Living Light

Stirring The Deep

Love Letters to God


Love Letters to God 

In the last post, I recommended writing two love letters to God; one reflecting where you are today in your relationship with God and one where you would like to be.

The first commandment is:

Matthew 12:30 ‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

How many of us actually live a life that fulfills this commandment? What do you do with someone you love? Do you do the things that cultivate a relationship with God in which you can love Him with all your heart, soul and mind? Sadly most are more concerned about following the commandments of men (i.e. being in church) and those are put first, while this one is lost in the busyness.

I challenge you to put God first. Seek for Him to be your first love.  Do what it takes to Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Spend quality time with Him each day getting to know Him through His Word; talking, listening, sharing and growing in unity. Seek to learn from and listen to His Holy Spirit given to you.  Start by writing a love letter describing your relationship today and then write one for where you want to be. Then you’ll know where you are headed and then DO what it TAKES to get there.

Here are a few exerts from the letters I wrote. How limited our words are.

Exerpt of my Love Letter of Today

My Lord,

How my heart longs for you; your presence, love and truth. You are my everything. Apart from you I’m nothing and can do nothing. You are my life.  

Time with you each day means so much. I cherish each moment we spend together. It ills me to miss it. Your words spoken to me are perfect. You always know just what to say and when to say it. My heart longs to hear your voice constantly. Let your whispers ring clear in my ears. Be ever so close to me.

Thank you for the love you’ve shown me. It’s one far purer, deeper and more real than I’ve ever known. Thank you for the strength, peace and help you give me. Your faithfulness is my hope, delight and strength. I feel protected in our embrace. The shelter of your strong countenance give me peace.

I love you Lord. I want to know you more. I want more of you to consume me as I’ve tasted your goodness.

Exerpt of my Love Letter of the Future

My Lord,

We are bound, You and I, in the soul. We do everything together in unity of will, truth and love. You are the love of my life. Your love pulsates through me and others feel that vibration. I can’t stop talking of You for you consume my thoughts and my life. Our oneness is deep, rich, powerful and passionate. Only in your strength do I breathe. I see and feel you in every step and at every turn. Your words of wisdom fill my thoughts; I can’t wait to hear what you will say next. They leave room for nothing else.

All day long I hear your sweet whispers to me. In everything I think of and consult you, for our lives are one. I’m clothed in your love. May your fountain of living waters never cease to fill me. May there never be a separation between you and I.

You are my joy, strength and life. Your love is sweeter than any I’ve known. It changes, renews and refreshes me. I feel captivated by your love. I’ve never felt more alive than I do now.

Your spirit moves in me like a gentle breeze. It never leaves; even in the stillness the power of your spirit is evident.

I long for you and yet you are always there. I hunger for more and you constantly fill me up. There is no love like your love.

I feel the fortress of your countenance surround me and in you nothing can harm me.

Our footsteps are as one. My mind never wanders from your truth. My eyes never glance at another. I’ve know the perfection of our ways, there is no one who can compare.

In you my energy is boundless, I could run forever. Yet the rest and peace that fills every breath creates a balance of perfection.

With your hand under me there isn’t anything I can’t do; no challenge I can’t conquer. Your care for me overwhelms me.

I am most blessed among all to know your love. May you be the love of my life for eternity.

There is no better time than NOW to start getting to truly know God as He is so that you can truly love Him as He is.

Author: Rachel

Contemplating the oneness of Truth while guided by the Voice of Truth produces the evolution or maturation of the soul, spirit and mind, so reality can begin to reflect Truth's immutable, divine attributes, which manifest the highest good for all. This blog reflects an ever-deepening understanding of the Truth a soul gains as its mind is renewed by Truth's pure Light.

58 thoughts on “Love Letters to God

  1. Bless you, Rachel

    Your letters are awesome!

    “I can’t stop talking of You for you consume my thoughts and my life.” That’s rare indeed….No doubt there are many of God’s people who do the same….but I have met only three in 25 years and two of them are now with the Lord.


  2. Pingback: Stirring the Deep: Love Letters to God « Journey Into God

  3. Rachel,
    What you said before your two letters is truly amazing. Well said. If you don’t mind, I quoted you and linked to your post on my blog. You can find it here:

    • Hi Eric – thanks for the link! This is such an important issue that struck me last week. This first commandment of God which is to be the foundation to all else is so strongly ignored, brushed off, assumed to be fulfilled or fulfilled by a superficial love that really isn’t love at all. Love doesn’t come instant. It comes from diligently seeking to know God as He is – then your love is based on what is real and not some false image of God, and it’s grounded on a substantial reality not some ethereal fleeting emotions.

      • The beloved once are connected where ever they will be….Once they will come to know each other…..

        I would like to communicate the the soul….

  4. Rachel,

    This post made me uncomfortable because I struggle with love. However,…it makes a lot of sense and I cannot ignore it.

    I shall be cross-posting this to my blog because people need to read it for themselves and maybe be made a little bit uncomfortable like I have been.

    I’m off now to wallow and squirm in how uncomfortable you have made me. 🙂

    Donald in Bethel, CT

    • Hi Donald, thank you for your honesty. I’m glad it did. I would strongly encourage you to dig into that uncomfortableness with God …. there is a lot there for you. 🙂

      • …grumble, grumble…Donald says as he sits in front of his keyboard.

        You are right, of course. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it. 🙂

        I think there is a lot for all of us in the uncomfortableness of being a disciple. Nicely said, Rachel.

  5. Pingback: Stirring the Deep: Rachel and love letters to God. Highly recommended! | Project: Mathetes

  6. Thank you Rachel for sharing your heart and your passion for our LORD. What love and intimacy that is so consuming. I believe I will take your challenge as I have not journaled in a while and these two love letters will be a wonderful place to get back and have a clear picture of where my heart is today and give a glimpse of where He has me today and catch a glimpse of where I long to be.

  7. Beautiful words, Rachel….beautiful life! Beautiful relationship with our Lord! I resonate with the person above who talks about only meeting a few in life who live like this. It is always a JOY to come across one in this “journey on earth”. But YOU are one, for me; and I love to read the “beautiful words” he gives to you, my Sister in the Lord!

    Much love,

  8. Hi Rachel.
    I am always encouraged and inspired when I read your blog. I think your idea of writing love letters to God is wonderful. When I tell people about this idea, I will tell them about your blog. Both of your letters are beautiful!

  9. Please do not publish this comment.

    I saw I typo that I wanted to let you know about. Excerpt is misspelled. I would want you to tell me if you saw a typo, so that is why I am letting you know. I am not being critical. I often have friends see typos on my blog!

    I have your blog on my blog roll and it is one of my favorites!

  10. My time of reading and writing each morning is the highlight of my day . . . as I’m sure yours is as well. We who believe have heaven’s nature born into us. To the extent that we feed it, is the extent to which it will grow. Hudson Taylor realized one day that when Jesus said, ‘If any one is thirsty, let him come to me and drink’, He didn’t mean a one time drink, but that we are to come and come often. The more you have of it, the more you realize you need it. The more you realize you can’t do without it – as you have said here.

    I could say a lot more – we who enjoy writing are kind of like that – but I’ll stop. Probably couldn’t say anything better than I’ve already said anyway.

    God seems to be stirring quite a few people. I think He’s up to something.

  11. Pingback: My Love Letter to God my Father: (Thank you, Rachel…) | Project: Mathetes

  12. Rachel:

    Your letters are as beautiful as Psalms. I enjoyed them both. You are in a beautiful place with God.

  13. The letters were beautiful. And they really touched my heart. Thank you for showing your passion and love for the Lord.

  14. Hey Rachel, this was a wonderful idea; even though I’ve been writing prayers to God a lot, this was a challenge to do something a little different.

    Thanks for sharing your letters. Donald’s comment about being uncomfortable struck me… I think reading these made me a little uncomfortable as far as where I am in my journey: not as deeply in love with God as I would wish and far too focused on my own part in the journey instead of His!

    What you said about assuming love is there when it’s not is a good point. I think many of us do that – with God, with family members, and with other people. It’s as if we don’t look into our hearts to see if love is there; our mind just thinks love is supposed to be there, so we assume it is. I’ve been thinking about this for a while…

    In many ways, in any relationship, I don’t know if I really know how love grows or how you nurture it, but I cling to something God put in my heart a while back (so this is yet another example of Him sending confirmation to me through your writing, my friend). God promises in Hosea 2 “thou shalt know the Lord.” And since we know God is Love. Knowing God and knowing Love are wrapped up in each other!

    • Hi Ruth — thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. You are right — when you know God you love Him, the more you know Him the more you want to know Him.

      Love comes by intimately knowing – (not a head knowledge but intimate knowing). Knowing comes from diligently seeking. When we diligently seek — we spend quality time each day with God one-on-one in His Word (with a heart to intimately know Him, not just know the Bible), in prayer talking and listening. We let that time penetrate our lives. We let the Word penetrate our lives by acting on it in faith.

      There was a time I didn’t really love God – I knew I was to love Him and wanted to but it wasn’t there …. I didn’t know Him. I hadn’t spent enough time seeking to know Him. I prayed to know Him and spent the time cultivating a relationship and the love followed.

  15. Inspiring post Rachel! Truly God is the love of our life for eternity!

    Ruth, cling to Hosea 2. Your understanding is spot on!

    God promises in Hosea 2 “thou shalt know the Lord.” And since we know God is Love. Knowing God and knowing Love are wrapped up in each other!

    Additionally, praise God as the person who makes love grow.

    Being very attentive and nurturing belong together – think of a loving mom’s tender. nurturing love for her young children.

    Truly God is our joy, strength and life!

    Josef Sefton

    • Hi Josef, thanks for your encouragement … your comment brought to mind 1 Thessalonians 3:12 “And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you,: –as you said it is God who grows our love as we diligently seek Him.

  16. Rachel,
    Nice to visit your blog again. I loved this post. Your love letters to God are like my letters to God. That is such a powerful communication tool. Blessings, Sherry

  17. i love ur spirit its true i feel the purity of the holy spirit ur commitment is very dear!!indeed check this site out plz tell me wut u think !

  18. rachel did u check it out i want to know how u felt about it plz u have perfect insite into GODS plan of redemption and the enemy of darkness!!annalee skarin material !!!!!!!!!is truly beyond mortal boundaries !!amen !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hi Amos Lee .. I read some of the chapter summaries … my thought in general is that God desires a personal relationship with us. We can learn from others’ experiences/insights to a certain degree but when we seek God personally one on one being grounded in His Word by the instruction of the Holy Spirit and letting it penetrate our lives, then we develop true intimacy with Him – something we can’t do by reading another’s words. You have an attraction to this book – what are you looking for?

  19. Pingback: My Love Letter to God my Father: (Thank you, Rachel…) « Project: Mathetes

  20. Pingback: My Love Letter to God my Father « Project: Mathetes

  21. we had a Womens in our church.(NAIROBI CHRISTIAN CHURCH).The theme for this confrence was COMPLETELY LOVED.I learnt how deep GOD is in love with me. it left me with hunger for knowing WHO GOD IS!!.This morning I read this letter i felf like surely am far away in having GOD in my life.i need a relationship with God .Despite me being a christian is not enough.

    • Hi Liz – it is a blessing to awake to the truth that it is all about a relationship with God based on truth and spirit and not a religion. God’s love is great and powerful and yet seems far because of the web of lies between us and Him. As we diligently seek to KNOW Him, then His truth dissolves our lies and we start to experience His love more fully as He desires us to.

  22. Wow thanks Rachel, sometimes things happen in life and faith fades away and His Love is not true to me.At that point what should i do?becouse at the same time i fill gilty of doubting his Love.

    • Hi Liz, I would make a list of verses that speak to your spirit on this .. and His love. Then when you feel this fading away meditate on those verses … they are truth, what you feel isn’t – it’s just a feeling based on a lie. The truth is powerful in our lives, we need to feast on it daily for our soul’s sake.

      • “…we need to feast on it daily for our soul’s sake.”

        That is powerful! Awesome. Really like the word “feast.” Feasting on the Word. Brings a whole new concept to people when you think of the scripture,

        Psalm 23:5
        “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies… ” NASB
        “You prepare a banquet for me while my enemies watch.” GOD’s WORD Translation

        Feasting on His Word and the fruit of the Word while our enemies watch and there is nothing any enemy can do about it. Yeah, that’s victory. Jesus is awesome!

        Rachel, I miss our conversations. I’ll write soon and catch you up on what’s happening.

      • Hi Eric – Thanks for the comment and adding those verses … you and your wife continue to be in my prayers …

  23. Hi Rachel, that is the most beautiful letter. What did he say when he wrote back 🙂

  24. I can truly say I have found his love after a long time without knowing him,even though I thought I did. Once you find it its a bit like the love I feel for my hubby, something you never want to let go of.
    As with my natural marriage, no one not his mum, dad, brothers, sisters or his closest friend could ever share with me deep enough to ever come close to just spending time with him.
    And yet when it comes to God this is a truth that I think is very hidden from us all we tend to spend time with others, go to meetings, working bees, all the time thinking this is how we get to know God, and never actually meeting him and knowing him.
    When I began to really understand how to seek Him, that’s when I found him, that’s when my striving ceased and he truly became my Lord. My journey is just beginning and yet in a short time he has brought me so far.

    • Hi Leanne – most think knowing God’s love is a straightforward and easy thing … but with all the deception and lies that have covered us from birth – it makes knowing Him truly as He is quite the journey as well as understanding His love that is so different than the world’s perversions of it. It’s the only truly worthwhile journey on this earth. I love to hear when others are traversing it’s path in diligence. 🙂

  25. Dear Rachel, thanks a lot for your thoughts. To tell the truth I am very very guilt. I never take time to write a single letter to my beloved God, my creator.
    so, Lord forgive me. Rachel, I really appreciate your challenges, that make me more thoughtful of my relationship with My creator. From now on, I will engage to communicate through letters to my dearest Creator.

    • Hi — sorry for my delayed response, Last week I was with God and unplugged … God has forgiven you. Those feelings of guilt aren’t from Him. He loves you and desires you to be united to Him. Seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength to know Him as He is and what you find will bring a resurrected life into your being. Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find [Me], when you search for Me with all your heart.

  26. Nice to see such sight…..the true love… you all for God’s love…..this only makes us feel perfect…..doubtless pure and only true….

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