Living Light

Stirring The Deep


The Shining

The Shining of the Saints


This post is a bit longer … but if you can receive the words, you are embarking upon great freedom and power that will enable you to shine.

In the coming days, those who have been uniting to the Father, thus partaking of the divine nature of the heavenly Father, will increase in their illumination; a radiance of the heavenly realm. Their shining is His spirit being made manifest in the earth.

Their light is the expression of the spirit of the Father flowing through their loving righteous words and actions. It’s the aura of the divine encircling their lives, and extending itself to others in sincere love and the establishment of harmony.

To fully unite with the heavenly Father entails receiving His perfect love within us as a part of us to such a degree that we able to give it to others. Initially this may seem like a relatively simplistic task, because many falsely claim to possess it. But to hold and extend the pure perfect love of the heavenly Father; thus to receive the perfect love of the Father is a personal climb. It comes from an intimate communion with God, which allows Him to reconstruct our soul in holiness to embrace His spirit. It’s each individual’s pilgrimage out of the prison of lies and false images of God Himself to the ascension of the mind to a new frequency, a reality of which the only current to ride upon is His righteousness.

Binding Lies

In the depths of us are core lies we initially received as truth into our soul, thus they are very true and real to us. These core lies prohibit the full acceptance of the perfect love of God that we must receive from Him – to such a degree that we are able to give it others. Acting in accordance to His love isn’t just a concept in our minds, but a reality in our lives. This pouring out of love, established upon truth, is a significant aspect of the shining of the holy ones; the ones who have been purified by the refining fire of the heavenly Father.

There is one of two lies that reside in the depths of people’s souls:

1. They are worthless, of no value, and insignificant.

2. They are hated and unloved.

Both of these are grounded in rejection and intertwined with one another, though most have felt one stronger than the other. These lies, and their variations and cohorts, create a vast emptiness in the souls of mankind. These core lies spawn many allies that create a locked-down reality of destitute poverty in the soul. They keep us tied and bound to death. These lies destroy us inside out.

They manifest great torments, pain, and suffering to others and ourselves. Many have spent their lives, mostly unknowingly, trying to cover these lies by convincing themselves they are worthy and loved. They have gone to great lengths to serve (worship) “acceptable” images they deem worthy and deserving of love. The lies have manifested numerous damaging and hurtful behaviors and decisions. They’ve entrapped people to worldly idols, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, addictions, depression, false images of God, abusive conditions, self-hatred, cruelty to others, and the list goes on.


Each one of us, where truth exists, is greatly loved and valued. However like a seed of a glorious flower buried in mud and slim, we’ve been covered by the actions and words those lies have created. In our belief of these lies, our unique and precious value has been hidden. The soil we abide in has to be “tilled”, so that seed can bud into what it was created to be.

Tilling the Soil

These lies are the heavenly Father’s deepest concern. It’s His utmost desire for them to be revealed and destroyed because they keep us from a deep pure connection with Him. The lies block our soul from becoming His home; thus from Him creating our reality as His reality. He is love. To be united to Him in a true oneness, we must always abide in His love. Though His love has been there, until we fully receive it into our soul in truth and understanding; it’s not fully our reality. Thus, we are not yet His home. When we are His home, we are His light.

Defeating Our Enemies

To defeat these enemies of our soul, first the heavenly Father teaches us that these are lies and not truth, in concept. However, as our lives continue to testify that the lies are real because of all the poor actions and treatments we experience, the path to defeat has only just begun. Because they are at our very core, plucking of them out of our soul for good comes through a spiritual battle.

God is love.  When He comes to put all things under Christ’s authority, He is coming in the weakest of vessels, us, for His strength is made perfect in weakness. He is coming with living light (refining fire), which is the flowing stream of His righteous love through His saints.  The fullness of His love is beyond this world and always has been until the end of days, when those capable of holding such light receive His fullness. His perfect love contains all that He is (just, holy, pure, righteous, long suffering, gentle, powerful, mighty, humble, gracious, merciful) and thus of the most potent perfect power.

As the heavenly Father comes to make His abiding place in us, before we receive His perfect love born out of His divine character, we will have to battle these lies and this is how.

The Support of Righteous Acts (Bona Fide Faith)

In seeking the truth, the Christ, the Teacher, instructs us how to live in righteousness in our individual lives. We follow His directives by the understanding we gain from our intimate conversations with Him. Those instructions create certain actions/words. Those actions reflect the truth learned and our reality shows the results, fruit. For example, we act in love without hypocrisy, thus our relationships are true and life-giving. We possess a giving mentality versus taking, thus we have abundance for every good work. We return good for evil, thus the harm intended is replaced with increased growth and blessing. We bless and not curse, thus we help others to see the truth. We honor ourselves and others, thus we cultivate trustworthy relationships. We cease to lust for the contrived images of the world, thus we love others and ourselves in honor and truth. We treat others and creation with kindness and respect, thus we have increasing health and peace in our reality. We trust God in all matters of justice and don’t seek personal vengeance (inc. unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, resentments, etc), thus we receive abundant mercy in our lives. All our acts are of sincerity flowing from our heart, which is being infused with His light/truth, versus trying to conform our lives to some godly or good image. Our lives are a true and real reflection of a heart being transformed by the handiwork of God’s truth within it. Our lives, full of His ways, are writing the Book of Life; a book of living, life-giving acts ordained and governed by our personal internal interaction with the heavenly Father.

Spiritual Battling of Victory

Then, comes the battle. From our depths those lies come against full force. In the midst of the battle as those lies are raging against us, we look to our lives, the Book of life, and it testifyies that those lies are indeed lies and not truth. Instead of seeing a witness to the lies in our lives, we see a witness to a heart growing in pure love as testified by the righteous fruit born out of sincere love. When the contrast of the lie and the reality are before us; the lie, though fighting for its existence, is consumed in truth.

The lies have to be exposed, and then they can be rooted out. They are rooted out by God’s word in us backed by the witness of the sincere acts of righteous love (faith) in our lives. If we had no witness in our lives to the contrary, how would we truly know the lies weren’t true? Our obedience to the whisperings of Christ provided the ammunition we needed for those lies to be destroyed. If our lives testify to a changed heart, the lies are destroyed in this battle. If our lives testify to those lies, then the lies continue to consume us, and the perfect love of the Father is blocked from entering into our soul. A lie is truly destroyed when it is no longer reflected in our reality.

Faith without works is dead, unable to help in this battle.

Our victory over the world of lies, thus death, is our faith.

The righteous loving acts, coming out of faith, swallow up the lies. When they are swallowed up, we are enable to receive the perfect indwelling love of the heavenly Father. This indwelling love is the source of the light that shines into the world.


Veiling of Spiritual Laws

Veiling of Spiritual Laws

To abide in peace, loving kindness, wisdom, power, freedom, joy, rest, love and all of the purest of your desires, which is the presence of God, isn’t rocket science but it’s a perfect science. It’s a science of spiritual laws based on a foundation of loving kindness; because their Creator is love.

Creation is crafted in incredible wisdom; which is obvious with even the simplest observation. This wisdom is made up of various types of laws; like physical and spiritual laws.

Spiritual laws are what we, the spirits, operate by to function perfectly. If we understand and live by them, we do well. If we don’t live by them, we don’t do well. This is why seeking this wisdom of the Creator is essential to all else. Proverbs 4:7 If you continually go against the law of gravity by jumping off of buildings, you are going to continue to get hurt. If you constantly go against the spiritual laws, like kindness without hypocrisy, you are going to continue to get hurt.

The problem is the spiritual laws have been masked by lies and thus not discernible by many.

Veil Over Spiritual Laws

The reason the spiritual laws are hidden to most people is because the laws have been covered in lies; a false truth presenting itself as truth. Most people are only aware of the lie covering the truth, and not the truth. Thus lies abound.

A false truth that claims to produce a certain end but it does not is a lie. A truth that does produce what it promises is a spiritual law. Proverbs 10:22  Lies promise the things of the spirit (peace, joy, love, etc) and yet never fully deliver. Truths promise these and do deliver. Thus, there are two contrary groups of thought around concepts; one of lies and one of truth.

Lies and truth influence our minds because they influence the source we draw wisdom from. There are two places we can seek for wisdom; the mass consciousness of man (mankind’s wisdom) or the pure consciousness of God (our Heavenly Father’s wisdom). James 3:15-17  Only seeking from God’s wisdom will we abide in pure truth; because mankind’s wisdom has been over-runned by lies. Think of these two places as two clouds, or air masses, of thought. Like air, wisdom exists but you don’t see it, you only see the results of it like a tree blowing in the wind.

If you control the awareness and understanding of the spiritual laws; you control the spirits abiding by those laws.

This is why spiritual laws continue to be covered in lies.

Because a lying spirit, Satan, seduced mankind to stray from truth, lies formed within the individual consciousness of man, which automatically feeds the mass consciousness. Romans 5:12 This is how lies spread; people holding lies as truth feed and withdraw from the mass consciousness, thus infecting everyone. If truth is not known, the lies can’t be detected. Some lies may be revealed for what they are, but as long as people are drawing upon this one source they will always abide in lies to some degree.

This is the domain Satan, the lying spirit, reigns. This is why he is referred to the prince of the air. Ephesians 2:2 This is how the world is under his sway, because most only interact with the mass consciousness by learning, seeking and gaining wisdom only from it and not the pure consciousness/God’s wisdom. 1 John 5:19

How Does a Lying Spirit Reign?

A lie generates when someone wants to gain a certain result and misleads someone to get what they want. Once the lie is received by another, it’s manifested in the mass consciousness. The more people believe in a specific lie the stronger it grows. Thus some lies abound and others stay small within the mass consciousness.

Some unknowingly manipulate the mass consciousness for evil, and others purposely manipulate it by the thoughts they put into it. This is the essence of “fear-based” news, advertising, TV, movies, media, magazines, various institutions, corrupted governments and religions, certain programs, organizations, schools, etc. These entities purposely influence the mass consciousness for certain purposes; money, power, fame, status, control, etc.

For example take advertising. A desirable image, like a beautiful woman, is attached to a concept, product or service. The ad suggests that if you embrace what they are selling you will have the desired image the woman projects. This is manipulating and influencing the mass thought of mankind to act in certain ways. This is one example of thousands on how people are manipulated by this mass consciousness. To stop interacting and succumbing our mind to all these manipulation sources is to “come out of the world.”

This mass consciousness among many things is full of empty images that keep people bound to certain lifestyles causing them pain. The lie posing as truth keeps them bound to being and feeding the source of the things that cause pain and suffering in their lives. It’s a place of contrived images that tell people who they are, who others are, who God is, what to pursue, what is success, what is valued, what is desired, and so on. It’s used to oppress, control and manipulate people for all kinds of evil purposes. It’s a very corrupted spiritual realm of thought, in which most people interact with all day long. This dynamic of the mind being shrouded in lies creates the prison, the darkness, the pit.

To operate in accordance to the spiritual laws, one has to willing unplug from the world’s wisdom by seeking the pure wisdom of God.

More on this next ….


Connecting to the Wisdom of God

Connecting to the Wisdom of God


This may be several posts … there is a lot to say but as you grasp this fundamental understanding I’m presenting, you will find it leads to the paths of righteousness, peace, and abundant life.

Consider three layers of thought/wisdom/consciousness: 1. thoughts of the individual, 2. cumulative thoughts of individuals, and 3. the Creator’s thoughts.

Our thoughts are all our ideas and concepts about ourselves, others, creation, and this life. Our thoughts form our wisdom, which is the ways we act, and that forms our overall awareness or perception, which is our conscience. It’s our conscience that directs us in our decisions.

If our conscience is pure, our decisions are good. If it is not pure, our decisions aren’t good. Hebrews 10:22 If our thoughts are of truth and love, then we have good wisdom thus a good conscience. If our thoughts are full of lies and deception we have foolishness thus a defective conscience. If we follow a defective conscience then our lives are full of pain, suffering, hardships, and tribulation. If we follow a pure conscience our lives are full of love, beauty, righteousness, and peace. Thus, the source of our thoughts is extremely important.

Source of Your Thoughts

Mankind’s Wisdom

Beyond your individual thought is the next layer of thought, the cumulative thought of mankind. This is the conglomeration of mankind’s ideas, concepts, thus the wisdom of mankind. It’s the mass dumping station of all individual thought; good and bad. We receive thoughts from this domain and put thoughts into it.

As a whole this mass wisdom of mankind seeks to answer questions thus govern people’s lives regarding all aspects of life; like what brings success, what is the nature of us and God, what brings happiness and peace, and what is the purpose of life? You can see this layer of cumulative thought of mankind in family units, cultures, societies, where there is a cohesiveness of beliefs and ideas causing similarities in behaviors and actions.

Most people seek wisdom or understanding within this sphere of mankind’s cumulative thought, wisdom or consciousness. Each concept has a bucket of ideas. For example, there is a bucket defining what leads to success. In that bucket are all the concepts and ideas of mankind of what brings success. Out of that bucket people select what makes most sense to them; and some add their own ideas to it. If a concept from that bucket doesn’t work people go back and seek another one; ie trends like positive thinking.

Because this sphere is made up of each individual’s ideas of what is good and how to live, it is full of contrary concepts and corruption. When people seek understanding of what is good and right from this pool of thought it creates chaos and confusion in their lives because it contains of all kinds of contrary ideas and concepts. Therefore division, lies, and deception are prolific.

The nature of this wisdom is that it is sought through the physical senses; your physical surroundings and perceptions. (Guided by God’s Eye or Yours?) Thus you are always seeking from what is previously known. You may put ideas together in new ways, but it is all coming from the same source. If you seek from corruption, corruption is what you get. If you seek something different or new from garbage, you will still get garbage. There are particles of truth within this realm, but mixing lies and truth results in lies. Galatians 5:9 As long as we are seeking wisdom from this sphere we are in a never ending circle of mankind’s wisdom that keeps our souls in corruption because this sphere is full of corruption; I’ll address more later.

The Heavenly Father’s Wisdom

The next layer beyond mankind’s wisdom is pure wisdom whose source is the Creator, God. This wisdom is the only wisdom that is truly pure, loving and perfect for it comes from an all knowing Spirit whose unchanging characteristic is pure love. When you seek God, you are seeking the thoughts or ways of His spirit relevant to your existence. This is seeking wisdom of the spirit, not based on your current surroundings and others’ ideas. When you seek His ways, you gain pure wisdom that manifests in your life in true peace, love, beauty, blessing, honor and so on. James 3:13-18

Where Does Your Mind Reside?

We all start out abiding in the sphere of mankind’s wisdom. Proverbs 22:15 From birth our lives are founded on lies because, one, we exist in a world where mankind’s ways/wisdom dominate and not God’s. Second, we start out operating by our senses; what we see, see others doing, what we hear, etc. This is how we learn as a child. We absorb and react to the environment we are in. Thus our foundation from birth is one of lies, which is building our house on the sand. Mathew 7:26 Lies about who we are, what this life is about, who God is, what our purpose is and so on.

People are sponges. We absorb characteristics from our environment and from people around us. This is evident in a child absorbing the environment of his family and the nature and spirit of his parents. This is why we are warned to be careful of our friends. Proverbs 22:24-25 This characteristic of our humanness is our weakness and strength; weakness when we seek and absorb the ways and characteristics of mankind’s wisdom, and strength when we seek and absorb the characteristics of pure wisdom, God.

Most seek wisdom from mankind’s sphere of wisdom, because as a child we operate by our senses (physical or flesh) and not by the spirit. Unless a conscious shift is made, we remain this way. Thus, we are detached from pure wisdom, which is beyond this layer. When we are governed by the sphere of mankind’s wisdom, our minds thus our lives form the ultimate prison because we are bound to the corruption of mankind.

However, when we are awakened out of this sleep of death that there is another way and start to seek the wisdom beyond mankind’s collective wisdom, the prison doors start to open as our mind is renewed. In order to find and follow this true wisdom, we must look to another way beyond our senses to be governed. And that governance is by the spirit of God within us.


Masquerading as Voice of Truth

Masquerading as Voice of Truth

Most people believe they can detect a lying spirit, but given the abundance of religions and denominations in those religions … we better take another look at our surety in this matter.

Proverbs 14:15 The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps. 

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 

1 Timothy 4:2  Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,

We are to believe God’s words to us from His Holy Spirit above ALL others’ words. Do you do this? Do you spend time with God listening and learning from His Spirit to be able to place His words of life above all others?

If you do, it’s your greatest defense and protection. It will lead you down paths of life (rest, peace, joy and righteous love).

If you don’t, it’s your greatest downfall. It will lead you down paths of hardship, affliction, pain and suffering.

What does your life reveal about what path you are on? Your life is your testimony.

Sovereignty of God’s Words

In abiding in the sovereignty of God’s words, I’m not talking about your pastor or favorite teacher giving their opinions about God’s Word and truth. I’m talking about what YOU have learned YOURSELF from God directly about God, you, others, His truths, and this world.

Make a list of your beliefs. Then next to them write where you learned that belief from (e.g. heaven, hell, salvation, end times, anti-christ, surrender, worship, service to God, relationship to God, love, forgiveness).  You should be moving to learning from God Himself in all things. 1 John 2:27

We are to put God’s words to us; words spoken to our spirit by the Holy Spirit above all others regardless of what “authority” or position they hold in this world. God desires to lead us down the paths of life, but if don’t heed His word above all others we won’t travel very far with Him. Putting other’s words first can and often does lead to great bondage and damage to our souls. For this reason, we have the Holy Spirit. But our part is to listen to and follow Him.

When it comes to God, we’ve been ill-taught to rely on others in a way we were never meant to. We put people in authority and put their words over the promptings of our heart. We put the masses concepts of God over seeking to know Him as He is from God Himself. Surely that many people can’t be wrong … really? Mark 13:22

Especially in these days, if we haven’t developed a strong connection with the source of truth we have a high propensity to be greatly led astray. 2 Thess 2:10

Masquerade as Angel of light

It’s easy for Satan to masquerade as an angel of light; to mimic the words and appearances of what we deem good and loving, for he has manufactured those images. 2 Corinthians 11:14 He is the designer of the sheep’s clothing and over the thousands of years has gotten quite good at it; the external humble, loving, and good person.

If we don’t have a solid foundation of truth and built our house (soul) upon the Rock, it will be easy to fool us for he knows the scriptures better than most professing believers who spend very little time seeking and learning from the Holy Spirit. He knows how to twist them just enough to keep us blinded and sending us into bondage. Scriptures people don’t know because haven’t been taught them one-on-one by the Holy Spirit. The very words that can free us if we would trust God to teach us, he uses to bind us with a few twists and misinterpretations. He has created false doctrines.  He has created a false image of God; how to serve Him, worship Him, and how He works. Question is, if you haven’t sought to know about God from God Himself, then who do you really know and worship? He gives signs and wonders, like healings, to misled people and more deeply ensnare them into his doctrines of death.

Some masqueraders are caught in their hypocrisy, but many continue to mislead because those listening to them lack a love for truth and thus fall for their false doctrines that keep them bound in lies and out of abundant life.

Beware of the images you hold of “godly” people, and putting your trust in them because of that image. Instead seek to know God as He is and His truth.


The Ultimate Lie

The Ultimate Lie

The messages of this world and religion have made life with God somehow less, which is a lie. It’s this lie that must be exposed in our soul to enable us come into the fullness of God’s righteous love. As long as we are holding this lie, we won’t let go and embrace all He has for us. We will continue to make decisions against His leading and thus repeat the dynamic of what happened in the Garden of Eden over and over … that somehow we know better.


The End of Evil’s Reign

The End of Evil’s Reign


I’ve mentioned before, there are two paths leading to two spiritual kingdoms in this earth; one of lies and the other truth.

The kingdom of lies has prevailed since the Garden of Eden. Resulting in sin and death reigning. Lies believed and acted upon is sin and sin gives way to death and all it entails. James 1:15 Its dominion is extensive so that nothing of this flesh life is outside its influence. It’s the kingdom we are born into, thus born into sin. True believers have lived with the hope of redemption from this kingdom, and now this hope is coming to fruition as Christ’s spirit is resurrected in this earth.

Babylon is the kingdom of darkness (kingdom of lies, which is hell). Think of it as a huge web of interlocking lies that covers the earth and taints every thought and action of mankind. It’s a web that lays between mankind and God blinding them to His perfect righteous love. It shapes the core beliefs of mankind. It imprisions them from the truth. It controls their behaviors manifesting every type of evil; from obvious evil to evil disguised as good. It produces all that is contrary to God; every evil, pain, suffering, hardship, sickness, bondage, and death. Under its sway, people destroy themselves because they believe lies to be truth. It blocks them of what is of true life; contentment, joy, peace, rest, righteous love, abundance, value, wisdom, truth, eternal life. When lies rule in our minds, it manifests spiritual death.

The end of this earth age, as spoken in the Bible, is the end of this kingdom’s reign. In it’s destruction a new age is born; for as God destroys He creates. This transition has begun.

We’ve witnessed storms, hardships, around us. They are to awaken us to what lays ahead and thus my adamant warning to you; seek God for He is truth and in Him there is no death. Proverbs 12:28 In the end of this age, the lies are destroyed, and truth and righteousness take their place. Though this is a glorious truth, the journey into the kingdom of truth will be difficult to those who have built their lives on lies, and haven’t sought the word of life. Matthew 7:24-27, James 1:21 Without truth, people have no where to turn when their lies start imploding upon themselves. If we are living by lies, which we believe to be truth, and push deeper into those lies as times grow desperate because that’s all we’ve cultivated, then great tribulation awaits our spirits. But it doesn’t have to be, if we would seek God as He has instructed. Amos 5:4

As Christ’s spirit returns filling His prepared vessels, the destruction of the lies will advance. The lies are all the concepts, ideas, thoughts, behaviors that people live by and trust. They are concepts people believe to be truth; what they trust in to deliver them from whatever discomforts them, and prosper them in this earth.  As the lies are destroyed, the beliefs that people have trusted will no longer “deliver” or “work for” them. (They never did “work”, it was God’s mercy.) Instead, walking those ways will bring increasing unrest.  Psalm 52

For example, if you are trusting in your ability to provide for you household; the work of your hands, it will grow increasingly challenging. You’ll experience growing discomfort, angst, stress, worry, suffering and loss because those lies are being destroyed.

God has delayed Christ’s return desiring His creation to repent and give up their souls to be inhabited by Him; to be governed by His righteous love. 2 Peter 3:9 Its the only way to walk in righteousness, thus life. Though people have been governed by lies, His delay has kept back the full ramification of them. But as God returns, His very presence, a consuming fire, will destroy the lies, causing more angst for many, for He is truth and that is what truth does. If you are holding onto those lies and your life, house, is built on those lies, it will be destroyed, yet your spirit will be refined through the fire. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15

As a consuming fire, if we are a part of God, we won’t be destroyed because we are walking in His ways which are life, which is replacing the lies. We will be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, totally protected in the midst of the fire. Now is the time to flee Babylon (web of lies) and go to the mountain (truths) of God.

As in the days of Noah, a flood is upon us, not of water, but of God’s truth, the living water that will destroy the kingdom of darkness. You are either walking on the water with Christ, or sinking into the sea for lack of faith; a faith established by knowing and trusting God into rest where His power reigns.

To be continued ….  entering into the Kingdom of God .


A Fog of Lies & The Path Out

A Fog of Lies


The Path Out

1 John 5:19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

A thick morning fog masks the creation that lies beneath. It hovers over the earth and prohibits our ability to perceive what is real. But as the sun streams through, we begin to see.

If you once were overweight, depressed, a work alcoholic, alcoholic, people pleaser, without hope, bound by illness, entrapped by fear, enslaved by religion, a fulfillment of your parents’ caustic words, agoraphobic or any type of phobic, then you know the power of a lie. The lies we believe travel deep scripting our lives.

Most of us grossly underestimate the extent that this world is under the sway of the wicked one. All is backwards, reversed, up side down and twisted causing grief, suffering, pain and death. Where do you think all these thoughts and concepts came from that put us and others in such states as above? Perhaps it’s too difficult to admit our world is so twisted, because then what? Ignorance isn’t bliss, the truth is.

Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace

Over creation lays a dense fog of lies. Beginning in the womb, like a poisonous gas this destructive mist infiltrates every aspect of our belief systems, our minds, thus our lives. It touches everything, living little unscathed by its presence. Our perception has been crafted by it; thus all has been marred by its influence; education, history, money, economics, politics, media, medicine, marriage, sex, family dynamics, religion, and relationships. It defines who we are and how we are to live. It defines our value or lack of it. It defines how we work. It defines happiness. It defines how we think and what is important. It defines God. It defines everything.

The penetration of lies into our society, thinking, acting and ways of living is cavernous as an abyss … the more you see the deeper it goes. It’s expansive as the ocean … when you think you see the edge there is more. Like computers, our minds have been programmed by this fog teaching us how to think, act, and believe in ways that foster our destruction. Just take an honest look around and see what we have been creating.

Our minds are very powerful. What we believe, we act on, and manifest. If we believe in lies then we act on them and because they are lies they create pain, suffering, havoc and chaos. Our minds are easily manipulated and used against us on many levels. They can be a prison, and the greatest weapon against us. For one example, consider the type of messaging streaming over the airwaves and how those “airwaves” are demanding more of our constant attention. Look at how it’s altered your thinking. You will see the programming language of evil. It follows all the protocols to program us to think certain ways (repetition, playing on emotions, defining value etc) thus believe and live in a way that to our ignorance ultimately destroys us. Ephesians 2:2 How wise we are to pursue wisdom from above.

The path out is truth, manifested by the Spirit of God. Truth comes from the source of truth, God. If we seek the truth from God, we are opening a door in our minds that allows the sun to start streaming in.

Yet many don’t seek truth from God, because the perception of God has also been marred by this fog. God is not far from us, as many of the lies dictate to keep us imprisoned. Acts 17:27 One of the greatest deceptions is God’s lack of love for us; a real love that affects the detailed interworking of day to day life. The reality is He is vey present in His love, but we can’t “see” Him because of the multitude of lies we believe about Him and us. The lies keep us from seeing and seeking Him. We’ve all had the experience where our own blindness about a situation kept us from seeing it for what it was. When later we become aware of what was really going on, we are amazed at “how blind we were”. In this fog of lies, the moment we glimpse God’s majesty, the experience is corrupted by the programming our minds have been shaped by, as pictured in the parable of the sower of the seed. Mark 4:1-20 Like everything else, our perception of God has been shaped by this corrupted fog keeping us far from Him, by keeping our minds from Him.

Defy the lies and seek. Seeking is key. Because of this consuming fog, seeking is required as the truth has been hidden. We have to seek to be able to see something new, which is the very nature of seeking. Initially, with such a deafening cloak shrouding our ability to see, it takes diligence to seek truth and continue to. This is where most fail, thus live the consequences of the lies they believe. We’ve been programmed to believe all sorts of declarations about what is truth and what it isn’t. But when we dare to seek to truly know, God rewards us with the truth. Truth doesn’t come all at once. It’s little by little, percept upon percept. In time, our minds, lives and souls are transformed.

Where is the door to this path of truth we seek? Christ, the Truth, is the door. John 10:9 God manifested Himself in a man, to show us the way, to show us the truth. He established a corresponding written word to assist us on this path. If we seek the truth, by the guidance of His Spirit, He teaches us the truth. Psalm 119:105, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 11:29 Without the lies, the barriers to experiencing God’s love and truth are removed. He laid a path for us to traverse to move us out of the fog and into the brilliant sunlight; a way of manifesting a new mind, thus a new being.

Pray for the gift of faith to believe that God, the source of truth, rewards those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 Seeking to know Him as He is, is the path out of the prison of our minds and to true liberty and abundant life.