Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Rising Out of the Ashes

Rising Out of the Ashes


How deep is the Creator’s love? This is what I’m learning ….

Divine love reaches deep into creation. It travels to the smallest formation of matter that is first shaped by energy, because love is energy. This is how deep the love of divinity goes, there is no aspect of creation that can’t be and isn’t touched by it. It underscores the very foundations of creation.

What creates particle formations is energy. In the context of the energy of fear and the energy of divine love, this dynamic makes for an eye-opening awareness that alters how we perceive everything, for everything comes down to the interaction of particles and the energy that governs them.

Fear is energy. When fear is great, we experience its nervous energy. Love is energy. When love is great, we experience its vivacious energy. But even though we may not be consciously aware of the lower vibration energies governing our soul day to day, they are fundamentally coming out of fear (lack of love) or love. So, what form of energy is our soul connected to that is shaping our reality, from the smallest to the largest aspects of our lives?

Fear in our reality is like dust. It’s small, consuming, sometimes hard to detect, hiding in dark places, and showing up in unexpected places. It lingers in our thoughts. It shows up in our responses. It wakes us up at night. The combination of fear energy and soul particles create a virus-like nature in our soul; one inducing harm in a myriad of ways. However, when the energy of divine love connects to our soul it constructs a harmonious vitality.

Fear finds its genesis by falling into the crevices of our mind, buried, lingering, and accumulating in our thoughts and pouring into our actions, choices, and responses. Fear interacts and affects what we see based on our personal perception, for fear is in the eyes of the beholder. When we start to move out fear by faith in divine love, we see how truly pervasive it was in our perceptions, thus our lives.

If fear remains unchecked it simmers and causes all kinds of problems and often snowballs, for fear attracts fear, the law of attraction. One act of fear leads to a poor decision that creates more fear, and so on. Fear is often a deeply integral part of the fabric of our perceptions, thus reality, because of how it connects and shapes our deepest thoughts. Thus, it frequently goes undetected in our conscious awareness. However as we grow in our soul perceptions, we see it more clearly for what it is. But, most of us have become accustomed to its presence so it goes unnoticed, though it drives and determines many actions, which makes it all the more powerful.

Fear clouds our wisdom. Fear in our thoughts removes our ability to see clearly, like a dusty windshield. The more fear, the less visibility. When we don’t perceive our surroundings accurately, it creates a lack of wisdom. There is an inversely proportionate relationship between fear and wisdom. The more fear, the less wisdom. Driving with a dirty windshield isn’t wise, neither is acting in fear, it clouds our discernment, decision making … everything. It greatly dampens our passion, drive, courage, faith, and all that give us vital energy to our lives.

Further, wisdom deceases when we experience fear because it causes a “flight” or “fight” response. We withdraw (flight) in self-pity, stay in our comfort-zone, which is the no-grow zone, physically retreat, emotionally suppress, or socially withdrawal, etc. or we are aggressive (fight) by attacking, controlling, forcing, pushing, or anger, etc. Both responses cause harm to others and us.

We currently abide in a society that perpetuates and feeds on fear, because of the lack of awareness of its counter part – divine love. In this absence, fear is one of the strongest controlling agents in us, in our society, and in our world. This is why it is often used often to control, why it is effective, and why it is prevalent.

BUT fear isn’t real. It’s born out of lies.

Unlike divine love, fear isn’t real, but is born out of mankind’s will when he acts contrary to divine love, which is always done when a lie is received as truth or good. Thus outside its source, the mind of man, it has no power or reality. In the divine (absolute) truth, there is no fear, because it isn’t of the Creator’s making. It’s only the perception of mankind (place of relative truth) who perceive in lack; lack creates fear.

When we think in fear, then act in fear, we’ve made what was unreal real to ourselves, and often that spreads to others because of the fear they already hold. It starts with acting on lies, believing they are truth, and that makes them real in our reality. Acting on the unreal as real creates a chaotic spiral of creating more fear through faulty assumptions, self-fulfilling prophesy, defense mechanisms, and ill judgments. The combination of fear energy and matter creates a great weakness in us that causes a ripple effect of problems in and outside of us. Without divine love, fear has freedom to swiftly and dominantly expand. With divine love, love enters our weakness and starts driving out the debilitating fears.

Divine love is like a consuming fire. It’s the highest form of energy thus has dominance over all other forms, especially fear that is born out of the unreal. As we move into divine love, the dust of fear starts to burn away, for in divine truth, which comes with divine love, the lies are snuffed out and turned to ashes. As divine love moves in, we begin to rise out of the ashes of the dissolving fears until they are no more. In the light of divine truth, we see fear for what it is, then divine love starts directing us.

Here is a great beauty. Look under the smallest particle, and you will see the love of the Creator waiting to be activated by the human will. This love of divinity is what is truly real because it is eternal as it comes from the Creator, verses fear which is bound to the consciousness of mankind sown in lies. His divine love underscores all of creation down to the smallest particles, for all is of His creation. Divine love becomes real to the soul when it is known, believed, and acted upon.

Fear doesn’t exist in perfect divine love. It’s impossible because perfect love cares perfectly for all creation in every area. But this love has to be desired, chosen and embraced by the soul of mankind. It has specific ways (divine truth) that it interacts and doesn’t, and our mind, heart, soul, and strength (will) have to assimilate to those ways. Two opposing things can hold the same space at the same time, it’s either the energy of love or fear at the most base level of our existence. And the choice is ours. Powerful.

As we grow in understanding of love of divinity, we become a part of it as it works within us to renew our soul in love. It’s the energy of the soul that shapes all the particles it comes into contact within its sphere of influence. Through it, our heavenly Father raises us out of the ashes as His love travels into the deepest parts of our soul and exposes every dust particle of fear and burns it away.

A life without fear knows expansive freedom, joy, peace, love and power. As for the power, it comes from the increasing wisdom in the ability to see clearly once the dust is gone. Thus, we respond, act, and choose ways of wisdom that bring what is truly desirable into our realities.

May we all be “dusted off” by divine love.


Governance by Fear vs. Love

Governance by Fear vs. Love


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


Immanuel came to give us of His spirit, a part of the Heavenly Father, to regenerate our minds, hearts, souls, spirits, and flesh in divine love. In this transformation, leading to new creations fashioned in His likeness, the Father’s spirit through love, not of fear, governs us.

Born into Fear

In being disconnected from the ways of divine love, fear has ruled us from our birth. We are taught at a very young age to act or not act in certain ways by fear; fear of punishment, being yelled at, spanked, intimidated, threatened, ignored, rejected, or neglected. We are taught to obey through fear by our families, employers, teachers, officials, spouses, religion, and other relationships.

Further, from our beginning, people treat us in non-loving ways; ways that induce harm thus fear; criticism, judgment, harsh treatment, oppression, abuse and so on. And how thankful we are for the kindness received amongst these. However, we spend the rest of our lives trying to avoid those treatments, thus living by fear. It directs our thoughts, words, actions, behaviors and choices.

Governance of Fear

Governance by fear creates a plethora of problems. Here are three. First, those being governed can never draw close to someone who uses authority by fear, which creates a ubiquitous fear in their lives. Fear creates distance, not closeness. It causes us to want to run from and not draw near to others. If someone desires love from us, presiding over us by fear doesn’t work. We can’t have a relationship of love on a foundation of fear. Fear divides.

Second, if the authoritative party desires love from us, a rule of fear doesn’t allow those following to truly act in love. If we are governed by fear, we make decisions to avoid the fear (criticism, judgment, punishment), thus we aren’t making decisions out of love. We may be more obedient to defined rules, but that doesn’t create new and abundant loving results, only self-preservation. A mindset of fear verses love creates two very different outcomes. A fear-based rule can’t create a love-based reality.

Third, fear gives birth to lies, deception, and hiding ourselves from others, because we fear the consequences. It’s very hard to be totally open and honest under a rule of fear. We want to cover-up our mistakes and that makes it hard to grow and learn from them. For the one to teach us the right way is the one we are trying to hide our mistakes from. Further, we can’t bear the disapproval housed in fear, so we hide ourselves as much as possible. Thus it makes it difficult to deal with our weaknesses and brokenness for our anxiety of those areas being exposed keeps them hidden and unhealed.

Being established on this framework, our fears dictate most of our actions to some degree. In fear of disapproval, being left out, made fun of, forgotten, unloved, and disrespected, we act very differently than if we didn’t fear these things. We all go great lengths to avoid our fears. We haven gotten so use to responding based on our fears we don’t recognize it. It is an undercurrent of our lives to such an extent that it shapes our personality.

A Change of Governance

A ruler of any type of authority can govern by fear or love. Obviously love is far superior for it manifests actions from the followers out of love and not fear, which produce far superior results. However, those under love’s reign have to understand and know love. Without understanding it, they can’t be governed by it. If there is a treasure chest in front of you, but you are blind and can’t see it, you won’t grab a hold of it. Fears are immensely prevalent, seen and known, and divine love is not, so people remain in their fears.

Because fear has been our foundation from our birth, we have to push through fear to seek to learn and know divine love. (Divine love is far different than the love we learn from the world, which is peppered with fears.) The path of understanding divine love isn’t an easy transition for fears go very deep into our subconscious, and are tied to lies and harmful experiences. But this is part of the renewal of our minds by the Spirit of Truth who sets us free so we can be a creation governed by love.

Freed from Fear

Once we intimately know divine love so that we begin to give and receive it, it starts to replace fear in our lives. Through this growing awareness of what is of love and what isn’t we start to become free from fear, and start to be governed by love. Fear is based on lies so it can’t stand in the face of truth. Love is truth, thus in knowing it, it prevails against the fears. Truth always defeats the lies for lies aren’t real and truth is.

Divine love is the fulfillment of all our desires. When we start to experience it, we are transformed by it into spirit-minded creations who think and act according to the ways of God. It becomes our sole desire. Thus, one foundation is replaced with another, and we start to walk in the spirit-mind governed by love and no longer the flesh-mind governed by fear.

New Covenant

The new covenant between our Creator, who is love, and us is a governance of love. Love is the supreme mindset of a creation. It’s one in which the creation will do amazing acts of goodness for others. It’s one in which the creation can always grow and expand into eternal life. It’s one in which the creation desires to become so deeply connected to it’s Creator because it’s drawn into the source of love.

Love seems weak and fear strong only because people have not known divine love. Fear has been the ruling entity in this world. Yet, love is far stronger, for once we taste it, all we want is to go deeper and more of it. We will turn from all that is contrary to the point of becoming willfully and fully governed by God Himself. There is nothing more powerful. The heavenly Father’s righteousness reign is one of love. It is in love that He will come to us to make us His dwelling place in the spirit.

May we be spirits who seek to operate by divine love within ourselves and with others. May all of creation be released from its bondage to fear.

Isaiah 14:3 It shall come to pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve,


A Great Shout Arises

A Great Shout Throughout the Land:

Sounding  a Trumpet

A cry is going up to Almighty God. It’s so loud; it’s all I hear.

How can one have peace when others are in torment?

The heavenly Father’s love is rising in this earth, but it’s not appearing as most think … While it’s the morning star of the Creator’s spirit arising in those awake, it’s falling upon those asleep.

With a belly swelling with increasing wickedness, the earth has opened her mouth to her Creator pouring out a great smoke full of torments. Lifted to His ears are the cries of the innocent, poor in spirit, neglected, abused, forsaken, and of the silent sufferers. It’s now time for Him to act. Their Creator is arousing to heal and restore as the yelps of the tormented billow up to His ears.

A supernatural spiritual blindness hoovers over mankind. The dawning of the New Day will awaken the sleepers with a voice of a trumpet sounded in the midst of their souls. Awake for He arises from His Holy Habitation with healing in His wings expelling all wickedness.

The cries are the loudest from the voiceless. Those tormented day and night at the expense of the lusts of mankind and their merciless governance. They have been treated as insignificant and as objects to fulfill the lusts of the belly. They’ve been abused and counted as nothing for greedy gain. The abomination of the daily sacrifice of their lives at every meal has become full-grown. By His own hand, their Creator will release them from their prisons; the hands of cruelty.

Mankind is blind to what they create. They’ve created a tortuous place in which they torture those deemed less then themselves, and in doing so they perpetuate their own misery and suffering. Do to others as you desire to be done to you. Luke 12:35-48, Matthew 18:21-35 They cruelly treat others “lower” than themselves and forget that they too are beasts seeking for the mercies of God; One who tells us to treat others as we would want to be treated. Should we seek His mercy for our suffering, and yet not offer the same to those we have been given governance over, especially the animal kingdom? People forget the animal kingdom belongs to God and that He put us in a place to be faithful loving stewards of creations of His affections. But we have made them the object of our feasts, lusts, celebrations, greed, and slaves serving a very harsh and thoughtless master. Sound familiar? This is one HUGE area greatly dismissed by many when they consider the everlasting kingdom of heaven coming to earth, but God has not forgotten. Isaiah 65:25

God is not arousing with torments in His wings as we have done and imagined. His ways are far superior to our beastly ways. He does what we didn’t do, love. Anyone who knows the love of God knows it’s far greater and more powerful than force and brute strength. It’s a power that burns as a refining fire on the inside to create something truly new inside and out.  Those who know the heavenly Father also know His greatest power flows through weakness and love.

While perfect love drives out fear, its mirror reflection in an un-renewed heart is shame. Jeremiah 31:19 In the face of His love, sin feels like intolerable shame that we can’t escape from until we let go of what is causing the shame. His love serves a a mirror and exposes the cruelty of our own hearts, which creates an overwhelming shame thus a desire to “hide” ourselves. Yet, in these last days there will be nowhere to hide as all that is hidden is being brought into the light. To hide from our own flesh only causes the shame to intensify. Shame is what we experience that leads to repenting and turning to love. Our flesh will no longer hide the abominations within. Numbers 11:20, Revelation 16:2 Since it is our flesh we serve,  it will show the truth of our true nature. Jeremiah 31:9

In the lusts and vanities of the world, the animal kingdom is overlooked to such an extent that few consider their endless hell created and perpetuated by mankind. How can one expect mercy on his “beastliness” if he is unwilling to give it to another for a fleeting craving? This contradiction is one of the greatest delusions of our time. It’s a great abomination as it is the expression of hell, torments, and the beast nature of man, thus his “markings” that he is a beast verses a son of God, who is love. Removing this abomination of cruelty in our lives allows our spirits to ascend as sons/daughters of God, otherwise we remain as we are. Further, it’s a reflection of the abomination of desolation for we have attributed a horrific reality that we created as an acceptable reflection of and offering to a loving Creator, who knows every sparrow. Jeremiah 7:21-23

Our healing and renewal is deeply connected to creation’s healing. We are all intertwined as God’s creation. For the days that lay ahead, I believe this is one of our first signposts … will we treat the animal kingdom as we desire God, who is far superior, to treat us?  Jeremiah 31:21 In abundant mercy, loving-kindness and care? Will we cease to torment them for the vain lusts of our bellies and our greed for the money made by them? Will we show that we have learned what it is to love the weaker vessels as we desire God to love us? Or will be as the Israelites when they lusted for meat in the wilderness when headed to the promise land? Numbers 11:33-34 

God cares deeply for His creation. He will deliver all from those stronger then they. He gave us charge over it. How have we handled such an awesome responsibility and gift? He is coming to see how we have managed our house. Will He find mercy? Or mercilessness? During my time with Him this past month, He has taught me many layers of understanding in this area. Our healing is connected to a healing heart toward creation. We can’t continue to embrace cruelty and be freed from our own suffering. We can’t continue to feast on death, dead flesh, and what is sown in darkness and be transformed into spiritual living beings of light.

Arise my heavenly Father from Your Holy Habitation and let Your love and righteousness break forth in this earth, Your creation needs Your love, for it has not known the true nature of Your love.

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Skins of Instruction

Skins of Instruction


It’s our willful decisions counter to the heavenly Father’s character that restrict us from experiencing His presence in our reality. These decisions, choices and ways prohibit us from “seeing” Him in our lives, for He abides in the paths of righteousness, for He is righteous. We experience Him by desiring to become fully righteous and thus grow in accordance to His nature. We grow by internal communion with our internal Teacher, Christ. This personal instruction is the journey to true understanding.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, creation has been bound in skins (our personal reality) of affliction. They are the skins Adam and Eve received after they deviated from the point of perfection; the heavenly Father’s perfect will creating every moment of their lives. They are the skins of mortality and death. They are the prison and the pit we dwell in. They are the result of the flesh carnal mind, which is separated from God, that is creating an existence of death and destruction.

This curse of creating death (darkness) that mankind has been under is beginning to lift.  As Christ establishes His kingdom of righteousness through His Bride in this earth, the skins of affliction are being used to instruct people in His ways; thus skins of instruction. People’s realities are going to teach them in increasingly apparent ways. The sooner people realize and catch on to this phenomenon, the sooner they will transform into spiritual creations who can embrace His spirit.

The Righteous Reign Through Pure Light (Understanding)

As Christ unites in fullness and oneness to those who have been sanctified by His internal instruction, His kingdom is being established in the earth, thus His righteous reign has begun. He will reign in and through His people until all enemies are put under His feet; His authority. This means righteousness will fill all. Death is destroyed when life implodes it. This is the only way it is truly destroyed.

His reign entails His righteous acts flowing from the souls, who are united to His perfect understanding, into the world. These purified souls have been fashioned into channels of living water, which carry His perfection into the earth. He fills their words and actions to create ripple effects of increasing righteousness within the realm of mankind.

Skins of Instruction: Renewal of Mankind

When the fullness of Christ’s spirit of pure light unites to creation, His truth is released in power to test/expose each soul as to whether he/she is in alignment with His righteousness or not. Our lives reveal the outcome. If we walk according to righteousness, we experience increasing abundance of every blessing. If we walk counter, we experience increasing unrest. This unrest is to ignite us to true change, repentance.

In His love and grace, He uses each person’s reality (skins) as a specialized tool to reveal unrighteousness and teach them the ways of abundant life. People need not look any further than the happenings within their lives, as He is overtaking and filling all of creation. If something is foolish, it will cause ill effects. If something is righteous, it will create beauty and peace. The effects will be more evident, more direct, and more powerful. The revelation of the need for Him and His true nature will manifest.

If we have not become partakers of the divine nature, thus put on skins of light, our skins (reality) will be used to instruct us in more apparent and immediate ways.  Contrary acts to the supreme divine nature will manifest more immediate sorrowful consequences. If something is hot to the touch, it will reveal itself as hot and no longer lukewarm.

People remain in their destructive ways because the harm those ways cause is dimmed or/and distant and they are covered in binding lies, thus they continue what they are doing and cause extensive harm to themselves and others. At Christ’s return, the harmful effects will draw near to their cause. Thus, sin will create much bitterness. This is the revealing of all that is hidden. This is the revealing of hearts. This is the Light revealing the darkness.

People have not learned of the truth, ways or righteousness of the heavenly Father in their realities because the consequences to their actions have been distant and dim and lies have abounded. And on the reverse, the truly righteous ways have been hidden; the Light brings awareness to both. He is coming to alter the minds of mankind, by infusing them with His light (understanding).

Skins of Light: Christ’s Reality

If we have partaken of the divine nature, not only are we a light and a tool to spread the light of righteousness by letting the living waters flow from us, but we also continue to grow ourselves. In being united to the fullness of Christ, our thoughts become His thoughts. In this unity, we no longer require the outside instruction, skins of instruction, as we once did. Thus they fade away as the garments of pure light take their place.

Christ is clothing us with the skins of immortality because we are a part of Him. By being a part of Him, we continue to grow thus our reality reveals increasing peace, abundance, joy, growth, understanding, and every beautiful character trait we witness in Christ. Our lives become His. He creates a place in our reality where He desires to dwell, His home. The reality He prepares for us and Him to abide in is in perfect alignment with our desires, which He has purified.

When the spirit of Christ has taught you in an inner communion to desire nothing but to abide in that point of perfection and your life testifies to that consuming desire, you’ve been prepared to marry, fully unite to, His spirit. In that union, He moves into your reality and makes it His reality. Thus, He is creating every present moment in growing perfection. As His reality expands in yours, you become a light shining in this dark world to transform it into the kingdom of heaven, the home of the heavenly Father.

Check out the videos related to this topic on my youtube channel starting with “Putting on Immortality” and the following four videos.


Wedding Day

Wedding Day

(My thoughts are beyond words today … so here is a pale reflection of the incredible beauty I am experiencing.)


“So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Matthew 19:6

The Harmony of Life

Harmony. True harmony is born out of a life-giving spirit. It’s a word to describe the perfect alignment of all things between living spirits. In harmony, the good for all is manifested in the present moment, which leads to the continuous perfection of all in the following present moments. In the harmony of living spirits, creation comes into harmony, for creation is the reflection of the spirits’ realities. It creates a fortified reality, as there is no division created by disharmony. There is nothing more powerful. Matthew 7:24

Harmony is created by the synergy of the characteristics of perfect character; the divine character of the heavenly Father.

To manifest harmony in our lives requires one dynamic; harmony of our character (spirit) with the heavenly Father’s character (spirit). (Regeneration of Thought) In this harmony, all else that is good flows. The perfect character within grows out of understanding and wisdom from the spirit of Christ in us (who is our teacher, wisdom, purified conscience). Understanding and wisdom are the powers of transformation for through them divine character is shaped, molded, and created.  Proverbs 4:7, 16:16

When our character begins to take on the heavenly Father’s character, our thoughts begin to be His thoughts, our desires His desires, leading to our words being His words, our actions His actions … thus harmony is created within us. Psalm 37:4 In bearing His character, we bear His name for we are His reflection, His offspring. Revelation 14:1

This harmony is the light of life for in harmony all souls are supported, loved and cared for in such a way that creates perfect growth. A harmonious union is a place where there is no hypocrisy in what you desire and what the heavenly Father desires for you. There is perfect integration of wills; your will in full submission to His, and His will a complete fulfillment of your desires (will). This causes exponential growth into eternity.

When this harmony is found in you; then it’s reflected outside of you in your perceived reality.  To be this harmonious spirit is to be light. Matthew 5:14-16 The heavenly Father’s presence within is reflected in your reality without.

Bringing the Divine into Reality

When two souls both abide in this harmony with the heavenly Father, then a powerful spirit is generated between them. Two harmonious spirits coming together bring the divine spirit formed within them to the outside because there is a place for that spirit to be connect to on the outside; the other harmonious spirit.  While alone we can reflect His nature that is within us, joined to another His spirit can enter reality, and not only be a mere reflection. This is Christ, the perfection of divine nature within us, abiding in our midst. Matthew 18:20

Sacred Marriage Union

When those two souls are one a male and another a female, they bring an even more powerful spirit of the divine into creation as these two parts represent the fullness of God; a life-creating spirit. The nature of God in this creation is represented in the unity of an ever-perfecting male and female; who together are able to bring forth life. Genesis 1:27

When two internally harmonious souls are purified and sanctified in an all-consuming desire for one another; in that they desire their spirit to fully become a part of the other; the framework of a sacred marriage is found. It’s a marriage formed by God, for His spirit created their unity, and a marriage that holds the presence of God. It’s a union created by life, in life, of life, and creating life.

This essential singleness of desire for one another in all purity, honor and beauty is formed out of complete loyalty and trust, as all others are forsaken. All others are forsaken even in their thoughts; for the thoughts are coming from a perfecting character. Matthew 5:28

All others are forsaken, even the most exemplary external images they can imagine of each other. For God to be in the midst of a union there can be no images (defined shapes or realities of the physical world) defining or driving the marriage union for God Himself has no images. Thus, for Him to be in the midst there can be no images of what that union will be. Therefore, in the present moment, the two see a manifestation of the heavenly Father in the physical; yet there is an awareness that the next moment is God’s creation and not their own, thus they cling to no image. (To be in a harmonious relationship with God means He is creating each present moment and not us by preconceived images.)

All else is forsaken, even the past.  By forsaking the past, the character of God within each individual is able to create what it will, unhindered by past affections or pains.

All that defines and drives this sacred union between two souls is the ever-expanding perfect character of the heavenly Father expressing Himself in His creation. In the created world, in their midst, now abides the presence of God within their harmonious connection; which stands as a wall of fire.

When harmonious unions are formed between souls, the Day manifests. It is bringing the kingdom of heaven from within out; the revelation (revealing) of Jesus Christ in creation.

Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

May 20,2013 – My wedding day

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Regeneration of Thought

Regeneration of Thought

“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

Revelation 22:1

Out of our heart flows either living waters of life or bitter waters of death; depending upon our heart, which is the seat of our character.

The purpose and definition of eternal life are the same: to grow in the divine character of the utmost supreme divine spirit, the heavenly Father. John 17:3 When we are seeking the heavenly Father, we are seeking the awareness and the attainment of His divine character; the harmonious integration of all the aspects of His nature: like righteousness, holiness, honor, justice, compassion, long-suffering, mercy, kindness, strength, abundance, wisdom, truth, purity, love, peace, rest, and perfection. Thus we cease striving to obtain finite external objects of our world, and reorient our focus, in all areas and in all things, to knowing, understanding, obtaining and giving of this character as expressed through our unique untainted personality and given resources. Matthew 6:24, Matthew 5:48

When we focus on this character, the material world around us manifests as it should lacking nothing and in all things creating an abundance. Matthew 6:33 Divine character creates an internal and external reality of growing satisfaction and delight; a reality of harmony with God, ourself, others, and creation. It’s a reality in which our present moment gets eternally better. Seeking to know and be a part of this perfect character is what it means to seek after the heart of God.

This divine character has no images. To understand it is to “see the face of God”.  Psalm 80:19, Ezekiel 39:29 What we actually do see with our physical eyes is its expression and reflection in creation, and these manifestations are numerous and varied.

God has no images, and tells us not to create images. Leviticus 26:1 Ironically, this is exactly what mankind has done. We aren’t to create or pursue images, but pursue this divine character beyond all images. To put images on God or to seek to create certain images in our external environment is to limit our own understanding of the divine nature that will be expanding in our awareness for eternity, and to cease to let the divine character establish our external reality as it should be, thus creating harmony. (Attainment of the Divine Character)

Out of the heart flows all things. Proverbs 4:23 Our heart, our character, establishes our thoughts which determines our actions. Our reality is the sum reflection of our thoughts and actions. Therefore to alter our reality to reflect a divine nature, God, we have to obtain a new heart or character. Ezekiel 11:19 Obtaining this character comes by fostering an ongoing communion with the source of divine character. It’s meeting God in the depths of our soul, for that is where our character resides, thus where all the transformation takes place. Through this communion of understanding and grace, the divine character of God makes its home within us, changing us from our core.

Without inner reflective mediation, we remain unaware, thus blind, to the spiritual understanding that leads to transformation and growth. We believe, do and create what we first know. Romans 10:17 It’s by an inner communion with the spirit of God within us that we are changed FROM within. It’s by this internal dialogue with pure consciousness that we gain understanding and transition from a flesh finite mind to a spirit eternal mind. It is here, within, that our will comes into submission to the heavenly Father’s will. The regeneration of ourselves into new creations, thus this world, is a regeneration of the source of our thoughts, thus our thoughts. Matthew 19:28, Titus 3:5 It’s living waters flowing where one bitter waters ran.

We have to look within to see outwardly in truth. When we have turned our eyes of understanding inward to see the light, His divine seed with us – a divine seed of His character planted by Christ – then our outward perception changes. How we see our outward reality reflects the new vision we have gained by looking inwardly. We start seeing through the Light, understanding of truth, and thus our words, actions and what we create are of a life-giving spirit.

John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

Living waters flow out of our heart, when our heart is of God, thus His throne. The living waters are pure thoughts; pure thoughts flow from a purified heart, which is an ever-perfecting character. Living thoughts create a reality of eternity.

When our soul’s foundation is of the heavenly Father’s character, though our understanding is finite, our actions harmonize with His will. Having His character enables us to trust and follow our desires for they are His desires. When we do what we want to, in the understanding that our actions create harmony (the sum affect of divine characteristics), then we have absolute freedom. In this way, God can direct our actions today to create a harmonious future. Not being all-knowing, we have no idea what lies ahead, but through purified desires, the spirit of God can guide us perfectly. Psalm 37:4, John 8:32

When we seek God’s divine character, which we eternally grow into, we become eternal because all we create is perfect and harmonious. Romans 8:28 Our thoughts thus actions cease to create destruction. We become truly alive for we are growing in the elements of eternity. When His pure heart has replaced our corrupt heart, then His divine character replaces our corrupt character. We become His offspring, a son/daughter of God, and an eternal creation.


Love of the Heavenly Realm

Love of the Heavenly Realm


The heavenly Father has been greatly misunderstood by the flesh mind; a mind whose perspective sees only in and through death.  Romans 8:6

To know this Magnificent Spirit requires that we seek to listen, learn and engage spirit to spirit; a communion within our souls extending beyond the flesh mind, thus beyond death. The uppermost place we can enter into from our current state is the deepest place within us. Deep within us is the part of us that connects us to the Creator. In there lies the seed of the potential of His perfection in us that has been hidden, buried, and covered in corruption.  It’s a place of communion beyond the flesh exteriors of limitation.

To truly know Him, thus for an authentic union to form between us and Him, we have to desire to become as He is; pure truth and love. 1 Peter 1:15, Ephesians 1:4 He is perfect. We are the ones to be altered. This means a willing undertaking of a great purification of our souls by His Spirit of Truth working in us. This process recreates, alters and eventually transforms us and our reality to reflect His glory; His eternal love. Proverbs 4:18  

The one element we require to enter into this process that purifies us is the compelling Desire to know the perfect love and truth and the harmony they create. Matthew 5:9, Psalm 37:4 To desire to know and BE perfect love is the greatest gift, honor, and worship we can give the Spirit of perfect love. It’s a desire we can’t fulfill without a union to Him; and it’s His desire to create this union in us; for love desires to give love.

The Father is eternal. There is no end to learning of Him. The moment we construct a “religion” around Him we’ve ceased to come to Him as He is; infinite. Religious undertakings can serve as stepping stones we encounter along the way, but to remain confined in and by them (which by their very design they confine the mind) is to cease to seek thus find the eternal supreme divine nature of the Creator. When we diligently seek to know Him as He is without man-made boundaries, we find a growing awareness of His true nature extending beyond all images and anything physical. He is above creation, yet reflected in it as He is the Creator. To know Him we must be willing to go beyond creation; yet learn from creation in whatever manner He chooses to teach us. Psalm 25:12, Psalm 32:8

Our seeking journey entails exploring our existence in order to come to an understanding, as much as we are able, of the character of the heavenly Father, and in this awareness we become a part of Him. I call Him my heavenly Father because one central way I know Him is as my perfect parent; the summation of a Father and Mother; His perfect care, provision, protection, counsel, deliverance, correction, wisdom, longsuffering, mercy, compassion and love are evident in my life. I long for my life to reflect all He is; as a young child longs to be like her loving father and mother. A Father’s/Mother’s love is a complex and beautiful love entailing many lessons in the nature of love. Calling Him Father reflects these characteristics I’ve learned from Him about Him. Yet in calling Him my Father, I know He is far beyond my understanding. I continue to seek Him as I embrace Him as He has revealed Himself to me up to this moment.  Above all, I’ve found seeking Him becomes an experience of increasing love in my life, thus it becomes an all consuming, exhilarating, and priceless experience and pursuit.

In learning of the perfection of His love, I’m enabled to fully trust Him. As I do, I am entering into a state of complete rest. The rest is beyond and above this physical plane; yet significantly reflected in it. Trusting Him means I’m living this life His way, not mine. In the wisdom of His ways rest is manifested.  His wisdom in my life creates smooth paths, decisions that create peace, loving kindness, and living in harmony with spiritual and physical laws of His design. When His footsteps become ours, we rest because anxieties created from corruption have been removed. Psalm 85:13 For example, men find enduring and true success born out of loving kindness of the Father’s wisdom that creates a place of His governance and presence. Women, in the same loving kindness, find true beauty undefined and undefiled by the world that is expressed in a multitude of glorious ways.

When we seek to know His divine truth and love; we learn of all His nature for the union of these two is the consummation of all the others; holiness, righteousness, mercy, long suffering, compassionate, just, all knowing, eternal and so on. Thus, above all we must desire and seek to know is His eternal love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

The heavenly Father is a supreme divine perfect eternal spirit. He is the consummation of perfect truth and love and all the characteristics contained in them. We will be forever learning of this transcendent and glorious Spirit and moving deeper into Him for eternity. Love will grow for eternity within us, thus outside of us, as we grow in understanding. Though we will love perfectly because He is a part of us, our understanding and experience of love will continue to enhance and expand forever.


Eternal Love Leading to Eternal Life

Eternal Love

Leading to Eternal Life

How does one cross the infinite chasm between death and life?

This question is the journey of our earthly lives. Its path involves obtaining an inter-working of truths gained from the situations of our lives and the instruction of the Spirit of Truth. All learning leads to one glorious truth; the heavenly Father’s eternal love brings us into eternal life. His love reaches across the chasm and meets our desire to be loved and to love perfectly.

Though this is our journey, many souls neglect sojourning this pilgrimage and get caught up in trying to beautify this death experience. However we try to alter it, it’s still death. Matthew 13:1-23 What fulfills us is our souls being filled with eternal love, thus leaving behind our death existence and reaching for one beyond it. John 14:2-3 This death phase of our soul’s journey is to teach us. When we learn and share what we need to, it comes to an end.

The path to eternal life is knowing eternal love. John 17:3

The Greatest Gift We Give

The greatest gift we can give the heavenly Father is ironically the only gift we can give One who possess’ all – our desire to love Him perfectly. What gift can a helpless child give his Dad? That no one else can? A true desire to love him. And each child’s love is unique, precious, and irreplaceable. Matthew 18:13-14

I say desire because when we seek the fusion of truth and love within us, thus in our lives, what we discover is that we can’t love anyone perfectly. Therefore, we face the infinite chasm to perfect love (eternal life). A little recap, perfect love means perfect obedience to the heavenly Father’s will; for His will is love in all things and in all situations. Obedience entails knowing and doing His will at all times. Therefore, to love perfectly requires all knowing and understanding, which we created beings don’t possess. Therefore, we can never love Him or anyone perfectly of our own accord; a love that is synonymous with eternity.

Yet what we CAN possess is the deep soul desire to love perfectly. And it’s the only possession we need; a desire to love in all sincerity, honor and truth the heavenly Father and all of creation; which is His. This desire leads to the bridging of the gap between death and life.

The Father tells us He will give us the desires of our heart IF our delight is in Him. Psalm 37:4 This promise is our deliverance; doing what we never could. He is love. Thus, in delighting in Him, we desire the purest of love. This desire the Father will fulfill. Luke 12:32 In His timing when His Son rises in us, He makes us into creations who although have finite understanding possess divine love. Impossible for us, but not for Him. Mark 10:27

Seeking Leads to a Desire to Love

The seeking to know the true heavenly Father beyond all mankind’s concepts, portrayals and images of this Supreme Spirit leads to seeking the very essence of pure love and truth and the fusion of the two. At the onset of our seeking, we do not fully desire all that He is. False images create fears that keep us distant. But as we press on, we come to know His glorious character, and the desire to be consumed by Him bubbles up in us. A hunger for truth and love forms within; a hunger that pushes us on until we are filled. Matthew 5:6

If you have this desire you are greatly blessed; for you will be fulfilled.

As we seek for this love and truth within and without, we begin to see glimpses of it at our Father’s instruction. Without His instruction to each one of us, we remain blind to this love/truth that is hidden from our minds that are overran with lies and deception.  Thus, we lack a true desire for it. John 6:45 But as we seek, His light shines within our internal darkness and we see there is another existence for us; an eternal existence in an eternal love. We come to a moment that consumes every following moment; a moment when we desire nothing else but to have His love within us so we can love perfectly. We willingly let go of every aspect of our existence that hinders this love from manifesting; thus everything contrary to it. It’s this magnificent love that causes us to forsake all that mimics life, leap across the chasm, and take a hold His outstretched hand.

To make the leap requires an intimate knowing the TRUE heavenly Father, spirit of perfect love. In this knowing of His love, we come to trust Him fully, which we need to make the leap because we don’t know where the River of His governance will carry us. We leap when our will is for His will to fill every breath. It’s a full abandonment to our expectations; except that abiding in His love creates perfection.

As, we press into Him, we find the consummation of all our desires in Him and fulfilled by Him. Thus, He gives us His eternal love that leads to eternal life.


Life Sprouting from the Marriage Union

Life Sprouting

From the Marriage Union


Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

What is the Day? It’s the fusion of eternal love into our being. It’s love and truth uniting within us and that seed sprouting forth life; a new spiritual creation within us. It’s having the fount of living waters springing from within out; the River that will extend to the ends of the earth. Psalm 72:8, Psalm 118:22-23 It’s the will of the Father manifested within us and giving us our utmost desire; the desire to be fully united to Him, our delight; the spirit of pure truth and divine love. Psalm 37:4

It’s a beautiful love that the Father bestows upon us. It’s a priceless gift to give us His eternal Son in marriage, and in so doing we become His children. John 1:12

For this marriage to take place; a exchange of true love is required between us and the Father and the Son; for this is the meaning of holy love, and of a true family.

It comes down to desire.

Our lives reveal our true desires, not just our words. Isaiah 29:13

The ones to obtain this marriage union, which means to have truth and love to be one with us, are the ones who have an authentic desire for the purest of love in all truth. They willing forsake all others to be united to the source of love, as a bride forsakes all others for her bridegroom. Matthew 10:37-38 What we forsake is all that is counter to truth and love as revealed to us by the Father. The Father gives His son to the ones who truly desire and have shown that desire to be real.

Do we truly desire the heavenly Father to consume all we are? 1 Corinthians 15:28 Do we know the heavenly Father and His Son or have we played the harlot with a copycat? Do we truly desire unity with the Son, the fullness of the Father’s spirit communing with mankind, so that we can become a child of the Father?

If our desire is pure and real, we have sought the truth and love. We have hungered for righteousness and longed to be filled knowing we can’t love for a minute without the eternal spirit of love in us. We have sold all by forsaking what isn’t of the spirit of truth and love and embracing what is. We have willingly desired to abandon idols as the Father opened our eyes to them. We didn’t turn back to other loves, which feign true love. We kept our eyes seeking the purest of love. We have been taught by the Father, thus know the Son and have been prepared to come to Him as a bride is prepared for her groom.  Isaiah 54:13, Matthew 7:21-23

We have diligently sought, and in that seeking, the eternal Father brought us into the marriage of the eternal Son. The journey of seeking formed in us a pure desire to be united to Him in all truth, understanding, and the deepest of love.

For those of us who desire pure truth and divine love, Christ, in all purity and have been purified to receive His beautiful spirit, He comes and we are joined in marriage with Him. He comes and makes His home within us. At that union, the fount of living waters is established within us.

Once the life from that union begins to sprout within us, we enter into the eternal Sabbath rest of Today, the Day the Lord has made. Once life is in us, it grows for eternity. Thus we are truly at rest; for it is by His life that we move and have our being.  Acts 17:28

Isaiah 54:5 For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth.


Ascension of The Mind

Ascension of The Mind:

The Birth Pangs


May all our hearts and minds be inclined to do good and not evil, and know the difference.

A tremendous shift is starting to take place in the earth; the mind of mankind is starting to ascend as the spirit of Christ, the consummation of truth and love, unites to and within the souls of mankind.

This huge shift starts small, as a seed, within mankind. It comes by the obliteration of what is wicked and evil, and the ascension of what is good and loving in each individual. As one entity dies and another comes to life within us, it feels like spiritual birth pangs. The incredible nature of this transition of the ages is it happens within you and me.

Some have sold all, the elements of wickedness disguised in alluring lust, for the tiny seed. Some have seen that seed as nothing and tossed it aside. But in that seed is the essence of the spirit of the divine that unites our spirits to the eternal spirit of life.

Birth Pangs: Truth pushing through the Lies

There are two sources our thoughts can come from; lies from a lying spirit or truth from the spirit of truth.

There are two forces intently at work right now in our minds. One is the fiery darts of the lying spirit trying to steal and destroy any truth we are moving into and gaining. Ephesians 6:16

The second is the ointments of healing of the spirit of truth revealing any hidden darkness of our hearts and minds; thus setting us free from the lies that seek to destroy. 1 Corinthians 4:5

One seeks to destroy life and the other seeks to give it. Pray to know the difference. Many unknowingly follow lies they hold as truth to their own destruction.

There is a battle in our mind for our mind.

If a force or entity controls the mind, it controls the person, their reality, and on a large scale the world. Christ, the Word of God, moves our minds thus our existence into eternal life. Everything counter to His truth moves our minds thus our existence into death.

The truth in combination with our experiences that testify to the truth, which creates true faith Hebrews 11:1, are our defense and protection. If the truth never took root in us, then there is no testimony to the truth in our lives. We may have heard it, but if there is no transformation from within out, it never took root.  Thus, it’s very difficult to not believe lies when hurdled in our direction. Yet, if the truth is rooted in us, we will have the testimony in our lives because what we believe creates our reality. The fiery darts of these days will show whether the words of truth took root or not. If not, even what truth we heard will be stripped from our souls as if we never heard it. This is what an unblocked fiery dart does to a soul. Matthew 13:12

If we have the truth, when a fiery dart is shot at us; we can recognize it for what it is because the rooted truth in us reveals it as not true. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Revelation 12:16 Yet, this doesn’t necessarily make dismissing that thought a walk in the park. The darts that enter our minds are in relation to lies that we once held as truth. Thus, they have an impact on us.  We feel the sting when it hits our mind, but the truth stands up as our shield and buckler to protect us from any deep penetration or harm, because we don’t act on it. Psalm 91:4 What if we had no truth to combat that particular lie? The lie would take root. When a lie is accepted as truth, we act on it and make it a part of our reality, which further convinces us that it was true, when IT WAS A LIE!

Lies create pain, suffering, affliction, turmoil, irritation, oppression, tribulation, angst, stress, fear, bondage, anxiousness, worry, sin, and death.

Truth creates righteousness, peace, purity, holiness, goodness, joy, wisdom, kindness, love, rest, and eternal life.

Our lives reflect what we hold as true.

Is there any question to which direction we desire to move in? Yet, lies keep us from gaining the truth we need to be free from them. Until we diligently seek for the truth … Hebrews 11:6

In light of the battle taking place in our minds, we can understand why the heavenly Father told us to seek wisdom and understanding Proverbs 4:7, 16:16, to bind truth and mercy around our necks Proverbs 3:3, 14:22, to seek FIRST His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), and to listen and obey His counsel leading us in perfect truth (2 John 1:3, Isaiah 48:18).

The Light is dawning. The revealing of the hearts of people has begun. Charades will fall away, and all will be exposed. People are either showing more loving kindness, internal beauty, and wisdom, or they are showing more irritation, internal ugliness, and afflictions of foolishness. Matthew 3:10

Be a seeker of truth, which is knowing what is of the purest of love, thus knowing the heavenly Father. 1 John 4:8 If you truly trust the TRUE Christ (for many false Christs abound) to set you free, free you will be. EMBRACE the Light shining in your soul and let go of all that isn’t of the purest of love to all creation. REPEL the darts that seek to defeat and take this love from you. Keep pushing until your reality reflects the purest of love.