Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Streams in YOUR Deserts

Streams in YOUR Deserts

Isaiah 35:6 Then the lame shall leap like a deer, And the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert

God has been teaching me this “streams in the desert” level of trust He desires of His children. A level of trust in which His people KNOW He is able to make streams in their deserts so that they act on that faith. If you truly believe in this power of God in your life, how different would your responses be to life’s impossible circumstances?

Do you believe God can make streams in Your deserts? Honestly? What do your actions show? This level of trust is what God desires of us because this is who He is to those who trust in Him to be their God.

 2 Timothy 3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

When the circumstances of life exceed our illusionary control, do we believe God can make something new within those situations or do we run? Quitting jobs, leaving vocations, getting divorces, running from responsibilities, sedating emotional pain, withdrawing from life, and retreating from ourselves; when we come against a roadblock and we see there is no more strength or resources to continue forward, what do we do? Do we run? Does God run?

Many of us tend to run. I know I have in the past. Either, physically in abandoning a situation or relationship, or emotionally in withdrawal, or as our pride likes to frame it moving on, which sounds so much better, doesn’t it? Within our human means running away can seem like the only viable option. And it’s true when we rely on our strength. But what about God’s? Who does He say He is to us? Deut 3:22, Isaiah 45:2, 52:12, 58:8 God doesn’t run. Time and time again, He shows how He makes streams in the deserts. The Bible testifies to this power, and our lives testify to it if we are willing to stop running and walk His paths. I’ve seen it, have you?

God’s love always endures, always hopes, and never fails. He is the Creator and can do anything, and if He is OUR God then His power and strength abound to us IF we abide and trust Him. John 15:7, Eph 3:20

The turning point in our lives that enables us to experience the power of God is TRUSTING Him in TRUTH and SPIRIT, which comes from being a new creation in Him.  It seems, we trust more in a psychologist or doctor to help us than God. We trust in self-help and the wisdom of this world to work through our “issues” more than the creative hand of our God who says He makes all things new for those who are in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Are you exchanging trust in someone else, for trust in God? God does use the elements of this world for our good, but where is your trust? Big difference. God’s creative power isn’t a theoretical concept, it’s God in your midst.

If God is so powerful, why don’t we see more deliverance by His mighty hand in the lives around us? Lack of trust, real trust based on becoming a new creation fashioned by God. Trust is the fruit of abiding in the Word of God and being taught by the Holy Spirit, which transforms our souls into partakers of the divine. Romans 10:17

We can’t do what we don’t know. Without individually abiding in the Truth and letting the Spirit of Truth write the Truth on our minds and hearts, fear binds us to a carnal reliance on a physical world that is only a shadow. Fear sets in, takes over and we start running or fight in our strength, which is just as bad. Meanwhile, the power of God is dampened by the lack of belief.  Matthew 13:58 Fear keeps us from trusting and waiting on God’s deliverance His way.

God offers a much better way. He goes before us to fight our enemies, He delivers us, and He makes our paths smooth, IF we TRUST Him in truth and spirit. (If we are trusting in a false image of God, it isn’t real trust, but idol worship) As we daily feast on the bread of heaven; abiding in the Bible seeking His face and to be taught by Him, then trust is the fruit. As He regenerates our lives into a new creation, His power starts flowing through us making streams in the deserts, our deserts.

In difficult challenges where there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, no hope … remember God’s ways are not our ways. Isaiah 55:8 There is no limit to His power. This powerful Creator working in our lives is who He is to His children; to those who seek His face. His people don’t act out of fear or hopelessness, but in power, truth and love.

In Hebrews 11, know as the faith chapter, God says He diligently rewards those who seek Him. Heb 11:6 Seek Him and abide in His truth and righteousness and see the Creator at work in your life creating something incredible from what seemed dead and hopeless.

Instead of running, seek the regeneration of God so that by the power of His Spirit in you, you love your husband, love your children, Titus 2:4, respect your bosses and employees. Colossians 3:22, 4:1 You work as to the Lord. Colossians 3:23 You lean not on your own understanding that sees no way out. Proverbs 3:5 You don’t complain, which doesn’t glorify the power of God. Phil 2:14 You don’t harden your hearts by being stubborn in continuing to do it your way or giving up. Heb 3:8 Seek the power of God, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think. Eph 3:20

God is looking for those who trust in Him, not in their own strength and resources or of this world’s, but Him. Who do you trust in really? God has tremendous things in store for those who do. Psalm 31:19

 1 Corinthians 13:7 love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


Power of God as Our Teacher


Power of God as Our Teacher

If indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus
Ephesians 4:21

God teaches beyond what any human is capable of. God teaches how, what and when others can not. God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, teaches us through the Bible in combination with the elements of our lives.

The Bible isn’t a book of words like other books; it’s inspired by God. It’s a foundational tool that the Holy Spirit uses to teach us. Life is in God’s words. When we mediate on His truth in faith, it transforms our souls.

To realize that God uses the Bible unlike any other venue is fundamental to understanding it. In connection with the Holy Spirit, the Word is dynamic, alive and transcends the pages in which it’s written. It’s not just a book but a gateway to the presence of God when it’s taught to us by the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit transforms the words written into a powerful tool that penetrates our hearts, minds and souls. If we are seeking, God is speaking His power and love into our spirits regenerating us into new creations. In response to His instruction, we trust and place His truths at the helm of our lives. When we do, truth is at the forefront of all else – as it should be. Psalm 119:24 Isaiah 28:26, 29

The truths of God can only be spiritually discerned; therefore God gives us a Helper to aid us in our learning. We can’t understand them with our physical reasoning capabilities. Therefore, the Holy Spirit instructs our spirits, spirit to spirit. It’s this method on which Christ builds His body, His church. When Peter said Jesus was the Christ, Jesus replied that his understanding did not come from man, but of the Spirit and it’s this spiritual revelation in which Christ would build His church. Matthew 16:17-18. He builds His body by revelation through the Holy Spirit not by carnal reasoning or the instruction of human means.

We have the perfect Teacher and we are able to learn, understand and comprehend the Bible because the Spirit teaches us. We don’t need to rely on anyone to show us the deep truths of God. God teaches the simple and humble His truth. Psalm 25:9 He gave us His Spirit to be well equipped to learn what we need to know. 1 Corinthians 2:10, 1 John 2:27

If you feel that you can’t learn about God through the Bible from His Spirit, dismiss that thought. It’s not from God. Satan knows how powerful the Truth is and what it will do in your life. He will do all he can to distract and discourage you by whispering in your ear that you are too busy, you can’t understand, or you need to rely on others. We have the most incredible Teacher who holds a full-time position to guide us.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Not only are we taught by the Spirit, but the Spirit plays another crucial role. He reveals the lies, deception and misconceptions beyond our awareness. This role of the Spirit is essential to learning truth about God, us, others and this world. If we believe a lie it hinders the truth. This blinding quality is why lies and deception are so harmful. How difficult is it to search out our own hearts out to discover the lies we believe? We are the ones that are deceived. We need a pair of pure eyes examining our souls, which we have in the Holy Spirit.

This is a critical role of the Spirit because what we believe affects how we view God and our relationship with Him. By holding onto false truths we distort who God is to us. When I believed in Santa Claus, I filtered the world around me based on that belief. Though it was a lie, to me it was the truth and I assimilated the world to fit that lie. The Spirit keeps us from trying to fit the Bible to our beliefs and instead fit our beliefs to the Truth.

Further, holding false beliefs about God greatly hinders our relationship with Him. In a marriage, when false assumptions are believed, a barrier is constructed blocking intimacy. Sometimes this miscommunication can get so severe it leads to divorce. We all come to God full of lies, beyond our consciousness. The Spirit’s job is to peel back the layers of our soul and instill truth. Because He is more knowledgeable about us and Himself than anyone else, He is the perfect one to search out our hearts and instill truth. 1 Corinthians 2:11-13, Proverbs 1:23

In the past when others were my teachers, I thought I owned truth because I had nothing to compare it to. Once I started to seek God to be my Teacher then Truth started to penetrate my depths changing me inside out.

God is the most wonderful Counselor, Instructor and Guide we will ever experience if we let Him be. He has told us that He wants to be our Teacher and the choice is ours to accept Him as such in our lives.

If your heart is to know God He will lead you into all truth and He won’t lead you astray. We need to put God first to make His body, the church, strong. It all begins by choosing Him as our Teacher, abiding daily in His Word seeking the guidance of the Spirit, and seeking His instruction in the elements of our lives. Stir the deep with the One you were meant to stir it with, God.


Be a Tree: Rest

Be a Tree: Rest

One of my greatest temptations is to try to fix myself instead of entrust ALL to God. Not sure why it’s still an issue, as I’ve seen over and over again that my efforts avail to frustration, failure, and bondage while God’s work has brought deliverance. Perhaps until now I never really took time to consider just how useless my efforts are and more importantly how contrary they are to God’s instructions to rest in Him, thus a sin.

I suppose to be Mrs. Fix-it tempts me because this philosophy is everywhere in our society and it speaks to our desire to be in control (to be able to have life go according to our will). It paints the illusion that the changes I desire are occurring. This is why the self-help philosophy (as many religions are) is so captivating, you feel you are doing something, taking control, thus moving forward. But, it’s an illusion and instead places huge burdens we can’t really manage. Feeling the sand bags on my shoulders is a sure sign I’m striving when I should be trusting God.

God calls us to rest, wait, and trust. His commandments aren’t burdensome. 1 John 5:3 His yoke is easy and His burden light. Matthew 11:30 When we live His way, we are trusting in Him and not ourselves to perform ALL things for us. Psalm 57:2 God’s way is the only way that makes any real significant transformation for good, true good, in our lives because only He is good.

God calls us to enter into His rest. If we don’t we are being disobedient. Hebrews 4:10-11 Entering into His rest means to cease striving from ours works in all things as He did from His. Could God be that good? Yes.

Most every religion is about your works, about “the law”; what you do in your strength to be who you are suppose to be. They’re about taming your self-desires so that you live a life that is acceptable and good (according to that religion’s definitions of these terms). But what God, the Creator, calls us to isn’t a religion of laws, but to die to our self-will ruling altogether and become a new creation that is a part of His divine nature. As a part of Him, we desire what He does. It isn’t living out some law; it’s living according to His will because it’s who we are as a part of Him.

God is the Creator, not us. He invites us to be a new creation by His design and power. It isn’t taming our old self; it’s all the old things passing away and all things becoming new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 God is the One who works in us. Phil 2:13 We are His workmanship. Ephesians 2:10 It’s a completely different way of thinking that is unlike anything this world offers, because it can’t. The world can’t create something entirely new, but God can and does in us.

God’s gift of eternal life, His life, is real and powerful. The manifestation of His Spirit in us comes little by little, not all at once. This pacing is His design to teach us numerous truths along the way; mercy, love, grace, compassion, humility, perfection of His will, and His sovereignty. Think of all the things we learn by going through this process and it not being immediate. If instant transformation was best, then that is how God would have created it.

Because it isn’t an instant experience, when my impatience starts to intrude, I want to take charge and speed things up. It doesn’t work that way. I’m not the Creator, God is. My part is to rest in His work.

God compares us to trees to teach us about His process of design in making us into who He desires us to be. The tree is in the seed. But the tree is far greater than the seed. We start as a seed. As we are planted in good soil, God’s truth, we start to grow. A tree doesn’t effort its growth; it grows because it’s planted in good soil with proper water and light. We are to let God grow us into the plant He created us to be in all our uniqueness as we abide in Him. We are to let Him be the authority in who we are and what we do. He is God after all.

What is our part then? To abide in the good soil, God’s Truth, and leave the rest up to Him. We are the tree. Have you ever seen a tree strive to grow differently than it does?

When I think about being a part of the divine, I imagine God’s pure and perfect love united to truth flowing through me into the lives of others. Every thought, word and action is governed by His love. My temptation is to try to do this myself or at least speed things up. God gave us a much a better way than our own efforts. He gave us His Spirit and by His life dwelling in us, it changes everything. God makes my love abound, not me. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 When I try, not only am I striving and not resting, trying to tame my rebellious flesh, trying to do God’s job, embracing a “religion” instead of the power of God flowing through me, carrying a burden that I’ll never fulfill, but I’m disobeying God. 1 Thess 4:9

Be planted in good soil, and leave the rest to God. When you do, He will grow you into who you are supposed to be. You will grow in the manner and rate that is best for you. You will abide in rest and peace because you are doing your part and trusting God to do His. It’s truly a much better way to live and the only way to true and abundant life.

God is faithful, perfect in His care. Let go and trust Him. Have no confidence in the flesh or in your ability to “create” yourself. He calls us to this rest and level of trust.

Be A Tree

Workmanship of my Maker
Letting go of being my own creator

A beautiful tree of His design
Fashioned to a new state of mind.

Resting in the soil of truth eternal
Is my daily labor for this small kernel.

Nourished to a majestic tree
Fashioned as no other to be.

His light shines ever brighter
Lifting my soul somewhere higher.

To the heavenly places of His domain
Releasing the strongholds of suffering and pain.

My life I commit to His hands
Destroying the wickedness by His plans.

Breathing in my soul His life divine
A part of His nature, one of a kind.

All my striving is in vain
For I’m not the Creator, but the slain.

Letting go I surrender to His mold
New life awaits as I enter into His fold.

~ Rachel DiPaolo
August 4, 2011


Key Elements to Healing

Blog Talk Radio: Key Elements of Healing

A PODCAST (click here to listen) is available on four key elements of healing; internally and externally for it is all connected. You can also get it at Itunes. Search for Stirring the Deep under podcasts.

Overview: Healing … something all of us desire inside and out, and our Creator desires it for us as well. So what is the path to healing?

In this show, I discuss four different key elements that affect our healing (repentance, obedience to spiritual and physical laws, being merciful, and being present-minded)
and our part in the healing process.


Love for The Truth

Love for the Truth


Awhile ago during my quiet time, I felt the Spirit give me a new exciting direction in my calling.  With my passion ignited, I went off to enjoy the day, but soon the dampening cloud of discouragement moved in. I started to think; What’s the point? Would anyone really care? Who am I to do this? Perhaps I’m wasting my time. Is it really God’s will? As those thoughts started to invade my mind, discouragement and frustration started to set in. Immediately, I recognized that “discouragement” as the enemy’s attack. I began to pray.  After you’ve been hit enough with it, you start to recognize it – usually. I prayed and it wasn’t too long before those thoughts were fleeting. Though I was still seeking clarity and confirmation regarding God’s will – there was no more discouragement.

One of the enemy’s biggest suppressors to us moving forward in God’s will is discouragement. It is a very effective strategy because many of us have a layer of self-doubt, and often what God calls us to do is beyond ourselves so it’s easy for that self-doubt to set in.

Believing lies are the death of us in many ways. Today I read in Jeremiah 28-29. Several times it said believing lies is rebellion against God. Jeremiah 28:16, 29:32. Never really thought about it like that before, but it reinforced how diligent we need to be in purging the lies in our lives by having a LOVE for the TRUTH.

2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

God’s love for us is tremendous. In His perfect love, He has given us all we need to dispel all unrighteous deception – His Word. The Truth is extremely powerful and when it abides in us, because we abide in it, then we can overcome all. But it’s up to us to abide in that pure Word in faith letting it penetrate and become active in our daily lives.

Do you read and meditate on the ENTIRE Word of God? (All of it’s applicable to us today.)
Do you read God’s pure Word with a passion for truth or some other reason?
Are you reliant on others’ writings?

When you have a love for the truth you question your beliefs. You ask why you do what you do because you desire to be living in the Truth. And it isn’t questioning necessarily what you say you believe, but what your life SHOWS you believe.

For a lack of LOVE for the TRUTH, many are in bondage, afflicted, and troubled. John 8:32 Lies are at the root of most bondage. There are many types of bondage and only by dwelling in the Truth will the lies be exposed for what they are.  Otherwise we will continue to believe them to be accurate. The only way out of deception is for us to come face to face what is real; Truth that comes from God’s Word – not man’s interpretation of it. THE Truth is to be the foundation of our beliefs, because it affects everything else.

Often we do what we do without deeply considering why or where we learned those thoughts and behaviors. Not questioning allows the lies to remain, thus the bondage.  Further, we are often blinded to what is happening in our own lives, because we’ve lived with our way of thinking, be it right or wrong, for so long. We don’t question it or stop questioning it.  We let unexamined thoughts and beliefs drive our decisions and behaviors.

As 2 Thessalonians 2:10 states, in theses days, the most important thing we can do is have a LOVE for the TRUTH – otherwise we will fall prey to the unrighteous deception that will be posing as the truth of God.  Because of the times we are in, I strongly feel we must fully know that we are listening to God’s voice and not someone else’s.   Therefore, we need to seriously start questioning what we are thinking and why we do what we do in light of God’s truth and let God guide us to the paths of righteousness.


The Truth and Your “Truth”

The Truth and Your “Truth”

There is The Truth; The Truth of God. It’s what is truly real in this universe and beyond. Then there is each one of our truths, which are our unique perspectives on this world. No one views this world the same, which is amazing when you consider it. There are groups of people who view certain concepts similarly, but even among those, there are differences.

Most don’t consider these differences. For the most part in day to day normal interactions, we assume others see the world as we do. Yet, we all see life differently, and how we see it is truth to us, but that doesn’t mean it’s THE Truth; in fact, it never fully is. Our unique perspectives are a mix of different viewpoints of The Truth, as well as lies. The proportions of these vary for each of us.

How did we get this way? What is solution to the cohesiveness we seek? Why does it matter?

How did we get this way?

We each have different lenses affecting how we look upon this world. The makeup of our lenses comes from a wide variety of sources; our genetics, family, culture, society, heritage, media, teachers, experiences, religion, and so on.  Ultimately, it’s mostly the influence of others in some way shaping our beliefs and perspectives.

It’s my belief that God desires to shape us with The Truth removing all else, otherwise He wouldn’t tell us to seek for it above all else. Proverbs 4:7 When we diligently seek The Truth from the Creator Himself, He slowly opens our eyes to it. As a loving God who desires to be known by His creation, if we seek then He will reveal. Matthew 7:7 Over time, The Truth starts to replace our own mixed truth. However, being in this world surrounded by a multitude of influences, this relearning is an extensive process and takes patience and perseverance. To truly alter our beliefs isn’t a straightforward endeavor. It’s an intricate process for each one of us dependent upon the lies we believe. However, knowing and living by The Truth is the only path to becoming who we were created to be and living in peace, harmony and true love.

Realizing everyone is operating from a different perspective can lead to compassion, patience and willingness to understand their unique view. It can help us have a bigger picture of The Truth when directed by God. But challenges will persist, because we are all different as we operate based on varying realities. In our ability to have such different outlooks on life, it can broaden our understanding, but it also can foster misunderstandings and miscommunication. We can never truly walk in another’s shoes, only our own. We can seek to understand, but that is it. To truly know another’s perspective, we can not.

What is the solution to the cohesiveness we seek?

The problem with operating in our own reality or by our mixed truth is that it doesn’t work. Take a look around, you’ll see how true this statement is. You don’t have to look far; look at your own life. Following our own mixed truths and not seeking to follow The Truth doesn’t foster a harmonious and unified world. God created this world and it was good. Genesis 1 If we functioned as He designed, then we and this world would function very well. If we all were in line with one will, God’s will, things would look totally different. They would be much better, which is an understatement.

The problem is we all have followed our own way and not sought God’s way. Isaiah 53:6 In our extremely limited and warped understanding, we don’t know what is truly beneficial for ourselves much less others, as all we do has ripple effects. This dynamic doesn’t equate to a good outcome for anyone. How many decisions do we make in a day? How many are based totally on THE Truth? Who can possibly know what decision is best for all?

The One who does know is God. When we believe more in line with His Truth, then we act more in line with His Truth in the uniqueness of our characters. This is why our work is to believe in God and The Truth. John 6:29 Only by living life according to His will, do we do what is truly best for all. We’ve shown we can’t walk in His will perfectly on our own, so the solution? God gives us His Spirit, to move through us according to His will, which is bound by true love.

Yet, anyone who has truly sought God, knows this unity with God is a process and not easy. So in the meantime, God generously gives us His mercy, which reaches to the heavens. Psalm 57:10 He gives mercy in perfect proportion to sustain us and yet keep us groping for Him as we seek to be freed from the suffering we’ve manifested in our lives. How dependent we are upon His mercy. How grateful I am for it. Psalm 130:3

Despite our great imperfections and struggle on this path to abiding in God’s Truth, we need to diligently persist to seek the indwelling spirit of God. God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 Seeking His face is the path to having His Spirit dwell within us. It’s a lifelong journey as we are transformed glory unto glory, and in my opinion it’s the only worth while way to live. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Why does it matter?

It’s God’s will that we are united to Him because it’s life to all. To remain abiding in lies causes pain and destruction to us and others for we each play a part in the outcome of this world.

God has made a way to Truth. The more Truth that we believe, the more our lives are a blessing to ourselves and others. Seeking and abiding in His Truth is the journey that God requires of us to walk. Matthew 7:14. We are to seek The Truth from Him, the source of Truth. When He is our Teacher, there is unity with others regarding The Truth because He is instilling in us the same Truth.

Jesus was an embodiment of the Truth. May we seek and not grow weary to be like-minded with Him, for this is the path to life, harmony, peace, and true love.