Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Living Words of Transformation

 Living Words of Transformation


Beloved ones of infinite value who are created in divine love for the purpose to be and give perfect expressions of the divine attributes of the Creator, in your true being you are one with the divine consciousness through the Divine Self (Christ Consciousness). Everything in your life serves the manifestation of this high purpose according to your unique divine expression.

The fleeting dream-state of your mortal mind serves to create the fullness of the Christ Consciousness within you which in turn manifests the eternal living reality (kingdom). When the mortal mind’s work is finished, the workings of the Christ consciousness within you release the constructs and thoughts of the darkened mortal mind and awaken you to the light of the one true immortal Mind, where the vibrancy of life fills your being.

You commune with the Christ consciousness in the innermost place of your true being, and in this inner sacred chamber you experience his love and receive his transformative counsel and instruction. Believe and know you are one with this holy Spirit and in truth you are pure, perfect, and powerful. All this Spirit possesses is yours as you desire to abundantly give of this Spirit. From this Spirit continually flows to and through you abundance, vitality, and joy.

Cultivate ever-expanding understanding, divine love and trust between you and this Spirit and between you and your reality at all times that you may continually create and be, know and perceive, think, speak and do only and all this divine Spirit wills for you, and you will transition into the living reality where the fulfillment of all your desires reside.

Beloved, in truth your past, your created dream-reality, and your created false and separate self have no existence in oneness with the Christ consciousness, a oneness that you internally possess in the living eternal present.

Through ever-expanding divine belief and a mind serving divine truth and divine love, your (the) Divine Self and all of your divine creative powers and understanding, all of your soul riches, vitality and joy and the Good contained in every moment come forth in the eternal present moment (the only real) and you, a child of divinity, give expression to the divine Spirit.

Through the creative Will, Love and Power of the Christ.


Inspired By the One Voice


The Thinking I Am

The Thinking I Am


A thinker is a creator.

As we awaken to the Christ consciousness, we transition from a mortal thinker who is a mortal creator to a divine thinker who is a divine creator.

In our mortal mind, the five senses entomb our thoughts in false beliefs, creating a shadow-self that prevents the expression of the Divine (true) Self. The five senses deceive the mortal mind into holding onto false beliefs; which create erroneous thoughts. The deceived mind of the shadow-self is incapable of divine thought. This entombed mind abides in darkness with no awareness of the light of its divinity, producing thoughts that create a suffering and death-bound reality.

In my last post, I mentioned how all is energy and how our thoughts and emotions affect this energy which in turn shapes the reality around us. Consequently, our thoughts create a reality that is either an expression of our shadow-self or an expression of the Divine Self. We either hold our reality energetically bound to our false or shadow-self or liberate it to be an expression of the true or Divine Self. We bind or loose energy through our thoughts. Therefore, when we change our thoughts, we alter our reality’s energy and change our reality.

Each one of us is the center of his or her reality. All we know of our reality is what has been created through our consciousness. As we think, so is our reality. Therefore, as our thoughts change so do our circumstances, interactions, expressions, relationships, and so on that define our reality. We begin to see the depth of our creative power and where we once felt uncontrollably subjected to our reality, we learn that we create it through our thoughts.

When thoughts are created by the divine mind (Christ mind), they create a reality we truly desire. If we think we can fulfill our desires by the mortal mind (rather than the Christ mind), we inadvertently rob ourselves of all we truly desire. I Am the way, the truth, and the life. ~ John 14:6

Divine Thoughts

Divine thoughts create substance (creation) reflective of the divine attributes. These ever-expanding divine attributes include: strength, divine power, vitality, divine love, honor, loving kindness, gentleness, transformative grace, humility, tranquility, equanimity, magnanimity, liberty, mindfulness, beauty, abundance, harmony, oneness, honesty, truth, wisdom, eternal-present, gratitude, sovereignty, and joy.

Through the Spirit’s continual guidance and instruction, our thoughts are transformed into divine thoughts by:

  1. Becoming one in our soul (in its seven elements) to the Christ consciousness. Our soul elements shape our thoughts. Thus for our thoughts to be divine, our soul elements must be divine. The Spirit accomplishes this by giving us a deep soul understanding of divinity and leading us through transformative meditation that manifests this oneness in our consciousness.
  2. Letting only the thoughts and feelings that support divine attributes abide in our mind and rejecting all others.
  3. Speaking and thinking only what we want and not what we don’t.
  4. Filling our mind with thoughts that are supportive of divine attributes by focusing on the pure Voice within.
  5. Turning away from any aspect of the world that strengthens the thoughts of the shadow-self so divine thoughts can grow and expand.
  6. Facing every obstacle in our reality created by our shadow-self with Divine Gratitude. Gratitude extracts divine truth from the past and gives life to our present moment by the understanding we gain from it. And the truth gained expands the Christ consciousness within.

As we consciously participate in emptying ourselves, the Christ consciousness expands within us. We awaken to a sovereignty over the plane of the senses, where the soul was held in bondage by the thoughts of the mortal mind. In the Christ-Mind what we perceive through the senses can no longer entomb us. Where once our thoughts created and perpetuated all forms of suffering and death, they now create ever-expanding immortal harmony.

We become a new creation who creates a new creation.


~ TreeSoul


River of Life

River of Life


As a growing awareness leads our soul out of the self-directed consciousness, we become emptied of the desires and beliefs of our shadow-self. This liberation and cleansing of our soul and mind enable the inflow of the Christ consciousness and the outflow of the Divine Self.

The Christ consciousness is the aspect of the divine consciousness that is united to the human soul.

The Christ consciousness is defined by divine love. So, as divine love begins to dominate every facet of our being we awaken to oneness with the Christ consciousness. Because love is manifested between two or more, one of the first phases of our transition into the Christ consciousness entails divine love flowing into all of our relationships. Divine love infusing these relationships causes radical shifts in our once held beliefs, desires, thoughts and emotions. This shift in consciousness (ascension) sends divine energy into creation, which forms a divine reality.

Our Creative Power

As we transition into the Christ Consciousness, A) our ability to perceive that all is energy expands significantly, B) we comprehend to a greater extent how our consciousness directly affects the flow of energy within creation and C) we grow in the belief that we can significantly alter reality through our consciousness. As a result, we recognize the creative power inherent in the Christ consciousness which becomes our power. (Exemplified in Jesus Christ stilling the waters, healing the sick, etc.)

As we are yoked to the Christ consciousness in our soul, mind and body, divine love begins to define all our thoughts and emotions, infusing divine energy into our reality. Our reality reflects this energy back to our consciousness which creates a circular life-giving current.

Everything is energy. Because the flow of energy is continuous, our reality is immediately impacted by our current state of consciousness. Thus, as our thoughts and emotions change so do the energetic vibrations of our reality and what they create. If our energy is of a low vibration (created by thoughts and emotions contrary to divine love), then it reflects  disharmonious and chaotic conditions in reality. If our energy is of a high vibration (created by thoughts and emotions supportive of divine love), then it reflects harmonic and tranquil conditions.

Gateways to Divine Energy

As divine energy is a love energy, this energy enters into our reality through the gateways of our relationships. As we mature and become outlets for divine love energy, we become powerful agents that transform our reality through the relationships in it. These relationships include our interactions with all aspects of creation. Though people vary in their receptivity to divine love (divine energy), when divine love flows through us it impacts all to some degree, because of its divine power. So, as divine love begins to govern our thoughts and emotions, it alters our reality. Understanding this creative dynamic between our state of consciousness and energy is foundational to understanding the workings of our creative power.

The more we perceive and believe in this creative power, the more our consciousness can alter our reality. Our ability to change our reality depends on how we handle the past. If we hold onto old thought forms of the past, our present moment seems static, unchanging and dead. However, if we learn and grow from our past through the counsels of the Christ consciousness, then our present moment is fluid and growing. We energetically release the present moment and it flows as a vibrant River.

During this harmonizing to the Christ consciousness, we move from a static conscious awareness limited by the perception of our senses to the ever-growing awareness of the divine consciousness sovereign over the senses (and all other realms of consciousness). We become rivers (lamps) for the current of divine energy, which is infinitely more powerful than any other form of energy because it’s the vibration of eternal life. In this oneness with the Christ consciousness, everything in our reality begins to change in accordance to its divinity, and our present moment that was once static and dead transforms into an ever-flowing River of Life.


~ TreeSoul


I Am Priceless

I Am Priceless


Years ago the awareness of my inability to truly love reached an all time high, which brought me to one of my all time lows until I realized it birthed the consuming desire to divinely love all always, which is the key to eternal life. Upon the wings of that desire, the instructions of how I could love this way began to flow from the Spirit and into my soul in a perfect orchestration that constructed new thought-forms within my soul consciousness. Ultimately, my soul needed to possess a consummate oneness with the divine consciousness, for only the divine consciousness produces divine love.

Since then, I’ve been in pursuit of the manifestation of this sublime oneness on all levels of consciousness. What I’ve perceived within my soul is the unfoldment of the most beautiful living love story that extends back to Genesis, which almost daily grows more beautiful.

We love our Creator, yet he loves us far more. The Supreme Divine Spirit continually leads us home (into his divine consciousness) until all are home.

My pursuit creates a humbling and enlightened path. It exposes every nook and cranny of my soul to the purest light, which burns away all that hinders divine love’s expression. This desire leads me deep into the planes of divine truth where divine love is revealed and defined. Consequently my inner awareness continually expands in truth and life, creating new thought-forms and birthing the divine consciousness in my conscious awareness.

In the past, I’ve written about how an inherent “lack of value” sits at the root of our self. (Our Core Issue Affecting All Else). Possessing this characteristic prohibits divine love because to manifest divine love is to act out of an infinite value for all, including yourself. Possessing infinite value is the result of giving and receiving divine love.

Infinite value is created by ever-expanding growth (life), which comes from the energetic vibrations of divine love flowing through us. Lack of value is created by the lack of growth (death); which also is doing the same thing over and over. If something is dead it produces no true growth, thus no true value. If something is continually growing then it produces ever-expanding or infinite value.

The Divine Self (manifestation of the Christ consciousness) is life. It continually gives and receives divine love. This love is the essence of its being, and what makes it grow and eternally alive. Therefore, inherent to the Divine Self is infinite value. Our shadow-self is unreal (dead). Its able only to imitate what it believes divine love to be – it can do no other.

Our shadow-self is formed out of the illusionary perception that we are separated from divine love. This forms a core belief that we are unworthy, rejected, unlovable, or somehow less than perfect. It is a state of consciousness we pass through, like a dream, in order to shape our conscious understanding of divine love. Therefore, inherent to the shadow-self is a lack of value and its corresponding lack of life (death). So, infinite value is an inherent quality of the Divine Self and a lack of value is an inherent quality of our shadow-selves.

Everything that our Creator does is purposeful and perfect and of infinite value. Though our shadow-self doesn’t create infinite value, its purpose is infinitely valuable. It allows our soul to learn the many characteristics of divine love that are revealed to our consciousness through our perceived imperfections.

When we are bound to the shadow-self in our mind, we are unable to manifest divine love, thus we experience an inherent lack of value. We can desire divine love, and learn about this love from the Spirit, but as long as we are unconsciously cloaked in the garments of our shadow-self we can’t manifest it. Therefore, it is only when we become conscious of the Divine Self that we can manifest divine love and possess infinite value.

Once our soul is prepared for this transformation (by obtaining the necessary thought-forms to manifest the divine consciousness), then our mind begins a monumental shift from serving the shadow-self to serving the Divine Self; which I’ve been talking about in my previous posts. The mind gains a new master, the Christ consciousness and the self-directed consciousness is dissolved. When this transmutation is complete, then infinite value and divine love are experienced and expressed through the soul, mind and body. The I Am is out-manifested on the plane of the senses bringing the divine consciousness to all realms of consciousness, thus into Creation.

Though I’ve struggled with my inability to love as I desire, it is what motivates me to pursue what my soul knows is true but what my flesh eyes don’t yet perceive. As each contrary thought is brought into my awareness and cast aside for the divine thought (our conscious part in our metamorphosis), an eternal light fills my eyes. This internal light awakens my soul to who I Am and that I Am an expression of the divine consciousness. It’s an awakening to what has always been (“the kingdom is at hand“). In the light, I Am divine love. I can be no other, for this divine love is all that truly exists. I perceive the Divine Self in all of creation. And in this light, the shadow-self and all the personalities and struggles it manifested fade as a dream in the morning light.

My contentment resides in the truth that my expanding awareness into the divine is our Creator’s workmanship in me, which end was accomplished at his first thought of it. His process of enlightening my mind is perfect. And as infinite value surmounts my thoughts, all of creation is lifted up in divine love.

There is only one Consciousness, one Mind, one Divine Self of which we are all a part. When this truth is our truth, this singleness of Mind is out-manifested into our mind, body and all that we perceive. These new garments cloak us in boundless joy; the reflection of our Creator’s out-manifested form.