Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Time Of Transition

Time of Transition


It’s been awhile since I wrote. I’m going through a multitude of transitions including a move across the country. Though I haven’t been writing, I’ve been in a constant learning mode (The spirit realm is never stagnant when we are attuned to it), and the transitions outwardly are accompanied by revelations within. God willing, it’s my desire to resume writing in the next months as all settles. But my silence in words isn’t a silence of thoughts toward you; I think of you all often.

I’m continuously learning the depth of how all is created by and through our consciousness. As we begin to perceive that the creative power of our Creator thus of ourselves resides in our consciousness and in the realm of our thoughts, new depths of understanding begin to open up to us. In this understanding, we learn to great extents and in great detail how our inner state creates our outer state. The Spirit of our divine self (the Spirit of Christ) and the thoughts that support it is our place of transformation. In this place, we exchange a nature and mind of separation for one of oneness.

Thus, our “battles” are never against anything outside of us (flesh and blood), but they are always in the realm of our thoughts. Thus, if we go inwardly we will find victory. When we keep our thoughts supportive of the divine spirit, then our reality manifests what we truly desire in the ways of peace, harmony and loving kindness. When our thoughts support the nature of our false-self, then our reality will bear its reflection. For example, complaining creates lack and sincere gratitude creates abundance. As we sincerely love others with the nature of the higher love of divinity, then we receive this love. How we are inwardly is what we experience outwardly. In these dynamics and many more like them, we see how significant the gift of the Spirit of Divinity (the Spirit of Christ) is to our lives and to those around us. By this Spirit, we are able to live in these truths and manifest a desired reality for all. It is by grace and faith that a sublime oneness with this Spirit is made manifest and this experiential oneness is the destined end to our journey through mortality.

I’ve been going through my own inner David (our divine-self and its spirit of faith) and Goliath (our false-self and its illusions) battles. I sense this is part of breaking free of the latter and moving into the substance of the former. Victory comes as the eye of our soul is filled with light (when we perceive all in truth). Thus, as we focus on the Spirit of divinity within our divine-self and reject all contrary thoughts, then the darkness of the false-self begins to fade. Though we go through the experience of the battle because all is consciousness, the “battle” is our Creator’s. Thus no true battle at all, yet in our transformation this is our experience. If others are facing this same challenge, be encouraged you are not alone, and the victory already exists. It resides in the eternal present. We are already one with our Creator and his perfect divine spirit. All thoughts of separation are part of the illusions cast by the self-determined consciousness that we make “real” by our belief in them.

There is an endless supply of strength and grace in our present moment, for our Creator’s divine love can’t be distant; even in a simulated state (dream-state) of consciousness. May we all learn to continuously draw upon this supply and be steadfast in putting off anything contrary to the beautiful attributes of divinity. May we know thus fully trust we are his workmanship and all is of his perfect orchestration according to his infinite wisdom.