Living Light

Stirring The Deep


One Flesh; One Reality

One Flesh; One Reality


On June 21st I mentioned a new beginning ….

My messages are coming from a new reality, one crafted by the heavenly Father as He has taken full governance of my flesh existence. It’s a single reality of perfect love that all those of Christ are becoming a part of; it’s the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Those who have the ears to hear, the ears of Christ who is now rising within them in His fullness (the intertwining of truth and perfect love), will understand my words. These are those who are partaking of the new wine of the wedding feast. The new wine is Christ’s spirit, in fullness, flowing through us. Our internal waters are healed, and bubbling up into a fount of His living waters.

Those transforming in this way are the ones who have sought diligently, listened, followed, obeyed and walked by the leading of Christ’s righteous instruction within them. He has led them by the hand out of the pit of lies and into the truth of the Kingdom by transforming their character to reflect His. Their lives are the dwelling place of Christ in the flesh; their flesh as His flesh; their life, His life; and their reality, His reality. They are becoming one with Christ; an oneness the Father Himself has created, over time, into a true and everlasting marriage union.

If you can’t hear (understand) my words, you are greatly loved by the Father, but there are rungs of understanding left to climb out of the pit. My blogs and videos reflect my journey, and may they assist you along the way. May you find guidance, counsel and confirmation among the messages. We can’t advance immediately from spiritual depravity to spiritual maturity. Spiritual ascension comes from understanding. It’s understanding that leads us out of the pit of darkness, the entrapments of lies/deception in our minds, and into a new mind of enlightenment and truth.

This new mind, the mind of Christ, creates a new reality; His reality. It’s Christ in us establishing and creating our lives, down to the smallest detail. Everything is His, by Him and of Him and reflected through our personality. This is His life in us resurrecting us to everlasting life. To die IN Christ is to reject all that is of the flesh mind WHILE letting His Spirit move in and take over.

Our transformation into new creations is our lives becoming an expression of the divine character of God. With the new wine skins of incorruption, our lives are an ever-expanding reality so God, who is eternal, can dwell within them. God is life. Life grows. To be eternal, we need an ever-expanding reality that is fashioned in perfection.

We no longer dwell in a habitation of corruption manifested from our own will. All the cords to the pit have been cut. We have moved to the back seat of the car, and our Father/Mother sit in the front governing everything. Like children, we sit excited about the places our all-knowing, ever-present, loving Father/Mother is taking us.

Those who have come to this awareness have never been more child-like in their trust and rest.

Christ in the Flesh

The heavenly Father’s Kingdom is a place of harmony and perfect love. In harmony there are no fixed walls. Harmony is ever expanding at its borders. The harmony of God’s Kingdom creates a ring of fire, as He is the eternal fire. As elements outside the Kingdom come into contact with it, the Kingdom brings those elements into harmony with it by this refining fire. All of creation is now coming into harmony with the reality that God is creating, which He has started to do in His firstborn.

Those in the Kingdom of light, those possessing a single desire to abide in His perfect love, have turned over every area of their lives to God’s governance. (the 144 thousand, literal or symbolic) Thus, every aspect of their lives is in submission to His will. They bear the markings of His handiwork; a full surrender to God’s governance as Christ is now governing their flesh in perfect harmony, they speak of increasing peace in truth as they are the peacemakers, they speak of perfect love as perfect love is directing all their actions, they possess a bountiful trust in the Father in their decisions, divine wisdom is reflected in their choices, and their trust manifests rest that creates a child-like existence. These are the virgins who have been lit by the spirit of Christ by coming into a union with Him. In this union, they now are experiencing a new life (reality) just as when two are joined in marriage and begin a new life together. All else has been forsaken and their new life is growing out of their union with Christ.

Christ, abiding in His fullness in them, is creating all of their reality. It’s no longer the stains of the past or influence of the external world that directs their steps but the pure light from within. Therefore, the realities among the firstborn are harmonious with one another as the same eternal spirit makes each of them.

Without God fully creating our reality, it’s impossible for us to have a reality that is truly in harmony with another. Our decisions, intentionally or not, inflict harm on others’ realities. Thus our realities end up tearing each other’s apart. But when God creates our reality, He creates it in perfect love so it can be in harmony with one another. In His love for us, Christ gave us His Spirit so that our realities may be truly harmonious within themselves and with one another, thus eternal.

Prepared Dwelling Place/Mansions

The Kingdom of Heaven is a garden of delights for our spirits, which translates into an abundance for our physical reality. His Kingdom coming to earth is a transformation of our lowly lives into His glorious living temple.

The Kingdom of Heaven is our flesh becoming God’s flesh, our reality His reality, thus all becoming one in Him. There is no separation between our will and His will, His path and our path. Each one of us comes to this point of oneness by Christ resurrecting in us. The Kingdom is at hand, may all diligently seek to enter in.


Sensory Perceptions Carnal to Spiritual

Sensory Perceptions:

Carnal to Spiritual


As we become lights in this world, a reflection of the divine spirit of the heavenly Father, our sensory perceptions change as part of our transformation. They become transmitters of His light into the world. Where we once were governed by our senses from an “outward > in” point of view, we are now governed by an “inward > out” point of view.

Our senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, work together to formulate our understanding and perspectives. A carnal mind takes in sensations from the world whose interpretation and understanding are derived from the mass consciousness (cumulative thought of mankind). These sensory perceptions inform us of the physical world. By what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch, we determine want we want and desire as translated by the mass consciousness. Thus, they become the drivers to all kinds of desires directed and governed by the wisdom, understanding, and compulsions of the mass consciousness. For example, you see a picture of a juicy hamburger and the mass consciousness translates that as something to be desired (through its communication channels, media, advertising, etc), thus you desire it.

A spirit mind uses these sensory perceptions in a different way. With the spirit mind, God is in control and governing our thoughts and desires (pure consciousness and NOT mass consciousness), including our sensory receptacles. He translates our sensory perceptions from WITHIN by His divine spirit (pure consciousness). He does this by transforming our sensory modalities from mass consciousness derivatives to pure consciousness outputs. It is no longer what is without that determines our actions, but His sprit that is within. For example, He establishes in us a love for all creation, thus we have cruelty free diets. The images/messages of the hamburger have no impact on our desires, only His understanding, wisdom and love.

Acting by this renewed perception creates a radically different reality as it becomes full of actions grounded in God’s wisdom and love. Christ creates our reality, which is now His, by these renewed sensory communicators. It’s through these senses the character of Christ is pushed out from within us into the world around us. Thus, we are creators (givers) of light and life, and no longer consumers of darkness. He is creating our reality from within out, thus crafting our entire reality into His home, His living temple.

When our sensory perceptions come from “within > out”, they are governed by His spirit, thus our perceptions are formulated in true understanding and wisdom. This heightened and purified understanding travelling through our senses infuses our thoughts, words and behaviors with His nature/light. Understanding, truth, and love implode our senses, thus our lives and the lives of others.

There is a lot here and I’ll be doing videos on them later this week … but here is a brief outline of each with an example.

5 Spiritual Senses

  1. Eyes of Understanding: All that we see is filtered by His truth, understanding and perfect love (fire of God). Thus we act by faith, and not by sight. Ex: You see others in a framework of perfect love, as God sees them, and in that new vision you are able to give them perfect love.
  2. Ears of Wisdom: Our ears are attuned to voice of God within us. Through the journey of seeking Him, we’ve learned to hear and follow His voice. As we are fully united to Him, His voice becomes our inner voice.  Thus the wisdom for a given situation comes from within. By this wisdom, we live as a spirit being who acts in harmony with His law of love. As we follow that inner voice, His purposes and will are manifested in the world. Ex: The inner voice gives you counsel on how to respond to a certain situation. You follow and peace is created where peace once wasn’t. This hearing creates an incredible reality reflecting His wisdom.
  3. Smell of discernment:  This sense relays the true nature of something or someone. It picks up the fragrance of life versus the stench of death. It’s like the sense of when something “smells fishy” (suspicious). It gives us an accurate knowing of someone or something, as God desires us to know, that enables us to respond in line with God’s character. For example, your ability to discern between true prophets and false ones, or accurate teachings and deceptions.
  4. Taste of desire: Our taste is what directs our desires. What we have a taste for or not is what we desire or don’t. As our desires are now His, our tastes for things, activities, people, ways, will be His. Ex: We no longer have a taste (desire) for violent movies, or we no longer have a taste for meat.
  5. Touch of healing: Our touch directs how we interact in our physical lives with the world around us. When He governs our touch, every behavior and act is done out of perfect love, truly a healing touch. Ex: Your actions toward your spouse are out of perfect love and nothing else.

As we are united to the divine through Christ, all our senses are regenerated to reflect the wisdom, character, nature, understanding and love of the heavenly Father. It’s Him, in us, pouring Himself into the world though these modalities, thus we are lights to the world, His light.

These transformed sensory communicators allow the spirit of life to shine outward from us, where before in the carnal mind we gathered to ourselves what we wanted from our senses.

The transformations of our senses enable the shining of our lamps. Among others, there are three ways those with these modalities will shine. They will possess:

  1. Greater wisdom, thus becoming smarter as they are operating by the wisdom of God in their circumstances.
  2. Increasing loving kindness pouring forth from an abundance mindset.
  3. Ability to abide in and create peace and harmony.

These are the fruit bearing trees. There is a lot here to consider, may you see the magnificent power, perfection, beauty and love these transformations create within thus without.


The Shining

The Shining of the Saints


This post is a bit longer … but if you can receive the words, you are embarking upon great freedom and power that will enable you to shine.

In the coming days, those who have been uniting to the Father, thus partaking of the divine nature of the heavenly Father, will increase in their illumination; a radiance of the heavenly realm. Their shining is His spirit being made manifest in the earth.

Their light is the expression of the spirit of the Father flowing through their loving righteous words and actions. It’s the aura of the divine encircling their lives, and extending itself to others in sincere love and the establishment of harmony.

To fully unite with the heavenly Father entails receiving His perfect love within us as a part of us to such a degree that we able to give it to others. Initially this may seem like a relatively simplistic task, because many falsely claim to possess it. But to hold and extend the pure perfect love of the heavenly Father; thus to receive the perfect love of the Father is a personal climb. It comes from an intimate communion with God, which allows Him to reconstruct our soul in holiness to embrace His spirit. It’s each individual’s pilgrimage out of the prison of lies and false images of God Himself to the ascension of the mind to a new frequency, a reality of which the only current to ride upon is His righteousness.

Binding Lies

In the depths of us are core lies we initially received as truth into our soul, thus they are very true and real to us. These core lies prohibit the full acceptance of the perfect love of God that we must receive from Him – to such a degree that we are able to give it others. Acting in accordance to His love isn’t just a concept in our minds, but a reality in our lives. This pouring out of love, established upon truth, is a significant aspect of the shining of the holy ones; the ones who have been purified by the refining fire of the heavenly Father.

There is one of two lies that reside in the depths of people’s souls:

1. They are worthless, of no value, and insignificant.

2. They are hated and unloved.

Both of these are grounded in rejection and intertwined with one another, though most have felt one stronger than the other. These lies, and their variations and cohorts, create a vast emptiness in the souls of mankind. These core lies spawn many allies that create a locked-down reality of destitute poverty in the soul. They keep us tied and bound to death. These lies destroy us inside out.

They manifest great torments, pain, and suffering to others and ourselves. Many have spent their lives, mostly unknowingly, trying to cover these lies by convincing themselves they are worthy and loved. They have gone to great lengths to serve (worship) “acceptable” images they deem worthy and deserving of love. The lies have manifested numerous damaging and hurtful behaviors and decisions. They’ve entrapped people to worldly idols, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, addictions, depression, false images of God, abusive conditions, self-hatred, cruelty to others, and the list goes on.


Each one of us, where truth exists, is greatly loved and valued. However like a seed of a glorious flower buried in mud and slim, we’ve been covered by the actions and words those lies have created. In our belief of these lies, our unique and precious value has been hidden. The soil we abide in has to be “tilled”, so that seed can bud into what it was created to be.

Tilling the Soil

These lies are the heavenly Father’s deepest concern. It’s His utmost desire for them to be revealed and destroyed because they keep us from a deep pure connection with Him. The lies block our soul from becoming His home; thus from Him creating our reality as His reality. He is love. To be united to Him in a true oneness, we must always abide in His love. Though His love has been there, until we fully receive it into our soul in truth and understanding; it’s not fully our reality. Thus, we are not yet His home. When we are His home, we are His light.

Defeating Our Enemies

To defeat these enemies of our soul, first the heavenly Father teaches us that these are lies and not truth, in concept. However, as our lives continue to testify that the lies are real because of all the poor actions and treatments we experience, the path to defeat has only just begun. Because they are at our very core, plucking of them out of our soul for good comes through a spiritual battle.

God is love.  When He comes to put all things under Christ’s authority, He is coming in the weakest of vessels, us, for His strength is made perfect in weakness. He is coming with living light (refining fire), which is the flowing stream of His righteous love through His saints.  The fullness of His love is beyond this world and always has been until the end of days, when those capable of holding such light receive His fullness. His perfect love contains all that He is (just, holy, pure, righteous, long suffering, gentle, powerful, mighty, humble, gracious, merciful) and thus of the most potent perfect power.

As the heavenly Father comes to make His abiding place in us, before we receive His perfect love born out of His divine character, we will have to battle these lies and this is how.

The Support of Righteous Acts (Bona Fide Faith)

In seeking the truth, the Christ, the Teacher, instructs us how to live in righteousness in our individual lives. We follow His directives by the understanding we gain from our intimate conversations with Him. Those instructions create certain actions/words. Those actions reflect the truth learned and our reality shows the results, fruit. For example, we act in love without hypocrisy, thus our relationships are true and life-giving. We possess a giving mentality versus taking, thus we have abundance for every good work. We return good for evil, thus the harm intended is replaced with increased growth and blessing. We bless and not curse, thus we help others to see the truth. We honor ourselves and others, thus we cultivate trustworthy relationships. We cease to lust for the contrived images of the world, thus we love others and ourselves in honor and truth. We treat others and creation with kindness and respect, thus we have increasing health and peace in our reality. We trust God in all matters of justice and don’t seek personal vengeance (inc. unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, resentments, etc), thus we receive abundant mercy in our lives. All our acts are of sincerity flowing from our heart, which is being infused with His light/truth, versus trying to conform our lives to some godly or good image. Our lives are a true and real reflection of a heart being transformed by the handiwork of God’s truth within it. Our lives, full of His ways, are writing the Book of Life; a book of living, life-giving acts ordained and governed by our personal internal interaction with the heavenly Father.

Spiritual Battling of Victory

Then, comes the battle. From our depths those lies come against full force. In the midst of the battle as those lies are raging against us, we look to our lives, the Book of life, and it testifyies that those lies are indeed lies and not truth. Instead of seeing a witness to the lies in our lives, we see a witness to a heart growing in pure love as testified by the righteous fruit born out of sincere love. When the contrast of the lie and the reality are before us; the lie, though fighting for its existence, is consumed in truth.

The lies have to be exposed, and then they can be rooted out. They are rooted out by God’s word in us backed by the witness of the sincere acts of righteous love (faith) in our lives. If we had no witness in our lives to the contrary, how would we truly know the lies weren’t true? Our obedience to the whisperings of Christ provided the ammunition we needed for those lies to be destroyed. If our lives testify to a changed heart, the lies are destroyed in this battle. If our lives testify to those lies, then the lies continue to consume us, and the perfect love of the Father is blocked from entering into our soul. A lie is truly destroyed when it is no longer reflected in our reality.

Faith without works is dead, unable to help in this battle.

Our victory over the world of lies, thus death, is our faith.

The righteous loving acts, coming out of faith, swallow up the lies. When they are swallowed up, we are enable to receive the perfect indwelling love of the heavenly Father. This indwelling love is the source of the light that shines into the world.

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Skins of Instruction

Skins of Instruction


It’s our willful decisions counter to the heavenly Father’s character that restrict us from experiencing His presence in our reality. These decisions, choices and ways prohibit us from “seeing” Him in our lives, for He abides in the paths of righteousness, for He is righteous. We experience Him by desiring to become fully righteous and thus grow in accordance to His nature. We grow by internal communion with our internal Teacher, Christ. This personal instruction is the journey to true understanding.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, creation has been bound in skins (our personal reality) of affliction. They are the skins Adam and Eve received after they deviated from the point of perfection; the heavenly Father’s perfect will creating every moment of their lives. They are the skins of mortality and death. They are the prison and the pit we dwell in. They are the result of the flesh carnal mind, which is separated from God, that is creating an existence of death and destruction.

This curse of creating death (darkness) that mankind has been under is beginning to lift.  As Christ establishes His kingdom of righteousness through His Bride in this earth, the skins of affliction are being used to instruct people in His ways; thus skins of instruction. People’s realities are going to teach them in increasingly apparent ways. The sooner people realize and catch on to this phenomenon, the sooner they will transform into spiritual creations who can embrace His spirit.

The Righteous Reign Through Pure Light (Understanding)

As Christ unites in fullness and oneness to those who have been sanctified by His internal instruction, His kingdom is being established in the earth, thus His righteous reign has begun. He will reign in and through His people until all enemies are put under His feet; His authority. This means righteousness will fill all. Death is destroyed when life implodes it. This is the only way it is truly destroyed.

His reign entails His righteous acts flowing from the souls, who are united to His perfect understanding, into the world. These purified souls have been fashioned into channels of living water, which carry His perfection into the earth. He fills their words and actions to create ripple effects of increasing righteousness within the realm of mankind.

Skins of Instruction: Renewal of Mankind

When the fullness of Christ’s spirit of pure light unites to creation, His truth is released in power to test/expose each soul as to whether he/she is in alignment with His righteousness or not. Our lives reveal the outcome. If we walk according to righteousness, we experience increasing abundance of every blessing. If we walk counter, we experience increasing unrest. This unrest is to ignite us to true change, repentance.

In His love and grace, He uses each person’s reality (skins) as a specialized tool to reveal unrighteousness and teach them the ways of abundant life. People need not look any further than the happenings within their lives, as He is overtaking and filling all of creation. If something is foolish, it will cause ill effects. If something is righteous, it will create beauty and peace. The effects will be more evident, more direct, and more powerful. The revelation of the need for Him and His true nature will manifest.

If we have not become partakers of the divine nature, thus put on skins of light, our skins (reality) will be used to instruct us in more apparent and immediate ways.  Contrary acts to the supreme divine nature will manifest more immediate sorrowful consequences. If something is hot to the touch, it will reveal itself as hot and no longer lukewarm.

People remain in their destructive ways because the harm those ways cause is dimmed or/and distant and they are covered in binding lies, thus they continue what they are doing and cause extensive harm to themselves and others. At Christ’s return, the harmful effects will draw near to their cause. Thus, sin will create much bitterness. This is the revealing of all that is hidden. This is the revealing of hearts. This is the Light revealing the darkness.

People have not learned of the truth, ways or righteousness of the heavenly Father in their realities because the consequences to their actions have been distant and dim and lies have abounded. And on the reverse, the truly righteous ways have been hidden; the Light brings awareness to both. He is coming to alter the minds of mankind, by infusing them with His light (understanding).

Skins of Light: Christ’s Reality

If we have partaken of the divine nature, not only are we a light and a tool to spread the light of righteousness by letting the living waters flow from us, but we also continue to grow ourselves. In being united to the fullness of Christ, our thoughts become His thoughts. In this unity, we no longer require the outside instruction, skins of instruction, as we once did. Thus they fade away as the garments of pure light take their place.

Christ is clothing us with the skins of immortality because we are a part of Him. By being a part of Him, we continue to grow thus our reality reveals increasing peace, abundance, joy, growth, understanding, and every beautiful character trait we witness in Christ. Our lives become His. He creates a place in our reality where He desires to dwell, His home. The reality He prepares for us and Him to abide in is in perfect alignment with our desires, which He has purified.

When the spirit of Christ has taught you in an inner communion to desire nothing but to abide in that point of perfection and your life testifies to that consuming desire, you’ve been prepared to marry, fully unite to, His spirit. In that union, He moves into your reality and makes it His reality. Thus, He is creating every present moment in growing perfection. As His reality expands in yours, you become a light shining in this dark world to transform it into the kingdom of heaven, the home of the heavenly Father.

Check out the videos related to this topic on my youtube channel starting with “Putting on Immortality” and the following four videos.