Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Uniquely Arrayed

Uniquely Arrayed


Snowflake background


Each one of our personal relationships with our Creator is as unique as each snowflake that dances upon this earthen realm.

Though our Creator is unchanging and constant because his very essence is truth and perfect love, our individual relationships with him vary as much as the legendary uniqueness of snowflakes. Like snowflakes, the basic elements that construct our relationships may be similar, but how they are expressed through the interaction of our individuality and his nature creates a distinctiveness of its own particular beauty and glory. Thus, we each wear the expressions of the nature of our relationship to our Creator. And as our relationship deepens, expands and grows so does our uniqueness because his love fosters growth, honor and freedom in the expressions of our individuality.

Our individuality expands through an increasing pure love in our lives. Love releases us from the fears, judgments and pride that bind us to conformity. It expands our personality as it flows in and through it, where as all that is contrary to love stifles us. It is love that develops our individuality, and through love we find our truest expressions.

Not only is our individuality expressed in our relationship, but also our Creator radiants a unique expression through each relationship. Thus, our intimate connections with him reflect his unlimited expressions of his nature and characteristics. This gift is our personal sacred treasure as it is his.

In this awareness, we begin to perceive the infinite value that each one of us possesses. When we perceive this value, we begin to see others and ourselves arrayed in this boundless worth … as beautiful snowflakes.


Transforming Connection

Transforming Connection



Monarch Butterfly stages 02


The uppermost place is encountered in our innermost place.

To connect to “above” is found by connecting deep within. This connection moves us into and through a beautiful transformation of our soul. When we are ready through the infusion of truth and love, we make our final severance from the foundations that we use to traverse upon and our soul experiences a metamorphosis.

This higher or inner connection grants us new perspectives as light starts to fill what was darkened by illusion. Fear, judgments, and pride begin to fall away as a purity of love not seen before, yet was always there, takes their place in our humble abodes. By the workings of this love, we experience a welcomed harmony forming within. In the movement of change, our bodies, which are the expressions of our souls, reflect an increasing radiance as love’s light starts to fill us from within.

With increasing clarity, the eyes of our soul begin to see our Father as he truly is, and as a result we start to see ourselves as we truly are – beloved, cherished and precious in his sight as he is to us. We are the beautiful workmanship of his loving hands. In this awareness, our judgments of our souls’ progressions and others’ fade. We each uniquely experience the journey of a soul who is born in darkness and is moving into the light. Though unique, the creative force of change is the same, divine love enfolding truth. As we honor ourselves and others’ stages of transformation guided by our Father’s all-knowing hand, we learn, inspire, and grow and in this our love expands within and without.

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Always A Teacher & A Student

Always a Teacher

and Always a Student


Every one of us is always a teacher and always a student.

Owning this truth provides an endless expansion to our souls in truth and love. It instills an internal humility and courage that opens up an abundance of understanding, growth and enlightenment. It brings clarity to our nature and our purpose. It manifests itself in an endless number of ways.



~ Spirit of Truth


Never Alone

Never Alone

The Whispers of our Spiritual Parent


young woman enjoy the nature on the mountain lake


Our Spiritual Parent, the origin and home of our souls, has been talking to us our entire lives. I’ve heard his quiet whispering for as long as I can remember. Telling me I shouldn’t go that way or I should go this way. Sometimes I listened, often I didn’t. Others’ voices seemed more compelling, even though deep down I knew better. He was the one who truly knew best and always led me with a pure love. Sometimes I got so use to tuning him out, it was hard to hear. But, he has always been with me and leading me in what was best for my soul and others.

His whispers into our soul’s ear is evidence to his constant, unchanging, perfect and pure love having always been with us. We were never left alone no matter where we were or the condition of our soul. Nothing can separate us from his love. We are his beloved offspring regardless of our soul condition, and his endless loving whispers remind of us of this truth of who we truly are and his love for us.


Going through Changes

Going through Changes


Young shoot of fern close up in Big island,


I’m going through some changes. They are such that it makes it difficult to write because the foundation from what I write from is shifting. I’m usually very consistent in my posting, so I wanted you to know.