Living Light

Stirring The Deep

God Calls Us Friend


God Calls Us


A friend from years back showed me a valuable truth this past week . . .

My friend tells me that I’m among her closest friends. For awhile, she’s been texting me saying she wants to talk and catch up (it’s been months since we talked). She says there are few people she will always pick up the phone for, I’m one. However, the phone hasn’t been picked up in a long time. When it comes down to it, she doesn’t make the time to connect – it’s like our friendship is at the bottom of her to-do list – below cleaning the scum off the tub. sigh

We all have the same amount of time. How we spend that time speaks of our priorities. Her actions have been telling me for awhile where our friendship is placed – painfully low. Now if we didn’t talk between visits (she lives in a different state) and both agreed that would be fine. But, it’s saying one thing and doing another that sets me up with false expectations and that is where the disappointment sets in. Expressing how much I mean to her and her desire to talk becomes meaningless when her actions don’t back up her words. It hurts. It feels like she doesn’t care; like our friendship doesn’t really matter.

In addition, in the past couple of years, when we have gotten together, I’m multitasked in with other activities so that she isn’t with me. She has gotten better as I’ve mentioned it to her. She is a bit more engaged during our few hours spent together each year, but her life is one big multitasked distraction-filled conglomeration with our friendship thrown in the pile.

This reflection has been a good reminder for me. We all get busy and distracted, and we can neglect those things that are most important like our relationships. So, how am I treating those I call friend? Those I profess to love? Am I doing and focusing on what is truly most important?

The other day another incident happened where my expectations where let down once again. In the past month, the Holy Spirit has given me good counsel in regards to her and for relationships in general – about expectations, boundaries, balance, but this occurrence bothered me until I wrote this post. God wanted to show me something through it.

The emotion I felt, the hurt, was to give me a peek into God’s heart and share it with you.

Words are meaningless without the action and heart all working in unison. People tell God all the time they love Him, they long to be near to Him, and to be in His presence. But when it comes down to it, they don’t make the time. Other activities and people come first. Our actions and the state of our heart in those actions reveal the truth of what is important to us. For there to be sincerity there has to be an unison of the three; words, action, heart. When we don’t take time to be with Him, or are always distracted or multitasking when we do take time, what does that really say?

Matthew 15:8 These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.

God showed me the importance of the connection between our words, actions and heart. It wasn’t to guilt me or anyone else who might read this. He doesn’t guilt His children. Guilt comes from another voice. He was giving me an awareness of our actions and heart and what they reveal, and how they measure up to our words. It was about being real and sincere. It was about what God desires from us, because He loves us. It was about how our relationship with Him is to be as well as our relationship with others.

God desires that we spend time with Him; delight in just being with Him. That’s what you do when you love someone. You want to be near them. It isn’t just when you need something. God desires us to draw near because He is our God, our Friend, our Love.

How am I acting toward God, who calls me His friend, His bride? What is my heart when I’m with Him? What do my actions reveal? Do my words, actions and heart line up? Asking these questions can be very revealing about the true state of our relationship with God.

If you feel these three aren’t adding up, don’t fret, act. God loves you. He longs to be near you. Be real with Him, draw near to Him in truth and spirit. Give your love for Him a chance to grow and develop. Be real about it. If you don’t deeply feel a love for Him, be honest, He knows it anyway. Ask for it. Truth is the starting place to true growth.

Consider how much He loves you and how He wants to make His home in you John 14:23 Draw near to Him in truth. Get to know Him as He is and love will follow until He becomes your first love. Then carry this same awareness to others’ in your life and love them with all sincerity, with a unity of words, actions and heart. But focus on God first. When there is a solid relationship with Him, the rest of your relationships bloom as they should. He comes first.

1 Peter 1:22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart,

Luke 10:27 So he answered and said, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.'”


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Author: Rachel

Contemplating the oneness of Truth while guided by the Voice of Truth produces the evolution or maturation of the soul, spirit and mind, so reality can begin to reflect Truth's immutable, divine attributes, which manifest the highest good for all. This blog reflects an ever-deepening understanding of the Truth a soul gains as its mind is renewed by Truth's pure Light.

19 thoughts on “God Calls Us Friend

  1. This was a convicting post, Rachel. Thank God Jesus is my friend. I’ve found on the days I really spend time with Jesus, I am a lot more sensitive and able to be a better friend with others. I have a more quiet heart rather than what’s on my mind. Great to have your visit the other week. 😉

    • Hi Bonnie – It’s true spending time with Him creates a deeper peace in us that spills over to others. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Agreed. A healthy & lovin’ relationship God comes first. The rest will follow. Great post! Keep in touch:)

    • Weddington – it has truly amazed me how when I put God first then the rest followed. He makes it simple for us, doesn’t He? Thanks for your comment!

  3. Great message Rachel.

    Many years ago, I remember a Sunday school teacher reading my class a story about a person who wanted to meet with Jesus on a nightly basis. Things started out well, but then the person got busy and started showing up late, leaving early, or simply missing the engagement all together. The image of Jesus waiting there dilligently for the person in the story (and me as well) has always stuck with me.

    As you said, we all are allotted the same amount of time each day. It is the priorities that make us different.

    • Hi Slamdunk – that is the power of stories – they help us to remember those important truths – no wonder the Word is full of them. 🙂 What a picture that story painted. Jesus is so willing to meet us, and how resistant we can be – and all He is offering is all we deeply desire. He is a wonderfully good God. Our priorities speak volumes don’t they? A convicting truth.

  4. Yes he does. God is definitly an awesome God. :)))

  5. There’s the KEY to living the abundant life eh Rachel? “…….Be real with Him, draw near to Him in truth and spirit…..”

    Most people will not be real with God. Not possible when they won’t be real with themselves. Thanks for this.


    • Hi Roger, what a great point. Many won’t be real with God and as you said they’re not being real with themselves, so how can they with God? They are trying to fool themselves and God. They put on a masquerade trying to disguise their true heart – I know I did for years. I did a good at convincing myself – but obviously God was never fooled. 🙂 All that does is block us from true intimacy with God which is the path to abundant life for He is life and all that is good.

  6. Rachel….

    Such a need to hear the TRUTH concerning personal relationship with God and how to not just maintain it…but for it to flourish and grow!

    So well put, my friend. I appreciate you and the ministry you are always doing for our Lord and His Kingdom!

    Keep it up!!!

    Love you,

  7. Hello Rachel
    It is so wonderful when God speaks to us and this post really speaks to me for I long to grow even closer to my Heavenly Father and Friend.And Jesus is so sweet when he speaks gentle encouraging words,I love it.Wonderful post indeed 😀
    Love you

    • Hi Pat – thanks so much for your comment 🙂 – it is my prayer for us all to draw closer to Him in spirit and truth.

  8. Good convicting post, Rachel.

    Your points here about words/actions/heart needing to be in unison and about being real with God and ourselves confirms and reminds me of lessons God is teaching me about oneness – the real me being one with who I hope to be and everything in my life uniting for one purpose.

    I love your advice “don’t fret, act” – sometimes I know I dwell too much on worrying over mistakes and planning on what I should do better instead of just doing it!

    I’ve been praying that God will help me discern what is truly important or not and then help me act/live accordingly. As always, I would appreciate your prayers; you are in mine.

    • Hi Ruth – thanks so much for your comment and openness. As for fretting – it is easy to get caught up in it and the enemy takes advantage of it stealing our peace. Action truly is a great remedy along side of meditating on the promises of God. You are indeed in my prayers and I will be praying for this discernment – thank you so much for yours. It means so much to me.

  9. This message struck a cord with me also. I am sometimes dismayed at myself when I put my prayers off to the very last of the night. Of course I am so tired and sometimes I would find myself rushing through my communication with my Savior. How sad is that? I don’t have to pray, I GET TO PRAY. The veil was torn just for me and I just put it to the bottom of my list. I believe that the only thing the enemy really fears is a beliver in prayer! If we only understood the power we have to change heaven and earth with just a prayer, we would not get up from our knees until mountains were literally moved!

    • Hi Marianne – I agree – the prayer of a true believer is far more powerful than we know. If we could only see spiritual what happens when we pray – it would definitely change our priorities.

  10. A very convincing and convicting post.

    It convinces me I want this relationship with God.

    It convicts me that I need to do my part, and He’ll keep His promises if I do.

    Thanks, Rachel!

    • Hi Duane – God desires a relationship with us, and like all relationships it takes the active participation on both parties. I’m excited for you and your desire for Him. I’ll be praying for you.

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