Living Light

Stirring The Deep

KNOW God’s Love


KNOW God’s Love


God is love. All He does is in love. 1 John 4:8

A wealthy wise woman had a beautiful daughter. That daughter was the source of her affection, delight, and love. The woman desired to give her all that she had, but gave only what was best for her daughter because she loved her greatly. She would never do anything that would cause her harm.

As the daughter grew she began to doubt and question the love of her mother and what she could and wanted to give her. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t do everything she wanted when she wanted. She listened to her friends who mischievously caused her to doubt and question her mother’s intentions. She listened to people who didn’t know her mother. She listened to people who wanted to destroy her mother.

The young girl decided to go out on her own. She separated herself from her mother and her love and from the richness of life she desired to give her. She struggled to make ends meet; she made a slew of bad decisions bringing on pain and heartbreak. She lived in fear, worries and anxieties. All she knew was a corrupted love from people who wanted to take advantage of her. She never knew true love. The mother’s love never faded. She longed for her daughter. But she couldn’t force her to know her love. It was her daughter’s choice.

What stands in the way of this girl and knowing her mother’s love are lies. Influences of the world led her to believe something different than what was real, but her belief created her reality. Like this young girl, lies prevent you from seeing God and thus experiencing the fullness of His love. This world governed by darkness has constructed a web of lies that keep you from knowing the love of God. The lies penetrate every dimension of life. The lies, starting in childhood, bind you and keep you from the truth like the importance of seeking God in His Word (the gateway in this lost world to deeply knowing God thus His love), the true value you have, the true nature of love, and God’s perfect love toward you. Trapped in lies; fear, worry and anxieties abound because you can’t see God and His love for you. Knowing God’s love brings peace, rest, and joy to all circumstances because you can trust His love and that He is perfecting all that concerns you. Psalm 138:8

The fundamental aspect you need to know, deeply know, about God is He is love and loves you. Without this understanding you can’t really trust Him. Most assume they know God’s love, especially Christians. However, they are often the ones most blinded to their lack of knowing because they THINK they know. When you think you know, you don’t seek. Many have stopped seeking or never really started. They are consumed and blinded by their activities, good works, programs and ministries all in the name of God, yet they’ve forgotten God in the process. Revelation 2:2-4 As a result, they don’t really know God’s love because they haven’t spent time getting to personally know Him. All they know is what they’ve been told. Knowing God leads to experiencing His love. Knowing comes from passionately seeking Him one-on-one, not in a group.

Fears, worries, doubts and anxieties are all signs of lacking a deep understanding of God’s perfect love. If you could plainly see God you would never have another fear, worry or anxious thought. 1 John 4:18 You would see how every aspect of your life as God’s child is under the watchful care of loving Father. Luke 12:29-32 Deep knowledge of His love brings all His desires for you to reality – truth, dependence on Him, unity with Him, peace, rest, and a life of faith.

What you believe creates your reality. If you believe in God’s love you can trust Him and follow His voice wherever He leads. If you doubt His love for you, you won’t be able to fully surrender to Him, how could you? Our work is to believe. Believe in God. Believe in His love for us. John 6:29 Because of the deception and lies that abound, it’s work to believe in such an amazing and perfect love and get to a place of true peace and rest.

How do you penetrate this web of lies to deeply know God and His love? You have to cultivate a deep relationship with God, then you’ll know His love. Seek to know God within the framework of Truth, His Word. The Bible is the doorway out of the web of lies to the truth. Through it the Holy Spirit teaches you and shows you who God really is. It’s a process of pealing back the layers of lies you’ve held since birth. The lies you hold run deep and many below your conscious level. It takes diligent seeking and a love for the truth. But, God promises if you seek you will find. Luke 11:9 Realize you are bound in a web of lies that keep you from an intimate relationship with God. Knowing the truth is what sets you free. Don’t let this world lost to depravity keep you blinded to all that God desires for you.

As you get to know God, then you will honestly choose God and a life united to Him. You will begin to experience rest and peace in all things as the fears, worries and anxieties start to fade. Like the young girl, it’s a lack of understanding that keeps you distant from God. Draw near to Him in truth, and you will find a loving God who will astound you. Never think there isn’t love for you from God. That thought simply means you don’t know Him. But if you believe in that lack, then that is how you will live your life, not trusting God and thus living apart from Him instead of in unity where all His blessings reside for you. He loves you. All He does for you is done in perfect love. James 1:17 This truth is what you are to seek in this life and once you discover it – you’ll be able to trust God as He calls you to.

Deeply, personally knowing God is the foundation for all for it enables you to truly choose Him as your Lord and Savior. You won’t trust Him to be Lord of your life if you don’t know and trust in His love for you. You will continue to hang onto your own self will and life for that is what you know and trust.

Author: Rachel

Contemplating the oneness of Truth while guided by the Voice of Truth produces the evolution or maturation of the soul, spirit and mind, so reality can begin to reflect Truth's immutable, divine attributes, which manifest the highest good for all. This blog reflects an ever-deepening understanding of the Truth a soul gains as its mind is renewed by Truth's pure Light.

17 thoughts on “KNOW God’s Love

  1. Hi Rachel

    You have highlighted the crux of it all – God’s love is infinite and perfect. Knowledge of this comes, as you said, from seeking Him one-on-one.

    “When you think you know, you don’t seek.” May we always remember that we know nothing! And if we ever think that we know, may God humble us immediately! To not seek Him, to not be with Him is like depriving ourselves of air…we are hopeless without Him.

    Thanks for posting on this – I needed a reminder this morning, and what better to lift us out of ourselves than spending time pondering on the Love of God.

    Blessings to you and your house. 🙂

    • Hi Claire, we do know so little … I remember when I thought I understood — I had no idea. I was so blind. The Holy Spirit has been teaching me so much – and one thing I’ve realized – I have a lot to learn. There is no end to seeking. It is the most tremendous experience to draw ever closer to God.

  2. Rachel, this was absolutely beautiful. Thank you for writing this. One sentence that really stood out to me was this: “If you could plainly see God you would never have another fear, worry or anxious thought.” Such truth is challenging.

    • Hi Captain Quaker – thanks for your comment. That idea hit me hard. It is challenging. Satan does all he can to diminish the truth in our lives. It truly is work to believe, but that is the work God has given us. All else is His work.

  3. You are all over what I’ve been thinking the past few days. Yesterday I posted on fb ‘If the greatest truth in the Bible is that God loves us, wouldn’t it make sense that the greatest lie is that He doesn’t’?

    Also just finished reading the parable of the sower. Your post is all about how to improve our soil.

  4. hello. Five peas has already commented on what really hit me from this post. “When you rhink you know, you don’t seek.” How many saints have conformed to their professing peers and plateaued, instead of earnestly seeking an ever deepening relationship with the God who inhabits eternity and whose ways are past finding out. He is awesome beyond our ability to comprehend and each day shoud be a new adventure in learning of him.

    Psalm 63:1 is a favorite: “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flersh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is.”

    Of course the entirety of Psalm 63 is incredible, but this passage sets the tone. The passage “When I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches” is also profound. Two times of day when ones life is relatively void of distraction. Times when one can truly “be still and know that he is God.

    Thanks for a most timely admonition. Blessings always in Jesus name.


    • Hi Timbob — thanks for your comment – I love to hear what you guys are thinking. That is the heart of deception too — thinking we know without a heart to truly seek and know. How true — times when we can truly be a lone with God and put all our attention on Him are essential and fundamental to abiding in truth. Now precious those times are.


  6. Hi Rachel, where is the story of the little girl and mother from? Thanks for the reminder of God’s love. Sometimes we forget.

  7. Truly God’s love for those who earnestly seek Him is unhidden, how I pray is that many would learn from this site abt God’s love n devote themselves to love Him n peal back the layers of lies they have been captives to! Thnx alot n may God’s love never desert us all!

  8. I so needed this today. I have strayed away from this GREAT TRUTH. In all the busyness if life, or just rebellion, I have strayed from SEEKING FIRST HIS KINGDOM. As a wounded heart I have forgotten to do battle with truth. His WORD Is truth. My prayer today is that, on a daily, hourly basis He gives me grace and His Spirit to seek him with all my heart. He is my only source of fullness and completeness. Thank you for this strong reminder and the scriptures of truth. I ask, I knock, I seek- Him and Him alone.

  9. Oh my, this message has just left me speechless. Am so much humbled.I realized that i have been in very deep darkness and ignorant about God’s love. I pray that God will lead all of us into a deeper understanding of such unconditional love. God bless you all.

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