Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Transcendent Creativity

Transcendent Creativity


As the soul transcends into a sublime oneness, its expressed creativity takes on a new energetic landscape.

Conduit of Creativity

In complete oneness, the soul functions as the conduit for the divine will to manifest the Creator’s divine attributes in creation. In this unity, the soul’s desires and the Creator’s will flow as one; as the Creator works through the soul’s desires. Thus, the soul’s role is to desire, and the Creator’s role is to do.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  

John 15:7

Desire is the one soul element that can be purified while the soul is still a part of its false-self. (For example, the soul can desire to perfectly love though it doesn’t have the ability to do so in its current state of consciousness.) Desire resides beyond the soul and yet a part of it because it is a pre-creative state. Thus, along the soul’s journey through the wilderness, it’s the desires of the soul that are purified, which prepare the way for the divine-self. Because desires pave the way for what is created, it is also the aspect of soul where its awakening begins. (The Portal of Divine Desire)

When the soul’s desire comes into alignment with the Creator’s will, then the creative words of the soul begin to flow from the divine consciousness. Through these words the divine potentials of immortal harmony are manifested in creation; beginning with actualization of the divine-self and then abundant life created through that self. The soul asks and speaks according to its desire and the Creator works his will to fulfill the desire of the soul. As the desires of the soul grow more beautiful, so does the soul’s reality.

Because it’s the Creator’s role “to do”, after the soul offers up its deepest desires it enters into its most potently creative state, which is a profound rest that is cradled by living faith, divine trust, and belief.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 

Philippians 4:6 

In this state, the soul completely relinquishes the fulfillment of its desires to the Creator’s workmanship. This letting go is one of the most important aspects of the soul’s desire and its corresponding request. It’s an emotional atmosphere where the energetic powers of faith, trust and belief are potent and active. In this rest, these three creative qualities (faith, trust and belief) become heightened so that the energetic level of the soul finds a connection to the energy of divine creativity. This synergy enables the flow of the divine will through the soul and into its reality. The soul isn’t self-directing the means, manner, timing, and the specific outcomes along the way as it did in the self-determined consciousness, but instead it has become an outlet through which the divine will of divine love is accomplished. Meanwhile, the soul resides in the spontaneous flow of the present moment synched to the inner compass of the Spirit.

Requests in Grace

Transcendent or divine creativity requires a soul state of grace that is void of all retribution. As grace is a state of heart, so is retribution. One desires absolute healing and the other desires suffering.

Because the will of the Creator is abundant life for all, which is accomplished by grace flowing through the soul, in divine creativity the soul desires to give grace (alleviating all suffering) to all, always and in all circumstances. This desired intention of the soul enables  divine grace to flow into creation, which in turns enables any particular expression of divine creativity. Where the words of life from the Spirit cleanse and purify the soul (manifesting the Christ spirit within), the grace given between individual souls enables them to walk in that life. (Symbolized in Jesus washing the disciples feet.)

As I mentioned in previous posts, grace is the power in divine love that enables the soul to walk according to its divine longings. When the soul offers grace to another, then it’s received into its own soul. Through this dynamic, grace and love spread throughout creation and create the foundation for every creative act. Thus, the sincere desire of the soul entails this grace being a part of every circumstance, every heart, and every part of creation.

Requests in Retribution

When the soul desires divine grace, it desires nothing of retribution; which comes in many forms. If a soul desires retribution for another’s error (sin), it not only keeps grace from another’s life, but from its own. Thus, the divine creative energy can’t flow through this soul because the soul is counter to it. Thus, the Spirit of Truth instills truth in the soul that manifests a desire to give unconditional love.

“For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

Matthew 7:2

Part of the truth that the soul receives from the Spirit that negates retribution is the awareness of the soul’s current condition. When the soul sees that it is all that it judges; it ceases to judge and instead has mercy. One common area where retribution resides is in the dynamic of a bully and a victim; a dynamic that comes in many shapes and forms. As all begins with thoughts, thinking self-deprecating thoughts and thinking deprecating thoughts of another creates “bullying”. Receiving these thoughts as truth from the self or another creates “being the victim”. The false-self is full of both. However, there is a deeper dynamic occuring: a victim is an inner bully, and a bully is an inner victim. And so it is with much of this reflective reality.

As long as the soul believes it is only one or the other, then an active contrary spirit resides hidden within the soul. Without the revealing of both within the soul, one stays active, which prohibits divine creativity. As the soul realizes it is both and “confesses and forsakes” both, it negates the separatist mentality that created a justified retribution. What is revealed can be healed. What is hidden festers.

And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

Matthew 6:12

Once all is revealed, then the soul desires grace for all, and transcendent creativity can flow. These counterpart dynamics are why the Spirit creates a humble atmosphere in a seeking soul. In humility, the soul is willing and able to see itself in the dynamics of its life – and learn. And in learning, its desires shift to be in accordance with the divine will.

The transformative path of the soul removes all retribution from the soul so that divine grace can flow and cover all. Without the soul “washing the feet” of those around it in grace, then grace would be withheld from creation. We are abundantly covered in grace from within, and as we desire to give it, we find that something beautiful and new begins to be created upon the landscape of the earth.

“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.

John 13:14




The Regenerating Life

The Regenerating Life


Out of the depths, the Oneness that always was, encounters the mind of the soul.

Hidden beneath the thick vapor of the self-directed mind, the oneness shared between the soul and its Creator resides as the divine-self. As this Oneness begins to surface in the mind of the soul, the mirage of the false-self begins to fade and the soul awakens to a divinely directed life. As the divine consciousness becomes the soul’s conscience experience, the real that always was manifests.

The Creator expresses himself in Creation through the soul that is formed to be a conduit of his Spirit. Thus, the soul knows and experiences him through its divine-self and the projected reality this self creates. The Creator is the “I” of the soul. There is no separation between the soul’s existence and his eternal life, for without him there is no soul.

Awakening to the Divine-Self Within

As the soul lets go of its self-will, its divine-self rises to the surface from the depths where it remained hidden beneath the drama and noise of the false-self. In this awakening, the soul is renewed bit by bit as it throws off every self-directed thought as untrue. These false thoughts fall away like empty shells as they’ve been stripped of all their power held by belief and emotion. All the elements of the soul’s reality once created by these thoughts; its fabricated personality, contrived appearances, and its reality cloaked with the likeness of decay and death, begin to fade.

Thought is the mental substance of the consciousness. When the soul’s consciousness begins to shift from the self-determined consciousness to the divine, it experiences a change in its thoughts. Slowly the thought matter alters from coming from the former consciousness to coming from the latter.

As the soul begins to awaken to its divine-self, it realizes this self was always its true essence; and the rest was imagination. With this awareness, the soul perceives it’s an extension of the Creator and always has been; any separation was an illusion.

During this transitory period, the soul ceases to focus on outward appearances that were constructed by the false-self, for they are passing away. Instead the soul centers on and operates from the internal divine frameworks of truth that begin to renew its mind with transformative grace, which in time transforms its reality into an expressively divine one.

The Elixir of Regeneration

The energetic substance of the divine-self is divine love. The unconditional and regenerating aspect of this love is grace. As the divine-self and the Creator are totally one; the soul is his expressive medium into creation. Because abundant divine grace is the heart of the Creator, the divine-self desires to extend this grace to all as well. As the soul gives divine grace, it receives it from the Source; like a fountainhead. In this outpouring, the soul’s heart is transformed into an open gate of the Creator’s unconditional love.

Bound to the illusion of the false-self, the soul abided in the ramifications (compensation or judgment) of its erroneous thinking. Grace manifests the right inherent in every wrong, thus judgment (penalty for error) is swallowed up in divine love. As the soul desires to give the substance of grace to all others, it receives grace and this grace transitions every other mental element (the content of its consciousness) into a divine element. Grace covers all and brings the bounty of goodness out of everything. In the face of grace, no error matters because grace is all-consuming. It’s the elixir of healing, renewal and regeneration.

The rising of the divine-self is the rising of the Christ spirit within the soul; a spirit of abundant divine grace. All that will be is present in the now. The Spirit is in the present in all omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. It can’t be less than what it is. Thus, the soul awakens to what always was. As the soul gives thus receives grace, it rises to the Christ Spirit within; who was always within its midst.


When the soul begins to perceive the Kingdom of God (divine consciousness) within, the soul identifies the absolute sovereignty of the Creator that was, is and always will be. He was always “in charge”, and the self-directed will that he gave the soul to operate in was an offshoot of his own. Thus, all that the soul created through its self-will was within his divine providence.

Everything that occurred during the soul’s journey through the wilderness of the false-self was meaningful and within the governance of the Creator’s perfect orchestration, thus ultimately the Creator’s responsibility. In this profound understanding into the depths of divine love, the soul experiences a complete liberation from the ramifications of all error. The soul fully relinquishes to the Creator all responsibility that it took upon itself which created endless cycles of inferiority, shame, guilt, and fear. At this release, these four core drivers of the false-self are systematically absolved.

A Divine Will

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.”

John 15:7-9

The will of the Creator that was once hidden beneath the vapor of the self-will rises to the top so that the prayer of the Christ, who is made manifest in the divine-self, is fulfilled; “Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”.

Because the Creator’s will sovereignly governs the divine-self, as the divine-self asserts itself over the false-self, so does the Creator’s will over the self-will.

The Creator is beyond the soul and yet fully one with it as the divine-self. The soul is his body so that all he does is done through the soul in thought, belief, word and deed. Thus for grace to flow or any other character of the Creator, it must flow through the soul. This means the soul comes to desire the abundance of his divine attributes and nothing self-contrived.

Thus, the “Kingdom of God” (the divine consciousness) comes through the soul; again in thought, belief, word and deed. Once the soul forsakes the false-self thus all its strength found in its self-will, then the divine-self begins to rise and shine to bring forth the Kingdom.

As the Kingdom comes, the divine will is no longer a passive component but an active one to the consciousness of the soul. In this exchange of will-power, the soul is no longer a slave to the self-will, but free by the governance of the divine will.

In this flip, all is turned upside down and inside out as all is made wholly divine through grace. It’s a rise from weakness to true power. As the soul abides in the divine consciousness, divine truths manifest through the risen divine-self. The beauty and bounty of the divine attributes expressed through those truths bloom up in and around the soul casting a reflection of the Creator’s love. Where the soul came to know its unconquerable weaknesses; with this shift of wills, it operates by the one and true power found in divine love. The soul’s hunger and thirst to perfectly love that caused it to give up all for love is finally fulfilled with each moment growing more and more glorious.

This victory already exists in this present moment; as all was finished from the beginning. As the soul awakens to the truth of this victory (faith) found in the depths of its divine self (the manifestation of the internal Christ); the faith begins to manifest the victory through the grace inherent in the Christ.