Living Light

Stirring The Deep


Day of Freedom

Day of Freedom


Our heavenly Father loves us beyond what words can express.

When we are distanced from him and his love, he is also distanced from us. When you love, this separation is its own form of imprisonment.

May we pray that the day of freedom dawns and our heavenly Father is known as he truly is and is “known” by all his creation. In this immortal joy is manifested.




Father’s Day Celebration

In Celebration of

our heavenly Father


Our Father is coming home.

Our “new” or “second” birth is our Father’s spirit flowing as one with ours as our soul willingly submits and joins his essence at our point of origin; the door in our soul that touches eternity. From this point, his spirit can continually flow into all we are and he and us can experience the love he created us for.

His spirit of liquid light comes in harmony with ours when our desires, versus actions, are aligned to his. Our actions find true alignment with his once we are fully inhabited by his spirit. Only he creates the perfect moments of our lives in perfect causality; therefore perfect effect. We can’t. Therefore, it’s the harmony of our desires, intentions, and motives with his desires that lead to our oneness with him, not the perfection of our actions. Without his full governance of our free will, our desires remain unfulfilled for it’s impossible for us in our own strength to walk in divine love. We can only do so through an oneness with him that is formed out of the workings of his Spirit of love and truth in our soul and in our lives.

As his liquid light flows continually through our inner soul-gate that touches eternity, it pushes out through all our individuality consuming our mortal bodies and continuing to expand beyond. We are no longer bound by our mortal mind and flesh, which has been our grave, but we now extend beyond it. Our mortal framework, which was seen as our entirety, becomes transformed into immortality by the inflow of his spirit that encompasses us as an ever expanding cloud. This cloud of his engulfing spirit around us is ever expanding in its nature and make-up because it holds his spirit, which is boundless. Thus, our spirit also becomes an ever expanding radiance in our oneness with him. As our spirit holds his spirit and he holds ours in a true oneness, we expand together through the outflowing of love brimming from our point of origin, our connection point to him. Love always expands outward. All that is contrary contracts our spirit within itself. This retraction is the opposite direction of true life whose end is ultimately reflected in the shadow illustration of death.

As a part of the process of us coming to a new soul birth, our individuality is crafted into an individual uniqueness because our Father can only flow through this uniqueness crafted by him and not our conformity to some pre-determined image or state. In non-conformity of our individuality to anything in this earth reality, we move into a state of an ever-expanding individuality shaped by our Father’s spirit. In this the beauty and wonderment of our individuality is actualized.

In this individuality, his spirit, in harmony with ours, pushes beyond our flesh veil crafted by our mortal mind and in doing so dissolves all fear/lack/separation that hinders his outward expansion in love. Thus, we experience expansive growth. This pushing out of our mortal mind cave through our unity with our Father’s spirit manifests our resurrection.

The Stone Rolled Away

This stone represents a lie that created a spirit of anger, which is a spirit of separation.

This spirit of anger encases our soul at its core and disables its growth toward true life. Anger’s manifestation takes on many faces. Though it’s likeness is often hidden under other emotions of separation, it’s seen everywhere in people’s actions once it’s revealed to our soul perceptions. It’s a seed of separation in our soul, for anger separates souls.

This layer of anger formed from our soul coming forth into this reality through a mortal birth, which lacked divine love. Without divine love, we lacked love and in that lack of care for our soul, anger was experienced. (visualized in screaming babies) The lie born from this experience in our young minds was love involves harm, for we knew no other love than what we received. Which created the question in our developing soul, why wasn’t I loved rightly? Which led to a whole host of ill judgments about who we were; unvalued, unworthy, unlovable, etc. It’s a lie that resides at the origin of our beginnings, thus hidden deep beneath our soul experiences and expressions. This lie was formed when we weren’t loved perfectly as a newly incarnated soul, which perfect love is impossible without divine love that comes from a oneness with our true Father. This defense of anger attracted and manifested other similar experiences and emotions, which grew to become our mortal mind; our prison, our grave. So our tomb is the ill constructs of our mortal mind, the doorway out of the tomb is covered by the stone of this lie and the heaviness of the stone is the anger. Once the lie and corresponding anger are removed, we are freed from the prison of our mind. However, this stone in its heaviness is beyond our mortal strength to remove.

Our second birth of our heavenly Father, who is divine love, brings us into birth and maturity without this enclosure of anger around our soul. He loves us perfectly. Therefore, no lie and no resulting anger arises from the pain of lack of love. Thus, our soul is only encased in love, which creates a new spirit mind of freedom and growth.

This lie is why souls attribute harm, wrath, anger and the like to our heavenly Father. They are projecting onto him the state of their soul condition, as people do. They do this until they learn and experience his divine and perfect love, which is very different from a natural love. Natural love has its own beauty and purpose, but also it’s very prone to weakness and error. And natural love can’t manifest an immortal soul of immortal harmony, only divine love. So, as his liquid light, which is his divine love of substance and no longer a love only known through faith, fills us as it enters through our point of origin, we experience a new birth, a new awakening. One important note: his love finds entrance as we learn to honor our soul, because his love can’t abide where honor does not for his spirit flows only where honor is given. But again, we can’t honor perfectly without his full governance, so the honor from our soul comes as an active and sincere intention, for we can’t honor perfectly without him, for true honor is wrapped up in divine love.

Truth creates the perfected active intention in us. This is the work of the spirit of truth. From this awareness our lives do change noticeability, but they can’t change unto perfection. Not until we are one with his governing spirit that makes perfection possible.

As his spirit finds entrance into our soul as our soul has learned to honor his, his essence pushes this stone of anger out of the way through forgiveness, love and truth. Though it may seem simple, it’s impossible for us to move this stone in our human strength. (as represented in the tomb of Jesus Christ) The lie and it’s origin go too deep and have manifested a mortal mind of bondage that we ourselves can’t escape from.

Yet, as his shining light from the entrance of his spirit into an oneness with ours flows into our soul, it removes this deeply engrained lie that love causes harm, because we experience his perfect love. As this lie dissolves, it dispels the anger and our souls are set-free. Our true individualized soul of our new spirit mind, which has been transforming within the stone grave, arises as a transformed soul reflecting the light and likeness of our true Father. It’s his love that is perfect toward us and we now abide in that love. In setting us free, our mortal mind is dissolved and our spirit mind crafted by him shines forth in beautiful soul expressions.

In this, our will is absorbed into his and we are truly free, for all we think, desire, imagine and do all flows from our true point of origin, our eternal Father, in his perfect love, now at one with our love.

May we open our inner most souls to our true Father and his perfect love for us that he may shine forth in our souls this Father’s Day.



A Free Will to Love

A Free Will to Love


Love is a choice, always.

I woke this morning to a glorious sunrise. In a still small voice I heard, “I love you. Will you choose to embrace my love today?” Amazing how each morning our heavenly Father wakes us with the beauty of the skies as if to remind us of the choice we have and the new beginning it can create in our lives. For the future grows out of the present moment.

Love is always a choice. Its voluntary nature makes it powerful and beautiful in our lives and in the lives we give it. Is there any feeling greater than to know that you are truly loved by another? It’s a sincere receiving of care from another that never ends and penetrates the depths of our soul. It’s the greatest gift we can give and receive. If we feel we have nothing to offer, we couldn’t be more wrong. We each are capable of giving the greatest gift one could give, love. And from our place, role, and purpose, whatever they may be on this earth, no one can fill them with love but us.

In this life, we have the “free will” to love or not to. We don’t have much freedom otherwise, we don’t choose when or where we are born, who are parents are, who raises us, our gender, ethnicity, IQ, or genetic makeup. Even our jobs are based on the state of the economy at the time. Some have had good homes, some not. But regardless of all these, we can choose to love or not in the situations we are in and with the people who cross our path. And interestingly, it’s this element of our will that remains with us for all eternity for it is essential for our eternal state, which is one of abiding in love. Thus, the most important expression of our will is our ability to love.

Loving by its definition always come from the “free” will of the giver (and the receiver for that matter), for it can exist in no other form than completely voluntary. Otherwise, it isn’t love but something else. This “free” will experience of this earthly life, under the sovereignty of our perfect Heavenly Father, is serving this purpose, for without an exercise of our “free” will in this realm in this way we couldn’t exist in eternity in love.

In eternity, beyond this earth life yet starting in this earth life within our soul, there is only love. Two opposing things cannot hold the same space at the same time. In the eternal, the domain of our all loving Father, only love abides in souls for it is the creative force behind his harmonious structures and systems, which keep eternity eternal. It is what creates coherence and peace, where the absence of it creates chaos and unrest. Chaos and unrest eventually self-destruct, thus they can’t go on eternally. Thus only those entities of harmony and peace can continue forever, which we are being made into. And love is the creative energy manifesting and sustaining that eternal state.

Our heavenly Father’s most powerful attribute expressed toward us is his perfect love, for this is how his spirit connects and relates to us. If we want to connect to him we must choose to connect to him through his love, for this is the only way we can connect to him. There is no other way; not some ritual, perfect morality, or by default. So he patiently waits for us to choose to love him in return. He is always there with us, but if we decide not to walk in the ways of love we choose not to engage his spirit. So he waits. And if we choose to love Him, then in time we learn we are deciding to love all of his creation.

So it is a love not just for our children, but for all children. It’s a love not just for our pets, but for all animals. It is not just a love for our wellbeing, but for the wellbeing of all. It’s not just being nice, but it desires to care for another soul perfectly. It’s not just a respect and honor with some people some of the time, but with all people all the time. His love is all consuming. It sees all souls and loves all souls with a genuine care and concern. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

We can “love” within limits, but we when we break through those limits we immerse ourselves in the love of our heavenly Father, the love of divinity. By embracing the love of divinity, we become connected to the divine and partakers of the divine. We come into harmony or alignment with it in our mind, soul, spirit, and strength (will), thus grow in accordance with its truths and ways.

Love seems straightforward. But at first it isn’t because many of our thoughts, habits, and automatic responses have been programed in a lack of love. We may feel we love because we love our child or spouse, but I’m finding there is much to know of love and it goes very deep and very wide. Thus, it takes awareness, willingness to learn, persistence, patience, and most of all a desire to change in accordance to its ways. But when we desire it, then our Father is there to help us in every way … for this is what he has been waiting for.

So, how will I proceed this day? Will I choose to forgive or to hold onto pain and seek retribution? Will I choose to exercise understanding and compassion or judgment? Will I choose to see someone as they are today, or hold them to the past? Will I choose to act out of care or convenience? Will I choose to give or to take? Will I choose to change or justify? Will I choose to help or blame? Love heals and unites, thus it’s always the better choice. Of the choices above, when we choose the former we create a better tomorrow for us and others.

Multiple times a day we have choices to make within our personal sphere in this vast universe. What characteristics will our space take on? What do we want to reflect to our heavenly Father and to others? One of love?

Increasing in loving-kindness is a personal endeavor because a growing love comes from the state of our soul, our soul perceptions, and our understanding. Our perfect spirit parent is ready to teach each one of us. Are we listening? Or are we too busy with other things? This too is a choice.

When we choose to lovingly care for others, we are also choosing it for ourselves. And here is a magnificent secret to our lives, if we want to be loved, we must love and choose to do what is loving. So, is there really any other choice to make?

May we all grow in the realm of divine love a little bit more today. We can’t change our lives and the world that has lacked love in a day, but we can one day at a time. Is there any better time to start?


A Prayer of Healing

We ALL need to be free. 
It’s Your divine love that we need.


May You, supreme perfect Heavenly Father/Mother who is beyond this creation, turn Your eye upon us and flood Your light of divine truth into this dark place. May Your Spirit of perfect love free this creation and every creature from fear, suffering, and death.

May the god of this world be healed by the light of Your countenance shining through those who love you. May his will be turned to Your will that all those under his sway may be transitioned into the light.

May those of contrary intent have their plans foiled and may the results prosper the heavenly Kingdom in their reality.

May those bound in emptiness without love experience the dawning of Your divine love in their reality.

May the weak, who are oppressed by those bound in emptiness, be freed from their bondage and suffering. May they be honored above all creatures.

May those who hunger and thirst for You and Your righteous love be filled to overflowing for the good of all.

May the glory of Christ be made manifest in this place so that You are united to Your entire creation in a bond of perfect love in all truth and sincerity, for this is Your will.


Governance by Fear vs. Love

Governance by Fear vs. Love


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


Immanuel came to give us of His spirit, a part of the Heavenly Father, to regenerate our minds, hearts, souls, spirits, and flesh in divine love. In this transformation, leading to new creations fashioned in His likeness, the Father’s spirit through love, not of fear, governs us.

Born into Fear

In being disconnected from the ways of divine love, fear has ruled us from our birth. We are taught at a very young age to act or not act in certain ways by fear; fear of punishment, being yelled at, spanked, intimidated, threatened, ignored, rejected, or neglected. We are taught to obey through fear by our families, employers, teachers, officials, spouses, religion, and other relationships.

Further, from our beginning, people treat us in non-loving ways; ways that induce harm thus fear; criticism, judgment, harsh treatment, oppression, abuse and so on. And how thankful we are for the kindness received amongst these. However, we spend the rest of our lives trying to avoid those treatments, thus living by fear. It directs our thoughts, words, actions, behaviors and choices.

Governance of Fear

Governance by fear creates a plethora of problems. Here are three. First, those being governed can never draw close to someone who uses authority by fear, which creates a ubiquitous fear in their lives. Fear creates distance, not closeness. It causes us to want to run from and not draw near to others. If someone desires love from us, presiding over us by fear doesn’t work. We can’t have a relationship of love on a foundation of fear. Fear divides.

Second, if the authoritative party desires love from us, a rule of fear doesn’t allow those following to truly act in love. If we are governed by fear, we make decisions to avoid the fear (criticism, judgment, punishment), thus we aren’t making decisions out of love. We may be more obedient to defined rules, but that doesn’t create new and abundant loving results, only self-preservation. A mindset of fear verses love creates two very different outcomes. A fear-based rule can’t create a love-based reality.

Third, fear gives birth to lies, deception, and hiding ourselves from others, because we fear the consequences. It’s very hard to be totally open and honest under a rule of fear. We want to cover-up our mistakes and that makes it hard to grow and learn from them. For the one to teach us the right way is the one we are trying to hide our mistakes from. Further, we can’t bear the disapproval housed in fear, so we hide ourselves as much as possible. Thus it makes it difficult to deal with our weaknesses and brokenness for our anxiety of those areas being exposed keeps them hidden and unhealed.

Being established on this framework, our fears dictate most of our actions to some degree. In fear of disapproval, being left out, made fun of, forgotten, unloved, and disrespected, we act very differently than if we didn’t fear these things. We all go great lengths to avoid our fears. We haven gotten so use to responding based on our fears we don’t recognize it. It is an undercurrent of our lives to such an extent that it shapes our personality.

A Change of Governance

A ruler of any type of authority can govern by fear or love. Obviously love is far superior for it manifests actions from the followers out of love and not fear, which produce far superior results. However, those under love’s reign have to understand and know love. Without understanding it, they can’t be governed by it. If there is a treasure chest in front of you, but you are blind and can’t see it, you won’t grab a hold of it. Fears are immensely prevalent, seen and known, and divine love is not, so people remain in their fears.

Because fear has been our foundation from our birth, we have to push through fear to seek to learn and know divine love. (Divine love is far different than the love we learn from the world, which is peppered with fears.) The path of understanding divine love isn’t an easy transition for fears go very deep into our subconscious, and are tied to lies and harmful experiences. But this is part of the renewal of our minds by the Spirit of Truth who sets us free so we can be a creation governed by love.

Freed from Fear

Once we intimately know divine love so that we begin to give and receive it, it starts to replace fear in our lives. Through this growing awareness of what is of love and what isn’t we start to become free from fear, and start to be governed by love. Fear is based on lies so it can’t stand in the face of truth. Love is truth, thus in knowing it, it prevails against the fears. Truth always defeats the lies for lies aren’t real and truth is.

Divine love is the fulfillment of all our desires. When we start to experience it, we are transformed by it into spirit-minded creations who think and act according to the ways of God. It becomes our sole desire. Thus, one foundation is replaced with another, and we start to walk in the spirit-mind governed by love and no longer the flesh-mind governed by fear.

New Covenant

The new covenant between our Creator, who is love, and us is a governance of love. Love is the supreme mindset of a creation. It’s one in which the creation will do amazing acts of goodness for others. It’s one in which the creation can always grow and expand into eternal life. It’s one in which the creation desires to become so deeply connected to it’s Creator because it’s drawn into the source of love.

Love seems weak and fear strong only because people have not known divine love. Fear has been the ruling entity in this world. Yet, love is far stronger, for once we taste it, all we want is to go deeper and more of it. We will turn from all that is contrary to the point of becoming willfully and fully governed by God Himself. There is nothing more powerful. The heavenly Father’s righteousness reign is one of love. It is in love that He will come to us to make us His dwelling place in the spirit.

May we be spirits who seek to operate by divine love within ourselves and with others. May all of creation be released from its bondage to fear.

Isaiah 14:3 It shall come to pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve,


A Free Mind is a Hopeful Reality

A Free Mind is a Hopeful Reality


This weekend I looked behind me, and it was a vast nothingness; the past wasn’t there.

This is a welcomed awareness. It was a vision that granted me a deeper understanding sending me into greater levels of enlightenment thus freedom.

Except for our memories, the past doesn’t exist. However, most of us act like it’s a living reality, thus make it one. We live by it, and from it create our present and future. Sometimes we try to hold onto it and live as a 20-year-old chasing what once was and thus are never satisfied with today. Other times, we live by its wounds, which taint our current health, relationships, jobs, etc. For example, we were hurt in a previous relationship in which someone betrayed us, and now we don’t or find it hard to trust others. We failed in a business venture, and now we don’t follow our desires but work in a job we don’t like. A parent called us a loser, and now we overeat to drown out that resounding voice echoing in our head. These are examples of living in and by the past, thus it creates our present moments and future. This projection of the past into the future is often at the core of those who struggle with depression, hopeless, and feeling trapped. This mentality can quench our hope because it prohibits our minds from growing and creating a present and future we do desire.

The fulfillment of hope, thus change, comes from allowing ourselves to learn from the past, but not live in the past. In learning from it yet not in it, our hope starts to become fulfilled, because we are open to learning and growing, which brings the fulfillment of the things hoped for. A learning and growing mind, a present mind, is receptive to new opportunities and better ways of being because it’s learning new ways of thinking. It enables alteration within our mind’s process thus real change in our choices, actions and behaviors.

What has this to do with our relationship with God? Everything.

The Spirit of God is in the present, for that is what exists and is real. As our internal teacher and counselor, He speaks to us right now with the purpose of transitioning our minds to operate by His truth and loving kindness. 1 Timothy 1:5 If our minds are bound to the past by functioning in and by mindsets like blame, bitterness, resentment, vengeance, covetousness, maliciousness, hatred, backbiting, unforgiveness, jealousy, self-pity, and so on we won’t hear His voice instructing us in a better way. When we give these mindsets control of our thoughts, they are loud and consuming. The thoughts God establishes in us are opposite of these, thus we have to be willing to turn away from these mindsets and learn to think in accordance to His wisdom, truth, righteousness and loving kindness. This is part of renewing our mind and a significant part of the repentance we’re called to. Romans 1:28-32, Romans 12:2

When we seek and follow His instruction, our minds transition to a present mindset where God guides us in new directions. He, and not our interpretation of the past, establishes our thoughts, thus our minds create fresh perspectives that translate into new actions, thus changes, and hopes fulfilled.

A part of moving out of our past and into the present is viewing our past with thanksgiving and honor. The upsets of the past can teach us important lessons of wisdom, truth and love that if we learn we won’t repeat the past hurts. All we went through and the people who were involved in those lessons teach us compassion and understanding. Once we learn from our situations, we are able to help others because we’ve learned the truth and practice the truth. Our past is cloaked with thanksgiving and honor when we see all the experiences and people they contained as part of our journey of growing in alignment with the divine wisdom of God. In this, the past, thus the present, translates into blessings instead of continual cursings because we’ve learned, grown, and can now help others. Some of our greatest hurts can teach us life-altering lessons that propel us forward to gaining a mind established on truth.

I’ve tasted a lot of different pains in my past. Once I started to seek after the truth, God has been using them to teach me and bring me to a deeper level of understanding and compassion I wouldn’t have had otherwise. It is truly God working all for good for those who love Him. Romans 8:28

This understanding of learning from our past but not living by it is deep and personal. We each have a myriad of experiences from our past, and if we allow the Spirit of Truth to teach us, we will learn from those experiences, grow, and begin to live in the present out by the wisdom they provided. This understanding sets our mind free, thus frees us.


We Are What We Eat

We Are What We Eat:

Choosing Our Spiritual Home


The heavenly Father loves all His creation. It’s time for His all consuming love to manifest in creation. It’s time for the elements of darkness/death to be destroyed and the elements of life/love to shine forth.  2 Peter 3:10-13 It starts and ends with the transformation of our individual lives into the elements of His divine character.

For those seeking the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the manifestation of the divine character of the Heavenly Father in our souls and in our reality, we come to the understanding of what is written in this post. We understand as we let go of the covenant of death and embrace the covenant of life.

When our spirits leave the pit, which is a perpetuating death state within our souls, and we begin to enter everlasting life, which is a perpetuating life state within our souls, our physical reality reflects that transformation. The elements of death we once fostered, feed, grew and greatly suffered for leave our lives. The elements of the Kingdom of Heaven, joy, peace, love, and power, become our reality.

Faith is Having Understanding

As we resurrect to become children of God, all we do we do with spiritual understanding. This is very different than living by the law, in which there is a lack of spiritual understanding thus room for error and an inability to walk in truth. By spiritual understanding, which is having faith as a part of us, we grow and life is manifested within us.  Romans 8:2 As spiritual understanding fills our thoughts, perceptions, decisions, we create a different external reality. We become reflections of our heavenly Father; mirrors of truth and love.

As we begin to live according to the ways of the Kingdom of Light, we forsake the kingdom of darkness and all the ways it has manifested in this earth; which are numerous. In our transformation to children of the Kingdom of God, Hades, hell and death are destroyed from our lives. As we transform into the sons and daughters of God, as members of the Kingdom of Heaven, all that isn’t of it is extricated from our lives. When there is no one left partaking of these entities of death, they cease to exist, they are destroyed. Christ is the Good Shepherd leading us all out, thus ultimately destroying death. John 14:6, Revelation 20:13-14

The “Hidden” Hell

The physical is a reflection of the spiritual. This earth, as currently governed, is a part of the kingdom of darkness as it’s ruled by evil practices. Thus, it’s a prison of bondage and torment for many souls. Souls are kept in this prison by the lies they hold. People are under the oppression of evil as it pursues them at every turn and without truth to set them free, evil consumes their reality. Proverbs 13:21 In the darkness of the pit, they can’t “see” how their choices and actions create the reality they want to escape from; for if we partake of hell, we stay in it. No one wants to be in hell, yet people continue to perpetuate its existence in their blind lusts, thus keeping their souls trapped in what they are longing to escape from. We reap what we sow. Galatians 6:7  What we do to others, we do to ourselves. Matthew 7:12 These are spiritual laws not to be ignored if we desire to be set free.

One aspect of our physical reality where the reality of hell on this earth is clearly manifested is in the meat and dairy industries. As it is today, it’s a picture of hell, a reflection of hell, and it’s a part of hell. Many souls perpetuate its existence day in and day out with delight and enjoyment.

Without thought, multiple times a day, people consume the flesh of death and cruelty. In this consumption they find satisfaction and delight. When meat and dairy products are offered at low prices, it brings a welcomed pleasure for the pennies saved. Yet, at what cost do these low prices come? Mass production of animals with low-cost demands equates to hideous realities for animals. Animals we are to be caring for.

Marketing creates and feeds lies that convince people they need meat and dairy. Through fear, it keeps people trapped in growing and expanding hellish conditions, thus their own hell. Advertising alludes to happy cows, pigs, and chickens, and masks hidden conditions of suffering, torment and pain. Images projected upon people’s minds create and entice lustful insatiable appetites for the flesh of death. Their “delights” are fulfilled in hideous realities that most people couldn’t stomach to watch; tortuous practices full of suffering. There is a gruesome reality behind these illusions, when characterized would sum up as hell on earth. No one wants to be “in hell”, yet this is the reality they create for many many animals every day.

Imprisoned, bound, tortured, trapped in fear, pain, and suffering, many animals are in a living hell … and the keepers of hell demand more.

One aspect of hell is those who receive the torturous treatment. Another aspect is those who perpetuate the treatment.

Anyone who partakes of this living hell perpetuates it. To willingly partake and perpetuate hell is to be of a spirit of death, feeding upon death.

In our culture, the word demon has many horrific images. I don’t even like to write it. But it’s a word to characterize a type of spirit, a spirit feeding on and perpetuating death. It’s one who deems itself more significant than others. It’s one who cares only for its needs. It’s a spirit seeking lustful satisfaction with no thought of the ripple effects. It’s one who turns a blind eye to truth. Those of this mindset do not enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is entered through our soul state. If our soul is feasting and creating light it’s a part of the Kingdom of Light, if our soul is feasting and perpetuating darkness it’s a part of the kingdom of darkness. We are what we eat.

What we do to others, we bring upon ourselves. If we want mercy, we give mercy. Psalm 18:25 If we want forgiveness, we forgive. Matthew 6:14-15 If we want life, we feed and perpetuate life. We reap what we sow, because we are creative beings. What if God treated us as we treat others of His creation? In this reflection, we see our deep need for His mercy, and once we have this deep understanding we give mercy and change our ways.

At one point, we have all been under the sway of evil. Ephesians 2:2 We have partaken of and perpetuated cruelty and death. This is why we need to be saved; this attitude of the heart that feasts on violence and death. The Israelites lusted for meat in the wilderness. They chose the covenant of death, and we have walked in their footsteps. When will it end? When we choose the covenant of life in the reality of our lives and stop calling evil good and good evil.

If we continue to live our lives feeding cruelty, suffering, and pain, we continue to hold onto death, this pit, hell, and our lives will reflect this reality. If we want the kingdom of darkness to be destroyed, we have to stop perpetuating it. If we seek the living waters of truth to fill our minds and hearts thus transform our lives, the Kingdom of God will bloom in us and around us.

When we are ready to embrace the covenant of life, we will stop eating flesh of death and cruelty, and embrace the harmony God intended to exist in creation. This is one area of many in which we are transformed as we enter into the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.


Ascension of The Mind

Ascension of The Mind:

The Birth Pangs


May all our hearts and minds be inclined to do good and not evil, and know the difference.

A tremendous shift is starting to take place in the earth; the mind of mankind is starting to ascend as the spirit of Christ, the consummation of truth and love, unites to and within the souls of mankind.

This huge shift starts small, as a seed, within mankind. It comes by the obliteration of what is wicked and evil, and the ascension of what is good and loving in each individual. As one entity dies and another comes to life within us, it feels like spiritual birth pangs. The incredible nature of this transition of the ages is it happens within you and me.

Some have sold all, the elements of wickedness disguised in alluring lust, for the tiny seed. Some have seen that seed as nothing and tossed it aside. But in that seed is the essence of the spirit of the divine that unites our spirits to the eternal spirit of life.

Birth Pangs: Truth pushing through the Lies

There are two sources our thoughts can come from; lies from a lying spirit or truth from the spirit of truth.

There are two forces intently at work right now in our minds. One is the fiery darts of the lying spirit trying to steal and destroy any truth we are moving into and gaining. Ephesians 6:16

The second is the ointments of healing of the spirit of truth revealing any hidden darkness of our hearts and minds; thus setting us free from the lies that seek to destroy. 1 Corinthians 4:5

One seeks to destroy life and the other seeks to give it. Pray to know the difference. Many unknowingly follow lies they hold as truth to their own destruction.

There is a battle in our mind for our mind.

If a force or entity controls the mind, it controls the person, their reality, and on a large scale the world. Christ, the Word of God, moves our minds thus our existence into eternal life. Everything counter to His truth moves our minds thus our existence into death.

The truth in combination with our experiences that testify to the truth, which creates true faith Hebrews 11:1, are our defense and protection. If the truth never took root in us, then there is no testimony to the truth in our lives. We may have heard it, but if there is no transformation from within out, it never took root.  Thus, it’s very difficult to not believe lies when hurdled in our direction. Yet, if the truth is rooted in us, we will have the testimony in our lives because what we believe creates our reality. The fiery darts of these days will show whether the words of truth took root or not. If not, even what truth we heard will be stripped from our souls as if we never heard it. This is what an unblocked fiery dart does to a soul. Matthew 13:12

If we have the truth, when a fiery dart is shot at us; we can recognize it for what it is because the rooted truth in us reveals it as not true. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Revelation 12:16 Yet, this doesn’t necessarily make dismissing that thought a walk in the park. The darts that enter our minds are in relation to lies that we once held as truth. Thus, they have an impact on us.  We feel the sting when it hits our mind, but the truth stands up as our shield and buckler to protect us from any deep penetration or harm, because we don’t act on it. Psalm 91:4 What if we had no truth to combat that particular lie? The lie would take root. When a lie is accepted as truth, we act on it and make it a part of our reality, which further convinces us that it was true, when IT WAS A LIE!

Lies create pain, suffering, affliction, turmoil, irritation, oppression, tribulation, angst, stress, fear, bondage, anxiousness, worry, sin, and death.

Truth creates righteousness, peace, purity, holiness, goodness, joy, wisdom, kindness, love, rest, and eternal life.

Our lives reflect what we hold as true.

Is there any question to which direction we desire to move in? Yet, lies keep us from gaining the truth we need to be free from them. Until we diligently seek for the truth … Hebrews 11:6

In light of the battle taking place in our minds, we can understand why the heavenly Father told us to seek wisdom and understanding Proverbs 4:7, 16:16, to bind truth and mercy around our necks Proverbs 3:3, 14:22, to seek FIRST His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), and to listen and obey His counsel leading us in perfect truth (2 John 1:3, Isaiah 48:18).

The Light is dawning. The revealing of the hearts of people has begun. Charades will fall away, and all will be exposed. People are either showing more loving kindness, internal beauty, and wisdom, or they are showing more irritation, internal ugliness, and afflictions of foolishness. Matthew 3:10

Be a seeker of truth, which is knowing what is of the purest of love, thus knowing the heavenly Father. 1 John 4:8 If you truly trust the TRUE Christ (for many false Christs abound) to set you free, free you will be. EMBRACE the Light shining in your soul and let go of all that isn’t of the purest of love to all creation. REPEL the darts that seek to defeat and take this love from you. Keep pushing until your reality reflects the purest of love.


Connecting to the Wisdom of God

Connecting to the Wisdom of God


This may be several posts … there is a lot to say but as you grasp this fundamental understanding I’m presenting, you will find it leads to the paths of righteousness, peace, and abundant life.

Consider three layers of thought/wisdom/consciousness: 1. thoughts of the individual, 2. cumulative thoughts of individuals, and 3. the Creator’s thoughts.

Our thoughts are all our ideas and concepts about ourselves, others, creation, and this life. Our thoughts form our wisdom, which is the ways we act, and that forms our overall awareness or perception, which is our conscience. It’s our conscience that directs us in our decisions.

If our conscience is pure, our decisions are good. If it is not pure, our decisions aren’t good. Hebrews 10:22 If our thoughts are of truth and love, then we have good wisdom thus a good conscience. If our thoughts are full of lies and deception we have foolishness thus a defective conscience. If we follow a defective conscience then our lives are full of pain, suffering, hardships, and tribulation. If we follow a pure conscience our lives are full of love, beauty, righteousness, and peace. Thus, the source of our thoughts is extremely important.

Source of Your Thoughts

Mankind’s Wisdom

Beyond your individual thought is the next layer of thought, the cumulative thought of mankind. This is the conglomeration of mankind’s ideas, concepts, thus the wisdom of mankind. It’s the mass dumping station of all individual thought; good and bad. We receive thoughts from this domain and put thoughts into it.

As a whole this mass wisdom of mankind seeks to answer questions thus govern people’s lives regarding all aspects of life; like what brings success, what is the nature of us and God, what brings happiness and peace, and what is the purpose of life? You can see this layer of cumulative thought of mankind in family units, cultures, societies, where there is a cohesiveness of beliefs and ideas causing similarities in behaviors and actions.

Most people seek wisdom or understanding within this sphere of mankind’s cumulative thought, wisdom or consciousness. Each concept has a bucket of ideas. For example, there is a bucket defining what leads to success. In that bucket are all the concepts and ideas of mankind of what brings success. Out of that bucket people select what makes most sense to them; and some add their own ideas to it. If a concept from that bucket doesn’t work people go back and seek another one; ie trends like positive thinking.

Because this sphere is made up of each individual’s ideas of what is good and how to live, it is full of contrary concepts and corruption. When people seek understanding of what is good and right from this pool of thought it creates chaos and confusion in their lives because it contains of all kinds of contrary ideas and concepts. Therefore division, lies, and deception are prolific.

The nature of this wisdom is that it is sought through the physical senses; your physical surroundings and perceptions. (Guided by God’s Eye or Yours?) Thus you are always seeking from what is previously known. You may put ideas together in new ways, but it is all coming from the same source. If you seek from corruption, corruption is what you get. If you seek something different or new from garbage, you will still get garbage. There are particles of truth within this realm, but mixing lies and truth results in lies. Galatians 5:9 As long as we are seeking wisdom from this sphere we are in a never ending circle of mankind’s wisdom that keeps our souls in corruption because this sphere is full of corruption; I’ll address more later.

The Heavenly Father’s Wisdom

The next layer beyond mankind’s wisdom is pure wisdom whose source is the Creator, God. This wisdom is the only wisdom that is truly pure, loving and perfect for it comes from an all knowing Spirit whose unchanging characteristic is pure love. When you seek God, you are seeking the thoughts or ways of His spirit relevant to your existence. This is seeking wisdom of the spirit, not based on your current surroundings and others’ ideas. When you seek His ways, you gain pure wisdom that manifests in your life in true peace, love, beauty, blessing, honor and so on. James 3:13-18

Where Does Your Mind Reside?

We all start out abiding in the sphere of mankind’s wisdom. Proverbs 22:15 From birth our lives are founded on lies because, one, we exist in a world where mankind’s ways/wisdom dominate and not God’s. Second, we start out operating by our senses; what we see, see others doing, what we hear, etc. This is how we learn as a child. We absorb and react to the environment we are in. Thus our foundation from birth is one of lies, which is building our house on the sand. Mathew 7:26 Lies about who we are, what this life is about, who God is, what our purpose is and so on.

People are sponges. We absorb characteristics from our environment and from people around us. This is evident in a child absorbing the environment of his family and the nature and spirit of his parents. This is why we are warned to be careful of our friends. Proverbs 22:24-25 This characteristic of our humanness is our weakness and strength; weakness when we seek and absorb the ways and characteristics of mankind’s wisdom, and strength when we seek and absorb the characteristics of pure wisdom, God.

Most seek wisdom from mankind’s sphere of wisdom, because as a child we operate by our senses (physical or flesh) and not by the spirit. Unless a conscious shift is made, we remain this way. Thus, we are detached from pure wisdom, which is beyond this layer. When we are governed by the sphere of mankind’s wisdom, our minds thus our lives form the ultimate prison because we are bound to the corruption of mankind.

However, when we are awakened out of this sleep of death that there is another way and start to seek the wisdom beyond mankind’s collective wisdom, the prison doors start to open as our mind is renewed. In order to find and follow this true wisdom, we must look to another way beyond our senses to be governed. And that governance is by the spirit of God within us.


Testing the Hearts of Mankind

Testing the Hearts of Mankind

Tribulation is coming upon the world. For some they will abide in rest because they’ve enter the true sanctuary of the presence of God. Revelation 3:10 Others, still needing purification from the lusts of the world, will encounter further purging, refining, and testing, so God can move in. Proverbs 17:3, Revelation 2:16

Your circumstances test and reveal your heart for out of your heart springs the issues of life. If you circumstances are of the true peace; then you’re entering into the Kingdom of God. If they are of unrest; you are being tested in whom you serve. Let your circumstances show YOU your heart then fully seek and turn to God’s wisdom. Some will try to run and hide from the turmoil, but they cannot because it comes from within. Others will cry out to the true God and He will answer and lead them on the narrow path of truth into His sanctuary of peace.

The purpose of the tribulation is to lead people to deep repentance from the powers of this world (see below) that control them and drive them into death. God is life. To desire God to govern your mind is to embrace eternal life. In His love, He is purging the powers contrary to His perfect love from your life because they destroy you and others, and hurt Him, for He cares for you.

Thus, some of you are going through a significant testing in your circumstances to reveal whether you truly know and trust the true God. During these trying times of your soul; will you cling to the God of truth and choose His truth over the worldly wisdom and the golden calves of mankind’s creation? As the refining/purging fire comes what will it reveal in your spirit? One clinging to truth or one clinging to the pit of lies? 1 Corin 3:13

The Pit Within

During this time people will come face to face with the pit within them. Within the souls of men is a pit. It’s the shadow of death from a severance in the love bond between them and their Father of Light. Some have been coming out of that pit and walking into the light thus into God’s love, others, in spiritual blindness, cling to it to their destruction. Jeremiah 6:19

People try to run from this internal pit of darkness by doing and clinging to all sorts of things to convince themselves it isn’t there (addictions, religion, busyness, contrived self-exaltation). Yet, at times it surfaces and shows its terror.

The pit sucks any aspect of love from a person’s life and leaves them empty and alone. It creates hypocrisy as they try to flee it in any way possible; even by acts they know are destructive. People are trying to escape and run from this internal darkness and yet in their trying they push into the powers of ruin, thus they are trying to smother death with death. When they feed these powers, they are keeping their souls bound to the pit they are trying to escape. Though God longs to be united to them; they have been imprisoned to serving the lust of the world because their love for it. Thus a pit of darkness and emptiness remains in them.

The pit is full of lies, fear, and pain. It’s where the power of ruins have their anchor in people’s souls. They have to be uprooted; so God can abide within.

Psalm 75:10 All the horns of the wicked I will also cut off, But the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.”

10 Powers (horns) of Ruin

  1. Pride
  2. Flesh worship; images created by world
  3. Hypocrisy
  4. Fear
  5. Dishonor/Oppression/Belittling
  6. Personal vengeance/blame
  7. Lust
  8. Self-power, control
  9. Judging/Criticalness/Condemnation
  10. Covetiveness

These torment the soul. Founded on lies, they are the powers that drive us toward death; what Christ came to destroy with His light/truth. The fullness of Christ in us destroys this pit because He is the consummation of love. This fullness is upon us to be received. When His liquid light of truth and pure love implode that place, then death is destroyed in us forever.

Hebrews 2:14-15 Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Only God can show us the depth, expanse and power of these forces within us because we each have our own network of lies intertwined and twisted since childhood. Thus, the path of freedom entails a very personal interaction with our Creator. Seek their penetration to be expelled from your life, by the strength of God, down to the last residue clinging to the sides of your soul. He came to cleanse your vessel, let Him. To walk out of this pit is to forsake these powers and all related and connected to them.

If you are facing this pit, cry out to the God of truth. Forsake all artificial remedies of the world. It’s only covering death with death; as the lust of this world is the lust for death. Seek the eternal Light. Come to know the mountain of God; the mountain of truth established in unfailing love. Serve no other “truth” or wisdom but seek to serve the wisdom and love beyond this world yet for this world. Christ will not only deliver you, but will fill you with Himself; the most incredible light of truth and love. John 8:32 Be clear who you serve; and there are only two choices the God of truth or the god of lies and deceit. Pray to know the difference.

I’ve told you these things beforehand, so you may endure with fortitude. God is with you; there is tremendous power in trusting the living God. Cry out to Him for He cares for you; but you must receive Him for it’s the nature of love to be received and given.