgiven and are redeemed children of God, but have never themselves matured into that true godly submission in the love of a woman that is so pure and intense that she wants to yield herself completely to the high desires of her husband — a woman so in love with her man that it transcends friendship or even infatuation — her submission becomes a willing and loving laying down of her own life until she no longer has a life because HER LIFE IS SURRENDERED TOTALLY TO ANOTHER! Her cry becomes, “I don’t want my life…I want to share yours.” Oh! Most Christians know so little of HOW TO BE A BRIDE! They know how to be “sinners saved by grace,” and many know how to be “servants” of God, but only the blessed Holy Spirit can teach us how to truly BE a bride!

    The question is just this — Do we really love Christ, or are we merely using Him? When we are mere children, we love Him out of a childish, immature love. We love Him primarily for what He gives us and does for us. When you hear someone testify, “I love the Lord because He saved me,” or “I love the Lord because He healed me.” or “I love the Lord because He answers my prayers and supplies all my needs,” you know you listen to the testimony of a child, imperfect in love. That kind of talk is like the girl who married a rich man and confessed, “I love John because he provides me with a fabulous beach house, a new Mercedes, a mink coat, and a $5000.00 weekly allowance!” Obviously, she loves John ONLY FOR HIS MONEY! Should John lose his wealth her love would soon die away like grass upon a lawn. And untold millions of immature Christians, the “little children” of God, profess to love God basically out of those same selfish and self-centered motives!

    Do we know what it means to come into His sweet presence, asking nothing for ourselves, but only reaching out to HIM with gratitude and thanksgiving for loving us so completely? Haven’t we been most selfish and ego-centric in our prayers? We will pray for God to save America from judgment. “Spare us — don’t judge us,” we cry. “Give us, meet us, help us, bless us, strengthen us, deliver us, heal us, prosper us, use us, protect us,” on and on goes the list of our petitions! That is all good in its place, but the focus is still on US. IT IS NOT THE CRY OF THE BRIDE! Even in our work for Him we have become selfish and self-centered. We want Him to bless our service to Him to prove that our faith is genuine. We seek to be considered diligent, capable, successful — as a sign of His blessing upon us. The focus is always on the benefit derived, rather than the pure adoration of love. But the claims of the Bridegroom are paramount upon the bride — she is to love Him, not for His gifts, not for what He can do for her or make of her, but for HIMSELF! The true heart of a wife loves her husband FOR WHO AND WHAT HE IS! It’s not about the bride, it’s about the Bridegroom! “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor unto HIM…” When a wife really, deeply, fully loves her husband, she loves him just as much if they are poor and have nothing. As God brings forth a people into brideship to Christ, this people is coming to love our Lord Jesus Christ out of a pure heart for who He is and not because of the blessings and benefits received. Children are always excited about the GIFT, but the bride is excited about the GIVER!

    I feel assured that the foregoing truths will aid us in understanding that there are many guests at the marriage of the Lamb who are not the bride, but are very dear friends and relatives of the Bridegroom and the bride. There are many saints who shall enter into realms of glory in God’s great and eternal kingdom, but they will not be of that elect company which makes up the bride of the Lamb. They know the Lamb, they love Him and have a relationship with Him on some level, but are not drawn by that irresistible love which craves ultimate union with Him. These will indeed inherit heavenly glory and its bliss as servants, attendants, and guests at the wedding of the Lamb! They shall have a part: but that part is not the higher part of the perfected and beautified bride. Still, they are invited to share with the Bridegroom and the bride the joy and gladness and bountiful provision of the marriage supper! This may include all those Christians now in the church systems. The church systems are ill prepared for that glorious union to come! But they will most certainly be prepared by the Spirit to have a share in its glory, by being cleansed from their corrupt and unholy affiliation with the Babylonish systems of man, and of all their many false doctrines, by the fiery purgings of the Spirit of the Lord! They will receive their call, their “invitation” to the wedding, and they will wear a wedding garment provided by the Lord of the wedding feast, but it will not be the fine linen, clean and white, of the bride. It is a lesser glory!

    • You would do well do go to Bible school or Church and be instructed, simply because this is not the gospel of Jesus. I must pray for your salvation. it is only in Jesus. Christ is Jesus.

  286. There is only one possible way to follow this path He marked, that is to LIVE IT. For this reason it has been known as the “straight and narrow road and difficult to find” or travel. All the theorizing in the world will not fulfill it. All the billions of words gathered into sermons have not fulfilled it. All the teachings of all the churches in Christendom have not fulfilled it. This Way that Christ marked is the Way within each man as he seeks to overcome himself and his weaknesses in a devotion that is beyond words and creeds — and even churches. It is the Way of overcoming as one follows Him Who marked the path that leads to Life eternal — the Way whereby a man can actually know God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, Whom He hath sent. This does not mean to know about them. It means to KNOW THEM. “Live these laws He gave, and you will know whether they be of God, or whether Christ was just giving out words as the ministers today do.”

    There are those who actually say that it is blasphemy to think one could live as Christ lived or to imagine that one is “To be perfect, even as the Father in heaven is perfect”. “These are the ones who are built upon a sandy foundation and tremble lest they shall fall.” Because of their inward wickedness they fear, knowing that they could not reach so great a glory without giving up their sins which they love, and their weaknesses which they cannot, or will not, make the effort to overcome. And they deny the very teachings of Jesus Christ. But their voice is only the voice of the weak and wicked ones who refuse to live His laws that they might know. They would not make the effort to overcome one transgressing weakness for all the promises He gave.

    Let their dried-up voices seek to deter you if you will. Join them if you like. But if you have any power to believe, or to desire, or hope to fulfill the promises Christ gave, then arise and begin to shake off the dust of ages and the sleep of centuries and follow that call crying in your own soul. Only listen to His Voice as it calls to you from within and open that door! Open it through love and praise and worship!

    • John said in his Epistles, “If we say we have no sin, we lie, and do not the Truth.” Perfection can be received, only from Jesus. Jesus is the Christ.

  287. The power of God is as great today as it was when He said, “Let there be light, and there was light!” It is as great now as it was in the days of Moses when dust turned to lice, ashes to boils and the Red Sea divided at the word of a man inspired by God. His power is as great today as it was in the days of Christ when the lepers were healed, the blind made to see, the lame to walk, and in the dynamic words that have rung down the ages, “Lazarus, come forth!” The power of God did not die with the Apostles of Jesus Christ. It is still waiting to be brought forth in the heart of any man who will only open his soul to receive it, and his mind to understand…

    • Yes, but first you must acknowledge Jesus, as your God. You have not said it is So, within your heart. Jesus is the Christ, and He is God. Jesus is the one who is responsible for your soul, and not just what you think about yourself or others, only He can be your judge, for good, or for any matters of the heart, not what you esteem yourself to be, whether high or low. This judgment comes from His Word.

      • when some say christ, they leave out johova, and alah, and mohomad, and mormon, and all other names. so i want to show the difference between christ and christlike.

        a lot of people have it wrong when it comes to going through christ. they still think christ is a man( even though christ is in ALL MEN)..
        if you reject all other names for christ, then you are not going through christ. but if you can accept all other NAMES as being within christs, then your closer to doing things THROUGH CHRIST…

        if you can see christ in ALL MEN(spirit to flesh), then you are being christlike.
        some use christ as though no one will live up to the expectations. but to be aligned with christ(christlike), then we have to see christ in EACHOTHER(no person is left out of the eternal BEING)…

        god is a doorway(the earth itself). On one side of god, we have the HUMAN HEART(which lives within the eternal). and on the other side of god, we have the ETERNAL HEART(the father). the result is SOURCE OF MANIFEST(for ALL MEN(as eternal beings)). Again, i am not a man, and as not being a man, i see t hat you are not a man also(even as you see yourself and others as man). when we tell eachother, that everthing is the DEVIL, then as you reject the devil, you are rejecting christ. but to even LOVE the devil is to love christ(step into)(be the healing).

        if you were to create a chemestry reaction, some may do step a, but think its ok to skip step B, and will do step C and D.
        but only through christ(steb B), can we all find that of which we seek. we tend to skip B in the NAME of B…

        when it comes to LORD, we all must understand t hat LORD is a LABEL in which we all see eachother in the HIGHEST HONORS(see christ(and all names(laws)) in all)..
        if you cannot see LORDSHIP within me, or i was to not SEE LORDSHIP within you, or any of us not see lordship in everyone else, then we cannot be one with the lord(IN ALL MEN(as eternal BROTHERS)… we change the meanings of the words as we have FORGOTEN the eternal KNOWLEDGE… you have to STEP INTO the knowledge to bring out HEAVEN onto the world(we are all lords(ONE IN ALL(HOLY))….
        when we AWAKEN, man will no longer exist. the world will be of ONE BODY as we become the ELEMENTS(of the FLOW OF GOD of the ETERNAL(father itself)).

        LOVE ALL, as you are that love….

  288. The written world is a shadow of the spiritual world as God described it to Moses. The natural is an explanation of the spiritual. Everything has parallels. The Bible is also written on different levels and as God elevates one’s mind…”as He draws” us to Himself, we gradually become as He is.

    One can never see above where he is until God permits that individual to see beyond the natural. Some in this life will never see what another sees as all callings are not the same, however the requirements of overcoming is…to love your neighbor as yourself.” We all must overcome the carnal mind within us. There is nothing without that can stop our journey to the likeness and character of God…except…we ourselves. Our enemy is that one within, the carnal mind which is enmity with God and the spirit of God that is within us. Both cannot rule on this one throne within. The evil carnal man must go, he must be cast out.

    The greater and higher the calling the greater the discipline and test. Just as it is in the natural, greater professions require much more training and discipline. In order to bring humanity to maturity Christ had to suffer and be tempted in all points as we are. It is a necessity. You can’t teach and have empathy for another unless you’ve been in like situations. In this life, the second tier or the sixty fold of the religious realm does not see past the shadow or the natural realm of prayer and serving. To argue and debate with a blind man because he cannot see, although he says he does, is foolish for the one who sees beyond the blinded natural eye. We give it patience and long suffering to a point…then we shake the dust (carnal obstinance) loose and move on with no ill will or intent. Just leave them to the lord to correct them.

    When one is angry, he has an angry God. When one is vengeful, and condemning, so likewise is their God. It is only when we have crossed over do we see God as He is..and we then become as He is. When we read the book of Revelations with a natural, carnal mind, we see chaos, destruction and a vengeful God toward the evil in the world. Many a people have ended up insane and in mental institutions from “ministers” teaching a vengeful God from these natural pictures, not ever being called to teach or preach the true meaning of this book. The very first line tell us what the rest of the book is about…”the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Are we to believe that we are asked to become like Him, and let this mind be in us which was also in Him and believe this is the mind of God and Christ as described in this book?

    Once the symbol is brought to light and we understand that this entire book of Revelations is a spiritual book with spiritual meanings and it is a book about “good things to come, it turns from a natural book full of chaos, dread and fear into one of peace, loving anticipation of the future and a lack of fear. The book is only about love conquering evil….and this book to be understood in its significance, one must have the revelation that it all happens within the temple of God in which we are. This is a hard saying to the natural man, and these true revelations will be met by them with anger and condemnation from their carnal mind. These are taught of the false religious woman in revelation which is made up of all the thousands of labels , the false church which expounds Christ in word but not in love or in deed. However to those who have been granted to come up higher…it is because they see and search for love in the meanings…of all the is there if we look for the positive in every line…this is because there is no evil in the end, just in the means to the end…the love and likeness of our Father.

    What we search for is what we receive just as we reap what we sow. Sow condemnation, avarice, and religious “works” and we get our hearts desire until we come to the end of ourselves and come to understand we speak the word “love” but we only mean it with boundaries for certain ones of certain beliefs. This is because some partake of divisions, factions and parties which is the traits of the false church or the woman in revelation.

    When we come to understand that all means all in our order and time, God’s plan is an all inclusive plan and the only loss is the loss of evil within each of us until we all stand in the faith of unity in God. When we see hell and heaven in their proper perspectives and where they are, spiritually speaking, we have peace. We will then be on one plane, with one vision, and with one Father…that is not divisive or factious in His one plan for the redemption of all people. All the law and prophets teach one thing…one love..for others as for yourself…and we without doubt will all walk in the same cleanness of mind…when death is no more…within. Death for the most part is just a bad and self righteous attitude about God and others.

    When we see a person that is the lowest of the low in their current behavior, we with vision see the potential and the end of that person in “His” likeness as well. With this God given vision what is there not to love? If you do not have this vision you do not have agape are still factious and divisive and your love has boundaries…which is sin. Love has no boundaries so if yours does…it has not yet matured. Love cast out fear…of loving.

  289. God has a plan, a wonderful Kingdom program for this earth and every person on this earth. You might be surprised to discover how many people go through life—some of them even go to church and speak in tongues—but never truly realize that God has a plan and purpose for them and for the ages. Friends, things are not just “happening” with God. He didn’t fling this earth out in space and then sit back and say, “Whatever will be, will be.” God has a plan and He works all things after the counsel of His own will. God is sovereign and nothing shall thwart His plan. once you begin to see yourself as a vital part of that plan and purpose, that what He has planned and purposed for your life will not be defeated or stopped, you will then begin to walk forth in victory and in life. But, precious friend of mine, let me assure you that this won’t come just because you give mental assent to it and make a positive confession—this comes only as we bring our lives into conformity with God’s priorities. We need to understand what God’s priorities are and then flow with those priorities. The Lord’s people are dabbling around with so many non-essentials, playing little church games, majoring in minors! The real purpose for which God sent Jesus into the world was to ESTABLISH ON THE EARTH HIS KINGDOM! And His ultimate purpose is that the kingdoms of this world shall experientially become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ. That is the plan of the ages. The prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, and which vast multitudes unheedingly repeat by rote, says, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done…” Where? “On earth as it is in heaven.”
    The all-wise and omnipotent Creator planted within man’s very nature a tendency to form into tribes, clans, colonies and nations with some kind of government, having a patriarch, chief, or king. Every kingdom requires a king. You cannot have a kingdom without a king. Neither can you have a king without a kingdom. The king must have a sphere over which he rules with absolute authority. If you don’t believe that ask Constantine 11, exiled king of Greece, who for a time lived in Italy and now lives in London. He is no king— he doesn’t have a kingdom. He is out of a job. A true king must have a kingdom.
    For people living today, living under democratic governments in the western world and in the twentieth century, the word “kingdom” is not at all a natural term- to use. We know a lot about governments and politics, but very little about a kingdom. In Bible days, however, this was not the case. Most nations were then ruled by a king. The king was not elected by the people and he ruled with absolute authority—the king’s word was law. Today, when our elected officials are held more accountable for their actions, I’m not sure we can begin to appreciate the absolute power of an ancient monarch. A thousand years ago, when a king spoke, people trembled. Subjects didn’t say, “I’ll, ah…take that into consideration, your majesty.” What they replied was, “Yes, your majesty!” The closest modern equivalent I can think of would be a decision handed down by the United States Supreme Court. You wouldn’t argue with it, you would just accept it. And yet, that doesn’t even come close. In the New Testament just a word from king Herod was enough to slaughter all the male children in Bethlehem two years old and younger. A king like Herod might be hated, but because of his position and power he was still treated with great respect.
    Today there are few kings left in the world, and those that still bear the name actually wield very little power. They are kings by title only. The kingdoms of today are a rather hybrid form, that is, a figurehead as a king, yet the kingdom is ruled by some kind of assembly or parliament. They are constitutional monarchs and present to us a picture far different from the king in ancient times. The idea of doing obeisance before someone and being obedient to his every wish and command is foreign to us if not even repulsive. The very thought of not being in control of their own lives has not even entered very many men’s minds. We in this country are used to “freedom” and any “kings” that come along may have some difficulty asserting their influence over us. Alas! that is the very reason so many Christians today have found no entrance into the Kingdom of God! They want God’s grace and His blessings, but are submitted to His authority very little.
    We have now come to the most sublime of all truths. Our hearts should bow in holy reverence and rejoice that the heavens are opened and that the mind of Christ is coming to dwell in men. We should be glad with joy unspeakable and full of glory that the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are being unveiled within our very hearts. The light of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and revelation is shed with its quickening and illuminating rays upon our understanding, dispelling the mists, dividing the light from the darkness, that all the elect sons of God may find an abundant entrance into the Kingdom of God in this great Day.
    May the blessed spirit of truth make very real to all who read these lines that the phrase “the Kingdom of God” is only a manner of speaking. That is why Jesus never said, “The Kingdom of God is such and such,” but always, “the Kingdom of God is like such and such.” He explained the Kingdom in terms of parables and metaphors. There is actually no such entity as the Kingdom. It is not a kind of visible structure or outward establishment that God sets up. “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there!” It is rather God Himself exerting His rightful power to actually rule by His Spirit over all people, to bring them consciously under His control, to subdue them to His purposes. and direct them by His will. When Jesus speaks of the Kingdom as “coming,” He does not mean some “thing” or some “age” or something else which is to appear or begin. He speaks of God Himself making His rule effective in the hearts and affairs of men. May God help us to see the great and eternal truth that when we speak of the Kingdom of God we are talking about something that has no existence at all apart from GOD HIMSELF. Just as we speak of the grace of God, the mercy of God, the love of God, the wisdom of God, the righteousness of God, or the power of God, we deceive ourselves if we think of them as having some tangible existence apart from God Himself. They are merely verbal ways of describing God Himself as He acts and manifests out of His state of being. So the Kingdom of God is a way of speaking of God Himself as He moves in power and glory and goodness and wisdom and righteousness to influence and rule in the hearts and activities of men!

    It is significant to note that the phrases “Kingdom of God” and “Kingdom of Heaven” are not to be found in the Old Testament. They are strictly New Testament terms beginning with John the Baptist and Jesus. When Jesus came He did not preach a message called grace, or salvation, or justification, or sanctification, or regeneration, or even the Church. Could there be any more glorious message than the one that fell from His lips as He began His sonship ministry declaring, “The KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND!” From that time forward the great teaching of the Lord centered in the truth of THE KINGDOM. His gospel was the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of God. He only lightly touched on the other subjects which today are considered the great doctrines of the Church and then only as they related to the Kingdom. All of these things are included within the Kingdom, but the Kingdom is none of them. The Kingdom is THE RULE OF GOD. It is the DOMINION OF GOD. That is exactly what it is. And Jesus came with just that message—the revelation of the RULE OF GOD within the hearts of men, and through men, over the earth, yea, over the whole vast universe! First He must reign completely in our lives. The Kingdom of God is God in Christ in the saints governing the creation of God. The rule of God begins in the hearts of His elect.
    Jesus, after His resurrection, asked Peter three times if he loved Him. He then said to him: “When you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and Another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go.” Commenting on these words, the Holy Spirit adds: “This Jesus said to show by what death Peter was to glorify God” (Jn. 21:1819). The expressions when you were young and when you are old speak of two distinct periods in Peter’s life. They indicate His walk before and after entering the Kingdom. The reference to his past (when Peter was young) and to his future (when he would be old) is not a reference to age but to spiritual immaturity and maturity. Emphasis in the first statement in on the pronoun you (“you girded yourself, you walked where you would”). During this period, Peter’s walk with the Lord was a walk which centered on self—on where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do for the Lord. How impetuous was he in his desires! But the day would come when Peter, subject to Jesus as his King, would allow the Lord to do with him as He willed.
    The words another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go succinctly describe the walk of the Kingdom. The another here refers to the Lord. The walk of the Kingdom is far from easy and unlike anything we have experienced in the past. Whereas the Lord tolerated and even overlooked the many inconsistencies in our walk when we were young (immature), He now subjects us to a discipline of fire until His image is formed in us (Mal. 3:2-3). Every part of our being—spirit, soul, and body—must come under His dominion. All our strongholds will be exposed and reduced to ashes, and every thought made captive to the obedience of Christ (II Cor. 10:3-5). In the Kingdom we come to know God as an all-consuming fire— not to destroy but to purge and sanctify us (Heb. 12:29). “Who among us,” asks the prophet Isaiah, “can dwell with the devouring fire?” The answer: “He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gains of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from looking upon evil, he will dwell on the heights…his bread will be given him, his water will be sure. Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; they will behold a land (the Kingdom) that stretches afar” (Isa. 33:14-17).
    The epistle to the Hebrews was written to those who were following on to know the Lord. In the twelfth chapter the writer informs his readers that God wanted to wean them from their babyhood walk in God and that which appealed to their physical senses in order to introduce them to that which was real and lasting—the Kingdom. To experience the Kingdom, they would have to forsake the elementary principles which the whole church world glories in today, and go on to perfection. Jesus as King would become the living reality of their lives. But for this to happen, their earth and heavens first had to be shaken. That the earth in us (our humanity) must be shaken before we can enter into the Kingdom is a truth very few would deny. But that our heavens (religious experiences, concepts, understandings, ministries, activities) must also be shaken before we can receive the Kingdom is another matter. To realize all that God has for us as His sons in the walk of the Kingdom, our earth and heavens must give way to a new order—to a new earth and heaven. Not a new earth of mountains and valleys and streams and trees; not a new heavens of galaxies, solar systems, suns, planets and moons; but a NEW HUMANITY AND NEW SPIRITUAL DIMENSION. Only then can we know what the Kingdom really is and how to walk in it and minister it to creation. All religious activity apart from the realm of the Kingdom is nought but hay, wood, and stubble. It makes very impressive edifices, but it is not the Kingdom of God, and will disappear forever in the all-consuming fire of God.

    There are many strange ideas around about the difference between the terms “Kingdom of God” and “Kingdom of Heaven”. It has been taught that the Kingdom of God is spiritual and heavenly, whereas the Kingdom of Heaven is temporal and earthly, and that the two cannot be mixed. Actually, if there were any truth in that, it still sounds backwards! Some say that the Kingdom of God is an eternal kingdom of God over all and that the Kingdom of Heaven is an earthly and temporal program, some future divine dynasty to be established on earth, and that it is of special significance only to the Jews, who, still awaiting their Messiah, will see His righteous government in control of the world, and in their hands, during the Millennium. Others assume that the Kingdom of Heaven means a kingdom in heaven, so they are waiting to die so they can go to their kingdom in heaven where they intend to spend eternity strumming harps and dancing up and down the streets of gold.
    Ignorant men have long tried to make a distinction between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, as though they were two separate kingdoms. They often explain that the Kingdom of Heaven embraces the “Church age” and the Kingdom of God will be set up during the “Millennium”. The simple truth is that the two terms are used interchangeably in numerous places in scripture. To cite only a few of several examples, when Matthew recorded the Sermon on the Mount he quoted Jesus as saying, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their’s is the kingdom of heaven. ” But when Luke recorded the same saying of Jesus he said, “Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.” Again, Matthew quoted the Lord, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the law and the prophets prophesied until John” (Mat. 11:12-13). Luke says, “The law and the prophets were until John: from that time the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached, and every man entereth violently into it” (Lk. 16:16). In these two passages the messenger spoken of in both cases is John. His message was said to begin where the law and the prophets left off. His message was announcing a kingdom. In one passage that kingdom is called the Kingdom of God, while in the other it is called the Kingdom of Heaven. The time was the same, the man was the same, the message was the same, and the kingdom was the same in both cases.
    Our Lord’s instructions upon sending out the twelve were, according to Matthew, “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat. 10:7). According to Luke, “He sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick” (Lk. 9:2). Certainly Jesus did not preach two conflicting messages at the same time! Certainly He was not announcing two separate and distinct kingdoms and declaring them both to be at hand! These, and many other passages, show the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are one and the same. Yet — there is a difference! God does not have TWO KINGDOMS—He has only ONE. There is not one Kingdom of God and another Kingdom of Heaven. There is only one Kingdom. However each of these two terms is not without its special significance. For, you see, heaven is a REALM and God is a PERSON. The Kingdom has its origin in the REALM OF HEAVEN, and in the PERSON OF GOD. The term “Kingdom of Heaven” denotes, on the one hand, from whence (from what place, location, realm or dimension) the Kingdom proceeds, while the term “Kingdom of God” reveals, on the other hand, from whom (from what person or being) the Kingdom originates. When we consider these two items, place and person, it immediately follows that as to REALM the Kingdom is out of the heavenlies,but as to PERSON the Kingdom comes from God. It is called the Kingdom OF God because it is from and by God. He is the Instigator and Head of the Kingdom. It is called the Kingdom OF Heaven because it has its inception in heaven—the invisible realm of Spirit.
    The prophet Daniel brings the two together when by inspiration he says, “And in the days of these kings shall the GOD (person) of HEAVEN (place, realm) set up A KINGDOM, which shall never be destroyed” (Dan. 2:44). Jesus then brings the two together when He says to Pilate, “MY (person) kingdom is not of THIS WORLD (place, realm): for if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now MY (person) kingdom is not from HENCE (place, realm)” (Jn. 18:36). Through their relationship we understand there cannot be a Kingdom of Heaven without the presence of God. On the other hand, where the presence of God is, there is a manifestation of Heaven’s Life.
    Ah, then, this Kingdom of God may also be called the Kingdom of Heaven! To call, then, the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven is to ascribe to the Kingdom of God every heavenly and spiritual perfection. The Kingdom of God is, for example, heavenly in its origin—that origin is the bosom of the eternal Father. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its purpose—that purpose is to restore creation to its original glory. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its king—that king is the Son of the Highest, Head and body. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its subjects—those subjects are the children of God. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its nature—that nature is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its entrance—that gateway is not by birth of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but by birth of God. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its laws—those laws are not ordinances, rules, or regulations—they are spiritual principles. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its method—that method is not by might, nor by power, nor by the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but by the Spirit of the living God. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its prerogatives—those prerogatives are for the sons of God to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, a kingdom of priests after the order of Melchizedek, saviours on mount Zion. The Kingdom of God is heavenly in its privileges—those privileges are to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ to the inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. In brief, the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Heaven—it is the Kingdom of Heaven because it is the kingdom or dominion of the GOD OF HEAVEN!

  292. Yes, God is in complete control.

    Nothing happens by accident or happenstance with God. God makes no mistakes and there is none who can thwart or cause His plan to be altered in the least of ways. The minuteness of each second of our life is as carefully planned out as the number of our hairs are numbered. We serve a sovereign God where everything is ordered of and by Him. Our trials, our testing and our reproof, is of God. The book of Job is a book of “you”. If one believes in another being that has power to thwart God’s plan even in the slightest of detail, then they worship a God of weakness and failure. No one has ever took any power from God, not for one second. What He gives and what He allows is fully within His power to do so…

    How can we trust Him if we think He has failed or has the ability to do so? There is no war in heaven nor has there ever been where the word failure and the loss of one second of power of God are connected. What God allows, He allows and none can stay His hand. We should have a trust that our end is as secure as His promise to us that we “shall” be made in His likness. Peace, contentment, faith and trust are ours to possess when we understand we are as finished in His mind, as though we already are. Now with patience we wait for the promise. The promise and the gifts are not the same for the promise of eternal life is to all, whereas the gifts are according to the level of obedience we attain.

    It is all good….


    What holy assurance stirs within as the Spirit of God floods our souls with the divine understanding of truth so sublime as this: “For BY HIM were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created BY HIM and FOR HIM: and He is before all things, and BY HIM all things consist” (Col. 1:16-17). Your whole outlook on life will change from one of fear and dread to one of blessed assurance and confidence with the entrance of the understanding that ALL THINGS are vassals of His power, His dominion, and His control, and ALL THINGS are in His hands. Nothing exists without His consent. None acts without His orders or prospers without His blessing. In His omnipotent hands the nations of the earth in all their vaunted might and power are but dust upon the scales. You will not spend sleepless nights worrying about the Chinese, or the Russians, or the terrorists when your heart rests assured that God has ordained all these things for His purpose and He is in control of them all as well as your life and mine.
    Oh, the unfathomablenesss of the wisdom and power of our God! How can mortal minds even begin to comprehend it? He is the omnipotent and omniscient Source of everything. He speaks and atoms come into existence. He utters His voice and light shines into the darkness. He commands and billions of galaxies appear. He breathes and life begins to flow. By the manipulation of His fingers He sets the stars in their courses and with the span of His hand He measures the heavens. He sets bars and boundaries for the oceans. He says to them, “Thus far and no farther, and here shall thy proud waves be stopped.” They may beat upon the shore and run up the beaches, but they have to fall back into the boundaries God set for them. “Praise ye Him, all ye His angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts. Praise ye Him, sun and moon: praise ye Him, all ye stars of light. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: for He commanded and they were created. He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: He hath made a decree that shall not pass. Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling His word: mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars; beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl: kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: let them praise the name of the Lord: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above earth and heaven” (Ps. 148:2-13).
    Oh, my soul, what words are these! All things on earth and throughout the unbounded heavens are under His command. The whole creation, like a great machine, every part working in precise coordination with each other, all fulfilling the purpose they were designed to do. Even fire and hail, the snow and vapors, and the stormy wind fulfilling His word. Everything obeying the will of the Almighty. All accomplishing their designed purpose in the great scheme of creation. Listen in reverence to these divine words, “A man’s heart deviseth his way, but the LORD directeth his steps” (Prov. 16:9). “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of waters He turneth it whithersoever He wills” (Prov. 21: 1). “The steps of a man are ordered of the LORD, and He delighteth in his way” (Ps. 37:23).
    The Lord whom we worship controls the hearts of all kings, presidents, prime ministers and rulers whether they realize it or not; God it is who is ordaining their paths and directing their ways. He turns their heart in the direction He wants them to go. He raised up Pharaoh for a purpose, and it was the Lord Himself who kept hardening his heart (Ex. 7:3,13). Now I, like many who read these lines, was raised up with the mentality that somehow the devil got the whole thing and that the earth belongs to “the prince of the power of the air” and “the god of this world.” No, it doesn’t! The word of the prophet is wonderfully true, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Ps. 24:1). God owns it all and He gives it to whom He wills. He has the right to appoint stewards over creation based on His purpose and their faithfulness, regardless of moral, religious, or other considerations.Let’s look at three people in the scripture whom God raised up to rule the earth. Isaiah talks about Cyrus, the Persian king whom God put in charge of the earth (Isa. 44:24 to 45:7). God called Cyrus “My shepherd.” That’s astounding, to think that God would raise up a heathen king to accomplish His purposes in the earth. But the Lord says, “I will raise up Cyrus, My shepherd, and he is to rule over the whole thing by My divine appointment.” In Daniel 4:28-37, we discover that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, ruled by God’s divine appointment. If we think of the Kingdom of God as a democracy, we are falling short in our thinking. There’s only one vote—and it’s God’s. He says, “I’m going to appoint you, Nebuchadnezzar, and you’re going to be the king and you’re going to rule and you’re going to fulfill all my will, and I’ll establish you in all the earth. And I’ll give you wisdom and power and might and majesty.” He promised it to him and it happened. Then when Nebuchadnezzar started thinking that he had done it himself, God said, “I’ll take it from you.”
    God took the kingdom from Nebuchadnezzar by causing him to lose his mind for a season. He went insane and lived in the wilderness, ate grass like a cow, had long hair all over his body, and his fingernails grew like bird claws. At the end of this humbling experience, Nebuchadnezzar repented and blessed the God of heaven as the only source of all kingdoms and powers and confessed that God was fully able to “humble those who walk in pride.” If we look again in Daniel, we find that Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, had the same problem with pride that his father did, and so God also smote him in an instant and took away his kingdom.
    Almighty God raises up kings, and casts them down at will. He drowns the mighty Pharaoh in the depths of the sea, and puts His hand on a little shepherd boy tending the sheep and makes him the greatest king the world has ever known. He tells us what is going to happen on the morrow, and casts the shadow of events that will happen in the years and ages to come. He can do all this because He planned it all, created it all, and controls it all; and it will all work out the way He has planned. In spite of men, angels, or demons His purpose is always fulfilled. He is the eternal King and the only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords! What a mighty God we serve! If the God we worship were less than this, we would be in trouble. We serve a God who is guiding us, our loved ones, our president, the governors of our states, the kings and princes and rulers and even our enemies unto the ends of the earth. His mighty hands are in all things and the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. In due time all will see the fullness of all this.
    I cannot emphasize too strongly that the will of God is sovereign. It is done in the long run everywhere and always. His thoughts are carried out; His laws are enforced; His purposes are accomplished. Man may delay them, defy them, deny them, set himself up with utmost strength against them; but he can no more resist and defeat them than he can push back the ocean tide. The world moves on in the course that He has marked for it. Not in a straight line—the wickedness and perversity of men may push it back a little with His permission; they drag it to the right and left of the true direction; but it returns again and pursues its resistless course until the goal of the Almighty is reached. As Nebuchadnezzar said long ago, “He doeth His will among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay His hand or say unto Him, What doest Thou?”
    Nations and kings and the great ones of the earth are like clay in the hands of the potter. “He girds them though they have not known Him.” He uses their very folly as an instrument of His wisdom. He makes their wrath to praise Him, and the remainder of that wrath cloth He restrain. The greatest crimes that have ever been committed have been wonderfully used by Him to further His truth and justice in the world. The crucifixion of Christ made Christ the world’s Saviour. The slaying of the saints prepared the way for the triumph of the early Church. The burning of the English martyrs made England Protestant. The atrocities of the Spaniards led to the establishment of the Anglo-Saxon race on the American Continent. Out of the hugest evil God’s foreseeing mind works good, and the march towards the perfect day goes on in spite of the craft and strength of devils and men.

    • Yes, “all” things work together for those whom God has drawn to love Him, in spirit and in truth. Good “and” evil work toward one common completion which is the kingdom of God to appear within His creation, Christ the “first fruits” and then all the others as the “first fruits” help to bring “all” others to His likeness. This is the chronological order of things. The one Christ brought the many to Himself through His mighty works and when He told His disciples that they would do greater works than even He, is it hard to understand that an army of Christ’s can do more than one? It is to these the mysteries and the symbols are revealed to in the scriptures. These understandings are nothing to be “proud” of as the carnal man would be proud of through his boast, for these revelations are the very things which humble us and give us direction to His spirit. It is the love of God, His character and likeness that all of the law and prophets reveal. It is the revealing of Christ we find in Revelation in all of His goodness and likeness. When we understand the book of Revelation is a revealing of “our” Christ (anointing) within and that all of the trumpets and seals being opened are but progressions and growths to our standing in His likeness and character, we will understand that all of the “calamity” recorded in this book is toward the carnal mind of man….in us.

      Yes, the shaking and all the rumblings of “this” earth must continue until all that can be shaken is shaken from us of the carnal mind. Our earth must be brought into subjection the the will of the spirit. We will never see the kingdom while we are looking without for signs and wonders. The smoke and the locust that arises out of the smoke are but the imaginations of the carnal mind and the resulting damage done by the locust is but our own works of our imagination of what we think the likeness of Christ is. However when all of the fallen away has fallen away, the only thing left is the Christ (anointing) within. The kingdom of God does not come by observation so the book of Revelation is a spiritual book, revealing what cannot be observed with the natural eye. If one is looking for these natural events to transpire they will be standing and looking not ever understanding that they have came and went in those who have received the spirit to see. And when it is those who are left, turn to see when they are drawn to see, by these first fruits, “all” will stand in the kingdom of the spirit. There will be natural things that will come and go however, shadows, mysteries and symbols are only pictures and imaginations of the true. We must rightly divide the word of God and we will, when the spirit is given to us to do so…then we will have given up the symbol of the things for the true…Christ within. Truth, love and likeness all happens in the spirit…within. Again, the kingdom does not come by outward observation.

      It is all good.

  295. The glorious Son of God is the One in whom the unapproachable and utterly incomprehensible glory of God is made manifest. As we only know the sun by the light that shines from it, so is Christ THE OUTSHINING, the revelation OF GOD’S GLORY. As the light that shines from the sun is of one nature with it, so the Son is of one nature with the Father and is Himself called “the everlasting Father.” As the light that shines from the sun is of one substance with it, so the Son is THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS SUBSTANCE and is Himself called “the Mighty God.” Someone may be tempted to think that these are mysteries too deep for the ordinary Christian, and not needful for our walk in God. And they are inclined to ask, of what importance it can be to a believer to know all this. My brother, think not thus. It is all important that we know the glory of Jesus. The more the soul is filled with that glory, the more it will see with what confidence it can count upon Him to do a divine and supernatural work within us, and to lead us to an actual living out of the glory of the Son in our lives. Oh, let us not be so selfish and mean as to be content with the hope that Jesus saves us, while we are careless of laying hold upon the great and gracious PURPOSE for which He has saved us – that we may be CONFORMED INTO HIS IMAGE. If not for our sake, then for God’s sake, for the sake of His infinite love and grace, let us seek to know aright this blessed Son whom the Father has given us. Let us turn away from earth, that in the knowing of Him our own lives may be transformed, until He, who is the outshining of the divine glory, shines into our very heart, and He, to whom the Father has given such a place as Creator and Upholder and Heir of all, take that place within us too, and be to us the beginning and the center and the end of all; until He who IS THE IMAGE OF GOD so possesses our beings that we become the outshining of God’s glory and the express image of His Person.

    “Let us make man in our image,” said the Lord, whose purposes stand forever and whose hand shall never cease from man until the very last vestige of the image of Self and of Satan has been obliterated from the universe. There is neither time nor space to enlarge on this truth at present, but hear briefly the hope God has in store when He has completed the creation of man in His image. Paul wrote to the Romans, “In my opinion whatever we may have to go through now is less than nothing compared with the magnificent future God has planned for us. The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the Sons of God coming into their own. The world of creation cannot as yet see reality, not because it chooses to be blind, but because in God’s purpose it has been so limited – yet it has been given hope. And the hope is that in the end the whole of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change and decay, and have its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to the children of God!” (Rom 8:18-21, Phillips). Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God. His perfection as a man was completed two thousand years ago. He is the image of the Father. Next in order come the younger sons of God, the extension and increase of the second Adam race of New Creation men. Our redemption draweth nigh and perfection in His image is even now near at hand, bless His wonderful name! And then, in due time, dear ones, the matchless and glorious image of God shall shine throughout the whole of the universe until there shall be no more night anywhere forevermore.

    The glory of God is the IMAGE OF CHRIST, and we shall be fully satisfied when we awake in His likeness. Oh that the eyes of men might be opened to clearly see that back of all things and before all things, yea, in the beginning of all things, standeth God – eternal, immortal, invisible, almighty, omniscient, immutable, holy, loving, and greatest and most glorious of all, FULL OF PURPOSE! In the beginning…GOD!

  296. In the beginning God proclaimed, “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness” (Gen 1:26). This wonderful purpose of God to make man in His own image had been settled in the divine councils of God from eternity. The blessed Lamb had, in the determination of these councils, been slain before the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8); the names of all the redeemed of earth had been written in His book of life before the foundation of the world (Rev 17:8); and all the blessed sons of God, predestinated to be holy and without blame before Him in love, predestined to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF THE SON OF GOD, were selected and chosen in Him before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:3-5). This is a profound and mysterious truth, impossible to fully comprehend apart from the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God. The carnal minds of men cannot even begin to imagine in their wildest dreams and hopes the ineffable glory that is determined for man IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. Those appointed to the obtaining of this glory have been chosen “in Him” because Jesus Christ Himself is “the outshining of God’s glory, and the express image of His Person” (Heb 1:3).

  297. The way – Jesus used the definite article to distinguish Himself as “the only way.” A way is a path or route, and the disciples had expressed their confusion about where He was going and how they could follow. As He had told them from the beginning, Jesus was again telling them (and us) “follow me.” There is no other path to heaven, no other way to the Father. Peter reiterated this same truth years later to the rulers in Jerusalem, saying about Jesus, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The exclusive nature of the only path to salvation is expressed in the words “I am the way.”

  298. In these words, Jesus was declaring Himself the great “I Am,” the only path to heaven, the only true measure of righteousness, and the source of both physical and spiritual life. He was staking His claim as the very God of Creation, the Lord who blessed Abraham, and the Holy One who inhabits eternity. He did this so the disciples would be able to face the dark days ahead and carry on the mission of declaring the gospel to the world. Of course, we know from Scripture that they still didn’t understand, and it took several visits from their risen Lord to shake them out of their disbelief. Once they understood the truth of His words, they became changed people, and the world has never been the same.

    So how do we follow Him today? The same way the disciples did long ago. They heard the words of Jesus and believed them. They took His words and obeyed them. They confessed their sins to Jesus as their Lord and God. They believed that He died to take the punishment of their sins and rose from the dead to give them new life. They followed His example and command to tell others the truth about sin, righteousness, and judgment. When we follow Him in “the way,” we can be assured of following Him all the way to heaven.

  299. *A lot of misguided people are like the man who said that getting to Heaven was like getting to Boston. There are a lot of roads that will get you there. But a wise Christian told him: “No, getting to Heaven is much more like flying into the Boston airport. The pilot has to land that plane on just the right runway, at just the right speed, at just the right time, at just the right angle. There is only one way to land that plane. And there is only one way to Heaven. It’s Jesus Christ!”

  300. We’re going to examine the place the Bible calls hell. We’ll present documented evidence for a place called hell. Don’t take what you’re going to read lightly. If what you read is true — YOU COULD BE IN SERIOUS DANGER!

    Several years ago a book was published, entitled Beyond Death’s Door by Dr. Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been clinically dead. Dr. Rawlings, a devout atheist, “considered all religion “hocus-pocus” and death nothing more than a painless extinction”. But something happened in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr. Rawlings! He was resuscitating a man, terrified and screaming — descending down into the flames of hell:
    “Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, “I am in hell!” He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling — he looked as if his hair was “on end.”
    Then still another strange thing happened. He said,”Don’t you understand? I am in hell. . . Don’t let me go back to hell!” . . .the man was serious, and it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had never seen before.”
    (Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death’s Door,(Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p. 3).
    Dr. Rawlings said, no one, who could have heard his screams and saw the look of terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he was actually in a place called hell!

    The Bible continually warns of a place called hell. There are over 162 references in the New Testament alone which warns of hell. And over 70 of these references were uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ!

  301. To be carnally minded is “death” and to be spiritually minded is “life.” This is the only meaning of death and life.

  302. Now the mind of the flesh is death [both now and forever—because it pursues sin]; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace [the spiritual well-being that comes from walking with God—both now and forever];


    There is a wonderful act of God that transcends by far anything that has ever been known. It is the unveiling of the sons of God. Early in the opening verses of the Revelation we read that Christ “hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father” (Rev. 1:6). As the revelation progresses with the Christ always as the central figure, we next find Him standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks with a special message and call to the overcomers out of these various churches. It is significant to note that in the letters to the seven churches hardly one promise is made to the churches themselves — the promises are made to the overcomers! To the overcomer He says, “I will write upon him my new name; he will walk with me in white; I will grant him to sit with me in my throne.” Thus, in the unveiling of Jesus Christ, we also come to the UNVEILING OF THE OVERCOMER — those who eat with Him of the tree of life, live with Him free from corruption and death, share with Him a new name, rule with Him over the nations and all things, walk with Him clothed upon with the dazzling brightness of the light of God’s glory, dwell with Him in the city and the temple of God, stand with Him on the pinnacle of mount Zion, come with Him to smite all nations with the irresistible sword of the living Word of God, and sit with Him upon the Father’s throne from whence He rules over all the vastnesses of infinity for evermore! And so, through the book, again and again, we see this many-splendored unveiling — THE SON and the sons, THE OVERCOMER and the overcomers, THE LAMB and those with Him on mount Zion, THE WORD and they that are with Him who are called, chosen, and faithful, THE KING and those who reign with Him, THE HIGH PRIEST clothed in the priestly garment and those who are in Him made a kingdom of priests unto God.

    There is coming a day — and it is the next major event of God’s program of the ages — when all the glories of the Son of God will be revealed and manifested in the sons of God. As one has written, “Let us open our hearts that God may speak to us and show us what a son of God really is, for the greater works (Jn. 14:12) of which Jesus spoke are not to be performed by ordinary believers, but by that vast family of sons who are now nearing the hour of manifestation. They are that chosen company, selected from many ages, who through fires and furnaces of affliction have been brought into that same glorious image of Jesus Christ. These sons of God are like Him. They are exactly like Him. They are in His image (Rom. 8:29). They are in His image and after His likeness. They are so completely sons of God, and so completely like Him, so completely born of Him, so completely of His mind and will and purpose their one difference is that He (the blessed Jesus) is the eldest in that vast family of sons and they with Him are the bridegroom, the last Adam in all His completeness” — The Page.

    With all emphasis I must declare that we are now hastening toward the hour of the long awaited unveiling of the sons of God! That is the word used in the Greek — “For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the apokalupsis, the unveiling, the revelation of the sons of God!” (Rom. 8:19). For millennia creation has groaned under the thralldom of sin, sorrow and death, and who among us does not in some measure groan with it even now? But our heavenly Father had a purpose wonderful and glorious beyond words to express, for He in hope subjected creation to futility, condemned it to frustration, placed it under the yoke of sin, pain, and death. His hope was that out of this realm He would bring forth sons — tried, tested, proven sons — who out of the crucible of experience with all the negatives, would grow strong and bright and holy, overcoming all the darkness of this dread realm, to stand tall and victorious in the image and glory of their Father. They would be holy, not because they were created holy with no knowledge of sin and death, but out of their experience with sin and death would chose the wisdom and life of their Father, by it throwing off the shackles of weakness, waywardness, limitation, error and mortality. They would then know as God knows! They would understand the true nature of all things! They would perceive the deep mysteries of creation and redemption! They would become incorruptible in mind, heart and nature! These firstborn sons would be the hope of all creation! “For the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:21). And because God subjected creation to this gross material realm with all its sorrows in hope of His sons who would first overcome within themselves, and then deliver all creation, we read of that hope which springs perennial within the bosom of every man and all things, because it was placed there by the Creator, “the whole creation waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known — waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship!” (Rom. 8:19, Amplified).

    Understood as THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, immediately the book is transformed from a history book into a spiritual book showing forth the victory and triumph of the Christ of God, Head and body. The saints have heard the term “apocalypse” and it conjures up ideas of the wrath and vengeance of God, tribulation, destruction, and the end of the world. Yet the word apokalupsis from which our English word “apocalypse” is derived, carries no negative connotation in the Greek! The whole book of Revelation is the Apocalypse that is so important to us! Whatever is happening, good or bad, sweet or painful, is a part of the unveiling of Jesus Christ! By that unveiling many things are made to appear in their true light. Thousands of God’s elect who read these lines today see the church system for what it is — the harlot, Mystery Babylon the Great. Truly we have come to loathe the carnality, shame, self-righteousness, spiritual fornication, uncleanness, lewdness and wanton haughtiness of this corrupt system! Was it not the light of the mind of Christ arising within our lives that caused us to see it as it is? And oh, what struggles and dealings and strippings we passed through as God purged our hearts from the love of Babylon and our lives from its fleshly ways! What earthquakes shook our world, what hailstorms fell in our land, what fires of God burned in our souls! You see, beloved, the vengeance of God is not against His creation, nor is it against men of any nation, ethnicity, character, or religion. “God so loved the world.” The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against every evil that pollutes, enslaves, distorts, and destroys His creation and men’s lives! That is but one small example of what we see in the Revelation. By the pure and true revelation of Christ within our hearts many things are made to appear in their true light. That means that all the evil things which appear do so because of the true light, and in that light they are made to appear in their true character: JUST WHAT THEY ARE! It is the light of the Lamb which makes this so! As in the holy city, so throughout the book the Lamb is the light thereof. For He is the true light which lights every man, coming into the world.

    Let me say again, as I may say a hundred times more, one can never understand correctly the book of Revelation so long as his eyes are fastened on events in the outer world. The understanding of “the beast” and “his image” and “his mark” comes only by the inner illumination that the Spirit brings. That is, they are revealed by the flooding light radiating forth from the indwelling Christ! In that true light of God all that is not born of God appears as it truly is, that it may be duly brought to judgment, dealt with and eradicated from our lives. The fiercest beast I have encountered in my years upon this earth is the beast of old Adam’s nature, the carnal mind, the seed of the serpent slithering about within my very bosom. The heart of our natural life is still deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? How I praise God with joy unspeakable and full of glory for the penetrating light of God’s Christ which uncovers the subtleness and deceitfulness of this wild beast, the bestial nature lumbering about in OUR EARTH.

    It is not getting rid of the “old man” that enables us to blissfully live the Christ life. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ as the glorious light of life that chases away the darkness of the carnal mind, exposing the flesh with all of its corruption that it may once and for all be dethroned from mind, heart and action. As the dawn dissolves the night, so the light and life which Christ is swallows up the darkness and death within us. The daylight fills the world just as truly as the night darkness ever did! Even so, the light of God shall fill the world, our world, and the world outside of us, as truly as the darkness of sin, fear and death has done. And when it is all over every creature in heaven, earth and hell shall have had a REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!

    • The understanding of “the beast” and “his image” and “his mark” will come in the outer world, and will not be a hidden mystery. It will come in plain sight as the book of Revelation says, because it says there, that he, the Antichrist causes all both small, and great, rich and poor to receive his mark.. Those who refuse the mark will be saved. Many will only receive the Revelation of Jesus Christ in Hell, because they refused to believe and repent. No, my friend we must read God’s word as it is written. Not in a mystical fashion, which is Gnosticism.
      Paul clearly warned of False teachers teaching “secret knowledge”, and not receiving Christ’s open message. You must learn that what you are following Amos is a deception, which is Gnosticism.

  304. Once we see clearly the great spiritual principles in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the wars that take place, and all the judgments, vials, earthquakes, etc., begin to make divine sense! It is not unlike the conflicts that arise in a home as parents raise their children. There are problems, commotions, disciplines, and sometimes open warfare! There is also love, mercy, forgiveness, admonition, counsel, blessing and sacrifice. What makes it all worthwhile is the finished product — children that grow up with love and respect for their parents, and with purpose, maturity, ability, judgment, and responsibility in the world. God is raising up and bringing forth a new life in the land, a new creation in Him, a new family of sons. And what conflicts, chastisements, counsels, and corrections, with love, faithfulness and blessings, take place within us as the old passes away and all things are made new!

    God makes war because He loves us. All that appears in the book of Revelation as destruction and devastation is but a picture of God’s love, correction and instruction that is consuming the ignorance, self-will and foolishness within the heart of a child. The more you love your children the more you will meditate upon how to confront them and deal with them in order to change them from their immature and rebellious state of being to bring them to a higher and wiser state of being as mature and responsible citizens. Your purpose is not to destroy them, but to bring their childish ways into the captivity of obedience that leads to wisdom and knowledge. The childish mind sees instruction and correction as its enemy — the child will huff and puff and chafe under the chastisement, because in his inexperience and ignorance he cannot see the overall purpose. Children can’t see why they have to go to bed, why they have to take a bath, why it is necessary to share, why they can’t go here or there and do this or that, why they can’t hang out with their friends, why the homework must be done first, why there are chores and responsibilities that cannot be shirked, why they must keep their room clean, obey their parents and a hundred other things.

    Children fail to perceive the beauty and blessing and purpose of the life you are preparing them for or the realm you are bringing them into. The reason you make war with them is to bring them into a wonderful adult life that will be rich and free and abundant. You are shaping their characters to be honored among men, to be leaders, to have and provide for their own families, to hold their heads high with accomplishment, purpose and dignity. When the course is finished they will rise up and call you blessed and always thank you and honor you for your steadfastness, faithfulness, and persistence in wisely guiding them to that delectable world. But before that comes, there are mighty conflicts— and so it is in the family of God — the Lamb is warring against the beast! The Lamb nature makes war with the beastly character of the carnal mind. This is the supreme message of the book of Revelation! It is the story of God’s dealings with sons to bring them to perfection and maturity, to the status of overcomers, to the throne of God and of the Lamb!

    How do I know this? I know it because the subject of the book is KINGSHIP and PRIESTHOOD! All the promises to the overcomers, set against the backdrop of the problems, sins, corruption, disobedience, fleshliness, and abominations of the seven churches, speak of this great truth. It is the mind of man that keeps the world in continual turmoil. It seethes and bubbles and boils and erupts like a vast cauldron and the wisdom of man is powerless to help it. The earth abounds in forms of godliness, yet justice and equality have taken wings and righteous judgment is scarcely known. In spite of plenty, hunger stalks the earth because of the misrule and greed of ignorant and covetous men. Men in the church and out of it are lovers of pleasure far more than lovers of God. For six thousand years man has struggled to bring about a sort of Utopia, but the human mind and the fleshly nature, prone as they are to self-interest, self-will, greed, lust, arrogance and violence have filled the earth with corruption and evil. The natural man can never deliver the world or bring in a reign of righteousness!

    The world must be delivered into the hands of a new and different and higher race of men! The message of the Revelation concerns the dealings of God by which He raises up that superior race of men, men in the image and likeness of God, men filled with the mind and the wisdom of Christ, men impregnated with the nature and spirit of the Father in heaven. These are the manifested sons of God! These are the overcomers of whom the Lord Jesus testifies in the closing chapters of the Revelation: “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son” (Rev. 21:7). The book of Revelation is the drama of God’s dealings with His sons to make them kings and priests for the deliverance and salvation of the whole world and all men. We must never overlook that fact!

    The great truth that is wide open to our understanding is this: No trial that we pass through is merely a trial — it is a battle with God! You will understand that if you are truly called to sonship! The only problem we have is our problem with God. If there was no issue of our will and our ways versus God’s will and God’s ways, the test would cease to be a test, for there would be no doubt, no hesitation, no struggle, no conflict, no controversy. The issue would not exist or would at once be resolved — swallowed up in the blessedness of obedience! We would all be sons qualified to rule and reign with Christ, delivering creation, just as soon as we truly embraced the “finished work” of Christ!

    There are areas of our lives where many who treasure the bright hope of sonship still obey God because of the fear of punishment. That is the knowledge of good and evil! In those areas we are still under the law, untransformed in spirit and nature. There remains a struggle between our will and God’s will. Is there, then, no punishment? I tell you, my beloved, the Lamb will make war with us! The wrath of the Lamb will be revealed from heaven — the redemptive judgments of God. It is His all-consuming love revealed in Christ. It works in us a new nature, the divine nature. It creates within us a new mind, the mind of Christ. It puts within us a new spirit, the spirit of the Lord. It makes us the sons of God with sonship understanding, sonship wisdom, sonship love, sonship maturity, sonship power, and sonship responsibility in the beauty of His ways, no longer trapped in the childish mind that still wonders if God is going to spank us. “Behold! I make all things new! Behold! The tabernacle of God is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God!” (Rev. 21:3,5).

    As you read the book of Revelation with the illumination of the Spirit it will speak to you! You will find yourself experientially in one of the seven churches, with its characteristics either positive or negative; or you will see yourself in the seals, the trumpets, or the vials of wrath; you will discover yourself in the glory of the bride, or in the judgments of the whore; you will lie in the bed with Jezebel, or stand with the 144,000 on mount Zion; you will be cut to pieces by the sword of God’s Word that proceeds out of His mouth, or you will ascend to the throne of God to rule the nations with a rod of iron; you will be refined in the burning inferno of the lake of fire, or you will have pouring out of the throne of God within you the invigorating waters of the river of life; your flesh will be served up as food for the vultures (spirits), or you will be clothed in fine linen, pure and white, and sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Oh, yes! You are there, my friend, in every verse and every line. Only the Spirit of God can show you to you, and finish the work, that you may become THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST in the earth!

    • What happens in the book of Revelation, in the judgments, is at the behest and is caused by the Anti-Christ and not by God, because God will have taken the true believers in Jesus out of the Earth. If you are left behind Amos, please do not take the Mark of the Beast because you will never be saved after that deception.

  305. The whole creation is in a sort of universal travail for such a priesthood to arise in the fullness of all that priesthood means. As we lift up our eyes in this dark hour, before us lies a world filled with billions of benighted souls bound by chains of evil, wrapped by cords of slavery, entangled by the ropes of sin, sorrow, disease, despair and death. Everywhere are slaves, slaves to habit, slaves to poverty, slaves to ignorance, slaves driven by the lash of want, urged on by the sting of deep physical and spiritual need. Millions of men and women are in bondage to age old customs and empty religious traditions which were decadent when Christ was born. Everywhere, world wide, we behold the same clanking chains that chain men to the power of darkness and the bondage of the devil. Thank God! He is preparing a priesthood, a company of deliverers, a race of holy sons of the Most High God to step forth in the fullness of the power and glory of God to break the bands asunder and set creation free. When this happens, the great problems which plague mankind will disappear. Poverty will go; sin will go; disease will go; war will go; sorrow and pain will go; death will go; bondage of every sort will fade away and the Kingdom of God will triumph in the earth. What a day! What a day! And the wonder of it all is that this day is even now breaking in the earth, personified in the “firstfruits” of His redemption! The crisis hour in the history of the world has come, and the sons of God are being perfected and prepared to bring deliverance to an entire world. As broad as Calvary, as deep as the Crimson Stream, as far reaching as the love of God, so far, so deep, so broad, so towering shall be the ministry of God’s Royal Priesthood, praise HIS wonderful name!

  306. The Bible does not teach that a great priest hood of believers will arise to eradicate all the problems in the Earth. That teaching is not in the Bible. The Bible teaches that ” we are to be, in the World, but not Of, the World. There will not be a deliverance of the entire World, as you have spoken, as long as Satan is in the Word. The believers in Jesus will reign among these conditions, and bring deliverance only to ‘those who believe’, and then the Church will be caught out, leaving the world to Satan, and to those who put there confidence in men. Please note, you have never given any scriptures to back your claims, which is very dangerous, for those who are being deceived.

  307. Thank you Mishai, for preaching the truth that the Bible teaches. I don’t know where some of these crazy people are getting there thoughts from, but it’s not the Bible. Maybe I shouldn’t say they’re crazy, it’s just I guess they haven’t met the Lord Jesus and gotten saved, So they’ll believe anything. Some of the things they’re saying sound like a bunch of Joshephus Smith, you know the marry me twelve women guy that thought he knew more than the Lord Jesus, and started that breed me seven sons religion, of perverted morality. And he thought “that” was a priesthood. Yea, “Ya Berr”, a priesthood of his own “LOINS Cloth”. Well Jesus is a LION. And he could well nigh feed that Joshephus Smith prophet’s loins to the bears that they might chew his echelons off. What a pervert he was and that’s the kind of Priesthood this Amos guy wants you to follow. No way Hose. No way. We must repent and be humble and not follow these egotistical Moron’s, I mean Mormons. At least as far as there teachings are concerned, but I do pray that they would all be saved, and find Jesus as Lord. You know they don’t even believe that Jesus is God. They think he is a rambler, Just a Prophet, and not the King of our Father.

  308. There is another kind of illiteracy that has an even more profound impact on our comprehension of reality. This could be called SPIRITUAL ILLITERACY — that is, the inability to read — to perceive and understand the language of the Spirit, the realities of the spiritual world! When we lack this ability to make sense of the broad vistas of spiritual truth, we are left trying to interpret spiritual realities from the ignorant, limited, and distorted perspective of the carnal mind — natural reasoning and human understanding. It is like an ant trying to understand the world of men! And I tell you that the world and the church today are literally filled and overflowing with SPIRITUAL ILLITERATES! Oh, they can read with their human ability. They understand with the carnal mind, the Adamic intellect. But when the beloved John says, “Blessed is he that readeth,” he doesn’t mean that every unregenerated sinner and every carnal baby Christian who picks up the book of Revelation and peruses its pages is blessed thereby! Not at all!

    Rather, blessed is he that readeth with the understanding of the Spirit! Blessed is he that readeth the divine language of heaven! You may have that beatitude of God as a continual vision before your eyes, as the constant voice of the Spirit in your ears, and as an everlasting inspiration in your heart, if you will diligently seek the Lord in the pages of this book. May God flash this “blessed” promise before your eyes, sound it in your ears, and cause your heart to swell with the inspiration of it until Jesus Christ is fully revealed in your life!

    We must now prepare to launch out into deeper waters. The word “read” is a special word in the Greek, it is anaginosko. Ana is “re” or “again” and ginosko means “to know.” The meaning is simply this: Happy is the one who remembers or by reading knows again the message of this prophecy! You will not be able to hear with natural ears nor understand with natural minds what I am now going to say. It is my deep conviction that the book of Revelation is already recorded within you in the Christ! It is not enough to say that we are called to sonship and that God is today giving us great and wonderful revelations of His purposes. We must also recognize by the wisdom of the eternal Spirit that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). Then we are told also in verse four, “…having PREVIOUSLY marked us out for sonship through Jesus Christ for Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.”

    Not only were we chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, but God put a mark upon us then, that secured us for our role as sons of God, that we should be separated and blameless in this world. Paul adds another dimension to this beautiful truth in his words to Titus, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began” (Tit. 1:2). Thus we have a ray of insight into the fact that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, previously marked out for sonship, and promised eternal life before the world began! We were chosen in Christ in that long ago beginning and known by the Father in a way that goes far beyond a mere “twinkle in the eye” or a “thought in God’s purpose.” We did not exist simply “in the mind” of God. Oh, no — we were there — a reality! Chosen — marked out — promised! Before! In due time we were made subject to vanity, lowered out of our pure spirit existence, into this world of limitation and testing, for Father’s wise purpose.

    Each and every son of God had his beginning in God and existed in Christ before time began, before ever we came to this earth to be perfected by the knowledge of good and evil, knowing both by experience and suffering. Our coming into this dark realm was with the purpose that through the desperate furnace of trials, suffering, and experience in this shadowy land of sin and death, we should come to the knowledge of good and evil, fully overcoming in it, to stand at last before our Father in a perfection and power like unto His own. God did not desire robots or untested children who were like Him apart from the wisdom, understanding, righteousness and nobility of character that come by experience. There is no other way! We were sons of God even then, but nothing of the dimension we shall be when our salvation is complete, for we are being transformed into the image and likeness of the firstborn Son who is the Prince and Captain of our salvation. Of Him it is written that He was made perfect through suffering, and being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation, called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedek.

    In the long, long ago, before the earth was graced with light or ever stars twinkled in the night sky, there was a day when God revealed His glorious plan of creation and redemption to His spirit-children who were chosen in Christ and predestinated to sonship as part of that marvelous purpose. On that holy occasion the morning stars broke forth in rapturous chorus and all the sons of God shouted for joy at the revelation of the Father’s will! We do not shout unless there is something to shout about, and those young sons of God lifted their voices with the morning stars in contemplation of the marvelous purpose they would fulfill. I do not doubt that they understood that the sufferings of this world would work in them an eternal weight of glory that would redound to the honor of the Father and be the firstfruits of deliverance for all God’s vast creation to be born in this universe of sin and salvation. So shall it be for each of us, my beloved, when the purpose of God is complete, for we came out of the loins of our heavenly Father a very little son at first, to suffer the humiliation of temptation, sin and death, to be at last fully redeemed and matured into the character, wisdom, and power of our heavenly Father, presented faultless before the throne of His glory with exceeding joy!

    • The only way one can be reunited with the Father, in any capacity or in any way, is through belief in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. And by making a confession upon the Name of Jesus, God said, he has exalted the name of His Son, Jesus, above every name that is named. And Jesus said, “NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME”. You were chosen in Crist, but you must Choose, Him, Jesus.
      It is not a ‘one world religion’, which many of your statements seem to echo and to explicitly say.
      There is no guarantee of salvation, except, by believing upon the Name of Jesus Christ.

  309. What’s in a name?

    It is often said, and rightly so, that only through Christ we make it to spiritual maturity. There are many religions of various labels that say they have it right and all must come to see as they see things to “make it.” Jesus was the person, Christ was the way or the “anointed” one to get you to…the way…by example. In fact in the early church it was simply called “the way.” What’s in a name, a name of a church, a group or an individual person? For a name to truly mean something in a person it must have a nature described to it as Jacob’s name was changed to Israel after he wrestled with the angel “all night” to receive God’s blessing. Jacob, the “supplanter” became “Israel” or one who walked with God. We will all be given a new name or nature.

    It was not the given or surname of the Samaritan who stopped and helped the beaten man along the road that mattered to God, it was his actions coming from his nature within. It was his compassion, his caring for his fellow man that God acknowledged and accepted of this man that was called a lowly Samaritan by his enemy, the Jew. Him being a “Samaritan” of which the Jews hated made no difference to God as God did not look upon the name Israel, Jew, Samaritan or any other name in order to approve of a man’s ways and character. If the story had been reversed as to the status of the Jew and the Samaritan, in God’s eyes it would have been no different for this was not a story accepting one religion over another but a “way” of life we are each to live…regardless of who we are or who we think we are. It’s about getting the heart right with God, and one’s nationality, race, financial status, or position in life does not alter this transforming process between God and man.

    We can call ourselves by any one of the thousands of religious names and labels and we can do many great works of the flesh and give our money to great material causes and our heart can still be far from that of Christ. It is not by works. Christ is not a name of a man who lived at one time we call Jesus Christ, His name was Jesus and His character was of the anointing by and of His Father. We cannot grow into the fullness of Christ, in the anointing, until we see and understand that we are to let this mind be in us which “was” also in Christ Jesus. Why did it say “was” and not “is”? It is because the spirit and the likeness of God was in Jesus while He was walking in the flesh and so God is telling us we do not have to wait until some future time after this bodily death occurs to become as He is. God is telling us as His Son received His anointing while in the flesh, we are also to accept His likeness and character into our fleshly bodies and to be transformed, or transfigured into a new created being…right now in the present.

    God does not care about religious names nor what label someone wears as this is of the ways of man in this carnal, materialistic world. It’s really of the ego, which separates one’s into factions, divisions and parties in which the scriptures teach is sin. As the story of the Jew and the Samaritan, God looked at the substance and character of the person who stopped and helped and did not even consider that the Jews who ignored their injured brother were Israelites “in name only. They had not lived up to their covenant or “contract” with God. The Israelites were only to receive God’s blessings if they learned to be obedient and bless others themselves. They performed the rituals while they omitted doing what the rituals only symbolized. They sacrificed the outward natural beast while they fed and kept alive their own beastly, negative and uncaring nature, within. It made absolutely no difference to God because it was the nature of a kind and compassionate spirit that He wanted to witness in His children. We know the Jews failed miserably to lead by example and this is why God took the kingdom from them…and gave it to others that would show by faith how to treat one another, any other…Jew or Gentile.

    The Samaritan, although he did not have the prestigious outward label of one being an Israelite or a Jew, He had what God wanted to see in any person, Jew or Gentile, and that was a spirit after His own likeness, a matured character and a love for others. It was the scoffed at Samaritan, who measured up to God’s purpose and will. What’s in a name, or what’s in a label? It is only an excuse to speak the letter of the word without expressing the true inward nature of the “Word.” It is by living and manifesting the life of Christ within that approves us to the Father.

    If you label yourself by any religious name and do not express the beatitudes of Christ in your walk nor is this your main pursuit, you are a “christian” in name only, not in and of any substantive and approved nature. The Samaritan did not go by any name that God apparently approvedof, however God ignored the “label” and went with what was in the man’s heart. As society argues over which name to use to describe God whether it is God, Yahweh, Elohim, etc., etc,it means little to God, if one can come to understand that love can only be described in one way and that is by the action of the spirit.

    We must move from the letter or the description or outline (shadow) of a thing to possessing the very thing itself and this is the very likeness and character of God. The simplicity in Christ comes when we cross over to walking in the spirit and we can then see as in the lesson of the Samaritan…it is who we are in substance that defines us and not in the name or in a label we choose to wear of belonging to an outward group of people that defines us. What defines us…is…the degree of the nature of the Christ within. It is this simplicity of understanding that gives us peace in knowing we need to look no further than within ourselves to understand who our Father is. It is a simple thing to see that there is only one temple that pertains to our fellowship with God and that the countless thousands of “temples” in the world have no influence on this one true temple that matters, and it is within our own being. We do not have to go to anywhere outside of ourselves or do any great “works” to be accepted by our Father. The kindness of a man with a “rejected label” says it all toward the other man who wore the “accepted label”. What’s in a name? Nothing. What’s in a nature? Everything.

    Who is it we are to show this Godly nature to? It is our neighbor and who is our neighbor? It is that one who is next to us at any given moment, saint or sinner, Jew or Gentile, friend or enemy. It is not “they” or their own nature who defines us, it is the Christ likeness within “us” that can on,y define us. When our audible words are but a reflection of who we have become within…in Christ Jesus, we and our words have become of one and of the same source. So let us not search for outward names and labels to define ourselves to others, let us instead become the name or the “nature” so that we will be known as He is known…and coming together with others as they are also added to the church in the spirit of God at His calling. God does not define Himself with a man made label and if we are not of this world, although in it, we should agree with God and walk this walk independent of this world’s systems as described in Revelation. If your church is without by observation you are in Christ although an immature infant in Christ, whereas when one sees that it is in the unseen temple where we worship, we are maturing in the likeness and character of God which does not come by natural sight.

    Each in our own order, as we pray for all according to God’s will.


    Deep within every man there is a secret sanctum where dwells the mysterious essence of his being. This inmost reality is that part of a man which separates him from every other living creature and makes him uniquely mankind. This deep hidden power is what it is of itself independent of any other part of the man’s complex nature. It is the man’s “I Am,” a gift from the I AM who created him. The deep-in human entity of which we speak is called in the scriptures the spirit of man. “For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God” (I Cor. 2:11). As God’s self-knowledge lies in the eternal Spirit, so man’s self-knowledge is by his own spirit, and his knowledge of God is by the direct union of the Spirit of God with the spirit of man. I cannot overstress the importance of this in our forward walk into our destiny as sons of God! This truth denies that man is an earthly, physical being having a spirit and declares, rather, that he is a spirit having a physical body. That which makes a man a human being is not his body but his spirit, in which the image of God originally lay.

    Most people on earth have forgotten their beginning. But the scripture is clear. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him” (Gen. 1:26; 2:7; 1:28). What God actually did was that He imaged Himself in man. God imaged Himself in man by forming Himself in a man of earth. Thus man was created as a visible expression of the invisible God. Now that hasn’t changed! What has changed is our perception of ourselves because of the fall. But before we discuss that, let us see just how it was that God imaged Himself in man, and how it is that man is a spiritual being having an earthly experience, instead of a physical being having a spiritual experience.

    Wonderful words were spoken at the very dawn of civilization, recorded in the oldest book of the Bible, which state simply and powerfully the reality of man. “There is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding” (Job 32:8). It is something great in man, Elihu conceives, that he is spirit, and, because he is, is capable of being inspired. He is not here speaking of Adam as he was in the primordial glory of Eden, nor yet of regenerated man in this wonderful age of the Holy Spirit; but, speaking thousands of years ago in the present tense, he magnifies man as being able to be inspired, just because he is spirit. And it is God, who likewise is spirit, that inspires him!

    Can we not see by this that the very being of man has a God-ward or divine side, being related constitutionally to Him. The testimony of scripture is incontrovertible that there is a spirit in man, or what is the same, the fact that we are, as being spirit, permeable and inspirable by the Almighty!The word “spirit” means literally, breath, and denotes a quality of life because, in the case of the spirit in man, God is able to breathe Himself into it and through it. The word “inspiration,” as used here, denotes the act of inbreathing. Anyone who is inspired is “breathed into,” visited internally by the power of life, and so quickened in mind, raised in intelligence, ennobled in nature, and empowered in ability. In this way Bezaleel was inspired when he “was filled with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and in understanding, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving timber” (Ex. 31:3-5). Anyone is inspired just as far as he is raised internally, in thought, feeling, perception, or action, by a divine movement within! It is God’s Spirit quickening our spirit, and thus bringing a change, a release, a raising so that our spirit may function as it was designed to function. This is what Jesus described as being “born again,” the spirit that already existed as the offspring of God being brought forth, just as a flesh baby is brought forth into the world, into a new realm, a new level of identity, a new consciousness, a new expression, a new ability, a new standing, new rights and privileges and inheritance! We all understand that a baby’s life does not begin at the moment of birth — it is simply released into a new dimension where it can attain to its full potential in that realm. Thus it is with the new birth! Our spirit did not originate at the moment of our new birth — it had to already exist or it could not have been born! That which is thus “born” of the Spirit is spirit! It is this capacity of being spirit that qualifies man as an inspirable creature.

    This reveals man’s capacity for God; to experientially know the presence of God, to let in the divine nature, to entertain the eternal Spirit witnessing with his spirit, to be energized by Him and filled with His glory, in every faculty, feeling, and power, being a vessel and channel for the life of God, to think His thoughts and do His works. Thus, “the Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children (offspring) of God!” (Rom. 8:16). And “because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts (spirit), crying, Abba, Father!” (Gal. 4:6). “There is a spirit in man, and the inbreathing of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” Only because man is spirit is all this possible!

    In that long ago beginning God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen. 2:7). Now all the animals and beasts of the field are also called “living souls” in the creation story in Genesis. But there is a difference! Let the fact be imprinted indelibly upon our minds that none of these became a “living soul” by the inbreathing of God! God did not Himself breathe into the nostrils of cattle, lions, elephants, birds, fish, cockroaches, or any other creature. Their “breath of life” is of an inferior quality to that of man. The breath of life of the animal kingdom is merely the oxygen of our lower atmosphere. They are, therefore, a creation of God but are unrelated to God. The breath of life in man, however, originates out of the very spirit-essence of God Himself — inbreathed — thus, when a man dies his body returns to the dust from whence it came, but his spirit returns to God who gave it! (Eccl. 12:7). n Genesis 1, God speaks of adham (male and female), and only adham as being made in His image. The point is emphasized by repetition. As humanity’s story unfolds through subsequent chapters, we discover that what makes humans different is a quality called “spirit.” None of the rest of earth’s creatures possess it! By “spirit” the Bible means relationship with God, and the capacity to be aware of God, to communicate with Him, and participate with Him in His great and eternal purposes. Worship is the key evidence of the spiritual quality of the human race, and the universality of worship is evidenced in altars, temples, priesthoods, sacrifices, rituals, prayers, praise, and religious exercises of all kinds. Burial of dead, use of tools, or even architecture and the arts do not qualify as evidence of the spirit, for non-spirit beings such as birds, beaver, elephants, chimpanzees, and a multitude of others engage in such activities to a limited extent. But no animal worships! There are no chimpanzee or ape altars, temples, priesthoods, or prayers of any kind. Only man worships! Only man is a spiritual being! Only man is aware of God! Only man has heard from God! To worship is as natural for man — any man, saved or unsaved — as barking is for a dog! Oh, the mystery of it!

    Douglas Wilson once wrote, “There has been a very sore cry in a great many of our hearts. There has been a cry that has risen from the very depths of our spirits. It is a cry to know the Lord, even our God! It is a cry to be one with the Lord our God. It is a cry to be with our God even as it is written that ‘he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.’ We have not understood from whence this deep cry comes. We have not known the depths from whence it came. But the Lord knows, for He put it there and has caused it to come forth. Is it not written that ‘deep calleth unto deep’? So is it then not written that the depth of man calls unto the depth of God? And the depth of God also calls to the depth in man! The earth is filled with the call of God and the call of man. The call rises up into the ears of God and He hears it, for He has put the call within us.

    “The Lord would have us know that from the very beginning, when He brought man forth out of the dust of the earth and gave unto him of His own breath, His own Spirit, then He put a depth in man that was equal to the depth of God. For do we not know that if God lives in us, and if we are the temple of the living God, then the depths that are in us must equal those depths that are in God? Else we could not contain God, neither could He dwell within us as our life.

    “But the depth that God had put in man became darkness unto man. So man knew not this depth. Man deemed himself to be but a created being of God. Man did not know the depths of his nature! He knew not that which was deep within him. For to him the light had gone out and no longer moved in the depth of his life. Unknown to man the light was shining dimly and man was only faintly aware of it. Yet there was to come a day when this light would begin again to be manifested!” — end quote. Recently I heard one “kingdom teacher” make the following statements: “I want to say a word to all the spooky people out there who believe in pre-existence, in having had some kind of spiritual life in the bosom of the Father before the world began. We were not there — HE was there! The reason I am telling you this is because there is a teaching that goes around the camp of sonship people which suggests that you were there with Him at that time. I can’t take the time today to point out to you how that is not true, and it defiles the truth. It corrupts the truth because God said to honor your father and your mother. Do you know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES WHO GAVE YOU LIFE! That’s the first commandment with promise. My life did not begin in the beginning or before the beginning. God might have thought about me, He may have known that I was going to come forth, but in due time I came forth from my parents” — end quote.

    This dear brother simply lacks spiritual understanding. He supposes that the whole life of man derives only from his earthly parents! He must never have read the scripture wherein we read, “And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him: for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness” (Heb. 12:5-6, 9-10).

    Someone says, “Oh, yes, God is the Father of the spirits of all those who have been born again.” Yet the scripture cries out, “O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh” (Num. 16:22). You see, brethren, we must think spiritual sense about these things! That we might better comprehend, I must follow this instructive passage with some pertinent questions. Meditate deeply upon these. Does every flesh man have a spirit? Is every man, saved or unsaved, composed of spirit, soul, and body? Or do only believers possess a spirit? If every man has a spirit, where did his spirit come from? Did it come from God? Did it come from his parents? Did it come from the devil? Was your spirit, when you were born into this world, already “fallen”? If not, when did it “fall”? Is God actively in the business of begetting “fallen” or “dead” spirits? Is God really the Father of the spirits of ALL FLESH? When did your spirit originate? Did it originate at the time of your physical birth? Did it originate at the moment of your conception in the womb? Did it originate before your conception? Did it exist way back there when you were “chosen in Him before the foundation of the world?” (Eph. 1:4). Did it exist when “God, who cannot lie, promised eternal life before the world began?” (Titus 1:2). To whom did He promise eternal life at that time? Could He have promised it to you if you were not there? That our spirit came out of God, we know, for we read, “The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him” (Zech. 12:1). He who takes responsibility for the vast expanse of heaven and earth, also takes responsibility for forming (maturing) the spirit of man which is within us, and He is the God of the spirits of all flesh.

    What revealing light of revelation Jesus gave when He opened the truth about the origin of both man’s flesh and his spirit when on that star-studded night long ago He explained to the questioning Nicodemus, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit” (Jn. 3:6). This in my opinion is one of the most profound and awe-inspiring statements in all scripture. According to Jesus, my earthly parents are the parents only of my flesh, for that which is born of the flesh is flesh. That’s all it is! On the other hand, God, and only God, is the Father of my spirit, for that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Spirit begets spirit! And God is the God and Father of the spirits of all flesh! How could we ever think of God as the Father of the flesh? He is the creator of flesh, of the physical, but He is the Father of SPIRITS. “God IS spirit,” so He could father nothing less than spirits. As Father He puts the same life-force into His children; and this life-force is that which animates the flesh so that the body without the spirit is dead (James 2:26). This is true of all men! What a glorious statement this is — “the Father of spirits”!

    That is what redemption is all about! It liberates us from the flesh consciousness of the natural-minded man and brings us again into the conscious awareness of our Father and that we are spirit, the offspring of God. We are being made like Him because we are of His same substance. Speaking to His disciples and to the multitudes Jesus once said, “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth, for ONE IS YOUR FATHER, which is in heaven” (Mat. 23:8-9). Need I remind you that these words were spoken to men under the law; Jesus had not died or risen again, the Holy Spirit had not been poured out, nor was the new covenant in effect. He informed every one of these people that they ALL HAD ONE FATHER AND He is “our Father, which art in heaven.”That wonderful prayer Jesus taught His disciples, which we call The Lord’s Prayer, begins with the words, “Our Father which art in heaven.” Until men recognize by the illumination that the Spirit brings who their Father is they remain lost and dying in the dense darkness of the carnal mind. Spiritually, they are no different than the adopted child who has never been told he is adopted and has no concept of who his biological parents truly are or where he came from. Our Father is not the one who gave us our physical life in the womb of our earthly mother. The only reason Jesus would tell the vast throng gathered around Him, “Call no man your father upon the earth, for ONE IS YOUR FATHER, which is in heaven,” is that we all must recognize that our life did not begin with our physical birth. Our true Father is not a man upon earth, but our Father who is in heaven! Can we not see by this that our life did not begin on earth — it began in heaven! Nothing could be plainer than this. Over and over again Jesus taught the multitudes about their “heavenly Father.” Just look up the word “father” in Strong’s Concordance and see how many times in the four Gospels Jesus told the people that God was their Father! Once we know who and where our Father is it is easy to understand where our life began and from whence we came. Our birth, our beginnings were with God! God is our Father. Aren’t you glad!

    The heavenly Father is Spirit, in the Spirit state known as heaven. As spirit, we know Him as our very own Father, and the only substance of our true being. We find ourselves coming alive to Spirit, to God. This is what Jesus has accomplished redemptively for all men through His blood! The fact that we are spirit is the very basis of Christ’s redemptive work. It is not the coming of His Spirit into us that makes us God’s sons, but the apostle plainly said that “because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father” (Gal. 4:6). We no longer feel strangers to our heavenly homeland! God has redeemed us, renewed us, delivered us, and in His Son made us to be again who we truly are!

    One of the greatest needs for understanding among believers is in this area of comprehending the relationship of all men to God. Paul expressed it on Mars Hill, saying, “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives TO ALL MEN life and breath (spirit) and everything. And He made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him. Yet HE IS NOT FAR FROM EACH ONE OF US, for in Him we live and move and have our being…for we are indeed His offspring. Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man” (Acts 17:24-29). God’s offspring! And this was spoken to Greeks who not only knew nothing of Jesus Christ, but had no awareness of the one God.

    Paul is not talking here about born-again Christians, he is speaking of the fact that there is a spirit in man — in all men — and God is the Father of spirits, the God of the spirits of all flesh. The one Father of all spirits is but one Spirit. Thus all spirits are related and unified in Him. We easily forget the human birth of every man and all these earthly relationships, races, cultures, and characteristics when we recognize the One Father from whom we all came. In Old Testament days it was a great discovery of truth for people to realize that “The Lord our God, the Lord is One.” In the days of many gods this was a great revelation! In our day, however, most of the civilized world recognizes the truth of the oneness of God. The problem now is to awaken people to the truth that the One God is the Father of the spirit of every man! This is among the deepest and most precious truths of scripture. No star that shines in the firmament of revelation is more clear or glorious than this; no truth ever dropped down upon our earth from the heavens of God’s Spirit is more full of significance. This Fatherhood gives meaning and a tenderness to this life of ours, and is the very foundation of the value of man’s life, and reveals why Jesus came from the heavenly realms to redeem all men by His own precious and divine blood!

    • So here is the next verse that you left out in Acts 17: 30

      30 Therefore God overlooked and disregarded the former ages of ignorance; but now He commands all people everywhere to repent [that is, to change their old way of thinking, to regret their past sins, and to seek God’s purpose for their lives], 31 because He has set a day when He will judge the inhabited world in righteousness by a Man (Jesus Christ)

      Ok this Man, is Jesus Christ. So he is talking to people in order for them “to find’ Jesus Christ which is what Paul taught.” Paul taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the gospel of the Father.
      Because Jesus, said, “NO man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (Jesus)


    The grandest of all truths is that CHRIST IS THE IMAGE OF GOD! If you want to know what God had in mind when He said, “Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness,” you have only to look at Jesus Christ. That is what God meant! “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost (who know not who or where they are): in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of CHRIST, WHO IS THE IMAGE OF GOD, should shine unto them” (II Cor. 4:3-4). “In whom we have redemption through His blood…who is THE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD, the firstborn (prototype) of every creature” (Col. 1:14-15). His dignity is still further elaborated in these words of the writer to the Hebrews: “Who being the brightness of His glory, and the EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON…being made so much better than the angels” (Heb. 1:3-4). The Amplified Bible reads, “He is the…expression of the glory of God — the Light Being, the out-raying of the divine — and He is the PERFECT IMPRINT AND VERY IMAGE OF GOD’S NATURE…taking a place and rank by which He Himself became…superior to angels.”

    How totally inadequate do our words become in the light of words of such wonder as these! Jesus is the prototype of what God intends man to be. He is God’s finished product, God’s perfect man; what every man should be and ultimately will be. We will only understand the majesty of man in God’s image when we see Jesus as THE BEAM OF THE DIVINE GLORY, and THE OUT-RAYING OF GOD’S PERSON. Jesus Christ is the express or exact image of the Father’s being, the perfect imprint and very image of God’s nature. The allusion here is to the impression made in ancient times by a seal on molten wax; and as the image made on the wax is the exact representation (though on another substance) of the die, so is Christ the precise representation of the Father in human flesh. And thus He was able to say, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”

    The life of Jesus is the life of God transmuted into the form of our human life, so that we may see, touch, hear, know, understand, and experience the very being and nature of God in human terms. The natural mind cannot understand such a truth as this, but this is what God meant when He said, “Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness.” CHRIST is the image of God and God meant for every man to look and speak and act and be just like Jesus Christ! Can you not see the mystery? This is the value of man’s life in redemption, for God sent One who was all that man was meant to be to purchase us — not to harps and golden streets and fluttering wings in some far-off heaven somewhere — but back to relationship with God as sons in His very own image. As we consider the wonderful advent of man created “in the image of God” we can only conclude that this is a SPIRITUAL MAN brought forth out of the very spirit-substance of God almighty, and bearing His own divine nature, character, power and attributes. The image of God is the nature of God reproduced in man. Thus, man is the true image of God! The divine nature was best and fully expressed in the man Christ Jesus who shined upon mortals the truest revelation of God and lifted man’s sights higher than their poor thoughts would allow. Jesus revealed to men their true origin, heritage, and destiny. He came to show man what man really is, was intended to be, and through redemption and so great a salvation shall be — THE IMAGE OF GOD. Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. In Jesus Christ you see man as he was in the beginning, and as he ever shall be world without end — THE IMAGE OF GOD WITH DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS.

    We have come to the most sublime of all truths. The beauty of these celestial realities is found in the fact that all Jesus did He did “for us” — not in our place, but on our behalf. A musician demonstrates the beauty of the music he teaches in order to show the learner the way by practice as well as precept. This was the precious import of our Lord’s sinless life and of His demonstration of power over the whole flesh realm, including death. Our heavenly Father demands that all men should follow the example of our Lord and Master. In order to enter the kingdom of the heavens, the anchor of hope must be cast beyond the veil of this carnal, dying realm into the Shekinah into which Jesus has passed before us; and this advance beyond the law of sin and death must come through the joys and triumphs of a people “led by the spirit” who are “the sons of God” as well as through their sorrows and afflictions.

    It is by facing the enemy in the crucible of experience and by the authority of the spirit that victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat. Each and every test in our lives is an opportunity to prove for ourselves and demonstrate for those about the triumph of the spirit over the flesh. That is how Jesus did it! He knew that He was not a physical man possessing a spirit. He understood clearly that He was a spirit encased in a body. Therefore His spirit must have dominion over His flesh, not the other way around. He lived, spoke, and acted by the life of God in His spirit, even the Father who dwelt in Him. Step by step, battle by battle, victory upon victory we also ascend into the heights of the kingdom of heaven (spirit), the image of God, and the dominion restored in man!

    One can never comprehend the length and breadth and height and depth of God’s great plan of creation and redemption until first he understands that Jesus Christ is the revelation of the value of every man. In the mysterious mists of Eden God breathed into man the breath of His own divine life and prophesied of this man that he would be the image and likeness of Himself, and in due time would take his place in the Father’s great kingdom with dominion over all the works of His hands (Ps. 8:3-9; Heb. 2:6-9). There is a story about a little piece of wood that once bitterly complained because its owner kept whittling away at it, gouging it and making holes in it. But the one who was cutting it paid no attention to the stick’s protests. He was making a flute out of that piece of ebony, and he was too wise to stop when the wood complained so bitterly. The man said, “Little piece of wood, without these rifts and holes, and all this cutting, you’d be just a stick forever — a useless piece of ebony. What I am doing now may seem as if I am destroying you, but instead it will change you into a flute. Your sweet music will charm the souls of many and comfort sorrowing hearts. My cutting you is the making of you, for only thus can you be a blessing in the world.” The meaning of this little parable is clear: That flute, whose music blended so sweetly in the orchestra, was made a flute only by the knife and file that filled it with rifts and holes which seemed to be its very destruction. But the purpose of the master was the cutting away of the outward form so that breath could flow through it. The breath upon the wood created a melodious sound which made it an instrument to the praise of God. Ah, the Lord is shaping us, my beloved, cutting away the denseness of our outer shell with its darkened understanding, making rifts and holes in the way that seems right to the natural man, that the in-breathed spirit of life from God may sweep through our earthen vessel, producing the image of God, that His glory might be revealed in creation. Isn’t it wonderful!

    This divine potential lies in the spirit of every man and shows the value of man’s life. Some do not believe that the seed of God abides in every man, but I do not hesitate to tell you that every man has within him a spirit as well as a soul and a body, and the spirit of every man originated with God and came out of God. If every man is spirit, soul, and body, then where else did man’s spirit come from? Are you going to tell me it came from the devil? When the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us we learned the true dignity of man. The wonder is not that God could stoop so low but that man was created so high! It was because of the value of man’s life that Jesus came and took our nature. The sinless Son of man reveals indeed what a fall man has suffered, but shows what a destiny is his, when once the image of his Creator has been restored. Why lift a sot from his gutter to care for him and rehabilitate him and bring him to God? The reason is that man has in him some touch of the eternal and therefore must be saved; and some ultimate tide of compassion moves us to save him! His salvation is not merely from his drink, from his lust, from his sin and bondage and hell; it is salvation unto all his awesome potential as a child of the Father in heaven! It is this divine value of man’s life that brought Jesus from the portals of glory to save him! Is this not what Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son teaches us? It was a son that the father saw afar off, and ran and fell upon his neck and kissed him and killed the fatted calf and put shoes and a robe upon him and called all his kingdom to feast and rejoice with him. His son had come home! Man is the offspring of God and is meant to be the head of creation. THAT IS THE VALUE OF MAN’S LIFE!

    Can man who has sunk so low be raised so high? Consider with me the destiny of one muddy road. The clay, left long enough, hardens into a sapphire. The sand becomes by refraction of light an opal. The soot is a diamond in the rough. And the water when it freezes, is a snow-white star. Ah, there is a finer destiny for muddy humanity, but you do not see it in our raw state! Only the mighty pressures and processes of God’s redemptive dealings can transform the murky elements into the essence of divine beauty, glory and power! And this, dear one, is the answer to Job’s piercing question, “What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him? and that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him? and that Thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment?”

    Sin-cursed and sin-broken, sick and weak, murderer and prostitute, proud and arrogant, mean and vindictive — all that is humanity! But is that the value of mankind? What is the value of human life? JESUS is the value! For just such humanity there was the Man from Galilee, the Son of God, the express image of the Father, the pure, sinless, harmless One, love personified, the heir of all things, the Lord of the universe — there was that One nailed to a cross, to redeem every man that ever lived or shall live. THAT IS THE VALUE OF MAN’S LIFE! JESUS IS THE VALUE OF MAN! The price that is paid for an object reflects its value. The price God paid for humanity was His own Son in the image and glory of the Father. God saw beneath man’s tattered garment and marred image His own omnipotent potential buried there. Love pierced through the gloom and roughness and saw a diamond in the rough, but a diamond sure enough. It was within that divine spark within man’s spirit capable of being renewed that we find the reason for the cross. If we would have been less than the offspring of God He could have sent something less than His own Son to redeem us! No one redeems the life of a monkey or an elephant or a cat or a dog with the life of a man. Oh, no! There is no correspondence there. The cross was God’s great act by which He released His life-flow, the precious blood of Jesus, to heal, quicken, and restore man to his place in God.

    It would do us all a world of good to take inventory of our attitudes — how we see men. I fear that we would be both surprised and disturbed to see how often we view men out of our carnal minds rather than with the eyes of our heavenly Father — the Prodigal’s Father! Oh mystery of mysteries! Jesus went to the cross not only to take away our sins, He went there for the good in man, to redeem it and restore it into the image and likeness of God. The deepest mystery of all is that God is multiplying Himself in man, and is bringing Himself into a new dimension. There is a MAN seated upon the highest throne of heaven. Not an angel, not a cherub, and not even merely a spirit — but a MAN! That man is still clothed in the body that walked along the shores of Galilee, for the cave of Joseph of Arimathea is empty, although that body has been spiritualized by the power of incorruptible life.

    • So, I assume you are saying by all of this dialogue, that you believe Jesus, is God, One with the Father? That would only be an assumption because you have never made that clear?
      One will not have any fear, of how we, see men if you are following the Lord, because that one is spiritually born again, and he is able to see men as God taught us to see them.

  312. It is a good thing to share…and..add to. God bless.


      On an outwardly dismal day on far-away Patmos the blessed apostle John sits in holy contemplation. Suddenly the earth seems to sink away beneath his feet. The horizon recedes. John’s spirit seems to be liberated from the shackles of time and space. He is taken out of contact with the physical world about him: he is “in the spirit.” He sees, indeed, but not with physical eyes. He hears, but not with physical ears. He is in direct contact with the spiritual realities of the heavenly world! He is alone…with God! He is wide awake and every avenue of his spirit is open to the direct communication coming from God in the spirit. John is told, “Write the things that thou seest in a book.” Now, isn’t it interesting that he not only wrote the things he saw, but also the things he heard. So the “seeing” is not seeing with the natural eye, it’s seeing in the realm of the spirit! You can “hear” in the realm of the spirit and in hearing you see, that is, you understand.

      “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me…” (Rev. 1:10,12).

      What kind of turning did John do? Did he physically turn around? John was in the spirit, so his turning was a spiritual turning! His turning was an inward turning! It doesn’t mean he physically turned around, it means he turned from beholding things in the earth realm to beholding things as they are in the heavens of God’s Spirit. John began to hear by the Spirit and see by the Spirit — his perception and vision raised to a higher dimension. His eyes and ears were opened to all things spiritual and heavenly! He turned in the same way we mean when we say that someone has “turned to the Lord.” We don’t mean they changed the position of their body or tilted their head in a certain way to gaze into the sky. It is a spiritual turning, an inward change. John was changed in his spirit, lifted into a new awareness, quickened to hear and see the things that come from the Spirit of God! I have turned many times during the years of my walk in God. More than fifty years ago I first heard the Voice that John heard, and I turned from my Pentecostal realm to see the Voice, to embrace a new experience and dimension in God! Since that blessed day, each time we have heard the Voice out of the Lord’s on-going revelation of Himself, we have turned to hear as we are supposed to hear, and to see as we are supposed to see.

      I am terribly at a loss for words to express the glory of what John heard and saw when caught up into the Spirit. He heard a voice as a trumpet, and said, “I turned to see the voice that spake with me.” “Turned” is the same word which is translated converted in Acts 3:19. There is a conversion that takes place in our lives before we can see the voice that speaks with us! There is a turning from all that is not the Lord Himself! We are not just turning or being converted from the ways of the world, or from religious traditions and forms of godliness. In the life of every son of God there is coming a turning even from those legitimate things God has given us — from seeking and glorying in our ministries, our gifts, our callings, our positions, and our blessings. We are being turned to the Lord Himself! It is when we behold Him in the Spirit and by the Spirit that the great work of God is finished in us to transform us into His image and glory! “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Cor. 3:18).


    GOVERNMENT means to rule (govern) thoughts or the mind. The suffix “ment” and the word “mental” are both derived from the Latin root ment. Both human and divine government are forms of mind-control; human government is by various forms of control by the carnal mind, whereas the rule of God is by the direct control of the mind of Christ. The carnal mind molds and shapes the carnal man through fleshly passions, impulses, propensities and expediencies. The carnal mind also influences and controls the carnal man through outward agencies such as television, teachers, books, magazines, movies, advertising, laws, fashions, parents, peer pressures, etc. The mind of Christ molds and shapes the life of the sons of God by the inward law of life, by the living word of God, by the promptings and dealings of the Holy Spirit, as well as through the outward agencies of godly examples, instruction, counsel, manifestations of the Spirit, preaching, teaching, and the overwhelming presence and power of God.

    I have written all these things that our hearts might be prepared for the truths that concern the establishment of the Kingdom of God. How is the Kingdom of God established? Let me first say how it cannot be established. When our Lord spoke of the Kingdom of God He said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus had just told the disciples where the Kingdom is and how the Kingdom does not come. Before you can ever see the Kingdom you have to know how it’s not coming — because the first thing we try to do is build it by the natural. I tend to be “conservative” in my political thinking where the politics of this world are concerned. But I must tell you there is something terribly wrong with what is known today as the “Christian Right.” They are possessed of the notion that they can establish the Kingdom by political involvement, without the Holy Ghost. If somehow we can gain enough votes by the people — people of any religion, spiritual or carnal, saved or unsaved, moral or immoral, lovers of God or haters of God, Jew or Gentile, if we can get enough votes to kick this or that president out of power, to elect this or that congress, to send to Washington people of a particular political philosophy or party affiliation, to enact this or that piece of “godly” legislation, then somehow the Kingdom of God will come in America.

    Furthermore, many hold the absurd idea that the Kingdom of God is America and that righteousness can be legislated through our branches of government. I tell you today that you cannot establish or demonstrate or walk out the life of the King or the Kingdom as long as you don’t know how it’s not coming. Jesus says that the Kingdom is not coming by observation — it is not a visible, tangible, external operation. The reign of the King is a peaceful reign. Yes, He comes to make war, but the warfare He makes is an internal battle, not an external conflict of bombs and bullets. The reign of the King is a reign of righteousness, but that righteousness is not established by external rules, regulations, laws, or any police action or military enforcement. Some have actually thought that the way to establish righteousness in the heart of a seventeen year old girl who is scared and frightened because she is carrying a baby that she doesn’t know how she is going to pay for or care for — some have honestly thought that the way to establish righteousness is to stick a placard in her face as she enters the abortion clinic and scream at her that she’s a M-U-R-D-E-R-E-R! The King will never do anything that violates His character and His nature of LOVE. He came not to condemn the world, but to save it, and as the blessed Saviour He doesn’t go about screaming at people who are lost and frightened and hopeless. “Neither do I condemn thee,” He whispered tenderly to the adulterous woman who under the law deserved to be stoned. The abortion problem will never be solved by demonstrations, intimidation, condemnation, arresting doctors or bombing clinics. Such activities are diametrically opposed to the Kingdom of God. They are religious carnality at its highest intensity. The spirit of wisdom and understanding from God must deliver us from our confusion about how the Kingdom of God comes. It cannot be established by force. It cannot be established by law. It will never be established by political action. It is impossible for it to be established by the will, efforts, or programs of men or of governments.NOT BY FORCE

    How far can force go in this world? Is force the final word, the end of all argument, the arbiter of every dispute? Men have tried to answer this on a thousand battlefields. The answer is that force can go a long way. It is a mighty power. Jesus was crucified by force. Roman soldiers must have cynically laughed as they pressed His hands to the cross and drove the nails through His flesh. He was helpless before this overpowering might. Yet Christ had power to destroy those men’s lives if He had the will. When He stood there with the cross in full view, He said to His persecutors that it was in His power to call twelve legions of angels. If that heavenly host which hovered about that Son could have once made itself manifest, O how they would have swept that doomed city, that accursed conclave of false priests, and those wretched, blind and filthy-minded heathen soldiers! How the breath of these heavenly angels could have swept the life out of them and swept them down into hell and the grave. But that is not God’s way. That is not the mission of the Son or the sons. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.”

    Brutality has been the hallmark of mankind’s turbulent and violent history. Man has no answer to the dilemma. But God has the answer! It was brutal force that nailed the firstborn Son of God to the tree — but the third day He arose triumphant from the grave! The account says that the soldiers who guarded the tomb “were like dead men” — they were like dead men before the might, the sheer might of this rising Life. Those soldiers and the irresistible force of Rome they represented perished with the hour, but this Man lives on, His might unfolding in ever-increasing splendor with the passing of centuries. He stands deathless — and invincible. The greatest might in the world is not brute force — it is LIFE! As a groveling worm is transformed to become a butterfly, so our Lord was transformed from corruptible to incorruptible, from natural man to manifested Son of God. He arose in the celestial light of the glory of God, the Shekinah. He is not a reflected light, but the manifestation of the light which He Himself is.

    His light is the light of life. It is the same glory that lighted the world in the beginning when the almighty Father said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, and in Him was life, and His life was the light of men. Nothing can stand before the power of this light of life (which is love) and all things that are touched by its life-giving rays are completely transformed thereby. Resurrection life is the mightiest power in the universe. But it is not force — it is the quickening, transforming, creative power of life. That is the power of the Kingdom of God. God does not rule by the sword, by intimidation, by coercion, by armies, by slaughter and destruction. Oh, no! The world knows nothing of this power of life, for it abides in death and rules by death. That is the only way it knows. Men dead in trespasses and sins are blind to the power of life, so they turn to force to overcome evil. Anything gained by force must be held by force. You cannot fight the devil with his fire without getting yourself burned. They that use the sword shall perish by the sword, saith the Lord. We cannot by some alchemy get the gold of brotherhood out of the base metals of hate and brutality. The only possible way to get rid of the enemy is to turn him into a friend — the only possible way to turn him into a friend is through the transforming power of the light of life.

    The Kingdom of God is within, for life is within. That is a principle so simple and yet so powerful that any child should be able to understand it. It is the birth from above that gives us entrance to it. But while this Kingdom is established within, it makes itself felt and visible without. Finding its subjects in us, it makes its laws be obeyed in all our doings. It takes possession of every department of activity, of every region of everyday life. These external things, are they our doings? Our relationships with others, the way we do our work, how we spend our leisure, the things we seek after in life, are they not all outward expressions of our inner being? Then if the Kingdom of God be in us, it will find expression there. As it is impossible for any great earthly dominion to be solitary, uninfluential, but is effective, is imitated, and must mold others; so it is impossible for this Kingdom of God to be side by side with worldly influences and not change, alter, reverse, transform, or some way operate on them. As little is this possible as it is possible to carry a light through a dark room and scatter no darkness, but confine the light to the flame. “Ye are the light of the world.” This is the manner of the Kingdom’s increase, and it will grow until there is no room for any opposing dominion on earth. The stone becomes a great mountain that fills the whole earth. All powers and dominions shall serve and obey Him. The Son of God has brought this light of life into our lives, and the sons of God shall bring it to all creation, praise the name of the Lord!When our Lord Jesus was ready to begin His great sonship ministry on earth, He was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Mk. 1:12; Mat. 4:1). What a strange statement! The Holy Spirit drives the Son of God into the wilderness to be tempted by satan, the arch enemy of all righteousness, a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies! Ah, but it was necessary for the Son to be PROVEN, made STRONG, to OVERCOME in these realms before proceeding on into His glorious ministry and the agony and death of the cross. Remember — Jesus was not only the Son of God, He was the Son of man. And being both He was capable not only of hearing from God, but hearing those things that be of man. So when we speak of that ancient serpent which is the devil and satan, we are not talking about a beautiful and glorious fallen angel, but that mind which savors the things of man — the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the ground where the serpent crawls. The flesh nature is the dust that he feeds upon (Gen. 3:14). The apostle James put it this way, “Everyone is tempted when he is beguiled and allured by his own desire; the desires conceives and breeds sin, while sin matures and gives birth to death” (James 1:14-15, Moffat).

    The battle lay not with some mythical personage outside of the Christ. The conflict was within. The voice was an inner voice. The suggestion was in His mind, its power in His emotions and will. God speaks to us in our mind and spirit. Satan also speaks in our mind and emotions. There is no monster without. There are three things in this vast world which are not of the Father, and only three — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; briefly, appetite, avarice, and ambition. These are the power of satan. I do not think you will be able to avoid the conclusion that all the inventions, creations and contrivances of man are in existence to cater to these three things. It was with these three things that Eve was tempted in the garden. She saw the tree was good for food (the lust of the eyes), a tree to be desired (the lust of the flesh), a tree to make one wise (the pride of life), and the temptation was not from without but from within. How remarkably the three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness parallel these three! Every temptation of the devil comes to us through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. There are no others. Not for Adam and Eve, not for Jesus, and not for us.

    Let us consider for a moment the third temptation of Jesus. There is great wisdom, understanding and power in the truth I now set before you. By it we comprehend the ways of the Kingdom of God. For the third temptation, the devil took Jesus up on an exceeding high mountain — to the very heights of the dominion of men — and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. He saw what gave them their power and clearly perceived what made them great. He saw the fame and fortune that could be His by seizing the reins of the government of the world. And satan said to Him, “All these will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” When the Tempter came thus to Jesus he came as an angel of light, offering suggestions on how His messianic mission might be more quickly and effectively implemented and realized. He offered the kingdoms of the earth to Jesus if He would bow to the shrewd worldly wisdom the adversary outlined in His mind by which He could have used His sonship power to conquer the might of the Roman empire. I do not doubt for one moment that what tempted Jesus was a MASTER PLAN outlined by the carnal mind that seemed to promise success in the rapid and effectual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

    Jesus is here confronted with the question: Shall I win the world through self-effort, by worldly methods, by military might, by force of power, and conquer it in order to bring it salvation? Does the end justify the means? Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon all faced a similar question. For they too did not merely have an eye to conquest. In the back of their minds, though naturally on a much lower plane than the divine and exalted level of Jesus, was the desire for welfare and peace. They would ruthlessly overrun the people for their good! They would force them to be blessed, improved, prospered and happy! Any means were justified by the end. But the vision of Jesus is as clear as sunlight. He realized that the plan was no inspiration from His Father in heaven, and was therefore earthly, sensual, and devilish. To adopt it would be to “fall down and worship” the god of this world.It is impossible to possess the world, or to conquer it by carnal means, even for God, without loss of purity, without using guile and hateful force, without trampling men’s lives, killing, destroying, plundering, and locking up masses of men in prisons, which is equivalent to worshipping the very devil whom we intend to drive out. Matters not whether Hitler does it or whether Jesus Christ does the same thing riding out of the heavens on a white horse and with His armies from heaven ruthlessly and brutally smiting the kingdoms of the world! It is the same. There is not one iota of difference. And yet I tell you that this is exactly how millions of Christians conceive of the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth! “Boy, we’re gonna put that devil down, we’re gonna blow the wicked sinners off the face of earth, we’ll enforce the laws of God and set up the Kingdom of God in the earth.” That is precisely the mentality of multitudes of Fundamentalists, Pentecostals and Charismatics. You cannot deny it. And if they were given the opportunity to do so, they would fall down and worship the very devil they seek to destroy! The serpent would have the last laugh.

    Accordingly the clear and lofty answer wells out from the holy soul of every son of God as it sprang up from the soul of that firstborn among many brethren: “It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve!” In other words, God’s business can only be done in God’s way and by God’s power! Here we can marvel at the loftiness of the Pattern Son. In an instant He passes through the sum total of the experiences that we encounter in innumerable succession in our journey into the fullness of God and to the throne of universal dominion: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve!” That is the first law of sonship. May God make this wonderfully real to the heart of every elect son of God.

    So Jesus saw through the intoxicating visions and glittering prospects which the devil conjured up before Him. He renounced worldly power — even the power that He might have used in a “spiritual way” for His purpose, the establishing of the Kingdom of God. Multitudes of Christians today have been deceived by this very temptation, as they seek political power within the institutions of this world, to further the cause of the Kingdom of God. They infiltrate the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and get all involved in political activism, political action, parades, demonstrations, marches, voter registrations, clamoring for social and/or military action by our government in the name of justice and right, falling down and worshipping the god of THIS WORLD in their weak and futile efforts by such carnal means to establish the Kingdom of God in the land! What a misguided stupidity it is. Jesus understood the true nature of all things and He knew that the very substance of His message would be altered and falsified if the child were put under the compulsion of law or government to go back home to the Father. For then the prodigal would become a slave and the Father a tyrant.

    As we consider the call of God in sonship for this significant hour, let us look unto Jesus who is our Pattern and Forerunner. When He was tempted to merge the power of the Spirit with the methods of the world in order to bring the Kingdom of God to pass in the earth, He rose up from the place where the kingdoms of the world shimmered before Him, where crowns flashed and banners rustled, and hosts of enthusiastic people were ready to acclaim Him, and quietly walked the way of poverty and suffering to the cross. He walked the road where the great and the rich of this world will despise Him, but where He is the brother of sinners, the companion of the forsaken and lonely, the sharer of the lot of all who know not where to lay their head, the comrade of the insulted and injured, to whom He reaches out with the power of divine love. He chose to walk the way of the cross and of obedience to the ways of His Father, He who could have possessed the whole world in one bold stroke. And that is why the story closes with the angels ministering unto Him. Did He stake His life on the wrong card, this Jesus of Nazareth? Did He make a bad exchange when in the hour of temptation He preferred the ministration of angels and the presence of the Father to the riches and honor of this world? If He had accepted the kingdoms of this world and their “glory” He would be forgotten today. He would have become a great king in history, buried in the history books of our schools. He would have become a venerated museum piece — if He had signed the pact with the devil. But because He learned obedience to the voice of the Father He has become our Elder Brother and our King, and therefore we too know that this sonship is our destiny; with the crown and the throne and priesthood after the order of Melchizedek

    If there is one lesson every son of God needs to learn it is this: One must not, yea, cannot, utilize the strength or wisdom of the flesh or the ways of the world to promote and build the Kingdom of God! This is the third temptation, the final test for every son of God. It is confidence in the flesh that motivates men to busily and craftily work for God rather than seeking the Lord until He works. If we don’t reign in the Kingdom of God for another million years, we must wait in faith and patience for God to work. It is Self doing what only the Spirit can do; it is the Soul taking the lead, in the hope that the Spirit will second its efforts, instead of trusting the Holy Spirit to lead and to do all, and then waiting on Him. Oh, brethren, how we need to watch this! I would rather spend my whole life doing nothing while waiting upon God, than to do everything in the strength of the flesh, becoming a devil worshipper. All that is not of the Spirit is merely the carnality of man — soulish. It has no place or reward in the Kingdom of God.

    In a certain Christian college there is a speech club called Ambassador Club. During each meeting of this club there is a question and answer forum during which the “Topic Master” can ask various questions of the members relating to current events, weather, human interest and other topics of his choosing, including subjects relating to the Bible. One day the question was: In the Kingdom of God what will you do first after you receive your resurrection body and have all power? The answers were many and varied, some good and some questionable. “The first thing I will do,” clamored one freshman vigorously, “is to wipe out all the churches, destroy all of their buildings, pile all of the steeples into one big pile and burn them in sight of all the pagan people that are still alive. That will show them who is boss.” Obviously this student didn’t know much about what he was saying, because if he wiped out all of the churches he would be killing a great many people, for, after all, churches are people and not buildings.

    • Jesus said that authority was given to men, and that includes government, and obedience to law. Jesus is not in any way or fashion, an anarchist. Your ideas are not from God, or Jesus, we know that because Jesus submitted to Law. He said, I came not to destroy the law but fulfill the law. Once again, people do not have a clue where your ideas are coming from, but it isn’t God, the Lord Jesus or any teaching from the Bible. These ideas you have shared are simply from the ego of Man. I thank God he gave us his Word, to keep us safe from error. As David said, ” I hide Thy Law in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Our prayer today, is that you might find the true Lord and Savior and be awakened unto truth.
      Fantasy, is a terrible place to dwell and will lead you into more delusion, if there could be any more than what you have shared. Simply turn to the simple savior.

    The only joy, the only complete happiness, the only power and glory that can be poured out like jewels of glorious perfection upon the heads of mankind is the understanding of their own importance, and their connection with their source, as the vine with the branch. And then as the plant continues to grow the branch also becomes the vine, and branches grow out from it.
    It is all in our hands. We have to buy the gold tried in the fire. Not with money, but with our eyes open to know that it is there for us, but we have to do the buying. We have to live the life and perfect ourselves and abide the higher laws even as Jesus Christ did. We have to stop worshipping Him from a distance, and saying we believe in Him, yet do not follow Him.
    We are literally and actually a race of Gods wallowing in deep mud while the Light is all around us, but we fail to see it. The Light has always been there. It is more real by far than the mud, yet we have clung to the mud, we have mixed it ourselves as we have determinedly kept our minds on the mortal concept of existence.
    The glorious. living vibrating Spirit of God fills all space, surrounds all substance, sustains all matter, penetrates all material. It is only as we become aware of it, or in tune with it that we can consciously contact it at all times. As you begin to understand this great force, or power of tender, compassionate loving warmth of living, flowing life that enfolds you, you will soon become aware that it is also within you—and thus it is true, “That in Him we live and move and have our being.” otherwise we could not abound, or exist. This enfolding Spirit of God knows all things, comprehends all things, and as we learn to draw it more and more into our beings with awareness or consciousness of it we are always in direct contact with God. We walk with Him. We abide in Him, and He abides in us.
    These are deep things I am trying to share with you—they are way beyond the ordinary thoughts of man to question or ponder. Go directly to God for your information. That is done by learning to contact this Holy Spirit of God, and learning to listen to the knowledge of truth as it is brought forth to you. This is the Atonement, or At-one-ment that Christ dies to give us—that we could be one with the Light, and thus ONE WITH CHRIST THE FATHER.
    Do not think for one moment that Heavenly Father has forgotten you, or has turned from you. If you do, then you shut yourself out from His presence. His Spirit enfolds you. it is the essence out of which all things are composed–it is the very vibration of light and life and love that brought all things into existence, and if it were not always surrounding us. and in and through us we could not possibly exist. Learn to know of its presence and its power and become one with it — then it will be subject to you and you can use it to create with, to heal the flesh of others, to bring to pass the greater works as promised by the Lord.

    • The only way that God can abide within someone is if they have accepted Jesus Christ and repented of sin. Then you will be recreated in Spirit, and the Bible will be your food. If you try to contact the spirit realm under any other circumstances, it becomes divination, and you will be led by evil, spirits into deception against the Lord God, The Bible clearly warns against divination, and Occultism, even as he warned against this process in the Magicians, of Moses” Day.
      No your thoughts hear have led you into magic, occultism, and divination and are not in any way from God. I simply pray for God to open your eyes, to your path, that you might find His for your life.
      Simply turn to God. Many could be led astray by your occultism. This is serious error but there is a path out through the Lord.

  315. The veil that we must rend is this very veil that seals our minds on this physical or mortal plane. It is the veil that lifts us into the Superconscious mind, or into the great Mind of the Spirit of Almighty GOD. that loving, flowing, enfolding, protective, directing force of our Father, in which we live and move and have our being. No one can rend that veil for us. We have to do it. If we are children of God, then we must do the things that He has done, even as Christ did. It is all ours to accomplish. He is the One who gives the blessings, but we are the ones who have to prepare ourselves to receive them. Note Col. 3:4 from the Emphatic Diaglott translation: “When the anointed may appear, the life of us, then also you with Him shall appear in glory.”
    Acts 14:22 “—THROUGH MANY AFFLICTIONS ARE WE TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” That is true— but we can enter the kingdom of God through these many afflictions and get nowhere at all, for life is afflictions when lived on this mortal plane. Surely every little desire of earth is a bleakness of the lone and dreary world. And it is only when we can catch the higher vision and know that it is not necessary to plod out our lives in darkness, and again attain unto the Spiritual realm of living and thinking that we can enter again into the Kingdom of Heaven, and when we do we will know that it is right within us—and when we rend the veil we will see and think and work with the Superconscious or God mind.
    The Spirit of God enfolds you completely. It is in and through all things. It is light, it is intelligence, it is power and glory. It abides in you, but withdraws from your consciousness under discord, fears and worries, and leaves you groping in darkness without its light and guidance. The least confusion, the least inharmonious thought banishes it from us. But as we become more and more conscious of its nearness and power, its gentleness and love, we can draw it to us and send it out multiplied to bless and heal and enlighten a world. It is ours to use always. It truly is the greatest and yet the servant of all. It is the most glorious gift, and we are heirs to it. Note D&C 11:18 where Hyrum Smith was admonished to “appeal unto my Spirit.”
    This great Spirit of God that composes all substance, that fills all space, that is in and through all things is truly everywhere. It is light! It is power! It is joy! It is glory and peace and happiness! And there is no place where this great eternal Spirit of God is not, except in man’s consciousness. When we can open our minds and hearts to understand, and our souls to receive we shall receive it in its fullness, and we shall be truly filled with light and comprehend all things. It has always been there waiting for us to take hold of it.

    • The only Way, or path to obtain the things you have been seeking from God, is to read the Bible and understand the revelation of who Jesus Christ is. The spirit of God does not enfold people, he is received by them when they repent of sin, and come to understand the Word of God.
      When one seeks to find spirituality in the space around them and through nature you will be led astray by mysticism, pantheism and occultism, because you have opened your spirit to false mystical teachings of Satan, and evil spirits. This is how people become demon possessed. But there is a Way out and it is through Jesus Christ and turning only to Him. I am praying for your awakening to redemption, in the True God, and not occultic teachings. Praise the Lord for mercy coming to you.

  316. You ask about the scripture in the Book of Mormon concerning Christ and the Father being one, or Christ being the very Eternal Father of Heaven and earth. It involves so very much that we have never been taught, and which is so far beyond anything we have been permitted to believe that unless one is fully prepared to receive such information it just completely floors us.
    First let me say that scripture is true. Every word of it. Read and pray for understanding of the scriptures (given at the end).
    This complete understanding can only he revealed to you as you are led to the Father by Christ, or that Spirit or Light of Christ, right within yourself, as given below:
    “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me: and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out—. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which He hath given me I should lose nothing. But should raise it up again at the Last day.” John 6:37,39
    “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day. (of his purification). It is written in the prophets, and they shall all be taught of God. Every man therefore that hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.” John 6:44-5
    “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. And I and my Father are one.” John 10:27-30
    “For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God. For the word of the Lord is TRUTH, and whatsoever is truth is Light, and whatsoever is Light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.—and everyone that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father. D&C 84:44-7It is true that only this Light of Christ` within can reveal the Father. It is as you are filled with this Light that it is possible to “COMPREHEND EVEN GOD”. For it is truly a matter of comprehending, by being quickened in Him and by Him, and then it is not with the carnal, neither with the natural mind, but with the Spiritual (mind). I stand so completely awed by the glory and the wonder of it, and I wonder how we could have possibly ignored the numerous passages of scripture and been so far astray.
    In the D&C 112:25-6, in speaking of the destructions, it states: “And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my Name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.’ These words mean so much more than anyone realizes.
    And now listen carefully to the following: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is a fullness of joy: at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalms 16:11
    “And I John bear record that he received a fullness of the glory of the Father; and He received all power, both in heaven and on earth, and the glory of the Father was with Him, for He dwelt in Him. — I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name and in due time receive of His fullness. For if you keep my commandments you shall receive of His fullness, and be glorified in me as I am in the Father.” D&C 93:16-17, 19- 20 And the same pattern is ours to fulfill according to D&C 50:24-29.
    I’m enclosing a list of scriptures for you to study. (listed separately) As you study them remember that it is not I who spoke these things, but they were given under the power and inspiration of Almighty God. And so it is up to you to pray about these things until you find that knowledge–for from here on no one can take you. This is the point where you have to be led to the Father through that Light of Christ within your own soul, that you might comprehend even God. It takes a tremendous amount of courage, for few can stand the test of KNOWING God.
    These great dynamic truths that have been hidden from our eyes because of the traditions of our fathers are so breathtaking in their glory when one begins to open his soul and mind to hear and comprehend. We have become so sealed that we want to prove only those things we have been taught,—and these seals must be broken. In searching for the great truth, the truth that will make us free, it is almost necessary to forget all we have been taught, and go direct to the original source of all truth–first the scriptures-
    -all of them–and then to God Himself. This is the only possible way to KNOW Him.

  317. Now about how to pray–do not let that trouble you. Pray as you always have, only without trying to send it across space into infinitude. Pray as the scriptures say “Feel Him”. Learn to feel and comprehend that Light within you–love it, praise it, rejoice in it, and when you have brought it forth until it fills every cell and fiber of your being, and your mind, then will you truly be born of the Spirit, and receive the Fullness of God, and He will be revealed unto you–and that Light within, having been brought forth to completion will become OWE with the great Light of Spirit which fills the universe.
    This will he your ordination, your anointing of Light, your glorious experience of receiving the Fullness of God. It is quite necessary that you begin to comprehend, since you have asked–therefore it is time for you to KNOW. YOU must henceforth and forever take hold of the Light and glorify that Light. Worship and praise and adore Him continually. Give thanks every moment of every day, if necessary, to eliminate the darkness. Thus will be given to you the power to cast out darkness, and be clothed in Light (Light of mind or comprehension).
    No individual an this earth has the right to take the place of God in another man’s life. No one has the right to assume the authority of interpreting the will of God to other men–for each must learn of his own birthright, and then truly he will need no man to teach him, for he will be taught of God, and will become One with his Maker, even God. This is the work we must do here in order to connect up with the work that is being done over there. We must free our own minds–then with infinite love and Light teach mankind the dignity of his existence, and the power of his destiny, if he will only accept and fulfill it.
    —You will know the Truth and the TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE. And your mind will never again be shackled to trust in the arm of flesh or in the opinion of men–but you will abide in the true Light, and thus fulfill the glorified promises, that you will need none to teach you, ‘But they shall all he taught of God’. This is the only road to Truth. This work is only to tear the blindfold from men’s eyes, to let them know that it is possible for every individual on this earth to contact Him–to prepare them for the great revelation which will come when He reveals Himself to them individually. Thus He becomes a most personal God to every individual, as we glorify Him. And thus, we who are the very least, can become the greatest–even one with Him, and we too can finally declare, “The Father and I are One”.

  318. II Cor. 6:16 “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God: as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
    John 4:24 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
    Acts 17:27-8 “That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us: for in Him we live, and move, and have our being.”
    D&C 88:41 “He comprehendeth all things, and all things are before Him, and all things are round about Him: and He is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things: and all things are by Him, and of Him, even God, forever and ever.”
    I Cor. 6:20 (from Emphatic Diaglott) “Therefore glorify God in the body of you.”
    Moses 7:35-6 “Behold, I am God; Man of Holiness is my name; and Endless and Eternal is my name also. Wherefore, I can stretch forth mine hands and hold all the creations which I have made.”
    Moses 6.34 “Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify: and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course: and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you: therefore walk with me.”
    D&C 121:26-32 “God shall give unto you knowledge by His Holy spirit, –which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times–A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many Gods, they shall be manifest. And thrones and dominions, principalities and powers shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ. And also if there be hounds set to the heavens or to the seas, or to the dry land, or to the sun, moon, or stars–. –According to that which was ordained in the midst of the council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was—.”
    God is hastening His work in its time– and its time is NOW. I have been trying to teach mankind how to find the divine contact with the Light of Christ that is right within their own souls, so that they could be in constant contact with Almighty God, and fulfill the promise given by Isaiah that they would need none to he their teachers, for God Himself would be their Instructor. See also D6C 1:19-20.
    Christ said, “I am meek and lowly in heart.” When we become meek enough and lowly enough in our own hearts, or learn to search the depths of our own hearts then we will find Him, for it will be then that He will unveil His face unto us.
    This great over-flowing power of divine, eternal light and life is what I understood so thoroughly before I came to earth—and was ordained to bring forth or make it apparent to mankind who had completely lost all consciousness of it, though it had always been there. Love this Light–love it–this Spirit of God in which you live and move and have your being. It has to be loved like a little child

  319. This Light of Christ is joy and song and ecstasy and glory that is unspeakable. As you hold to that ecstasy, the darkness will soon be banished forever and joy such as you have never known will be yours always. You will be cleansed from all past mistakes and prepared to be filled with Light, or to receive your “Anointing of Light.” Then, in Moses 6:61 it informs us that QUICKENING spirit is given to abide in us–therefore it is up to us to bring it forth. Now, as you hold yourself in that vibration of joy and glory and praise and rejoicing, what you are really doing is holding your self in the purifying, glorifying flame of the Spirit of Almighty God, or in His quickening Spirit. This is done by your own conscious thinking. As you begin to understand that it is entirely a matter of thinking, or awareness, of understanding, and that this tremendous power to constantly contact this glorifying spirit of God, or this “Light of Christ” is right within you at all times, and as you begin to use it with understanding you will understand completely and forever your own responsibility–and why it is necessary to cast darkness from you.
    When you learn to contact that Light within you, and to abide in that Light you can ask anything and have it granted. There is such unspeakable power, such dynamic breathtaking knowledge waiting for those who will only even try to believe–then if they will hold to that belief it will gradually develop into faith and vision– and finally will become complete knowledge. And knowledge is power.
    It is true that as we develop this Light and love it attracts people to us, and it is only as we fully realize that it is not us they are reaching for, but the Light of Christ which they feel, can we progress on to higher power. That understanding is the first requisite to higher advancement. The self must be truly put aside that God can work through us, and that we give Him the glory for every step of progress we make is most essential.
    Remember when we used to study so diligently that 6th chapter of John? Notice verses 37-39: “all that the Father giveth me shall come to me (that Light of Christ within) and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.” Then verses 44-45: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, and they shall all be taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me.” And they are taught of God through this light of Christ within.Then in John 10:28-30: “and I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all: and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. And I and my Father are one.”
    Thus it is that the Father leads us on until we become assured of that Light of Christ which is within us–and when we have finally made that contact and know and comprehend what it is, no one can ever again drag us back out of the Light.
    Then in the D&C 88 and also Section 93 is given in so many places that He is the Light out of which all things were made, “I am the true Light that is in you, and that your are in me, otherwise ye could not abound.” This is the great eternal truth, which if one understands he is free, forever, eternally free.

  320. The everlasting covenant of Almighty God is that contact with the light of Christ within each man. It is the very voice of God–and it is an everlasting covenant for it is born within each and every man, it is new, for to each who find it is the greatest, most amazing, most divine gift ever dreamed of or desired. This contact with the Light of Christ within, so that each man can be directed personally by God is the very law of the Priesthood–and without it the priesthood and all its claims are in vain. Study with your soul wide open to understand Moroni 7:36-37. That whole chapter 7 of Moroni deals entirely with our people NOW! It is the most remarkable chapter ever written. It shows how utterly meaningless prayers are that are uttered through habit, how they are not only useless but wicked. It reveals the Light of Christ and how we are to judge by it. It shows the vanity of all things that have not the power of God to bear witness of the works. It reveals the necessity of PLEADING WITH ALL THE ENERGY OF HEART FOR THE PURE LOVE OF CHRIST, that we might become purified, even as He is pure.
    You ask how you can take hold of this Light of Christ more speedily, and how long after I began to understand the scriptures concerning the light of Christ within us before I understood how to contact it. I am not sure I can answer these questions clearly. That contact was a thing that I did not understand, but so many, many times I would be instructed in such dynamic, breathtaking ways down the years that I only marvel at my denseness in not completely comprehending it fully long before I did. I have heard its voice as plainly as one standing beside me speaking in my ear. I have heard actual words spoken–and it was usually in great emergencies, when I would be troubled or upset and it would give me directions, inform me that everything would be all right, or tell me things which I should do. At first I used to argue with it, for I knew that it could not possibly be right in the instruction it would give. But it always proved to be right. I learned to listen to it down the years, and knew positively that whatever it told me was so. I learned to never question or doubt any information I received. My life, since I was twenty years old has been filled with these contacts that have been so beautiful and so definitely true that all I needed to do when I finally was given the understanding of this Light of Christ within was to just accept it. I already seemed to know about it. And then I went back over the many, many times in my life when it had instructed, warned, or directed me, and I bowed my head so humbly and with tears streaming from my eyes I kneeled and thanked God for a gift so perfect.
    I am sure you can do the same thing. You can recall those moments of high inspiration, of definite instruction and help–gather these memories to you–then just open up your heart and soul and mind and the knowledge will be yours. I think the first contact, or the first indication of this divine gift within is just a deep peace which comes when one prays earnestly to comprehend some problem. It is the eternal Light of Christ that is within us–and when we learn to “Be Still,” we will be bathed in its eternal, glorious peace.
    Later one can begin to develop it and it may be in revelations that just seem to he inspired thoughts, or glorious vibrations of joy–and thus as one learns to understand he can grow from peace and inspiration into the full gift of divine revelation, which is promised to those who would only begin to pay conscious heed to this direction of Light.Eyes single to the glory of God literally means eyes and heart and ears always seeking to heed, to glorify and to perfect this divine Light of Christ within you–this is the glory of God. Keep your eyes single to this idea and you will behold His face, remember: “in His time, in His way and according to His will.” It is this Light of Christ within you which you must keep your attention on.
    Never stop in your search for truth until you have found all truth– the ONE GREAT ETERNAL TRUTH and you are forever free. This singleness of heart and eyes single to His glory is one and the same thing. It means to keep one’s attention focused on this Light and Intelligence of Christ within us. This Light and Intelligence is the glory of God, and as we keep our attention focused upon It, seeking only to bring it forth, to hear its direction and instructions in our lives that we might become perfect in all things for the glory of God, we-are fulfilling the highest laws possible. And much laughter and lots of hilarity takes one’s mind away from this center of Light, which is the center of joy, ecstasy and that deep inner gladness that is like a golden melody of glory.

  321. Ok, in simplicity, if you have been led to the Father by Jesus Christ, then the question becomes, “why, are you seeking a different path?” Your statement “‘few can stand the test of Knowing God”??? ~ I mean where did you get a statement like that?? You have read the Bible and you think that makes any sense at all?? Nothing is hidden from our eyes in Jesus Christ. It is an open testimony of salvation in plain language to men, Even Children can find and read and understand Jesus.
    This is not an esoteric mystery, and satan has led you astray. God is not hiding himself from us in mystery doctrines. That is why Mormonism and it’s teachings are error, and a lie, and occultism. I don’t know what traditions you are afraid of, but the only traditions, we should stray away from is Unbelief.
    Believe in Jesus and what he wrote. He never asked men to add to it.
    Ok, Jesus is Not, the Father, and it is not mystical or mysterious.
    The Father is not Jesus, Jesus is His son, and the Holy Spirit bears witness as a third person to Jesus and His word. This is not a hidden teaching but Jesus gave it openly.
    Jesus warned against false teachings, and false prophets, and that’s what you have in Mormonism, and it is Occultism. Jesus teachings are from the Father, and they are clear plain and not mysterious or mysticism. But you have hunger for God, and I pray Jesus will open your eyes to the simple Gospel. It is not a “hidden mystery”.. When you encounter someone who is teaching, that only the “enlightened ones” can walk with God, or find God, that you have to be “specially enlightened” to know God, you are being lied to. God is an open Book. and the Book is called the Bible. If you are afraid of the Bible, then who has put that fear there? It isn’t from God. God sent his word in Love. And He certainly hasn’t put a fear in your heart as to listening to men from God tell you the truth. Constantly being afraid that men are not “living up to” “the great Revelation of God”…… Yes, God’s word is a great Revelation, but if you believe that then quit following “mysticism”. This is not a mystical book, for the hidden elect. It is for everyone. Stop being afraid of simplistic Truth. And men sent in ordinary circumstances to speak to you. The priesthood of God is for simple, men, saved by a righteous God, not a heirarchy of great mystical men who are not tied to earth and government. God knows who you are and he is not trying to turn you into some great mystical saint. He is dealing with normal, natural men. Stop being deceived in my prayer, and turn to simplicity, because God knows everything about us, and he is not impressed with our mystical powers. In fact He has warned against it, but you must respect His word and His men, not just one man Joseph Smith or any other one man. God’s people agree with His spirit and Joseph Smith and the whole group were deceived, but I pray that will not include you, when you read the Bible for what it says, and not as a secret mystical society. God is an open book, not a hidden mystery. Satan wants you to believe that so you can spin the wheels of your mind in all this for the rest of your life. God is about Love. But the definition for Love is in the Bible, not in the Love, that men create in Mysticism. Mysticism is akin to magic, and it is witchcraft because it stems, from Lies. I pray for you to know the Simplicity of Christ Jesus.

  322. Eyes single to the glory of God literally means eyes and heart and ears always seeking to heed, to glorify and to perfect this divine Light of Christ within you–this is the glory of God. Keep your eyes single to this idea and you will behold His face, remember: “in His time, in His way and according to His will.” It is this Light of Christ within you which you must keep your attention on.
    Never stop in your search for truth until you have found all truth– the ONE GREAT ETERNAL TRUTH and you are forever free. This singleness of heart and eyes single to His glory is one and the same thing. It means to keep one’s attention focused on this Light and Intelligence of Christ within us. This Light and Intelligence is the glory of God, and as we keep our attention focused upon It, seeking only to bring it forth, to hear its direction and instructions in our lives that we might become perfect in all things for the glory of God, we-are fulfilling the highest laws possible. And much laughter and lots of hilarity takes one’s mind away from this center of Light, which is the center of joy, ecstasy and that deep inner gladness that is like a golden melody of glory.

  323. For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for everything which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ: wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
    “But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny Him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one: neither do his angels, neither do they who subject themselves unto him.” These are the truest things ever written.

    • The Spirit of Christ is not given to disobedient people. Nor, to those without Jesus. Again lies.

      • WRONG! IN JESUS THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS GIVEN…..THE DISOBEDIENT IS ANY PERSON TRYING TO INTERPRET THE WORD IN HIS OWN UNELIGHTENED use the scripture without the spirit of understanding and you deviliously use the letter of the law totaly without any inspiration from the only appeal to those that are lazy and fearful in going to god for themselves…in other words GODS REJECTS…PLZ STOP BEING A ROYAL JACK ASS INCORPORATED..NOBODY IS IMPRESSED …


    “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come” (Rev. 1:8).

    Not only is Christ the beginning, He is the end of all things! Mankind is yet groping about in the dense darkness of the carnal mind, knowing not that HE is standing right there in the shadows, were their eyes opened to see. Yet He hath appointed a day – O glorious day! – when His light shall shine forth and the plan shall be completed as the apostle saith, “For God has allowed us to know the secret of His plan, and it is this: He purposed long ago in His sovereign will that all human history should be consummated in Christ, that everything that exists in heaven or earth should find its perfection and fulfillment in Him. IN CHRIST we have been given an inheritance, since we were destined for this, by the One who works out all His purposes according to the design of His own will” (Eph. 1:9-11, Phillips).

    Everything in history is moving inexorably toward a day when Jesus will have conquered everything and everyone. Like a mountain of dirt before a gigantic bulldozer steadily moving forward, all that can be conquered is being collected into the loving arms of Jesus, whose right it is to rule. When Christ ascended on high after His resurrection, He led many captives out of the prison house and also set forth His great purpose: “Now He that ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens THAT HE MIGHT FILL A-L-L T-H-I-N-G-S” (Eph. 4:9-10). The message is clear – redemption includes the complete transformation of the entire universe (all heavens) and all that is within it so that God in Christ shall FILL ALL THINGS. There shall not be left one corner of this vast universe, nor one creature in it, where He shall not be Lord and King. Everything everywhere shall be restored to the beautiful harmony and order of the love of God. Indeed, He shall fill all things that God may be all in all!

  325. All that God has ever done or ever will do, all that He has said or ever will say, will ultimately redound to His glory, that He may be “All in all” – and why not? “In the beginning GOD…” Everything else is because of God – God’s love, God’s wisdom, God’s purpose, God’s power, God’s righteousness. And for all things to find their purpose, their reality and their end in Him is the final goal of salvation’s history. It is an extraordinary thing, yet sublimely true, that the Lord Jesus gives us to understand that what He is doing on earth today and throughout the ages to come is only a beginning. What He has given us is a root, and not yet a tree; a foundation, and not yet an edifice. The Kingdom Seed must grow, the branches spread out, the blossoms appear, and the fruit be formed. The little stone cut out without hands must grow and grow and grow until it becomes a great mountain that fills all the earth. In the end the kingdom of God will have filled all realms everywhere, from the Milky Way to the outermost galaxies, from the caves of Afghanistan to the government halls of Beijing and the worshipping throngs of Mecca, and God will be All in all! Those who on earth are now being perfected in Christ are the firstfruits of this marvelous revelation of God All in all!

    In these days many people are seeking to know what the end will be. At this time of frustration and confusion, men want to know what God will bring to pass in the end. Many years ago heaven shed its light in my spirit and I saw clearly that if we could know something of God’s beginning of things, we could then understand something of the end. A clearer conception of the beginning would give us a clearer knowledge of the ending. In connection with this, I would like to quote from a book called The Gospel of Thomas. While it has not been accepted as being inspired, along with many other apocryphal writings, there is still truth to be gleaned if we can separate the meat from the bones. The Gospel of Thomas consists of a series of sayings attributed to Jesus. On one occasion Jesus is reported to have said, “I will give you what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, what hand has not touched, and what has not arisen in the heart of man.” The disciples said to Jesus, “Tell us what our end will be.” Jesus said, “Have you then discovered the beginning, so that you inquire about the end? FOR WHERE THE BEGINNING IS, THERE SHALL BE THE END. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death.” Here is blessed confirmation of what we have known from the scriptures and by the spirit of revelation from God! Jesus says that if we know the beginning and stand at the beginning, we shall know the end, and we shall not taste death! What a word! Is it not true that in the beginning there was no sin, no sorrow, no pain, no tears, no limitation, and no death? Behold Jesus Christ! HE is the beginning and HE is the end! HE abolishes death! HE brings life and immortality to light through the gospel! It is in Him that we have life, and have it more abundantly! All that is happening now came out of the Beginning and will come into the Ending. If Jesus Christ is the End, then this does away with all this teaching in the church systems about everlasting hell and eternal damnation, for HE IS THE END. Death is not the end, judgment is not the end, hell is not the end, fire and brimstone are not the end, damnation is not the end, for CHRIST IS THE END! Though men be processed by judgment “unto the ages of the ages,” that judgment is not their end, merely a means to the end, there is an end at the conclusion of the ages -— and that end IS CHRIST!

    • The Bible doesn’t say, Christ is the End. Christ means the anointed one. Jesus is the Christ the anointed one. And the Bible doesn’t say Jesus is the End.
      So, the real question is what are You talking about?

      Where did this next statement come from,? it is Not in the Bible.~~~~~

      Jesus, “Tell us what our end will be.” Jesus said, “Have you then discovered the beginning, so that you inquire about the end? FOR WHERE THE BEGINNING IS, THERE SHALL BE THE END. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death.”

      Jesus, did not Ever at anytime say this. So you’re whole commentary is error, and does not pertain to reality.
      Satan is a deceiver.

  326. As we ascend in Christ the Spirit of God changes our perspective of all things. He alters and adjusts our viewpoint. God is bringing us up into a dimension in Himself to see as He sees. God can see all things at once! He exists in the eternal now. A million years are to Him as but a day. There is no past in God. There is no future in God. The garden of Eden is not past, nor is the millennium future. The dawn of creation is not thousands or billions of years ago, nor is the consummation of all the ages of time future. God is high enough to see the whole purpose from beginning to end, that beginning and end are in Him, and it all exists in the eternal now! Oh, the mystery of it!

    In the limitation of our natural minds we view things with our blinders on. We are perched on our little seat on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store with thousands of human bodies around us – with all the confines of the systems of this world, with all the restrictions of this gross material realm, with all the impediments of the carnal mind – and all we can see is that little portion of history that is right in front of us at this moment in time. Everything else is either past or future! That’s why men are distressed. That’s why believers are troubled. That’s why even we are sometimes confused. That’s why we cry out to God and say, “Oh God, Why? Why did this happen? Why did that happen?” We feel helpless and hopeless in the midst of circumstances, situations, problems, and troubles that come our way. But did you know that all of our “Why” comes from the little chair in front of the hardware store! Many years ago the Spirit of God spoke to me and said, “Sons do not ask, Why?” Tragedy and trauma come into our lives and we don’t understand. We look out at the world, society, and the nations, and see what is happening in our schools, in our communities, in our government, and even in our own families sometimes. We see ungodliness and wickedness, sin and sorrow, terrorism and war, disease and death, misfortune and heartbreak, and we feel helpless because we are sitting on our little chair on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store. All we can see is how it looks from where we are! We miss seeing where it all came from and we cannot see where it is all headed. We fail to discern the great purpose in it all because of our limited vision! We can’t see the origin, nor do we see the consummation. We just see what is in front of us. And we call that now! THAT’S NOT NOW! That is now, but it is not all of now. In Christ the origin is now. The destiny is now. The whole plan is now because God is NOW! When we get high enough in the Spirit to see from God’s perspective we see the whole thing. Christ Jesus is the source and the consummation of all things! Dwelling in Him we know that all our steps are ordered of the Lord and our “future” is secure, the “outcome” is certain, for HE is our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and our end! When we truly see that all our happenings are ordained of God, all is according to divine purpose, all is secure in Him, and the outcome is by divine appointment, what rest it affords! What peace this holy knowledge brings! What confidence the truth evokes!

  327. I have had agnostics and skeptics ask me, “If God is real, if God is in control, if God is all powerful, if the God you worship is as good as you claim He is, why do we have all the millions of starving people, little children with bloated stomachs, drug addicts strung out committing suicide, prisons full of criminals, teenagers shooting up our schools, and famines, tornadoes, war and destruction? If God is love, why do we have all that?” And you know, it is difficult to answer that, because you are trying to explain something to people who are sitting on their little chair on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store. They are looking only at appearances. Their perspective is limited and their vision defective. All they can see is what appears in front of them without any knowledge of either the origin or destiny of all things. In the blindness of their minds it is impossible for them to comprehend the grand design, the great purpose. And you can’t answer their “Why” unless somehow they can get high enough to SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE! Until they can see for themselves both the origin and the consummation, they cannot perceive the real meaning behind everything happening in between. So how are you going to describe the perspective of the man up on the top of the three-story building to the man sitting in his little chair on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store? You can explain it to him but he just can’t see it! This great truth has to come by revelation!

    • Well, Amos, You, cannot See the Whole Picture, and that’s why you can’t answer their question, because God never asked you to answer it, and you don’t have the answer. Because we are not God, which you seem to be inherently determined to play his role. The Bible told us what happened here, and it is not because they look at appearances, it’s because they don’t believe the Word of God, that it is literal, and that is the same problem you have, and it’s why you can’t answer them. When you solve that problem you will be able to answer, but not if you explain it symbolically, because their question is not symbolic it is literal and it is why you cannot answer.

  328. Suppose you were to meet a mystic today, a spiritually sensitive one, who could see your past, your present, and your future. He could see what you will do tomorrow, where you will be twenty years from today, and see your end – the whole thing! It is like a man high up in an airplane over an island of the sea. He is looking down on a river. He sees where the river begins in the mountains, he sees the continuation, and he sees the end of the river where it empties into the sea. He sees all this at the same time! God, therefore, sees us in a way that we cannot see, and because He sees from a height from which we do not see, we should trust Him without questioning or fear. Those called to sonship in this Day are learning to trust! We are learning to trust so that whatever God tells us to do, we do it! If He says, “Jump over the precipice,” we jump, because our heavenly Father is seeing us in a way that we do not yet see, and knowing us in a way we do not yet know. HE is seeing what our end will be! Each of us has an end. Have we ever thought of it? We have an end, and God is seeing our end right now. Does that cause you to fear? Not if you are a son! For we know our end – our end is CHRIST! “I am the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord!”

    There is divine meaning in every happening that comes into our lives. There are no accidents in God! Everything that comes to us is for our learning, for our growth and development in God! How God teaches us is His business! If we try to put our hand to it, we’ll only make a mess of it. If it is left up to us to direct our steps, we will guard, preserve, fight for, and save everything that needs to go to the cross because we are sitting on our little chair on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store. May the Voice that spoke to John on Patmos resound in our ears this day. “Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne” (Rev. 4:1-2). Ah, there is where we want to see from! When we “come up hither,” high enough “in the spirit,” we see the “throne” of God’s sovereignty and are enlightened with the holy understanding that all is well because our Father is reigning over all!

    • No, my friend. Jesus said, “Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you”. So, your beginning will end up as an ending, if one does not understand, that the devil is a spirit, evil, and seeking to mislead you. You must have true teaching and not gnostic mysticism, because it is a lying spirit. Therefore, be not deceived, but listen to true teaching. The Bible, is not a code book. It is the book of LIfe.

  329. The next thing we need to understand, to comprehend this mystery, is the meaning of the word “profit” Jesus used here when He said, “The flesh profiteth nothing.” Now the profit on any investment is always the increase. It is that which was not, which is created out of the investment’s creative powers of that which one starts with. If I invest a thousand dollars, and it brings back two thousand dollars, then the second thousand dollars is the increase, the profit, that is literally brought forth out of the creative powers that were in the first thousand dollars to increase itself, to double itself, when properly invested. Therefore, this word “profit” is a creative word! It implies the power to create, to increase one’s self, or to reproduce one’s self. Therefore, when Jesus said, “The flesh profiteth nothing,” what He was trying to get over to us is that there is no creative power in the flesh – in anything that is physical and material in this earth. It cannot increase itself, it cannot reproduce itself; in fact, it cannot even sustain the life that it has, for if our spirit were to depart from our flesh body, it would immediately begin to deteriorate and go back to the dust from whence it came. When Jesus said, “The flesh profiteth nothing,” He was revealing to us that every visible, carnal, natural, material, physical thing in this world, including our own flesh body, is not creative. It has no power to increase itself; it doesn’t even have power to sustain its own life! All it can ever be is the visible manifestation or expression of the Life of Spirit, and of the creative power that is in Spirit.

    On the other hand, when Jesus said, “It is the spirit that quickeneth” or “it is the spirit that giveth life” or “is the source of your life,” what He was seeking to reveal to us is that the spirit is creative, that our regenerated spirit has creative power! Therefore, the great mystery and the great truth that Jesus was seeking to reveal to those who can receive and understand it is that it is our own spirit that is the source of our life, that we carry the source of our life around in our own beings; and therefore, our own spirit being the source of our life we are not dependent on anything outside of our own being for life! For you see, when you are a source, you are the beginning. A spring from which a river comes out of the earth and flows into the earth is the beginning of that river. It is the source from which the water of that river comes. And therefore that is what Jesus was trying to get over to us – that since we have been born of the seed of God, and since Christ, who is the beginning and the end, is that regenerated, recreated, born-again spirit that is within us, it is your spirit that giveth life, or that is the source of your life, and being a source within itself, is therefore not dependent on anything outside of itself for its life!When you are a source, you are the beginning; therefore you are not dependent on anything before you or anything after you, or anything outside of you, for your life. The truth that Jesus teaches us is that we carry the source of our life within our own spirit and we are not dependent on any fleshly thing outside of our own spirit for our life. It is because Jesus came to the revelation of this truth and the reality of it within Himself that He could step out into the world and say, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.” Knowing that He carried the source, the beginning of His life within His own spirit, He could say, “I am the beginning.” Knowing that the creative power was in His spirit to bring forth His final destiny, and that that destiny was under the control of the creative powers that were within His own spirit, He could say, “I am the end.”

    When Jesus said, “The flesh profiteth nothing – it is the spirit that quickeneth, that is the source of your life,” He was revealing to us the great truth that the source of our life is not in the flesh, not in the visible, not in the carnal, physical, material things, nor in anything that is of this natural world; but all those things are but outward manifestations of the creative powers that are in the life of Spirit, and that the source of our life is in our own spirit. Now the problem with all of God’s precious people, you see, is that they have not known this great truth. They have thought that they are dependent for their lives on the carnal, material, physical things of the flesh of this world – natural money, natural housing, natural food, natural body, natural abilities, and the laws of nature. All of us have thought that those things were the source from which our life came! In fact, we have so been deceived that those visible, physical, carnal, natural things were the source of our life that we were so completely dependent upon them that if we were cut off from them – if we lost our job, lost our money, lost our housing, lost our food – we thought that we would die! For you see, this is the great lie that the carnal mind deceived man with through the fall. When man lost the consciousness of his spiritual nature, and degenerated down into the consciousness of the outer, carnal, physical nature, man became convinced that he was dependent upon the visible and the physical and the natural for his life – natural money, natural job, natural business, natural food, natural medicine, natural clothing, natural housing, natural possessions, natural transportation, natural body – natural, natural, natural! We have been so convinced that that is the source of our life until we have been scared out of our wits that if we were cut off from that source of life, we would die!Jesus, when He was out in the wilderness with His people, and needed bread, by-passed the natural resources, by-passed the wheat field, by-passed the flour mill, by-passed the grocery store and sat down on the ground, and through the operation of that spiritual law of faith, drew right out from within His own spirit enough bread to feed five thousand people! For you see, beloved, there is a source of life, and all that pertains to life, including bread that sustains life, which is not dependent on the natural resources of this world. It is the original source of life – SPIRIT! The Bible makes it very clear that all life, and every manifestation of life that is in this universe, originally came right out of Spirit. Thus the apostle Paul says that “through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God; so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11:3). Therefore, the Bible says that everything in this world which is visible and physical – in the beginning, originally, was not made of something visible or tangible already existing – which does appear – but was made of the resources that came originally right out of Spirit, by the spoken word of faith. Faith drew it right out of Spirit and manifested it! Therefore, you see, Jesus, as He sat on the ground that day, and fed five thousand with five little loaves of bread and two small fish, had become a manifest Son of God who was not subject to the laws of nature, neither underneath them; and therefore not dependent on the natural resources for bread, but could by-pass them. He was a spiritual Son of God who was sovereign over all physical laws, and therefore could go right back to the original source of bread and draw it right out of His own spirit.

    Do you notice how easily Jesus did this? The scripture says that Jesus instructed His disciples, “Make the men sit down.” You see, when you get bread from this source, you don’t have to get it standing up, with a plow or a sickle in your hand, laboring and sweating, as men have for six thousand years, since they’ve been under the curse; but you can sit quietly down and bring forth all things from a position of rest. The men sat down, and Jesus sat quietly down with them. The record states that Jesus simply took the loaves of bread, and when He had given thanks, He distributed to the disciples – as much as they would. You see, there was no shortage here. Everyone got to eat as much as he wanted, as much as he would! And Jesus did it so smoothly and so easily – He just sat down, gave thanks, and began to hand it out. He didn’t have to go through all the soulish hype men go through today in an effort to work up a little faith! He didn’t have to go through a thirty-minute praise service, dance around in the Spirit for a while, speak in tongues, prophesy, and then scream, “In the name of Jesus, let there be bread!” There was no fanfare, no showmanship, no theatrics, no emotional appeal at all. This great truth that we’re seeking to share with you, that it is the spirit, the Spirit of Christ in your own spirit that is the source of Life – this truth had become so real to Jesus that, moving in the spiritual law of faith, He could draw it, effortlessly, right out of His own spirit!

    Out of the experiential knowledge of this great truth Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life.” He knew that through coming into the world and shedding His blood to cleanse us from our sins, and make us clean vessels, so the Holy Spirit could regenerate us, recreate us, birth us again, restore us to the consciousness of our true identity, grow us up into the spirit to that place of manifested sonship in which He stood, then through Him in us we would be able go back to the original source of Life, and of Bread, and of Reality. HE is the bread of Life to us; not the natural world system, neither the material resources of this natural world system. It is the spirit that createth Life; the flesh profiteth nothing! Jesus on another occasion stated it this way, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.” He set before us two ways of life. We can live our life in the flesh, or we can live our life in the spirit. We can walk after the flesh, or we can walk after the spirit. We can draw our existence out of the natural realm which passes away, or we can draw our existence out of the spiritual realm which liveth and abideth forever. We can live our life according to natural law, or we can prepare our mind and heart to live life according to Spiritual Law.

    • If we are the source and our spirit is that creative force and all of it’s beginning is within us, and words are spiritual, and have no literal content, then what do we need your commentary for? Who are you, to instruct the beginning within us? We certainly wouldn’t need or require your instructions, if We are the source. No my friend. You have fanaticized your commentary into something that Jesus never intended.
      We must have the whole Bible and it’s content to keep Jesus words in context. You must believe in the literal teachings of God’s word, or you will end up as a “crazed bird”, flying in the bushes with rabies and foaming at the mouth with satan’s, lies. Yes these evil spirits are literal and they will mislead you Into a strange and Occultic mysticism, until just like the Madman of Gadara, they cry out “Jesus, send us into that herd of swine”. The swine are literal, and the evil spirits are literal and they will come into you for possession, without repentance. Repentance is literal.

  330. jesus, in the days of His flesh, spoke often in the language of symbols. All of His wonderful parables were given in symbolic and allegorical language. But He also used symbols in His speech on many other occasions. The disciples were showing Jesus the temple and its grandeur. The gifts of the ages were reposited there, and the whole temple was built with the greatest cost and magnificence, so that nothing was more stupendous in all the nations. It was adorned with gold and silver and the whitest of marble, some of the foundation stones were more than sixty feet long, seven and a half feet high and nine feet broad. Jesus stood taking it all in, and gazing at the temple, said, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again!” This totally “blew” the carnal minds of those standing there who heard these words! They were incensed and were ready to kill Him. With countenances distorted by anger the Jews replied, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?

    It wasn’t what Jesus said that upset them, it was what they thought He said! They were good “Fundamentalists,” and they believed in taking the word of God literally unless God clearly specified that He was speaking figuratively or spiritually! Even the disciples, still concerned with the natural, were understanding with carnal minds, unenlightened by the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God. They failed to discern that He spoke of the temple of His body! These men in their then unspiritual state, could not be expected to understand what Jesus spoke by the Spirit. They were more concerned about the outward edifice of stones than the living temple not made with hands! They were more concerned about the passing, than the permanent. But the Master had finished with this. The time had come for God to raise up in the earth a glorious temple of living stones, of which the temple of the Old Covenant was but a faint type and shadow. So He had little interest now in that which represented a fallen order, devoid of God’s presence and power and majesty…….

    • Is this the literal Amos, or the fake Amos, that is speaking Here? Are you speaking from your mind, and from what you have interpreted? Then is your interpretation real; is it literal? If it isn’t real, literal, then it is fake. It’s the fake Amos. The factionalist.


      • Yes, a lack of love will lead you there.

  331. What Jesus was really saying was, “The temple of God is standing in front of you, ladies and gentlemen!” He was saying, “Here’s the tabernacle of God, and if you destroy this living temple I will raise it up in three days.” He was taking a literal picture from an Old Testament reality, bringing it out of the realm of shadow and enigma, into the realm of spiritual reality. By these words and many others Jesus was establishing His own principles of interpretation in the new order of the kingdom of God! If we were to take even half of Jesus’ words in the natural by literal, carnal understanding, we would be in deep, deep trouble! So if you feel we are wrong in speaking spiritual truths from literal pictures, you are going to have to deal with Jesus, for He is our Teacher, and that is the style He preached in. Many years later He came to John on the isle of Patmos and He was still proclaiming the power and glory of the kingdom of God in the same metaphoric pattern. But the Fundamentalists just didn’t get it! And they still don’t, today. That’s why they have a literal antichrist coming, sitting in a literal temple in Jerusalem, stamping a literal mark on literal foreheads, and fighting a literal battle in a literal valley over in the literal state of Israel in the literal Middle East. Their spiritual comprehension is no brighter today than that of the Jews who stood with Jesus that day on the temple mount before the buildings of Herod’s temple!

    The seemingly strange language of the Bible is, in reality, picture language. Such expressions as, “the earth melted” at God’s voice, the earth reeling “to and fro as a drunkard,” or the idea of those cast into “outer darkness” as “weeping and gnashing” their teeth are misleading to the carnal mind. The Bible is literally filled with symbolic language! Symbols or pictures are intended to clarify what the Lord wants to convey to us — but only to the one who hears by the Spirit! All others are confused. Some want to interpret the scriptures literally, and say that the spiritual interpretation is to change or “spiritualize away” the plain word of God. How can you spiritualize away that which is spiritual! Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” Little wonder that years later on the isle of Patmos, among the visions He showed to John, He should say again and again, “He that hath an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches!”

  332. It’s interesting that you ended that commentary with the elucidation that Jesus made in speaking terms wherein he speaks with literal mouth projecting forward into a literal ear~~ Let him that hath an ear hear. Jesus knew that many would try to Gnosticize his teachings and create their own private symboiogy.
    Hence the saying~ Let the blind lead the blind. Yes hear< I mean here, Jesus is saying turn away from the freaks of mind science. Let him that Hath an Ear. Yes, the freaks of mind science, would need an ear to hear and Jesus tied his commentary to the very literal structure that he needed to elucidate the foolishness of the 'mentalists'. The Occultists would need the invention of their minds to bypass the hearing ear, and hear they have done so by creating their own gospel. And so friends Jesus words will live forever and to do so, they must be literal. Were they not literal, every fool on planet earth would come up with a private interpretation, for everything Jesus has spoken.
    No my friends, the word Amos is a literal word, but let us pray that it not be turned into the spiritualization of a definition which means fool. Let us pray that Amos is a real person, and not a fool. Let us find reality and not fantasy, Literal, and not mental manure. No, the words of Jesus are true, and real, and literal.


  334. As God instructed Moses in the building of the tabernacle, it was to be built according to what already existed in the spirit…a spiritual tabernacle…not a literal one. It is so with rivers, there are natural rivers and “rivers of living waters” which will flow out of a person when they are given “spiritual waters” which will flow out of them when they speak the “Word.” For every single thing we see and hear in the natural, there is something far more deeper to the understanding of the created which is the spiritual. Now we know God is spirit and has not literal ears, however He “hears” our very thoughts without having said any audible words. A rock is a literal thing, and Christ is read saying “upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The rock and gate are not literal. The rock is foundational principles called the beatitudes, and the ones who are these rocks contain these spiritual blessings…to bless. The gate is a “way” into or out of one place into another. Christ it’s depicted las a “gate,” a way into heaven. All symbols have their spiritual counterparts, and for every literal thing, there is a spiritual thing in which it represents. Christ is the lamb of God, not a literal one, yet He follows God as a lamb follows the voice of his master…so must we as “sheep” follow the voice of our master also.

    Some notes from another on the subject:

    “[12] As in the internal sense the obedience of faith is understood by ears, and obeying by hearing, it is evident what is signified by these words of the Lord, so often uttered by Him:–
    He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear (Matt. 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35; Rev. 2:7, 11, 29; 3:13, 22).
    [13] That in the supreme sense to hear signifies providence; and to see foresight, is evident from the passages in the Word where eyes and ears are predicated of Jehovah or the Lord; as in Isaiah:–
    Incline Thine ear O Jehovah and hear; open Thine eyes O Jehovah and see (Isa. 37:17).
    In Daniel:–
    O my God incline Thine ear and hear; open O Jehovah Thine eyes and see our wastes (Daniel 9:18).
    In David:–
    O God incline Thine ear unto me, and hear my speech (Ps. 17:6).
    Incline Thine ear unto me, and save me (Ps. 71:2).
    Turn Thine ear to my prayers because of Thy truth, answer me because of Thy righteousness (Ps. 143:1).
    In Jeremiah:–
    O Jehovah Thou heardest my voice; hide not Thine ear at my sighing, at my cry (Lam. 3:55, 56).
    In David:–
    O Jehovah hide not Thy faces from me in the day of my distress; incline Thine ear to me in the day when I cry, answer me (Ps. 102:1, 2).
    It is known that Jehovah has not ears nor eyes like a man, but that it is some attribute predicable of the Divine that is signified by the ear and by the eye, namely, infinite will and infinite understanding. Infinite will is providence, and infinite understanding is foresight; these are what are understood by ear and eye in the supreme sense, when they are attributed to Jehovah. From all this it is now manifest what in every sense is signified by Jehovah hath heard, from which Simeon was named.” End quote

    Now we know to the spiritual everything is spiritual, and to the carnal everything is carnal. As we progress from the carnal to the spiritual we take on the ways of God and we see an hear with the understanding of who our father is. We cannot serve two masters without great confusion and turmoil in our lives. If we are so carnal we cannot hear or see but with our natural eyes and ears, we have not yet began to enter in, but being prepared to…enter in through the “gate” which is Christ.

    It is senseless to berate another for being young in the lord, for one can only see what our Father lets one see. It must be said that we learn from the natural world as God says it is an example for us to learn by. He says “Look at the natural to understand the spiritual.” So we do. And as one who is growing from the natural understanding to the spiritual understanding, and sees things quiet differently than I used to, we must look back and see where we were, so that we are patient, kind and understanding toward those who are growing and will grow into the full stature of our Lord. It is a progressive walk…a little at a time. Paul was religious and knew the literal law as well as anyone, yet he had not a spiritual eye to see what the natural word could only represent…the spirit. Two entirely different realms…one under natural symbols and laws and the other which is spiritual which is of grace and faith. We must leave the natural hearing and hear with an understanding and spiritual heart..that heart which is not of the natural flesh.

    So as we each are given, let us give accordingly with the peace we have came to obtain.and contain, as much as is within us to do so. And as we grow, we will yet become more tolerant of the unlearned. By our “fruits” we will be known and our fruits are not literal either, our fruit is the love of God we have..even for those who as Paul, in His beginning under the strictest religious sect, would put a brother to death for their differences. As he became more of a “rock” in the church, rivers of living water flowed from his being out to those who had “ears” to hear. So we pray, God let us hear all things spiritual…for He is spirit.

    Even though one’s literal ears are not within my voice, I Hope one can hear through these written words….with their spiritual ears of understanding.

    God bless all…for “all” will hear the voice of God when He speaks and draws each of us to Himself…each in our on calling, order and time. The key to unlocking the “gate” into “the way” is to look toward loving our fellow man, not condemning him. We are to be “gates” ourselves into the kingdom, not a gate to hell. Our “fruits” or words can be ones of love and peace or hate and Hell. We have a choice to make.

    • It is known that Jehovah has not ears nor eyes like a man, but that it is some attribute predicable of the Divine that is signified by the ear and by the eye, ?????

      Where did you get that idea from?

      Jesus, told Thomas, “stretch forth thine hand and thrust it into my side and into these wounds in my hand”.

      One prophet said, ” I saw the Ancient of Days sitting on the throne, and his train filled the Temple”.

      One prophet said, ” I saw one like the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Father”, and “His hair was white as snow, and His eyes like flames of fire”.

      Revelation says, “Let him that hath ears to hear, hear what the Spirit saith UNTO The CHURCHES”.
      and yet You, have claimed the Churches are an abomination.

      No ALL Will Not Hear the Voice of God.
      So it is best that we return to the Bible and Believe it, and not those of THE LOST GATE.


      • Some day you will b mature enough to explain what that means. Communication comes with maturity, and knowledge.

  335. “LIVE the laws and you will KNOW!” So said Christ. And no one can possibly KNOW anything unless he himself experiences it. To hear about things and conditions, or of God may become part of one’s beliefs, but never becomes a part of his own actual KNOWLEDGE until he experiences it for himself.

    Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE.

    This “LIVING” requires that one embeds those instructions into the living tissues of his heart, his soul and his mind until they not only become a very part of his being, THEY BECOME HIM! And HE BECOMES THAT LOVE! “For he who would interpret the wonders of the Lord would be dissolved and become that which is interpreted.”

    LIVE that First and Great Commandment and the Second One will follow naturally, without effort or striving. The developing and releasing of LOVE from the heart, soul and mind overcomes all negation, dislikes, fears, ugliness, weaknesses and human, mortal grubbiness, for these traits will be dissolved. And such a one will automatically become that LOVE! “Live the laws!” admonished Christ; “And you will KNOW!” And to KNOW requires the experience of receiving all the knowledge and the PROMISES AND POWERS pertaining to that information.

    Man has never accepted the dynamic challenge to LIVE CHRIST’S teaching. Man has only weakly affirmed his inactive endorsement of those teachings as a fullness of acceptance. And many think they are proving their belief by going forth and hammering others with their interpretations as they send forth their haranguements in discordant, sanctimonious self-righteousness. Yet Christ’s actual teachings have never been acknowledged as a Way of Life and of fulfillment or an everlasting privilege of stupendous accomplishment, crowned with every reward contained in every Promise ever given since time began.

    That First and Great Commandment, when LIVED contains the breathtaking fulfillment of every PROMISE God ever gave, plus all perfection and all power. Within it is held forever the fulfilling of the LOVE which brings into one’s life a complete knowledge of the things which Eyes have never seen, nor ears heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man — those unspeakable glories, which God has PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM — and prove it by their living of that law pertaining to it.

    This fulfilling is not something which can be boasted about, shouted about in worldly sermons or declarations, nor is it fulfilled by a silent nod of approval. This commandment must be LIVED! This requires an exerted effort of constant desire and application until the very cells of the body and brain and heart sing together in a glory of joyous response at the slightest suggestion or thought of God, or of His blessings. It is as that LOVE is developed that it will finally take over in every cell and fibre and tissue that one “Transforms his carnal flesh to flesh divine without descending through the gates of death!” Even as Enoch of old accomplished.

    • Yes, We need no approval from anyone, except our Father, however when we have this, we are proved
      and we need to convince no one and no one need to convince us. When we look around us, in others for our approval we are looking to that which cannot give life. They can give the human ego, adulation, praise and admiration and if we accept this, we accept it with the ego, which is none other than that of another name for being still in the fall of Adam, with the Adamic nature. . We point all to Christ, and we encourage one another to live beyond the written word…to the spiritual Word…which is Christ…
      Pure love has no boundaries for it “sees” with spiritual eyes and spiritual ears…as Christ teaches us.

      It is truly a wonderful thing to see nothing but a positive creation amongst the evils of this world. When God created His plan as recorded in Genisis He saw the beginning and the end of all things from Genesis to Revelations with all the chapters written and predestinated as a man writes a great play. God called it not “good and evil” but “Good.” It was only fallen man which called it good and evil. As in Isaiah 45:7 we understand who created both good and evil….and light and darkness and by experiencing this evil…brings us to an understanding of what it is like to disobey God…as did Israel. As black and uncomely as the sins of Israel were, God said He would forgive them in a future age. We must keep in mind that God said it would be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in the resurrection than for Israel…because Israel had the law and Sodom did not. Yet this shows the mercies and forgiveness of God for “all.”

      When we give up the false concept of heaven and hell and learn and “see” with the spiritual eye we will see that nothing and no one is lost….just reproved..until their personal resurrection and redemption comes in their year of Jubilee.

      God is good and one to be obeyed…and loved for His wonderful gift…that was promised before this world was. We are here to receive the training for His predestined gift. The gift of Love.

      • YES, PLEASE GIVE UP YOUR FALSE CONCEPT OF HEAVEN AND HELL AND RETURN TO THE MASTER JESUS. when you return to the Bible, gone will be the days of being confuse by your own theology, and the false teachings of the Anti Christ. For SOON ONE WILL COME, after your doctrines for you to receive, and will seat himself down and call him self god, and all the world will follow after your false doctrines, and you will receive him and his mark, and he will claim as you have said that “all men are one” all men are “loved by god”, and then he will require you to love this wicked one, as god, and you must receive his mark to prove you love him, and you will willing by down to worship the prince of the world, the evil one satan, and his antichrist, and you will join your teachings of the false prophet with his, and one day be cast into hell.. But, THERE IS STILL A CHANCE NOW FOR YOU TO CHANGE AND REPENT AND FOLLOW jESUS CHRIST.. fEAR NOT MAN, BUT FEAR HIM WHO HATH POWER TO CAST INTO HELL.

    • There’s a lot of time spent with horse flies you can be sure. I well can determine the spouting of religious egos.

  336. In Christ we learn to speak on the level of all we come in contact with…and when we see that one cannot see”yet”, we move on. It is somewhat a new thing with this new technology, to get our views across, however we do our best and we mean no ill will to any. Sometimes reproof is needed for some, and although one may need to give it…it must be ministered in love…Christ administered this love to the religious Pharisees of His day…and as He was put to death by the consensus of the people…Ne asked that God forgive them for they knew not what they were doing. It was prewritten into the great playwright of God’s predestined plan for it to happen as it happened. One cannot condemn one to an everlasting hell which the same was predestined to perform. There is a time and a season for all things. There is a time to be hardened and a time to love…It is time to put all things behind us…and come to the knowledge…and …likeness of our Father..forgiving all…as has our Father. To “know” Him is to be like Him. We pray to be so.

    All is good.

      but there is repentance now for all who are kind hearted and soft hearted unto the Lamb Jesus, and partake of his love.
      Soon, without it, your love will be seen for what is the spirit of Antichrist which is World Love, and Possession. How BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THEM ON THE HILLSIDES, UNTO REPENTENCE OF BAAL WORSHIP. There is still time for you to come out of NES AGE TEACHING, before the wicked one is revealed, and a false gospel laid upon the hand and forhead of those who preached love, without repentance. Follow ONLY THE MESSIAH. FROM THE FATHER. AS WRITTEN BY JOHN THE APOSTLE IN REVELATION.

      • The antichrist spirit is any and all things which are against Christ, including thoughts, words, and actions. It is a spirit, it is in anyone who teaches a false way or uses fruit which is not of God to lead others astray. False words from within one of the five foolish is “antichrist.” Antichrist is not a singular person as religious denominations are deluded into thinking. This is a traditional concept which keeps the carnal man blind to the truth. The truth of the matter is that the antichrist is much, much closer than some think. If one belongs to “her” which is the “woman” and if you are partaking of “her” sins and plagues you will not see but in reality have already accepted “her” mark…in your forehead for you have the mind of the antichrist.

        We must come out of the systems of men and join the true church of God which has no label that separates by factions, parties or divisions. Has anyone ever stopped to think why one has to set themselves apart and join a group which labels themselves as unique and better than the next group? “ Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins and plagues.”

        We come out of an outward man given name…to enter into a spiritual nature…this is the church which no man can observe by any geographical place or structure. We should simply look at all as one…and we should see all as on a journey to the same destination in time..for it is said; “As in Adam all die so as in Christ all shall be made alive, however each man in his own order.” Who did not die in Adam? All who died in Adam died regardless to any merit or demerit, the death was to the good and to the evil, to the masses as a whole. No one escaped. Do a careful study of the written word and this fall of all human beings in Adam is made clear. Forget about the second part of the sentence until you get it clear that “all” mankind went the way of death to the consciousness of life with God before the fall. Once you understand that all means all, then you must understand that when “so as” is used to tie two parts of the same sentence together, the second part “must” mean the same as the first part. As “every” human being that has been born has went the way of the first Adam, this one sentence is likewise saying that “so as” in Christ all of these same individuals (to the totality) all of the same “all” will be made alive in Christ (the second Adam) HOWEVER….each man in his own order and calling.

        ALL DIED WITH ADAM….ALL WILL RISE IN CHRIST… without exception. It is the antichrist spirit not only in the world that will be done away with, but that antichrist spirit that is within each Adamic man..that is disobedient to God. That which is destined to perish will perish and that is the spirit of the carnal mind…if you have a carnal mind which we received from the first Adam, “it will die”, and as we are resurrected in Christ Jesus the first Adam is put to death as the second Adam is resurrected. As Paul made comment that we must also die daily …to the carnal man…we at the same time must rise in Christ Jesus. This is not a doctrine of the letter…it is the way of the spirit.

      • You have obviously never read the book of Revelation given to John by Jesus, nor have you understood the teachings of Paul, if you ever have been one given to read them. There are no systems of men in the Church. The system of the Church is given by God, through Jesus.
        We can take notice of this same strange principle operating in one such as yourself wherein
        is given the notion, that you have created a church in your own dogma, that separates from others. No that separation is as much a division as any false supposition you may suppose.
        The book of Revelation is in the one true Church for sure, and it teaches of an individual who will come to deceive the whole world. His teachings will mirror yours because it is referred to as “the spirit of error” in the Bible.
        One cannot come out of the outward man, but come out of the sins that once held us in bondage. In fact you will be enslaved “to” the outward man by the Mark that is coming and it is being prepared for you now.
        As all died in Adam, none can be raised, except through believe in Jesus and witnessed by being raised from death, (sin), through which Baptism is the example.
        A doctrine of the letter? Your whole doctrine is a doctrine of the letter, for you follow your own man made Principles, of which you believe one must adhere for salvation, of the spirit.
        Yours is a doctrine of works wherein you believe you will be saved. But the deception is one of the New Age, and will be brought to a head in satan’s man the antichrist.
        Paul as well said in his epistles, how can you know who is a true believer, except ye have factions. No your idea there is an obvious internal hypocrisy at play, because you have created the faction of performance orientation for yourself and others.
        Performance orientation requires a judgment against yourself from the start.
        This is definitely what the false prophet, and the one world Church will bring you into but they will force you into, a doctrine of oneness.
        You are already to take the Mark. It is a final judgment is says in Revelation and their will be no recourse. These sayings are a true witness. But you can still find Life through the Lord if you will believe. Paul warned of only factions against the Lord, which are Gnosticism, of which you have become entrenched. I encourage you to find a plain English version of the Bible to read and am STILL PRAYING FOR YOUR SALVATION, AND A TRUE UNDERSTANDING OF EVERY LETTER OF THE WORD.
        Hoping for your NEW LIFE.

  337. The New Era Spirit, cannot save you. It can only deceive you by false light. The TRUE LILGHT IS JESUS, AND THE GOSPEL OF THE FATHER.


    • You certainly do much of that yourself. Getting it out is your specialty. Communication isn’t. No equality there.



    • It is in My Presence where many things are received. Learn to draw
      near to Me in the understanding that you are Mine. You are the one I
      love. Your weaknesses we will deal with as you continue to come and as
      you allow My Spirit to teach you how to overcome. So come to Me based
      on who I am to you. I am your Father who loves you, helps you, and
      teaches you in the way you should go. Worship Me for who I am to you.
      I am your Father, and I love you.

    • Be safe and God bless you in your travels. I have good friends from the Phoenix area, Mesa and Paradise Valley….some are living here now in north Alabama.

  340. Eby, Hawtin, Prinzing, etc are a few names I’m sure you will recognize from our mutual studies of the higher calling in Christ Jesus. There are to many to name..and although there is hardly any one we agree with in all points, we do see the common goal of this calling in likeness of spirit…a love for all mankind as each are brought to their maturity…and ours. Again God bless.

    • There are also many Satanic Churches, out there, and Satanic Covens. They often visit these type of New Age Space Mind In Christ, gatherings, looking for converts, and for those who can be easily deceived.
      Some may come talking about UFO, visitations, or offering Indigenous, Indian incites into Religion, and their are many other covers they use, but for sure, please do not go to any Parties, or Casual Drug Parties because you or a family member could be abducted for Sacrifice Ceremonies. These can also cover under the name of Wicca, but you here of all these people ‘disappearing’, and no one finds them, and the Road is where they disappear, because the New Age does not believe in satan or hell or the true Gospel so they are easy prey for a sacrifice. Especially if the person smells you know for sure in that case keep your distance because demons can really be detected there. If you don’t have a trained exorcist or someone who has the gift of discerning of spirits, please don’t go, or be very careful, and stay in a group.



    It is most assuredly true that “All things work together for Good to them that love God.” (Rom. 8:28).

    To fulfill this scripture and prove one’s love, is quite different from quoting it in words, then denying its truth by brooding over all the evils and misfortunes you have been subjected to. Neither can it be fulfilled by those who weep in self-pity, nor whimper in dismay, over every trivial discomfort.

    This scripture can be proved and fulfilled when it is put to the full test. It has to reach beyond words and superficial, sanctimonious self-righteousness. It has to reach beyond the services that one renders in the lime-light of the temple pinnacle to be seen of men.

    This love for God that is required, is not something that can be proved in declarations nor even in spell-binding sermons uttered from the “housetops.” Love is a power that must go out from the heart. It must be felt and comprehended as it is released in vibrations of glorious, singing aliveness.

    To prove this scripture it is necessary to love God with a devotion that exceeds the little, mortal self. This love requires that one trust God implicitly. This deep, wondrous, living love provides one with the willingness to go through any testing, any vicissitude, any difficulty, no matter how seemingly impossible, with an inner song of love and praise — and gratitude.


    Not at all.

    If you really do love God, then it is quite easy to accept seeming afflictions in His Name, and praise and worship Him with increased power while doing so. As one faces and accepts his problems and set-backs in this manner, even the most dire tragedies are transformed into blessings.

    It may be that you are seeking some coveted public office, or some high appointment, or have your heart set on some business advancement, only to find all your hopes tumbling into ruins around you. Not only may it appear that all your labors are lost but that your chances are forever shattered.

    Or it may be the loss of a loved one has completely overwhelmed you with devastating despair. But remember this, when you grieve too long and too hard for the loss or departure of a beloved one, you are not mourning for them but for yourself. You are weeping over your own loss and loneliness and not for the departed one. They would not return if they could. And if you will think clearly, without considering your own viewpoint, neither would you recall them. If they are worthy of so great a love as yours, then you may be sure God esteems that worth and all is well!

    It may be that your trusted partner failed you, he who had been a life-long friend. Yes, your loss or sorrow or difficulty could include any heartbreak or tragedy possible to imagine, for there is no adverse condition or seeming disaster that could not be included in this list of misfortunes. And everyone on the earth has faced one or more of them during his sojourn here in mortality. Some have even lived through all of them — and more! Along with every misfortune possible, their own lives have hung in the balance, while their worldly possessions were rent from their grasp and their very honor became besmirched and smeared with ridicule.

    But if one’s love is strong enough, he will be given the power to rise above the misfortunes, for he will be able to ride upon the storm. No matter what seeming disaster may strike, as it heaps up its distresses, suffering or humiliation, it can work together for one’s good if he will work with it to fulfill the law and so prove his love. It is one’s own vicissitudes that hold the power of his mastery. When one becomes the master of his own reactions to outside conditions, he may be sure he is very near to the kingdom of heaven.

    Remember that Christ was crucified and in that crucifixion was exalted — and His labors also. And the very world itself was lifted into a higher state of existence.

    In your own crucifixion and disappointments and seeming setbacks are held the stepping-stones of your own glorious progress and divine exaltation…..

  343. This is so true and should register with all who see that God’s kindness is present everywhere in everything and in the dreams of tragedy and in this illusion of death..we learn that God loves us and what is done to us who believe…it is for an eternity of a better life. We have to go through the valley to get to the mountain top, our mount Zion. The place where God dwells.

    I can concur from what you say here from experience in having gone through these experiences from losing my significant other from a sudden and unforeseen accident a couple of years ago, and the 08 banking crash losing many material things….yet I can say there is a peace to be had in it all. When we understand it is all within the power of God to give and to take, we have a peace in knowing He did the right thing for them..and for us. If we truly looked at it like we should…we should wish them well and know they are in good hands. Our love only grows for them and for God in doing what is best for all in all circumstances. I always say God makes no mistakes…and when we suffer loss, we cannot change our faith, for if we do it shows us we have more to learn and more test to experience. Life can be full of things which test us seemingly beyond measure, however it is just part of God’s love expressed in a different way. He says because He loves us, He sends trials and He test us through them. This test includes all things both good and evil..for they have the same purpose and end….to be found in His likeness. As In the lesson of Job, we who are in the trials of our testing, we can only know that all things do work together for those who love God. So from one who has experienced much in life, let me encourage all who read these lines..that God does not make any mistakes. Our lives are carefully planned and our circumstances are executed to bring us to His given promise to come to be as He is. We with much patience wait for our destination, neither complaining, being angry or wondering why? The gift of faith given to us will carry us through all things…nothing wavering.

    It is all good.

  344. amen.

  345. You may be thrown flat upon your face as it is ground down into the mud. You may be dishonored and reviled. You may be hungry and cold and in dire want, or worse; you may see your loved ones suffering from lack.

    Your plans may all crumble into dust around you, but, in your hands and within your heart lies the power to turn the adverse conditions into good. If you keep your thoughts high and your vision “single to the glory of God” you will prove your love and the truth of His words will be established and fulfilled in you. You alone have the power to prove and fulfill them, that you might KNOW of their truth. And within you is the power to prove and fulfill His every promise.

    If in your distresses and disappointments you accept His Divine Will as your only law, then His holy Will will begin to operate for your good. And for every loss there will be a greater gain, like Job of old, who received double for every loss, increased joy for every sorrow, higher honors for every humiliation.

    In God’s will is held only your own perfection. And as you learn the pure obedience, through your sufferings and disappointments, you will be enfolded in the glory of your own advancement and your own complete fulfilment. Then nothing that is adverse or evil will have the power to remain permanently against you. In this law all disasters are transmuted into blessings. Beyond the dismays and disappointments of misfortune is the power of transmutation. But you are the one who must put this ineffable power to use. You must be-live and so fulfill its promises.

    “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

    Love, when fully expressed, holds no fears, no resentments, no self-pitying sorrow. Love holds within its divine essence the power to transmute or exalt any condition, regardless of what it is. And when one is filled with this exalted love, there is no evil that can stand in adversity against him. The evil is converted and transformed into good as its powers are utilized and turned into dynamic strength.

    “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

    “All things” means every adverse condition, every loss, every seeming tragedy or set-back, every failure and disappointment as well as every joy. As one proves his love by giving praise to God, instead of smoldering resentments and muttered condemnations, every condition will be worked out for a blessing to him for his own divine fulfilment. As one believes in the law, to the extent that he fulfills it, he soon learns of its unspeakable, dynamic powers. He KNOWS the truth of the promise and becomes free from the old bondage of misfortunes. His very knowledge of their truth is power unlimited.

  346. “Gratitude” or the “great-attitude” holds the power of multiplication and of supply. Love itself fills one with the great gratitude as he gives silent thanks and praise in a devotion of melting, healing love. And that released gratitude, sent out on the wings of love, multiplies every blessing a hundred-fold; yea, more! It increases the little into plenty until there is not room enough to receive the supply. Man himself becomes the sacred cruse through which the oil of abundance is poured out.

    Love is the transformer for it contains the complete power of transmutation. Love and gratitude and praise are the divine ingredients that transform all evils and misfortunes into joys and all sorrows in to blessings. Love has the power to exalt every storm of adversity, every condition of dismay and every heart-rending tragedy into divine, eternal good. All sorrows and misfortunes can be lifted into beauty and be transformed into loveliness as man himself is exalted above the conditions by his own released love and gratitude.

    In fulfilling the great love one is himself translated from a mediocre mortal into a being of power and vision and fulfilment. Against such no condition or force can stand in adversity. And all things work together for the good of him for he loves God so greatly there can be no bitterness nor resentments in him. And he becomes a son of Light, for “He who is thankful in all things shall be made glorious.”

    As only praise and thanks fill the soul, through the power of selective thinking, one becomes all that is wonderful and gracious and beautiful. Such a one fulfills the law of his own being and the higher law of divinity. Such a one is exalted from mortality and translated into a higher condition of existence –even immortality.

    The law is your own to fulfill. And God bless you!

  347. New life in the awakened soul” that has complete faith in God) super freedom and joy so strong, there every air is so full of mighty inspiration untold” and a love to spread to all they ever contact even in thought….the Hallelujah Sweetest Moment in the ABUNDANT LIFE..🔥🌈🌹

  348. The “end” of all things regardless of the “means” is the likeness and character of God established in “all” things. All things do mean all things. When God speaks of all people, He is not talking about saint or sinner, or good or evil, He is talking about both saint and sinner, each and all in their own order. A person can speak the word love from reading about it, however no one can truly love until that person understands what “all” means. Every knee will bow to the Lords will, in the time of their calling. It is good to know the meaning of things above the letter…where the spirit guides and teaches us that there is no greater gift than to love…unconditionally. We have to be tested to the point to where everything that we experience, we have but one response….to those who love us as well as those who don’t.

    When we come to one attitude and likeness no matter the outward circumstances, we are near to our completeion.

    • When we get the attitude right, the “doctrine” “of Christ” just naturally follows. No argument or proof needed.

  349. “Love God with all your soul.” This is not to be just a pleasing phrase to the ears and then to be passed over. It means to literally extend that love of Christ, centered and contacted through the heart-center, into one’s entire being. This divine love must be practiced daily, hourly and at all times. It must be LIVED with all the energy of one’s soul. Contained within that love for God, which must be expressed through the soul of man, is the almost incomprehensible power of quickening and of renewal. It must be here understood that the soul includes every cell and atom, tissue and fibre of both the physical and spiritual man.

  350. Yes:

    24/7 is being totally consumed…in Him. It is not looking forward to one hour of one day of the week. When it is said one man esteems one day above others and another esteems every day alike, this is the same as saying one man walks in the carnal religious world and the other lives…not only every day.. but every moment alike. When we are totally consumes…in Him….we will take no thought of what to say..or what the “bible says” for the word within us will not be indistinguishable from the Word. Take no thought….

  351. When one takes no thought for what the Bible says, it is evident that they take no thought for what God has said, for the devil has possessed the mouth of that person, notably of course, the Bible teaches in the Epistles of John that ‘he which is anti-Christ is he that believeth not that Christ is come in the flesh, which of course means that one is completely consumed with satan and the thoughts of satan are filling his mind, moreover to call oneself to be the judge of others without the spirit of Christ is certainly a terrible thing to imply, but this is exactly what the One World Religion, is teaching ‘all are one” and “all are worthy’, one world domination of mind, whereas satan is quickly taking control of their thought processes they are unable the Bible says, to know the truth, being blinded in their minds, Jesus of course warned that “many will come in my name saying I am Christ.” Go not after them.
    You will never be able to be consumed by the Lord, until you are able to repent of your false doctrines for the Bible has never taught or ask a man to ‘feet” his way in God, but to know who the God he is following is and the Word of God is the only way we can do this, very much evidenced by the explicit activities of Mind Christ World Religion, which you are teaching. Without knowing God’s Word, you will always be following Occult Spirits and Doctrines of Devils, that the Bible has warned about. Noah, Jesus, and John the Baptist, Paul the Apostle were all made fund of for preaching these truths, nevertheless, the Prophet is called to warn those who are falling into the snares of the enemy, that Christ Jesus is Real, and His word will live forever, quite contrary to the New Age, One World Religious Teachings that are presently being believed by those, who have Gone against the God of Heaven.. This is satan’s strategy a One World Religion, where, all are equal under satan and they are promised the Garden of Eden restored, until he is through using them and deceiving them and they are then gone and cast into hell, where their worm dieth not, and they are burned day and not under the judgments of God. No my friends if you have any love for God at all turn from that wicked way, and find Jesus Christ and his love today. Christ Jesus has a way for you, but His Glory He will not share with another, The Word of God is Forever. Turn is my prayer.
    Whoever has taught you these terrible errors I pray that they would receive God’s judgment but that YOU my friend, my be saved and set free by the Truth. Go not after their doctrines, but find God today.

  352. This time and energy used in fulfilling the higher laws of God has been mistakenly spent, if one assumes he is righteous, in trying to convert others to his own way of thinking. Christianity has fought and squabbled and failed because of this erroneous idea. Any individual who will use his strength in perfecting himself, as he learns to travel that sacred, inner Way of “overcoming,” will draw others to him. He will not need to go out to find them. Neither will he need to seek to hold their minds by the force of his wordy haranguements. They, “seeing his Light” will come to him as they glorify God by seeking to bring that same Light forth within themselves. As this Light becomes manifest within any individual it brings forth an automatic “chain reaction” for others will seek for the fulfilling power of Its glory.

    • Yes, this is the representation of a temptation, to be guided by feelings and by a spiritualism that is based on a psychology, rather than spiritual reality. How do we know this. The only way we can is by recognizing who the King of Glory is and what the kingdom of God is about. There are many who walk in a supposed spirituality that is just like all the teachings of World Religions brought about in the Earth by Satan. the hidden world of the demonic brings forth a ‘gospel of light’ that tries to encompass the soul by “spirits”. These ‘spirits’ are demons and they bring a ‘gospel of light’ which is based on “secretive knowing” and it includes a world of Faries, mythical teachings of “Light”, and “Free Love”. It is the same spiritual lie that has been seen and is promoted in all religions, where one can float about believing an anything they choose or desire, and never includes the teaching, of SIN. Christianity does not squabble nor is it a failure, because it has defeated satan and the whole host of fallen angels. No one can assume they are righteous, but righteousness is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Take the Helment of Salvation and the Breastplate of Righteousness, is it’s mantra, and this is by Faith.
      I can see in you and in your thoughts the very desire to constantly convert others to your way of thinking, but what we are after is the Truth, and it is found in the Holy Bible. When ones mind has resisted the Love of God as found in the Bible, there is an obvious resistance to Truth, and that resistance to Truth is the very foundation of an inability, to communicate with others, because it has created a fear to communicate or listen to the ideas that are based on God’s communication to man. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, Yes, the power of God commands us to go forth and seek to bring men into the Love of God, but the New Age religion, recoils in fear from anything that offends, their sensitive mindset and frail timid “MIND SCIENCE”. Each person under these new age religions, must fit their box, or they go ballistic in fear, claiming they “see”.. Jesus said, “BECAUSE YE SAY WE SEE, THEREFORE YOUR SIN REMAINETH”. God will draw those who have love in their hearts to the Words of the Father, because they recognize the Master’s voice. No one who follows God would be offended by those who are sent forth by Him to win the conscience of men to Jesus. It is the children of satan that are afraid of them and of the Word of Life because they prefer a gospel that requires no Word from The Father. Your Chain Reaction is the chain reaction of one who is truly in chains. Jesus has sent forth those who love him to break these chains and nothing could be better time spent. No my friends, these fears are a fear of something far deeper within you than simply something your mind is playing with. Your spirit is reaching out for the Truth of God’s Word, even though your mind my want to cling to light, that light is only feeling, without the message of Jesus. When your inner man hears the word’s of Christ there will be no satanic reaction against one sent to preach love to your heart. Let go of false light, and look for the true light, and gone will be the fear of listening to other’s, and the finger pointing that supposedly “lifts you to higher laws”.. No the higher law is love and it will lift you know higher than you are willing to acknowledge, your sinful condition which is evidenced by a negative reaction, to one sent in love to you. Jesus said “Why go ye about to kill someone sent to tell you the Trueth?” No, your desire to kill me is based on one thing, and that is the influence of sin still tugging at your soul, and certainly is NOT from God. No, God has sent for Light for sure, but IT IS FOR THE TELLING, AND NOT FOR THE HIDDING. But satan, hides in the shadows, No, God is the encourager, not the fearer, and He is the Bold lion, not the fearing goat. You will learn the difference between light and darkness, only through Faith.

  353. We must surpass the written word and become the word in spirit as He is. When it is said to search the scriptures for in them you “think” you have eternal life…it is saying we must move beyond the letter of the word and let the “spirit” of the Word come into our heart and guide us into all truth. Christ fulfilled the “written” law by becoming all that it spoke and prophesied of in the spirit. We are to treat others with kindness because of a compassionate and forgiving heart. We do it because the spirit is given us to do so. If reading it in the Bible makes one righteous then the grossest murderers as were the Pharisees must be without blame since they could read the manuscripts and preach them from the Temple Mount…bit were they righteousness because they could read the Bible…I think not.

    Our faith should be in the true Word and if we were to read the Bible through a thousand times…and have not been given the spirit of love directly from the Word which is Christ then we are certainly poor and blind and naked of the truth. As the scriptures point out God is not in them, He is within us and that is where we will find Him. We should understand knowledge of the scriptures is not being in the spirit, it is a guide to tell us what we are to pray for spiritually but the Bible itself is not spirit. The only Word that is spirit is Jesus Christ.

    To make it simple for the simple: We must move on beyond the letter of the word (Bible) of instructions and we must learn to listen to the true Word (Christ) and become as He is. We should have no interest in becoming a material book called the written word…we must come into maturity, in His likeness, where we have moved beyond the rudimentary principles of the Bible and become spiritual people, not Bible quoting carnal minded people wearing a label of belonging to this church or following that person. This is immaturity and if it’s not immaturity, it is only knowledge of a lesser calling than the high calling in Christ Jesus. These will follow no man, no man made institutions, or any prophet, last or present. This is because these called out ones will be directly led of Christ as was Paul, Peter and John. We follow Christ. To go through another to be led of Christ is nominal Christianity and although it has its place, it has no place in the 144k. It is written we shall not cover our head, meaning there is to be nothing or no one between us and Christ. We are to be directly connected to Him and to Paul, Apollo’s, or another, is a sign we are not of the high calling in Christ Jesus…for we are the followers of men. This is written in the Bible.

    Until one learns to have respect for others of different opinions and cease to be dogmatic in their attitude, words and actions, they will remain blind to the spirit of God. Though they may be able to quote the entire Bible, and yet have not respect and love for the one they have dialogue with, they remain under the curse of the law, for it is evident they have not the spirit.

    One may wear one among thousands of labels in this world and what is this… but a philosophy, a set of doctrinal rules to judge others by? What is the purpose of factions, parties and divisions if not but to divide? Paul taught wearing labels of religion is of sin, unless one does not understand what factions, division and parties are. They are compartmentalized religious organizations. It is no different than to say I am of Paul, Apollos, or any other disciple, prophet or minister, or of the “BIBLE”!

    These are nominal Christians, although on the path to the true Kingdom, these will have to get further on up the path, closer to the kingdom to see the difference in the word and the Word, the written form of righteousness to the spiritual actuality of righteousness. One is natural, one is spiritual. One who has no regard or respect for others when discussing various views is not following Christ’s advice, instructions, or walking His way. These use words as children to try to impress others by their much speaking, however one reveals who they follow by their fruit of either respect and love..or condescending or condemning speech.

    If all the law and prophets hang on two simple principles then if one walks in these principles and fulfills them they have fulfilled “ALL” the law. If one is confused about the importance of knowing and knowledge of the scriptures and what takes priority over what, each time they start to read the written word they should always start out with 1 Corinthians 13….and get a good understanding of what is above the letter. The law was added because of sin, it was not added because of righteous acts by the people. If one is following the voice of God within they do not need to be told to love, however if they are so stubborn and disobedient someone may need to right it down for them so they can read it over and over, as God had to do…the so be it. The law was introduced because of unrighteousness in the people and so it was written to the “UNRIGHTEOUS” NOT TO THE RIGHTEOUS! It is not so for those who follow the Spirt of the Son of God. The law was written for the unloving, carnal minded man. Faith, grace and mercy is not under the law but these are of the Christ.

    New Age? It’s just another label, one of many which should mean nothing to us as well. Those who God has drawn to walk with Him, will walk with Him, and these will not be a part of any man made organized religion, cult or sect…or what ever label one may want to attach to make it an unlawful party. We are to walk and be guided spirit to spirit and as we are taught by the spirit, we need no man or religion to teach us for we walk without the camp…just as Christ did. It is a narrow path and without many supporters in the world but we are not of the world nor do we follow any man, we follow Christ Jesus.


    • In many things we can be true, but there are no Nominal Christians because that is a judgment only the Lord God can make. There are Christians, that are obedient and there are Christians that are disobedient, but when one denies the Holy Scriptures, you will have no knowledge, or understanding of agreement with who God is. You should never be guided spirit to spirit, without God’s Word in your heart because, the devil is a spirit, and you could be led by the spirit of the devil. You are commenting on man made religious organizations, but it is not the organization that is leading the men and women, if they are Spirit led by God, then it is not man made it is spirit made at the command of God.
      New Age is not a label, and there is certainly nothing wrong with a label. If that were true then the label Sonny would be thrown out, or would be a word of evil intent. No the word label is not something of evil intent at all, because only the hearer of it is trying to suggest that.
      If you hear the people in the label well, then you will know the label is good. That’s not intelligent reasoning, and is certainly not the intent of God’s Word.
      The only set doctrines to judge others by are the Doctrines in God’s Word. However your statement means “negative judgment”. Here again, the assumption of the doctrines as “negative” is on your part, because you have assumed that God doesn’t know what He’s doing. The doctrines in God’s Word are positive doctrines to judge people by and are, what produces the Holiness that God requires.
      Most of your comments are from the assumption that people are following God. That’s where error has entered your teachings, because there are no assumptions in God’s word that tell us that everyone follows God, it says the exact opposite. So, yes You, in particular need someone under God’s labels to teach you where the Label’s fit because your reading, or someone who taught you has lied to your.
      And that is the crux of the issue in your life, Whether you follow God’s laws or your own, the significant issue is the lies that your believe. The Bible says that satan was a liar from the beginning and if you are under lies, following lies, and believe in lies, then you cannot be following God, in any way, because you are deceived. That’s why God calls us living stones so that you can build upon what God has sent to correct you in your foundation.
      You may think you are following Jesus Christ but in truth you don’t even know him.
      The Lord is dealing on the subject with you right now because you are following a demonic doctrine., and the Bible clearly says in the last days this will happen.
      However, I am not rejecting you, I am trying my best to inform you of God’s interest in you. I don’t know if you were trained by the Watchtower, or where you have gotten your Gospel, but it isn’t from Jesus.
      So God is saying to you, If you truly do want Jesus in your life, then you will fellowship with those who believe the Bible, because your time is running out, and Jesus, has sent many to you to find you but you continue to go astray. It is about God’s love finding you that is important. No, there is no truth to the idea, or subject that you are in a select group. There are no select groups in jesus. If you were of the Lord you would Know I speak the truth.

      Here is a current word~
      Continue in fellowship with Me, for My heart longs for you–to
      hear your voice, to hear you call My Name. I love you, and I love to
      hear you worship Me. I love to hear you take My Word and speak it back
      to Me. I love to hear you stand strong and tall without shame, for you
      are My ambassadors. You are My sons, My daughters, but you are also My
      warriors, says the Lord.

      I do not balk at man’s failings. I do not draw back when anger is
      released toward Me. I see the ones I love with a heart that is all
      knowing. Many times the railings of men toward Me come from hearts
      that are searching yet are unable to see beyond the reasonings they
      consider to be truth. These reasonings are not grounded in the truth
      of all that I have said and all that I am. In their reasonings, they
      approach Me, and in their reasonings, they draw back. And on and on
      they go in this manner until they are willing to lay aside their
      reasonings for that which is truth and the only truth–My Word.

      God is telling you to repent, turn, and make the Bible what you believe, because you have sailed on thin ice, and dangerous territory, and you could lose you life.
      It’s about His love for you. My prayer is for you to find Him. His Labels are Beautiful and true.
      For too long satan has deceived you, but again, God is reaching out to you through His servants.
      I pray for your release from prison.
      Great will be the day when you come home and find the true God, and it’s all in His Word.
      It’s with His people, and with Him.


    • Spirit of god is labeled as “I am”(COLLECTIVELY). when we understand the TRUE NATURE of the SPIRIT(eternal) and the Natural LAWS(the whole world). we tend to find out that love is not something that you search for or step into, but something that YOU ARE.
      even as i say “YOU ARE”, you may tend to limit the “YOU ARE” as ONE INDIVIDUAL. when we understand that our own identity(from the living flesh:the whole world) is a reflection of the LOVE(of what we see in god:through the eternal knowledge), we recognize our own I AM in ALL THINGS.. to love the world(natural LAWS) is to love god(spiritual LAWS)..

      what the BEAST really represents as an example is such things as TORNADOs, EARTHQUAKES, wars, viruses(affects a large amount of people(both eternal and human)). All these things are how the BEAST represents itself as we tend to JUDGE ONE ANOTHER(spiruatal to flesh)… THE BEAST is a representative of of the OPPOSING FORCES(christ vs satan in all of us:as one body) that we place upon one another(as we do not yet understand that we are ONE:HOLY)…. The reason we shall not judge one another is because the WORLD(through god) represents that of what we love(what we are made of). when a christan preacher downsized others in sake of representing satan or devil or lucifer for christ, they do not understand that they are GIVING LIFE to that of which they fight against(OPPPOSE forces in them :as god plays out :LOVE IN I AM:the world). to love satan is to give to christ, but to fight against satan(in yourself through others), is to fight against christ(and all other names)…..

      ONE THING WE MUST ALL UNDERSTAND is that the SPIRITUAL LAWS(through god: the door) and the NATURAL LAWS(we live on earth) MEET(purpose is to MANIFEST:and to recognize your HEART in every event on EARTH)…

      WE tend to fall prey to the ideas we place upon ALL LABELS. when someone claims to be a witch or do divination or spells and such acts, we all MUST UNDERSTAND that we must see everyone as GOD’s childeren. a witch may be closer to christ than a christian is.
      a witch may love and live by the same laws in which we all seek(through religion and without religion). a preacher is doing harm by degrading witches and psychics and others that may use the SAME GIFTS in which preachers seek(yet deny and reject the spirit of god in others).

      when a preacher misinterpers any one part of the bible, they throw the rest of the knowledge OUT OF WACK…
      what i would ask any preacher is how much info do you believe is 100percent without misinterpertation of what you teach and go by. if you claim that you understand 100percent and nothing is out of wack, then look at the world, and the world(through other religons and ideas), will show what is really IN YOUR OWN HEART(as we are all manifest of the door(god the I AM)..

      amos, i give you so much credit…. you are the first that i seen to step into the eternal and understand the words in the original context(mostly anyways)(stepping out of man). i will manifest TRUTH in you, that is YOURS to keep. i give it to you through god(through the eternal father:father is ETERNAL ITSELF) so that you know it is pure. i also give STRENGTH to sonny who is the BALLANCER of nature(which i see in you)(a great gift)…

      . i know that when i see strength in others, it gives me strength and spirit represents that strenght in the world..
      when i give strength back to others, the world RADIATES that strength and the more we give to others, the stronger our own strenghts become.

      to be a LORD is to see LORD as a label for everyone as everyone represents the GOD in I AM(through the door:to the eternal).
      the world from LORD(we see in eachother) gives strenght to everyone, as even witches and divination and manifesters(that preachers may reject) even becomes a gift for us all. to recognize the GIFTS of god is to change our LANGUAGE from man to ETERNAL..

      you are the LOVE that i create in you, as i am the love and play out that of which you manifest in me. hope you see goodness in me…

  354. LMAO..


  356. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure.” (Moroni 7:47-48).

    “Behold, when ye shall rend the veil of unbelief which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind, then shall the great and marvelous things that have been hid up from the foundation of the world from you — Yea, when ye shall call upon the Father in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then shall ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which he made unto your Fathers, O house of Israel.” (Ether 4:15).

    There are many who pin their hope on the erroneous idea that we need do nothing but sit down, inactive, and believe, and we will “be saved by grace.” We will be saved by grace, but only after we have done everything in our power to perfect ourselves and to glorify God in every thought and word and act of our lives. Thus it is possible for us to grow from grace to grace, or advance from one point to a higher point, until we are enfolded in the complete love and light of our Maker.

    “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

    “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works; shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

    “Thou believest there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe, and tremble.

    “But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” (James 2:17-20).

    The proceeding scripture should be burned into the heart and mind of every human being, for just to believe is doing not one whit better than the devils are doing. Grace only comes after one has hungered and thirsted after knowledge, then with all his soul sought, with an open mind, to appease that hunger and thirst by continued study, opening his mind and soul to the divine direction of the Almighty, toward truth, not just one passage, not one narrowed, bigoted belief, but ALL truth — which is the growing from grace to grace, then having done all he may be sure that the grace of God will not fail him, and he will be led into all truth.

    This advancing, or growing from grace to grace, or purification is never an instantaneous achievement. It has to be reached by preparation.

  357. i can see why rachel is not coming back to her website …its over no one is worthy for the spirit of the living truth…..or thirsting for pure love.. i absolutely agree ..the holy spirit is to be never argued or to debated about ..ONLY THOSE WITH NO REAL JOY IN GOD WILL CONTINUE TO GET SATISFACTION FOR THERE LIFELESS GOING NOWHERE DEBATES SO VERY SAD ..just sad ass hypocrites lmao

    • I am returning love to you, it is a prayer for your Salvation. Here you have mocked love, so I certainly cannot be held responsible for anything you feel about it. According to Sonny everything you share here is a bunch of labels. He is saying, you are a label. All your words are a label, so they will certainly stick to our lapel’s, and that’s where you end. But I do believe in communication and not negativity. So I cannot relate to you. You have evolved into just a childish games’ player of self interest. But that’s a label, I still hold curiosity, about people, and my heart remains true. My heart remains true and pure, for one I know who is and lives. I don’t know what religion you’re living by, but I can only pray that you find a better path than what I’ve heard from you. Yes you will always only debate yourself, or debase yourself, but there are some who come here with pure hearts, you will not be able to understand any of these things, as the Lord said, ‘except ye be born again you cannot see the kingdom’.
      There is a true power in Jesus, but how you get there is not up to me. But you may find it one day by opening communication.
      Rachel has probably her own supposed label’s, and she may have to live among them, but she is not hate-ful of heart. I think you fooled or were able to fool many people here, by claiming to be a follower of Christ or a pure religion, or the Father, or Spirit, or whatever you were trying to portray, but that has been shown to be a complete scam. You did it with many long religious speeches, but it’s interesting how all that has proved out to be a scam, and a fraud.
      You are simply an ill tempered mean individual, and there is no more complexity to it. There is nothing about spirituality to you. But we cannot blame you for it. We took you at your word, originally but it proves that there ‘are’ a group of frauds and scam artists, that just are just mean hate-ful, and lost.
      Without common love, and yet claiming a relationship with God. It’s to Him you must reply.

  358. For what it’s worth….As I know Will and Rachel, they are much above letting anyone deter them from their purpose in life. It would take a lot more than this for them to hide from their own site. Will and Rachel understand that the negatives in life that come their way and ours are but part of our making. This is not the first time they have had to deal with other people’s derogatory opinions. If you were to look back many have said and done worse to them on this site. Yet they understand this is part of our making. What I know about them and understand is…that they know and understand that there is a higher “way” that is above the letter, and presence and attitude are far above any letter of the law and one’s opinion of doctrine.

    We don’t agree doctrinally on everything but we do agree on “the way” we are to present ourselves to all. When I first came to visit this site, it was the grace, kindness, and the love for others in-spite of what another believed that caught my attention. As Christ did not condemn people who were lacking in knowledge and weak in their faith, having sinned, and He was patient, benevolent and kind to them. These very traits are what drew me to Will and Rachel. They are good people, and kind, and have an understanding that is so above the carnal realm.

    They as we, know life is about change, and sometimes we just have to be still and quiet for awhile….to hear what new things are being said. They have both been very gracious and kind to me in spite of my short comings…knowing that our likes far out weigh any difference of opinion. I think they, as I, have the same opinion of what is superior to a person’s knowledge and that is “the way” a person presents their beliefs whether they are right or wrong…and that is with a grace and kindness we just don’t see very often. I just wanted to take this opportunity to give credit where credit is due…and speak plainly and honestly about where I believe their heart is. I do not say these things to win any favor with them..or to use flattering words…for I think we know one another well enough to know the difference in what is sincerity in Christ and what is not. I know Will and Rachel will go where their heart leads them…and a little negativity that test the soul…is but a good thing…for they know as we, that all things work together to those that love God. There have been many to come and go on this site with horrible things to say about Rachel’s writing and beliefs, and her understanding of the deeper and more beautiful truths that kept her above the fray, so to speak is a rare spirit indeed. And I would like to say that Will is right there with the same thoughts and character. I think we mutually agree it is not so much what we believe that makes the difference but “how” we believe it.

  359. Appealing as unity may be, compromising on what we really believe is still not the solution. After all, denying our beliefs and acting as if they don’t really matter doesn’t resolve anything, and that isn’t unity; it is denial, which amounts to living in a state of falsehood. Although the differences may appear to be resolved, the truth is that we’ve only temporarily made them disappear. Most conflict that goes underground tends to poison the soil, and eventually resurfaces later. This is why many become ill, ill in their minds, ill in their bodies, and ill in their hearts. God’s goal is to bring us to healing, but when satan gets a foothold in someone’s life, whether it be Sin, False Unity Doctrines, turning Away from God’s Word, and saying that “Church organizations” are not of God, (meaning we judge our brother’s) (we don’t think there worthy of our presence), Don’t want to be corrected. All these are dangerous, and they are all spiritual attitudes of pride, that will eventually, if not sooner lead to your death. God does not want your premature death, or sickness or anything of Satan to enter your life, so he sends his men, women his believers to warn you if need be to prevent that. Thus he has established churches, and when we speak against God’s authority, our sin is exposed, and we come under condemnation of the Devil, and possible death for our own rebellion, then we blame the Church, Church doctrine, and everything but ourselves. God is merciful, and sends a merciful minister to warn you and to bring you home, But you must choose God’s grace over your own rebellion. Grace mean’s love. Rebellion means hate. So God is out to find you and bring you home. Jesus said to go into the wilderness, and find the one out of the ninety-nine, and seek to bring them back Home. Praying for your release from Prison. God is looking to find you. That’s beautiful. Bringing you to unity with Him, and not the Deceiver.

  360. “All” people are of God. There is no condemnation in those and who promote the ways of God toward any. It is not for us to choose. The statement to coming our of her my people and not partaking of “her” sins and her plagues should make it clear to anyone that that is a difference between the people and the “her” they are I prisoned to. God wants us to worship “Him” not some institution that are full of blind ministers which are leading the blind to destruction. Study and pray to know the difference. Anyone with a fundamental understanding of the false church in Revelation has to know it is speaking of a false way. Christ taught it, Paul and the rest of the disciples spoke out against this false religion of the time. God was so displeased with the “system” and the pretentious rhetoric of the Pharisees, He did away with it and them. Solomon’s outward temple in which the “religious” of the day worshipped and payed their harlot games, God destroyed it in A.D. 70 and even had the foundation stones dug up and removed. To this day no one knows where it was built. This was because it was never to be rebuilt again….We are to worship since the coming of Christ in spirit and in truth…in the true temple in which we are.

    We are to love all, whether imprisoned with the mind set that it is ok to be called by one of the names of the great harlot system and those who defend it. It is not the people that God wants to do away with, it is the systems which they are trapped in. Within we have a place in our minds of the Holy of Holies and we also have a place where Satan does rule and that is the carnal mind. It is the battle for the soul..or the Holy Place. The soul, itself in its adolescence is as the harlot systems of men. The untrained and undisciplined soul minds the the things of the flesh, the five senses. As long as we live by the five senses we cannot please God. However when the soul turns to the Spirit within and takes instruction from a higher power, she starts to become one with the Spirit “again” as from her fall in the garden. When the soul of man is ruled by the five senses and seeks the adulation of others in the systems of men…as did the Pharisees, in wanting to be noticed and praised for their much speaking…and wanting to be admired and seen in the religious system of the day as great men…God destroyed this system of a grievous and pompous religion and replaced it with something far superior.

    The people of God are still entangled in the systems of men as were the Pharisees and are determined to reject worshipping the spirit within the true church in which we are…and continue as the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and the like. They had a religious system full of ritual and pomp but the their heart was far from God. Paul, Peter and the rest of the Apostles and disciples taught and forbid the religious converts to participate in the functions of the religion of the day. When the Jews who followed Paul around
    trying to get the converted Jews to Christianity, to come back to the “system” they were rejected for doing so.

    One must be able to see the difference between Gods children and the vices of playing church with the harlot systems. Most of us has been through them and some have been completely freed from them to worship God having no covering of man over them. It is not necessary for all to see the requirements of another foe each has their calling and election. All religious systems of today are as the system of the Levitical Priesthood, which God took away and destroyed. It is so today as people want to substitute the beatitudes and the love of God for ritualistic practices of showing up at a building one hour a week, beaming with pride in being a part of a system which is none other than the woman in Revelation in which we are asked to come out of.

    There is no one, religious, atheist, agnostic that a follower of the “ways” of Christ can condemn for this is not of God. We must understand the difference in the spiritual and the carnal, the outward temple vs the inward temple, His church from the apostate church. It is impossible to teach or try to teach these differences to one’s who are so steeped in religion that they cannot see they are in the “her” while thinking they are free from did the Pharisees.

    So we can’t criticize and condemn any for what God allows them to see or not to see, regardless of their “position” in life. God saves all people from whatever they are enslaved to, from whatever and wherever they are in their spirit. This goes for all us us alike. None of us are as Holy and righteous as the carnal mind would have us to believe. God said He closed us all up in a destructive place to be released as He calls us. To those of us who have been freed from these systems, we condemn no one but would have them released from their false concepts of who God is and what His nature is.

    It would be a good thing for one to understand that the reason for mercy, grace, and forgiveness is to all and for all while God is bringing them out of these false institutions into the light of God…where we do not categorize God’s love according to some institution one may belong to. God recorded all happenings and events in the Bible for us to learn by. Study the sins of the church in Christ day and why God destroyed the outward synagogues and temples to understand why God does not want us to place any special significance on the outward systems of men. The simplicity in Christ is to love your neighbor whether your neighbor is in bondage to a false way or to the lures of this life. Our neighbor is not defined by who they claim to be…but who we are in Christ.

  361. YOU INDEED HAVE THE TRUE SPIRIT OF DISCERMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Gods kingdom is not divided because it was includes us all. It is the carnal mind that divides God’s kingdom into as many factions, parties and divisions as it can dream up. It is the ego which wants it’s own separate kingdom so it can say “I’m better than this other label or religion” so it’s sets about to divide people according to their own personal philosophical views. To the spiritual we “all” belong to one God and to His one kingdom. Mans kingdom is as factious and divided as there are religions in number. This house divided against itself will not stand. It is about to receive its appointed time of doom, thank the lord. This is when all will be released in their order of Gods timing. “Then” every knee will bow to the will of God.” Then all will be set free to be included in the undivided Kingdom. It is a true blessing to see all eventually coming to the oneness of the Father.

  362. PLZ……… BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Well… there is a time for everything. As I looked around on the net contemplating such a thing is when I found Rachel’s site. I was looking for an example of an app, etc., and I found a believer similar to myself. It was nice…no I didn’t see all things as she and Will did, however I saw a love that surpassed knowledge and understanding. We are to love beyond the letter, meaning love those who judge you by the letter. I hung around awhile as you can see…and I have come to the understanding that when we speak, we do so with no consideration of being ridiculed…for this is part of the the way to the kingdom. Christ spoke to the one church and He spoke to the false church. The same words divided some and brought together others. What and who needed to be divided were divided and those He divided and brought out of the many…He made one. I have participated in many gatherings, bible studies and the like throughout the years, and as good as that is…I never meet a person who I think is not of Hods kingdom. Today’s sinner is tomorrow’s saint…as we will all be thankful together one day. The curse of man’s many kingdoms will be done away….as we enter into the kingdom that is not divided..for we will all be one with God.

  364. Thank you for your kind words.

  365. I hear about people who have visions on their death bed of mansions and golden streets in that bright glory-world above. Some have died and have come back, imagining that they have walked with Jesus on the golden streets of heaven! I will tell you what they are seeing. They are seeing a vision. But you see, beloved, visions require an interpretation. When Peter was praying on the roof-top he saw the vision of the sheet let down from heaven full of all manner of unclean beasts, birds, and creeping things. The voice of the Lord spoke to him, saying, “Rise up, Peter, kill and eat!” Peter, as a good Israelite, was repulsed! He could not understand the vision, and objected, saying, “By no means, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth!” With his natural mind he supposed the Lord was tempting him to eat meat that was unclean under the law. But in visions you usually don’t see the thing the vision stands for — you see only the representation, the figure, the type, the symbol that stands for the reality being conveyed. In Peter’s case, the unclean animals stood for the Gentiles who were outside of God’s covenant. God was telling Peter that the Gentiles were now cleansed by the blood of Jesus, to be received in one body as the people of God through faith. So the vision had to be interpreted! Only the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God could unfold the meaning of the vision!

    Many times visions have been given and men accept the visions as the reality (literally) rather than a picture or symbolic representation of the truth God is revealing. Millions of Christians are expecting a mansion over the hilltops of Glory with a gold street out front, with a lawn that never grows and never needs mowing, off on some planet called Heaven. This hope is based on the visions seen by dying men, or the visions received by the apostle John on the isle of Patmos. But all these are merely visions and they must be interpreted! What you see is not what you get! What is seen is not what God is showing! It is merely a symbol of the reality, not the substance! There are no literal streets of gold any more than there are literal beasts rising up out of the sea, or literal horns of the head of the Lamb of God! These are all word-pictures portraying spiritual realities. Dying men see pictures of a physical paradise because they are unprepared for the spiritual realities themselves, so as they pass from this gross material realm the Lord presents those realities to them in a way their minds are able to comprehend — the images of a vision!

    If you want to experience the true heaven of God’s Spirit then you must awaken to the place where you are seated together with Christ — now! No word written or spoken could hold more truth in this regard than the words of Paul when he speaks of the power “which God exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in the heavenlies, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named…” (Eph. 1:20-21). These terms used by Paul are figures of speech! God is omnipresent spirit — He doesn’t physically sit on anything, nor does He physically have a right hand! It means that Christ is raised up permanently into that highest spiritual realm where He has all power and authority! The “throne” spoken of in other scriptures and throughout the book of Revelation refers to His omnipotent power. So now we know where Christ ascended! HE ASCENDED INTO THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF ALMIGHTY POWER AND AUTHORITY! And that is where we are raised up and seated in Christ! “And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together — giving us joint seating with Him — in the heavenly sphere by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:6, Amplified). It is a blessed day for us when God makes it clear to our hearts that all who are in Christ have been raised up and given joint seating with Christ in the very same heavens of God’s Spirit where He sits enthroned with His Father! That is the true heaven — not visionary mansions with gold bath tubs, earth-like flowers that never fade, or a river running out of a throne. Every son of God is receiving a clear and powerful understanding by the Spirit of what it means to live in heaven, walk in heaven, and reign from heaven! Most Christians have no idea of where heaven is, what heaven is, or the realm out of which they should be living. They think they are where their natural mind tells them they are. Heaven seems a far-off place. They have missed the spirit reality altogether and understand not that they are born from above and that their citizenship is in heaven. That high and holy realm is not away off beyond the galaxies, but a place in our spirit where we rise up above our earthiness and learn to compare spiritual things with spiritual things. It is there that we touch reality! God is in heaven, and God is in our spirit!

  366. God is very proud of every one of you and every word spoken. It was spoken out of conviction of your personal beliefs in Father and Jesus. You think you are alone but you are not, for the world and heavens is listening. These last few months has been harrowing. on edge and wonderful as you taught the world of the thin veil between each of us and God. We see all now. We know all sides and our friends beliefs. Now go in peace and do not ever leave us. No, this place is blessed. I will hold your words in my archive for years of to come as I move along in my enlightenment. God bless each one of you.

    • Francis, as we share our beliefs, we do not so…to be heard or recognized for what we see and believe, it is only that we may reach out and participate as one in spirit…you as we and we as you…a sameness of spirit. We must understand that knowledge revealed is not special to any of us as individuals for we all get what we have from the same source. When one speaks because they get it, and another hears the one who speaks, because they get it, both have received what they know from God. So He who speaks the spirit and he who hears the spirit are equal for it is God who has given to both.

      If the one who speaks is heard.. it brings joy to both to he who speaks and to he who hears because the revelation is Christ within and with Christ within each there is no big I and little you….we walk in the humbleness of seeing our brother as we are…or we put the other before us. We receive what we receive from God, whether we read it, hear it, dream it….or envision it…We all have one source and as we each do our part…we who give or can give is only because we have been given to…by our mutual Father. It is only the carnal man who wants to be above and admired by others. The spiritual person wants for others as much as he wants what is good for himself.

      Thank you for your kind and respectful words, they are appreciated.

  367. I agree with all the points you make here. I would like to add a little food for thought for those who can see as you describe the things above. As we understand what you say about Peter’s vision, John’s and practically everyone other one we read about…they do carry much deeper meaning than what is on the surface. They run deep. Yet every single one of them reveal the simplicity which is in Christ Jesus. Each and every one gives direction to the spirit and the very love of the Father. Is there any other reason? I would like to also add that the entire written book…at best is a shadow that describes the true. The Bible is about outward observations, sayings and events. Yet they all, each and every line in the Bible is describing the kingdom in the spirit.

    To those who can grasp this..let me say…as God is my witness…the kingdom of heaven is within us, and as a city has its infrastructure in the natural, Jerusalem and Mount Zion have their spiritual counter parts. The kingdom of heaven to the spiritual is within our very being and there is not a dream, vision or event that is recorded in the scripture as a natural happening that does not come to fruition in the spirit, in the Kingdom of Heaven, within our very being. From the first word in Genesis to the last word in Revelation, it is as taking the book and eating it all as in Revelation ;

    10I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey; and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter.

    This is a spiritual thing and it goes with what I said above, consuming every letter of the “book” as in the vision means we are to consume inwardly in spirit as what is depicted in the natural…outwardly. There is no literal, outward, event, story, and saying in the literal word that has its truest meaning in the letter. It is spirit.

    If there is an outward road recorded in the scriptures from one place to another so it is in the spirit. If we come out of Egypt naturally, we come out in spirit. If we journey in the wilderness between Egypt (the flesh) and the promised land (the spirit), it is also in the spirit, within. If we arrive at the natural River Jordan to cross over, we also must do so in the spirit. If we are instructed to go into the promised land and do battle with all the ties, so we do within…for the ites represent the carnal enemy within us. When my Father in heaven revealed to me that I also must eat the book and as the imaginary thoughts of being one with Him and fighting along side Christ in the battle for victory, was and is sweet to my mindful thoughts…However to digest these sweet thoughts of victory, it comes with the bitter journey of the spiritual digestive tract, for as we struggle to get to the sweetness of the taste of heaven, we must battle every ite within us and overcome them, one by one as the natural Israelites battled the Hittites, Amorites, and all the others that possessed the promised land…until they were no more. As King David fought the last battles in the land and set up Mount Zion…in the highest place in Jerusalem…we must do the same within our promised land for the true Mount Zion is a spiritual thing..and it is the city within our very being.

    There is nothing of truth without that comes by the observation of the natural eye….truth comes from the Kingdom of Heaven where God dwells and we who know where the Kingdom of heaven is…knows where to look for the King. We who can see with the spiritual eyes which God has given us, sees a wonderful undivided Kingdom in the making…and it is all in the spirit of in this natural world for we are in it and not of it. We were spirit beings before the foundation of this world, we are spirit beings now having a natural experience, and we will continue in the spirit after leaving this body. We are not natural beings at all, although we will have a choice to exit and enter at will as our Christ Jesus give example in the upper room. We are here to be confined and restricted to this school of earth to learn obedience and how to and not to think, talk and act properly. When this is accomplished, we as Job will enjoy the double portion for having completed our testing by the carnal mind, which is under the control of Satan. As Paul taught that even though sin is in our members we identify with Christ and we give no power to the flesh…as we operate in the mercy, grace and forgiveness of God’s good graces until we have fought all the battles until we reach our Mount Zion. Mind you Israel did not win all the battles at first because some disobeyed God. Yet when they were corrected God made up for their loss and finally give them the victory all the way to Zion.

    All these recorded events are recorded that we might study the natural to understand the spiritual. And as we do, we no longer look without seeking the kingdom because we do not have to travel one geographical foot to get there…for as we eat the book we become the book…the spiritual word written on the tables of our heart..and as in the natural tabernacle in the Holiest of Holies…so it is in the spiritual Holy of Holies…in our mind and in our hearts…all within us.

    This earthy realm with all its natural wonder…is but a dream..that will end…and when we awaken from our dream..the natural will be done away with as it is written. What remains is of the permanent reality of what the past natural world was only a pattern of…the spirit. Now for those who want to try to make this world the reality, and the written word the reality, they must rethink of which world they want to identify with. If one wants to hear with the natural ear because Christ spoke with the natural tongue and it is their belief this is reality…they need to understand what the parables meant of what Christ spoke about. He told the disciples He spoke in parables to the masses because it was not for them at that time to understand, however the parables were made understandable in the spirit to His disciples because it was their time to understand. It is so now with us.

    Again, to the spiritual “all” things are spiritual.

  368. Christ, personally, does not redeem any man. Man is redeemed as he brings forth that Christ Light contained within himself. In that Light is his redemption held, and Christ is its source. To bring forth that Light man must learn to believe on His Name. And His Name is the great Unspeakable Name of ineffable power. It is a Name that is unspeakable because it is not contained within a word. It is a Name that is held in the dynamic powers of an unutterable vibration — unutterable because it cannot possibly be spoken. No word or sounds can contain it. It is a vibration of exalting, limitless power. This unspeakable Name of promise cannot possibly be the spoken word of His Name, but the true reality of His Name as it is sent forth on His own vibration of Light in singing, triumphant, unutterable glory. This great Name, in which we are admonished to believe, cannot possibly be spoken in word — not in any language. His great ineffable Name, in which man is admonished to “believe” or “BE-LIVE”, is the vibration of His holy Light as it is developed and brought forth from within through awareness expressed in tenderness and love.

  369. To bring forth this great vibration of Christ Light is how one takes upon himself the Name of Jesus Christ, which the sacramental prayer designates. One takes upon himself the Christ vibration of Light and glory, even the Unspeakable Name when he develops that vibration within and brings forth Its everlasting Light of Eternal power. Celestial powers are released with the bringing forth of that holy Christ Light. As one is filled with this Light of Christ he is truly born of the Spirit even as the tiny pattern of an infant is fulfilled when that pattern is filled with flesh. Then it is born.

    Those who bring forth this Light are actually doing the works which Christ did. And the greater works will follow.

  370. It is only the TRUTH that will make one free — the great Almighty Truth of God Himself and the unutterable glory of His vibrating power of Eternal Light — or Spirit — of Life. As one steps into the fulness of this Light, or divine knowledge, he steps into a higher phase of existence. This is not just a cherished membership in some church organization. It is a spiritual birth that is a divine reality. It is as literal as one’s birth into mortality. And with this birth of the Spirit one is admitted into membership with the Church of the Firstborn, the Great Brotherhood of Light.

    • As Paul taught the gentile converts without the law, he taught them without the daily observances, sacrifices, rituals, going to a geographical “place”of worship” and most of all for them to place no emphasis on Himself, or Apollos as they were only the messenger of the giver. It became so simple…just believe…have faith and to love others as yourself. When God took away the separation of Jew and gentile, it made the faith in “the way” of Christ through this faith by believing in His ways that separated them..and us unto God. The outward way has thus been removed…and now we need go no further than within ourselves in the quiet belief that HE is within us. It’s. It went from doing things without to being in Him and Him in us. Religion is a word that means people have not came out of the outward “her” to partake of the inward her, the church within. Yes, we go from the outward natural understanding to the spiritual place..within.

      • Sonny you need to return to Bible school, because your historical learning is frighteningly illiterate. It reminds one of the Hillbillies, that live in the Mountains, that half learned to read and came up with a bit of Snake handling, from reading one scripture. Please take a course in history and reading, because you could mislead many. You must be held responsible for an inability to simply read what is written and know correct history. You must take some responsibility, because your sayings here are simply sad.

  371. mainstream christianity is pathetic bullshit …

    • It’s because you have no love in your heat Amos, and have never been saved. Your words here show the reason Christ died for us, as evidenced by you filthy speech, God would say, come unto me and receive a love for all, Your hypocrisy Amos, has come from you saying God is for every one, but supposedly He is not for His Chosen. God says, speak not against my anointed my bride. Amos, you filthy tongue is from the heathen soul you have brought here. Terrible. Ugly. Disturbed Soul. May God bring a new understanding of love to you through His Son. Praying for your salvation as you criticize the righteous.


  372. As the soul awakens to the supra-conscious mind, it experiences divine trust followed by divine forgiveness. These attributes originate from the supra-conscious and equip the soul to operate in accordance with the supra-mind’s purposes. Together these Spirit attributes enable the layering of perfect divine potentials in the soul’s reality. As these potentials build layer by layer, the soul becomes consciously aware of the kingdom of God.

  373. rachel is a awakened and realized soul in the kingdom of heaven…

  374. Ok I am sorry for you people and I promised myself I would not interject in your playing of the spirit of Gd. Your words describing your faith are like finger nails on a chalk board to my soul.Very disturbing. It’s not where you are in your spirituality presence with Father but I being a son of Gd and with peace with Father, find all your descriptions of understanding disturbing to my soul and has brought a veil down between God and I. A clarity that I have held all my life. You need to be very careful in which manner you describe your interpretations of the Word of Gd and the happenings of the Heavens.Even I can not clearly convey the dance of the Spirit of Gd within when it happens. Most can not relate, You are not being careful with these precious insights that you have been exposed to. You can not get frustrated with Mishai when he shows his uncomfort with it all. No one here on this site has a clarity of Gd enough to preach to anyone else. I am sorry and I recede back into my realm I am at in life here on earth in this Realm, in this dimension of existence. All of you are blending into a blurred acceptance of some unreality.You need to time out your insides and regain a basic clarity of the Holy Spirit and it’s offerings.There is truth and untruth to what’s being said here over time. I will not engage in a rebuttal with anyone and take my leave in peace. Gd and I have things to do and We are not be mired down in this smoke. Gd bless you all.

    • May God give all the vision to see there is something higher than one’s own opinion…and blessed is he who is not offended in word. We cannot get bent out of shape every time someone disagrees with us..or we will be continuously beside ourselves. We live and let live and we give what understanding we have…and if one cannot see…wish them well. When “they” become insulting and condescending then let them be and God will deal with them. We should accept all regardless of their belief or doctrine…however an unbecoming attitude about what one believes steps over the line of decency and respect.

      There is quiet a difference in the carnal mind, and Beijing of the mind of Christ. When one condemns as a Pharisee, they are as Christ described them, led of another…. we are not led of Christ because we say and spell His name, or we can read and quote the scriptures, and go to one of the many apostate places of “worship” one hour out of the week and act like a decent person for a little while…and return to our carnal nature as the church door hits our behind as we leave it.

      The true church or the temple God is within our very being and there is not one second out of the week to be lived any different than any other second…or hour…of the week. Those who worship truthfully and obediently do so from within for these will come to see that if it is without, it is of this world which will fade away. The true church will increase in wisdom, understanding and will be able to discern between the outward and the inward. One is a carnal evil place and the other is where God dwells. The carnal mind thinks God is out there somewhere and the mind of Christ is in the place of the Holy of Holies and for those who have studied the outward tabernacle Moses built will see it is but an explanation of the true…which is this tabernacle or temple of we are.

      We should respect all who are seeking Christ, from the infant and adolescent in Christ which are as rebellious children toward their parents, to those who can see the oneness of Christ..each in our own time and order.

  375. Jack, I respect what you see or do not see. We each are given according to our abilities and obedience to what we do know. I’m sure if we all sat in a room together and we each took our turn in sharing our experiences and how we understand things, each would not have the same opinions and understandings as all the others, in every respect. So what do we do? Do we each smear, disrespect and call the others stupid and say that only we are right, or do we have respect, patience and consideration for the others? And do we come up with insulting remarks and condescending language because the others do not see as we do?

    So we must ask ourselves what is more important, what another believes as far as doctrine and history lessons…or doing unto to others and speaking to as we would want to be spoken to? I think it would do one well to rethink what the scriptures are for and learn the simplicity which is in Christ. If one is rude and insulting because of their take on history, these should revisit the list of the beatitudes and get their priorities in order. And 1 Cor. 13 would be a good place to start for this chapter teaches a the Love for God and for others with respect, for the attitude we are to have is to be far superior to any difference of knowledge one may have.

    Read the beatitudes, and 1 Corinthians 13 above to start with….and then we each should ask ourselves do our words match these instructions or do our words come from a place of self righteousness? We should care less about what another believes as according to their doctrine and where God has allowed them to be along their path back to the Father. As the scriptures teach there are thousands of false knowledge and doctrines which people are in chains to as they seek to find God…from…where they happen to be at the moment. This is where God will accept them and this is where God will start with them in teaching them a new “way.” God and Christ teaches tolerance, patience and love toward those who do not agree with us, is this not the teaching of the way of Christ? We are asked to let this mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus so which language should one use in representing Christ? Which mind should we have? Which choice of words should we use in respectful dialogue?

    Our choice of words tell a lot of which mind we have the “most” of within us. Let us choose the vocabulary of our Lord instead of from the other fellow, the carnal minded religious one who thinks what knowledge they know gives them right standing with God. These are as the five foolish “religious ones” who pleaded with God that they should be allowed in because of all they did and knew “about” the kingdom. God asked them to depart from Him because He knew them not. ”Knowing” in the terminology used in this parable is being one with the Father in the spirit of love and likeness, not in what they knew to do, but did it not. It is the same today, people rave about they think they know, but their heart is far from what God will accept?

    We need to be careful when we address others for as we do unto the least of these we do unto God and Christ Jesus. Are we of the five wise or of the five foolish? Our words and actions reveal from which mind we speak. Knowledge is not can only make a feeble attempt to describe it, these are not my words…1 Cor. 13 explains it very well so it is no one’s opinion. We should speak truth, not knowledge, for our Lord and savior is truth. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” If we do this it will take away the insulting demeanor of the carnal minded man… and what will flow out is what is good and redeemable. We all are being redeemed from the carnal mind so we should help God along by keeping ourselves and our tongue under subjection to the Holy Spirit.

  376. It is not just the little faults and failings in a man’s character, not his erroneous actions and mistakes or even his great sins which will bring his judgment. Neither will any man be condemned or judged for his weaknesses, nor by what the world has termed as “sin”. Man is only condemned by his rejection of that Light of Christ that has been given to abide in him. Each individual’s failures, mistakes and transgressions are in themselves only the effects of the great cause. Each man’s own rejection of that divine Light of power and eternal glory has been the great cause of all sin. Sin is but the result of the engulfing darkness that takes over when that divine Light is not accepted. There is only the one great sin which is the cause of all the evils, weaknesses, mistakes and errors. This one great sin is the rejection of the Christ-Light. This rejection alone holds the power of condemnation. This rejection is the one great cause. The weaknesses, failings and all consequent evils are but the results of the one great sin, the rejection of His Light, which is given to abide in every man who comes into this world. In this great rejection the “self” has been permitted to take over and to rule in its blindness and selfishness and physical lusts. This has been the cause of man’s separation from God. It has been the little mortal “self” that has not only refused to acknowledge this glorious, redeeming Light of Christ, but has determinedly fought against It. And it is His Light that holds all power and glory and fulfillment in its scope of purified exaltation.

    Often those in high places are even more engulfed in this great sin than the recognized sinner. But regardless of who is involved it is only the great ignorance of His Light that has caused all sin. It is only the separation from God, in consciousness, that condemns into outer darkness. It is only the little mortal “self” that can possibly separate man from God and keep him in the great vortex of evil, for all darkness is only a lack of the Christ Light which man himself has rejected, whether he be a sinner or a professed prophet. It is only the mortal “self” that fulfills the great hypocrisy of self-righteousness as it usurps the power and authority of God in its pride and arrogance. And it is the mortal “self” which contains the ability to wallow in the realms of either hidden or open sin. The “self”, in every individual, is but the complete expression of everyone who remains under condemnation for having rejected the Light of Christ. These have consequently remained unenlightened, hence unredeemed. Those who have not rejected that divine Christ Light will have It plainly manifested in their works of power. When this Light is comprehended and brought forth, “all will be able to discern between the righteous and the wicked.” There can be no possible mistake. When that Light is fully brought forth even the blind will be able to behold It in those they meet — and that Light will heal their blindness, so they too will comprehend It and glorify God by bringing It forth within themselves.

    All of mankind’s errors and mistakes, its weaknesses and transgressions have been bred and fostered in the little mortal “self” as it has blundered through life without the Light.

    • And…it is the “Light” that takes up its abode within us that will condemn no one, will ridicule no one, but will show to all the respect God has instilled in us. When we are matured in Christ we will take no thought of what to say because the “ bible says”, we will then speak from a heavenly, matured place in Christ. We will no longer speak from knowledge or from memory, or from what someone else said, we will speak from the source of who we ourselves have become. When we have fully let this mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus, we will and can only speak truth for the antichrist will have absolutely no place in our mind or hearts for it will be in the possession and obedience of and to our Father. The greatest harmonies of two are those where their voices are indistinguishable from being one. So it is with us, when we are one in Christ.


  378. Eve left letting the tree of life be her center of life which is Christ and turned to her own intellect and reasoning to find her answers to her questioning and doubting God. It is the same today as some of us try to climb up some other way, through intellect of studying knowledge to come to God by this other way, through our own strength and intellect. This is what is called eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…which is forbidden to do. Both trees were in the center of the garden and as Christ is within this garden in which we are, so is the other tree. Choose you this day whom you will serve is the same as saying, choose which tree you will make your diet from.

    The written word of God can introduce one to Christ, however it is the spiritual Word which draws one to have a “relationship” with God through Christ. The written word is limited as it has no power to give life to anyone, however the spirit can. If we seek God to have a personal relationship with Him through Christ, the tree of life, we will live. If we seek to have a relationship with the intellect and reasoning of the flesh, we will fail for this is of the mind of Satan, as we may go to the intellectual Babylon of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to find God, as Eve. Our intellectual study of the word will not deliver us from the systems of men…however when we go directly to the tree of life and receive His love and forgiveness “so that we can give it out in return” to all others we will then know the difference in the intellect of Satan…and the love of God.

    God is interested in us becoming as He is, He is not interested in the least of how we may intellectualize about Him and recite endless genealogies and the history of the written word. There is as much difference in intellect and relationship as light is to darkness. Eve fell out of favor with God for trying to intellectualize herself into God’s presence and favor, and this was her fall from grace along with Adam. When we judge and condemn another through our understanding of the written word we are intellectualizing as did Eve and we remain in our fallen state. The only way out of this condition is to turn away from our intellect and pray and desire a relationship with God through the “ways” and likeness of Christ. An intellectual Christian is more of a hard hearted and self righteous character than is the one who is seeking His love and likeness without the camp…or the systems of men. The harlot systems described in Revelation are but intellectual think tanks of a false intellectual way, while the “way” of God through Christ is about the falling away of the intellectual man of sin…revealing Christ. The drink we receive of the living water is Christ, and what will flow out of us will be the same rivers lo living water. This is not an intellectual thing..this is of His nature.


    “Let the dead bury their dead!” So advised Jesus. But the world has never understood how very literal those words are.

    The majority of mankind have so yielded themselves to the powers of death it is almost as though death had already claimed them. These half-dead ones, without the enlivening vibrations of the tingling life force active within, have nothing really better to do than to attend death. Many of them have already enshrined and glorified death as they await the touch of his hand upon them.

    And there are those who have made dismal, dreary little shrines of themselves, dedicated to death, as they mope listlessly through life — expecting to be compensated in a great, glorious HERE-AFTER for either their imagined ills or actual ones. Those who never attempt to overcome one negative vicissitude or to rise above any trial, misfortune or disappointment, have no claim upon glory. They have permitted themselves to be “overcome” instead of exerting their great God-given mandate in triumphant “overcoming.”

    And there are those who unwittingly invite death into their homes as a permanent guest. He sits at their tables with them, walks at their heels, waits beside their beds, sometime for years, as they nurse some physical handicap in weak self-pity. Their greatest sorrow is that others do not sit down and mourn with them over their CONDITION as they linger by their imagined graves in grieving anticipation. These are truly the chief mourners at their own funerals.

    These have worshiped death and evil and darkness though they expect God to exalt them into the highest heaven in “The Great Beyond.” Their invitation to death will be answered soon enough without the welcome mat and the spread banquet table. Such have no other goal and are drawn irrevocably toward that dismal, back door of death. They believe that death holds the keys of their release from every ill. And how can they possibly know that their established mental habits go with them, unless they seek to understand? Their cultivated taste for misery has become so savory to their minds they actually relish the anguished, negative conditions they have fostered upon themselves. These attitudes and habits and cultivated misfortunes go with them into the grave — and beyond. They are their own. They have become a very part of their fibre and their existence. These unfortunate ones have held to every hurt, every sorrow, every misfortune and every hate, refusing mentally to relinquish one single disagreeable happening or condition. Their good is forgotten and crowded out until only the evil is remembered — and so remains. They do not realize that it is more natural and much easier to eliminate the evil by glorifying the good, with that inner song of gratitude and joy, than it is to develop the evil.

    “Joy is of the Saints. And none can put it on but they alone.” Joy is actually something one “puts on” like a robe of glory as he overcomes the darkness, the despairs, the negative conditions of earth — and finally conquers death itself. True Joy is a highly spiritual quality and the very developing of it will make one a Saint.

  380. In the Lost Books of the Bible, that have been found, and translated is this precious information given by Nicodemus in his eighteenth chapter and twelfth verse: “O Satan, Prince of all evil, AUTHOR OF DEATH, and source of all pride . .”, etc.

    God did not ordain nor create death. Lucifer did. God only permitted it. He will continue to permit it until man himself accepts the Higher Way.

    “We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect; and that the nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views, and the greater his enjoyments, till he has overcome the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin; and like the ancients, arrives at the point of faith where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and is caught up to dwell with him.”

    So this question must be asked: How can anyone possibly partake of the “Life more abundant” who does not have a deep reverence and a true appreciation for that most holy, divine gift of Life? One must appreciate his own sacred life as well as respect the gift in his fellowmen in order to receive of its abundance.

    One must be ever aware of the vibrancy of that surging life force right within himself in order to receive of its fulness and its breathtaking powers. This sacred gift of life is the true reality of existence. It is the caressing, nurturing, enfolding benediction of Almighty God manifesting in the individual. It is the very truth and substance of being. It is the power and the love of our divine Sire flowing from within.

    It is the everlasting plan of God that each individual partake of the gift of life fully or in its complete fulness. This is the “Life more abundant!” When one partakes of the gift of life in its fulness and abundance he is no longer a drab, dull, impotent mortal. He becomes a dynamic being aflame with purpose and power.

    This sacred “Life more abundant” is merely the regular gift of life developed and brought forth into the highest potency as one becomes completely aware of it. It is the full establishment of vibrancy and joy and vivid, glorious, purposeful living. The principle of life is increased and expanded into its divine powers by the ecstasy of appreciation. Only in gratitude and joy and understanding can it become fully established.

    “If a man hate his life, he shall find it,” means that if one is dissatisfied and discontented with his meager, skimpy, desolate, little mortal existence then, if he uses his prerogative aright, he can reach out into the greater LIFE and bring it forth. Thus it is possible to take hold of the “Life more abundant!” This “Life more abundant” is the gift of life in its fulness as the physical, mortal elements become embued with the full, surging vibration of the great spiritual force of LIFE in all Its dynamic, everlasting power. And he who takes hold of it fully need never die. This is the law.

  381. the Name of JESUS CHRIST is a Promise of a Divine race of Gods on this Earth as its Future Rulers..THE SUNSHINE OF SUPER LOVE .LEADERS TRIUMPHANTLY IN SUPREME CHARGE…..TO GOD FOREVER BE THE GLORY..AMEN…

    • No one would want to have you as a god. Your heart is stone, and has never been touched by the redeemer. If it had, you wouldn’t even make such a statement. Because the statement is corrupt, it is a statement of “self”. You have no love, and have no idea, of the Love of Jesus. Your on a head trip, and it is simply a religion created by yourself, to promote something, but it isn’t from the Lord Jesus.
      I pray for your life to be changed by a true experience in God. None of your sayings reflect anything from the true God, It’s a sham, and no one should again listen to you or have anything to do with you.
      Not just because of the spiritual discussion, but because of the disruption, of the con you’ve brought forth.
      God is not a corrupt, filthy mouthed God, and no one would want to live under an evil, heart of hatred.
      No, a corrupt god is what Hitler tried to bring forth, and you have the same goal. An evil heart in an evil lying man, and it’s a con. Obviously nothing spiritual in your life. You are simply a self inflate con.
      For good or evil, you are a con. There’s no love in you, but I pray you could find the real thing some day.
      No one should give you the time of day, And the craziness of the lie, is out there to be seen.
      It’s all been a sham.


  383. you are a freaking joke lmao

  384. i am truly sorry for speaking so strongly about your religious nonsense but u dont have any light of understanding the word of god ….now thats a shame lmao

  385. and i do wish u the best i do …to god be the glory


    • I think that’s why you blaspheme all the time. Because of a lack of the Holy Religion. Beware of that righteousness, which bears the spirit of the Pharisee. When the unclean spirit has gone out of you, then seven has come In Amos, look for a prayer group to cast forth these spirits of your heart.

  387. “So Christ also, having been once offered to bear the sins of many, SHALL APPEAR A SECOND TIME, apart from sin, to them that wait for Him, unto salvation.” That is how the Greek text reads. The statement is not prophetic, but doctrinal; and the doctrine in question is not the so-called “second coming,” but the PRIESTHOOD! It is not the prediction of an event to be realized by those who shall be alive on earth at the time of the end, but the declaration of a truth and a fact to be realized by every elect member of the body of Christ, no matter in what dispensation his sojourn upon earth may fall.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ appears a second time to those who LOOK FOR HIM, who diligently seek for Him and follow after Him; not any more as a sin offering appearing in heaven for us, but in the mighty manifestation of His power usward, UNTO SALVATION. And this salvation is the work of our great and wonderful High Priest. This same wonderful truth is set forth in Heb. 7:25 in these words, “Wherefore He is able also to SAVE THEM TO THE UTTERMOST that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them.” This phrase is given by Phillips as “He can save fully and completely.” Young’s Literal, “He is able to save to the very end.” Amplified, “He is able to save to the uttermost – completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity.”

    The Greek points out that He is able to save COMPLETELY. He is able to save ALL THE WAY, even unto the valley of the shadow of death. He is able to save altogether, NOTHING LACKING – complete salvation with no flaw, complete as only a holy and omniscient and omnipotent God knows completeness and perfection. This salvation “to the uttermost” is a complete salvation of spirit, soul and body reserved for those who “come unto God by Him” – those who follow all the way, into the Holiest, within the veil, to know HIM in all His glorious and eternal reality. And it is not a salvation effected by Jesus flashing across the sky, but by our great High Priest ministering from His throne of intercession! “The uttermost” is the strongest and extremist word in all the world. There cannot be anything beyond the uttermost. The uttermost is situated on the very extremist rim, on the very outmost edge, and on the very highest pinnacle of all existing things. It is the limit, the boundary, the completeness, the perfection, the fullness, the summit, the apex and the ultimate of all realities. Oh, the wonder of it! Salvation to the UTTERMOST! What a limit! What a boundary! What a summit!

  388. 1 Corinthians 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came unto you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God.
    1 Corinthians 2:2 For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

    To many, this saying never registers to its truest essence because people equate the word crucified with the wooden cross Jesus was put to death on. However in this passage it has nothing to do with the natural crucifixion of Christ. It is has to do with that spiritual crucifixion within of the crucifying of the first Adam, the man of flesh, so that the second Adam will fully come alive in the anointing of the spirit.

    What Paul was making clear was that he had no interest in impressing others with eloquent speech or great and inspiring words of knowledge and wisdom, the testimony of God. He made it plain he was not going to go on with endless genealogies and a lot of stories and happenings in the scriptures, but he was going to focus on the most important thing of all…and this was how to get rid of and crucify that old man within, the flesh. This is the foundational teaching of which all things are built on. These are the things that are the most important for people to learn, for it is not about forever learning and not being unable to get to the truth. The truth is not written knowledge, it is spiritual substance, it is the likeness and expressed image of Christ.

    Paul was saying he wanted to get to the point with people and teach them about things that mattered, a change in character and nature, about putting on the likeness of Christ within, in the true temple in which we are. These are the things that are paramount in our lives. Knowledge is good, and understanding the mysteries are wonderful, however as good as these things are..when revealed they too, teach the putting on of Christ and the putting off of the flesh, the ego, the vanity of the carnal mind.

    Again, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are wonderful things to have, however without the thing they all lead us to, it is purposeless, for what good is it to have these things if we do not have the very love they are to deliver us to? Let us all come to the understanding that if we have love in our heart For God…and for all others, we have the very fulfillment of all that is spoken of in the scriptures. And there is really not a lot to know as Paul was trying to make clear, for love comes not from a lot of rules and regulations, it comes by being obedient to the beatitudes. As much as it is within us to be at peace with all men, let us lay down all these unnecessary weights of requirements we place on others before we can love them….and learn to respect all from where they are in their maturity in Christ, from the babe in Christ to the fully matured. Let us with much patience run the race that is set before us, let us win…Christ.

  389. It is time that those who profess to be Christians, and followers of the Son of God stop running away from issues which they do not comprehend. Every word spoken by Jesus Christ is a direct guide to true living, and no one is living true to the pattern He set unless he lives by every word that proceedeth forth from His mouth. Of course faith is necessary because He taught it, and because without it a life is a vain and useless thing. Of course repentance is necessary — and repentance means a “right-about-face”, or a complete changing of one’s life. This can only come as one learns to understand the true teachings and turns from the old, dead way of living to the way of Life. Repentance does not belong just to the sinner. It belongs just as much to those who have only lived on half-truths and ignored, or denied the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of course Christ taught that authority was necessary, but authority in the hands of a man who denies the power thereof, or who cannot use that power is vain. How can anyone claim to believe in Christ and to be a follower of Him, yet deny or ignore anything He taught as a part of the way of life? No wonder the works of Christ are dead — no wonder there are none who have ever done the greater works that were promised to those who believe. Modern Christianity is a shivering skeleton of dead works clothed with the glorious word “Christianity.”

    • Dear Lord, Father of all that is and bearer of what shall come to pass. Jesus ,My Lord God please bring peace to the hearts entwined in this clash of the titans of the Word. Lord, I see what they see. I see how it can be misconstrued and if it was not for the guidance of the Holy Spirit upon my soul I could very easily head down this path taken. It has gone to far and deep into the consciousness of their spirit to allow the light of God in the Spirit to illuminate within. That is what I see. Yes being in the Spiritual world is a whole new place to be. But it is filled with misunderstandings. And as much as the Word of God as written in the the Bible is simplistic in nature, but not, it’s the true way to accept the reality God wishes for us to bear. His reality not yours. So, Is it for me to reveal the Heavens I know or the Angels I am with? No it is not my place to try to correct your subtle errors. In fact the revelation that you have given me fits into the fabric of my Gods’ weaving quite well. You were able to show me the traps ones can create for themselves by forcing a resolution to Gods’ placement of The Word. You have committed the ultimate sin by placing an Idol other than Gods’ Word between you and Father. The idol is your obsession to fill the void in mans ability to see with fluff. Stuff that seems Righteous. Well down here among man the Righteous sword is double sided and will always backlash on you. And it is and I see it in Teresa’s frustrations with Gods’ Spirit.
      Listen! I started reading Rachael words of writ and I was drawn to the vision of what she was feeling and experiencing. I di d the same thing and I am still doing it. We all are. But honestly somewhere in between then and now something went wrong. The word “High Preist” has no place in Gods kingdom here on Earth or In the Heavens above. And where Heaven is and what it is, is never for you to to be in a position to say a word about. Not even the Angels of the Heavens are permitted into the Heaven of mortal man. Our souls acceptance into Heaven is only through Jesus literally. This is fact as presented by God. Keep the Heavens hierarchic as laid out before you in the Word, in the Bible close. It will be an armor of God as you move among the spiritual entities of the spiritual realm. And there are entities to be weary of. Only in a solid faith and understanding of the realty God wishes for you can you prevail and excel. See I can talk in big words too. Spin angles. Now who shall the readers here believe. The Word of God in the Bible or your created high priest of a spirit light who is equal to Jesus. Yes you drop the upper case when speaking of Jesus and God so as to diminish them in stature.I see these things and see within your voice. And there is no devil, satan or bad person here. We are just mortals and innocent children of God love.And we as life it’s self see things differently. Please it’s not the substance of what your keying on it’s how your hearts see it. God will speak to you in your heart, listen. All of us should in fairness, relax and step back within and say hello Lord. I love You and need Your guidance of clarity. It is going to be very hard for all of us to do this. but if we pray and start over discussing substance we can work the nuances out as to where we are jumping the track between us. We are almost in tune. We are just not right now. So all of us lay down our Righteous swords. God bless all of us because He truly loves each of us dearly and equally.


      • Francis yes. Yes, and yes. But what you are seeing is they have denied the Power to Read. To Read God’s Word. They have denied themselves the power to read, while claiming a demonic power I their lives. And that is a satanic influence. That is a demonic inspired understanding and calculation. There are no higher truths, only more closeness to God, by being affirmed by Him, and these Amos, and Teresa, are not affirmed by Him, and we know this Because it is not witnessed to by the Spirit of the Lord, but they are affirmed by demonic influence. And it should be said in even stronger terms Francis than you were willing to allow yourself to say, that these are not of the Spirit of the Bible, but are led by dark forces. The enemy knows the Bible, and it is false doctrines they portray. All should turn from their influence who seek the Lord.

  390. Do You Desire to Please God?

    “Without FAITH it is impossible to please God.” So says the scriptures and our ears have grown dull of hearing and our minds have ceased to respond to the wonder and truth of these words.

    We are told that “FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR.” It is the essence, the material, the element of things “hoped for” according to this definition. Then there is another record, very ancient, which declares: “FAITH IS THINGS HOPED FOR!” With this definition we understand that anything that one can possibly hope for is faith. This is beautiful!

    And then again we are told that “without hope or the substance or material of things hoped for it is impossible to please God.” “He who is without HOPE (or faith) must needs be in despair. And despair cometh because of iniquity.” And, according to the dictionary, “iniquity is a grievous violation of right or justice. It is gross wickedness. It is sin.” It is from a Latin word meaning “inquiet” or “unquiet,” or “not quiet.” It even suggests meaning, in-equal or unworthy; not up to par or standard.

    This lack of inner quiet is the full indication of lack of contact with God. Only by “being still” can one possibly KNOW or contact God — and receive His help.

    So truly, without FAITH it is indeed impossible to please God. “For he that cometh to God must BELIEVE that he is, and that he is a rewarder of all who diligently seek Him.” In the first place one could not even attempt to approach God unless he believed that “God did exist and is a rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him.” Without this awakened ability to BELIEVE or to try to PROVE there can be no possible contact with God.

    “THE VERY FIRST REQUISITE TO KNOWLEDGE (of any kind) IS THE ABILITY TO BELIEVE.” Without this ability to believe, to test, to seek or to prove, a man is no better than a beast of the field, a dead stump, a lifeless, mediocre, unalerted, unawakened clod.

    Enthusiasm, which is the spark of God in action in the soul of man, is based entirely on faith. Without enthusiasm there can be no faith. Enthusiasm is the kindled spark of Faith that lights the pathway to the fulfilling of the hopes of man. Show me any individual who cannot experience enthusiasm and I will show you a person whose soul has departed from him or who has permitted himself to become not much more than a vegetable.

    Enthusiasm is a mental or spiritual force which has always been regarded by mankind with approval and more often with a deep respect, mingled with awe. To the ancients it was assumed to be a special gift of the gods, and by them it was regarded as animating the individual with almost divine attributes of power. And surely enthusiasm is a part of the divine nature within man.

    Without enthusiasm it is impossible to please God. Enthusiasm is the living spark of the soul that lights the Path of progress. It is the breath and life of incentive. It is FAITH in action.

    Incentive is the first step toward unfoldment. Incentive awakens the desire to “KNOW!” The desire to KNOW leads into the Pathway of searching, which fulfills the command to “Ask, to seek and to knock!” And the Promise is: “That EVERY ONE WHO ASKS RECEIVES! AND HE WHO SEEKS FINDS! AND UNTO HIM WHO KNOCKS IT SHALL BE OPENED,” or revealed.

  391. In being “Born of the Spirit,” as Christ explained to Nicodemus, in John’s record, chapter three, verses five to eight, one’s physical body is transposed, translated or converted into its pure spiritual elements. Or as was said of Enoch, “Write the works of Enoch as a prophet, priest and seer; write of his life of purity and love, and how he changed his carnal flesh to flesh divine without descending through the gates of death.”

    The elements of which man is composed is not only spirit, as is revealed in the statement: “Man is spirit,” “Man was that TRUTH in the beginning.”

    If the great TRUTH is that man was that TRUTH or SPIRIT in the beginning, then surely that Holy Spirit of Truth is the foundation of man’s being and existence, only he has been completely unaware of his own divine nature.


    Yes, KNOW that you are Spirit. In other words, EXPERIENCE THIS KNOWLEDGE as “you OVERCOME all the evils of your life.” KNOW or EXPERIENCE the boundless, breathtaking fact that you can be transformed into your own true spirit nature and essence. KNOW or EXPERIENCE the fact that your spirit and the elements of your physical body can become inseparably connected! And when that is achieved death cannot touch you! You can actually KNOW this as the EXPERIENCE of fulfilling becomes your own.

    “Nothing is impossible!” And only SIN can possibly bring death! “The wages of sin is death!” “OVERCOME all sin and death will have to back down for it will have no claim,” so declared the ancients.

    Or accept this glorious PROMISE of Almighty God, “who is a God of truth and cannot lie,” “The nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views and the greater his enjoyments until he OVERCOMES THE EVILS OF HIS LIFE and loses every desire for sin, and like the ancients, arrives at the point of FAITH where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and is caught up to dwell with HIM!” This is translation. And it has been an open invitation to man from the beginning. It is for those who will use the gift of FAITH and fulfill God’s terms in receiving it.

    Remember, the only way one can possibly KNOW ANYTHING, is to EXPERIENCE IT!

  392. You loose your desire for sin, and then turn and rail a ‘cuss load’ as a demon? No, this is a demon’s spirit that is speaking in you. Not of God, but within the spirit of darkness only it hails. This individual is merely filled with humanism, and spiritual pride. This is occultism in these two, Amos, and patronage. It is from the enemy’s camp and should be turned away from, totally. Through occultism is how people are demon filled, and possession comes. There is no right ever to criticize the Lord’s church, that is the devil, and accuser of the brethren. Deny it. Turn from it. NOT from God, in any fashion.


  394. Yes: “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES!” (see Mark 9:23) And when that belief or desire goes beyond just the mind and finds lodgement in the soul, there is no power in existence that can hold it back.
    The Straight and Narrow Path is not a path of encumbering creeded doctrines or even memorized, scriptural platitudes. It is a living, dynamic contact with God as one is enfolded in an ever increasing mantle of love and joyous confidence. It is a KNOWING, a POWER, a Vision or an assurance of divine reality. Without this inner vision or spiritual acceptance, “THE PEOPLE PERISH.”
    Then, in the sixth chapter of Hebrews is written this astonishing, ignored passage of scripture: “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
    “Of the doctrine of baptism, and of laying on of hands, and of [the] resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgement.” (Hebrews 6:1-2)
    The above certainly contains the foundation principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, here man is instructed to leave these foundation principles behind and GO UNTO PERFECTION!”
    If the saints did seek to become perfect, there would be no possible need for JUDGEMENT. And again comes those divine instructions: “BE YE THEREFORE PERFECT EVEN AS YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT!” (Mattthew 5:48) (Emphais added) It is not just by accepting of the teachings of the scripture mentally, IT IS IN THE LIVING OF THEM that one becomes perfect.

  395. “ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE, SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND, KNOCK AND IT SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU.” (see Matthew 7:2; Luke 11:9; John 16:24) And since it is irrevocable, even God cannot revoke it. It belongs to man —
    – to every earthly individual on this planet. It is ours to use and to prove!
    If there is any information you really desire to KNOW and cannot be satisfied with the opinions or ideas or teachings of man, GO TO GOD AND “ASK OF HIM!” And “HE WILL BECOME YOUR TEACHER —- and YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH and YOU WILL NEED NO MAN TO TEACH YOU!”

  396. “For everyone who asks, receives, and he who seeks finds, and unto him who knocks, the door will be opened!” (see John 7:36)
    This eternal, unbreakable, irrevocable law was established before the foundations of the earth were laid. And since God’s word cannot return unto Him void or unfulfilled, for the scriptures cannot be broken, the laws of this divine promising is man’s to accomplish or fulfill.
    God doesn’t need to ask, to seek or to knock. It is man whose need is waiting for his own requesting to open the way to anything, everything, or heretofore unspeakable things his soul yearns for in righteousness.
    It is an established law from before the foundations of the earth. It cannot fail. It is irrevocable. And it is man’s to use.“Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.” (see Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9) The door through which that glorious answer to your request will come, is the door to the TREASURE HOUSE OF GOD.
    That “knocking” has to be done by man. There is no other way for those divine doors to spiritual requests, or for knowledge, or for the fulfillment of a deep desire to possibly be opened —- but by man’s requesting.
    Man must do the “knocking,” the “asking,” and the “seeking” before those doors to the Treasure House of God can possibly be opened.

  397. “OCCULTISM!” shout those who have been taught that the power and miracles of Bible times is the greatest of wickedness. And they lie and denounce the Bible and every wondrous work of Almighty God as abominable devilishness. And according to the blasphemous interpretation, the whole Bible should be discarded and rejected, for it is a record of occultism from beginning to end.
    There was also, that all-powerful command to a man who had been dead four days in a hot climate, and the sister said, “Master, he has been dead four days, and he stinketh.” And the words still echo across the centuries to those who have the ears to hear, “LAZARUS, COME FORTH!” (see John 11:37-44)
    Glory be to God for such wonderful FAITH that can release the powers of the ALMIGHTY!
    There were the 5,000 men, not counting women and children whom Jesus fed with five loaves and two fishes. And if there were 5,000 fed until they were completely satisfied, you may be assured that beyond the 5,000 men, there were at least 6,000 women and children. (see John 6:1-14) OCCULTISM!
    There were the three Hebrew children who were cast into the fiery furnace which had been heated seven times over any burning that had ever before taken place. And the men who threw them into the fire were themselves instantly consumed with the heat. And King Nebuchadnezzar standing, conscience stricken, asked, “How many did you throw into the fire?” “THREE,” came the answer. And the king said, “I see four and one is like unto the Son of God!” (see Daniel 3:24-25) Around 530 years before Christ had been born and long before the Israelites were even aware of such a great event being scheduled for the future, a gentile King beheld Christ. And he beheld the protection and release of those Hebrew children before his very eyes. OCCULTISM!
    Yes! The whole Bible is a glorious record of the supernatural! Yes, the powers told in the Bible are all SUPER — natural. They are so far beyond the skimped little minds of unbelievers, they are but placing themselves in the category of those who denied the Christ, Son of the Living God, because of the same complaints. The works of God are all on that divine supernatural level beyond the normal abilities of man to duplicate. But the words stand forth in the centuries of their proclaiming, “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES!” (see Matthew 17:20) We are living in a world of UNBELIEVERS, OF
    HOLY CITY, because they are FEARFUL. Afraid!
    Afraid to go to God lest they stand before Him in
    THE SHAME OF THEIR NAKEDNESS! The whole Bible is a continuous revealing of the
    supernatural —- the divine powers of God in action,
    the wonders of the Almighty God and of His Son Jesus Christ!
    When God takes a hand in matters, He does not
    explain His method to THE MOCKING
    UNBELIEVERS. And so each miracle wrought is
    supernatural, mysterious, glorious and all-powerful,
    even as are all the works of God. OCCULT!
    Yes! Thank God for such powers and for the understanding that men were to go on and do greater works than even Christ did. (see John 14:12) Christ’s resurrection from the tombs along the mountainside, being opened for the many to behold. OCCULT! Yes!

  398. Occultism does not refer to Biblical Miracles. Biblical miracles are wrought by believers.
    Occultism is referring to False Doctrine, that the Bible calls doctrines of Devils.

    The one thing that is so important to our Christian walk is a LOVE FOR THE TRUTH! Truth is not relative. Truth is a person. And the Living Word gave us the logos Word, so we would have something to compare our dreams and visions, and revelation to, so that we would have a standard of righteousness and truth, a compass to go by.

    Now look at what 2 John says:

    2 John 9-11 NKJV “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.”

    Jesus, also declared that, on the day of Judgment, men would come and say ” Have we not prophesied in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and done many wonderful works in your Name, then will I say to them, DEPART FROM ME YE THAT WORK INIQUITY”.

    There is nothing wrong with you believing in the greater works of Christ, for we all do.
    There is however a big deal wrong, a great deal wrong with your doctrine.
    In addition you have accused the Church of not knowing these things, and the Church full well knows them, I myself participate in and teach Miracles Done in Christs name, and have preached Miracles.

    However, you accuse the Church, and have condemned the Church, which no one has set you over the Church of Jesus, to critique it or criticize it, that is only the Lord’s position. to do so, and you have said the Church has not followed in the knowledge of God, which is completely untrue.

    So, these statements you have made are a Lie, and Not Factual. and you have no spiritual authority to make them.
    Your Doctrines are doctrines of Demons, and you need the LOGOS, TO HAVE A FOUNDATION, OR YOU WILL BE FOLLOWING DEMONIC DOCTRINE.
    The Logos is given to guide us. Without doing so, you are a LAW UNTO YOURSELF, AND SERVE YOUR OWN SELF. All of this is demonic. Submit to your brothers and sisters that know the word, or you will go on being deceived. “God is Not Mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that he will reap”.

    Jesus, is the Lord of the Doctrine of His Church, and not you.
    Your criticisms are not factual, untrue, Lies. Find someone that can comment on these subjects that knows and
    follows the LORD, AND NOT YOUR OWN IDEAS. The term occultic, means demonic.
    Your teachings are demonically inspired. That is Occultism.
    Calling the healings of God’s Spirit, Occultism, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus Words.


    • I know the meaning of Occult. And I looked it up again prior to sharing what I did. Occult comes specifically from the world of magic, and sorcery, which the Bible, warns against which is idolatry, and spiritualism. There is no need to go to God is prayer, for something that His Word specifically prohibits for his people.
      Your ‘walk’ of spirituality today, has nothing in common with Jesus, or the God of the Bible, it is satanic in origin and practice, It is Spiritism, which is another word describing occult activity.
      I am a practitioner of spiritual Christian counsel and Prayer including Healing and Deliverance.
      What you are promoting in your teaching has nothing to do with Christianity, or jesus.
      That’s why you are constantly throwing off on the Church, and shows why you are not of it.
      The Church knows who Jesus is and what we believe, and what Jesus taught.
      It doesn’t need a spiritual teacher to correct the Bible. Christians, are a group that walks under the Authority of Jesus. The Bible is God’s Holy Book for mankind, and is a warning for following isolated paths, that are not originated in God.
      You have never shared any of your motives, but we know the Bible does not ask believers, to reinvent the Bible, or correct the teachings of the Church at large.
      Your arguments are based around people following ‘you’. The Church is following Jesus.
      Find out who you want your audience to be because it isn’t Christianity, or Christians, or the Church.
      Your motives are around creating a new Christ, or another Christ.
      Jesus is well known by all. We have many witnesses in the New Testament in agreement together sharing who Christ is, and that is Jesus alone.
      Your message is to a different messiah, of which the Bible explicitly warns against.


    Whenever questions of doubt arise, seeking to undermine your hope of fulfilment, turn anew to that “Holy Spirit of Promise” and accept Its unfailing testimony. As you do this Its voice of promise and power will increase within you until all will be made clear and so be fulfilled in you. This “Holy Spirit of Promise” truly “promises all things — and fulfills all things!” This “Holy Spirit of Promise” is the very voice of God as it bears witness, through that glorified Light of Christ within, that every divine promise can be fulfilled in YOU.

    That “Holy Spirit of Promise” is God’s voice of faith echoing its unfailing, pledged assurance into your own open heart. As you listen to Its voice you will receive the hope-filled promise of full accomplishment. The gifts are already yours. But you must lay claim to them. As you be and live according to the vibrant Life force within you, you will receive the fulness of LIFE — or the “Fulness of the Father!” Then it will be that all things will be fulfilled in you.

    As one learns to cast out the doubts and the darkness and the fears, that seek ever to thwart his progress, he will find he is truly “exercising the great and mighty faith,” enjoined by the scriptures.

    This “exercising of faith” is no more or less than using one’s power to believe as he eliminates doubting and darkness and negation from his mind under the guidance and power of that “Holy Spirit of Promise,” yielding himself fully to Its virtue of completion and fulfilment.

    Such are your gifts and powers. And such is God’s “Holy Spirit of Promise” inviting you to partake of all the unutterable promises of Life and Eternity — that all might be fulfilled in you.

    God bless and sustain you until you have proved these things in your own divine fulfilment. Yes. “Prove all things” is God’s urgent request to all men. And God’s laws can only be proved by the living of them. “Live the laws and you will KNOW of their truth.” And the reward and the power will be your own forever and forever!

    To KNOW the truth one must LIVE it! One may know about truth even as he knows about God. But to actually know truth or know God, one must go beyond the initial, kindergarten stage of belief into the pathway of fulfilment. One must step out beyond the voice of “hear-say” held forth by mortal teachers as they display their feeble “arm of flesh” in their powerless, unfulfilled ideas and precepts.

    The Path Christ trod is the path of complete fulfilment for everyone who will travel it. It is the Way which He IS. This is the Way of Life. It is the Way which is your own, eternally lighted by the glory of the Savior of men as you follow Him in triumphant, victorious overcoming.

    Rejoice evermore! Rejoice as you clothe yourself in Light Eternal! Even the Life more abundant!

  401. If any of that were true, it would be explicitly stated in the Bible, which is what all Christian have access to. Jesus, has taught all believers what He is about, and His teachings are recorded in the Bible, and that’s why He came, and ‘earthly teachers’ were the ones he taught to share and verify, called Disciples.
    Your ego has been inflated to believe somehow, that no one is privy to understanding Jesus but You.
    That has a psychological source which says something about you, and why you are going astray, but it says nothing derogatory about any believers in Christ. Whatever you are believing about life abundant, if it’s in Jesus, it will be rooted in the Bible, and your revelations, are not grandiose enough to get up to it, much less beyond it. This is a psychological issue for you. But God loves you. If you really loved people you could share these things to a Church group that loves you, but you cannot do that because your ego has induced you to believe, that anyone that doesn’t agree with you, is not worthy of your teachings. But Jesus taught “where two or more of you are gathered (together) in my Name, there am I in the midst of you. If you were to allow people to love you who know Christ in a Church, you would be delivered because your claims would be put up for discovery. That is something you cannot do, because it would bring what’s false into the Light. No man who is isolated in his revelations can prove his intents, because he must never put his love to the test by staying in isolation. That’s why Paul preached to the Churches, as mentioned in revelations, because a ‘group’ will prove out what is false. You may need spiritual deliverance, or you may choose to admit or investigate the idea that your teachings, are metaphysical, or they are your form of trying to investigate the spiritual, but that is always a dangerous path when one is convinced he knows more than others, because you are locked into a situation where you cannot find help. Spiritual help, moral help, psychological help, or any other help, because it is an egotistical search of your own which is being fuelled by delusion. Love cannot be deceived, because it lays down it’s life for another, It cannot be deceived. We CANNOT be deceived by you and neither can any other believer, because Jesus is our Lord, and it is Him we follow. We don’t follow doctrines that inflate Ego’s. We lay down Ego’s to follow His doctrine.


  403. My dearest Rachel, I by the grace of Our Lord God have been asked to witness the unveiling of your spiritual reality as conveyed by your hand.
    In earnest so to insure our balanced perception of this reality. I reread all 10 yrs of your posts consecutively so as to stay in the Spirit of God suspended as I culled your stringing of enlightenment’s.Personally I cry for the early unenlightened Rachel. Now being a steward of Gods’ Word I as you, also experienced the same enlightenment experience. Having the same enlightenment by the same Holy Spirit of the same God. But at one point we veered away down different paths of explanation to ourselves enlightenment. Maybe I am Spiritually stronger than you. Maybe I understood the responsibility that came with that enlightenment and the harm of unveiling it in the manner and words you chose to deliver to this world. Look at what it has produced in the comments since your last posting a year ago. Unrecognizable as a reflection of the Word of God as God intended His word to Reign over this Earth. Never should you of spoken those words in such a malicious way. Yes A scolding from Father,,,, You bet you are being. You have no divine right to utter any enlightenment while you possess such a light understanding of the Heavens. You need to relax and pull yourself together fast. Get this house in order and for God sake straighten Teresa and Sonny out, they are all screwed up. At least I understood what you were saying, they do not at all. To me,,,It’s more that you’ve opened a door for evil to settle into misunderstandings. Without the armor of God for protection for real one should never stray down this lane alone. Rachel come out and clean this up. This is workable. Go back to your roots so many of us want the old Rachel’s enlightenment back. Regroup and see what happens. God bless you and I young lady. We hold enormous responsibilities in our hands right now. God bless you.

  404. I apologize up from for this very long and lengthy article. There seems to be a tremendous amount of misunderstanding between the ways of man and those required by Christ to be accepted by Him. It is here to be read by all, and if you get it great and if you don’t then this is fine also…for none of us can open the mind of another, it is God who closes and it is He who opens the mind to see things in the spirit. We may write or speak any truth but it is God who reveals. May God open our minds to see beyond the letter. God bless us all in our endeavor to please Him as we ask Him to forgive us as we journey from ourself to Himself.

    The reason there is so much dissension among many when discussing the scriptures is because of the immaturity in people wanting to “be right” and when their views are challenged they can only react with the degree of maturity in Christ which has given to them…This can be displayed as out right anger toward another to have the audacity to disagree with them…to an errant passivity where one is afraid to speak out of fear of not being accepted or liked. Then there is a maturity we are all striving for where we can discuss all things with all people and do so respectfully and with restraint of not over reacting to another’s understanding of the scriptures. It’s a real balancing act sometimes as it is hard to maintain an acceptable composure when affronted and called derogatory names that does not come from the mind of Christ, evidently so. And when we do respond, we must ask ourselves who is controlling our actions and our tongue when we do, the carnal mind or the spirit of Christ? We must ask ourselves what is our purpose and motivation for responding? Is it just to give it back because we think we have been insulted? It is tough sometimes to return kindness ofor very derogatory insults and this is understandable when we are not perfect in our response.

    If God called several people out of various sects from around the world, from Buddhism, Hinduism, and even from the Christian denominations, each would have to start from where God specifically called them from. As God has one common goal for us all in our order, each of our paths will start from who we are and what we believe at the time of our calling as we are turned back and redeemed to God. Say all of these come together in one place and each have a desire to follow the principles of Christ as best they know how. As the principles and foundational truths are presented to these recent converts, some immediately understand a subject in a literal sense and cannot see beyond the letter and others see a more spiritual interpretation on the same subject. They are now at a crossroads with the others understanding. Do they diss one another over their understanding or do they treat the other with respect until each is led further into the truth?

    Dissension, debate and argument soon begins over what is meant and after awhile the ones who see alike gravitate toward one another, rejecting the others of different views. This is the beginning of separating into factions, parties and divisions by doctrine as Paul spoke out against in Galatians 5:20. He was teaching among other sins, this attitude of looking at others as less than ourselves for having different doctrinal belief and is as much a sin as any other sins that are therein listed. It’s a bad condescending attitude often disguised in holier than thou language. What Paul went on to teach in the verses right below this admonition is that there is a greater way to behave than having a bad attitude toward others of varying immaturity and understandings.

    The following corrects and puts a proper perspective on the law of facts vs having a love for your fellow man “IN SPITE OF DOCTRINAL ISSUES.” it is saying to grow up, be mature and stop our childish behavior of putting doctrine before respect and kindness toward others, of other opinions on a “subject matter” of the law.

    Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
    Galatians 5:23 meekness, self-control; against such there is no law.
    Galatians 5:24 And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof.
    Galatians 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk.
    Galatians 5:26 Let us not become vainglorious, provoking one another, envying one another.

    What Paul is teaching here is to put away our childish squabbling and name calling about “our” knowledge and doctrine and “PROVE” ourselves by having an “ATTITUDE” which is of Christ. Instead of being merciful, patient and kind toward others of different understandings of the law, we condemn, judge and want to put a curse on them. Which is of Christ? The above verses are but a few of all the scriptures that teach forbearance and respect over “law” issues. What we should get out of vs. 22-25 above is we are way off course if we put aside these ways of kindness and instead showing our differences in “beliefs” in acts of superiority. Vs. 26 says just this. It is saying that our love and respect for one another should far out-way what another believes. Two may have the exact same…desire and zeal to pursue the truth as they understand it to be however one may pursue vs 25 while another may use the vainglorious and provoking nature of vs 26 to “prove” their perspective. We must stop and ask ourselves which is more important, to judge one according to our difference with them on knowledge or to love and respect them in spite of how wrong they may be..or not be?

    This is so fundamental an understanding in coming to the mind of Christ and yet because of our intellectual and reasoning mind we reason away using any of the beatitudes to over rule over our carnal nature. We should inspect ourselves and use not only the above scriptures to guide our behavior toward others but all of the scriptures for they all lead to having and obtaining the nature, the likeness and character of Christ. This is the only purpose for being on this earth and going through this redemptive process…from…the carnal mind…to the spiritual mind. We should exam our hearts and our speech before we give an answer. If we continue to prove ourselves by doctrinal issues of the law, we are most blind and failures, however if we in spite of the law and how others may view it, follow after Christ’s nature in the beatitudes, we are accepted into the spiritual realm of the likeness and with the mind of Christ. We show our devilish, carnal minded lack of understanding by maintaining that by our “knowledge” we are saved. The Pharisees had plenty of knowledge but with no spirit to give them understanding of what they “knew.” They did not even understand the knowledge that they had was supposed to point them to Christ and to His “ways.”

    Jesus condemned no one caught in their weakness’s and faults, having been caught in sin and brought before Him. These are weakness’s of the flesh. The only ones who Christ had stern words for were those who used the law, their doctrine, their beliefs and their traditions to disparage and to condemn others with…while they themselves were far more guilty than those caught in sins of weakness. One’s sins were from weakness, while others were from arrogance from standing on the “righteousness of the law,” even though it is plainly taught no righteousness can come by the law. If one believes such a thing then they are yet carnal in their “religious” beliefs. Religions have a set of rules, traditions and doctrines that the carnal mind must rule by. This is because they have not “yet” the mind of Christ, they have not been freed from the law and seeing the law with only their carnal mind. It is not so in Christ, for such one’s are led by the spirit of Christ..for which there is “no law.”

    The scriptures teach the way of the beatitudes as the proper way to believe and to conduct ourselves over and over….and over, yet the carnal mind, religious or otherwise wants to be vainglorious and provoking. And they will say they just want to correct another who is going down the wrong path. There is a way to say it and there is a way not to say it. If we would say what is…we wouldn’t have to spend so much time on the negatives we see in others. Most often, what we see and condemn another for is what we ourselves are guilty of. If God gives us the gift of discernment should we use it to find fault and ridicule and point out it out in a condemning way or should we see the fault and address it in a spirit of reconciliation in kindness and with a respect that another will accept. We are most immature and children of the carnal mind if we think we can get by on the dry bones of knowledge only…laws without spirit.

    The carnal mind is not something that is separate from religion for the mind of man is very intellectual and learned in the scriptures. It can know and quote a multitude of scriptures, preach great sermons, and grow congregations by the thousands…and yet like God told the five foolish virgins that even though they had all the gifts of the spirit, they used them for building their own kingdom, where they used their carnal, intellectual mind to gain advantage with the people while rejecting to teach the “way” of Christ. The five wise and the five foolish could not be told apart in appearance from the exterior..for they dressed alike, carried the name of Jesus and God alike, went to their particular faiths on their particular days of worship, sung the same hymns, preached and took up the same offerings…yet God accepted the wise and rejected the foolish. And we want to maintain that all religions who profess the “outward name” of Christ are all the same? What distinguishes one from the other?

    We should examine ourselves. The carnal religious mind cannot admit that there is another way, the way of the spirit of Christ without the law because they cannot see that righteousness is not of the law and indeed cannot be. The law was instituted because of sin, not because of righteousness! Righteousness was before the law, during the law and after the law. The law points out our sin, not our righteousness. Do we want to continue in being enamored with the pointing out of our sins or had we rather leave the law of sin and go on to follow the spirit…WHICH AGAIN IS NOT OF THE LAW!!! We hate to be so redundant but the carnal mind, as religious as it may be is far from the mind of Christ for it is at enmity with the mind of Christ. As we study the scriptures we must ask ourselves what it is that we are pursuing, a love of the scriptures “law” which we make an idol, or do we pursue a love of the spirit? One leads to the foolishness of the foolish and the other leads to Christ.

    However, we do thank God for His mercy and grace in being forgiven in our trials and errors as we are each on our particular path to find God. It is that we must be forgiven by God as we must forgive others 7×70 (without end) to reach our maturity in Christ. We have all been guilty of misplaced and rude behavior at times because this is a part of the overcoming process. We make mistakes with our carnality and we must learn from our failures of how we are to get it right. We are thus forgiven without measure…until…we have overcome carnality with spirituality. God forgives us as we learn by trial and error in how we think, speak and behave. It’s a longer path for some than for it is for others of course, however as long as it takes for ourselves to get it right, God is equally as forgiving and patient to the tortoise as well as to the hare. We must extend the same forgiveness and forbearance we have received from God to “all” others…for we all are walking toward Christ from our fallen condition. Should not we love as we are loved, and should we not be patient as He is patient? If we follow these principles we follow Christ, if we do not we follow the man of sin which still rules in our hearts, the carnal mind. The scriptures teach that the religious carnal mind is ruled by the ego in man…another name for the satanic influence which leads us astray as this is the true man of sin…within. The reason most people cannot see these truths is because they refuse to look within themselves for the fault and instead want to find fault in other people. These are the five foolish, self righteous religious hypocrites that think because the espouse the literal name of Christ they are approved, when the exact opposite is true. It is when we go from the written word “name” of Christ to the spiritual “nature” of Christ do we gain understanding in the difference of the name and the nature. What’s in a name, it is the nature of it, not in the spelling of a word that we worship in an exterior, idealistic manner. We must see all things within to properly see the kingdom. Study the tabernacle built by Moses as God gave Him the vision to do so and you will find it is a pattern of the human individual which houses all the furniture and the two compartments of the Holiest of Holies and the Holy place, within the outer court, the place of the spirit and soul respectfully.

    It does say we are allowed to be angry and sin not…however this does not give us permission with the religious carnal mind to be angry for every affront. When we have the matured, spiritual mind developed within us, we will then be able to address things in a proper and respectful way. Until this happens we will not know religious pretentiousness from the spirit of Christ which is defined in the beatitudes. The differences in what God calls the false way of the outward man in his carnality and the true path of the spirit of Christ is personified in the “religious” way of the five foolish. Speaking words in an outward way without the filtering of the spirit of Christ is foolishness, it is of the devil, no matter how many hours one reads “the Bible” for these are whited tombs of self righteousness, speaking words that have no real meaning or substance because the foolish can on,y say “the Bible says”. This is because they have no Godly spirit within them to speak from within. The religious carnal mind is led about by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the intellectual study of the word thinking that as the scriptures themselves witness, that these ones think they will find Christ in the law. The law was written to us, however to the disobedience in us, not to the righteousness for our righteousness comes by faith in Christ…of which there is no law. If you are yet carnal you will not get this, for it is spiritually discerned. However do not worry, when the time comes for each of us to progress to the next stage in our life we will…at His time and calling. Wait for it in patience as much as it iso within you to do so.

    Living according to the will of God “through” Christ is not to know something, it is to “be” something that makes us approved. It is not enough to know we “should” love others as ourselves, but to actually love and show proof by respect and patience toward those who oppose us. These are not matured and have not passed over the thresh hold from the religious realm of the carnal mind to that mind of the spirit, the new man. One cannot “be knowledge” however we can be of the spirit if we follow the spirit…and the likeness of our Lord. The spirit of Christ is not a doctrine of law, it is neither knowledge, it is not history lessons of the Bible, it is a state of being which comes by the inpouring of the spirit directly into our spirit from the spirit of God. It does not detour through the law in which so many idolize. The law is good.if…used lawfully. In other words, the spirit does not pass through any law that was written to the unrighteousness of man. How can this be? It does not pass through the shadow of the law at all. By following after grace, mercy and truth toward all and forbearing the sins and weaknesses of others..and by not pointing out every doctrinal difference because we can, it is then that we can start to understand what it is to follow after Christ…


    We must move beyond the letter of knowledge in the law, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and return to Christ, the tree of life. The tree of life is summed up in the beatitudes while the tree of good and evil is of the intellectual carnal mind of the works of the flesh, just as Eve took on to “climb up some other way” to find and to be like God. Again, read about the five foolish. This was her downfall and it is ours today from following the same pattern. Eve is our soul, our weaker part of us, the holy place compartment of the tabernacle, which is ruled by the five senses of our human nature. When our veil is rent, our soul can then return and move into the spirit from which it came making the two “rooms” one again. It is time that we quit letting the intellect of the soul misdirect our path and turn us from following after the spirit. As in the tabernacle we must move from the outer court and pass through the functioning of the soul (holy place) in order to arrive in the place of the spirit of God, the Holiest of Holies. If one wants to know the path we take in life and it’s chronological order of things in life, study the constructs of the outward tabernacle. It is a natural definition and shadow of the true tabernacle in which we are. It is natural, we are spirit.

    As an example of being angry and sinning not…Christ going into the temple, turning over the furniture, and even physically assaulting the money changers raises a plot of questions. I’m sure He had told them many times of their error and when they did not cease to sin, as asked and voluntarily so, Jesus, without sin assaulted these men. If one went into a church today and did the same thing I’m sure they would spend a lot of time incarcerated. Yet we ask ourselves what excused Jesus’ “just” behavior because it is written He was without sin? It was the authority given Him by His Father to remedy this evil situation. Many soldiers on both sides of Israel’s conflicts were killed in battle with the full knowledge and permission from God Himself. The end of ourselves is what is important to God and the means in which He brings us to our end in Him is His “means” to this end. God is the beginning and the end of all things including any circumstances which play out in our life as God wills the means…to justify the end of us…n Him.

    As I use this example of how far one can go, I use this example of Christ in the temple to say in effect, we can do a lot of harm and find actions in the scriptures to justify any bad behavior by what… another has done. We as carnal men do not have this matured spirit of Christ in order to know the difference of possessing the right attitude and what the intent of Christ was…however as we are given the spirit of Christ we come to know the carnal mind from the spiritual mind. It is God who gives us His spiritual nature to subdue the carnal nature. The carnal man calls evil good and good evil because the carnal mind cannot distinguish what conduct and speech is acceptable to God without His spirit. Sometimes being obedient to the spirit and understanding spiritual things that the carnal man cannot understanding may make us look bad in the sight of others…however we are accepted by our obedience to Him regardless of how we may look to those around us.

    In studying these natural events in the Bible, we must understand that it is the end which justifies the means in our spiritual growth and accomplishment. They nor we can take it upon ourselves to do battle or to correct a situation just because we feel like it or because we are students of the law…without the discerning spirit. As an example before going into battle Saul prepared the sacrifice which was unlawful for him to do so, and therefore he was punished and lost the battle and was corrected for his sinful disobedience, even though he meant well..and though he did it to be approved of God. We, likewise cannot take any situation into our own hands that we see that needs attention and do it according to what we think is right or from what we think is best regardless of our good intentions. It takes much thought, discernment and maturity to stand in the likeness of Christ to correct another in the sense that it is only for their “good.” If we believe and know this to be true, our choice of words will be humble and conciliatory and kind towards others. All we should want for these others which lack the spirit is what we only want for ourselves, and that is a mutual and sameness of love with the ingredient of respect for our faults and mistakes of judgement.

    As Revelation is a book of shadows, allegories, mysteries and types and as it states in its opening verse, it is a book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and while this is so, it is also a book of the revealing of that which is also the antichrist, the man of sin, the carnal mind where Satan is dominant and rules. The book of Revelation is a book of division and one of completeness all at the same time. It describes of man coming together in the likeness of Christ as the man of sin is revealed and falls away as the consuming fire of which God consumes all the wood, hay and stubble of man’s carnal vanity, leaving only the image of Christ. When this Revelation of Christ is complete within us, the man of sin will also be revealed within us, and our carnality will be cast into outer darkness. When all of the calamities befall the man of sin as described in Revelation , what will remain and the only thing that will remain is the express image of Christ. It is a book about the separation of the first Adam (carnal) from the second Adam (Christ). Unless the falling away of the carnal man comes first, the revealing of the spiritual man in Christ cannot be revealed. So as it is of the natural sacrifices of the tabernacle’s outer court, in that the flesh must be completely consumed. We must remember that every natural recorded type and event has to parallels in the spirit. This is the law of God. God’s as a consuming fire will do His work in us.

    One must understand the all inclusive redemptive plan of God in order to speak it and to understand that the ends do justifying the means. Without a clarity of understanding the meanings of the symbols, one cannot begin to speak truth to any understandable degree. If one has been taught that judgment reins supreme over mercy, grace and forgiveness, as many do, these are of the foolish virgins and should not speak, and if they do speak, people should turn away from these imposters of the faith.

    The spiritual way to Christ, will only come by much discipline and training up and into the ways of Christ. There is an intent and a motivation that can only come from a place of love that can meet with this authority. So yes, it is a touchy and arguable position to express anger when discussing such things as our differences of “opinion.” We are on a journey from one place in the carnal mind to another place in the mind of Christ. It is as going from our “ Egypt” (flesh) to our promised land of and in the spirit. It takes much patience to learn of God’s ways and while we are waiting and learning His ways we make many errors in judgement. We cannot escape the vanity that was inherently given to us from our natural birth, nor can we escape God’s corrective measures that He takes to remove these same inherent faults as we are redeemed from them.

    There are many orders and callings in God’s kingdom and what is required for one is not necessarily required for another. As we look at the natural to understand the spiritual, the knowledge, wisdom and understand to perform a particular position learned in school or in college that a company may require is not required for all other positions. So it is pointless to call another out for seeing things differently when it is God Himself which opens and closes the mind of each one of us… and we need to understand that what is for one, another may never see it. So what do we do, do we have respect even though we can’t understand the calling of another or do we ridicule what God allows another to see? Just because we believe something to be different from another does not give us the right to be arrogant and dogmatic about it.

    To know is not the same as being…to be is the ultimate end of knowledge as knowledge will cease to be when the substance and likeness appears in our hearts and minds. Knowledge and law is like the shadow of the true thing and when we behold the true thing in Christ, we no longer have need of the shadow. Or the knowledge of the thing. It is said knowledge wi be done away with. Why is this. It is because knowledge is like instructions on how to put something together…and when we have completed the project we no longer have a need for them. The spiritual mind which is given by God directly without coming through the law understands the difference between intellectualizing Christ and becoming as He is. As hard as Eve tried to intellectualize and reason her way into God’s favor it just didn’t and couldn’t happen. God asked her to obey what was already established in the spirit and not to reason and intellectualize if God had it wrong or not. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is of the intellectual and reasoning person while the tree of life is for the obedient… to the will of God. We don’t need to intellectualize and reason about things which were put in place before the world was. Again, we just need to be obedient to the “already” established will of God and accept the gift of life as it was and as it is given…and become obedient to His will. We are not to rethink it…as did Eve….and as does our own soul.

    We watch people as they question God’s existence and “reason” Him out of their life. These are the intellectuals of this world which God calls the foolishness in man..and as the intellectuals call Gods people foolish, God calls these same foolish ones wise. The carnal mind is enmity to the spiritual mind and the two cannot coexist. One must and will be removed, thus our redemption…from our carnal, intellectual and reasoning mind. The book of Revelation is about our conversion from the carnal to the spirit.

    The Levite’s were allowed to understood certain “hidden” things while performing their duties that the people in the outer camps did not understand. They did not need to understand the qualifications for becoming a priest if their own calling was to simply obey and to bring their sacrifices to the priest. When the people brought their beastly sacrifices to the priest and handed them over to the priest to take it and process it, the people were no longer responsible for the processing of the sacrifice. It is the same with us, for we are His workmanship, we are not our own. By acknowledging our sin, it is the same as bringing our sacrificial beast “nature” to the gate, which is Christ, and letting Him take it from there. The High Priest (Christ) does the work of processing us, He only ask us to be obedient in acknowledging our faults…so…that He can take our “ beast” and place it in the alter and let the consuming fire of God, consume all that is of the carnal nature of man..separating it from the spirit. These outward procedures in the law are types of our processing in the spirit.

    The “workmanship” of the people was now in the hands of the priest then as our workmanship is now in the hands of our creator. It symbolized us in coming to our alter of sacrifice within us, acknowledging our beast within and as our High priest in Christ takes our sacrifice (our admission of guilt) of our acknowledgment of sin and guilt and places it upon the alter to be burned up, it therefore leaves only the spirit of the sacrifice to rise up in the smoke of the sacrifice. The smoke of the alter and of the fire and smoke of the laver of incense represent our prayers of thanksgiving, praise and worship toward God. God is the consuming fire which burned up the outward sacrifice as recorded in the the law showing us in the spirit that He is also the consuming fire of our carnal nature, our beast within. What will remain after God as a consuming fire consumes all of the flesh, will only be His spiritual likeness. For every natural event and story in the Bible there is a greater spiritual truth to be learned from it. We are not here to learn the knowledge of the natural event or circumstance of the thing only, we are more so to learn the spirit of the thing by understanding what the natural can only represent. God will burn the hell out of us so to speak, for hell is the attitude and ways of the carnal. What will remain is only the likeness and character of God, His love, with all the wood, hay and stubble of the carnal mind completely removed.

    So the lack of the understanding of the deeper things of God as it was with the crowds that followed Jesus asking questions about the kingdom, so it is today. Jesus did not reveal to them the mysteries of the kingdom even though they asked Him directly to do so.This puzzled the disciples and when they asked Jesus why this was so, Jesus said it was not for the masses to know at that time. So it is with us…what is for one is not necessarily for the other. What is expected to be equal among us regardless of our “position”, calling or order in our Lord is having a respectful attitude toward one another, grounded in a love for the other’s welfare just as we ask the same for ourselves. As it is written, it is said that love has no boundaries, and if it has no boundaries then why do we place boundaries between us and those of different callings and orders? If we can’t understand something or someone, either respectfully keep silent or ask them with respect and courtesy to explain what they mean…and if we still can’t understand…do so with respect. We should not take a position with the “backing” of the law written to the unrighteousness of sinful flesh, and “unrighteously” discredit others with an attitude of our so called religious carnal mind..

    Differences of knowledge and understanding is different from having a love and respect for those who are coming up the path from the natural to the spiritual. We can be completely right about a subject, however we can be completely wrong and held accountable for “how” we present our “truth” to defend our perspective. Just as a person can be completely wrong and mistaken in their understanding of a subject matter, these can can just as well be approved by God “in how” they handle themselves while searching out the truth in these same controversial matters. We must get over thinking our knowledge of a subject is righteousness when even if it is right it has nothing to do with the changing and cleansing of our soul. God had rather for us to conduct ourselves in a decent and honorable way toward one another than being right about some intellectual facts that have no love in them.

    There are two people in this world, one is a renowned intellectual, a graduate and philosopher of religion, and this person will argue and debate that God exist and will provide an endless amount of words and studies to prove his point…and he will defend his position carnally with the venom of defending his views on “righteousness.” He is smart, yet he is condemning, condescending and rude to all who differ with him. He practices none of the beatitudes for he only concentrates on “facts” “about” God and the Bible. Many people move away from following Christ because of this extremely smart and intellectual type of person who has spent a life of “reasoning and intellectualizing ABOUT God”…yet never have taken the time to have a relationship with Him. These only study about Him but their heart is far from Him..

    The other person may be or not be educated in the higher learnings of this world…and studies, prays and seeks a “way” of living in understanding and pursuing the beatitudes of Christ. His faith is one of accepting God’s way of being obedient to what is already confirmed and established as to the foundation and fundamentals of acceptable behavior. He is not eloquent in speech nor is he one to be admired in his presentation and understanding of God’s word, not the written version of the letter but the spiritual version of the Word which is none other than Christ Himself. This person seeks a likeness to God through Christ, and does not draw attention to himself and has no desire to be known or admired by others. There is no look at me attitude for what “I” know, for this one understands it is not in the knowing of a thing intellectually but in the doing of a thing spiritually.

    Which had we rather be, a walking admired encyclopedia of outward observances and knowledge “about” things or to be filled with a humble and quiet spirit that wants nothing more for themselves than wanting the same for any other person. Where love is the same and on the same plain for one as it is for the other. There are no big “I’s” and little you. There is no superior way of thinking about we are more loved than another. We will have different responsibilities in furthering the expansion of God’s universe(s) however we can only exist in the only love that will and does exist. God is one spirit, and we have been given life as a separate entity of that same love and we cannot be something other than who we exist from.

    To repeat:
    People today do not understand the difference in law and grace just as the Pharisees in the time of Paul did not either, as they put more emphasis on what they knew intellectually as they desired to remain under the law, yet their heart was far from understanding the spirit of the law. These religious ones of the outward temple of Jesus’ time put “LOVE” to death by holding to their “knowledge” of the law. So we do today, as we maim and kill with the evils of the tongue, yet we say we are “bold” for standing our ground against those who disagree with us of the letter. We are not of the letter, we are of the spirit if we are in Christ. There is a remarkable difference in law and grace as we should meditate on these things in order to come to the full stature of Christ Jesus. We cannot achieve this likeness in Christ by obtaining it from the law, we can only obtain it by being obedient to the “ways” of Christ..of which there is no law. There is no law against the love of God, there is only laws “against ” the vanity and hatefulness of mankind. Why do we want to be bound by a law which addresses unrighteousness? We are free from the law of sin to go on to perfection by the spirit.

    It was the religious, rooted and grounded in the law which put Christ to death. Do we desire to be of the law or of Christ? Our words of choice reveal who we are under subjection to…whether it is the law of endless words and a self appointed right standing in the law…or it is submission to His will as described in the beatitudes?

    God bless.

    • Wow—what great conviction this brought to my heart. Thank you, Sonny.

      • You are most welcome. Our desire should only be reveal the likeness of Christ as much as our Lord allows us to. It may appear I put a lot of emphasis on the law. Quiet the opposite. I have never had a “great” desire to know the law. To me it’s about appropriate and respectful relationships in following the beatitudes. These are the “ways” of Christ. The law points to unrighteousness as this why it was instituted, while the spirit of Christ did not and cannot come by the law. We are to walk in all that we know and do our best to treat one another with kind words and gestures. This is all the law summed up in simplicity.

        However some of us must study the law in order to give an answer for those who want to remain under the law. In our beginning walk, we are like children, boasting about what we know and we want to be know for our knowledge and intellect. This is not the way to Christ. When we understand what the law is for and that righteousness does not come by it, we have little love for the law…we instead develop a love for the Christ spirit within as it grows as we grow it…”toward others.”

        As complicated as the law may seem….the spirit is easy to be entertained…it’s seeing in another all you want to be.

  405. Everything on earth is moving forward at such a rapid pace man himself has been left far behind. New ideas, new facts, new power, new knowledge is flooding upon the world faster than man can use it — and unless he begins to grow, in some degree, to measure up to his surroundings he will be annihilated.

    Of all things on the earth Christianity alone has stood still. Oh, it may be true that each church is making a few more converts, that there are children reaching an age in which they may become members — but what are the creeds and doctrines of the Master doing for these millions of individuals? “Have they become free?” Have they lost their burdens, their fears, their prejudices, their darkness and confusion? Have they found that contact whereby they can prove that they believed in Jesus Christ, by being able to do the works that He did, even the greater works? If they do not have this power, if they are not free from all earthly miseries, if they cannot heal the sick, the blind, the lame, the halt, then Christianity is a dead and useless thing in the lives of its followers. At best it is only a rather impotent sedative.

    True Christianity, and by that, I mean the applied teachings of the Son of the Living God, in every phase, in every “jot” and in every “tittle,” is the most dynamic power ever placed in man’s hands. It is the perfect way of life. It contains power unspeakable. It is life in its complete fullness. It is joy and glory and happiness complete. It is an obedience that is not a burden, but a devotion of sublime glory leading one to the highest exaltation of existence — a life right here on this earth of supreme peace and abiding power. It is majesty that will lead to divinity, and give man the power to move mountains, not figuratively, but literally. It alone can save the world — not as it is being taught and lived today — but as Christ lived it.

    It is time that His teachings came out of the musty covers of the past and become a living, vital reality of the present. Mankind is worn out with listening to what the prophets of old said and did — or even what the Apostles of Christ did, or the Saints, or their own forefathers, though these accounts are of value in giving one a view of his own possibilities. Man must be shown just what this same force and power can do for him — how it can change his life — solve his problems — speak through his lips — burn in his heart — work through his hands. Man must know that what has been done once can be done again — that he is as much a child of God as any other human being who has ever lived upon this earth. He must begin to visualize what he can do, for man’s ears are truly dull of hearing the word of the Lord, without seeing its powers made manifest. “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” “Let the elders either obtain the power of God to heal the sick, or let them cease to minister the forms without the power.”

    This power does not come from man, no matter what his calling or authority. The power to work the works of God comes only through the power of God, or when man has become so humble he has completely submerged himself and permits the power of God to operate through him. If Christ, who was the Son of God, could do nothing of himself, then surely man cannot take upon himself any authority or power. He can only use that power, which belongs to God, as he is humble enough to contact God, thus letting God work through him.

  406. The same spirit that was given to the disciples of old is the same spirit that was poured into us on our “day” of Pentecost. As Peter did not speak for Paul or for James, neither does any disciple since speak for any other. We ourselves speak and we live as we are led by the Holy Spirit that is given to us. When we enter into the “ WORD” WHICH IS Christ, we speak from the substance of who He is.. that we are given..within, we do not speak from the letter nor are we approved by the law. Nor do we follow Paul, Apollos, or any other man, apostle, disciple or saint. They are who they are, we are not them nor of them. We follow Christ…and His WORD..which is within us. The carnal follow that which is without themselves, churches, men, doctrines, and the like. We who are carnal worship without, we who are spiritual worship within, in spirit and in truth.

  407. We need to cut people some slack, and not be so dogmatic and self important because of what we know. We just may be wrong…and if we are…so what…God is merciful, kind and forgiving to “all” who call upon His nature. Name means nature in the biblical sense so what good does it do to verbalize a name..when it is His nature we are calling out to possess?

  408. Galatians 5:4 Ye are severed from Christ, ye would be justified by the law; ye are fallen away from grace.
    Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
    Galatians 5:23 meekness, self-control; against such there is no law.

    Meditate upon these simple verses. They say it all for those who think they are righteous because of what they know. There is no law against the love of Christ and if we follow the principles of Christ there is no law which pertains to us.



  411. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he that waverth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

    For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

    James Chapter 1, verses 5-7, Inspired Version of the Bible…

  412. The Editor’s Note from the 1952 hardback edition reads as follows: Soon after publishing the first edition of this remarkable book the author, Annalee Skarin, according to Affidavits in our files, underwent a physical change known as “translation,” such as did Enoch of Biblical days. (See pages 183 and 192).

    Of course, there have also been reports to the contrary as well. Even from that decade and into the present. The works of Annalee Skarin have had such a profound effect on the hearts and minds of humble seekers for truth that it is no surprise that “All of the forces of evil have risen to fight it — to destroy the sacred message it contains. All the forces of darkness are seeking to submerge it.” (Son’s of God, page 60, 1977 edition)

    How do we know for certain what is the truth? How do we know what devices are the cunning forces of darkness? For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (Romans Chapter 8, verse 6) If we are carnally minded, we might search for solid earthly proof, or let all of our belief hang on the opinions and proofs that others provide for us. And there are many different stories to be told about whether Annalee Skarin was really translated or not. Some will believe what their mortal eyes see and their physical ears hear. And some will decide that there is no way that such an event as her translation ever occured and therefore reject all that she wrote which was written in fire and tears for the benefit of all mankind. And some believe she was translated without ever questioning whether it could be an untrue story. It is our God-given right to question – to ask God himself for the answers! We should never just take someone’s word without asking THE WORD.

  413. The Holy Ghost has revealed to me the truth – not flesh and blood. You do not have to believe that the Holy Ghost revealed anything to me, however. It is up to YOU to pray and ask God for yourself. Do not trust in the arm of flesh. Trust the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK!

  414. We each stand or fall to God…not to one another. My point is just this, live what you know. I nor is anyone else your judge God is. Take from that which God gives you and live it to the best of your ability as we all will have to do the same. I am perfectly willing to let anyone believe what they will. Like I said we each ask God for direction. What God shows you, me or another is between them and God. If you will read carefully what I said, you will clearly understand we are not saved by law, but by obedience to his will.

  415. I would like to make one statement about Skarin. “If” she is all that one claims she is and if she was Christ asked Peter, “What is that to you?” “You follow me.” Meaning we have our own calling and following and we each are responsible directly to God, through Christ, to be obedient directly to him. I am not of Paul, Apollos, of John Doe, Skarin or of any past or present prophet. I am of Christ. I know many wonderful people who have great wisdom of the scriptures, understand the allegories very well, the mysteries, etc, etc, but I am not them. I may fall short of what others have or will have in God, however that is not between me, you and Him. We each will stand or fall to our Lord as He wills. If I fail to measure up, then that’s on me, if another does, that’s on them. I agree with Christ, what is that to another, I am to follow Christ to the best of my ability and that’s all that anyone can do. When we get bent out of shape because others do not see what we do, or follow this person rather than another….to me it’s foolishness.
    I Have read about Annalee, and have read the Book of Mormon, and studied the history of the people who started it, I understand very well about all the controversies surrounding Joseph Smith and some of his followers. It’s been so long ago…but like any group who claims exclusivity to God, it’s not for me. Whatever one wants to be, be. But for me, I follow Christ, and no person, group, sect or religion. No one is my head, except Christ. I can listen to all, and I listen to great teachers, prophets, and to people with great gifts…however what are they to me and to my relationship to God and Christ. No matter how right and holy another is…and as I wish them well…and am happy and pray for their conclusion, what is that to me.

    I, as each one of every person born of God will have to measure up within my temple.

    God bless each on their level of understanding. I accept you all just as you Christ ask. I have faith that He knows what He is doing…for you..and for me.

    God bless.

  416. “Nothing is impossible to him who believes.” He who believes will be and live according to the precepts his open heart accepts and his enlightened mind comprehends.

    In following belief one steps into the power of faith! Faith goes beyond belief. As one lives the “Holy Spirit of Promise” begins to make all things more clear. The soul of man is thus quickened and the principle of faith develops until that inner “seat of knowing” begins to voice the eternal truths of God and one steps beyond the boundaries of mortal established facts and procedures.

    Faith however must be exercised in order to develop into power. An infant must develop its lungs and muscles through activity in order to grow. A youth must develop his mind through schooling, and an adult his skills and talents through performance. But all who would reach that point of power must “exercise great and mighty faith” simply by keeping the doubts and fears out.

    “And Christ truly said unto our Fathers, if ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me.

    “And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth — that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief.

    “And woe be unto the children of men if this be the case, for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no, not one. For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God.

    “And woe unto them who shall do these things away and die, for they shall die in their sins, and they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God; and I speak it according to the words of Christ; and I lie not.”

    What has become of the gifts and the powers of God and the faith that brought them forth?

    “For who shall say that Jesus Christ did not do many mighty miracles? And there were mighty miracles wrought by the hands of his apostles.

    “And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles.

    “And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindled in unbelief, and depart from the right WAY, and know not the God in whom they should trust.

    “Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, DOUBTING NOTHING, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the Name of Christ, it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even to the ends of the earth!”

    “. . . . . And now, my beloved brethren, if this be the case that these things are true which I have spoken unto you, and God will show unto you, with power and great glory at the last day, that they are true, and if they are true has the day of miracles ceased?

    “Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased woe be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, AND ALL IS VAIN.”

  417. Now to explain what faith is and how it works.

    Thoughts, or desires, or hopes form the pattern or mold that faith or the spiritual substance or material of creative power must fill. The mold must be filled even as a bucket is filled with water when it is dipped into the sea. The water is literally drawn into the container. It has no other course but to enter and fill full — or fulfill the open vessel.

    As this divine substance is drawn into the form, or pattern of one’s ardent hopes, and held until it is congealed or completely established it becomes tangible to the physical senses of man. In other words, “as one goes into his secret closet to hold communion with God he will be rewarded openly.” The very desires he holds within his heart will become manifest in concrete, tangible form. They become realities.

    Faith, in action, is an ordinance of functioning that reaches beyond mortal senses and physical laws to fulfill whatsoever man can lift his spiritual eyes or vision to behold or desire.

    Whatsoever one “hopes for” must be fulfilled unless man’s own perverse thinking destroys the pattern by his entertained fears and doubts. Doubts and fears are punctures in the bucket or mold and through these holes the sacred fluid of creation escapes. This creative substance is faith.

    “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matt. 17:20) Or as it is given in Mark 11:23: “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: He shall have whatsoever he saith. Wherefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.”

    “If one has FAITH as a grain of mustard seed” all things become possible unto him.

    A mustard seed is a living thing that will grow without attention or care. The life force exists within it. It only needs to be planted. The seed of faith, like the mustard seed needs only to be established and left to grow. A seed’s very nature endows it with the power to draw to itself all that is required to fulfill the pattern or plan of its own being. The only things that can destroy or uproot it after it is planted are the fears and doubts and negative attitudes of man’s own mortal, contrary thinking.

    Faith is truly a living seed that can gather to itself the fulness of anything man can imagine. Faith is a substance that is alive. It is an essence, a material, a divine element that will gather to itself all that is required to fulfill the idea, the plan or the pattern or the hope held forth for its fulfilling.

    Faith is a power. It is not a dead belief or a mortal reliance upon some creed or doctrine. Faith is a living power. It definitely is a substance of unutterable potency. It carries with it the full potentiality of all that it embraces, even the complete fulfilling to bring forth any ideal or plan held forth by man’s true thinking.

    Faith is always man’s to use. It holds within it joy and fulfilment and glorious completion. It is the power of creation. It is the building material of Gods — and men. Even the worlds were created by Faith, or of Faith. Man himself was made out of its ethereal substance gathered into his own material form.

    God’s holy edict or command, “LET THERE BE –” is the expression of His own divine plan held forth to be filled with that creative essence or “substance of things hoped for.”

    • Because I have been so long in revolt, because I have been longing to find out what existed beyond these transient things, I have found out. I am saying this not that I may exert authority on yourselves, but only to point out that in search of the truth, in search of this lasting happiness, you must shed everything, you must renounce everything, and come with me. There is an idea that in the glorification, in the annihilation of the self, you cannot help the outside world. On the contrary, when you are beyond the need of help, you can give true help. When you are beyond the clouds and have a constant vision, a perpetual view of the truth, then whatever you say will resound in the heart of each one.

    • Belief in the spiritual sense is participation in the likeness of Christ. Belief is not knowing about something, it is in the “being” of something. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

  418. Sonny, Teresa. You are true to Gd and yourselves and worthy of my absorbing and sharing of thoughts.But mostly I will listen. I am settling better now and feel I have the discernment to blossom some with you. I enjoy your conversing. Sonny, Your right, God will love us for believing in Him if anything. We have no fears. Teresa you are wonderful. So I have fears, but that’s ok. You have fears and prayers for my soul too.. We’ll be fine. I’m not here forever but a needed refreshment of spiritually enhanced people. I love your eyes of Gd. Some of it is out there but I am not going to say that I wasn’t aware of it all before I met you here. And I am not going to judge. I am going to discern and enjoy in the celebration of our finding each other. God bless you my earth angels.

    • Francis may you absorb that trueness to your nature, that you be so embellished that you know not what cause apparent may visit, and yet whether it be God or satan that enters thee, let it be a manifestation that you have chosen, if it come forth as lamb or wolf to rip the to shreds, let it come as an original light, for all light comes from source, and if you call that God, or Francis, or Saint Francis or sonny or some other being, let it be your possession, may you continue to be possessed, by that wolf or that spirit of the dark that you see as being the real you. Feel, but feel whether it be living dread, or any form of peace that you find in the end, because it is in the end that you and your prayers will find for yourself and Teresa whether you have made the great error or venture into new space. Your soul and fears will know even at night when you sleep if you have chosen light or darkness, and whether you have found the apparition.

    • “Dear francis” you are a Soul of priceless wonder and i thank you” dearly with all of my soul ,may Heavenly Father forever Bless you in the Glory of his All Consuming Love and Grace..

  419. Annalee Skarin’s published writings comes from Ode 6 of the Odes of Solomon 7- 17, which Annalee said referred to her books: “For there went forth a stream and became a river great and broad; For it flooded and broke up everything and it brought (water) to the Temple; And the restrainers of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of those whose business it is to restrain waters; For it spread over the face of the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it; And thirst was relieved and quenched: for from the Most High the draught was given. Blessed then are the ministers of that draught who are entrusted with that water. They have assuaged the dry lips, and the will that had fainted they have raised up; And souls that were near departing they have caught back from death: And limbs that had fallen they straightened and set up: They gave strength for their feebleness and light to their eyes: For everyone knew them in the Lord, and they lived by the water of life forever. Hallelujah.”

    • May the light you have chosen amos if that be thy true name, if that be thy true vision, let whatever feebleness you have felt, be absorbed into thy soul as an anchor, and whatever weight you may desire fully encompass you, your light may seem deem, and it may be true darkness next to the Lord, or the apparition, you have chosen of the Lord, but as it enter thee, and set thee high, do not be consigned to only the children of men, but to the angels of satan, if they so desire to enter thee, open you heart to all fields of knowledge, for even in darkness or a stream of brimstone from below shall you find truth, for truth encompasses all, and it matters not a whim, which direction it comes to thee, if many loves were true for Solomon and he sought and sought for truth but could not find it, then let the wives of the underworld that he chose also be your portion as well if you choose to have them, for whatever you feel if it is as good as Francis desires, it shall as well be good for you, but it must be an agreement or an omen that you have set your hearts desire to, whether it be good to the or evil it will prevail against thee in the end.


    I recently purchased a 1952 hardback (antique / collectible) edition of “Ye Are Gods” by Annalee Skarin. As I carefully removed it from its packing and fanned through the musty yellowed pages, I remembered the words of timid little Martha in Christine Mercie’s “Sons of God”:

    I (Christine Mercie) came upon her (Martha) in the women’s lounge, at lunch time, reading the last page of a book. She looked up with a far-away expression in her eyes as I entered and whispered in an awed undertone, “It’s not possible! It simply isn’t possible!”

    “What isn’t possible?” I asked, not that she was talking to me. She wasn’t. She was just talking to herself.

    “Why — this book. All of it! It’s like nothing else I’ve ever read in my life. My aunt told me to get it from the library — But listen to this little typewritten note stuck in here at the end: “Annalee Skarin, the author of this book, disappeared from her room while visiting friends in June, 195(2). She has not been seen or heard from since. Her clothes were left in the closet. Her car in the yard.”

    I didn’t find that note. However, there was an editor’s note printed on the facing page of Chapter One of the tattered old hardcovered book I now held in my hands. I’ve purchased several paperback “Ye Are Gods” in the last 20 years and none had this editor’s note. It must have been omitted in the later editions.

    The Editor’s Note from the 1952 hardback edition reads as follows: Soon after publishing the first edition of this remarkable book the author, Annalee Skarin, according to Affidavits in our files, underwent a physical change known as “translation,” such as did Enoch of Biblical days. (See pages 183 and 192)

    Of course, there have also been reports to the contrary as well. Even from that decade and into the present. The works of Annalee Skarin have had such a profound effect on the hearts and minds of humble seekers for truth that it is no surprise that “All of the forces of evil have risen to fight it — to destroy the sacred message it contains. All the forces of darkness are seeking to submerge it.” (Son’s of God, page 60, 1977 edition)

  421. “To enter in to God’s kingdom” we must accept all as they are, saint and sinner, does not God do the same and ask us to do the same? When describing who our neighbor is, it is described by who has the love of God in their heart for their fellow man, and it is not according to what they know, or whether they measure up to whatever erroneous standard we have for others. The people who had God’s law, the Jews despised the Samaritans for in the Jews eyes they were pagans who mixed the laws of God with the pagan ways of the gentiles. They were not the people of God by the Jews definition.

    Yet who did God accept, those under the law with their vein and lofty speeches, knowing the “law” (scriptures) or the outcast who did unto others as he would have them do unto him? The Samaritan. The acts shown by this Samaritan was without the law because the acts of kindness as Galatians 5:23 states is without the law. The law was implemented because of wrong doing, not to “right” doing. There is no law against kindness. The likeness of Christ is not lived out by or in the law. It is impossible.

    So those who want to foolishly follow the law must also admit they are bound by the law of “unrighteousness”. We who follow the spirit are without the law. We are not under the law but under grace. Grace is the spirit in which we are not held accountable for sin “as” we walk toward God. Grace covers our sin so that we can eventually “achieve” His likeness and character. “Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin.” This means His mercy, grace, and forgiveness is good enough to go on with God for if we think we can do it by merit, we are still beholding to the man of sin, our carnal mind.

    We are bound in sin…and it is as God releases us from it, we become obedient to the faith. We have got to get past looking for perfection in others to justify our “ beliefs of doctrine” and whether this man is right or that man is right, this religion or that religion. This is children playing church…and god… and standing on their own self righteous perspectives. This was Eve’s failing. For us to decide who is worthy and who is not, who is right or who is wrong is eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. IT IS FORBIDDEN! For us to condemn is for us to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For us to place people in an acceptable and unacceptable place in our mind, we can only do so with the carnal mind. The tree of life ( beatitudes) does not call God’s plan good and evil, it only came as a result of Eve categorizing her intellect and thoughts into good and evil thoughts. Thus when she “verbalized” her sin to Adam she prostituted her faith, her prior walk in the spirit. The story of Adam and Eve is an every day story for you and me. When we get up in the morning and start down the thought line of who is worthy and who is not, we have just reached up and plucked the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and digested it. Instead we should remain on a diet of the tree of life where we see all as we should see them, from God’s point of perspective…with grace, kindness and forbearance to their plight in life as we ask God for our daily forgiveness…and our daily bread. This is Christ likeness of the tree of life and to become as He is. Our own ego keeps us from seeing others as ourselves. The carnal mind thinks “its got it” by its intellect and knowledge and understanding of the law. This is not so. Walk with Christ without the law, and you will not be bound by “self righteousness” which is of the law.

    It is not by law, we must come to Christ without the law. If we walk in grace and live by the beatitudes we have far exceeded the law, be fulfilled the shadow of grace. I understand a lot of the law, it’s symbology and many of its mysteries, however knowledge of these things is only given as a defense against those who think they know the law and what it is all about. We desire to know about the law “ONLY” to defend God’s grace and to be equipped to refute the Pharisees of our day which put all the emphasis on law and little in grace and faith. Grace and faith has to do with “being”, not knowing. Knowing is the beginning of our walk, being is the fulfillment of it. This way of seeing and thinking in the knowing of something is completely upside down and the opposite of right living. Give me grace and a desire to treat others as I would love for them to treat me and you can have “your law”. I say your law because if one uses the law to justify themselves, they remain under flaw of sin… because…again the law is written to the unrighteousness in man. Again…and again…It says the righteous need no law, it is the unrighteousness in man that needs to be converted from law to grace. “Oh ye of little faith” it says, not “Oh ye of little law.” It’s time for those of us who say we understand to understand faith and grace …without the law. If you understand what I am saying you are spiritual and are being led by the spirit, if you do not then you remain under the law by your carnal mind. Yet we do not judge for God will call each of us to understanding as we are conditioned to believe His truth…or His loving character for all people.

    As God gives us discernment to rightly divide the word and to discern a carnal mind from a spiritual mind, we do not judge either, we do not eat of the tree of knowledge, we eat of the tree of life. All we should see is Christ coming to His own, each in his own order. “As in Adam all died, so as, in Christ all shall be made alive, however each man in His own order.”

    So let us see this “all” as a finished work in its future perfect past tense. It is a wonderful blessing to see the end of a thing…all in Christ.

    • Will one who attains Liberation leap over the various evolutionary stages of growth into some formless Nirvana of bliss, to come forth no more? Or must those stages still be traversed -but with the light and joy of the Nirvana consciousness ever present?
      You can leap over all the stages of evolutionary growth if you experience all the stages of those growths, paths and experiences, through your imagination, through your process of climbing. Let me put it this way. There is a building with many stories, and a man may work up through those stories, looking through every window on each floor, horizontally progressing until he comes to a staircase, which leads him up to the next floor. Another man knows and conceives the goal which is enticing him, which is calling him; and as he climbs he looks through one window and that gives him sufficient view, sufficient experience, sufficient knowledge of what is contained on that particular floor, and so he need not go through the horizontal process of acquiring experience, and thus attains more quickly. I do not think it matters whether he comes back or remains in the flame. If I am a spark, as a separate individual I enter into that flame and become part of that flame; whether I return and bring others to the flame depends, I think, upon the personal desire. If I desire to come back and conquer the world of Sonny again, I can do so. Once I have the centre well established in me, I can do anything from that centre; from that I can go forth, having established it as my home, as the bee which knows its hive can go miles away, certain that there is a home, that there is a flame. So this is what satan does seeking to destroy or seeking to entice the soul away, and many have turned away from the word thinking that by their own will, or their own desire, they can maintain themselves without it. And so shall it be that they remain in that place where being, they can be destroyed by the enemy, and then taken after death to the place of torment of which God recorded in the sacred book, which some dare not read, for it speaketh their very accusation of which they are subject to be dis inspired.

    • When we have no law, we become a law unto ourselves, and thus having become the embodiment of that law we fall into condemnation, and this is the reason for God’s Word, of which many have become blinded thinking that it is something else that they need, and so requiring endless argument they loose their very soul thinking that “all is well” and yet depending on the carnal mind they try the steep impulse of their own ingenuity which leads to self condemnation. All this striving is and had been described in the Word of God, as being the need for Faith. For without faith ye shall perish into hell having eternal condemnation. Certainly we do not see all as coming into their own, unless they are saved by God’s grace, for the unsaved are therein cast into Hell, to serve the wicked One, of which Christ came to redeem the souls of those that believe on His name and follow His Word, and therefore, endured crucifixion for their sins, and thereby do we warn and thereby do we call all men to Him, because satan seeketh whom he may devour, as the word says, and their shall be no salvation without Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the Saviour, yes each in His own order Christ the first fruits, and afterward them at His coming and the rest condemned without recourse to eternal damnation and fire, of whom we warn ye most vehemently to follow the written Word of Christ without recourse, of which God will judge all mankind through Faith in Jesus. Maranatha. Flee from Satan, Flee from Hell.

  422. Anyone, no matter what his level of intelligence, goodness, badness or mediocrity will be acknowledged who continues to “ask, to seek and to knock.” This is how FAITH GROWS. And how any individual can be lifted above mediocrity or inferiority.

    One’s prayers may not be answered in the way he had hoped. But as the individual grows in faith and understanding he will begin to develop the power to “ask in Spirit” and he will no longer ask “amiss,” but will place himself in tune with the mind and will of God. He will make that inner contact where iniquity, or that lack of inner quiet has been banished from his life. “And he will ask in spirit, or ask according to the will of God, and he shall have whatsoever he asketh.” And his very desires will have been purified and expanded into glorious requests, worthy of the full attention of God, as they are fulfilled by Him. And in this method of “asking” the individual will himself become glorious!

    Prayer itself and the divine invitation to pray is an eternal gift offered by God to man. In distress and misery or dismay or in hardships or troubles of any kind man is invited to go to God — and to “talk to Him as one man talks to another!” And since God is All-Powerful, beyond any potentate or Ruler or King or Magistrate upon the earth it is a wonderful experience and indeed a privilege to be invited into His Presence to talk over one’s difficulties, problems or overwhelming disasters. In such a process there will be the instantaneous help of the Holy Comforter, which establishes the quiet and peace necessary for the vibrations and powers of God to begin their unfolding, their healing and their straightening out of all errors and mistakes.

    But this access to God is not just a privilege offered under great stress. It is an eternal privilege. And as one keeps this daily tryst and turns it into a sacred appointment with God his love and faith will increase until he will reach the very “point of Faith where he will be wrapped in the Power and glory of his Maker.”

    This going to God in prayer is something quite different from anything most mortals have ever considered. Most prayers are an insult to God, the FATHER. Assume that you are a father — or a mother, very busy, but that on each evening, or morning, or both, you open up the doors of your sacred study and invite your children to enter into your Presence and have a visit. You love them greatly. You wish intensely to hold them close in your arms, to talk to them individually, but they will have none of it. They stand or kneel in your presence unprepared to listen, unanimated and bored to recite some dreary little, memorized piece, without either thought or feeling. There would be no need for you to give ear. You had heard that same soulless recitation so many many times repeated in the same childish manner as they remain frozen and unapproachable before you and unheeding.

    Just listen to the habitual prayers of anyone and you will know what I mean. And after the stupid recitation the child turns and walks out of your presence to never give you another thought. So have the prayers of mankind been laid barren and worthless on the altar of our Almighty, Loving Father.

  423. When you pray realize that you are fulfilling a very righteous, divine invitation to “talk with God as one person talks with another!” Let no two prayers be identical any more than you would permit your conversation with your neighbor to be exactly as it was yesterday and the day before, word for word. Talk to Him! Glory in the privilege of such a sacred opportunity. And do not feel that you have been unburdening yourself in dutiful OBLIGATION of devotion. You are not giving any devotion or love to God! You are merely insulting Him.

    Learn to talk to God, not at Him. Learn to glory in the sacred, divine privilege of so sacred an opportunity. Let your love flow out. Let your requests be added after your thanks and gratitude and praise have been expressed in every increasing wonder and joy in the privilege of living on this wonderful earth. And as you rejoice and give thanks your happiness will grow and increase to match your blessings. Learn to look forward to those moments you spend with Him and you will begin to know that He hears and approves of you.

    It is so much easier to PROVE that God does live and that he does hear and answers prayers than it is to disprove Him, for He is truly a rewarder of all who DILIGENTLY seek Him!

    Those who seek only to disprove that God does not exist are only proving that they have not made any effort to really reach Him. And they are actually closing the great door into His presence against themselves. And in so doing they have lost the purpose and the meaning and the unspeakable joy of existence. God is not in the least affected by any individual’s actions or resentments or evils — but man himself is the loser, the releaser of the boundless ills that are gathering, according to the unfulfilled laws of righteousness. Not that God is going to punish man. Man creates his own punishments and releases them as he brings them to pass.

    And this fact must be stated and magnified. No one has ever DISPROVED that there is a God, except to those who have never sought to KNOW for themselves. For His invitation has stood down the timeless ages of existence: “Seek me early and you shall find me!” Or “Seek me diligently and you shall KNOW me!”

    While these UNBELIEVING ONES have failed to make the least effort to KNOW THE TRUTH, there are thousands upon thousands who have proved, in their lives, the great reality of a True and Living God and who KNOW of His mercies and His powers because they have become daily more aware of His blessings as they have been multiplied unto them.

    This is the day of which Daniel spoke, when he stated: “Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

    “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand.”

    Then in Daniel 12:3-4 is revealed the exact time of the fulfilling of this scripture. “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.”But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED!” This is the day when they are “running to and fro” to the extent that great freeways have cobwebbed the nation with their lanes of traffic.

    This is “the time of the end” and it is the time when God has declared that he will do His strange work, “That all men will be left without excuse” (for not knowing) — and then it will be too late to graduate from this earth plane with honors. In THIS DAY it will be an unholy condition to be “A drop-out” when every atom and leaf and bird and cloud and blade of grass testifies continually of the Great Creator of all that is — and the man who fails finds he has no part in it. Such will fulfill Daniel’s words, revealed in chapter 12:2, thus: “Some will stand forth to receive everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

    • Yes Hell is very real and to be a drop out is to be a drop in. A drop into Hell is an inferno and does speak of no excuse. We must tell and warn men of eternal judgment for without Jesus they shall be in it. Anallee has already received a consignment, and we must warn the un knowing of what the Word of God speaketh concerning a witch, and that which pertaineth unto satan.
      Let us not be weary but in well doing seek to save the lost, for they do not find it by nothing but a Sonny day, but by a full rendition of calling in God.

  424. What I shared as to the law and grace is stated the same in the Bible as stated below. The law is good if used to establish a faith toward grace, otherwise it is as sounding brass.

    It is hard to make the leap from the law to grace, however we must come to know Him within, and to be guided by Him within, where we walk with Him in spirit to spirit, not law to law. The law has its place, however we have to come to the place where we leave the law.

    Romans 3:21 But now apart from the law a righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.
    Romans 4:13 For not through the law was the promise to Abraham or to his seed that he should be heir of the world, but through the righteousness of faith.
    Galatians 2:21 I do not make void the grace of God: for if righteousness is through the law, then Christ died for nought.

    I am providing the entire chapter of Galatians 3. I am in line with its explanation of law and grace.

    Galatians 3:1-28 so many things did ye suffer in vain! if, indeed, even in vain. so thoughtless are ye! having begun in the Spirit, now in the flesh do ye end? this only do I wish to learn from you–by works of law the Spirit did ye receive, or by the hearing of faith? O thoughtless Galatians, who did bewitch you, not to obey the truth–before whose eyes Jesus Christ was described before among you crucified? He, therefore, who is supplying to you the Spirit, and working mighty acts among you–by works of law or by the hearing of faith is it ? according as Abraham did believe God, and it was reckoned to him–to righteousness; know ye, then, that those of faith–these are sons of Abraham, and the Writing having foreseen that by faith God doth declare righteous the nations did proclaim before the good news to Abraham– ‘Blessed in thee shall be all the nations;’ so that those of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham, for as many as are of works of law are under a curse, for it hath been written, ‘Cursed is every one who is not remaining in all things that have been written in the Book of the Law–to do them,’ and that in law no one is declared righteous with God, is evident, because ‘The righteous by faith shall live;’ and the law is not by faith, but–‘The man who did them shall live in them.’ Christ did redeem us from the curse of the law, having become for us a curse, for it hath been written, ‘Cursed is every one who is hanging on a tree,’ that to the nations the blessing of Abraham may come in Christ Jesus, that the promise of the Spirit we may receive through the faith. Brethren, as a man I say it , even of man a confirmed covenant no one doth make void or doth add to, and to Abraham were the promises spoken, and to his seed; He doth not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many, but as of one, ‘And to thy seed,’ which is Christ; and this I say, A covenant confirmed before by God to Christ, the law, that came four hundred and thirty years after, doth not set aside, to make void the promise, for if by law be the inheritance, it is no more by promise, but to Abraham through promise did God grant it . Why, then, the law? on account of the transgressions it was added, till the seed might come to which the promise hath been made, having been set in order through messengers in the hand of a mediator– and the mediator is not of one, and God is one– the law, then, is against the promises of God? –let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness, but the Writing did shut up the whole under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ may be given to those believing. And before the coming of the faith, under law we were being kept, shut up to the faith about to be revealed, and the faith having come, no more under a child-conductor are we, so that the law became our child-conductor–to Christ, that by faith we may be declared righteous, for as many as to Christ were baptized did put on Christ; there is not here Jew or Greek, there is not here servant nor freeman, there is not here male and female, for all ye are one in Christ Jesus; and if ye are of Christ then of Abraham ye are seed, and according to promise–heirs. for ye are all sons of God through the faith in Christ Jesus,

    Laws are written to the lawless. If we break the law we are fined and punished. If we run red lights, speed, etc., etc., we pay the fine because we knew the law and broke it. We know not to do wrong and we know there is a law on the “books” to meet out justice. However if we never break the law we are not subjected to it. We do not live under the law…it is there only “in case” we break the law. So it is with the written law found in the scriptures. We are established by faith as Abraham was…before the law. The law was established “in between” the faith of Abraham by promise and the coming of Christ by promise. If we live by faith we know what to do without being told, we are “told” spirit to spirit.

    Live graciously and kindly toward all, whether one is bound under the law or free under grace.

    • Very true. The law we follow now we follow willingly. Not by coercion Neither does anyone accept Christ by coercion, and neither will God coerce anyone to accept him. I came not into the world to condemn the world but through me that it might be saved. The only things we must not follow are idolatry like Amos is doing, and rebellion. These two things incur condemnation with Satan, and the ungodly of which we must warn people, or rather better stated awaken, and pray they be awakened. We must not follow other god’s, or gospel’s.

  425. The teachings of Jesus Christ contain a true science of life. They are perfect in every detail and mark plainly the pathway of eternal power. His most impractical sounding teachings turn into a revelation of glory when applied under the direction of that living “Light of Christ within.”

    Few of true integrity and high devotion have fully caught the divine vision of the words, “Labour not for the meat that perisheth.” Therefore few have accepted or attempted to follow Him in all things, or become “true followers of His Son, Jesus Christ.” But only by living His teachings to the very “letter” can their great dynamic power be known and used.

    Most of our modern world ignores completely His instructions to labor not for the food that perishes. His words are scoffed at by the critics, considered impractical by the learned and the wise, explained away by the religious leaders when challenged by them, and used as an excuse for shiftless laziness by those too indolent to work. “The Lord will provide,” defends the slothful man, who folding his hands, evades physical responsibility of any kind.

    The great vision of a higher way of life has yet to be visioned and then proved practical by the noble and great ones as the only true pattern of life. And no one taking upon himself this pattern can be slothful for one moment. His every thought, every word and every act must be allied with power. He must learn to follow that divine Light of Christ within, by overcoming the self, and be willing to serve God with a greater intensity than he could possibly put into any job, position, business enterprise or any physical labor on this earth. This way is truly not for the slothful, lazy individual, for this is the path of selfless devotion which demands a constant awareness, an ever-watchful alertness of soul and heart, an untiring, burning desire, a vision of utter glory that weaves it into tangible reality for the glory of God and the benefit of man.

    The following is from the original Greek Text of Matt. 6:24:

    “No one is able two lords to serve; either the one he will hate, and the other he will love; or one he will cling to, and the other he will slight. Not are you able to serve God and mammon.” Mammon is the personification of worldly wealth.

    “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal;

    “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.

    “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:18-21).

    To most individuals this means something entirely different than Christ intended it to mean. It does not mean to plod miserably through a dreary life of suffering and poverty in the hope of a great reward in some far-off heaven. It means literally to open your heart to that divine kingdom of heaven that is within you. Fill that kingdom with your desires, with love, mercy, compassion, unselfish service and loving devotion to the Most High God. These treasures will cleanse and purify the soul, right here on earth, and thus one may enter and abide in that true kingdom of heaven, walking in majesty and power, doing the very works that Christ did.

  426. Yea, “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provisions for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” (Rom. 13:14).

    The Lord’s Prayer also contains the truth of this higher law: “Give us this day our daily bread . . . ” By trusting implicitly in the power of God faith becomes knowing, and one becomes wholly obedient to the voice of the Father, as he permits God to direct him in all things, until he himself emerges into that power. As one learns to follow that divine voice he drops his fears, his worries, his grudges and confusion. He lives a higher law than that followed by the multitude. He no longer labors for the food that perishes but will receive sufficient for his needs, whatever they are — yea, more than enough, “For there will not be room enough to receive.” He will no longer work to acquire large bank accounts, great stores of wealth that can be destroyed in an instant’s flash, or be left behind by death. One who has wealth depends for his strength upon that wealth and neglects those greater treasures locked within his own soul. But he who trusts in the power of God for his strength will accumulate a wealth that is far beyond anything that mortal mind has yet contemplated. His wealth will be that peace that passeth understanding, the power of God in action in every move of his life, the power to still the storms, to walk above trials and temptations, the power to live in majesty and eternal light, freed from darkness, fears, confusion and wrath.

    • It’s interesting that you claim to follow God’s voice in your commentary, and yet you follow idol’s, and false teachers, that are not of God. That should be a wake up call. I don’t know what voice your following Amos, but it is not God’s voice. If you will go back and stick with the Logos, then the Holy Spirit can lead you to true repentance, and you can adjust to a true walk. In this generation many are being deceived, by “deceiving spirits”. In the end it leads to Perdition.

  427. There are many here who need Christ. Let’s get back to hope which comes through God’s precious Word. The Bible is the only source of the true Word of God. Love to all.

  428. Sonny, I don’t mean to put Amos down, I’m just sayin’ he needs butt branden, because he has too many brands that ain’t showin a true show down with God. He’s a wild buckin steer that needs a heart breakin cry down to get back to the living savior, and not all these twist ties that’s locked em in the tail bin.

  429. Jerry, Amos is one that has configured a set of guidelines that do not adhere to Christ’s message. It’s easy to see the deception there is broad daylight. I mean you don’t need to go looking for the mystical geese that are flying in the headbone of the creek bed when it is flying into the sunset. the Bible stickly forlorns and warns against going into Idol’s caves and bringing out the doctrinal books of quacks, which is not the right flight pattern that God gave in His Word. The Holy Spirit is really needing to deal with something that is already out in the open. Just a red Marker will do. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the kind of thing people will believe now days. Just keep up your prayers for souls. God loves them too. Even if they can’t hear him.

  430. you all are not affecting me one bit ….its so true you all still fail to go to god in spirit …its that plain and simple …your shallow religious intellect is not truth sorry ..its full of dead letter truth…not lived… now that is most sad…have a blessed day ..

  431. my joy is full and pregnant with joy unspeakable and my love people feel without me speaking a word ..


  433. the discovery of the power of god is faith realized in the very soul of you..🔥🌈🔥

  434. As we contemplate our hope in the resurrection, we must seek to remember the divine contact within ourselves. That divine contact was placed in us so that we may escape the gloom and darkness that tries to enfold us even in this earthly plane. The divine contact was placed in us so that we can unfold our own pattern of existence for the glory of God. Never lose your contact with the divine! When life’s burdens seem unbearable, and you feel your prayers are too weak to be heard even by the nearest bug on the wall, let alone God Almighty – overcome the burdens by lifting up your heart and being thankful! Find something, anything, to thank Him for and soon your divine contact will flow in rhythm with the divine. “If there is no joy in you – if that song of ecstasy does not sing in your soul, you have lost contact with your own pattern of existence”

  435. Yes, “LIVE that First and Great Commandment and you will KNOW!” And “you will need none to teach you for God Himself will be your teacher!” And to LIVE it does not mean to merely nod one’s head over it in an inactive affirmation or casual acceptance of the idea. To fulfill it requires that every cell and fibre and atom of one’s being be imbued with it. Only then does it become a part of one’s own experience, hence his KNOWLEDGE.

    This “LIVING” requires that one embeds those instructions into the living tissues of his heart, his soul and his mind until they not only become a very part of his being, THEY BECOME HIM! And HE BECOMES THAT LOVE! “For he who would interpret the wonders of the Lord would be dissolved and become that which is interpreted.”

    LIVE that First and Great Commandment and the Second One will follow naturally, without effort or striving. The developing and releasing of LOVE from the heart, soul and mind overcomes all negation, dislikes, fears, ugliness, weaknesses and human, mortal grubbiness, for these traits will be dissolved. And such a one will automatically become that LOVE! “Live the laws!” admonished Christ; “And you will KNOW!” And to KNOW requires the experience of receiving all the knowledge and the PROMISES AND POWERS pertaining to that information.

    Man has never accepted the dynamic challenge to LIVE CHRIST’S teaching. Man has only weakly affirmed his inactive endorsement of those teachings as a fullness of acceptance. And many think they are proving their belief by going forth and hammering others with their interpretations as they send forth their haranguements in discordant, sanctimonious self-righteousness. Yet Christ’s actual teachings have never been acknowledged as a Way of Life and of fulfillment or an everlasting privilege of stupendous accomplishment, crowned with every reward contained in every Promise ever given since time began.

    That First and Great Commandment, when LIVED contains the breathtaking fulfillment of every PROMISE God ever gave, plus all perfection and all power. Within it is held forever the fulfilling of the LOVE which brings into one’s life a complete knowledge of the things which Eyes have never seen, nor ears heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man — those unspeakable glories, which God has PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM — and prove it by their living of that law pertaining to it.

    This fulfilling is not something which can be boasted about, shouted about in worldly sermons or declarations, nor is it fulfilled by a silent nod of approval. This commandment must be LIVED! This requires an exerted effort of constant desire and application until the very cells of the body and brain and heart sing together in a glory of joyous response at the slightest suggestion or thought of God, or of His blessings. It is as that LOVE is developed that it will finally take over in every cell and fibre and tissue that one “Transforms his carnal flesh to flesh divine without descending through the gates of death!” Even as Enoch of old accomplished.

  436. It is true that baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is the only way anyone was ever baptized in the New Testament. There is abundant evidence for this, especially in the book of Acts. Someone says, “But Jesus commanded His disciples to baptize”in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”(Mat. 28:19). Father, however, is not a name – it is a title. Son is not a name. Holy Ghost is not a name. The name of the Father, the Son, and Holy ghost is Jesus, for all the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Jesus Christ our Lord – and Jesus Christ is the name that God Himself has highly exalted above every other name in heaven and in earth (Phil. 2:9-11).

    There is a deeper truth there, however, than merely the formula, or the words SPOKEN when one baptizes. If “in Jesus’ name” means just the words repeated, then we have a problem. Paul tells us in Col.3:17, “And WHATSOEVER ye do IN WORD or DEED, do ALL in the name of Jesus.” That means everything we say and do, every word uttered, every act performed, all that we do throughout every day of our lives, should be done in the name of Jesus. Now, if DOING all things in the name of Jesus means repeating the words “In Jesus’ name”, we should say, “I’m going to the bathroom, in Jesus’ name;” “In Jesus’ name, I’m going to hug my wife;” “In Jesus’ name, I now cook supper;” “In Jesus’ name, I’m going to Church;” “In Jesus’ name, I now prophesy;” “In Jesus’ name, I drive the car.” I trust you can see my point. We do prophesy in the name of the Lord, but we don’t SAY “in Jesus’ name” when we start to prophesy. We do drive our car in Jesus’ name, in the Spirit, while the world drives their cars in another spirit! In the Bible “name” means NATURE,AUTHORITY. To DO something in Jesus’ name means to do it in union with Him, in His nature and by His authority. In Acts 14:9 Paul commanded a lame man to stand up and walk and He didn’t SAY “in Jesus’ name.” But he was acting in Jesus’ name, in union with Him, in His nature, and by His authority. On the other hand, the sevens sons of Sceva tried to cast out devils”in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches,” and the devils refused to come out, saying, “Paul we know, and Jesus we know, but who are you?” You see, repeating the name didn’t work because they were not operating in His nature, nor by His authority. In John 10:25 Jesus said,”The works that I do IN MY FATHER’S NAME, they bear witness of Me.” His Father’s name was Yahwey. He did all His works in His Father’s name. Yet, we have no example where Jesus ever SAID, “In the NAME OF YAHWEY, rise up and walk!” He never once SAID His Father’s name, nor did He repeat His own name. But He did all the works in His Father’s name, in union with His Father, in the nature of His Father, and by His Father’s authority. The works revealed the NATURE of the Father. So, baptizing “in Jesus’ name”means more than merely repeating words, it means acting in union with Jesus and by Jesus’ authority.

  437. The problem is that many folks, every time they see the word “baptism,” think it is always speaking of water. But the fact is, a number of Scriptures that are often thought of as having reference to water baptism are not speaking of water at all, and then comes the higher revelation of Paul in which the importance of water baptism is brought into question altogether. When Jesus says, “Go ye therefore, and TEACH all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: TEACHING them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” He is not talking about water baptism at all. Notice that the word TEACH both precedes and follows the “baptism” in this verse. The baptism here is a PRODUCT AND WORK OF THE TEACHING. The Greek word for “in” is “eis” meaning”into.” The disciples were to go teaching, baptizing the people INTO THE NAME of the Father etc. In the Scriptures the word “name” means “nature”. This baptism is a baptism INTO THE NATURE of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so that God in all His characteristics becomes PERSONIFIED in the believer as he obeys the Word. Go and teach… baptizing them into the name… teaching them to observe… As the WORD produces a transformation in their lives, the people are baptized into the nature of the Lord!

  438. Paul said, “As many of us as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Ah,this is not water baptism, not baptism into water, but baptism INTO CHRIST! This is a work of the Spirit, not a physical act of a preacher. All who have truly been baptized INTO CHRIST HAVE PUT ON CHRIST. But I can assure you that not all who have been baptized into water have PUT ON CHRIST, and not all who have been baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ have put on Christ, for some of the meanest,ugliest, most divisive, argumentative, vindictive, unloving, judgmental,overbearing, debating, striving spirits I have encountered in my years of ministry have been among “Jesus Name” people! These haven’t “put on” Christ! But all who by death to self, and quickening of the spirit have been spiritually baptized into Christ HAVE PUT ON CHRIST. And, if you have IN REALITY been baptized into Him, what can water or any man’s words add to it?

  439. What they can add to it, is you have set yourself over people to judge them and it means nothing. Jesus, said, why do you behold the speck in your brothers eyes, and yet a beam is in your own. Ok, this isn’t referring to doctrine. Judging doctrine, is fine because it doesn’t involve the individual, but what Jesus requires of us. You have shown yourself to be more mean that anyone you criticize and many people probably have to retaliate, to even hold a conversation with you, because of your walls of egotism.
    Quit telling others how to respond, and learn to hold a conversation with someone because no one is interested in just reading your thoughts on the Bible, or Christ. They should be interested in Christ and what the Bible is saying. If that offends you, then you need to be offended. However many people try to love you but your snobbery, is no less than a wall. Get out of the clouds, and find the depths of communication because God probably does have a good calling for you but you are misled, into many subject matters that are not of God. If someone’s interest in you bothers you for going to that level then that’s a good thing. Because God will continue to send people to bother you if He loves you. Turn to communication, because people know what the Bible says. and you don’t have a One Up on anyone there. Any one that can read can be led by the Spirit, and it won’t be to just criticize how people respond to you all the time. Your responses are just as worthy of criticism as theirs are, so learn to communicate and find out what is in other people, for the good, and for your good. The Bible, says, “THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM THAT ARE IN CHRIST JESUS”.. SO, if anyone is evil in their responses that would point the finger at you first, because you are constantly condemning people. Hold conversations because, the Bible is what it is. And it speaks against “false doctrines” and “False spirits”. If your “in Christ”, it will bear witness with other believers. You are not to be “an agent of your own spiritual knowledge”. It is by the Bible. If that’s a problem for you, then it’s YOU, who are the problem. That’s why god keeps sending people to you. To awaken you.

    • the level of mainstream christianity is in the kindergarden stage of understanding the truth of gods message to mankind..and if they continue to always desire the milk and never drink it to the point of growing into the perfection of jesus of what use are they in the world at large…PLZ GO TO GO IN SPIRIT AND STOP FOOLING URSELF.. YOU HAVE NO POWER AND NO PEACE AND NO JOY..GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER AMEN..


    To love God with all one’s being is the beginning of wisdom. It is also the beginning of power.

    As this love begins to open the heart, not just the physical heart-organ but the great, living heart-center, the seal to the door of the temple, man’s temple or being, will begin to be opened.

    This great heart-center within man is the corridor to the divine temple of God. And it is within this temple one learns of the great “Inner teachings” and is initiated into the divine knowledge of eternal power. Within this great heart-center is an altar that has been unlighted and unused for a life-time — each man’s life time.

    As one kneels before that altar within his own being, in humble adoration to God, the sacred flame will be lighted. It is then the fires of that cleansing, purifying flame begin to ascend as incense before the Lord. Within this holy flame is the power to release the heart-felt prayers of the Saints and lift them to the very throne of God. It is by going within his own temple, love-filled and humble, that makes one a saint. No church can make a man a saint. One becomes a saint according to his degree of devotion to the Lord, not to any organization.

    As one begins to turn to God in humble, adoring love, in worship and praise, he naturally reaches the point of sainthood, and his prayers will ascend as incense before the Lord. And all such prayers will be answered. This is the irrevocable, unfailing law of God.

  441. As I contemplate on what each individual has shared here on this blog, I have thought of what I have said and why I have said it…and for what purpose and reason…

    What has always been at the pinnacle of my desire is that everything that I have ever written on this site from the beginning of my “contributions” to it or of those words in which I have spoken to another person in private has been to clarify and set apart the difference in the name of a thing and the nature of a thing. God has so clarified in my mind the differences in the law which cannot give life and the spirit which can give life. Law and grace respectively. God has shown me the difference in loving others in spite of my knowledge as compared to that of another and my perspectives of things vs theirs. He has shown me that having a goal of living the beatitudes is so much more important than separating ourselves into “knowledgeable” categories of divisive and factions of different doctrines. He has shown me this is of sin.

    Did Christ go around condemning anyone for their weaknesses, sins and faults? No he did not. Sure he taught we are to be obedient, however He taught of arriving at His kingdom through grace, by showing leniency and forgiveness and patience with others. He taught that no matter the degree of sin we are affronted with, we are to move past viewing forgiveness as a single event when wronged to forgiving His way. His way is that we live in a state of compassion and forgiveness before the “event” has yet to transpire. We have to move from a life of incidents and events, to a “way” of being…AS CHRIST IS. We must give up our childish ways of hiding behind a law of written words which has never and will never give life to any. Our “facts” may be right however our delivery of our facts may be delivered in a way which is totally unacceptable to God.

    Grace trumps law. God’s love forgives mistakes of the law and of all sin. Let us live by the spirit by learning that love has absolutely no boundaries. Sin is a boundary. Knowledge is a boundary. Philosophy is a boundary. Intellect is a boundary. If we require others to give up these boundaries before we can love them, we still have a huge beam in our eye trying to remove something in the eye of another that is so insignificant to the spirit.

    When we go back into the law, of the types and the shadows, it should be only to point out the difference in law and grace or explaining the spirit using the natural. Yes, there is something far greater than understanding the written law, or understanding a name as a noun written on a page, and yes even what a “physical baptism” represents as a symbol of the true baptism. If we perform in the true “way” we fulfill the symbol… without having to perform the ritual. Are we not free from the law of sacrificing bulls and goats? Do we want to perform one ritual of the law and not all the others? What does Christ say? If we do one part of the law and not the other we are guilty of all. We are set free from the shadow and symbol of the law to follow Christ in the reality of the spirit. We are spirt beings having a natural experience, it is not the other way around.

    To understand grace is to understand one of the most precious gifts ever given to us. Grace gives us all the love and forgiveness that is needed to overcome every single last vestige of the carnal mind of sin within. There is no boundary to this love in which Christ affords us. Forgiveness of our sins is like life without end, it is there until it is needed no more and death has been abolished. I know that this truth is not accepted by the lovers of justice and a need for law over grace. I make no apology, but neither do I have any condemnation for those who would put God in a different light subservient to theirs. God will remedy this situation between Him and them…when He decides, not us.

    There is a higher spiritual meaning to all these things written of in the Bible for a shadow of a thing is not the thing itself just as the law is not the higher form of the thing but it’s only the shadow of the thing. The law is the shadow, the spirt is the thing of which the shadow represents. Do we worship the shadow or the thing itself?

    The law is a natural representation of all things spiritual. All the written word, from Genesis to Revelation with all its types, shadows, allegories, parables and mysteries…are nothing more than the revealing of Christ within and for those who can grasp it, the scriptures represent “all” that is within our hearts and minds…where the spirit in reality dwells. There is nothing without in the works of the law that has any true meaning without understanding that the natural was created to shadow and to reveal the true nature of things in the spiritual world of the kingdom. As God told Moses there is not anything created in the natural world that did and does not represent what already “exist” in the spirt world.

    People who are so into the letter of the law and contrary to how it may seem I care far less for the written than I do for what it only represents. When one starts to see in the spirit of only what the law can remotely describe, the law loses it’s glow and appeal. This is because we have stepped into the realm of seeing Christ as He is in reality and not merely seeing Him in a shadow form as in the law. The law is the shadow of the image of Christ so we need to get out of the shadow into the full light of the “Son.” Having said this I study the scriptures a great deal, however not with an attitude of thinking I will find any life in them. “You search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life.” I know this is not so as I know I will not find any life in them, however by knowing they are a representation of the true, I study to give an account and an explanation to those who do not see the difference between law and grace.

    A lot of people think I try to find salvation in the understanding of the written word. Far from it. Knowledge is a defense against those who would use the law to “climb up some other way” and by sacrificing our time and energies we prepare ourselves to give an answer and an account to those who think knowing something is better than “being” something. We explain the law as related to the spirit to show we need to fulfill the law by walking in the spirit. This is because when we step into the realm of the Son, the shadow or the written word pales in comparison to the true Word. I could say that it is hard to understand why people just can’t understand the difference in law and grace but I do, because I once didn’t understand the differences myself. Because I suffered through the insanity of the outward, I can now enjoy the sanity of the inward, because I have experienced the difference…in part. Knowledge is good teacher, however experience is the better teacher.

    We can take our natural body to a natural temple on a natural day, at a natural time with a natural book under our natural arm and we can listen to a natural mind to preach about the natural stories in the written natural word…and be none the better for it…if we do not do these same things “in the spirit”. We need not move one inch from where we are right now to fulfill all these same things in the spirit; we can within this natural body (the outer court) know that the spiritual tabernacle is within, on this spiritual “day” of enlightenment which has no duration of time because we walk in the light (day) of Christ. The book? Christ is the spiritual book we should be reading and understanding…and…becoming where we ourselves are a chapter in this book..until we also become no different from the entire book. We are an epistle (book) to be read of all men. This is a spiritual book that is the fulfillment of the natural book we call the law. We will then not need to listen to any natural man because we follow only Christ and His way, not the way of the carnal teachers and preachers which draw men unto themselves. Yes, we are to share that which we are given, as we can verbalize and write the words, however it is only God through Christ which can open the mind and hearts of another as He calls each.

    One of these ways stated above is of the natural understanding, and one is spiritual…law and spirit. As the Apostles went about walking in the natural ways of men as described above, going out physically, they knew they had to trek the way of the natural to get the message out that this natural form of worship must be completely engulfed in and of the spiritual way of Christ. So yes, as much as the written law and studying can be a weariness to the flesh, the law is the tutor which can bring us to the gate which is Christ Jesus. Once we step through the gate we step into the likeness of the spirit, leaving the shadow of the law behind us where we now need no law nor any man to teach us..for the true word, and way is within our very being..where life “is” in reality.

    So when any of us get falsely accused of using the law to seemingly justify our “righteousness” we must never the less suffer the misunderstanding of these who lack spiritual understanding and go on without being deterred by their did Christ. After all He is our pattern and our example.

    For one to desire to remain under the law one must defend it with the unrighteousness of the carnal mind for the law is written to the unrighteous. (So why should we praise the law of unrighteousness?) Is this not what is written? There is a fine line between using the law righteously and unrighteously. With the natural eye we see naturally, with the spiritual “eye” we see all things spiritual. Let us step out of the shadow so we can see the image of the true clearly. Confusion is of seeing things naturally, while peace and oneness is seeing all things spiritual.

    So as we move from the one to the other let us put aside our dogmatic ways of our self importance of what we think we know and give what we have and let God take it from there. If we have been given a gift, let us share it and if it is rejected, so be it. Do we think we can open the mind of another? We can’t. We may write or speak or sow…however it is God who gives the increase. When a farmer sows the seed, and places it at the right place at the right time of the year, it is the miraculous spirt of God which takes it from there and grows the plant into the full ear until the time of the harvest is complete.
    We do our small part…and God performs the miracle.

    Again, we with discernment will use the law only to show the foolishness of one using it to establish a form of self righteousness…The law must be fulfilled by walking in the spirit…for which there is no such law. When one walks in the spirit of grace, their superior ways of thinking that their knowledge is better than another’s will cease to be because these spiritual ones have moved beyond the carnal ways of establishing “righteousness,” which cannot be accomplished by the law even though they erroneously think so. When one moves into the grace, kindness, patience and forgiveness of the spirit, it matters little about one’s differences any longer because the spiritual sees into the future into the completeness of Christ. In this completeness “all” is forgiven, all is now in the future perfect past tense. When we “each” come to our completeness death has been defeated. To those who can understand what true death is, it is in part of having a carnal mind of criticism, judgment and condemnation for others because of some differences in a belief. Love is above this type of thinking, we all like to say God loves us all unconditionally and yet we turn right around and put conditions on others for believing doctrinal issues different from our own. If God ask us to be as He is and think as He does why can we not put aside our differences of opinions and beliefs and do so? It is because we think with the carnal mind of do’s and don’ts, good and evil, approval or disapproval of another sometimes without an element of mercy and grace. We judge and act as a Pharisee with only law and no compassion.

    My words seem to always escape me in trying to explain and describe this great gulf between the natural and the spiritual, of law and grace and of kindness over being judgmental, but as I read the failings of the Apostles and disciples of not achieving total agreement and adherence to all they spoke to, I see they had it no les different and they paid with their life while they tried to get the “learned” intellectuals to see. We give what we have with a heart for all…placing no conditions of our love for and to others…and we have to leave it here at the feet (understanding) of Christ.

    “The way” seems so simply, yet is so obscured by man’s condemning nature for those who see different from themselves. Seeing alike as we go through this journey of life is not a qualification for walking in the spirit, as is in loving your neighbor as yourself is. Let us put aside our childish ways of expecting others to be as we are or see as we do for us to accept them…as Christ accepts them as they must we to walk with Him. There is a time of one being perfected and it will come in God’s order and timing of all things. It is not for us to dictate this timing for God…it for us to be patient with others as God brings both us and them to our particular order and calling according to His own timing. We cannot rush ahead and expect from others what God Himself does not expect of any of us before our time.

    Let us pray for the release of all from our carnal minded religious ways of looking at things…from our darkened mind into that light of day of which light is Christ. We have no right to play God by accusing and condemning our brethren of sin, we should instead pray for their release from their faults…with respect for ourselves. We identify with what we want and pursue, whether it is sin unto death or life unto Christ. Let our goal be…to not look for sin…but life. Herby we obtain His likeness.

    “If you do unto to the least of these, you have done unto me.” I would say those who have the most sin is of the least of these….nevertheless we should do unto them as we would do to the most righteous among us which is our lord and savior.

    Love to all, from the least of these of which I include myself to those who appear at His coming…within…our temple.

    God bless.

  442. God’s Terms of Fulfillment

    There are many who would have already fulfilled the great and mighty Promises of God if they had realized that their error has been the cause of their failure or delay. They have failed to realize that their restraint has been in expecting God to fulfill His Promises on their own mortal terms.

    God does not and will not fulfill His most holy, almost unspeakable Promises upon any man’s terms. Man must fulfill them upon God’s Terms. And HIS terms are most explicit and plain to understand unless one’s mind is sealed with his own orthodoxed ideas or pride in his own self-importance. It may be that this very pride has so sealed one’s mind that unconsciously he refuses to relinquish any preconceived belief he may be harboring. Man’s terms are the individual beliefs, his personal ideas, opinions or set notions, or theories.

    Such may read the Promises of God and for a flashing moment comprehend them and desire them greatly, so greatly that he becomes blinded by the very brilliance insomuch he fails to see the price that is required for their fulfillment. However, even that price becomes a glorious, divine challenge of everlasting glory and enjoyment before this record is ended.

    In the Book of Revelations, chapter three, Christ declared, “Because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked.

    “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed that the shame of thy nakedness may not appear.”

    How is it possible to purchase or buy anything except by paying a price for it? “Buy of me gold that is tried in the fire” of your own souls. This gold, tried in the fire is but the purification of your own hearts as they are cleansed by love and devotion. Only this purified offering is acceptable, for Christ proclaimed that the only acceptable sacrifice or offering or payment that God would henceforth acknowledge would be the offering or sacrifice of a broken, or open heart and a contrite spirit. If that is the only offering acceptable to God then it alone could be the payment for the gold that is tried in the fire — the very gold that would make one rich indeed.

    Then is given the information in Isaiah, that the glorified road to Zion over which a fool need not err therein, but over which the wicked can never travel, is the road of the purification of the heart.

    Then is given that dynamic command to LOVE, which reveals just how the heart is cleansed and not only purified but spiritualized, softened, opened and perfected.

    Along with this glorious Commandment is the Promise that in LIVING this one great law one automatically FULFILLS ALL THE LAWS AND THE PROPHETS. By purifying the heart with this love one can purchase the fulfilling of every Promise. Then it is that one is able to comprehend all things, and have all power, and behold the “things which eyes have never seen nor ears heard, neither has entered into the heart of man — THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM!”

  443. The Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    The word “Gospel” has lost its meaning during the passing centuries. Each Creed and church and religious organization has believed that it alone contains the fulness of the everlasting “Gospel” of Jesus Christ in its doctrines and its orthodoxed beliefs — or its unbeliefs. Often the meager little truths of Christ’s Gospel have become so lost or buried in the accumulation of untruths they are difficult to find.

    The word “GOSPEL” is from two old Anglo-Saxon words, which meant literally, “God-spel,” or “God’s Story,” or “God’s Message.” This message or spell is not just in words, but in the power of the vibrating glory which it establishes in the souls of men. It is the TRUTH contained in a joyous, reverent understanding of adoration that could not possibly be squandered or dissipated in any unseemly display of outside demonstrating, for it is the inside reality of God’s own message of majestic power.

    Neither did the word “Gospel” mean the books of the New Testament, which were written years after Christ’s ministry, by those who had associated with Him. The books were written to preserve the record of His ministry on the earth. The books of the Bible are beautiful and authentic and true but they could not possibly contain the fulness of the “Gospel” for the “Gospel” or “God-spel,” in its fulness, was the exalted FEELING of assurance or KNOWING, generated in the soul of each as he followed the dynamic message of Christ’s plan of perfection.

    “The Spell of God” is the vibrating glory of ecstatic, breathtaking wonder which flows through one’s entire being when he is in tune or in contact with God as he travels the Pathway of fulfillment. This is the Path and the power of sanctification. This is the “God-Spell!”

    This beautiful information is given by Paul in I. Thes. 1:4-5, as follows: “Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

    “For our gospel came not in word only, but also in POWER, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance, as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”

    Then we have this glorious information revealed in II. Tim. 1:9. “God; who hath saved us and called us to an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.”

    This testifies of the sacred, eternal calling which rests upon those who were fore-ordained to serve in the fulness of their divine capacities as the light and love of God would be released through them to bless a world and enfold all things and conditions in God’s divine LOVE.

    The very word “Gospel” means the “fulness of God’s LOVE” — the very awe and wonder of His love and the glory of its outpouring! This great “spell of God’s wonder” includes the vibrations of His power which are released through that glory generated within the souls of men as they become enlightened by the unfolding knowledge and understanding of His precepts of Eternal Truth. This glorious “Gospel” of Jesus Christ therefore is not just a message of words, printed in the scripture or otherwise. It is the penetrating of that Spirit of Almighty God into the center of a man’s soul to awaken love and praise and thanksgiving within his heart. It is the FEELING of the glory of TRUTH, not just the HEARING of it. It is the breathtaking “SPELL” of the power of God being released into the human soul of those who permit their hearts to be opened to that love and in turn send it out under divine control and supreme majesty.

    “The letter (or written word) killeth. But the Spirit, giveth LIFE!” — “EVEN LIFE MORE ABUNDANT!” Which, in its fulness, is “LIFE ETERNAL!” This “life more abundant” is developed and brought forth as one learns to LIVE pure and holy, with a spirit so contrite and humble it can continually receive more truth, “until it is glorified in TRUTH and KNOWETH ALL THINGS!” And in this development one naturally grows into the powers of “LIFE ETERNAL” so that “he need never die!” This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the message He came to give. This is the Promise that awaits those who LIVE the laws He gave. This is the “God-spell” that fulfills every Promise. It contains the very fulness of the Gospel of the Kingdom that is not in WORD — but in POWER. It is contained in man’s fulfilling Christ’s commandments and in the vibrating KNOWLEDGE of the UNBREAKABLE COVENANT which they contain. “BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD, NOT HEARERS ONLY, THUS DECEIVING YOUR OWN SELVES.”

  444. When peace can be established within a human heart, when love becomes the predominating attribute, the surpassing virtue and when gratitude sings forth in every cell and fiber, then will age be retarded and disease overcome. When that love and praising gratitude become the living reality of one’s life youth can be retained. When one’s being becomes so imbued with love that it is all his heart or emotions feel, all his soul knows and all his mind ever thinks, the ravages of age and sin will begin to be erased and youth can be reclaimed.

    The full wage of sin is death. The intermediate wages of sin are deterioration, wrinkles, old age, illness and ugliness of action, appearance and thought. All of which lead to that grim back door of death.

    Every unkind thought leaves a muscle weakened. Every angry word leaves its definite scar. Every thought of fear, envy or hate carves its etchings on the human form divine. Greedy, vengeful, immoral, evil thoughts, thoughts of worry or pain go out through every cell and tissue of the body, marking their trails and constructing their inroads of decay for every other ill and ugliness to follow on their heels.

    It is not only necessary to train children to refrain from discords, negatives and anger, but they must also be taught WHY. It is most necessary that all be instructed in the principles of love and joy and the great powers of happiness and peace and how the laws work. As love is harbored, or is, to be more exact, generated in the human heart then sent out through the soul by man’s own thought processes, his physical body will not only be renewed but will maintain the gift of eternal youth.

    No young person can ever visualize himself or herself changing or growing old any more than the average human being figures on dying. These conditions are not the living concepts which mankind naturally has embedded in its instinctive make-up. Why? Because both old age and death were never intended in the beginning. Both are conditions Lucifer has imposed upon man through his yielding himself to the negative forces and influences of evil.

    The first and great commandment fulfills the higher law perfectly and in its entirety. When the heart is opened so the divine Christ-like love can be generated through it, the great power of renewal is placed in the hands of the individual. When that love is sent into every cell, fiber, tissue and nerve of man’s being, regeneration commences. When one uses his mind to keep this love forever uppermost, as he reverently and lovingly sends his adoration to God, his mind will begin to be enlightened and his understanding expanded. Then, when the three great forces within man — heart, soul and mind — are united with all one’s strength, there is released the quickening, spiritual power of divine renewal right from within man’s own being. The more one becomes aware of the infinite, ineffable power of this quickening life force within, the more speedily can his own body and face take on the properties of his lost youth. The law is eternal and unfailing. It has been incomprehensible to man only because man has never believed in Christ enough to LIVE the law.

  445. I have watched men’s eyes turn into exclamation pinpoints of fanaticism at anything their minister has not told them. “They search the scripture, because in them they think they have eternal life. And they are they which testify of me, why don’t you come to me that you might have ETERNAL LIFE.” (see John 5:39-40) This gift of eternal life is not in the scriptures. It is in the contact of Jesus Christ in person. Only through that contact with God and Christ can one possibly be taught of God or KNOW TRUTH WHEN THEY HEAR IT. For only within that “HOLY PLACE” or “THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH” in the center of one’s own soul can one possibly find contact with God and “BE TAUGHT OF HIM.” A few of the present-day teachers and ministers are afraid of losing their hold upon the people if they go to God to receive individual instructions. These false teachers fear anything that begins to testify to the people of the power of God or to teach mortals how to contact Him that they by themselves might “KNOW THE TRUTH” without any man to teach them, because it erodes these teachers importance. For mankind has been promised that those who ask, seek and knock will receive answers, and they can all be taught of God and will need no man to teach them. For the teachings that are being extolled by the modern preachers stress the great wickedness of anything which they condemn as “OCCULT!” They have made the word, “OCCULT,” such a filthy, evil, dirty word, the people tremble in horror before what they believe to be its blasphemous power of wickedness. According to the Book of Revelation 21:8, great judgment is given upon the fearful, those afraid to pray, to ask God or to investigate for themselves to know if a teaching is false or if it is of God. The FEARFUL can never be taught of God or KNOW FOR THEMSELVES, for they insist upon man to teach them.

  446. In speaking of the Holy City and those who have no power to enter it, it states:
    “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
    “But the FEARFUL, AND UNBELIEVERS, AND THE ABOMINABLE AND ADULTERERS, AND WHORE- MONGERS, AND SORCERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimtheir part in the lake that burneth with fire and brim 8) (Emphasis added)

  447. HI Rachel it’s Judy Heard.
    How are you? It’s been a long to me. You gifted me a Cultivation Calendar years ago. I read it daily. There is always a reminder or encouragement fitting for my journey. Mine is falling apart from wear and wondered if you had any more to sell. I posted a comment in Facebook the other day and a friend wanted to purchase several for gifts. I look forward to hearing from you♥️

    • Hi Judy! It’s been awhile, and it’s so good to hear from you. I’m doing wonderfully …

      I don’t have any more calendars – I printed a limited amount around the time I gave you yours, and that has been it. But I’m so grateful that you’ve enjoyed it all these years.

      Hope all else is going well with you.

  448. Hello Rachel,

    Do you believe that Jesus is NOT what we have been led to believe, maybe quite the opposite?

    I look forward to your comments. Thanks

    • Kat … That answer depends upon who you believe Jesus to be, which is ultimately a reflection of who you belief your self to be. Is his life and its purpose greatly misunderstood by the masses? In my opinion, YES. The masses are asleep and a sleeping mind is bound in illusions, which reflect the absence of Truth as darkness is the absence of Light.

      This is actually a very deep question, which can only be truly answered by the one asking it. And when that one asking has diligently sought from the inner voice of Truth who “I AM” and how “I” create, which leads to their spiritual awakening, do they see ALL according to Truth and are able to answer that question with Truth-filled understanding. Which is to say, you can’t get the answer from outside of you or from another, but only from within you. Because, what we are conscious of being determines how we perceive ALL of reality and ALL its actors. So no matter what you hear, it will always be filtered through who you believe your self to be.

      That being said … There is one absolute Truth and a harmonic, perfect LIFE that Truth expresses. In truth-filled awareness, we are all reflections of Truth’s LIFE. The record of Jesus’s life is to cultivate a desire to know our self in Truth and come to the awareness that we are one and united as one in Truth’s perfect spirit of LIFE.

  449. Rachel, I stumbled upon your many videos on YouTube recently and was drawn to take some time to study your faith based teachings, which appear to have been posted beginning around 2008. I was immediately struck by your thoughtfulness and command of the topics presented. As I continued to watch videos, l became more intimate with the details of your philosophic journey. It looks like you stopped posting around 2013 and shifted to this site. Your journey of course continues and is nothing short of fascinating. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your charity. Thank you for your willingness to go behind curtains that have attached signs reading “no need to look behind this curtain”. Looking forwarded to learning more of what you learn.

    • Thanks for such a thoughtful comment and encouraging words. It’s an incredible journey, one that turns you in side out and everything right side up. It always amazes me where it takes me, the deeper we go the more harmony, oneness and perfection of Truth we see. And sense you resonate with my words, I know that you have quite the journey yourself.

  450. Hugs Rachel I’m so thankful for our Toastmasters time. Your journey is deeper than my mind can go. I love your pursuit. May the Father continue to guide you.
    I have had so many friends ask about the wonderful CULTIVATION CALENDAR pure wisdom and truth. I use it still every morning. It’s getting ragged but still on my end table where i come for my quiet time. Thank you again for this gift.
    Are you still printing them? I would love to purchase some for Christmas gifts.

    • Judy it is so good to hear from you! I’m glad you are still enjoying the calendar, but no I’m not printing them, anymore. I hope everything is going well with you and SO glad that you dropped in to say hello 💜

  451. Everything you say truly resonates with me. The Truth being confirmed to my heart is so comforting. The journey, the path? His work is perfect and all His ways are just. Don’t you just love Him?

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